M!3Dj7DRI MAIL TllliJUNE, MEDFORP, ORKCION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910. 3 g CANDIDATES SHOW MOST DECIDED CAIN The Home, The Office and The Clubs Are Making The Mail Tri bune Contest The Chief Topic of Conversation The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE ONE FIVIM'ASBKNOKR TOURING AUTOMOBILE (WILL BE' OK DISPLAY IN A FEW DAYS). GRAND PRIZES TWO $-100 PIANOS. t Turn atnn niAXfONn iMKflfi. TWO HU8INE8S 8CHOLAHSHIP8. TWO BEAUTIFUL LADIES' GOLD WATCHES. Ih your fricml lit Hio game for the iiutoiiKihiluT Omi more Mibworiptioii to her name may iiicmi it good denl. From lliu Lyrics of tliu Contest Editor. -H- 4- '' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SPECIAL OFFER NOTICE. The Mnll Tribune to irivitiK x npociaI offer to Ui'tr oW uttbtioribam All Knowed Hubsoriptlonx tbnt arc paid befora fclatiu'.rv evening, Oct. 8, will Tonthc i'..c ?nmo num ber of votcH ns now ub Ktiribors. HittiilcH leceiving doublo votOH it bonus of fiO.OOO oxlrn votes will bo given for ovtry (10 mouths of roncwnl subscriptions turned into tho Mnil Tribune office. Kco display nd. 44444444444 444-f Tlio olit atiacrllKTa of th? Mnll Tri llium from nil over tlio country nro vIiowIiik their niijircclutlon of Dm fnlr offer Hint Id liehiK mmlo tliom during ilu-an ten iln, letter with remltnnc" for 'j(tcinrtoiiM coming In dally from nil over tliu Nurrouiiillnit country naklni; to have tlin votra credlteil tn one or llin other of tho fitlr contcNtitnla Tho Mnll Trillium wlnlieH to llmnk tlieno smrtlra In Itelinlf of I Im young Inillefi, wlio grrnt ly apprt'Clntn tlio voten tliey nro tliu obtaining with very llttlo effort on tliolr fiirt. Why not lioot for Meilfonl by aemt Ing tfw Mali Tribune to your" out-oN town frlemlM, thereby allowing them wlmt n romnrkiililn country wo have, nnil nt thn Hiitutt tltno help iiotun of your lady friend In the content T Your nub ncrlplloii nmy be the nieniiH of wlnnlnir MOtno young Indy ono of the vnlunblo prliei otrenxi oy inn .mum i rmiine. Baok Bubacrlpttona. In nnawnr to tho inniiy lmiulrlen, wo wIhIi to Hlittn Unit back HUimcrlptlon count the hiiiiio nil ndvnnrn puld during thl offer l'or example. If your ub Mcrlptlon In In nrrearn nix month unit you pay t waive month, your time extended nix mouth, or twelve month from expiration, mid voten Unued no cordlnrflv The lowcat cnndldnto In nny of tho two ilUtrlct, who linn not dona n thing up to thl time, could atnrt now nnd mnke n try for thu cram! prlcu five paiuranKer liulck iiuto mid her en no would bo far from hopalraa If hIio hud frlinil nnd energy Hho could land nt mica In flrt place with thn vote that In than lx year old yearly MUbcrlp. Hon wonld got hnr, In nil dlNtrloU there I n Kolden op portunity for any cnndlduto to win n vnlunblo nrlie Thn eundltlon In those dlHtrlctn nro hiioIi Hint nny cnndldntn no limner now low m mny no in tlio nni nt pri'Hont, could Innd on thn fnrcmoat position with thn vote alio would ro celvo from Ion thnn nix yearly mibacrlp tloim. Hero In mnlerlnl to think about. Juit flKtirn It out for yourself on nny bnln In compilation with tho votliiK nchedulo und If It I not worth whllo Kat Hiik Into the Kiimu, A little flRurlnK may do n whole lot of kooiI Hero I an tiuthnuKht of olmncn for candidate who nrn down In tho lint. Hero l thn opportunity to mnlta your llt of ucqunlntnnce vnlunblo to your Holf. Hut ono rcqulremont In inndo of you, nod Hint In; Got buity. lly looking over the Htnndlmt of (ho coiiloiiTniilM In thu dlffornut dlHtrlctn It will ho noticed Hint ureal chapKC hnvo tnken plnoo nlneo yeterdny, Knpoclnlly I till tl-uo tn thu tllHtrlut oulldo of tho city, nnd other RiirprlNu nrn In toru for tho district lutur. Thl nmy not ocmir to you, but oven If ono iiHplrnnt iIooh Kt u fow thounund vote In tho lendfof her coinpotltorii In u certain district It milHt not bo tnken for granted that thn raco Ih won, nnd pfirhupH tho youiiK liiillu who aro appar ently ropoHliiK In qnlot near tho bottom will bo tho oiioh to creep unuwnroH und enrry off tho prUo. Much HiIiiku hnvo boon dono nnd many n rnco ha boon lout by nvnrcoufldouco. Don't lot ru morn Influence you ono way or tho other. It I often tho on ho that a cnn dlduto or hnr frlomlH will hear Hint mich a ono Im Hocurod a fow yearn' mihsorlp tloiiH. TIipho rumor usually nro fnlne, a tho HccrotH of thl office nro not aired to Inquirer, und tho report nro thoroforo ntnrted In hopeH that tho other youiiR IndloM of thin dlntrlot will bo enmo dlHcoiirnKed mid stop tholr offort. Hunh I'umorH Hhould only bo tho kouI to bottor thltiKM, Open Bvonlnir. For tlio benefit of thoso who nrn not nblo to Kot to thl offlco durlnt," bul iiohb hour, tho Content Dcpnrtmont will ho opun overy ovoiiIiik until D o'clock. Not Good After October 12. 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Conest This Ballot Counts for TEN Vot e For District No Address Good for ton votes when fillod out and bquI to tho Contest Pflpnrt fdonfc by mall or othorwiso on or boforo ospiwtion dnto. .No bitllot will !a ultorod in nny way or tranuforrcd nftov lw?npf wooivad fcy ths Hnll yribuno. In ciiso o a lie, f;.raj c2 or(unl va!. ...i! -- u.(.i U .::sh c2 .fcu contestants tlod. DISTRICT ItO. I. luoludo nil tho territory .n the city of Medfora. Miillilr- R Unlue. K drupe I2R,74U Kiln tlauiniiw, 107 N. Centriil. . . , 120,5hO llatelli. Tlce. :K N Centriil. .. .I24.K20 May llurhnunn, H00 II Tnyior. . 126,730 Ilernlro Oariler, 3IU V Juckhon.125.tKo Kittle lllirK'x". 33S UnillKo... 12,,2fi0 lonu nynn, a6 v. Tenth ist.ar.i) llerillllli llencome, Tenth Ht, 123,170 Mabel ltny. 1101 W Main. 122,030 Mnrlc Hlfert, N. Krunt hi .121.CU0 Ml Crawford, pianist, Nnh drill 120.5C0 Mary A. Ilunwell. H. O. I'roduco.. 120,41(1 .Mny llnlley, f.lo H. Central ....120 410 Mury (lore, 42l H, Control UH.aco Mr. V M l-'ord. 1'ortlninl live. 1I9.8JI0 Herthii iiuiiey, 20K h. ivy uv.zcu Nellie Kturm, 21'J H Central ....112,(10 Muybello JoneM, IIUHHvy' ntore.. 1U.S20 ltuth Vnn Dyke, a Y 1 2th 107.K7O Mnuda I.Iiik, Vm1 Mnln ,.107,400 Mcdn IllNh, 28 N Court ...... 107.4C0 AKiie MuMuhon, 107 H Ivy ....108,410 Jennie Dodue, CIO H. Oakdala. . . 103.2CO Myrtle Callioun, n H. Central. , HK.GI0 (rmice Hurlmm, 119 H. Holly... 97.CN0 ltuby Hurke. 3d mid N. Ilurtlott.. 06.K40 Nellie HvmiM, I'uclflO Tel. Co.... 92.(30 Alonn KlliMlKrnnH, itUSftoll' atorc , 89,420 Huxelle ltuusilule. K ltlverldv . S2.630 r.va Jnim Unburn, r.I2 Oakdnle. 811,270 Anna Kmlth, 20 H. Ivy 78,840 Oertrude Kay, 310 N llartlett . 70,220 Ono Humphrey, Kentner morn 71, SCO Ktllu Jacobs, 113 H Central.... 01, 420 Harriett Paul. HZS W ttth. ... C0.&2O Mary KlttrlilKe. 201 R Umpo.,.. C0.170 Ann I'eterHiin, H. Holly . (9,420 Kliulrit Wilson. Hplrellu I'nrlor 54.090 Jese Cole. 70& N Central 60,920 Vldn Thornhurk. H Holly ..... 45,010 Mr K Gregory. 23! i:, Mnln.. 42,010 Mary IMyuv. ISA N. Ilurtlott .. 39,420 llatlle Allen, 313 W. 10th 3N.670 Clara HplnKntlp, 201 Central.... 30,460 Nlnu llHkennnn. 21 V 10th 31,020 Mis Andrew, 9H ltooxovelt nvo. , 34,200 l.uelln Campbell. 714 W Xth.. 32.700 Olndyn Hcnrd, ent end 11 Mnln 32,080 Cnld llnmlllou. N Central ... 3l,h30 Jullit C Kleldor, 710 M Mnln.. 28,670 Mnbel Mickey, 330 H Kir . ... 26.010 hnzullo Welch, H. Ivy 23.970 tlrncp Offut. 140 N Ornnn .... 22.020 Hsther Murphy. 611 N Kir .... 20,630 draco McCoy, C19 N Central... 19,320 Vlnllu Hamilton, N Central nve. 14.780 Hlhelyn Howe. 301 V lllh ... 12.190 Nettle Hartley, 6 H 3d t 11,600 Jealu I'undy. 8, Holly 11.330 Mlllceut 1'otter, 146 N, Oakdale. 7,260 Ornco llrnwn, 1221 W. Mnln.... 4,900 Mnry Kleator, MontRomery Co.. 310 ltflbrccn Clinton, 101 8. Newtown 230 BXSTBXOT HO. 9. Xnoludis All territory outalde city of Medfora. Ida Ileer. WoodvUI" . . . l.eona l'ltic .u ! .1. cloln Cnrnlhnn, Talent . .. 102,660 101.600 100.920 99.820 Kluiior Power, Talent lthettu nobblnn. Wooilvllln (llndy Miller, Wooilvllln Ml llentrlce .Monro, AHhliiud . Dllllo Hull llrownsborn Mm W. K WhlteHhle. Coiitrnl Point Mnybell I'onrl. Central Point... Iinxel Crowon, Anhland Clurn Ithode. Ashland Wlnnlfred Dnvl. Ahlaud Kiirnli Ilehb, Central Point Hvit Norero, Centrnl olMnt . ltuby Pnlmer, Anhluud HiiKolln Welch. Jueksonvlllo .... Mary Olson, Central Point I'riiiiciM Humllton. Ashland .... Oortrudn Norton. Jiieknonvlllo .. . l.uoy llurinou. Oruut Puss Mazlo Moore. Omntn Pns Ori'iiuel JncltNon, HiikIo Point . . draco Colby, llrownavl'lu I! ilia Nell, Aahlund llertha Hmlth, Iluncom Ihuelln Wumor. Trnll Pearl Itos. Central Point .... Mary Peter. Jacksonville Alu Scott. Wooilvllln 98.610 97.820 97,330 90,420 95,490 94,860 93,4,0 93.210 92,600 92,420 90,840 89,170 80,920 84,230 79.390 78.190 72,560 09.190 08,650 01,920 02,680 01,680 69,870 60,j20 54,170 53,940 63,240 IR.-I1Q 47,890 41,520 40,060 39,980 39.070 37,400 35,270 36,200 34,920 .12,800 31,980 30,270 29,300 29.C70 20,890 25,080 23,470 22,430 21 670 20,900 20,901) 19,460 18,010 10.S70 Mario uiiko, jscukio Iiono Wilson, Coiitrnl Point, Amy Invl. iluncom .., Nettle Hartley, Wellun lMna Haves, Gold Hill Miss Holly, Anhland MarJorlo Daly, Kaitlo l'ol'it .,., Kittle Olbnon, AMilniul , Miss Howmnn, Anhland .,....,. Ollln IIokUo, dold Hill Mollln ltny, Ituch ,. iionuu Under, ICiik'o Point Mvru Askew, lUumlo ,.,, ,.., Iiltlielyu llenotte, (IiiuUh Pus . , Molllo Ituy, lluch Maybelln Koncndo, Anhlnnil . . . . Httu William, Central Point .... llernlcn IMmoiiilson, Dutto Kiilln I.ollu Morolock, Gold illll ('hint Rkynnnn, Trull MIsh 13. Pooler. Hutto Kftll . .. . nybollo Parsons, Ashland ICmma Wenilt, Jnoknouvlllo ,,, . Mnrlo Cnrnlhnn, Trnll Clnrlco Wilcox, Woodvllle . .... Kiivo nurchell. Wooilvllln , Klont Hlmfnr, Huminorvlllo . ... 16,020 Viru Itkoiui, Anlilnnil .......... M,ni Vlitlit Hinltli, I III ltd KuIIm ....... 11, HO Dollii Miller, Trull , ,0?2 May IIiimIi, AhIiIuiuI ,,,......,,. 10.S40 MnKRl" .loiif. lcnlo .......... ,6J0 Miiy Howe, Trull ,. O20 Inex WIIIpIm, I'rrNlKt ..'.. S.169 (..u Mlililk'liiiMhel, Trull 3,170 Kiln Htnli'M, Wooilvllln HO nutmian MoC'reillo, Ofitriil Point 20 ilirlriKlo Nliiholw. initio Knllw... JO CITY NOTICES. OltlUNANCK NO. MHO. An onllnitnco iIoclurlnK tho coHt of tho Iniprovomont of BoutU D'AnJou Btroot from KlRhth iitroot to Twelfth ntri'ot, nnd nnsHHinn tb'.' proporty honuflttod thoroky, nutl doclnrlng hiioIi iiHKcoHiiiont, and dlroctlnK tbo ontry thereof In tho docket of tlio city Hour, Tho City of Moilford doth ordain an follews: auction 1. That no protostH hav lm liunn filed ni'nlnst thn lmnrovn- monl of Booth U'Anjou ntroot, duo iiotlco or tlio inioniion or trio coun cil to caiiHo nald Iniprovomont to bo matlo huvltiK boon Klvon and mild Iniprovomont hnvlnc boon ordorcd made, tliu council httB cotiHldored tbo mutter and herewith uBcortalnn tlio proh.'thlo cost of making hiioIi lm provoment to bo tho Hum of $14,250. And nald council further find Hint tho npeclnl and peculiar benefit nccriiltiB upon each lot or part there of ndjacent to Bald improvement and In Just proportion to bonofltB, to be tho respective amounto hereinafter wot oppoHlto tho niimbor or dcocrlp Man of each lot or part thereof, and mich amouii.H roHpectlvoly aro here by declared to ho tho proportionate nhnro of each lot, or part thereof, of tho coot of such Improvement, and Is hereby declared to ho nsecBBod nKnlnflt tsald lot or parcelB, reupoct Ively, tho notno appearing abovo each description bolnu tho natno of tho owner of Bush lot or parcel. ABBCBsment for paving South D'An Jou street from EaBt Eighth Ktrcet to Eaat Twelfth street. ABficBgmont No. 1 J. K. Roddy et nl. LH 7, block ID, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore Kon; frontaso 2G feet on the oast ldo of 8. U'AnJ u streot. and de Bcrlbcd In Vol. 77, pngo 252, county recordor's recordB of JnckBon coun ty, Oregon; 2C feet; rnto por foot, $5.80; amount, $145. ABROBsmcnt No. 2 J. P. Rcddy ot nl. Iot 8, block 19, original town site of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 foot on tho cast side ot 8. D'AnJou Btrcot, and described In Vol. 77, pago 252, county recordor'o record of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rnto per foot $5.80; amount $145. AsseBsmcnt No. 3 J. P. Roddy ot nl. Lot 0, block 19, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 feet on tho enct oldo of S. D'AnJou streot, nnd described In Vol. 77, pngo 252, county recorder's tecords of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rnto por foot $5.80; amount $145. Assessment No. 4 Cora Wilson. Lot 10, block 19, orlglnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 fot on tho east sldo of 8. D'AnJou streot, and described In Vol. C5, pngo 346, Vol. 72, pngo 46. county rocordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 foot; rnto por foot, $5.80; amount, $145. ABsofismont No. 5 A. R. Rhodes ot nt. Lot 11, block 19, orlglnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 25 foot on tho east sldo of 8. D'AnJou stroot, and de scribed In Vol. 59, pago 240, county recordor's rocords of JnckBon coun ty, Orogon; 25 foot; rnto per foot, $5, SO; amount, $145. Assessment No. C A. A. Davis Lot 12, bluck 19. original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 feet on tho cast sldo of 8. D'AnJou streot, nnd doscrlbed In Vol. 25, pngo 495, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 25 feet; rato por foot, $5.80; amount $145. Assessment No. 7 A. A. Davis Lot 13, block 19, orlglnnl town slto of tbo city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 foot on tho east sldo of D'AnJou street, nnd described In Vol. 2G, pngo 495, county rocordor's recordB of Jnckson county, Orogon; 25 feet; rnto por foot, $5.80; nniouut $145. Assosamont No, 8 A. A, Davis Lot 14, block 19, orlglnnl townslto ot tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 foot on tho .oast sldo of (Continued n I'nw Siv.l NOTICE. In the circuit court of tho Mate of Oregon In nnd for tho county of Jnckson. In tho mnttor of tho application ot Kato McAudrow, an executrix ot tho cstnto ot Jaruoi Carr, deceased, to register tltlo to tho following des cribed roal proporty, sltiutcd In Jnck son county, Orogon, to-wlt: neglnnlng nt tho northwost cornor of donation land claim number fifty two (52), township thl'ty-sovon (37) south, ran go ono (1) west of tho Wlllntnotto meridian, thonco north 433,4 foot to tho south Una of sec t'on twenty (20) In snld township nnd rnngo; thonco west on tho south lino of said soctlon twonty (20) 433.0 foot to tho eouthwost corner of snld soctlon; thonco north on tho west lino of said soctlon twonty (20) 587. 3 feet; thonco oast 1897.8 feet to tho wost lino ot tho county road; thonco south on tho west Uno of snld county road 1020.9 foot to tho north lino or donation lnnd claim number fifty-two (52); thonco wost on snld north lino of snld dc nation land claim 375.0 foot; thonco north 410. 8 foet: thonco wost 208.4 foot; thonco couth 41G.8 toot to tho north lino of snld donation land claim numbor fifty-two (52); thonco west on said north lino of Bald donation land olnlm 880,6 foot to tho plnco of bo gt.mtng, containing 38.17 acres moro or loss, vs. Queon Anno Addition, Incorpornt od, Jackson County, It. P. Llttlo and all whom It may concern, defendants, TAKE NOTICE. Tlint on tho 2Gth dny of Soptom bor, A. D, 1910, an amondod applica tion was fllod by tho said Kato Mc Audrow, as executrix of tho ostnto of Jninea Carr, doconsod, In tho circuit t4- -f4-4 4"t 4'tt . 4- f MRS. ED ANDREWS, 4- VOICE CULTURE. AT NATATORIUM TUES t DAYS AND FRIDAYS. 4- PHONE NO. 3952. f4 4"r-f 4-t4--4.4- Southern Dairy Co. Wholesale and Retail Deal ers .in Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. If you have any sweet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 32 S. Cen tral or phone. IUXLK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Store Phone Main 881. Ranch Phone Fanners 7183. j What have you to trade In Medford city property or close-i:i country property for the follewing: 200 acres of land, about 110 ncres in cultivation and under irri gation; privnto wnter diteh foverine; it nnd 1-3 interest in ditch belong ing to the ranch; the boil is u deep rich snndy loam; good G-roout house, with largo screen porch in rear; large barn nnd plenty of other outbuildings; good fences; GO to 05 head of cattle, team of good work horses with harness and wngon, nil fnnning tools, 7 or 8 head of hogs, About $1000 wortHW liny; n nice family orchard, bearing; plenty of berries. Tho ensh price of tho plnce is $10,000, nnd n trade if entertained must be on this basis. Inquire White & Trowbridge Room 211 Fanners & Fruitgrower? Bank Building. court of Jackcon county, Orogon. for tho initial registration of tho tltlo ot the land r.bovo described. Now, unless you appear and an swer on or boforo tho 31st day of October, A. D. 1910, and show cause why such nmoided application should not bo granted, tho same will bo tak en ns confessed, and a docreo will bo catorod according , to tho prayer of tbo nnnllrnllnn nnrl Vnu will hn tnr. over barrod from disputing tho same. witness my nana, ana tho seal or tho court hereto offlxod this 26th dny of September, A. D. 1910. DntO Of thn first nubllnnMnn nf fill notice Is Soptombor 26, 1910. County Clerk of Jackson County and ox-Offldo Clerk of tho Circuit Court, lly M. B. TOWNE, Doputy. JOHN H. CARKIN ana. GLENN O. TAYLOR, s Attorneys for Applicant. NOTICE OP S.VLl OP $50,000 SCHOOL ltO.VDS.DIST. NO. 40, JACKSON COUNTV, OREGON. DIds will bo rccolvod up to Octo ber ICth, 1910, at tho hour ot 2 o'clock p. m. of sa,ld day, by Jbb. M. Cronomlllor, treasurer of Jnck son county, Oregon, nt tho offlco of tho county trensuror, In tho town of Jacksonville, Oregon, for tho pur chaso of $50,090.00 (fifty thousand dollars,) coupon bonds ot $1000.00 denomination, to bo Issuod by school district No. 49, of Jackson county, Orogon, pnyablo In twonty yoars, ton yoars optional, bearing 5 por cent IntorcBt por annum. Interost paya blo nomI-nnnunllyr''BldH to bo ac coj inlod by cor'tlflod .check flvo por cr )f tho amount ot tho bid. Tho ot dlroctorijOf said (school dls No. 49 resorva,the rlht to ro Jeci nny and nil bids. ' Dated this 17th day of Soptombor, 1910. JA8. M. CRONEMILLER, Treasurer of Jnckson County, Ore gon. LAYING FLOORS MY SPECIALTY T. O, Lowry, tho tlio and floor man, Is offorlng special prlcon on laying r nd scraping of floors until October 1st, Soo hlra at 336 East 6th sti it, or phono Main 2321. Fine Groceries arc here, and all we ask is a trial order, and we will prove to you that this is a good place to trade. SUPERIOR BAKERY PRODUCTS CfArc you a patron of our Bakery? Then you know that we turn out the kind of bakery good that please and that all anyone needs to do is to get in the habit of ordering here. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IWe jguarantee satis faction by stating that we will positively make good anything that may prove wrong. Just call ns up and report the trouble and we will do the rest. Alien & Reagan Main and Central. Phone Main 2711 U.S. HOTEL BUTXE FALIfi, Or. Re-opened ed will cater to the public. Auto and minting party din ners a specialty. Patronage respect' tally solicited. SIR. AND MRS. A. DUPRAY, Vrop. nnd Mgr. Respectively. California Lands Excellent climate; land is first clnss in quality, ideal for alfalfa and fruit of nil kinds. Centrally located between Sncramonto and Snu Francisco on main lino S. P. R. R. Writo us for list of Medford people who have bought land here, then you can get infor mation direct from your old neighbor. DIXON ALFALFA LAND CO., Dixon, Cnlifomin. - WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your winter supply now; reasonable pricos. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO.. 15 Almond st., or Room 31, J. C. Bank bide. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori. Prop. AUTOMOBILES 0, W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY t 1010 Ghnlmors Dotroits. Phono 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quiok Service. Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PnONE MAIN 3141. Agonoy for tho Parry Cars. Rogue Rivor Auto Co., Frank n. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. NOMINATION BLANK Write plainly. It is advisnblo to no this blank, but nominations enn bo written on nny papor. Coupon is printed for convenience only I Nominnto .....' J '-SB ti.- ? net No '.-.. i. ...-. ' i.8 tho most .popular candidate la .the Mail Tribune Contest. Signed . Dil Address. Each nomination sent in will county twenty votes if sent to tho Mail Tribune Contest Department. Tho Mail Tribuno reserves tho right to reject any objectionable nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to the Mail Tribune with your namo or tho namo and address of your favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, bnt a good be need ns often as desired for tho samo candidate, and each and overy ono counts twenty. The name of tbo party making tho nomina tion will not bo divulged if so desired. In case of a tio, prizes of equal value will be given. SPI ,ENDID LOT Ea& t Front in Walnut Park, 60x125 under price for quick sale Bittner H For Sale streets of Medford, consisting of 8V3 acres in mostly full bearing commercial fruit, first class; nearly all new "buildings; 200 head of poultry. Team and tools go with the place if desired. If inter ested come out ano see my big turkeys, and prize winner, Spitzenburgs growing on the tree3. ITo ccz minion o agent, SOBT. DUTTON, MEDFORD, ORS. R. F. GUERIN & CO. A Medford National Bank Bldg. Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You Medford Iron WorKs E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & GO. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general food and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, week or month. I guarantee a square "deal to all. ' R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. Edward Charles Root TEACHER OF MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUlTAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET, STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, 142 NORTH IVY STREET. .' -w& start moans much. This blank can , Mne home ranch in Orchard Home, half mile from two paved HP73f RIVERSIDE, AVENUE. K 5, j: .. -wi WWw '-I....