m in 8 MEDFORD jMAIL TggUm atEDFQRD, Oft-EGOy, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, .19.10. FISH FRY FOR UPPER LAKE Game Warden Lewis of Klnmalh Will Receivo Larno Consignment of Black Bass, Sunflsh and Rlna Ncckcd Pqrch. "A Stubborn Cinderella" Here Soon UNDERWEAR 1 . . .. -s, P Wi M :.l I It lt H II, :r iJ"' '. h ii I ll Of all the musical comedy suc cesses which have been produced In recent years no work of the kind has surpassed In popularity that of Hough, Adams and Howard's "A Stubborn Cinderella," which Charles A. Goettler will present at tho Sled ford theater Wednesday, October 5. Tho reasons for "A Stubborn Cinder ella's" popularity are easily explain ed. In tho first place It differs wide ly from the usual musical comedy in that there is not a lino from the be ginning until the end which can be misconstrued. It is funny, but the fun is clean; thero is not a line at which the most captious could take offense. The other reason Is In tho music There aro more than 20 as charming musical numbers as hare ever been given to n work of this kind. From the opening chorus un til the finale there is a flow of inol ody that not only pleases tho ear, but is of that quality which once heard is not easily forgotten. "A Stubborn Cinderella" Is being presented with all the attention to detail that char acterizes a Charles Goettler produc tion. Tho scenery, properties and effects are all new and the costumes are gorgeous in their beauty. FOOTBALL HAS CUIHEDVICTIM Divers Cannot Find Any Trace of the 29 Men Who Were Swept Out to Sea by the Tide Tuesday Night. NEW YORK, Oct. 3. One death and a score of Injuries is today's summary of football games played last Saturday on eastern gridirons. Although the football season has Just begun, the list of casualties leads. experts to believe that the new rules have not eliminated danger, and that the game Is as full of risk as it was before the revision of the rules. The Yale-Syracuse game resulted In eight Injuries, two of which are serious. Tho preliminary game furnished material for criticism on the relative merits of tho various teams. The consensus of opinion Is that Harvard, is showing the best form. The crimson team has a wealth of mater'al and la apparently the most versatile on the field. SAILORS LOST IN CHOPPY SEA First Day of Gridiron Batties Re sults in Death and Many Injuries Harvard is Showing Good Form. NEW YORK, Oct. 3. Owing to a strong ebb Udo prevailing in the North river, divers searching for 29 DRY FARMING CONGRESS READY Will Open Its Sessions in Spokane Tonight Profjress of Dry Farm ing Will Be Considered in All of Its Features! SUOKAXE,-Wash., Oct. 3. The fifth conception of the International Dry Farming Congress will convene members of the crew of tho battle- J j,ere tonfcht for n four day session, ship New Hampshire were unable to The congress will be formally open find any of the men who went to ; ei by President Taft, who will flash their deaths when a whaleboat load-, a message of welcome from the ed with sailors, overturned Satur- White House at Washington over a day night on their way back to the telegraph wire connected directly warship. The divers expressed fear with the convention hall in Spokane, that the wind and tide had carried ( The president's message will be re the bodies seaward and that it would , ceived a few minutes after the con- be several days before any were re- gress convenes at 8 o'clock by A- coverea. fred Atkinson of Montana, chairman smaii noats irom tne warships of the congress. grappled all -night In the choppy wa- Afterwards the convention will ters of the river, but failed tp find any trace of the missing men. MILLIONAIRE SLAIN BYHTEiSBAND MAN'S FOOT LOST OWING TO WOUND VINCENNES, Ind., Oct. 3. C. Edward Gibson, a millionaire oil op erator, was shot and killed today by Menlo Moore, wealthy owner of a number of theaters In Indiana. The killing occurred at tho Union depot. Mooro boarded a train for Washing ton, Ind., but was arrested en route. It is said that the affair Is the re Bult of attentions paid by Gibson to Mrs. Moore. BIG FUND BEING RAISED. (Continued from Page 1.) funds. for tho widows and fatherless children of tho men who lost their lives In tho disaster. Many of those The foot of George T. Woodbury of Phoenix, who accldcntly shot him self in the aaldo last Saturday eve ning, was amputated this morning. Though tho bullet was only from a 22-caliber' rifle, It shattered both bones of the ankle to splinters. Tho bullet was of soft lead, wh!ch 3prcad wnen It struck. Mr. Woodberry was In tho act of storing the rifle away preparatory to a tilp to Chicago via San Francisco when the accident occurred. Mr. Woodberry is nn eastern man who has purchased an orchard in tho Phoenix district. (Continued from Page 1.) only a few yards distant. He fired hustily at it but did not stop its on rush. Jumping backwards into the brush lie tried to throw another . i are sam to oo m straitened circum- cartridge into the barrel but a stick Btnnces. Efforts will bo made to caHKj,t j the tri'or and closed the raise at lea,st ?20,000 for dlstrlbu- action fo tho gun. Dropping his t'on ' irun he started DlaviiiL' tat? with tho The city was thrown into wild ex-, ferocious old bruin, with tho bear cltement shortly boforo noon when a ( "it." At this juncture Summerville rumyr w cjrcuuueu mai anomor , jnudn a dash at the bear trvinir ojin in a salute to the international colors and 225 school children will sine the nntional anthem. Following the invocation by tho Hew Dr. William J. Hindley, there will be addresses of welcome by II. W. Newton, chairman of tho local board of control; Charles 31. Fassett, pres ident of the Spokane chamber of commorce; and Governor ITn3 tho session closing with tho president's nddross by Congressman F. W. Mon dell of Wyoming and a response in behalf of internntionnl delegates by Hewitt Bostock of British Colum bia, representing the government of Great Britain. During tho progress of the con vention dry farming in nil its phases will bo discussed by the most emi nent Amcricnn and European au thorities on the subject. Tho convention will ndjourn Thurcday evening, October 6. Delegates havo been pouring into the city, for tho Inst three dnvs and wheat growers from nil points of the northwest and the Alberta country are here to attend the meetings of tho congress. PRICE OF FIREWOOD Sims YE POET'S IRE KLAMATH PALLS, Or., Oct. 3. I'ho tipper Klamath lake la to bo stocked with blnck bass, rtng-uocked perch and suntlsh fry. Ten thousand basa ami some of the two latter va rieties of fish aro now on their way to this city from tho state fish hatch ery and aro to arrive on this ovo ning's train. Theso fry wore applied for somo months ago by Game Warden Lowls and they aro coming consigned to htm. When ho first made the appli cation for the bass It was his nlm to put tho base In Lost river, but since tho government reclamation sorvlco Is to turn that stream out of Its old bod and run It Into the Ktnmath river a fow miles below town ho had just as woll put the fry In tho wa ters of tho upper lake, as thoy would oventually stock nil the waters of tho country, Including Lost rlvor, any way, and vlco versa. Tho waters of - our lakes nnd streams aro said by flsbormon'to bo Ideal for tho propagation of tho black bass, and whllo not so much Is known of tho sunflsh as well ao tho rlng nccked porch, It Is believed they will thrive and from what Is known of tho sunflsh thoy are said not only to bo gnmoy flal for tho hcok nnd lino fishing, but nre an excellent ta blo variety. They do not grow to very largo size, but afford a great deal of sport because of their fighting qualities. MORE TROUBLE FISHING RIGHTS England and America, Despite Their Acceptance of Decision of Hague Tribunal, Still Feel That Matter Is Not Entirelly Closed. Infernal machine had been found In tho basement of tho new Lall of rec ords. Police were driven to tho hall Jn automobiles, but tho. report prov ed to be without foundation. Another body, tho eighth recov ered, was taken from tho wreckago nt noon. A smoko blackened watch case bearing tho number 802,889 and n bartered Waltham movomont, No. 5397409, may establish tho victim's Identity. A fob, bearing on Its re verse side tho mark of the Watab Paper .& Pulp company, Snrtell, Minn., was p.ttached to the watch. Hasklns for health.. vainly to got in a position from which he could shoot without en dangering the life of his friend. Tho dog, in tho meantime, had made an onslaught upon the cubo which had started n hasty flight with the dog in hot pursuit. Attracted by the crys of tho cubo tho bear ran to tho aid of her offspring, loaving big Bon ninghovon badly scratched and bruised, but not soriously injured, The party killed threo deor on tho j trip and saw n groat numbor more. juucii anxiety yvan oxponenced by friends of Broker and Chamborlain on Friday and Suturday, as thoy were reported lost, CENTRAL POINT, Oct. 3. "Woodman sparo that tree, Touch not a single bough, And I'm cold nnd shivering now." One limb from it has busted mo, Firewood in Central Point is so high in prieo that many people aro putting tho old isinglass fronts in their stoves and are adopting tho "Colonel Sellers" mothod of keep ing warm; $3 and $3.25 per tier, and tho tears flow freely from the eyes of housewives as tho dollars tumblo from tho wampum belt of tho husbandman. Fall is nearly horo mid tho first football accident of the season has fcecn reported. LONDON, Oct. 3 Further trou ble between England nnd the United States over the question of fishir rights in Newfoundland, notwith standing their acceptance of tho in ternational board of arbitration's award, is believed by well informed Englishmen to be inevitable. As long as Newfoundland remains sparsely settled the award will provo satisfactory, but at the pres ent rate of population increase, Newfoundland will soon have as many people ns she wants and then, it is freely predicted, the privileges granted to American fishermen arc bound to arouse fresh friction. Tho immunity granted to tho Unit ed States fishermen from customs supervision will bo quite sufficient iu itself to bring about chaos. Local differences .will again become acute and it may be that another long and expensive litigation between Ameri can und England will bo entered up on. During tho recent discissions on this latest development of Anglo American affuirs, however, a solu tion of, tho Newfoundland question which might prove final has sug gested itself. Thero has been n great deal of indignation in England lately on account of the suspicioi which is current to the effect that tho United States, in contravention of treaties made at different times, intends fortifying tho Pannmu canal. On ovory sido tlio cabinet is being urged never to nllow this. "A break ing of diplomatic faith" and a "be trayal of English interests" aro the usual expressions heard in connec tion with tho expected fortifications In fact somo especially piigmicious agitators urgo that tho British navy should bo stationed on tho spot to prevent anything of tho kind hap pening. Cooler people, however, believe that iu tho matter of tio canal will bo found tho opportunity for a deal ana at tho same time for a settle ment of tho Newfoundland dispute. To them it seems reasonable th.it ureat jjritaiu should say to tho United States, "By tho treaty you undoubtedly havo no power to for tify the Panama canal on your own account. Still w aro ready to withdraw our opposition if on tho other hand yon nro willing to givo up nil that you gained undor Tho Iiniruo nwnnl." lluny peoplo nro egi lining to think it might very eas ily ho possible for an nrrnngemont of this kind to be made. I AVe hrivo just added to our till ready ninny lino a very nont and most cpmuloto linoof Indies', misses', cliitllron's and boys' 'Underwear in vests, plants and union suits; a new, clean, perfect-fitting lino of garments; made under tho most sanitary conditions, and last but not; least, thoy tiro all popular priced. We would be pleased to have you como in and comparo our qualitios and prices with what you have boon gotting and tho prices you havo boon paying. Ladies Underwear Arests, Pants and Union Suits in regular and out- sizes, 35c to $1.50 PER GARMENT Misses and Childrens Underwear Vests, Pants and Union Suits; all sizes; medium weight, 25c to $1.0O PER GARMENT Boys' Underwear Vests, Pants and Union Suits; medium and hea vy weight, sizes 2'l to 31 35c to $1.00 PUR GARMENT 300 boxes of fancy Box Paper, with Envelopes to match; our regular 40c, 50c and 65c quality; special for Tuesday and Wednesday; choico, any 40c, 50c or 65c paper, 25c a box. Our Hosiery Line We carry one of the most com- Wo would like to show you our pletc and best wearing lines of g.w00 line of men's and ladies' Hosiery, boys', misses and children's Ho- e We want you for a customer, siery to be seen in Medford. Ask W '3 2 25c a pear, m tSi m your neighbor how she likes ds them. You got the quality here sSft Buy them once, and you will buy without the fancy price. 15c a pair, 2 pairs for 25c. Buy them oi them again. We also carry the most complete line of Dry Goods, Notions and Kitchen U tensile in the city. When you can 't find it elsewhere, remember you can got it at GET YOUR DOLL TICKETS HUSSEY'S THE DOLL GOES OCTOBER 15 Ettc "NAT" AUDITORIUM ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday, October 10th. THE GREAT POLISH VIOLINIST HAROLDI The Wizard ot the Violi i. Seats on sale Thursday, October 6. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 - f 4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. f -f- WANTBD dill or phono Main ,TJ for nil ItimlH of droHHinnkliiK. Mrs. .7. S. Carroll, 320 N. Itivureldo nvo nuo. 100 WANTED Equity lit lot or liouso nnd lot. Phono 3 10!l or nddro?n f)14 South Qrapo nt. 170 STOCK MARKET STRONG NEW YORK, Oct. 3. -Tho Block niarlcot wan iinatablo today, Prices flucttiatod and many snmll gains and Iohbos botwoon clinngoa woro notod. ChosaponUo & Ohio roso to abovo 80. Tho advanco affoctod tho ontlro mar hot. Amorlcan Sugar scold roadtly. A numbor of liquidations caused Amorlcan Sugnr proforrod to break 3 points, Wostorn Union declined 2 Points, Wisconsin Control roso i, and other lnn;o concerns showed strength, but lis a rulo tho advnncos woro small. Tho market olosod firm, Bonds woro Irrogular, nankins for ITonUli. A f i mmitmlim . ?x