lft. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MlsDFORD, OKHGON, SUNDAY, OCTOKIDR 12, 1910. 12 Watch This Page for Advertisements of Good Thing's to Eat l?: R'A RV". k ' ZION LEADERS BAR OPPOSITION Notices to Vacate Are Served Upon Three Churches Within tiie Sacred Precincts of Zion City by Overseer Vollvla. CniCAGO, Oct. l.What virtually amounts to notices that they shall vncnto the property they occupy have boon served upon three opposition churches and over sixty business men of Zion City, nt the instance of Gen eral .Overseer W. W. Volivn, who was expected to assume control by purchase of the Zion estate today if papers of conveyance can be com pleted in time, What is known as the Bryant Independent church was served with a notice of lease viola tion some time ago. The latest to be served are the Gift of Tongues, led by Elder J. A. Gowdy of Shetland Islands, and the so-called Christian Assembly. The notices served at the instance of Volivn are to the effect that those served are using Zion property set aside for esidence purposes by the late John Alexnuder Efowie, for pur poses in violation of Dowie-'s famous 1,000 year leases, aud that unless they obey the lease provisions they must vacate. j STEAMER GOES ASHORE IN ID Princess Beatrice Grounded but Re ported to Be in No Danger Hi.qli Ttde Expected to Float Her. Walk- Overs Union Made Even union man knows that a Union Made article is sure to trive uorfect satisfaction for the money paid. Walk-Over Shoes for men have woven the BEST BY TEST. SEE OUR LINES OF NEW FALL STYLES in shoes for men, women and children. Even pair guaranteed to be worth what vou pav for it. $dmeiile4$ce4, SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 1. The Alaska steamer Princess Beatrice is reported ashore in the vicinity of Seymour narrows. The Beatrice lett Victoria last night en route for Van couver and Alaskan points. Agents of the Cnnadiun Pacific railway in Seatle declare that the Princess Beatrice is in no danger. She ran aground on a mud bank this morning and will probably be pulled off at "high tide and continue on her way tt Vancouver. Realty Transfers. S. L. Bennett to Elmer C. Aylor, two lots in ,Pnrk addition, $100. Elmer C. Ayler to Ezra .U Wilson, lot in Park addition, $10. B. P. Benson to Maude M. Byrne, lot in Woodlawn Heights, $250. J. M. Larkin to Wilbur J. Hartzell, 33-100 of nn acre, $223. V.. N. Cutnpbcil to Leonard Car penter, $5500. t A CHECK ON THE FARMERS AND FRUITGROWERS BANK is a check on your paymen's. When it comes back to you it is an indis putable receipt for your money. Payment by cheek is a check on spending, too. You think twice be fore drawing a chock. And tho sec ond thought often results in your not drawing it nt nil. Open nn ac count and you'll save in spite of yourself. C. E. Whistler to. J. D. Heard, two lots in East Heights, $1. II. W. Ocidale to Tvroy Peel, lot in Hamilton iddUicn, $i"!(n. Bank jj' Jacksonvil..? too Fanuei and Fruitgrowers bank, Hedmen's Hall building in Jacksonville. $4,713. Bert Anderson to Jlargnret M. IfcArdle, 29 norers, $30,000. XL L. Alford to E. E. Cannon, 13 lots in Imperial addition to Xledfonl, $10. Bert Anderson to Bedford lodge No. 83, I. O. O. F., property in Bed ford, $1250. Frenk C. Enos to E. E. Houston, 20 acres, mortgage consideration, $3500. Frances XL Witte to E. G. Riddel!, 3 lots in Park addition, $10. New Cases. if. J. Love against W. XL Bavter, nn action to recover money. Mabel Kelly against Stephen J. Kelly, for divorce. L. F. Washburn against J. B. Wood, suit for accounting. In writing an ad about that furn ished room you have to rent say. in a convincing way, just what 3ou'd ivlint I vim lilr "nnr! nil ntin-.i it ' "always." REGISTER! N 1 GET LEFT 1 : Books Once Again Open to Those Who Wish to Cast Their Ballots at i the General Election Held in No- i ! vember. The registration book have been opened again and County Clerk Cole man is. Tcady to receive tho name ; of nil citizens who care to vote at the election this full. The books will be open for fifteen days, when they will be closed until after election. Every voter who desires to cn3t his ballot nt the election this fall and whose name is not on tho regis ter, should see that his name is en J tcred nt once. Do so today. Don't put off until tomorrow, because to , morrow may bo too late. Several 'men came in the day after the hook were closed before the primary lection and asked to bo registered. I Fine Groceries are here, and all we ask is a trial order, aud wo will prove to you that this is a good place to trade. SUPERIOR BAKERY PRODUCTS jAre you a patron of our Bakery? Then you know that we turn out the "kind of bakerv good that please and that all anyone needs to do is to get in the habit of ordering here. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CfWe guarantee satis faction by stating that we will positively make good anything that may prove wrong. .Tust call us up and report the trouble, and we will do the rest. Alien & Reagan Main and Central. Phone Main 2711 SUGGESTIONS Just a few hints for you to try: BLUE HI IBBON FLOUR CHASE & SANBORN'S TEAS AND COFFEISS BURNETT'S EXTRACTS , .., , OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT , & SCURAM'S SELtf-SlDALING FRUIT JARS Warner, Wortman & Gore GROCERY P1IONK 28(5 MAKKICT PHONE 281 Hie finest Sample Rooms iu the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Kverjr Iloom Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Piano Lecture Recital By GERARD TALLANDIER Director Medford Conservatory, on Thursday, October 6, 1910, at 8:30 P. M. AT THE NATATORIUM HALL Tickets, 7oe For sale at Sherman, (May & Co.'s, at naskins' Drug Store and at the Natatorium. kssimU A ond school none bettor. Huh ii well imIiiIiIIhIiciI reputation. Suuffisful ;rriidiMtc. SkilU'n I, puiuntakiiij; teacher. Living ex penses low. Many other advu nlngi'M. Let uh tell you about them. A catalogue for tho asking. W. I. STALEY. Principal. SALEM. OREGON. They had waited until what they; thought was the last day and found j that they were too lute. Come in tomorrow r.ud etater. ion may lost your, vote if you don't. MH5. WAISUN LtAUS I WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA. SAN' FRANCISCO, Oct. l.-JIr'. Elizabeth Lowe Watson of San Jose was re-elected president of the Woman's Eounl Suffrage associa tion here today, after a spirited con test. -Mrs. Mary I. Caiiuge, of San Francisco, was elected treasuror without a contest. Other officers elected for the ensuing torni were: Fannie XL Wills, Los Angeles, vice-president; Mrs. Mary Xlellenry Keith, Uorkcloy, second vice-president; Mrs. Philander Spencer, Su snnville, third vice-president. If tho furnlahod room ad "looks good", run .-.ri.uu(l to tho address glvon and tnko a look at It. OLD BOARD AT HEAD OF C. M. & P. S. IS RE-ELECTED SEATTLE, Wnwh., Oct. 1. Tho old board of director of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & Paget Sound railroad huvo been re-eluated, fol lowing a meeting here of tho stock holders. A. J. Earlingi president of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, which holds a majority interest hi the Pugot Sound road, was present and voted the stock of lis road. ' ---- i;: ! Delivery Troubles Are to he lessened and if possible eliminated altogether. 5 Phono us your orders for fine staple and fancy Groceries and we'll guarantee to get them to you in good order. DELIVERIES 8 AND .10 A. M. 12 AND-! P. M. Olmstead & Hibbard l Phone Main 571 West Side. U.S. HOTEL IIUTTli FALLS, Or. Uo-oponod r.nd will cator to tho public. Auto and hunting part din ners a upoclalty. Patronaco roapect f .illy nollclted. Mil. AND .MILS. A. DUI'IIAY, Prop, tint Mgr. IteupccUvoly, "Nat" Orchestra MUSICAL PROGRAM SUNDAY 2:30 TO 4:30 1 March, "The Stars and Stripes Forever" Sousa 2 Waltz, "Aesklepias" Lehar 3 Popular Song, "Every Little Movement," (from "Madame Sherry") ... Hoschna 4 Selection, "The Gingerbread Man" Sloane 5 Idyl, "The Glow-Worm" ..... Paul Lincke 6 Piano Solo 1 Selected Herman Lahann. 8 Quartet, "Rigoletto" :..V.':.:. Verdi . - - 9 Grand Selection, "Les Contes d 'Hoffmann" Offenbach 10 Finale, "Wild Cherries Rag" .: Snyder "Nat" Orchestra MUSICA PROGRAM SUNDAY 7:30 TO 9:30 1 March, "Carmen" Bizet 2 Waltz, " Artist's Life" Strauss 3 Popular Song, "The Grizzly Bear" Botsford 4 Selection, "A Stubborn Cinderella" Howard 5 Intermezzo, "Naila" (from Leo Dolibes' Ballet).... Tobani G Patrol, "American" Meacham 7 Overture, "Semiramidi" ?.?::. '. Rossini 8 Fantasia, "My Old Kentucky: Home" Langey 9 Selection, "TannhauBcr" Wagner' 10 Finale, "Porcupine Rag"-'....' : Johnson "Nat" Theatre Changes its program every SUNDAY, MONDAY, WED NESDAY and FRIDAY. SPECIAL MATINEE every SATURDAY and SUNDAY afternoon at 2:30. j School children under 12 years, admission 5c to matinee. Illustrated songs by Miss Davis. IWc want amateur actors to put on a .15-minuto act once ' a week; no experience needed. Now is tho chance for all ambitious youngsters who wish to take up the stago ca- ' reer. Call at ticket office. ':- The "Nat" for Swimming and Bowling i