TV V " IT" 1 -T -w ;w7 ;? v-r mim mum -' GUV a" - 0-' t- Pull Leased Wire Report. . FIRST SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 Medford MailTribune Tho only pnpor In tha wo-rl publtsboit in a city the slse of Medford Laving a leased wlr. IIUOTU YEAR. MKOTORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 3910. No. 167. NEWSPAPER DYNAMITED 3 KILLED. HURT HI RACES LOS Vnmlcrbllt Cup Flncc Scene of Many DIsnsters Rnclno Car Strikes Tourinu Aulo Filled Willi Women Ono Car Leaves Course and Plun qcs Through Fcnco to Destruction. MOTOIl PAUKWAY, U. I.. Oct. 1. Three pomoiiK went killed, eight fa tally I n J u rod nnd n unknown but Urgo number Ichm mtrlounly hurt In tho running ot tno Vnndorbllt cup rncu today, which was won by Grunt In an Alco car. Ono enr wn destroyed' by fire, nn other turuod a Hotiiomiult nftor strik ing n tciurluK car, nnd neuron of minor accidents nttuudod tho ovont. Coiidltlonn tit tho courno wore nl 111 out chaotic. Ambulance hurrlcxl tho Injured from tho scone nnd drovo thorn to hospitals. In tunny cases tho names of Injured nnd dying woro not known to tho hospital authorities who treated thorn. .No Check In Itnro. Through nil tho chnou tho curt surged forward nrottud tho courno drivers outdoing each other In reck lessness Speeding raccrn did not Htop when accidents occurred. Tour ing earn nnd spectator woro hit by tho racorM nnd tho speeding earn, It thoy kopt to tho course nt all, plung ed' ahead regardless of tho victims loft bohlnd. Tho Until: HAHOM) 8TONK, driver Columbia enr. FHIIDINAND D'.IHUVA, specta tor. OHAItLKS MILLKIt, incclianlclan Chevrolet's enr. Fntnlly Injured. Harold Hall, merhnnlrlnn; body (I'nntlminl on I'a no H 1 ANGELES TIMES WRECKED;ONE KNOWN DEAD; 14 MISSING; 21 INJURED; LOSS IS OVER $600,000 MEN BLOWN TO FRAGMENTS Great Carnage Is Worked by Bombs In City of Angels Explosion Camo Just After Early Watch Men Had Left Work. COLLEGE MEN " ARE ORGANIZED flonuo River Valley University Club Assumes Definite Form Commit tees Appointed to Complete Work of Organization. Will) nil initial mi'inborHliip of Hfi tho Itoguo Hivor Ynllay University oluli nsmimod dofiuito form in tho mooting of oollogo men hold nt (lie Cotnmorciul oltib rooniH Sntunlnv night. A eoiiHtitulion pallonu'il after ono Hint governs the Now York University club wns ndoptod by tho organisation, upon its ublo prosontntion ly Henry flriffis. Tho constitution nrrnngoH for n govoming board of nine, whloh oon HiBtH of tho office. of llio olub nnd fivo additional inouibors. Tt 1h this govorning hnnrd that will oonduot nil tho roittino busiuoss of tho orga nization, stipulate duos, deeide whnt ooiiHtittitoH noeroditod colleges nnd expo tnoinborH. A commilteo of fivo was appointed nfl n nominating committoo to soloot oandldatos for tho offices of tho nliih. Tlio nominating committoo ooiihIhIh of B. V. nookwith, Edward Carlton, A. O. Fioro nnd Frod Norllirup. Tho oloolion of officers will ho hold on Saturday ovoning, Oc tohor l'l, Iluntloy, PorkiiiH nnd Eriokson woro nppoiutod us the momhorflhip committoo, Thin coiu mitloo will oxtond a pni'Hoiml invi tation to iih many of tiio eligible mon in tho vnlloy an thoy oan roaoh. All bona fido oollogo mon nro ollg ihlo to membership, if thoy moot with tho npprovnl of tlio govorning hoard, 1.08 ANGIOMAS, Cnl., Oct. 1. . Ono ninn la known to bo dead; ono 1h dylns; H nro mlsnlug nnd arc bo llovod tolm dead, and 21 nro lining cared for at vnrlouu hospitals, hb tho rc-HiiIt of tho explosion nnd flro Hint rnxed the plant of tho Lou Angeles TlmcH nt 1 o'clock this morning. Tho dnmngo caused by tlio catns tropho, nccordlnR to tho Btntomont of Mnnngor II. G. Chandlor of tho Times thin nftornoon, will bo cIobo to $000,000. So InlonKO Ib tho boat emanating from tho smouldering mass of rnltiB that It I not believed tho dobrlH enn ho nonrchud for bodies of tho victims until tomorrow. Accerdlm: to Managing Editor An drews, It la alinoHt certain that tho louowing nro uend: Tho Dead. J. C. OALLIinsit, agod 0, llno- typo operator, married nnd has fivo children. W. O. TUN8TALL. agod -15, lino type oporntor, married, FHBD LLKWELLY.V, aged 3G, lin otype oporntor, mnrrlod. JOHN HOWARD, ngod 4G. print er, mnrrlod nnd with ono child, (HUNT MOOKK, nBed 42, nfacbln iHt, married nnd throo chlldron. EI) WASSON, jiRod 3G, printer, married. ELMER FKINMC, nBod 25, llnotypo oporntor, mnrrlod. EUdENE CARRS, iiKOd 3C, llno typo oporntor, married nnd ono child. DON E. JOHNSON, ngod 30, lln otypo oporntor, mnrrlod. PAPER BLAMES LABOR ION S THE SITUATION: General Otis Reiterates Charge Made in His Paper That Or nanlzed Labor Is Back of Crime , Paper Had Received Threats. (t'onUmiml on I'ukh i t L08 ANGELES. Cal., Oct. 1. MannRliiK Editor Harry S. Andrews tblM morning lBued the following Ntntoment, containing tho chargo thnt "enemies of Industrial freedom" wore responsible for tho Tlmea dlanBtor. "The Times building was destroy ed by dynnmlto early this morning by tho enemies of Industrial freedom. Tho TlmcB Itsolf cannot bo destroy ed. It will soon bo reissued from Its auxiliary plant nnd will fight Its bat tles to the end. Horrors of tho loss of life and maiming of men precludes nny further" statement at this trem bling hour. (Signed) "HARRY S. ANDREWS, "Managing Editor Tlmea." Time Ih Sincere. Thnt tho Times mnnacoment Ir sin. cere In his chargo that human ngon- cy was responsible for tho holocaust Is borno out by tho following state ment printed In tho folio edition of the pnpor Issued this merning: "It mnttorcd llttlo to tho man who placed tho bombs which wrecked a splendid nowspnpor plant that 100 mon wero nt work on tho various floorB, bually ongngod In getting out tho newspaper. Thnt tho Instant that tho bombs woro oxplodod their lives woro In peril; that aa a result of this hplllsh work lives woro probably lost and other lives woro In deadly peril. "Tho bombs woro planted by ex perienced hnnds. Thoy did tho work for which they woro Intended, at least temporarily, to cripple n nows pnpor plant." General Otis' wlro to tho Times (Continued on Pni?o 8 ) Following Is a! brief sum mary of tbo results of tho explosion which 'destroyod tho buldlug of tho Los Angeles Times: Night Editor Churchill Harvey-Elder is dead. Assistant Editor Charles E. Lovelnco Is dying. Fourteen missing, bollorod dend. ' Twcnly-ono In hospitals. Lobs estimated at JC00-, 000. Times issued extra charg ing union labor responsible. H. G. Otis, publisher, reit erates charge in telegram. City council votes $25,000 for Investigation. Building trades council of fers $7500 for culprits. Infernnl machlno found be neath homo of F, J. Zeohnn dalnar, secretary Merchants and Manufacturers' associa tion. Attempt mado to blow up Otis' home. ' t --'"'-" IT J Jl 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4-4-4 4 4 4- TIMES LONG AN El MY 0 ON ON Of Late it Has Been Especially Virulent In Regard to Organized Labor and This Gives Color to Suspicion That Unione to Blame. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 1. The Times, owned by General Harri son Gray Otis and hiB son-in-law, Harry Chandler, has for 23 years been tho most deadly foe of organ ised labor In this country. Every weapon known to journalism has heen used to stir up hatred ncainst j the labor unions. Dally cartoohs and I UNIONS OFFER T GR REWARD Head of Typographical Union In Lon Angeles Offers Assistance of Union Men to Times During Per iod of Stress Offer Reward. GAIN OF PER CENT E MAD September Prevloys 4- 4- .4- 4- 4- 4- ,4 4fe)f .&44cf ;fc BOMB FOUND UNDER i RESIDENCE OE OTIS LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 1. A bomb found beneath tho homo of Gonernl Harrison Gray Otis, publish er of tho TImos, In Wiltshire boulo vard, exploded In tho street near tho Iioubo lato tills nftornoon. Tho explosion toro a groat hole in tho street and shattered a score of windows. No ono was hurt. Tho bomb was found by tho po II co. It was similar to that found beneath tho Zeohandnlaur homo this morning. When tho officers carried to to tho editorials charging labor leaders with conspiracy, assault and even murder havo been of almost daily occurrence. Backed by tho powerful Merchants and Manufacturers association which includes practically every largo mer chant In tho city, the Times has led the fight which has finally made Los Angolcs tho greatest open shop town in tho country; " " '" In tho building trades particular ly tho doctrine of "freedom of con tract" obtains. Structural steel work ers have been working on great j buildings here at $3 and even less per day -within tho past fortnight. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 1. An offer of $7500 reward for tho ar rest and conviction of the perpetrat ors of the Los Angeles Times dyna miting was made this afternoon by becretary-Treasurer O. A. Tveltmoo of the -state building trades council. Tho statement reads: Having learned from the Dress I dispatches of tho horrlblo catastropho that has overtaken tho Los Angeles Times, and also having noticed from tho same dispatches that the old time enemy of organized labor is en deavoring to place tho blame for the disaster upon tho trades union move ment, I, as president of the general campaign strlko committoo, and gen eral secretary-treasurer- of tho state building trades council of Califor nia, hereby offer a reward of $7500 for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of tho outrage. Five thousand dollars of this amount Is offered by the stato building trades Postal Receipts for Greater Than Any Month In History ef Local Office Every Business In City Making Great aGlns. and every nttempt to organizo work-, council and $3500 Is offered by tho Aa linn lv 4 141- . . ... . ' frnn nianl am imw m. 1 A 1 1 111. . " ud ui-uu uiuk wwi yuwurim op- bcuciui uituiaiu airi&a commuieo position. Has Been Vlralcflt. Tlio Times of lato has been par- Going to tho Bottom. "Whether tho disaster resulted from natural causes or criminal ef- tlcularly virulent because of the ap-'fort I do not know, but I do know proaching stato federation of labor ! that tho trades union organizations MUCH PROGRESS BEING MADE' IN ORCHARD CLEANUP CAMPAIGN! (OontlmiPil on 1'auo R ) convention, which was to meet here next Monday. For many years the Times has wag ed relentless war on organized labor. Strained relations havo existed be tween General Harrison Gray Oils of California will do everything In their power to got down to tho very bottom of this deplornblo affair. Tho general campaign strike committee, which meets this afternoon, will, I am sure, concur In my sentiments. , and the labor leadors ever since or- and tho California stato fedoratlon of ganlzed labor began to bo a factor in , labor, which convenes noxt Monday tho development of tho city. ( in Its 11th convention In Los An- Recontly, according to Managing geles, will undoubtedly tnko definite (Continued on Pagp S ) (Continued on Pace 8 t INSPECTORS ARE HARD AT WORK Trco to Tree Inspection Is Being Made on Many of the Larger Orchards Hill Orchards Are Es pecially Well Cleaned Up Tho work of Inspecting tho or chards of tho vnlloy Is progressing rapidly and tho liiBpootora find much Bntlsfnctlon in tho oBlHtnnco thoy nro rocolvlng m tho cloan-up campaign, During tho piiBt woolc tho forco of in Bpoctora, including Chlof Inspector Myors, Inspootorp Modloy nnd Bar num, havo boon working In tho largo oivhnrdB Immodtntoly south of Mod ford, ItiBpoctora Smith and Hall havo alio boon bimy in tholr rospoc tlvo districts, Tho lnrgoat commer cial orchards, such nil tho Burroll, Boar Crook, Palmor, Hill and sovornl othor tracts, havo rocolvod a troo-to-troo Inspection and aro now In fluo condition, In somo of tho orchards, nftor tho owuoib nnd foromonhud gono ovor thorn, tho Inspectors found hut llttlo Infection that had been (Continued on Pugo" 3.) ' '" EVERS BREAKS! ANKLE IN GAME Clever Second Baseman, Sliding for Home, Suffcrrs Accident Which May Put Him Out of the Game for Good. BROWNELL IS NOT TO ASSIST J. BOWE MAN CINCINNATI, O., Oct. 1. Johnny Evors, socond bnsomnn for tho Chi cago Cubs, fractured his right anklo sliding into tho homo pinto at tho ball park tltla nftornoon. It wns a bad broalc, and Evora' days of bnsoball may possibly bo ovor. At loaat ho will bo out of tho game for a year, Tho Cubs will miss him soroly during tho world's sorles nnd tho bollof Is oxprossod horo that without him thoy will bo lucky to win. Tho nccldont to Evors occurred during an oxcltlng play nt tho pinto. Mnn Who for 12 Years Has Been Stato Senator From Clackamas County Says He Cannot Aid Man Who Was Named by Assembly. Wo cmn't liolp hoping, under iho rohC", thnt tlio Don Moines oat who toro if Chmitoolor hut from n wo man's moad hud a largo family of follnos similnrrly minded I OHKGON CITV, Or,, Oot. 1. Oeorgo C. Hrownull, for 12 yoars stnto sonntor for Claoknmns county, nnd who was three times honored with election to thnt offico by tlio republican pnrty, will rofuso to sup port Jay Bowornmn for governor, nnd will bolt all ropublionn nominoos who woro indorsed by tlio assembly, snvo those who woro prosontod with tho indorsement without solicitation. Mr, Biownoll tuKos tlio ground thnt ho fought tlio assembly through tho primary campaign and thnt if it was wrong thon it is wiong now, nnd that tho only way to kill it is to dofoat tlio nssombly ropublionn nominoos. It is probahlo, thoroforo, that ho will oomo out oponlj nnd mako n fight ngnius.t Mr. Howoramn and tho othor ropublionn nominoos who woro in nny way identified with tho as sembly, ONE HUNDRED MINERS KILLED IN Fl IRE DAMP EXPLOSION IN MEXICO DETAILS NOT YET REPORTED FULLY Special Train Bearing Nurses and Physicians Leave for Scene of Disaster This is Second Explos ion In Los Esperangas Districts. MONDAY LAST DAY PAY TAXES Delinquent List is Very Small Ac cording to the Officials in Sher iff's Office Property Makes Payment Easy. October 1 finds Medford stirring with renewed activity, the fall busi ness with its customary increase in momentum havinc succeeded the quiet summer months. Merchants nnd business men generally report business better this fnll than ever before. In all lines business is good nnd prosperity is in tho air. No better criterion of. a city's general welfare and growth cau bo nnmed than its postal receipts. Sep tember receipts were greater this year than nny previous month in the history of the local postoffice not barring any month even last December with its Christmns busi ness. During September tho postal re ceipts, in Medford totaled $2653.09,. while for September only $1352.66. The increase was $1301.03 or 96 per cent nearly double. . Tho receipts for the quarter end ing September 30 totalled .$6954.62, while for the corresponding quarter n year nco the'.v were $4304.23. The increase was $2650.39, or 61 per cent. The postnl receipts nro but am indication of the increase in the bus iness of the city. Never before woro building nctiviles mnkner as grent n showing, never before wero businoss houses mnking as grent strides. Medford is surely coming into hor own. FATHER SAVES HIS BABE FROM DEATH Only Presence of Mind Saved Life of Little Tot in Runaway Other Persons In Wagon Are Injured But Slightly. SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Oct. 1. It is reported tonight thnt n hundred minors woro killed in nn oxplosion of firo damp in a inino nt Paloir, Mexico, today. A spooial train benr ing nursos nnd physienns left for tho scono of tho ncoidont. Dotailsh of tho reported disaster nt Pnlon will not bo obtainable un til tho roliof train arrives. This Is tho socond oxplosion in tho Las Es poranzns district. Walsh Collaspod LEVKNSWOKTII, Kans., Oot., 1 After singing a number oif pnpors in tho prosonco of his wife, swoop ing away tho last romnnnts of his fortuno, John II. Welch to collnsps at tlin federal nmii'pnllnrv lmm In. jh.v.,.. , . .. ' ""J. ".v. ,w I jiisni tiift, ciny m tu0 prosonco of his wife. Monday is tho last day for paying taxes without n penalty attaching, for nftor that day thoy become de linquent. Tho shoriff's office reports that most of tho taxes will bo in by that timo nnd thnt a very small por contngo of tho taxos will bo permit tod to booomo delinquent. This is tho host ovidonuo of tho prosperity of tho pooplo in Jackson county. In somo places n largo pro portion of tho taxes become delin quent each year. Not so lu tho Uoguo Hivor vnlloy. Horo thoro is tho oash on hand. With bumper orops nnd tho con tinuous development that has boon going on for tho past sovornl years, this section holds tho pnhu for pros perity, -'US Four mon nnd u crippled babe were principals in a runaway on tho'road in front of the Vijns ranch Inst Sat urday morning. A wagon belonging to M. D. 13owlos of Fish lnke, con taining tho Owner, O. Adams, and his littlo 21months-old daughter Stella and two othor men wns being drivon , from Brownsboro to Medford wlion tho ncqident occurred. A rnotor oyclo passing closo to tho wagon cnusod the team to becoina panic stricken. Tho horsos gavo a plungo which throw Bowles out of ""the wagon, reins nnd all. Tho two mon in tho back of tho wagon mado fly ing leaps to tho ground and saved themselves from othor injuries than,, sorntohes and bruises. This loft tlio Ifuthor and lmby n tho runaway wagon nlono. Tho soat on which Adnms was sitting foil ovor back wards nnd precipitated child and" fatlior in tho bottom of tho wagon, Horo they lay whilo tho team ran wildly down tho rond, the father clasping tho bnby in his arms. In thoir wild race, tho horsos ran into ' tho barb wire fence which lined the ' rond, So gront wns tho force of impact thnt tho wngon cut a semi oirclo nnd tlio horses continued their wild stnmpodo in tho opposite direc tion. As tho runaways panned tha Phipps rnnch. Mrs. Phipps ran eutr into tho rond with a broom and tri4 vainly to stop the horfe. M 1 i a i