WBBMTTTL-IBwgTyMgiw''wpiiiiu'ii,Fji ifju wwmwv2wf)fMnihiMMiViww 1 1 ii in wmmmmajjfl , i 4n.m tf m,kf4fitlM jm, i -jn. i . m, MM-tyy wr'1'" tjflgVWiitHMvdlMj-'V MlSDIPltDAlAJljTKmUNJS.MlgDB'ORD, OJIEGON, TUESDAY, SKPTEMBRR 27, 1910. SPECIAL OFFER TO OLD SUBSCRIBERS IS ANNOUNCED Dtirliiii Next Ten Days All Old Subscribers will Receive the Same num ber of Votes ns New Each ami Every Contestant Turnlnn Five Ycnrly Renewals Will Receive a Dornis ot 00,000 Extra Votes This Is The Opportunity for Old Subscribers to Help a Favorite Starts Wednesday, Sept., 28, and Ecntls Saturday Oct., 0tli.,,at II p. m. The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE ' ONK FIVK-PASBENOEIt TOURING AUTOMOBILE (WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN A FEW DAYS). GRAND PRIZES TWO $400 PIANOS. TWO $100 DIAMOND RINGS. TWO BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIPS. TWO BEAUTIFUL LADIRB' GOLD WATCHES. "All the world will help a himtlor, nnd you know 'tto truo; Make n noSuo llko u hustlo and tlio world will help you." From Jho Lyrion of tho Contest Editor. H SPECIAL NOTICE. ' ' 1 " Tho management of tho Mull Tribuno him dooldod to "" rcduco tho subscription prioo " during tho content from $0 a "" " yenr to $5 xir yoar for pa- pern dolivorcd by carrion lie- ginning todny aubHcribcr to "" tho Mail Tribuno paying In "" udvnnco will pny only $5 per "" year. This roduotlon in good " only during tho content. Seo " prico nnd voto uchcdulo on this page. " t- -f " iDF u)i irimuin win nil ujiuii n i wfctrrtty old milmcrllicru tuny tin iu tittntr which will mulrrlitlly nnUt C Hi" jeuni: Uillm rntrrnl In tho k The Mull Trlhiitm Imm hit uton n iilnti iutne any Krrltt onlfMt now helnK comluclml tiy IIiIh pMr Of co it rue. at all t Intra, old utile Bcrllirrn have form lavlnit tliolr dally rouixiriN inoKt nimliltioiiNly ami thoy hnvn form cnllrclrtl with alacrity. Vrl whrn thn Mpcolal vota offirlnn for now autmcrltrtTN nrn couslitrriMl ilimo palti nlmnitt Into liihlKnlflcnnco. Thin piiprr rnulUva ttint nV4ry nutmcrlforr lin om fuvtirltr. nmanit tlm loruo nuintir of cotttmluntn whom ha or nhi would ln Kind to nnnlHt In an nVrn itrrntrr dt urrr, hKiicn the nvolutlon of tho now jiliui. Thla offr la tho kIvIiik of tho iwina mimforr of vole" fur old na for now Mlfo ncrlforr. Thn tlma limit on thla uplon did offer naturally la 1 1 in I led and will cIoho Oatofocr K, txKlnnlnif Irn daya cur lier than that dotn. Thla appllra to re nrwola and la upon tho following fotmU Una month, 700 vutm, two tnontha. 1400 oli'. thrra montha, 3000 yt; nix inontlm. 7000 votai one yrar, U,000 vet: two venra. 40.000 tntt'M, All r nrwnlM tiiuat ha paid In ndvnncr. Any yoiintc woman turning In flvn twoivi month rrnewala within thn wrek cov red hy tho offer will hn Riven 50,000 nxtrn voti'N. Lot tho vurlmiH frlmulu or I he conlcalanta form nrlKhhorhood cluba nnd ttlvii ynur favorlta In thn frrt'ttt rnc u boont which may win for irr onn of tho miiixtIi prlxoa offorcd llio wlnnrr of thla, thn Krcntcat noniipupitr content In tho hlitory of Kouthcrn Ur con. Thla may nut occur to you, hut oven If ono uMplrnnt dooa Kit n fw thouaand oUm In tho luad of her comiiutltora In a curtain dlatrlct It imiat not I10 taken for Krantvd that tho racn la won, and licrhupa tho youiiK ladloa who nro appar ently rnpoaliiK III 0.ull near tho bottom will bo tho oni'H to crorp unuwnri'u nnd carry off thn prlxc Much thlnca hnvn licon dono nnd many h race han bimn loat hy avurcoiifldunca Don't tut ru mora Influnnco you onu ay or tho other it la often tho cimn that 11 cnii dldato or hnr frlenda will hear that rnicli n ono h"H Hecured n fow yeura' Hiilmarlp tlonn. Tlimci rumora unually nro fnlae, an tho Hecreta of thla office, nrn not nl rod to IwiulrorM, and thn rcporta nro tlmreforo aturted In hopoa that thn otlmr youiiK ladlen of thla dlatrlct will be roino dlacouraKcd and Htop their offortu Hucli rumora ahould only be tho Ronl to bnltnr thlliRN Opa XntLlngu. Vor thn benefit of tlioan who aro not nbln lo K"t to thla offlcn durlni: hual 1111KH huurti, th Content Department will bo opon ovory evonliiK until II o'clock. DXSTBXCT HO. 1. Znclnd all th tarrttory In thn citr of Mario Ktfert, N Trout Hi 80.170 llaxnlln Tlce, 20 N. Central 9B.S20 May Huchanau, 00 II Taylor... 94,940 llertha Ilnlley, 30 H Ivy UJ.IGO MIkh Crawford, planlat, Nnah drill 93.700 May Ilnlley, 610 H Central 01,340 llerdlna llracoine, Tonth at 90.40 Kittle Ihiruena, 33C OruiiKO 89,340 i:ila (liuinyuw, 137 N. Cenlral ,,.K&,4U0 tono riyim. 905 V Tend H4.VJ0 Mubel Itiiy, 1104 V Main K4.1.I0 Mr W M Kord, Portland avw .84,160 Maybelln Jonea, HUMitey'a aloro .83, BIO Hernlce Carder, 310 W Jackaonl3,190 Mary A. Ilaawoll, H. O. I'roducu.. 12,910 Mnudo OaliieH, K Orupe., ...,SS,:40 Medlt lllah, 38 N, Court 110,390 Nellie Htonn, 319 H Central., .77,430 liuth Van Uykr, 9 W 13th 76,430 Huby llurke, 3d nnd N llartlett, 74.370 Mary (lore, 429 K Central 72,970 Jennln DimIkc. I0 H Oakdaln . 67,190 I'rancra Durham, 119 H. Holly. .62,70 Myrtle Calhoun. S H Centrul.... 62,r30 Maude I.lnir. Itft Main 62,340 Alonn HnotlKraaa, ltinni'll'a ntore 6I.0SO Nellln i:van. I'aclflo Tel. Co. .,69.420 (lertrude I'ny, 103 N (Irapc. .66,420 ARllea McMhon, 207 H Iva 63,420 Ona. Humphrey, Kenntner'a atom 60,420 Maud Uault. van Dyko'a atoro. .44,120 Mary KlttrldKo. 204 H Orapn. ...45,910 Ihuelln ItaKHdate, H Hlvcraldo. .46.250 Anna I'etreraon. H, Holly ., 40,h0 Harlot I'aul, 92S W 9tll , 40,71,0 Kula ajrotm, 122 H Central 39,450 Jesulo Cole706 North Central. ..36.1K0 ICImlra Wllaon, Hplrelln l'urlora 32,670 Mian Andrew. 96 Itoonrelt. Ave. 31,970 Knld llammlltnn. N Cenlral.... 29.420 I.uella Campbell, 714 V. 8th.,.. 28.150 Xlra. i:. OreKory. 232 K. Main ... 26,lo Hattln Allen, 313 W. lOtli 24,810 (lladya Heard eaat end K. Maln..22,lii0 Nina Itakerman. 21 V 10th . .21,320 llaie lie Welch. H. Ivy 20.190 Clara Nptnuittle, 204 Central... .19660 Vlda Thornliurif. a Holly 19,280 Mabl Mlckny. 330 K Kir 19,110 Oraco Offut, 140 N. Orapo 17,980 Julia C. Klrlder. 710 K. Main.... 16,810 lthnr Murphy. 615 N. Kir 14,650 Orace McCoy, 613 N. Cent nil.... 14,100 Mary I'nynr, 136 N llartlett... 16.430 Nettlo Hartley, 6 U 3rd at 11,560 Kthelyn Hwe. 361 W. 11th .... 11.290 Jennln Plindy. 8. Holly.... ..... B.7R0 Mlllrvnt Potter. 145 N. Oakdale. 7.260 VlnltA Hamilton. N. Central avn. 7,2lu Oram McCoy, 813 N. Central.... 6,860 (lrncillrown, 1221 W Main . . 4,060 Orace Hrown, 1221 W. Main.... 890 Mary 1'leater, Montcomery Co.. 310 Itobecca Clinton, 104 H. Newtown 280 SZ8TSUOX WO. 9? ZnelucUi all ttrrttory 'oatsld city of Mnaford. Dllllo Hall, Ilrownnhoro 06,170 Orlcolu Cnrnlhan, Talent .. 63,9.0 i:innor Powern. Talent 62,780 Minn Monro, Anlilund 66.7KO Olndya Miller. Woodvllln 66.410 Ida Ileera, WooiUllIn .... ,. 64.9SO Maybelln Peart, Central Point 63,940 Uortrtulc Norton, Jacksonville . 83.H.0 Hvii Norcronn, Contnil Point.... 63. ISO Clnriv llhodm, Aahlnnd . .. ., 51.S70 I.. otiu Ulrlch. Jucknonvllle . .. 61.1 .0 Hiuellu Cronrll. Anhdillld .. 60.0W) I'rancra Hamilton, Aahland ,. 49.470 Harnli llehhe. Central Point . . 48.910 Ituhy Palmer, AMhland.. ... ".fiO Mary Olaon. Cniirul Point . , 42.5B0 Maxfo Moore, aranta Paan M.'.? llatullo Wofch, JnckHonvlllo . 35,810 NOMINATION BLANK Write plainly. It in ndvianblo to uho this blnnk, but nomiimtionH can bo written on any j)npor. Coupon ia printed for convonienco only. ,n . . . I Nominate Addrosfl District No t ? As tho moBt popular enndidnto in tho Mail Tribuno Contest. Signed. Ditto. Address. Each nomination sent in will county twonly votes if Bent to tho Mall Tribuno Contest Dopartmont. Tho Mail Tribuno roBorvea tho right to rojoot any objootionablo nominations. Cut out tkis blank and Bend it to tho Mail Tribuno with your namo or tho namo and address of your favorite oandiduto. A subscription with it is not necessary, but a good start moans muoh. This blank can be used aa ofton as dooirod for tho samo can'didato, nnd oaoh mid o,vory ono counts tweuty. The narao of tko party waking tho nomina tion will not be divulged if bo dgslred. In case of a tie, prizes of equal valuo will be givon. Not God After Octobwr 7, 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Conest This Ballot Counts for TEN Vote For District No Address. , flood' for ton votes when filled out and sent to tho Contest Depart mont by mail or otherwloo on or boforo expiration dato. No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred af tor boing rooolved by tho Mail Tribune. .... In oaqo of a Ue, prUoB of equal value will bo givon to oaoh of the contestants tied. XTvu Hcoll, WomTvllln 3,70 I 'en 1 1 llonn, Cunrlnl Point , ,,,. 31,010 lollO ClMIKlltlOM, .lllCkMDIIVlllO . 31,400 l.uuy 1 (in iiinii, Orniita Puna,,,. 30,410 (Irnt'o Colhy, llrownaliorn ,,.,.. 29,4 iO treiitt WIInoii, Coulriil Point,... 29,340 Hiuelln Wuriiur, Trail . ...... 29,100 llhellii ItohhlllM, Woodvllln 67,120 (Iri'iiind JnrliNoit, Knit In Point ... 25,910 Maybulln Koncado, Aahland , . , , 34,960 Hinnut Wendl, .lackHfinvlllo ?5?i' Alia Holly, Anhlnnd ,,... .... 1H.470 Hdiin Nell, Aahland VAll Kdn Hnyae, (lold Hill ........ 16,970 Httu WIlfliuiiN. Central Point . ... 18.960 l.ella Mnrnlock, Cold Hill ,s$hS K theyln Hniiutln, Ornnta Paaa 16,630 Mn belle Paraona, Aahland .... K.9I0 Mui'"ln Duly, KnKln Point ..... i0 Knyo Iltirchell. Woodvillo 14.780 t'lnru Hkyrmnii, Trail .,. ,2-2SK Marie Cnrnlhan. Trail ?'22, Myra Ankw, llenlo 11.780 Donna Under, Kalo Point...... 13,0 Vera Hkeen. Aahland ,,......... ll'JSS Delia Miller, Trail .,..,,.,.... 10,660 Hay Hanh. Aahland ,, ,.' !-'i. Olio IKmun. Uotd HIlT 10,320 Minn H Penlor IliittiWl'nlla, .. . J.760 May Hanh, Aahland 8.940 Clnrlcn Wilcox, Woodvllln C.710 Flora Him fur, Hutnmorvllln. ..... 4. "JO MiikkIo Joiinn. lien win ......... 4,370 Minn Ilowmau. Aahland......... 4,160 Viola Hiiillh, llilttn Knlla 4,160 llernlcn Kdinondnon, Ilutto Kalla 3,970 Iner. Wllleta, Pnrnlat S.tCJ Ulnv llnw Trnll 2.170 I-eu Mlddlnbunhnl, Trnll 1,?52' Marin uairn, iieapio jy- Kiln Htolen, Woodvllln 310 rintounn MeC'redle, Central Point 30 Oertrurtn Nlcholw, Hilttn Knlla... 20 . t WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your winter supply new: rcnsomtblo prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO.. 15 Almond at., or Room 31, J. C. Bank bldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori, Prop. (t Engagement Sings JWe .arc not responsible for Cupid's pranks, but when you have found TIIE girl, let ns supply the engagement ring. You'll find our stock of fine diamonds unequal ed here, and our prices are right. i r J- f$4fr Let Li o ypur watch '4fcr MARTIN J The Jeweler if it needs repairing. JWe11 tell 3'ou what the trouble is and what it will cost to fix it. CJAnd when we fix it you can depend on.it. JNo work to be done over again if wo do the repairing. REDDY Near the Postof fice AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy MUnPHY BROS. AUffO LIVERY 1910 Chalmers Dotroits. I'boue 1801, Valloy Auto Company. Medford. Or. Quick 8ervioo. Easy Ridbg Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co.. Frank H. Hull; Prop., Mffdfnrd. Or Out of Town Buyers It matters not how far from our store you live, you can shop as satisfactorily as our next door neighbor by using the telephone, or mail order. Order over Drug' Store Goods By Phone phone or send your order on a postal card. We select what you order as we select what we sell, and deliver it at once. Goods are right, the service is satisfactory. VB 4 4 i.iU ; . : ? ! . CALL AL1IN 101. ITWORKSDAYOR1TIGHT MEDFORD PHARMACY Near the Postoffice, Medford. Ji ", ' Kj V R. F. GUERIN t. CO. 4 Modlord Nallmal Bank Bldg. Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You sf 9 Our Specialties Every groceryman has a number of special lines which ho exploits and sells a great deal of. Two of our main specials aro "Pure White Flour" and "Golden Gate Coffco." PURE WHITE FLOUR is tho standard tho perfect flour. All we ask is a trial you'll bo a steady patron every afterwards. GOLDEN GATE COPPEE i has a record all over tho Pacific coast as being the best sollor on tho market. There is a good reason. Allen & "Reagan PHONE MAIN 2711 . Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilors and Machinery. Agents in So. Orogon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & GO. The Mail Tribune's Special Offer for their old Subscribers The following number of votes will be given on subscription payments. ' only during this offer, starting Wednesday, September 28, at 8 A. M., and closing Saturday, October 8, at 11 P. M. Great for the New to Catch the Leaders VALUE OF SPECIAL, BALLOTS Jj Prico. Now Sub. Old Sub. One month $ .50 700 700 Two mouths 1.00 1,400 14,00 Three months in advance 1.50 3,000 3,000 Six months a ndvance 2.50 7,000 7,000 Ono year in advance . 5.00 15,000 15,000 Two yenrs in ndvnnco 10.00 40.000 40,000 WEEKLY, BY MAIL. Price. Now Sub. Old Sub. One year in ndvnnco $ 1.50 3,000 3,000 Two years in ndvance 3.60 7,000 7,000 SUNDAY. BY MAIL. Votes. Votes, Price. New Sub. Old Sub. Ono yoar $2.00 4,500 4500 Two yenrs 4.00 12,000 12,000 All old subscribers of the Weekly pnyinc their arrearages, chang ing to tho DAILY, will be considered new subscribers and ballots is sued accordingly. TIHS SCALE OP VOTES FOR SURCRIBERS WILL NOT BE UESl) AFTER THIS OFFER For ten days! beginning Wednesday, Sept., 28, and onding, Snt urdny, October, 8, at 11 o'clock, P. M., tho lnatmgemeut will givo for tor this timo only, tho samo number of votes to old subscribers ns wo hnvo given to new ones. This applies eithor in advance or arrears. We also will givo to each nnd every contestant nn oxtra ballot ot 50,000 voteos, besides tho chovo scalo, who turns into this office, five which will bo mailed to the cont stnnt entiteoled to tho bamo twelve month rcnownls, during tho ton days mentioned. You nro not required to Fond tho fivo years in at once, but send them in as you get thom. The contest mnnngor will keop account of tho subscriptions nnd isuo' an cxtrft ballot at tho oloso of thi offer Chance for old Subscribers Up to this timo wo have received many requsets from our old subscribers to givo them a chnno to help their favorite with ns many votes as wo give our now subscribers. Thiu is their opportunity, nnd wo .wish to positively stato that this offor will not bo good nfter Oot, 8, at 11 P. M.. This offor will positively not bo repented. . 0 This Scale of Votes for Old Will Be used Only During This 10 Days -t- 4 4 Political Announcements. 4 4 -ff -f 4 For Sheriff WILBUR A. JONES Candidate for re-election, (Paid advertisement) -Tr- P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT We make any kind and stylo of Windows. We carry Glaee of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH ft DOOR CO., Mttford, Ortgou. t I m f ; , 3 V ca kJ n Af :1 it -n -. p jrfPf(i-ip-K ti t fr-r a Jhfr-afcfsjrAt---