Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 02, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Just a Word With Prospective
Furniture Buyers :l
TJic Old Reliable Medford Furniture Co. will tell you a few facts about furniture, carpets, etc.
To buy and sell furniture, so as to give the purchaser the best values requires years and years of expe
rience. There is just as much difference in the manufacture and finish of furniture as day and night.
You cannot judge a piece of furniture by the outside appearance. The material is the first thing to be
considered. Southern or western oak will not answer the requirements for first-class furniture. So be
ware of southern made goods. Because a piece of furniture shines is no sign it is well finished. A rich
dull fiuish can only be had by using the best of varnish and lots of rubbing.
If you will take the time to stroll through our different departments (if you can get through") you will
see every piece shows class in material, finish and style. "We could buy the cheaper made goods, but we want
to stay in business; consequently, the best is none too good for our patiyms. The same is true in Carpets., Be
ware of the cheap made goods. Jute and other improper materials are being used in j)lace of wool. Now
all we ask of you is to compare the goods, and we have your business.
Furniture By the Carload
Cf An elegant assortment of Library Tables now on
IFull Pining Room Suites in Fummed Oak. Say,
they are beauties.
CJBedroom Suites in "Waxed, IHuned, Golden Oak
and Pull Mahogany. The most stylish lines ever
shown in Southern Oregon.
CfRockers of every known make and finish' some
swell things in leather.
ffLadies' Pesks and Pressing Tables.
CJIn fact, our show rooms are packed.
CfWe are not going to give them away, but almost.
Best Values at Lowest Prices
Brass beds
We wish to show you the assortment
of fine Brass Beds just received. Most
any style and price that can be found in
the large stores f the larger cities.
If you arc in the market for a Metal
Bed we invite you here and assure you
that we will show you as good values as
you can find in any store in the land.
If you were to see these Dressers in
a city store tou would think nothing
about it, but to see them in a town the
size of Medford j'ou would wonder how
we could expect to sell them here.
Call and allow us to show you this
line and learn prices. You will
be surprised in two ways.
Dining tables, kitchen, library, den,
and center tables of all descriptions in
all of the most desirable finishes. We
are certainly pleased with the new lines
and want, to show you the exceptional
Are you wanting a Chiffoniere1? You
know that they are about the handiest
piece of furniture that can be found
around the house. Our line will please
you and you will be delighted with the
new arrivals. The smallness of the
prices will please you most.
Every home can use a new rocker,
and especially when you can have a line
like we are showing from which to
choose. The new lines are just in and
the styles and values are simply all that
anyone could desire.
Medford Furniture Company
Man-Bird Mars Starts Out From
Helena d Across Mountains an
Does Not Land on Other Side
May Be in Bottom of Some Great
HELENA, Mont.. Oct. 1. Search
Jnp pnrticp nro scouring both Bides
of the Rocky moutnnins in nn effort
to find some trnco of Aviator J. C,
Mars and his noropjane, Mars left
Helena early today in an attempt to
fly over the Itockios and to set u
new world's record for altitude.
He pot away to a fjood start and
headpd toward the highest peak in
the raiiRe. Thatw as tho last seen
of him and no trace of his landing
on tho other side can he obtained.
Fears fpr his safety nreheing ex
pressed on all sides, It is belioved
'ho mot with on accident and his ma
chine and ho aro piled in tho bottom
of some deep Rorge, Tho region over,
which Mars attempted his flight is
very wild and even if Tie succeeded in
alighting in safety it is doubtful if
ho coul find his way out unassisted.
Mars' flight was watched with in
terest throughout this section, as
many of the local inhabitants had
never seen au airship in flight.
News of his starting was flnshed
by telephone to neighboring towns
and his arrival on tho opposite side
of tho mountains was eagerly
Fully an hour elapsed Binco ho was
lost sight of and fears arose. Search
ing parties in automobiles, on horse
back and afoot were hastily or
ganized. Although these have bcim
out several hours no news of Mars
having been found has yet been re
ceived. NOTICE.
Local 'Order of Eagles, Aerio
1277. will meot next Thursday even
ing, Oct. 0. All members arcs re
quested to be present. 170
Waits for Appellate Judge and At
tacks Him With Butcher Knife
Is Overpowered and Disarmed Be
fore Sho Can Do Him Harm.
CHICAGO, Oct. 1. A woman
who gave her name as Mrs. Eliza
beth Burke, attacked Appellate
Judge Frank Hokcr with a bimihor
knifo outside his hoim here today.
Tho woman waylaid Judge Baker
as he stepped from his doorstep
after eating his noouday meal. Sno
talked incoherently of filing suits
for $100,000 dnmnjoo against cci
taiu packers and ileuir.iided that ho
give her $100.
Judge Baker atemptcd to brush
past her. Sho drow a largo knifo
from her bosom and sprang at him
slashing wildly to right and left,
but was overpowered before harm
ing tho urist. Tho polico say that
they hcjievo sho is demented.
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 1 Oak
land's protest of three of the four
games won by Portland us a result of
tho playing of Infjoldor Hetling, re
cently of tho championship Spokane
Indians, will avail Wolverton nothing
in tho opinion of Joseph Colin, presi
dent of the Spokane club, who ar
rived homo this morning from (ha
nnnual mooting at Seattle,
"I purchased Hotling for $7fi0,
with tho option of turning him back,
nftoc two weoks.' trial," said Cohu,
"On September 22 1 released him and
and wiiied McCredip that ho did not
show good enough for that money.
Ho is eligible tp play for Portland
for I never owned him."
, ifr'
Irrigated Orchards
Plowed Leveled and Fenced
$350 Per Acre
20 per cent cash. Balance Covering period of
four years
QThc variety of trees in vour orchard is of vast impor
tance. AVhon your orchard is in bearing it should produce
marketable fruit, the, kind that is in demand in the market,
and the kind for which this district is famous.
to visit the splendid IRRIGATED ORCHARD OF TRON
SON & GUTHRIE,, near Eagle Point, and see an orchard
planted to standard varieties of fruit, one of (lie most beau
tiful and profitable orchards in. the Valley the orchard
which won the Grand Sweepstakes Prize at the Spokane
National Apple Show, and owes its value to tho foresight
of its former owner in planting standard varieties of fruit
and using irrigation.
whose irrigated orchard is near the P. & .13. R. R. bridge,
north of the city, cleared $250 per acre on cantaloupes this
season. Their profits were at the rate of $800 per aero on
strawberries, and oven this splendid showing was exceed
ed by the profits from their Loganberries. This shows
what imry be done by utilizing the space between the trees
while you are waiting for the development of your orchard.
JBuy an irrigated orchard, raise berries, and small fruit,
raise Medford Rockyfords and you can enter at once upon
a profitable business career.
JNothing is more important to tho grower than conveni
ent transportation. This feature of our proposition is
one of its iihportant attractions. Tho Hill System 1ms
built its P. & 13. 11. P. directly through the center of our
lands and exactly in the middle of our orchard tracts the
company will build a station, giving prompt and adoquato
service to the growcis, both for shipment and for pas
senger traffic. The Station will be seven miles north of tho
S. P. R. R. Station on Main street in Medford, and will
be known as Roguclands. Tt will give the growers of this
locality every convenience enjoyed by tho growers of the
older districts.
CJWe have G500 acres of orchard land, which includes near
ly every kind of soil represented in tho valley, and every
acre of this land carries with it a perpetual water right in
the Rogue River Valley Canal Company.
3fOur small payment plan covering more than sufficient
time for the development of your orchard, which provides
for the care and development of orchard tracts, should in
teresf every salaried man. If you will call at our offico or
write to us, we will tako pleasure in giving you full infor- "
mation relative to this attractive proposition.
Rogiielands Inc.
Medford National Bank Bldg, Medford Ore.
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