wmpiniPHMM & MiSDiroitp mail tribune, MjamroitD, Oregon, monday, ootober ?, 3.910. mm OFFERING IN NOIITII I'OltTliAND, Or., Oct. fl. Hocoliitn nt (ho Portland Union .iiloukyjiiilH for tlio wuok oikIIiik (oitay luivo boon 1111 follewo: Cnitlo 2030, bono nun I, sheep CSflU, homo mill Pillion 1711. gout liUi.', Hoiimniablo iiptumvatH havo occiir rod during tint iiitHt week in cattle mill mwIiio Initio. Tim ca'tlo supply contlnmiil uiinruiMiii and wlillo tlio market 011 gmsl HtiHirn loinalim firm at Id.riU, tlio built or ilio run com prbted only fair to medium hoove. Dutolior cnttlu nolil woll from tlio Jttnrt. Cow a a:i:l liulforx woio In good duuinnd mill tlio marliot on row Htuff wan vory i:tcnly, (looil bulla nmtlo u uuw top of ft, mid uUlini.Kli cnlves ioallr.ml H In ot o ItiHtuiico, tlio mar kot dropped buck to $7, 11 fl:'.'i lmt:l. Tlio hog market wan vury untitle unit iiiiHatlHfnutory with it general downward troml, Early traniactlona on Momlny wmo nniilo at $10.75, lint tlio markoC allowed algim of breaking Inter, anil by Wediii'Hcdiiy had drop ped to J10.no. Bnlon Friday anil HnU u ill ny allowed a weakness anil tlio market clouod 3G to fiOo lower tlian a wi'ok ago. Rccaliitn bavo been lib oral both from Nobrniihn and. north wwitorn polntii. TIlO Kltl'Op IIIOVUl'KMlt tlllH WCOk biiH boon oaorinoiio, iih In unital at tlila t lino of tbo year, but tho total locolntii 'or tlio mouth Juki cloned fair, outnumbering those of tho cor reisiioudlug month uf lnat year. Cbolco yearling realize! $1.25, and tlio oth er grades brought fnlr price con nldorlng tlio Hiipply, Tlio domain! for lamb waH inot strong and tbo mar ket wna Hhndod 10 to lGc on ilio beBt offo-liiKH. FARNUM SOARS 9228 FEET UP BUOY, France, Oct. .'IFnrnuin, lliu American aviator, hcl a now height record at tlio aviation moot .Saturday, ascending 9228 foul. Ho lifted a biplane. I.ntliam, in a mono iauu, made a hiiccohhTuI flight. Investors' Snaps. I am offorod proposition in Illi iioiu vnlloy which I intend to accept if I, disposo of property. Don't ho slow money talks. New MX-room modern bungalow, thrco blockn from Wnshingtou school, pos session if desired or n cush tenant for ton months at $40; total amount $100 deducted from price, $3800; toniiH. Will trndo intoroHt in four lota for ttood team, wagon and harnoKH. AddrcHH 73, caro Mail Tribune, or call Phono -1201. lioiiTicuiruiiAi society NO TICE. Owing to tho fact that ovoryono Ih vory buoy nt HiIh tlmo, It hns boon thought w!h. to postpono tho mooting which would bo bold on Saturday, October 1. Notlco of dato nnd pro gram will bo mailed for Novombor mooting, HAHllY II, TUTTLE, Secretary. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that tho undoralKnod will apply at tho noxt mooting of tho city council of Medford, Orogon, for llconno to Roll malt, vlnoufl and splrlt out liquors Ii Iobh qunntltl ;H than ono gidlon, for six months, at lot 10, block 20, In Medford, Orogon, for a period of six moutliH. DASH & HALE. Dntod Soptombor 22, 1010. , NOTION. District Attornoy n. F. Mulkoy and George W. Ohorry havo formed a, partnership for tho purpoBo of trnnti acting civil biiBlno88, having tholr of flco In room 30, Jackson County I)ank building. Mr. Ohorry will havo chargo of tho criminal buslnoaa, whllo Mr, Mulkoy la nttondlng terms of court In Qrnnts Pass. , ATTEND COIiLEGB. Arrango to atlond tho Eugene Bua lnoaa Collogo, and lot ue got you a good poaltlon whon you graduate En tor now. Bend for our now cata logue. 14 Vi West Soventh utreot, Eugene, Orei'on. tt HaBklna for health. California Market. CATT FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct, 3 Wheat Australian and propo., $l,00((i)l. 07Va 5 Sonorn, $1.70 1,75; California club, $1.50(o)1.55; northern whoat, bluostem, 1.02Vls 1.071a; club, $1.5ri1.57Vai turkey, $l,57ia(?I)l,05s Russian red, li50 1.62V4. lliu ley- -Fcictl, wood to choice, llli(( IIH'h"! fiiy $'5 WW to fnlr, 02jf.DIio shipping, I.02a 1 .07! Chevalier, $1.:)(1.35. Eggs Firm; California frosh. Iih eliiiling imhoh, xlntM, 'IllOj iliMtn, Hlorngii, !U 'jo. Uutti'i Ciilil'oriiin froHli, extniH, :i;Mi!l firHtH, ;il)o; hocoihIu, 'J8'Bu; nloniKo, !M)VSs. CIicoho Now California flutu, I'h i icy, Klo; firnlM, MVi5 hocoihIh, lS'jf", California Yoiiiiu; Amorii'i, fancy, Wi firslfl, .l.rjj Oregon '"""'i '''I'-" "iHpijv CttlifOniia, e. UU,u - JPur cental, river whiten, 7(m?I)0c ; SiiIIihw Hur haulcrt, .fl.'iriQjl.OO; hwucIh, .$1.'10 1.(10, OiiiiiiiHPur Hiiok, $i.or.i.ir. ,niuH- -i'cr box, choice, l.GO 1.70; extra choice, !.r0(j?3.r0; Val eneiiiH, 2.r0Cf :i.r0 ; fancy, J;i.50-I. CDFORDMARKETS. tiwn paid by Medford inurclmntH.) viiutooo, new, $1.15(151.25 por UWt,; UIIIIUIIKU, 2o. CiieiuiiboiH, 10c to 15c dor.. SiiiiiihIi, (10o(T?$1. Corn, 1 0(13)1 fie. i Cautnloupttri, 'JOlOo dozen. TomntocB, l'a! PiimpkiiiH, Cj?12jc. AppIcH, 'Jo; Pearri, lc. I'niiieH. l'a'Jc. TokuyH , lc. Mutter, ICggN ami Poultry. (PricoK paid by Medford merchants.) Itanch butter, UOc; fancy creamery, :5c. Frorih ranch cggH, 35c. Mixed poultry, 10(Mc; BpriiiR iilckeiiH, 1-lOtJlflo; turkoyH, 17c. (Prices paid producors.) Hay Timothy, .fill; alfalfa, $12; jrrasH, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.15 bushel; oats, $32 ton; bnrloy, $.10 ton. Hoof Cows, 4(8M,2 ; stoors, 5 5 Vise; jwrk, 0c; mutton. 55V2o; lambs, 0c; veal, dressed, 8c. (Selling prices.) Itollul barley, $1.75 cwt., $32 ton; bran. $1.70; middlings, $.85$1.!)0; aborts. $1.80(ii)1.85. WANTED. Mbimlliuieou. WANTED Shingling and roof re pairing douo by Fred .Jerry. Phono No. 2H51. Work done promptly and neatly. All work guaranteed. 1 78 WANTED Equity in lot or hoime mid bH. PhoiielKKI or address 514 S. Grape. WANTED To borrow $500 for one year, good security; will pay 7 par cent. Address W. C. M., Tribune office. 175 WANTED To trade two fivo-nore tracts near city, ono improved and ono unimproved, for improved city property. Address Lock Box 31, city. tf Help Wanted FVmU. WANTED Competent woman for gonoral housework, two in family, wages $36. Address Box 00. caro Mail Tribune, of fico. tf WANTKD 8Icsmon"in orory local ity of tho northwoat; mony ad vanccd weekly; many rankn oror $1000 month; chotco of torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top ponlsh, Y.'r.iu, WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages to tho. right parly. Address llox 29, caro Mall Tribune office. ! WANTED Nurse wanted iVt the Ashland hospital for training. tf Hooiiih to Iteut. WANTED Four or five-room house, small family, no childron. Inquire or address cigar factory. 110 E. 0th st. HltHutlotiH Vnntcd. WANTED Position by man and wife on fruit farm. Cull or address P. L. Lotnuin, 20 Sixth t Ash land. 170 Help Wanted Mule. WANTED Man and wife would like n position on ranch. Address W. P. Anderson. Medford. Ore. 109 . WANTED Young man, single, wishos to rout small cabin, tent or furnished room, suitnblo for slow ing purposes. Addioss Box, 7, caro of this office. 109 WANTED Young mnn, siuglo, wishes to rent siniill cabin, tent or unfurnished room, miitnblo for Bleeping purposes, Addross Box 7. euro of this offico. 109 WANTED Competent enrpontor carpontor foreman. Apply nt once, 418 West Fourth st. 108 WANTED Lathers. Apply to Med ford Brick Co. at tho Davis bldg:, Monday morning; will pay $3 por 1000. j 177 FOB SALE. Lota, FOR SALE Hero is an opportunity for the man with a small inoomo to buy a building lot ohoap, and terms to suit yrfur income. No hotter lots iu West Medford for the money; east front, nonr water, pavomont, gas and light; must go quick to s ouro tonus, Addross H onve aMil Tribuno offico. tf FOP SALE. IOtN. FOIt HAWr-Lot, east front, fiOx 140, fruit ticcH', u xuap at $31)5. AddrcHH llox It), Mail Tribune. 170 FOR BAM5 In Talent, Or., ioIh No. 7, 8, I). 10, of block II; IoIh No. I), 10, (10x130 feet, with a good dwelling house and fine well, $800, hots Noh. 7, 8, (10x100 feet; dwel ling house and fino Well, $100. In quire of h. N. Judil, KobortH build in l. Talent. Or. 171 Acreage. FOR SAIii: A choice fruit furm u 34 acres, 1 mile from Tnlent, Or., catt be irrigated. Dumping apparat us, maehiiiory, etc.; young fruit of f all kinds including 10 acres, ot Newtown npplos und othor v lies; also pears, prunes, plums, np rieots, cherries, etc.; a good dwell ing house, 12 acres in ulfalfa'; priea 12,500, cash down, $5500, the InJancc on time, come to Talent on ears and 1 will show you the prop erly. L. N. Judd, Hoberls bld., Talent. Or. 1Z1 FOR SALE Or oxebange, by owner, souio good ranch proporty; also some town lots. Address P. O. box (183. Medford,Qrg. tf FOR SAfiE 80 acres in all. 10 acres in 4-ycnr-olds. I) acres irrigutcd alfalfa. 15 acres cleared land. 5 miles from Medford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANCH. Price $14,000 $175 an acre: smaller section if desired. Address A. McComnck, care Mail Tribun6 office. tf FOR SALE 8 acres, 1 mile from Medford. This is n bargain"; small house and barn; finest fruit land in county; $3500. While & Tro bridee. tf , FOR SALE 10 acres of best gar den land in Jackson county, lo eated in Rear creek bottom; will take house and lot as part pay ment. For full particulars address P. O. Hex 747. '177 FOR SALE 280 acres near Talent for subdividing; free soil, close to Ano of the finest orchards in tlio valley. Moor-Ehni Co.. 213 Frutt- growers Hank bldg. 1CS FOR SAMS Lrfgat oinnKa or all Hindu troaptias and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. MnalncM Property. FOR SALE OR RENT Gc ipon ing for gonoral merchant ""tore in now town with $15,000 thly payroll, on railroad, 12 mi..., ifrom Medford. Gold Ray Rculty Co., 210 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Choice business prop orty ut a bargain, on long time; easy terras. Addross Condor Wa- tor Power Co FOR SALE Only hotel in Butte Falls, now nnd doing good busi noss. Address G. W. H. Albort, Butto Falls. Or. 174 FOR SALT3 Any ono contemplating chnngo to Oakland, Cal.: I have one lot with two houses in East Oak land, aotual cost to ownor $3800; $1300 still to pay, af $30 per month, income $2(1 monthly, rented: will oxchango equity for small ranch near Phoenix or proporty in Med ford or Ashland. Addross Box 10, caro of Mail Tribune office. 174 FOR SALE Paying business m Medford. Address G. C. II., euro Tribune. 109 FOR SALE Half interest in ono of finest small businesses in Medford, nnd use nroceeds of sulo of smlo to increase stock, Addross Box 44 1, euro of Mnil Tribune tf Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Second-hand spring wagon nnd single harness. Call 511 E. Main st. 100 FOR SALE Ono Kentucky saddle liorso, 8 years; safe and sound. Ono eight-quart cow. Address O. R care Mail Tribune 170 FOR SALE Now gonoral purpose Vngon, bought in Juno; bolstov springs, box and Beat; prico $90. Cor. Minsineta and Niautic, Ken dall add. 10! FOR SALE Two rookors, roll top dosk, comer tablo, libray table, kitchon cabinet, sowing machine, commodes, pto. 719 E. Taylor 100 FOR SALE Oliver typewriter No. in good condition; prico $25. 719 E. Taylor st. 109 FOR SALE 15 tona of first-clusu grain hay. C. W. Isaacs. tf FOR SALE I am propnrod to furn ish wintor supplios of firo wood in oak, fir and pine; stovowood and four-foot lengths, F. Osonbruggo, phono 1841. 4M. Riverside avenue South. GOOD WORK or driving team, me dium woight, ohoap ns dirt. En quiro 1021 W. Tenth st. 172 FOR SALE chonp Sowing machine, good as now. Call nt 20 Lnuiol st.. or phono 3801. 108 FOR SALE Furniture of 10-roooin house, contrnlly located; first-class for rooming and boarding houso. Addross P. O. Box 761. 182 -t- -f-ff 4- -r ... i Uncalled for Answers to Classified Advertisement. 4 4 ',! I)OX AUV, i A II 0, 2. . t K. F. A,, tV ; J a. c. h; :4 Box 20. i-Sk Hox 444, 2fc S. A. F. (iyfy-h, Box J7(),V" "" box 40. J : 4 U.S. fZr Box 100, V & Box 35. 4f C-12. A J. P., 2. O. R 2. & T h. b. r. Lt "- Box 50, 37$ Box 500. ; 4 Box 15, 3. p Box 12, 2.'(f Box 25, 2. j e. l. t.; t: Box 4, 2; ,-; A. Z. "" B. S. S., 2. Box 18. 1 J. P. ' -l-4-l--f-( -f-4- 4- 4- 4- 4- FOR SALE. Miccllflnetu. FOR SALE Grapes, fresh from tho vines. No. 507 Clurk st. 180 FOR SALE 70 Angora goats. J. A. Wosterlund. Mcdford.d Or. tf FOR SALE A 5 octavo Cottage or gan, 12 stops; or will trade for a horse or anything of value. E. E. Oman, third house north of depot, Jackftonvilic, Orr. 179 FOR R AT F Pp-i: 3 . ir o'd mare mules, about feOU jKiunds, perfectly gentle, broke tj v.o:!;; good Hi'.?. Write me; I will bring the mules to Medford for . inspection. R. A. Kuipp, Perdue, Ore. FOR SALE Furniture for a 4-room cottage, close in; cheap rent for tho house. Address 911, care Mail Trib une office. 178 House. FOR SALE Five-room bouse, lot 3 by 200, east front. North Cen tral Avonuo. Call on J. T. Sum mervllle, Whlcenant Barber Shop. tf FOR SALES 12t) acres, Evans Crook fruit; Improvomints; buy ot owscr. Write S. F. Pi.ttr, It. F D., Wood vlllo, Or. FOR SALE Several houses and lots also fino farm. D. T. Lawton, Owner. tf FOR SALE Furniohed house with bam; nlso house and two lots. In quire of owner, No. 723 13th M. west. 168 FOR SALE Snap. 0-room house, modem, furnished; lot 50x100; east front; rents for $31.50 per month; price $2300; terms. 11 N. Central ave. 1'- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Four room modern house in Seattle, Wash., 22x30 concrete basement; lot 08x100; all improvements in nnd paid; 1 block from car line; for ' acreage near Medford. Inquiro 37 S. Central ave. 172 FURNISHED 5-room modern bun galow, newl furnished, for snle, $2400. Moor-Ehni Co., 213 Fruit growers Bank bldg. IPS FOR SALE4 of the finest bungalows in Medford. close in; Orange and Grape sts. ANo fine lot, Mistle toe, near M.1111. Moor-Ehni Coo,, 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. IPS FOR SALE-1 have three modem bungalows on eaht front lots; they are conveniently planned, well built, artistically designed; have com plote plumbing, inoluding Inundry irnys, screen, shades, fireplaces, both wood mid electric; built-in buffets nnd bookcases. Call on ownor, Clins. P..Colbv91R W. 10th streot. tf FOR SALE--East front bungalow, modern ; woll situated; trees; ownor lives out of city and can't meet payment duo in about 30 days. Prico is out for quick sale. Call nt 91(1 N. 10th st tf FOR SALE 0-room bungalow on East side, $2500. Address P. O. Box 11. tf FOR SALE- Two-stor houso- and lot 50x250, East front, 10 minutes out $1200; Tonus. John Rotor, 0 S. Contrnl Ave. FOR SALE By ownor seven room houso ou good street, worth $3000 will soil for $2500 cash, comoit wnlks in front and around houso water sowor and will complete hath nlso ono beautiful corner lot with sower and sidrfwnlk, prico $750 cash. Two cheap lots at $350 and $325. All same locality. Address Ownor Caro Mail Tribuno. 108 FOR SALE 8-roora house with bath and 90 foot of soroonod porch, $3500. 909 9th st. West., W. II. Evorhnrd, tf FOR SALE. IloiiHca. FOR HALE 5-room modern bunga low and furniture, $3100, Addreu II. B.. care Mail Tribune offiee. 170 FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow and two lots, one corner; south and cast front; fino neighborhood, near paving; best buy in Medford; cash or terms. Address "Ownor," enre Mail Tribune. If FOR SALE A new modern 0-room bungalow, just completed; on South Orange st., 3 blocks from the Wash ington school; street to be paved; the bcBt buy in tho city. Inquire 000 E. Main. 100 FOB SALE Largo house and two large lots; onchalf blockfrom pave ment; house not quite finished yet; $1000 tnl.vs them. E. A. F., care Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE 7 room bungalow with bath. Apply Dick Sherwood, 14th and Newtown. 108 FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay. incnta. Address" Condor Water Powfir Cc FOR RENT. Uuslncos Rooms FOR RENT Good offico rooms, In puire at Greogery Stuido. If FOR RENT Bnsinoss room on W. Main s't., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms; hath m connection. 113 Lnurel st. Phoa-s 3432 or 2W2 f FOR RENT In private home, clean front bedroom, with closet nnd bath, close in. 521 W. Hamilton. Phone 2455. 173 FOR RENT -sleeping rooms. Riverside. Nicely . furnished Inquire at 345 N. tf FOR RENT Pleasant rooms, with table board, at 440 Evergreen st, cor. 12th. 172 FOR BENT Rooms, at 1424 West Main. 169 FOR RENT One large pleasant room may be used for light housekeep ing; no children. 327 S. Onkdnle. 169 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms Ladies preferred. 343 N. Iva St., 1G8 FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping room. Call at No. 9 West 12th st, WANTED Bids for cement side walk entire length Queen Anne av enue. For particulars see Waller McCallum. Hotel Nash. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in modern home, best residence dis trict, close in; also private garage for rent. Phone M. 3501. FOR RENT Modem furnished rooms with bath. 604 W. 10th or 124 Kinc st. 170 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers bank. tf Farms. E FOR RENT Ranchf good buildings, for one year, with privilege of five. Inauiro 11 N. Central ave. 1R8 FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Main. tf FOR RENT 5 acre tract on North Riverside, just outside city limits; 7-room houso, bam,' bearing fruit, under ditch; driving uinre, light wagon, milch cow, couple dozen chickens will be sold with place. Immcdiato possession. Inquiro for Kiezur place. 172 Housekeeping Itoonia. FOR RENT Furnished housokeep iiig rooms, at 23 Roosevelt ave. tf FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, alPcrerated by electric now' 01. Ownor will furnish free elec trio power for aharo tn procoed8. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. . FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating and bathing resort, 1 square milos body of water, on railroad, within 12 miles of Med ford. Addresa Box 201, care Mail Tribuno. tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban proporty, ranches, timber lands, for othor proporty, Addross Box 199. caro Mail Tribune tf FOR SALE OR EXCUANGE Five pnssongor 4oylinder touring auto mobile Addross Box 200, care Mail Trihunn offico. tf LOST. LOST III Big Stioky lano or Eagle Point road, an automobile hond- I light. Lonvo nt Snydor's gnrnge FOUND FOUND August 12, fivo black bars, marked with crop off right car and 2 splits in tho loft; ownor may hnvo snmo by proving property nnd pay ing for their keoping. Mrs. A. R. Phipps. Medford. Or. 183 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JiMinddrlcs SING LEE has sold his Inundry to Wnh Leo Co., nnd hereafter il will be conducted by Wnh Leo. no ia an experienced man' in the' busi ness. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmason, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Export work manship nt reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma sons, 511 E. Main fit.. Medford, Or. 1 'rioters and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South 'Central avenue. Rllllurd Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up staira, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hos pitnl P. & E. R. IL Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are butted, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guatuutee ev erything put out. Wc are notm the trust. II. B. Patterson, office removed to 110 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201: 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for sale, nlso other varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery & Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester, Talent. Or. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglc, Geo. ,T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Office in Postoffice block, room 5. Phone No. 3181. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and mado to order. 128 North G st. Read Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobneco, cigars aud smoreks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, EI Meritt and El Pnlencia. 212 West Mam street. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's s.tore; nntrance on Seventh street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock All joumoymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpontors transacted ut those meetings. J. J. Seal, business ag( Attorneys. WIITHINTON & KELLY Yaw-yew, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over posi- offico. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLYIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers, Of fice Medford National Bonk build ing. second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207. Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribune offico. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Blool Stenographic work done quiokl and well. Granite Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W Mnin st manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumontal and buildii granite, crushed granite, commoi brick and pressed brick, conrso and fino washed river sand. PAUL & WOLFF soil snnd ond foun dation gravel; nil orders promptlv delivered, Phono 4721 nnd 1213 Main. Palatum mud ppr)tana-'i,- IT. G. DEAN. O. P. M'MTTLLEN Pbone 9732. Dean & MoMullen contracting painters, paintjnr, ps per Imaging and tintinv. Eatimatai on all kinds of painting: work Medford. Or. Tailors T. D. MORGAN, JR., 719 E. Taylor st. Up-to-dato paper hanger; 10' years' experience in tho east. 173 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and buildor See me about your now homo. I can save you money by planning to your own idoas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. J0nN3&TURNER, Architect nnd Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phono 744. Real Estate. THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fino ranch properties. City lots and dwolliiiRS. Fire insurance. 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Phono 2592. EAHLE C. SABIN Orchard trncth, city property. List your holdings with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Physician and Surgctraa. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANS in Hinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gaa administered for extraction teeth. Tolephone Main 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. M, VAN SCOVOO, Dentist Offico in rooms 203-204, Farmer' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, car, nose and throat. Office 210 E. Main st., over Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor nnd Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phono 012. Officg hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Mission block. Phono 292, Medford. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured nt house, No. 241 D and 10th sts., Medford, Or., where they, will be sold by tho proprietor, Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Ashland, and has for references some of the best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. This is to certify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung troabla and asthma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. I saw the letter written by Judgo Hanna and as he recommended the doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for many years, and at last ending in a stroke of paralysis, from which no one ex pected my recovery, and no one knows how I suffered, bat at la3t I got a little better and I heard of ono Dr. Chow Young. I toot treat ment and am well now and can rec ommend him to any one who may be sick or afflicted with any of these complaints. I assure you II am well pleased and thankful that I am ulivo at this time. Mrs. Mary Ni day. Grants Pass. Or. K. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opfioait Jackson County bank. Night call promptly answered. Office wi residence phone Main 3482. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any defect of the eye. Of fico over Allen & Reagan's. Phone Main 1851. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building. Medford, Or. Furniture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS Jnnies A. McKenzio, dealer in new nnd second-bund furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and soo me when you have something to sell. 103 South Contral. II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now and socond-hand furniture nnd hnrdware Agents for House hold stoves nnd ranges. 10 South Fir street. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Conior 8th and Holly streets., eMd ford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work 'of all kinds. A trial order aoliictodj MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovoi and rangos. New and second-hand furniture. Eada' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phono 91, Medford, Ore Under takers. MEDFORD FURNITUBB CO. Un dertakers. Day phone ML Niffct phones, O. W. Coaklte Ml, J. H. Butler 3571. WEEKS & McGOWAK CO. UNDERTAKERS. Day phono 2271. Night phones; ' F. W. Weoks, 2071, A. E, Orr, 3002.' T ' f Lady assistant.