WOTM i II IH II AIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBEU -J, 191G. Medford Mail Tribune THE PORK BARREL DEFENSE. T H I'M X AH IKDErENDENT NEWSPAPER rVKZJCSXBD DAH.Y EXCEPT RAT UK' BAT BT THE MEDTORQ TMXXTTXQ GO. A consolidation of tho MetKord Mull oaUbllahcd 3 S3?: tho Southern Orcgon Un. established 1902: tho Democratic Times, established 1&72; tho ABhland Tribune, established 1896 tvnil the Med tonl Tribuno, established 1906. OKOKOI3 TUTNAM, Kdltor and Manager Entered aa second-class matter. No Tombcr 1, 1909, at tho post office at Mrdford, Oregon, under tho act of March 3, isth, Official Pnner of tho City of Medford BT7SSO&XPTZOR SATES. One. year by mall ..J5.00 One month by mall RO Per month delivered by carrier In Medford, Ashland. Jacksonville and Central Point SO Bunday, only, by mall, per year. . . . J.00 SXTjklrt. . ., ..... 1 fill Tf VQAlJi 'Cl jrai .a.............. Tall Xeaiod Wire United Press Dis patches. The Mall Tribuno is on sale at the Ferry Now Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Wowman Nowa Co, Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, "Wash. Hotel Spoknno News Stand. SpoUane. Postage Bates. I to 1 2-page paper lo 12 to 24-paRe paper.. 2c JU to 3 6 -pace paper 3c SWORN CZXOTTXJ.TI02T. Average dally for November, 1909 December, 1909 January. 1910 February, 1910 March. 1910 April, 1910 May. 1910 Juno, 1910 July, 1910 Atrausr cihctjlatioh. 1.700 1,842 1,925 ! 2,301 2.450 2,502 2,534 2.E50 2,550 2,650 2,550 2.650 2,550 2.550 2,460 2,460 2.510 2,460 2.460 2,465 1 2.550 17 . 2.550 IS J..., 2.560 19 4 2,560 21. 6 2.550 22 1 2,600 23 J 2,550 24 t 2,525 25 10 2.600 26 11.......... 2.500 28 II 2,500 29 ,14 2,550 30 16 2.550 31 18 2.R50 ' Total gross 68,240 Dally Average, 2,527 TATE OF OREGON. County of Jack son, ss.: On the 1st day of September. 1910, personally appeared before me, George Putnam, manager of the Medford Mall Tribune, who upon oath, acknowledges that the above figures aro true and cor rect. H. N. YOCKEr. (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. KESFOSS, OXEQOBT. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest growlng city In Oregon. Population, 1910, 9.000. Bank deposits $2,750,000. 500,000 Gravity Water System com pleted in July, 1910, giving finest sup ply puro mountain water. Rlxtepn -miles of street belnc Davd t a cost exceeding 61,000, making -total of twenty mlnues of pavement. Fostoffice receipts for year ending June 30, 1910, show a gain of 36 per cent. ( Banner fruit city in Oregon Rogue ( River apples won sweepstakes prize and title of "Apple Xing' of the World" t the National Apple Show, Spokane. 10. Kogue River pears brought high est prices In all markets of the world during the past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 cents for postage of the finest com munity pamphlet ever written. Fifty Years Ago ToJay. Oot. A. Kprrlimm'.t PjIi tin i'm.ii"it AmprStiiii :il!iti'i dlwl In I'nili delplila. Twenty-five Years Ago Tod , . Tln clilt-r iit'W of Hi- ii;. v.- tlmi Itutssiriii IiimI lhvmi in inllitiir.v i-,-iiii(i." ljir w !... u:ii populate liflns nudiT iifm- " Ujrlit fr 1 1 iiitiii'sailoii f !." mclln ail nil i't. The rz.ir - Hiiiil.'i -i.insl to r. liuhxari i.i deputation Hint be wmild .t deavur to spi-un accord union; the powers and oad tin ISalu.-n crisis wltlioui war. f ONGRESSMAN IIAWLEY'S friends have put forth the pork barrel argument as justification for his 0011180 in congress, his support of Cannon, of the nefa rious Payno-Aldrieh tariff, of his opposition to insur gency, and of his rock-ribbed stand-patisin. If Mr. llawlev bartered awav his liberty, his freedom, and his conscience for a few appropriations, he is not the caliber of a man to represent Oregon in congress, uregon needs a man of some strength of character, of some force, of some ability to properly represent it at the national capital. Mr. IIavlcy's friends say that he could not have se cured the few dollars he got by any other course, and that it was necessarv for him to sell his birthright f oia mess of pottage that we might have a postofiieo biulduig. j What an argument! As if any appropriation, no matter i how great, justifies a man in betraying his constituency bv supporting what is fundamentally wrong in govern ment ! No right-minded man can sanction or approve such a course. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and bribery by new postoffiees is just as wrong as bribery by cash. Mr. Hawlev had a chance to distinguish himself, to j make a national name, and to bring his district into the ! limelight by supporting and upholding those principles upon which our government is based, uie migiit nave 101 lowed the course pursued by Poindexter, who refused to bow in nuholy homage to the will of the system. Poindex ter secured no pork barrel prizes for his district, but his gallant course has been rewarded by his constituents by , , . ... , . i -!- ja i. ii..tt..:j.j i ins noimuanou oy au overwiicmuiig uin,juriiy iu uiu uuucu . States senate, as a reward by the people for his services i to the people. v j There is no danger of Mr. Hawley's ever receiving such , a reward from the people of Oregon. Instead, he narrowly , escaped defeat in the primaries and is today fighting for his political life as he never fought before. That is how the pork barrel appeals to the people. Mr. Hawlev is on the defensive and must remain on the defensive. His course was wrong, morally wrong, and one who has to defend the wrong is badly handicapped. He may promise to do right hereafter, but it he was not strong enough to do right when put to the test, there is no guar antee that he will not do wrong again. 2fo matter how great the odds, if a man battles gal lantly for the right, fearlessly and courageously, he will -ecure the unqualified endorsement of the people, even as ?oindexter secured it, but if he barters away to might his right to fight for the right, he will be disapproved by the J people, no matter what pop-corn prizes he secures in ex change, and will face oblivion, even as Hawlev today faces it. r-v 'J fwaeszp ASHLAND A uyrnnafarZi Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block ri This is the school that will make you Suc- ccssuii, Tram you lor uusiness and .Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at homo at n very moderate expense and, it' you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho large commercial editors. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER. A. M., President. .-I ANYTHING TO GET THE VOTES. Attractive Listings For Careful Buyers 30 Acres Near Central Point j all planted to 2-year-old apples and pears. Good buildings and pump ing plant for irrigating. Price, $16,000, easy terms. 20 Acres Bearing pears, close in. Will divide into two. ten-acre tracts. Ask to see- this fine property. 10 Acres' Four miles from Medford. Ready to plant. Price, $175 per acre. Before you build, let us show you Oakdale Park Addition. HXJNTLEY-KREMER COMPANY . 214 Fruitgrowers' Bank Building. JAY BOWERMAN", assembly candidate for governor, is the coarsest 'produQt of Machiavelism that Oregon politics has yet produced. He. is on any side of any ques tion to get the votes. Mr. Bowerman, when a candidate for the state senate, refused to take Statement No. 1. He was nominated by j an assembly of politicians and corporation employes, held J in defiance of the primary law, whose proclaimed motive was to jmt the knife to Statement Xo. 1. Now that the people have repudiated the assembly, and Mr. Bowerman finds that he cannot be elected upon an assembly platform, he is but with a proclamation re pudiating it. He proclaims himself a friend of the State ment to get the votes. The amount of sincerity and purpose that can be at tached to Mr. Bowerman 's actions are .shown in his treat ment of the normal schools. His entire course in the leg- j islature had been favorable to normal schools, until the last session, when he conceived the idea of riding into; popularity with the mossbacks hy slaughtering Oregon's ' educational institutions, and as president of the senate,! he shaped all legislation to this end. Mr. Bowerman 's nomination is regarded as an assem-J bly triumph. His election will be hailed with jubilation by assembly forces. For political purposes, the sinister motive of the assembly will be kept in the background until election is over then Bowerman 's success will be hailed as vindication and victory for the assembly, and the opening wedge be inserted for the attack upon popu lar government so loudly proclaimed in the assembly. In writing an ad about tkat furn ished worn you havo to r?nt say. in convincing way, just what you'd what it was Uke, "and all about it." "alway." Exceptional Assortments Men's Shoes We are prepared to fit any man who comes to the store with a pair of shoes that will look new when old, feel old when new and wear a little longer for the price than any you have purchased before. COME AND EXAMINE THE SHOES, ANYWAY We will give you VALUES. All the new, practical lasts and styles are here for Fall and Winter of 1910 and '11 and our patrons know that we give honest values. For Sale (MiOOM UOUSM; two screened in pearches: elect ric lights; bath room, has hot and cold wutfr, both cily and well water; nice lawn; large barn for six head of horses and two large sheds; lot 75x220 feet; 5 bearing apple' Irces; water and sower in slreot ; Ibis is a very desirable local ion overlooking Medford. Prices right, with (onus, for a quick sale. 1 LOT, 75x220 foot; cily water and sewer; .13 bear ing apple Irces; 10 U-y ear-old apple trees; good well and pumping plant; you can have a bargain in this lot if you act quickly. fi-ROOM HOUSE (NEW); woll finished; lot 50x 12fi; high and dry; good location; city water; elec tric light; Ibis is a sua) for invest nient. '10 ACRES HEAVY PINE AND SAW TIMBER; 7 miles from Medford; No. 1 fruit land, apple and pear: $1000 buys this for next 10 days. Eor fur ther information, call on the owner, N. L. TOWNSEND 721 BENNETT AVE. PHONE 42H2. MEDFORD THEATRE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 A Musical Comedy of Quality and Merit "A Stubborn Cinderella" With an Exceptional Cast, Unequaled, Youthful and Vivacious Chorus SUPMTUOUS PRODUCTION . " GORGEOUS COSTUMES Record of long runs in all tho principal cities from coaat to coast. "NONE BETTER AND PEW ITS EQUAL" 20 BIG WHISTLY SONG HITS "A Girly Whirl of Fun and Music" Seats on sale October 1st. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order; all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street Sfte "NAT" AUDITORIUM 4 ONE N'l G H T ONLY Moiiday, October 10th. THE GREAT POLISH VIOLINIST HAROLDI The Wizard or the Violin Seats on sale Thursday, October 6. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 The finest Sample Rooms in the city. Single rooms or on suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Kvcry Itoom Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan mmmmzy PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 ; J. E. ENTAnT. PrPFtfent. J A. PERRY. Vico-Prosidotit. JOHN S. ORTH, Cnshior. V. B. JACKSON. Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING ! BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. '' -4t' j& EVERYMAN'S j& k&e Brush pAn Runabout VrIV Tho car that made tho trip from Snn Frnnclaco to Medford and avoraged twonty-glvo mlloB to tho gallon of gasoline over tho moun tains f row 'lloddlng to Ashland. A8K FOR DEMONSTRATION r. 0. Dox 37 - THEO. W. MARSH Modf jrd, 112 S. King Stroot '-$ P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT Wo make any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo' carry Glass of any aizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oragon. I Piano Lecture Recital By GERARD TAILLANDIER Director Medford Conservatory, ', on Thursday, October 6, 1910, at 8:30 P. M. Tickets, 75c Por sale at Sherman, Clay & Co.'s, at TJnsldiis1 Drug Store and at the Natntorium. r v 4 RESOLVED Tlio bust roHoliition for yon to iniiK'o is to umno to us for your noxl unit, if you want HomulhiiiK out of tho ordinary. Wo do llio host work and cJinrKo Uio lowcot nrioos. W. W. EIFEFT, THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR FOR RENT Only hotol in town of 1000 inhabitants on Southern Paoifio rail road, Rokuo Rlvor vnlloy, Nowly rofurnishod, paporod, pnintod; oquipmont modorn; baths, tollots, clcctrio lightu, hot and cold run ninir wntor. Now doing busiuosB. . CALL ON JALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 216 West Main St., Medford, Or. Haaklas far tealtk. jll,,'k'i,.tt.Limi4,h-t''"' ! 1