WVVK n iv ""Y zvy TS itf't. w I i M 1SDPDUD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED CO IIP, OREOOff. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1910. ';; ft V fo . J .' ; 3 o,' '; '' Msl" kmn MJCMa .Mux (IiuoiiIiuiikIi of Honolulu !k vIhIUiik in Medford. Clara I'nliuur of Sllvorlon wiih In Modfnid Saturday. II, W, HonmoH'of l'lioonix wiih In Medfoiil to moo HulTnto Dili. Kllu KIuIIh of Woodvillo wiih in Mudl'ord tiiittirdity. I'M Allen, Jr., of (IriuitH 1'iihh w.'ih In Medford Hiiiurduv. I'. T. Duller wont to Ashland on biiHtiiomi Monday, J, 1 Ilium wiih In Ashland on IiiihI hum Monday. Dr. Carbon and fiiuilly Hiiont Hun dny In Cioltl Hill. 0. K. Wnnlrlft of Myrllo Creole wiih lii Medford to moo lluffalo 111 1 1. "AliiiiHioiir Victor" Im tho rc.il tlilnir. Blmon-miro Kronoli. A, I'nukoy of Contrnl Point stayed In Medford Saturday night. , Kor lauranco, phono 3401. Hunt-lov-Krotnor Co, 101 Colonel Cody of Cody, Wyoming, wiih In Modfonl Saturday. Kor iHiirnnco, phono 3401. Hunt-ley-Kromor Co. 101 N. O. McMlllnr of Hold Hill wna ; Modfonl visitor Hnturduy. John II. Carkln, nttorr.oy.at-law, ovor Jackson County Bank. Arohdt'itcou Chumhorn linn re turned I'roin Portland. ClutrloM H. CIIohh, nn nttomoy of C'orvitlliH, in in Modfonl on buHiiien. Mm. K. II. Toft loft for n visit in Onklnnd, Cnl. J. II, ChrlNtonnon of Ashland was In Modfonl to iioo Colonel Cody nor-, form. Medford Collodion ARoncy, 10 par cont chnrnod. Oror Hurlburt's now storo. tf W. J. Ilunsoll mid J. H. Hawoy of Gruntn Pnim woro In Medford over Sunday. Mis r'mmu Wondt went Mondny to Pokcimi, nour Tlirnll. to tench school. A. H. Silling returned Sunday from n two "weeks' IniHiiiOrw trip to I'ortlnnd. Wanted An oxporloncod nltora- tlon woman nt tho, ICmporlum Mon- dny morning. 1C-4 John WilkitiHou returned Sunday from a wook'8 dtiok hunt in Klaumtli 'umity. "TJfno -l-yoar-old. woll-hred driving horsca for Halo at Went Sidn ham. Itoy Adhpolo and Ora Doctor woro In Medford ovor Sunday from Englo Point. Wnntod An oxporloncod altera tion woman at tho Emporium Mon day morning. 1C4 II. P. and U. II. HoiiHtou woro In Medford Sunday from tliolr ranch noar ICajtlo Point. Mr. J. tl. Drown In tho ownor of a flno "Appollo" playor plnno, Just purchaHod from Hnjo'n Ipnno hoiiHO. Moiiriiour Victor appear to run nwny with ono woman, hut really finds "AiiKuliiin." Juff Hoard made nn all day trip Sunday In hh uutomohllo through tho Applognto country to GrnntH Pass nnd hack to Medford. Horaco Oroar, of Foster & Oroar, candy manufacturers of San Fran i'Ihco, Im npoudlng a fow days In Med ford. . Councilman Dommor and W. O. Vawtor mndo nn nutomuhllo trip to tho Frnloy plnco on tho uppor lloguo river last Sunday. In writing nn ad ahout that furn ishod room you liavo to rent Hay. in a convincing way, just whnt you'd what it wiih like, "nnd nil nhout it." J. 0. DaviH and ,1. A. Stool of Woatliorford, Okla., nro in Medford looking or u location in the sur rounding country. O, W. Ilarnum & Co., contractors and builders. Country work a opoc laity. Ordors sollcltod, Inqulro at Tho Toggory. Out your tickets early for tho so oloty vnudovillo. Tlioy'ro going fast. On Halo tit IIuHlrius' drug nloro and Sliormiiii-Cluy mimic house. For ront 2 nowly furushod rooms In prlvato hemo; nil modorn convent- oucos. 203 Oloaon atroot, Call Main 4474. tf riidofntignhlo galluutrv liko Mon sieur VJotor'H in prnduotivo of mirth nnd huoIi IhiiigH us "ioi on pnrlo I'VunoaiH." Roo it at the "so oioty vnudovillo" Friday ovoning at tlio opora Iioiiho. Do you know that you can buy any amount, from a half ncro up, In Oalr- dalo Park addition on oasy tonus? Oitkdnlo Land Invostmont Co,, 214 Fruitgrowers' Ilnnk bldg, tf Gonrgo Uolmos and Sheldon Hill, two Mod ford hoys, lmvo rogifltorod tit 0, A. 0. Tlioy are living ul tho homo of TTawk Smith, who, with his family, moved from Medford to Cor- vullin roncntly to plnco his children in Hnhool thorn. Plorco & Shepherd lmvo moved tholr real ostato oftlco from tho Mlloa building to tho postofflco build ing, Call and rocotvo n copy of our lUtlng, tf -hi" i iiy C. F. HULBERT SELLSJO MANN J. C. Mann of St. Paul Buys tho C. F. Hurlhurt StockWill Run n Modern Business, J, C, Mnim, for !2,r yearn a IjuhI iichh man of St. Paul, Minn., lias jtiHl ptircliiiHod the Htoru that 0. V. Ilurlhiirt wiih piopariug to open in tho Ilakor-IlutuliiiHoii old Htiiud. Tho now storo will ho conducted along modern lines. Up-to-date linos of dry goods, notions nnd ready-to-wear gnnuontH will ho carried and sold at popular prices, Mr; Maim hoard of Medford while on a recent tour of tho west, stopped to see the town nnd decided to stay. lie is u hustler, iik shown hy his de termination to hold an opening Fit day afternoon. C. F. Hurlhurt, who litis hooii it poor health, regrets having to leao Medford and recommends tho now "Munn" very highly. Jt. F, Ferguson, the ulilo mniiager for Mr. Hurlhurt in his recent sale, will remain with tho now store. This will no douht ho welcome news to Medford people. .Vol lei! of Halo of 50,MH School Hoods, Dint, oN, -If), Jitcknon County, Oregon. Dld will bo received up to Octo ber 1C, 1910, at.tho hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. of snld day, by Jan. M. Crono mlllor, troanuror of Jackiion county, Oregon, at tho office of tho county treasurer, In tho town of Jackson ville, Oregon, for tho purchase of ICO.OOO (fifty thousand dollars) coupon bonds, of 11000 denomina tion, to be homed by School District No. 40, of Jackson county, Oregon, pynblo In twenty years, ton yearn op tional, hearing 5 por cont Interest per milium, Interest pnyablo soml-annu-ally. Iltds to bo nccompnuled by cor t'flod check for five por cont of the amount of, the hid. Tho board of di rectors of trnld School District No, 49 rodorvo tho right to reject any nnd all bids. JAS. M. CUONKMILLUH, Treasurer of Jackson County, Oro. Dated thin 17lh day of September, 1010. WHATS IN A NAME? TEACHIWANTSTOTEACH Mr. Tench of University Placo, Nobrnskn, wants to teach In tho Medford high school. IIo has writ ten tho Commercial club, claiming that his qualifications aro not lim ited to his tin ni o or that of his town, as ho has been teaching far ycaro, nnd that ho comes of a family of teachers, Secretary Mnlboouf lias mndo a gcncologlcnl study of tho unmo and believes that this Mr. Teach Is de scendant of tho original Mr. Teach, who received his cognomon in tho early Anglo-Saxon days in England ou account of his vocation, Married. STOUT-HOUTKN In Mecdford, September 121, Mr. (lordon Stout nnd Mist: Minnie Itouton. Thoy were murried in their own homo, with Mr. Flotchor Stout, brother of the groom, noting us host man, mid Miss Ora Stout, sister of tho groom, us bridesmaid. Mr. Gordon Stout is nn enorgotio young man und is in the train sorvico. of the Paeifio and FmHtom railway. Hi! is tho older son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Stout of Jacksonville. MisH Houten i.s the only child mid diiughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry IJouton of Jacksonville, and will make an ideal wife. Doth parties stand high among their friouds nnd nil join in wishing them n long, happy und prosperous life. Itov, Kirk of California nnd How Gouldor of tho M. 13. church South officiated. 4-, 4 f Miss Gernltllno Thclss will appear In sonn solos, on tho society vnudovillo program nt tho opera house next Friday " uvenlntj, September 30. Miss Thoiss studied for somo time 4 with Professor Gcnss, well- known as an Instructor and f musician, at San Francisco, and has a mezzo-soprano volco of unusual range and attractiveness. On Friday ovenlng sho will make her 4 first amiearanco In Medford as a vocal soloist. 4- 4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 Ilnsklna for health, n iiii i iii'w1 - ALLEN SELLS HIS ELECTRIC FRANCHISE John If. Allen has sold his street car franchises in Medford, Ashland and (Jrnutrt 1'uss to tho Southern Oregon Kuilwny & I'owor company. The traitHfor has "been registered? m Hie Medford city recorder's offieo. No information has been given out as to price paid or plans of tho now company, LITTLE APPLEGATE MAN SELLS CATTLE A, S. Klinohiimmor, on Littlo Ap plognto, has sold 85(1 head of cattle to Mitchell & Neil, cuttle buyers, for $21, 100. The price paid was $2& n head, straight through the herd, which contained cahes, cowh und steers. The cattle have been divided into two herds for delivery to the buy ers nt Ashland; One herd of 'UW wiih driven up the Sterling road, down Griffin creel: lo Phoenix, where a camp was made ovor Sun day night. Tho cattle were driven on to Ashland this morning. The rest of tho cattle will bo driven ovor tho mountains to Ashland within a fow dayH. STOCK MARKET STEADY NKW YOItK. Sept. 2C A gonoral 'tono of strength provaded tho stock market today, despite light trading. Several leaders, Including Reading, Southern Paclglc, Unloa Pacific and United States Stool, mado good ad vances. Delaware & Hudson wont up 4, Western Union 3, Rending 2, Union Pacific and Northwestern 1. Pacific Mnll, Baltlmoro & Ohio 1. Tho market closed strong. Honda woro firm. (KuniUluHl by Mw Co. by private v I rv.) NKW YORK, Sept. 20. Tho range of prices woro as follews: High Low ClOHO C2 47 37 GG 117 tf 38 99tf 147 105tf 7G 38 190 75 140 33 30 131 31 2Gtf GG 12Gtf 129 21 GG 29 143 32 tf 53 52 113 9G 11G 41 31tf 129tf 107 33 14G 31 C2 40 121 115 23 107 G3 45 116 36 68 62 Amnl Copper . C2 Ci C2 47 37 ?i Am. Car & Fdy 47 46 Am. Locom .. 37 ?i 37 Yi Am. Smelters. CC C5 Amm. Sugar.. 117 116 Anncouda .... 39 38 Vi Atchison 09 98 Am. Tel 138 137 Haiti. & Ohio. 105 104 Brooklyn II. T 77 7C Hoot Sugar .. 38 38 Cnn. Pacific. . . . C. & 0 7Gtf 75tf 14GV 33 131 31 25 55 125 21tf 5G 143 32 G3 112 115 40 30 129 107tf 143 30 G2' 120 tf 114 22 107 67 45 110 G6 C. Northwest. 140 Cont. Leather. 33 tf C. F. & I Con. Gas . . . .131 D. &. R. G 31 tf Erio 20 Gt. Nor. Oro. GG Gt. Nor. pfd..l2Cft Ills. Central. . Iutorboro . . . do pfd . . . . 21 57 K. C, South. . . . L. &N 144 M. K. &T. 32 tf 53 Mo. Pacific Natl. Load N. Y. Control. 1 13 V6 Norf. & West. .. Nor. Pacific ..110 Out. & West. 41 Pac. Mali .... 31 tf Ponnn .. ..i29 Poo. Gas ....107 P. S. Car Heading .. ..147 Ropk Island.. 31 do pfd C2 S. P. 2nd pfd. ,. St. Paul ....121 Sou. Pacific 115 Sou. Railway. 23 Union Paclflcl07 U. S. Stool ... G8 Utnh Copper . 45 U. S. Stool pf.UGtf Wnbnsh pfd . . W. IT. TeU... GO Wostlnghouso Call nionoy, 1. Total sales, 492,900 shares. Grain ami Provisions, High Low. Closo. 105 99 54 51 37 34 Whoat - May 105 Dee 100 tf Corn 105 tf 99 54 51 May . . . . Doc. . . , OatB May , , , . Don , , . , 54 51 37 31 37 34 Pork Jan 17.85 17.77 17.30 f t4-4-4-4-4-4-4 MOSS & COMPANY, Brokers NHW YORK STOCKS 4 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS PRIVATE LI3ASED WHtB 4 ROOl 15 P. O. I1LOOK -t PHONE 18R1. 4 r44444444444444444 ffmwwiiHiMmiiiiiii wni i m mi - WILLIAM ERHART Ml .f s ' PiAUn oni nio-r VAUDEVILLE MEDFORD OPERA THE NAT n0ht PROGRAM 1Mnrch, "Our Fnvorite Regiment" Ertlo '2 Concert Wullr, "Abourcuse" ; Borgor 3 Popular Song, "Where the Hiver Shannon Flows".. Russell 4 Light Opern, "The Time, Place and Girl". .Howard 5 An Irish Intermezzo, "Dublin Daisies". .. .Wcnrich 0 'Cello Solo, "Traumqrrei" Schumnnn W. E. Eames. 7Overluie, "Orpheus" Offenbach 8 American Sketch, "Down South" Myddlcton 9 Grand Opora Selection, "Fnust'J Gounod 10 Finale. "The iledford Rooster March" Eames This will be a rich musical treat for Medford people. Make Every Dollar Worth More Than a Dollar! - An educated ad reader will never be poor. To "know advertising" is to have a prac tical knowledge of values of things of when d how and where to buy. No one, having and utilizing such knowledge, could ever be unthrift', or in any sense careless or reckless of expenses. Por such knowl edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes one proof against shams false values manipulated reductions. The intelligent ad reader uses as much thought and ability in buying things as is required in earning the money that is spent for them. And that amounts to a substan tial increase of the value of every dollar of thefamily revenue! British Aviator Plioioa by American Prcus ABsoclatlon. Claude Gralmiue White, tho Ilrttlsti avlntpr, has arrived In Uoston pre paratory for lllghta nt tho Harvard Aero club meeting nnd will go to San Francisco and several other cities for exhibition ascensions before taking part In the contests for tho groat trophies offered at the International avln tton meeting to ho hold nt Itolmont track, Long Island, In October, White Im prolmbly tho beat known bird mnn of England and for sovernl days before sailing for this country wnsengagod In a sorles of tests with Imitation bombs which ho successfully dropped on nn Imaginary batUoshlQ, the outllno of which was painted on tho ground. Tho pictures show Whlto In tho air and one of the "dummy" battleships. Weather Warnlnn Out. NEW YORK, Sept. 2G, The United Stutos woathor bureau eont out warning to shlplnc of a "dla turbanco west of oDirilnlcn." Tho mil i iddcid nil onnnoaiur FRIDAY EVENING,. SEPTEMBER 30. Comes For Flights In America. .disturbance Is moving westward ,. . ,,,, , ,n ,. Vt 1VJWM MV w w vtw bean seaports nro urged to exorcise caution, 'uii. JsJkX&ku..,, - jsw mtv1;-' AT SNYDER nr onnirrv HOU5E AT THE iIHITEL The, Moore Mr. and Mrs. McAr dlc, San Frnncinco; J. H. Seymour, Portlnnd; E. McDonald, San Fran cisco; C. M. Fry, D, E. Prather, Portland; R. McDonald, Eaglo Point; M. J. Fanning, Philadelphia; C. D. Dnnahcr, J. Danahcr, Tacoma; J. W. Edgcomb, M. S. Middleton, W. J. O'Geary. Seattle; Mrs. J. W. Mickey, Snn Francisco; W. E. Norton, A. L. Flnnnigan nnd wife, Cincinnati; S. E. Smith, Portland; J. S. Duecul, M. E. Lenke, New York; W. E. Traev, Portland; F. V. Cunningham. Sacra mento; W. W. Schroednr, Portland; J. Foss, Eagle Point; W. O. McMil- lar, Gold Hill; J. A. Ilendiicks, Grants Pass; G. E. Wardriff, Myr tle Creek; E. J. Sarplin, Los An geles; E. T. Fay, Portland; Mr. Ahl- roff and wife, T. A. Troaver, S. II. McLaughlin, G. Bracket and wife, L. Vheeler, Portlnnd; B. Hirolay, Bcllinghnm; R. T. Pfcifcr and wife, Medford; J. A. Bothwell, Los An geles;! Si, Beck, Portland; W. E. Stennett and wife, Greenville; B. Mercer, Fargo; E. W. Salt and wife, Reno; J. Money, Eagle Point; A. S. Huff, Odon; M. Hitchcock, Elnoro; F. Plymale. The Nash C. L. Farrnr, E. E. Co hen, Portlund; S. Henry and wife, Sacramento; L. J. Watson, Portland; J. Rostcin, Vancouver; C. R. PeaKe and wife, Detroit; W. J. G. Thachcr, Portland; J. E. Anderson, Pitts burg; E. P. Morgan, Lynchburg D. F. Pfeiffer and wife, city; J. D. Wal lace, Minneapolis; J. K. Brower, San Francisco; L. M. Thornton, Kansas City; L. Cohen, New York; M. Green bnugh, Honolulu; H. D. Mortenson, M. A. Leach, San Francisco; B, Mercer, Chicago; W. J. Russell, J. R. Harvey, Grants Pass; A. Baxter, Sun Francisco; A. Pnnkey, Central Point; F. F. Wright nnd wife, C. E, McGenry, W. H. Carroll, F. S. Hess, Los Angeles; W. S. Parker, Minne npolis; L. Plnmondon, San Fran cisco; J., n. Christensen nnd wife, Ashland; A. N. Iloughnw, R. Ash pole, O. Deeter, Eagle Point; J. A. Brutus, A. E. Selig, San Francisco; II. W. Brant, Chicago; W. n. Wil- burn, Now York; C. Whelden. Spo kane; C. W. Kitts, San Francisco; O. E. Stewart, P. Bognrdin, Port land; F. Brown, Blue Mountain. AGE NO BAR, Everybody In Medford Is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Mlddlo ago, courageously 'Ightlng, Youth protesting impatlentlfy; Children, unablo to explain; All In misery from tholr kidneys. Only a llttlo backache first. Comes when you catch a cold. Or when you strain tho back. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Drlght's disease oDan's Kidney Pills cure back acho,. Cure every form of kidney Ills. W. P Gould, 119 W. Jackson street, Medford, Ore., says: "I usod oDan's Kldnoy Pills and I nm pleased to say that thoy gave mo more relief than any othor kldnoy medlclno I over took. Other mombers ot my family havo used Doan's Kldnoy Pills and tho results havo been so satisfactory that I do not hesitate one moment In giving this state ment. For salo by all dealers. Prlco BO conts. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agonts for tho United States. Romombor tho namo Doan's and tako no other, Aviator Dies. PARIS, Sept, 20. M, Poillott, u young Fronoh nvintor, is doad nt Chartocos today, tho result of nn ao oidont to his aoroplano whilo 100 foot in the nir. Poillott Avas carry ing n passongor when his craft turned ovor. It foil among a crowd of spootntors. Poillott was killed instantly. His passenger recoivod only a fow minor hruisos. ..rf..- ,v t...1a .jsAaAc ';.. ,,J.. . I m L Hf WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. ' Buy your winter supply new: reasonable prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO.. 15 Almond st., or Room 31, J. C. Bank hldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mtri, Prep. -r-e Some Good Investments House and lot, 50x161, good well, 6 large rooms, also large, well built barn; a good buy, cash or good notes $1600 1 lot, 50x106, south front; water and sewer in $400 New 5-room bungalow, modern;, lot 57x106; go.od terms can be had. A good lot on the east side, 50x130, cash $10 per month $250 2 fine lots, 50x174; 30 large apple trees, each, terms $500 A fine large home, large lawn, in a good part of the city $5300 Thos. H. E, Hathaway 134 West Main Strwt. For vSale by W00R-EHNI CO.. 213 Fruitgrowers' Bank Bdg EANOH PROPERTY 10 acres bearing fruit, V2 miles out $15,000 10 acres bearing fruit; good buildings, VA miles out .$15,000 2y2 acres truck and berry land, water, buildings, 1 1-4 miles $2500 10 acres truck and berry land, water rights, barn .... $3750 8V2 acres fruit, good build ings, tools and stock, close in $7000 20 acres all fruit, 10 bearing, a bargain $12,500 7 acres bearing fruit, good buildings, Vo miles out $9000 30 acres near Central Point, part bearing, good build ings, water, a bargain , $16000 240 acres best fruit land, part bearing, house and barn, 4 miles out, per acre $300 35 acres, all in fruit, build ings, spring, wells, stock, tools $17,500 40 acres near Central Point, fruit and alfalfa, worth $400 per acre $12,000 CITY PROPERTY 5-rom bungalow, modern .... $2500 8-room house, 3-4 acre $1800 Knes residence lots on 8th St $500 to $700 6-room modern house $2700 5-rom modern cottage $2000 2-story house, lot 168x258, $2000 5-room modern cottage $2100 Fine residence lots and dwellings in all parts of the city FTBE INSUBANOB, IBEST COMPANIES CALL AT OFF, ICE OR PHONE MAIN 2692 ufKi ulffM. A 4 3 i 'a.1 ;-!" I u