AIKDFJJUP MA Mi TOIJ3U.NJ5, MlflDJfQRD, 0R1.C10N. MONDAY, 8EPTKAIBER 2G, 1010. ...,14 MMH4MHOMM - - . Classified Advertising Gives to Your Offer or Your Want Highly Specialized Publicity 'fl i VI '' --- -...-,-..,,-..... WEEKS RECEIPTS STOCK YARDS Movement of Doth Cnttlo and Sheep Ununuslly Heavy at Portland Quality Only Fair to Medium Hoys Still at $10.76. PORTLAND UNION STOCK YAHUH, Bupt. 24. Ilocjilt for Ihu wvolc at tlio Portland UulonVocIc yards Imvo boon ax follews: Culllo, - ir2; Iiokh, 1U22; nIiihij), 0972. The inovuinont or both cuttle mid Nhcun hati boon unununlly hoavy tit ti week. Nonrly three thousand hond of cutllo mill mo io tliiin lx thotimiml bond of nhcoji litivo tirrlvuil. In tlio cnttlo dlvlnlon tlio general quality liau hiiou only fair to medium, very fow offering! of cliolco ntoerH bulng iiindo. Tlio IiIrIioaI lirlcu paid this week Iiiih been frt.IiO; fully 2Gc uiulor tlio previous week's markul. Thoro bus boon vory Hntl-Tnctory mar Icuta In tlio butcher (UvIhIoii, thoro being (i vory utendy call for cowh, with prices averaging up fairly well, nlthotiiUi this miirkpt In uImo off from 10c to -Ge Thoro baa boon no callit In the voitl market. Tliu hog market hnM been steady to firm hIiico lha opunlnH of IiiiMlnimn on Monday, with prlcwi Hoo:ivlng bo iwiicii flO.GO nnil f 10.75, with tlio bulk of imlcn niado at 10tuT, Ho cclpU Imvo boon fair. In tlio sheep JIvIhIoh transaction havo boon vory nplrltud. Tlio arrival of Bcvornl IoIh of Ml. Adams wethers mul InmbM put now life Into tlio mar ket mul good prlccm rnlo tlio trading; JI.2G wiim tlio oxtromo top for year ling wntliore mul IG.GO for tho boil grado of liunb-. HecolptH liavo been iiniiaually lioavy mitt tho marltot Ih steady to firm. $3.45 BOK FOR D'MUOU PEARS HkoImiI & Day report unilor date of Now York, Sopt. 20, an follews: Pears: Ono car D'AnJous from Mud ford averaged $3. -10, mul n car of tho Hittuo, but vory small olios, from Colorado, niado $2.85. Ono car of Clalri'.oaiiH from Medford niado 1.04. Car lmlf-boxon Comlco, An derson, Ban Jose, 200 Hold at 12.70, mul bnlnnco probably exported. Wo Mold two earn of Comlco mvoiuIh, half boxou, .G0 mid ?. AIho 2 IS half boxes, lllock brand, Forollo poara at -tho record pilco of fG.-'G (say $10, CO por wholo box). Today v. car, half boxes, Comlco, Audoruou, Hold $2. CO. Applea Two can from Hood Illvor horo, Kings $2.7C to $2.00; Oravountolui $2. CO to $2.2D. Two earn 4V tier OravoiiBtoInn from So Imstonol averaged J1.C7 and $1.00. Thin, mnrkot holds firm and rod ap ples n ro wentod. Tho Eiinllsh mar IcotH nro vory high. Liverpool yes terday on ollod River aravoiiBtolna nvoraKod 13 shillings ($!J.2C), and Wntsonvlllo 4 tier Nowtowna 12 shil lings $3), and tho freight from horo to Llvorpool la only 10c a box. Tho luck of homo grown fruit, in KiikIuiuI, Franco and Gormnny owing to vory bad.wcalhor la good for iMBfnctory prlcoa on applon. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) PotntooB, now, $1.151.25 por owt.; cabbago, 2c. CuoumborB, lOo to IGo doz. Squash, 00a$l. Corn, 10(ii)lCo. Cuntnloupos, iJOO-lOo dozon. Tomntooo, lo. PumpkliiH, 812yo. Applos, l'jo; Ponrs, lo. Prunes. li2o. Toknys, 5o. llutter, ICkkh and Poultry. (Prlooa paid by Medford morobnntB.) Ituuali bultor, 30o; fancy oroamory, JlBo. ' Frosh ranch okb, 35c. Mixed poultry, 10 Mo; spring chickens, l'llfloi tuvltoyH, 17c (Prices paid producers.) liny Timothy, .$10; nlfulfn, $12 RriiBH, $M; Krnin lmy, $10. drain Wheat, $1.35 lumbal; oats, f!12 ton ; barley. ifilO ton. Hnof Ciwh, MtiWV'i o; Bteorn, fi fiHao; pork, 0c; mutlon, fiOfiVjo; InmbH, do; vonl, drcsaiid, Ho. (Boiling priceH.) llollod bavloy, $1.70 ovt., $32 ton; bnin, $1.70: mlddliiiKB, $1.86)1.00 1 abortH, $1,901.85. BUT FEW PEARS FOIJHIPHIT Nearly All California's Rcmalnlna Crop Sold on Orders Booked Somo Time Ano Heavy Shipments of Grapes Mndo. 8ACHAMICNTO, Sept. 24. Tho following i: I veil number of cam of declduoiiH f i ult nhlipud from all poliiltt In Ckillfornla for tho week endltiK Krl.lay morning, Boptombor 23: I'oachOH, CO earn. Vory fow ponchoa aro Mtlll loft to k forward. Shipment will probnbly entirely end thU com IliK week. Penra, 8C cam. Tho pear nhlpmont appenra much heavier this woolc than Is really tho cane. Forty-flvo carfl ahduttl Imvo been reported boforo. but owIhk to an ovoralght In tho railroad office imnio was not reportod, Tho actual movement of poara thin week Bliould bo 40, thoroforo, In ntoad of 85, aa appearn from thin re port. Vory fow earn aro bMII avail able for Bhlpmeiit and of theao few moat of them Imvo already boon Hold on ordcra booked wnno time alnco. Woathor condltlonu havo remained favorablo' alnco our lnat roport. Mnsklnn for health. FOUND FOUND AuRust 12, fivo lilnck bars, marked wilh crop off rihl. car and 2 hplits in the loft; owner niny have Hiimo by proving property and pny inc for their keeping. Mrs. A. It. PhippH. Medford. Or. 183 FOUN'D In Mudford, on circus Jay, u mniill blnej: dop white rinp; nronml neck. Address Hex, II. Lampmnn, Gold Hill. tf LOST. LOST Watch, thin frrav and blivik Kiinmctal ease, ribbon fob, Willi uoid diamond tt mldcd charm; lib ornl r"ownrd. J. It. Tomlin, -125 NT. Holly st. 102 LOST On circus day, between Central Point and Medford, five new razors in enso. Iteturu to Medford Mail Tribune. FOR LEASE FOlt LEASE Hrnnd new, modern ." room bungalow, one block from S. Oakdale; will loaso for ono year to party buying fumituro; rent $30: furniture for snlo choap. Apply room 205, Farmers' & Fruitgrow ers' Panic, bldtr. 102 FOR LEASE Fully oqulrpod gold mlno; ton-stamp mill and concen trator, nil ororatod by olectrlo pow oi. Ownor will furnlab froo oloc trlo power for abaro In procoods. See Smith, at Condor Water & Towor Co. FOR LEASE Fishing, bunting, boating and bathing resort, 1'j snunrc milos body of wator, on railroad, within 12 milos of Med ford. Addresn Box 201, enro Mail Tribune tf FOR SALE. Honaes. FOR SALE 5 nud 10-aoro traotB jimt within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay montu. Address Condor Wntor Power Cjk FOlt SALE House and tot on West 0th at.; prico $1800, 0 per cent in torosl; cimh $M00, 2 years timo on balance, Address C. C, euro Mail Tribunn offieo. 103 FOR SALE Now furnished houso, 5 rooms, bnth, pantry, closet, two porches, cement foundation, wood shed, 4 lots, W. 11th St., 3 blocks from paved stroot; prico $2000, tonus. P. E. Zopp. 100 FOR 'SALE 8-room houso with bath and 00 foot of saroonod porch, $3500. 009 0th St., West., W. II, Evorhnrd. tf . FOll BALK Flvo-room Iioubo, lot 53 by 200, oast front. North Con- tral Avonuo. Call on J. T, Sum- morvlllo, Wblsonont Harbor Shop. tf TO'TrHATE" 12u acres, B"vanBCroolc fruit; Improvomonta; buy of ownor. Wtlto S. F. Potter, U. F D Wood vlllo, Or, tf FOlt SALW Sovornl Uousos nud lots nlsp fino farm. D, T. Lawton, Qwnor. , , , tf Foil SALE Furnished houso witli burn; ulau house and two IoIb, In nuiro of ownor, No. 723 13th st. ,iV0st. 108 FOlt SALE $1200 cash for ono Iioubo and two lota on Ilontty &t. Tiiqnlro nt 524 Rontty st. 107 To Find More Profitable Work for your Brain, Your Hands or Your Dollars is "Work for the Want Ads" Thla tort of work Ih a part much of It nt bo llttto expound, or money aro going out of ubo. ' Want Ads One Cent, FQR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE 20 acres, 4 miles north east of Central Point depot; good land, fino location; $3500. Address E. ErickBon, Route 2, Central Point. 100 FOR SALE Los Molinos Irrigated lands; a 20-acro tract of tins rich lund, with tho abundant wntcr bup ply will mako you independent; con Hider these cssentinls: A cbanning California valley, "just over the mountniiiH, from Medford"; an abundant water supply, never fail ing; dark, loamy soil, 15 to 30 feet in depth; perfect drainage, climatic conditions ideal; cheap transporta tion by water, rail and electric lino; cash markets and bighost prices for everything produced; good Bchools; diversity of crops; ovcry kind oi fruit you can mention; citrus as well as deciduous; two crops of most nil kinds of garden truck and berries can be grown here; and nl fnlfn, this is its natural home, cut six times per year and yields from 10 to 12 tons per nCie. It is im possible to find a region where the returns nro more genocrous. Call nt tho Office and let mo explain the project in dotnil, or writo for free booklet and literature. Samples of cotton, tobacco and pomegranntes grown on theso lands on exhibition nt the office. Frank O. Andrew-, No. 0 South Fir street, Mcdforl, Or., resident ugcut, Los Molinos Laud Co., Tehama Co., Califor nia. 102 FOR SALE 30 acres of choice fruit laud, partly set to apples and pears, with buildings, at an invostthont prico if sold nt once. Address owner, Box 20, R.' F. D. 2, Central Point. 107 FOR SALE An ideal small farm of 40 acres; almost 3 miles from Phoenix, snmo distnnc6 from Tal ent, Or.; fruit land, 2 good springs. 5-room bouse, outbuildings, small fruit, 5 acres cleared, $800 worth of wood; $1200 down, balanco on timo to suit buyer; tako enrs to Talent nsd I will show you the proporty. L. N. 'Judd, Roberts bldg., Tnlont, Or.; only $40 por noro. 102 FOR SALE 5-room house and lot 75x02 foot, on S. Evorgrcon st. near now Medford Grooory Co. building, for $2500; right in tho now ware house district and will doublo in vnluo in 18 months; 1 block from S. P. freight dopot. Address ownor, P. O. box 172. tf FOR SALE 35Ms acros, 2 miles wost of Medford on main road; fair buildings, 20 acres in 4-ycar-old Now towns mid Spitzeubergs, bal anco planted to ponrs with peach fillors; big young team, Joraey cow, chiokons, all machinery and tooln go with place; $550 an aoro; good tormfi. There is a profit of $200 an aoro in this buy insido a yoar. W. T. York & Co. tf FOlt SALE 80 acres in nil. 10 acres in 4-yoav-olds. 0 acres irrigated alfalfa. 15 acres cloarcd land. , 5 miles from Medford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANCH. Prico $14,000 $175 nn aero; smaller section if desired. Address A. McComnck, enro Mnil Tribune offieo. tf FOR SALE Do you want a fino farm of 00 aoros, noar Audorson crook, Tnlont, Or.? Fortilo soil, healthy location, among tho hills, 20 acres undor cultivation, n 7-room houso, outbuildings, etc,, otc.; a Avoll of puro, sparkling wator, sov ornl living springs of wator on lb plneo, a fiio bonriug family of throo aoros, early and la; pics, also poachos, ponrs, plums, prunes, ohorrios and somo small fruit; lovely view from it of the valloy; will mnko somebody nn idonl homo; sitf thousand dollars--tluit'fl only ono hundred dollars n Acre; tnko your wife and como on tho cars to Tnlont nud 1 Avill tako a rig and go out and showyou the plmio. L, M. Jmld, Roborl bldg., nonv dopot, 102 of tho "ucual uecfuIneaB" of tho classified ads. Thoy accomplish so ''. with ho J!tt delay that othor ways of finding work for clthnr people ',', FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE Or exchange, by owner, some good ranch proporty; also some town lots. Address P. O. box 083. Medford. Ore. t FOR SALE A choice fruit farm of 34 acres, 1 mile from Talent, Or., can be irrigated, pumping apparat us, machinery, etc.; young fruit of all kinds, including two acres of Newtown apples und other vnrio ties; also pears, prunes, plums, ap ricots, cherries, etc.; a good dwell ing house, 12 acres in alfalfa; price $12,500 cash down, the bal anco on time; come to Talent on cars and I will fchow you the prop erty. L. N. Judd, Roberts bldg., Talent. Or. 107 ISaalncM Property. FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 milcc from Medford. Gold Rny Realty Co., 210 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Choico business prop orty at a bargain, on long time; easy terras. Address Coifdor Wa tor Powor Co. " FOR SALE Only hotel in Butte Falls, now and doing good busi- UCBS. Addrc'ss G. W. II. Albert, Butto Falls. Or. 174 i FOR SALE 'Auy ono contemplating chnngo to Oaklqjid, Cal.: I have ono lot with two houses in East Oak Innd, actunl cost to owner $3800; S1300 still to pay, at $30 por month, iucoma $2G monthly, rented: will oxobango equity for small ranch near Phoenix or proporty in Med ford or Ashland. Address Box It), enro of Mail Tribune office. 174 FOR SALE Paying business in Medford. Address G. C. II., enre Tribune 103 Lots. FOR SALE Lot, cast front, 50 140, fruit tiees; a snap nt $335. Address Box 19. Mail Tribune 170 FOR SALE Two lots, half block north of West Main; paved street, sower and city wator. Soe owner, 430 S. Evergreen st. 105 FOR SALE Four lota, sewer and water, street ordered paved, size 51x100 fcot, $1250; or 4 lots, 51x 100, for $1000; on Palm st. Theso nro tho chcapost lots insido the corporato limits of Medford. Ad dress ownor. P. O. box 172. tf ailsceUaaeoBn. 'FOR SALE A $400 piano for $250. Call at 015 S. Oakdale ao. FOR SALE-Good-sized heatiug stove, ucnrly now, burns wpod or cenl: Drico $7. 513 Beattv st. tf FOR SALE I always havo good in vestments in real ostnto; writo mo what you wont. C. T. Forbes, route 2, Central Point. 107 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 45 tona of first-class grain hay. C.W Isaacs. tf FOlt SALE-Ono roll-top walnut desk, 1 oak dining tablo and choir, 1 irou bed, spring nud 2 mattressos, 1 sowing machine, 1 range, 1 kitch en cabinet, 1 oak commotio, 1 oak rocker, 1 doz. fino Plymouth Rook lions. 710 E. Tnylor st. 102 FOR SALE Team, buggy nud hur uoss at tho Union stnblos. FOR SAlilS Chandler & Prico GUT don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mall jrlbuno office. " FOR SALE Fumituro sale; parties leaving oily. Call ut 230 S. Rivor sido. tf FOR SALE- Fiffrt-class moving pic ture mnphino itli scoicoptieou, 52 blides, 300 foot film. Address Box 25. oaro Mail Tribune offieo. lt'2 FOR SALE -Grapes, frosh from the vinos. No. 507 Clark st. 180 FOR SALE-1 iuu prepared to furn ish win tor supplios' of firo wood in oak, fir and piiiQ;' stovowood and four-foot longths. F. Osonbruggo, phono 1041. 401 Riverside nvenuo finuth. "" U FOR SALE Remington visible typo writor, No. 10 model. Address Box 305, care Mail Tribuno 1G5 a Word FOR RENT. litulacss Ilooms FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold wntcr. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 W. 3fnin st tf Farabtte Rooxas. FOR RENT Furnished front room; also other rooms; No. 4 S. Oraugc street. 167 FOR RENT Furnished room partners, men only close in. Apple st. for 229 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 325 South Riverside. tf FOR RENT Largo furnished front room, modem. Phono 2455. 521 W. Hamilton. igq FOR RENT Nice bedroom with good bed. 401 W. 2d st. 165 WANTED Bids for cement side walk entire length Queen Anne nv cnub. For particulars see Walter McfalUim. Hotel Nash. ' tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in modern home, best residence dis trict, close in; also private garage for rent Phono M. 3501. Ult RENT Modern furnished rooms with bath. 004 W. 10th or i.H luner Bt. 170 rwn Jtwi Furnished rooms for transients. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers bank. tf "' Farms. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 West Main. tf WANTED. Situations Wasted. WANTED Position as stenographer ano bookkcopor by lady with four years' experience Address M. O. care of .Mai. Tribune office. tf Help Wanted Female. WANTED An experienced fitter for cloak mid suit department. Ad drcss Box 400, Mail Tribune, tf WANTED A cnpablo gcnoral houso work maid; one used to service. Ap ply Mrs. C. H. Glnize, 313 S. Grape street. 165 WANTED A washwoman. Inquire nt 333 S. Riverside ave. tf WANTED Competent woman for genoral housework, two in family, wages $30. Addross Box 60, care Mail Tribuno office tf WANTED Salosmon In every local ity ot the northwest; money ad vanced weokly; many mako over 11000 month; choice of territory Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top ponlsh, Wash, WANTED High school girl to work for board und room. Phono Main 1021. 163 WANTED Girt for general house work; good wages to the right party. Address Box" 20, caro Mail Tribuno office. WANTED Compotent rirl for gen oral housowork; small family; good wngos. Phono Mnin 3111. tf llolp Wanted Mule? WANTED Will pay boy or man with wagon commission for soiling grnpos or will sell them cheap; havo largo quantity fino grapes. Address Box 15, care Mail Tribuno office. 102 Kooiua to ltont. WANTED To rent or lenso a furu ishod or unfurnished houso, JO rooms or iuoo, Address .'37 South Tvv. Phono No. 2S43. ' WANTED Modem furnished houso of fivo or six rooms, centrally lo cated, by oouplo, no children. Ad dress A. A., oaro Mnil Tribune. 10 1 WANTED Four or fivo-rooa. houso, Btnnll family, no ohildron. Inquire or address cigar fnctorv. 119 E. 0th st. WAHTEI, Help Wanted MaIc, WANTED First-clnBS carpenter wants ono, two or three houses to build; wonld consider ono lot as part payment. Lock Box 750. 102 JifiBeellftHcowi. WANTED Call or phone Main 32 for all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll, 320 N. Riverside ave nue. 105 WANTED Phone Main 32 for gen oral hauling, long or short job, or rubbish. 105 WANTED A second-hand bicycle, in good condition. Phono Main 6131. II. O. Stocckmnn. 528 W. 10th st. WANTED Sufferers from piles can heccive a relinblo English recipe; simple; cheap; send 10c to P. Gantz, room 233, Labbo bldg., Portland, Or. 163 WANT fruit land or sity proporty; havo a 1020-ncre grain farm, near ly all under nltivation, fall line of farm machinery, good buildings, several fine wells, water piped in honso; 1000 acres to bo sown this fall to wheat; prico $30 per acre. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade, Portland. 165 WANTED To trade two five-acre tracts near city, ono improved and one unimproved, for improved city property. Address Lock Box 31, city. tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford "and suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 109. care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. ' Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post office PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, gronnd floor. COLVIG & RE AMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reomes. Lawvers. Of fice Medford National Bank build -inc. second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room Phipps bldg. 207, NOTARY PUBLIC Mad Tribune office Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business tfgt Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm. Block Stenographic work done quickly and well. Gruulto Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 216 W. Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in giuonumcntal and buildin granite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and fino wnshod river sand. PAUL & WOLFF soil sand and foun dation gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phone 4721 and 1213 Mnin. Faiaters aad Paperluiagr5j H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & MoMallen contracting painters, painting, p per hanging and tinting. Estimate on all kinds of painting wort Medford. Or. Tailors T. D. MORGAN, JR., 719 E. Taylor st. Up-to-dato papor hanger; 10 years' experience in the east. 173 Architects. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder Soe me about your new home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Writo Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects aud Builders. Offieo 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phono 744. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Main, Gas ndministorcd for extraction of tooth. Tolophono Mnin 681w Night phono 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmer & Fruitgrowers' bank buildin? west of the tracks. UndortHKers, MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un flortnkors. Day phone 351. Night phonos, C, W. Conklin 3001, J. D Uutlor 3571. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jn:inddrte(i SING LEE has sold his laundry to Wah Leo Co., and hereafter it will bo conducted by Wah Lee Ho is nn experienced man in the buai- ness. Comont SUtawaUok CEMENT SIDEWALKS, bTuimnBoa, Btone mason, plaateni! and all kin is of stucco work. Exjwn work manship at reasonable charges by the i&y or contract. Aiirtnn Ifn song. 511 E. Main at.. MftifoH. Or. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MacKenzie sealer ia new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call aad see ma when yon have sostethiBff to sell. 1Q3 South Central. Piiaten aa FaM MEDFORD PBDTTING CO. has th best equipped job offie fa South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 Sonth Cwitral avminn IMIUrd Patters. S. T. BEOWN 6t CO. BUlaxaa, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yooojc & Hall traillta. A alea, cool place to span1 the ket aitar- noona. fiecpltal. SOUTHEBN OBSOON EOiPITAIr- 344 Sonth C st. Medfari, Ore. 1. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospital P.- & E. R. B. Real PMatn. EARLE C. SABIN Orcaari traets, city property. List your helauc with rae. Only desirfchla property haniled. Boom 203, 'sitrrowera, Bank bldg. ' BUI Foatcra. VERNE T. CANON Bill PesUr aaa Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boots 29, Jackson Cosatj Bank building, Medford. Ore. Clears aad Tea aasw IRELAND & ANTLE. BawkekoHM Dealers in tobacco, ciffara ami eznokers' supplies. Exclusive aetata of Lewis Sinjrlo Binder. XI Merita and 1 Palencia. 213 .Wt Mala street. Fan! tare. H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers ia new and second-hand fumitura and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 16 South' . Fir street. Phono Mnin 3161. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly sts., Meal ford. Mission Furniture maia ta order. Cabinet work of all kinds, A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stovaa and ranges. Now and second-hand furniture. Eada' old stand, IS W. F st. Sonth, Phone 91. Medford, Ora. Narserles. QUAKER NURSERIES Onr traea are budded, not grafted. Oar stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. We aro sot in tha trust. EL B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main st. ROGUE lllVER VALLEY NU8 SERY CO., Inc. Growers of aia grade nursery stock. Office M W. Mai. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Baxgaoata. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Niht calls promptly answered. Office ami residonce phone Main 3432. DR. STEPHENSON fjts glassos to correct any defect of tho eye Of fice ovor Allon & Reagnn's. Phone Main 1851. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokey and die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's store; entranoe on Seventh Btreet. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao tico limited to diseases of tho eye, ear, noso and throat. Office 216 E, Main st., ovor Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor aa Phipps bldg., rooms 210, all, 81. Offieo phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. as. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. HVAI MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Miaaiou block. PhoM( 292. Medford. llrlct Couiptuilea. MEDFORD BRICK CO, Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nngle, Gap. ?. O'Brien Contractors and aa facturors of briok; dealers k pressed brick and June. Qfiise ta Po-toffico block, room 8, ! No..M81 ' j "Z Tin (Hiop-, J. A. BMITH Tin shop. TJ aa sheet iron ware on hand sad Made to order. 128 North Q fk. jn . " WTaaE. l'i , '.tf, a '''llK' 4 B..A.',ttj W4Ll xik '.:, '. - tmntm iitTitimft,w-r ..,.