Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 04, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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(Continued frem.Pngc Three.)
neo CO feet on the west sulo of N.
Ilollv streot. nnd described in Vol.
75. pneo 139. countv recorder's rec
ords of Juokson countv. Oreeen: 50
feet; rate per foot. $5.20; amount.
$264 50
Assessment No. 34 K. II. Toft.
Lot 4, block 03. original townsite of
tlio citv of Medford. Oreeen: front
nee SO feet on tlio wet side of N,
Ilollv street, nnd described in Vol.
74. pneo 562. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oreeen: 50
foot; rato per foot. $5.20: amount.
Assessment No. 35 Georco B.
Younc. Lot 5. block 63. oricinnl
townsite of the citv of Medford. Or
egon; frontneo 50 feet on the west
side of N. Ilollv street, nnd de
scribed in Vol. 78. paco 462. countv
recorder's records of Jnckson conn
tv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate per foot.
520: amount. $264.50.
Assessment No. 36 Georeo U.
Younc. Lot 6. block 63, oricinnl
townsito of tho citv of Medford. Or
ccen: frontneo 50 feet on tho west
side of N. ITollv street, nnd de
scribed in Vol. 78. pace 462. countv
recorder's records of Jnckson coun
tv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rato per foot.
$5.29: amount. $264.50.
Assessment No. 37 Oreeon &
Calif ornia Land Co. Lot 7. block
59. oricinnl townsito of the citv of
Medford. Oreeen: frontace 50 feet
on the cast side of N. Hollv street,
and described in Vol. 51, pace 348.
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate
per foot. $5.29: nmount. $264.50.
Assessment No. 38 Oreeon &
California Land Co. Lot 8, block
59'. oricinnl townsite of the citv of
Medford. Oreeen: frontneo 50 feet
on the east side of Hollv street, nnd
described in Vol. 51. pace 348.
countv recorders records of Jack
son counlv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate
per foot. $5.29: amount. $264.50.
Assessment No . 39 Oreeon &
California Land Co. Lot 9. block
59. orieinal townsite of the citv of
Medford., Oreeen: frontace. 50 feet
on the east sido of N. Ilollv street,
and described in Vol. 51. pace 34S.
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rale
per foot. $5.29: nmount. $264.50.
Assessment No. 40 Oreeon &
California Land Co. Frontace 50
feet on the enst side of N. Hollv
street, and described in Vol. 51.
pace 348. countv recorder's records
of Jackson countv. Oreeen: 50 feet:
rate uer foot. $5.29: amount.
Assessment No. 41 Oreeo'n &
California Land Co. Lot 11. block
59. orieinal townsite of the citv of
Medford. . Oreeon : frontace 50 feet
on the east side of N. Hollv street,
nnd described in Vol. 51. pace 348.
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Ofrecen: eOfeet: rate
per foot. $5.29: amount. $2640.
Assessment, No. 42 Georee C.
Wolter. Lot 12. block 59. orieinal
townsite of the citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontace 50 feet on the east
side of N. Hollv street, and de
scribed in Vol. 81. pace bii. countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate per foot,
$0.29: amount $264.50.
Assessment No. 43 D. H. Miller.
Lot 7. block 58. orieinal townsite
of the citv of Medford. Oreeen:
frontace. 50 feet on tho enst side of
N. Hollv street, and described in
Vol. 31. pace 565. countv recorrders
records of Jackson countv. Oreeen:
50 feet: rate per foot. $5.29:
amount. $264.50.
Assetsment No. 43 D. H. Miller.
Lot 7. block 58. orieinal townsite
of the citv of Medford. Oreeen:
frontace 50 feet on the east side of
N. Hollv street, and described in
Vol. 31. pace 565, countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oreeen:
50 feet; xato per foot. $5.29;
amount. $264.50.
Assessment No. 44 S. C. God
love. Lot 8. block 58. oricinnl
townsite of tho citv of Medford, Or Or
eeon: frontace. 50 feet ou the east
side of N. Ilollv street, and de
scribed in Vol. 82. pace 90. countv
recorder's jecords of Jackson coun
tv. Oreeen: 50 feet: rate per foot.
65.29: amount. $204.50.
Assessment No. 45 R. H. Toft.
Lot 9. block 58. orieinal townsite of
the citv of Medford. Oreeen: front
ace 50 feet on the east sido of N.
Hollv street, and described in Vol.
58. pace 143, countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oreeen: 50
feet: into per foot. $5.29: amount.
Assessment No. 46 Walter
Reynolds et ux. Lot 10, block 58.
oricinnl townsito of the citv of Med
ford. Oreeen: frontneo 50 feet on
the east sido of N. Ilollv street, and
described in Vol. 81. puce 301.
countv recorder's rocords of Jnck
son countv. Oreeen: 50 feet; ruto
per foot, $5.29: amount $204.50
Assessment No. 47 Martha M.
Johnson. Lot 11, blook 58. oric
innl townsite of tho citv of Med
ford, Oreeen: frontace 60 foot on
th'e enst side of N. Hollv streot. nnd
described jn Vol. 78. pace 2G0,
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oreeen: 50 feet : rato
per foot. $5.29; amount. $264.50.
-, Assessment No. 48 Martha E.
Johnson Lot 12. block 58, original
townsite of tho city" of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 feet on tho enst
aide of North Holly streot, and des-
criueu in Vol. 78, pago 2G6, county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 60 feet; rato per foot 15.29;
amount $204.50.
Assessment No. 40 Elizabeth A.
-Kllppel. Lot 7, block 57. original
tQas-'to of the city of Medford, Oro
' gon; frontngo 50 feet on tho east
sido of North Holly street, nnd des,
erlbed In Vol. 52, page 522, county
.recorder's records of Jnckson county.
Oregon; CO foot; rnto per foot $5.29;
nmount $204.50.
Assessment No. 50 Geo. It, An
drews, Lot 8, block 57, original
townsito of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho oast
side of North Holly street, nnd des
cribed In vol. 25, pngo 112, county
recorder's records of JackHon county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.29;
nmount $204.50.
Assessment No 51 Allle E. Kllp
pel. Lot 9, block 57, original town
site of the city of Mcdfonl, Oregon;
frontngo 50 feet on tho enst sido of
North Holly street, and described In
Vol. 45, pago 7S, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
50 feet; rnto per foot $5.29; nmount
Assessment No. 52 Allle E. Kllp
pol. Lot 10, block 57,
original townsito of tho city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontngo 50 feet on
tho east sido of North Hplly streot,
and described In Vol. 45, pago 7S,
count recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 feet: rato por
toot $5.29; amount $204.50.
Assessment No. 53 John E. Sollss.
Lot 11, block 57, original townsito
of tho city of Medford, Oregen:
frontage 60 feet on tho east side of
North Holly street, and described In
Vol. 61, pago 330, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregen:
50 feet: rato per foot $5.29; amount
Assessment No. 54 Cora Brown.
Lot 12, block 57, original townsito
of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on tho east side of North
Holly street, and described In Vol.
72, page 498, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50
feet; rato per toot $5.29; amount
Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city
of Medford Is hereby directed to en
ter a statement of tho nssessments
hereby made in tho docket of city
liens, and to giro notice by publica
tion as required by tho charter and
ordinance 250 of said city, in the
Dally Mnll Tribune, a newspaper pub
lished and of general circulation In
said city.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 20th day of
September, 1910, by tho following
Welch aye, Merrick aye, Emerlck
aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and
Demmer aye.
Approved September 21st, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
To the owner, or reputed owner.
of each parcel of property described
in the foregoing ordinance, as named
therein, and In tho Hen declared by
said ordinance as recorded in the
docket of city liens:
You are hereby notified that tho
assessment declared by tho forego
ing ordinance has been made and
tho Hen therefor entered In the city
lien docket, and that the samo Is duo
and you are hereby required to pay
tho Bame to the city recorder within
ten days from the service of this no
tice, which service Is mado by pub
lication of the foregoing ordinance
and this notice three times in the
Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to
an order of the city council of said
City Recorder.
rate per foot. $5.10: nmount, $120.
Assessment No. 4-K. U. l'iekel
ct ni. S. 40 feet of lot 17. block
20, orignnl townsito 6f the citv of
143.5 frets thence south 010 foot;
thence east 141 lVot to tho nluco of
bcciuiuuc. and heme urt of section
110, township 37. south of runeo 1
Medford. Oreeen: frontneo. 25 foot J west of thu Willamette Meridian, and
on tho worth sido of East Eichth ' marked 1) on the map of snid citv:
streot. nnd described ' in Vol. 70. . frontneo 141 foot on the, north side
pace 49. countv recorder's rocords . ot Last Main street, nnd described
of Jnckson countv. Oreeen: 25 feet:iu Vol. 77. unco 11'-. countv record
rato uor foot. $5.16: nmount. $129 tor's records of Jackson countv. Or-
Asscssment No. 5 David C, Wtl-iceon; 141 feet : rato uer foot,
An ordinance declnrine the cost of
the improvement of East Eichth
street from Central avenue to Front
street and assessine the property
benefitted thereby, and declarinc
such assessment, and directiuc the
entry thereof in the docket of citv
The Citv of Medford doth ordain
ns follews:
Section 1. That no protes'ts hav
inc been filed neainst the improve
ment of East Eiebtlr street, due no
tice of the intention of tho council
to cause said improvement to be
mnde havine been riven, and said
improvement havine been ordered
mnde. the council has considered
the matter and herewith ascertains
the probable cost of makinc such
improvement to he tho sum of
And said, council further finds
that the special and peculiar bene
fit accruine upon each lot or part
thereof adjacent to said improve
ment nnd in iust proportion to ben
efits, to bo the respective amounts
hereinafter set opposite the number
of description of each lot or part
thereof, and such amounts respect
ively are hereby declared to bo the
proportionate share of each lot ur
parcel thereof, of the cost of such
improvement, nnd is hereby declared
to he assessed ueainst said 'lot or
parcels respectively, the name ap
pearing above each description beinc
the name of tho owner of such lot
or parcel.
Assessment for the pavine of
Enst Eichth street from Central av
enue to D'Anion street:
Assessment No. 1 E. B. Pickel
et nl. S. 46 feet of lot 20. block 201.
orieinal townsite of tho citv of
Medford, Oreeon. Frontace 25
feet on the north sido of East
Eichth street, and described in Vol.
76. pace 49. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oreeon; 25
feet: rnto per foot, $5.16: amount.
Assessment No. 2 E. 1$. Pickel
20. oricinnl tpwnsite of tho citv of
ot nl. S. 46 feet of lot 19. block
Medlord. Oreeen: frontneo 25 feet
on tho north sido of E. Eichth street,
and described in Vpl. 76, pneo 40.
countv recorder's records of Jnck
son countv, Oreeen: 25 feet: rate
per foot. $5.16: amount. $120.
Assessment No. 3 E. H. Pickel
ot nl. S, 40 feet of lot 18. block
20, oricinnl townsito of tho city of
Medford. Oreeen: frontace 25 feet
ou the north side of East Eichth
streot. and described in Vol. 70,
nneo 49, countv recorder's records
of Jackson countv, Oreeon; 25 feet:
son. Lot 16. block 20. oricinnl
townsito of tho citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontace 100 feet on the
north side of Enst Eichth street,
nnd described in Vol. 50 pneo 230.
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oreeon; 100 feet: rate
uer foot. $5.16: amount, $516.
Assessment No. 6 J. F. Reddv
ot nl. Lot 7, block 19. orieinal
townsite of the citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontneo 100 feet on tho south
sido of East Eichth street, and do
scribed in Vol. 77. unco 252, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oreeon; 100 feet: rato per foot.
$5.16: nmount. $516.
Assessment No. 7 John R. Allen
et nl. Lot 0. block 19. orieinal
townsito of tho citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontneo 100 feet on the
south side of East Eichth street, and
described in Vol. 76. pneo 60. coun
tv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oreeen: 100 feet: rnto uor
foot. $5.16: nmount. $516.
Section 2. The recorder of tha
citv of Medford is hereby directed
to enter n statement of the assess
inents hereby mado in the docket of
citv liens, nnd to eivo notice bv pun
licntion as reouired bv tho churtor
and ordinnnce No. 250 of said citv.
in tho Dnilv Mail Tribune, n nows
uancr published and of cenernl cir
culntion in snid citv. ,.
The foreeoinc orilinnnce was
passed bv tho citv council of tlio
citv of Medford. Oreeon. on tho
20th dnv of Septcmbor. 1910. bv tho
followine vete:
Welch nvc Merrick nye. Emeriek
nvc. Wortmnn nvo. Kifert avo and
Demmer nvc.
Approved September 21st. 1910.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER.
Citv Recorder.
To the owner, or reputed owner,
of each parcel of property described
in the foreeoinc ordinance, us
named therein, nnd in the lien de
clared by snid ordinnnce ns re
corded in tho docket of citv liens:
You nre hereby notified that the
assessment declared bv tho fore
eoinc ordinnnce hns been mnde nnd
the lien therefor entered in tho citv
lien docket nnd that the same is due
and vou nre hereby reouired to nay
the same to the citv within
tendavs from the service of this
notice, which service, is mndo bv
publication of tho fo'reeoinc ordi
nnnce nnd this notice three times in
the Medford Mail Tribune, pursuant
to an order of the city council of
said citv.
Citv Recorder,
An ordinance declnrine the cost of
the improvement of Enst Main street
from Brideo to Roosevelt avenue,
nnd assessine the property benefit
ted thereby, and declnrine such ns
sessment. and directing the entry
thereof in the docket of city lieus.
Tho citv of Medford doth ordain
ns follews:
Section 1. That no protests hav
ine been filed neainst the improve
ment of East Main street due notice
of the intention of tho council to
cause said improvement-to bo made
havine been riven, and snid im
provement havine been ordered made
the council has considered the mat
ter and herewith ascertains the
probable cost of makinc such im
provement to be tho sum of $10,
039.36. And said council further finds
that the snccial'and peculiar bene
fit accruine upon each lot or part
thereof adiacent to skid improve
ment and in iust proportion to suid
benefits, to bo .tho respective
amounts hereinafter set nnnosite the
number or description of each lot
or part thereof, and such amounts
respectively are hereby declared to
bo the proportionate shuro of eaclt
lot or parcel thorcof. of the cost of
Such improvement, and lS hereby
declared to be assessed against snid
lot or parcels respectively, the iinmo
appearing above each description
beinc the nume of the owner of such
lot or parcel.
Assessment for pavine of East
Main street from tho brideo to
Roosevelt avenue.
Assessment No.. 1 Pacific &
Eastern R. R. Co. A parcel of land
commencing nt a point 20 chains
and 44V9 links west nnd 22V; links
north of tho southeast corner of
donntiou land claim No. 42. township
37 south, runeo 1 west of tho Wil
lamette Meridian, nnd running
thence west 4 chains. 8 links; thence
north 14V; decrees, west 8 chains
and 43 links: thenco north 80 de
crees enst 0 chnins and 20 links:
(hence south 9 chnins 25 links to tho
place of commencing, coiltnininc
4,58 acres. Frontneo 209.88 feet on
tho north side of East Minn street,
and described in Vol. 78. pace 250,
county recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oreeon. This parcel is
'marked A on the map of snid citv.
57 feet: rate per foot. $4.7.)-,
amount. $270.75.
Assessment No. 2 Pacific &
Eastorn R, R.Co. A parcel of land
commencine nt u point 24.3 chnins
west from the southeast corner of
tho Packard donation land claim,
thenco running north 033.5 foci;
thence in a southerly direction
$4.75: nmount. $669.75.
Assessment No. 3 I'ncifio &
Eastern R. U. Co. A parcel of land
coinmeiicinc nt a point 24 chnins and
31 links west and 22H links north
freui tho southeast cornur of dona
tion laud claim No. 42. in township
37. south of ranee I west of thu
Willnmotto Mcridun. nnd running
thence north 9 chums and 86 links,
more or less, to tho northwest corner
of the truct of laud conveyed bv
tho deed record nt unco 565. volume
2S. of thu deed records of Jackson
countv. Oreeen: thenco north 80 de
crees cast, 2 chains and 8 links, more
or less, to tho northeast cornur of
tho truct of land conveved bv the
deed recorded at page 602 of said
Vol. 2S of said deed records, and
thence south to within 22l,, links of
south lino of mid donation lnnd
claim No. 42: thence west 2 chains
and 4 links, more or loss, to the
place of bceinninc. save and except
therefrom that of said deed record
conveved to Frank E. Pavno bv Ru
fus Cox the 17th dnv of February.
1902. and mnrked C ou the mau of
said city; frontage 131.6 feet oil tho
north side of Enst Main street, nnd
described in Vol. 77. unco 142.
countv recorder's records of Jnck
son countv. Oreeen: 134.6 feet: rnto
uer foot. $4.75: nmount. $639.35.
Assessment No. 4 Joo Brown. A
parcel of laud commencine nt u
point situated 20 chnins mid 96 links
west nnd 22V links north of tho
southeast comer of donation land
claim No. 42 in township 37. ranee
1 west of tho Willamette Meridian,
and runninc thence north 10 chnins
and 26 links, more or less, to the
north lino of tho tract of land do.
scribed in deed from I. J. Philips mid
wifo to Suencer Childers. Sr.. and
recorded in Vol. 28 of tho deed rec
ords of JneVeon conntv. Oreeon. at
pace 451 thereef: thence south 3
decrees west alone fenid north line
86 feet, more or less, to tho north
east comer of the tract of land de
scribed in tho deed recorded in said
Vol. 28 of said records, at pneo 602
thereef: thenco south on snid cast
lino 10 chains and 4 links, more or
less, to within 22V link" of the
south lino of snid donntiou lnnd
claim: thcnCo cast 85.40 feet to tho
placo of commencine. continuing 131
acres, more or less, nnd marked I)
on the map of said citv: front mi
85.46 feet on tho north side of East
Main street, nnd described in Vol. . .
pace .... countv recorder's records
of Jnckson countv. Oreeen: 85.40
feet: Tnto per foot. $4.75: nmount.
Assessment No. 5 Pruo M. An
cle. A unreel of land beciuuinc at
the southeast corner of Joe Brown's
lot in Enst Medford. mid runninc
thence north 130 feet: thenco east
78 feet: thence south 130 feet:
thenco west 78 feet to (lie place of
bceinninc. being a part of the resi
dence property of tho grnntor's in
the citv of Medferd: frontngo 78
feet on the north side of East Main
street, and described in Vol. 00.
unco 418. countv recorder's records
of Jnckson countv. Oreeen: 78 feel:
into per foot. $4.75: amount.
Assessment No. 6 Mnrv S. An
cle. A parcel of land commencing
17 chnins nnd 95 links west nnd 45
links north ot thu southeast corner
of tho Packard donntiou land claim.
No. 42. in section 30. township 37.
south range 1. west of tho Willam
ette Meridian, and running thence
west 2 chains mid 50 links: thenco
north 10 chains; thenco east 2 chains
and 50 links; thenco south 10 chains
to tho plnco of beginning, nnd con
taining 2l ncrcs. nnd marked, G on
the man of said citv: frontneo 60.02
feet on the north side of Enst Main
street, nnd described in Vol. 25j
pace 400. countv recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregen: 06.02
feet: rato per foot. $4.75: amount.
Assessment No. 7 Kato A. Qad
dis. A nnrcel of lnnd bceinninc at
tho southeast comer of Mrs. L. Q.
Porter's residence lot in Enst Med
ford. and runninc thenco west 54
feet: thence north 04 febt: thenco
cast 12 foet: thence north 00 feet:
thence cast 42 foet: thenco south
100 feet to tho nlnco of beginning,
being n part of tho residence prop
erty of the said grantors in tho citv
of Medford, and marked II on the
map of said citv: frontneo 54 foot
on tho north side of East Main
streef. nnd described in Vol. 60. pago
417. countv lecorder's records of
Jnckson county. Oregen: 54 feet;
rate per fooi, $4.75: amount.
Assessment No. 8 -Mrs. Ada Por
tor. A parcel of land commencing
12 chnins nnd 95 links west 45 links
north of tho sou'thenst corner of
Packard donation' land clnim in sec
tion 30 township 37., south of runeo
1, ycbt of tho Willamette Meridian,
uuil running thenco west 5 chains;
thenco north 10 chains: thenco east
5 chains: thenco 0titli 10 chains to
tho placo of beginning: continuing
acres, in Jnekhon countv. Oregon,
mid marked I on the, man of the citv
of Medferd: frontage 90 feet on tho
ii. !.i.. .e 1.' :. tt..s.. ,.iw,,,t mill
Nichols. A unreel of laud' coin
incnciiic 15 chains mid 52.0 llinkti
west nnd 45 links north o f tho
HouthcnNt comer of tho Pnoktwd
donation land claim in section 30,
township 37, south of ran go .1 west
of tho Willnmotto .Meridian, mid run-
nine thence north 247 i'cut mid 0
inches: thenco west 70 foet: thenco
south 217 foot 6 inches ; thenco onnt
70 feet to thu nluco of beginning,
mid marked J ou the mau of said
citv: fnintago 70 foot on tho north
sido of East Main street, nnd de
scribed in Vol. 48, pace 317, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregen: 70 feet: rato uer foot.
$4.75: amount. $332.50.
Assessment No. 10--M. E. Woods.
A parcel of laud commencing
12.95 chains west mid 45 links north
of tho southeast corner of tho Pack
ard donation laud claim in section
30. in township 37. south range 1
west, of the Willnmotto Meridian,
mid runninc thence north 247V. feet:
thence west 130 feet; thenco south
247 V, fool; thonco oust 130 feet l'
the nlace ( beginning; it living un
derstood Unit the grantees are to
have n -'Mtual right of wav for
read purposes to it strip of laud 10
feet wide nnd 217V, lVot long lv
ing west of nnd bordering onto the
west sido of tho above described
premises, which nre mnrked O on
the map of said city; frontueo 130
feet on thu north side of East .Main
streut, and described dn Vol. 45.
nneo .a. countv rcconicrs rec
ords of Jackson countv. Oregen: 130
feet: rnto per foot. $4.75: nmount.
Assesment No. 11 Corn U
Knight. A nnrcel of laud comment'
iiu 10 chnins nnd 45 links west mid
45 links' north of the southeast cor
ner of tho Packard donation land
claim. No. 42. in section 30. town
ship 37. south rmiee I west of tho
Willninetlo Meridian, ii'id 'ing
thenco west 2.5 chains: thenco north
10 chains: thenco cast 2.5 chains;
thenco south 10 ' uk to the nlaco
of beginning: containing 2V ucies.
mid mnrked R 011 the man of said
citv: frontage 155.0 feet on the
north side of EnstvMniu street, and
doscribt'd in Vol. M. uaeo 555.
countv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oreeen: J755 feet: rato per
foot $1.75: amount $730.25.
Assessment No. 12-rIIenrv llnui
nhrov. A nnrcel of land commencing
nt n uoint situated 632.0 feet west
and 29.7 feet north of tho southeast
corner of donation land clnim No.
42. township 37 south of raiico I
west of tho Willamette meridian.
nnd running thenco north 3i teet
north 200 feet: thenco west 50.8
feet: thenco south 290 feet: thence
east 50.8 feet to tho nlaco of be
ginning: contniiiing .377 acres and
marked S 011 the man of said citv:
also a strip 10 feet in width. 2110
feet in length off the east sido of
the parcel of laud mnrked 1( on the
man of said citv: frontneo 00.8 feet
on tlm north of E. Mnin street nnd
described in Vol. 80, nneo 225. coun
tv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oreeen: 00.8 feet: rate nor
font. $4.75: amount. $317.30.
Assessment No. 13 -- Ilenrv
Humphrey. A pared of land com
mencine nt a point situ
ated 032.9 feet west and 20.7 foot
north of the southeast corner of
donntiou laud claim No. 42. township
37 south of rnngo 1 west of tho il
running west 2.13V, chains; thenco
north 3.08 chains; thenco east
2,t:iVt chnins; thenco south 3,08
chains to tho plnco of licginnin.'.
containing ,79 iici-ch, and marked AA
011 tho man of said citv: froutauc
140.0 feci on the north sido of 12
Main street, mid described in Vol,
03, uugo 107. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon;
,140.0 feet; rate nor foot. $1.75;
amount. $007.85,
Assessment No. 17 John (1. Tav
lor. A parcel of laud commencing
nt n point situated 30 feet north 11ml
30 feel west of the southeast coiner
of donation land claim No. 42, la
township 37, south of range 1 west
of thu Willnmotto Meridian, mid
fmin mini nnliil liiMiiini' Hitmen west
2 chains mid 72 links: thenc.u north 1
3 chaiiiH mid 08 links: thence east 2
chains nnd 72 links; thenco south
3 chains mid 08 links to the place of
beginning; containing 1 11 ere. more
or less, nnd mnrked All ou thu map
of said citv: frontngo 180.2 foot oil
the north sido of East Main street,
and docribed in Vol. 12. pago 28.
countv recorders records ol Jnckson
countv. Oregon; 180.2 feet: rate
per 1W'.. $l,7.": nuiouni, $855.91.
Assessment No. 18- Cleorgo A.
Jackson. W. 00 feet ofr iot 1. block
3. Jackson's addition to the citv of
Mcdlord, Oregon; frontage 00 feet
on tho south sido of E. Main street,
mid desoribed in Vol. . ,, nago ....
countv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 00 feet: ruto nor
foot. $4.75: nmount. $285.
Assessment No. 10 "Oconto A.
Jackson. Lot 2. block 3. Jackson's
addition to the citv of Mcdfonl. Or
egon; frontngo 77.5 feet on tho
south side of E. Main street, mid
described in Vol. ... pace ... court,
tv recorders records ot .incKsou
countv . Oregen: 77.5 feel: rnto nor
foot. $1.75: nmount. $308.13.
Assessment No. 20 W. II. Jack
son. Lot 1. block 1. Jackson's ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Ore:
gen: frontngo. 82.5 feet on the south
sido of E. Main street, and de
scribed in Vol. ... page .... coun
tv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregen: 82.5 feet: rate per
lamotto Meridian, ruuifmg thenco
north 200 feet: thenco west 50.8
feet: thenco north 370 feet: thence
cast 134.64 feet: thenco south 000
feet: thonco west 77.84 feet to the
nlaco of commencing, containing
1.603 acres, and marked T 011 the
map of tho citv of Medford. Oregen:
frontngo 77.8 foot on the north side
of Enst Main street, nnd described
in Vol. 74. page 518, county re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregen: 77.8 feet: rate uer foot.
$1.75: amount. $309.55.
Assessment No. 14 C. W. Mo
D01111I1I. Tho W. 80 feet of the fol
lowing described tract: Beginning
at a point 5 chains and 30'; links
west and 45 links north of tho
southeast corner of donntiou land
claim No. 42. in township' 37 south
of rnngo 1 west of the Willnmotto
Meridian: running thenco west 3
chains and 10 linjcs: thenco north .1
chains mid 68 links; cast 3 chains
nnd 10 links; thenco south 3 chains
nnd 08 links to the nlnco of begin
ning, nnd mnrked Y on tho mun of
tho citv of Medford. Oregon; front
neo 80 feet on tho north sido of E
Main streot. and described in Vol.
72, pace 225, countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv, Oregon;
por, foot, $4.75:
north sido of Ku$t Main street, and
doscrihod 111 Vol. p, page two. coun
tv recorder'-, letords. of Jackson
countv. Oregon -. DO feel: rato per
foot, $4.75; i.ii...IUlt, $127.50.
AsHcsoinent No. 0 Mr. Euolu
80 feet: rato
amount. $380.
Assessment No, 15 Anna E. Nvo.
A parcel of laud beginning nt n
uoint 5 chains 30 'A links west mid
45 links north of the southeast cor
ner of donation laud claim No, 42,
in township 37. south of range 1
west of the Willamette Meridian;
running thenco west 3 chains mid
10 links: thonco north 3 chains and
08 links; thenco cast 3 chains nnd
10 links: thonco south 3 chains mid
08 links to tho plnco of beginning;
oxconling tho west 80 foot of tho
above described Irani, and marked
no tho map of said city; frontngo
124.0 feet of tho north sido of E.
Main street, and described ill Vol.
09, pago 3. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon;
124.0 foet: rnto por foot, $4.75:
nmount, ,$501.85.
Assessment No. 10 St.olla J,
Merrick. A parcel of land com
mencing nt n point 3,17 chains west
and 45 links north of the Hoiilhunsl
corner of donation I11111I claim No
42. in township 37, isouth of range
1 et of the Willninetlo Meridian'.
loot. $4.75: at'miinj. $3111.8(1. , ,
AHHOHBiuont No. 21 W. II. Jack
son. Lot 2, block 1, Jackton'n addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontnKo 82.5 foot ou tho south sido
of Enst Main streot, nnd dcuclbeii in
Vol. ., paite. ., county recorder!) rec
ords of Jackson county, Orcnon; 82.5
foet: rata por foot t-1.75; amount
Assessment No. 22 II. O. 81'cnror.
Lot .1, block 1, JarkHoa'it nddlMoa to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
aso 7C feet on tho south sido of East
Main Htreot, and doscrihod In Vol..,
pago... county rccordor'a records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 70 feotj
rnto per foot f 1.75; nmount $301.
Assessment No. 23 J. W. Line.
Lot -I, block 1, Jackson's addition to
tho city of Mo'lfonl, Oregon; front
ngo 75 feet on tho Houtlt side of Kant
Mal:i Htreot, and described In Vol..,
page.., county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 75 feet;
rnto per foot $4.75; amount $B50,25,
AsscsHmont No. 24 L. II. Kent.
Lot 1, block , Cottage Home ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 80 feat 011 thu south
Hldo of East Main street, mid des
cribed In Vol. 55, pago 209, county
recorder's recordn of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 80 feet; rato por foot $1.75;
amount $408.60.
Asnotsmont No, 25 L. II. Kent.
Lot 2, block , Cottngo Home ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 80 foot on tho south
sido of Emit Main Htreot, and des
cribed In Vol. 55, pngo 209, county
recorder's rocords of Jncknon county,
Oregon; 80 foot; rnto por foot $4.75;
amount $108.50.
AsBOHHtnont No. 20 L. D. Kent.
Lot 5, block , CSottago Home addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
fronlngo 80 foot on tho eolith Hldo of
Hast Main Htreot, end dcHcMbod In
Vol. 55, pago 201), county recorder's
record b of JitckHou county. Oregon ;
80 foot; rnto por foot $1.75; amount
AiweHHinont No. 27 Cora Lyon.
North 137 fcot of lot 1, and tho north
137 fcot of a Htrlp t.t lam' 8 feet In
wldtl' off tho cant Hldo of lot 2, block
2, Cottngo Home nddltlon to tho city
of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 100
foot o.. tho Houth Hldo of Rant Mnln
Htreot, nnd dcHcrlbod In Vol. 58, pago
259, and pages 470 nnd 171, county
recorder's records of Jaeluon county,
Oroijon; 100 foot; rnto per foot
$1.75: amount $475.
AHHOHHinont No, 28 Ma.y E, Flold
or. A pnrcol of land ocinmeiiclng nt
tho northoast corner of lot 2, block
2, Cottngo Home addition to Mod
ford, and f'-om Hald point running
tinmen west on tho north lino and
Hldo thereof 72 fcot; thonco Houth
137 foot; thonco on.t 73 fcot to tlio
mat lino of aald lot 2; north
137 fcot to tho placo of boilnnlng,
hmvo and oxcoptlng -. strip 8 foot In
width off of tl'o enst oldo of tho
nbovo dom.rlbcd proporty, and mark
od ni) on tho map of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 04 foot on tho boiiUi
Hldo of EnHt Mnln Htroot, nnd do:
crlbod In Vol. 50, pngo 550, county
roeordor'fl rocords of Jaclsson county,
OroRon; 04 foot; rato por foot $4.75;
amount $304,
AHBonnmont No, 29 M-irla L,
Tripp. Tho north 245 foot or lot 3,
Mid tho north 245 fuot of n strip of
lnnd 20 foot hi width off tho wont
oldo or lot 2, block 2, Cottngo Home
addltio to tho city of Modrord, Ore
gon; rrontngo 8? root on tho nouth
Hldo of EnHt Main streot, nnd (Ioh
crlbod in Vol. 42, pago 021, county
rocordor'n records or Jadcuon county,
Oregon; 87 foot; rate por foot $4,75;
amount $413, zn.
AHHCiiBinont No. 30 J. 13. Wllloko.
Lot 1, block 1, WIUoko'H addUoii to
tho city or Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 root on tlio south Hldo of
Kitst Main streot, described la
Vol, .., pago .,, cntinly rocordor'H
-ocordH or JnclcKon county, Oregon;
50 root; rate por foot $4.75; nmount
AHHOHHinont No 31 J. K. Wllloko.
Lot 2, block 1, WIUoko'H addition to
tho city ot Modrord, O cgon; front-
ago 50 toot ou the Hoiuh nldo of
ICnut Main Atrcot, mid dexclhod In
Vol, .. , pago .., county recorder's
recordn or .lncknou county, Oregon;
50 foot; into per root $1.75; nmount
AiiHOKBiuont No. 32 Cleorgo Por
tor. Lot 3. block t, Wllloko'11 ad
dition to tho city of Modrord, Ore
gon; frontt'iio GO root 011 tho Houth
Hide or lOiHt Main ntroot, and iIcn
crlbcd In Vol. 09, pago 224, county
recorder's records ot Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 foot; rato por root $4,75;
amount $237.50.
AtwnrMimml No. 33- (teorgo Por
ter. Kimt 35 teet or lot 4, block 1,
Wlll'tkn'ti addition to thu city or Mod
rord, Oregon; rronta:o 35 fcot on tho
no u til Hide of Kant Mnln Htreot, (Hid
doHcrlbcd In Vol, 09, pago 224, coun
ty rocordor'H records or JackHon coun
ty, Oregon; 35 root; rato por toot
$1.75; amount $l 00.35,
AHHOHHinont No, 34TI'onuiH I'.
Knhlor. Lot 5, and went 15 foot of
lot I, block 1, Wllleko'rt addition to
thu city or Modrord, Oregon; rront
ngo 05.7 toot on tho south sido or
Kimt Mnln Htreot, mid deuorlhod In
Vol, 52, pago t88, county rocordor'H
reco'dH ot JnckHou county, Oregon;
00.7 reel; rnto por root $1.70;
amount $312.08.
AHHOHHinont No. 35 L. O, Porter.
A parcel or laud commencing at a
point ou tho north boundary lino ot
donation land claim No. 44, In town
nhlp 37 Houth or rnngo 1 wont ot thu
Wlllamotto morldlm, stttiatod 21
chalnn mid 84,5 IIiikh west of the
noutho.iHt corner of doiiPtlon land
claim No, 42, In mud tnwunhlp and
rnngo, mid from wild point "mining
thonco south 200 foot; thenco wont
100 roet: thonco north 200 root;
thonco ennt 100 root to tho placo ot
beginning, mid mnrked DO on tho
map ot tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 100 foot oil tho nouth Hldo
ot Haat Main ntroot. nnd doHcrlbcd In
Vol. 59, pngo 310, county nvorder'H
recordn ot Jackson county, Oregon;
100 root; rato por root $4.75;
amount $475.
AsHCKamcnt No. 30 'Anna Jordan.
A pnrcol of lnnd commencing nl n
point on thu north boundary lino of
donitlon land claim No. 44, In town
nhlp 37 Houtl' of rnugo 1 wot.t of tho
Willnmotto morldmn, situated 23
uhnltiH and 29 Iliikn vet of tho Mouth
ennt cornor of donation land claim
No. 42, In nald towmihlp and range,
and running thonco nouth 330 root;
thenco went 100 foot; thenco north
330 foot; tlionco cast 100 feet to the
placo of beginning, and mnrked 111 I
on tho map ot Bald city; frontngo 100
toet on tho nouth nldo of Kant Main
Htreot, and dCHcrlbcd In Vol. 31, pago
107, rotinty recorders records of
Jncknon county, Oregon; 100 foot;
rnto per foot $4.75; amount $475.
AHHCHHinont No. 37 Hallo Iloyt
JohiiHon. A parcel of land commenc
ing at a point nltuntcd 28 chalnn and
10 Hi llnkn went nnd 30 feet couth ot
tlm BOitthcnHt cornor ot do-intlon lnnd
claim No. 42, In township 37 nouth
ot range 1 vohI of tho Willnmotto
meridian, and running thonco cant
217.S2 fcet: thonco houUi 300 toot;
thonco went 175 toot; thonco north
10 degrees 30 mlnuten went to tho
plnrn of beginning, and marked HI
on tho map of nnld city: frontngo
150 feet 011 tho Houth nldo of Knt
Mnln Htreot, and described in Vol. 55,
pngo 143, rounty rocordor'H record
of JackHon county, Oregon; 150 feet;
rnto por root $4.75; amount $741.
Boctlo .. Tho reco-dor or tho
city ot . irord Ih hereby directed
to enter statement if tho nHHcnn
mentH he b: mado In tho ducket of
city Hone md to glvo notlco by pub
lication as required by tho chnrter
nnd ordinance No. 250 or nrld city,
In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a howh-
papor published and or general circu
lation lu snid city.
Tho foregoing ordinance wns pnHH
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Modrord, Oregon, on tho 20tL day or
Soptombor, 1910, by tho following
Welch nyo, Morrlck ayo, Kmorlck
nyo, Wortmnn ayo. Klfort ayo, and
Doiumor nyo.
Approved Hoptomticr 21st, 1910,
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
noim W. TBLl'-nU.
City Hocordor.
To tho owner, or reputed ownor, or
ench pnrcol or property doRcribed In
tho foregoing ordlnanco, as named
therein, nnd In tho Hon doclnrod by
nald ordlnnnca an recorded In tho
docket of city llenn:
You nro horchy notified Hint tho
(iHKCflflmont declared by tho forego
ing ordlnanco hns boon mndo mid tho
lion thorofor ontorod In tho city lion
docket, mid that tho snmo In duo nnd
you nre horoby required to pay tho
Hamo to tho city rocordor within ton
dayH trom tho Horvlco ot thlH notice,
which norvlco In mado by publication
ot tho foregoing ordlnanco nnd thlH
notlco throo tlmon in tho Medford
Mnll Trlbuno, purminnl to an order
of tho city council of nnld city.
City Hocordor,
DlHlrlct Attornoy I). F, Mulkoy nnd
George W, Chorry havo formed n
pnrtnorflhlp for tho purpouo of trnnH
nctlng civil bimlnoHH, having tholr of
fice In room 30, Jncknon County Hnnlc
building. Mr, Chorry will havo chnrgo
or tho criminal buiilnonB, whllo Mr,
Mulkoy Is attending terms of court
In Ornnta Piibh.
I havo oncloHOd a stray black ,hog,
weight about 1000 poundH, Owner
cnu havo Bnmo by proving proporty
and pnylng for damagos and enro of
IlrownHboro, Or, 170
Local Order ((f Eaglofl. Aorio
1277, will meut next Thursday uvon
ing, Oct. 0. All mmuhoi'H aro re
(iiented In bo present. 170
Ilnsklns for health,
IT"- 7C 'I !II"4IL tf'l1,
-fnuipj'f ' ii 'jpinti ' i'i'1! ' mwyiwim'tn
tafitiT - J-'--