3 ENTHUSIASM OF CANDIDATES MEDFORD THEATRE Wednesday, September 28th. ASHLAND IN THE MAIL TRIBUN E GREAT CONTEST MMDFDIID MAIL T.RTBUNI3, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTI3aM.BER.26, .1910. SPREAD NG Saturday Was tlio Banner Day of ttio Contest to Dato for Votes Issued on Now Subscriptions-Extra Ballots That Wcro Earned Durlnn Hid Special Offer Will Bo Mailed to tio Candidates. Tuesday Scores of Candidates Qualified Enthusiasm' of Candidates Spreadlnn In Moll Tribune's Great Contest. The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE ONE FIVIS-PASSHNOHR. TOUHINU AUTOMOHILB (WILL 1112 ON . DISPLAY IN A FEW DAVSJ. GRAND PRIZES r : TWO $400 PIANOS. TWO $100 DIAMOND RINGS. TWO IJU81NKSS SCHOLARSHIPS. TWO HKAUTlFUli LADIKS' GOLD WATCHES. t "All Iho world will liolp a hustler, ntiil you know 'tin true;, AlnUo a noise liko a liitHtlo ami tlio world 'wilPlit'lp y"o1f." " From tho Lyrics of tlio ContcHt Editor, f 4- f f4 4 f 4-4-4-4-4- 4 SPECIAL NOTICE. Tlio innnriKonionl of tho .Mail Trilmno bun decided to redtioo tho subscription price during lliu contest front $0 u yonr to $fi pur yoar for pa pers delivered by carrier. Itu Kinninj,' today HiibsoribcrH to the Mall Trilmno paying in advance -will pay only $5 por yoar. Thiu roduolioii in good only during tho context, See priro r.nd vote schcdtilo on thin pniro. 4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4- Tim votliiK of tha limt taw ilnyn vn vrry himvy inilKt. llwry cmulhlato Ik working Imrtl itmt ntrnlnlux nvury ncrvn to win nut. Conli'NtntitN nro entrench Hir UipmNulvcN for Hut flnnl htrucKln t inunt work In win, Tim cotitmt Iiiik licpti ruiinlnif Jimt tlirro wifkH, mill but flvn litoro u'onkM rciiiiiln lror Ilia Imllot tiox c!ocn for Hip limt time. A Klt'icn nl tlin Mtniiillnif of tlio con. tntUint In thn lie I ovlilcnc.t pomiltiln of Urn way lnu-rcnl In IxiIiik nrutiNcttl (Itit nvtry iivullnlilit nultitcrliitloti now ainl tut thn 'liil of Dm rum Inkn enro of llMtilf Tlirru In onti tlilnit which nlwiiyn KtlccrolM In it conical of DiIh klml ,niul (tint In tlio ntnylnK fitmllly. Tluinc who Imvi- 1'iitiai'il tin- oontt'Nt with tho ilvtrr liilliiitlnii of hliiylllK with It to I In- nil nr uoliit; to comn out victorious. Thin may not occur to you, liui even If oiio nuplriinl iloi'H k1 " fuw tlioUKiinU Voli'K In tin- IiihiI of hwr compel Horn In it :vrluln illAlrlot It iiiiihI not ho taken for Krmitoil Unit tlio nice Jh won, mill IitIiiiiw tlio youiiK lailli'it who arc miuur witly repoiilfiK In quid near tho bottom will lt tlio oiipn to cri'cp uiiawuroM nnl enrry off tho irU. Hucli IIiIiikh liuvg hooii tlonij nail tnnny a rnco Iiiik boon lout by overcoiifldonco. Don't let ru mor Influcnc" you ono way or I ho other It In of (on tho cnm thai n cnii Ulilntu or In-r frlmitlx Will hour Hint mucIi a odd Iiiin nccuri'il u fow yearn' milincrlp IIoiih. Tht'no rumor unuutly urn fnlxo, oh tlio NocmtN of thin offlrn nru not a I roil to lrniilritr. ami tho rvjmriH nro thori'foro Nturtpit In liopcit that tho ollu-r youiiK ImlleN of thlM illntrlct will In roiiin illxcoumKoil anil Hlop tlu-lr ffortH. Hurh rumorN Mhoulil only bo thn oal to hi'ttvr thlnRH. Pitch rlKht In with thu firm rioter inlimtlon to win out or Klvo tho onn who iIoon win Him contoHt of her llfo Noth lnic In 'Vr Klni'l by laylnK buck nml lottliiK Momoono vino pick up tho prlxoN of llfo Nothing liko HiIh offer will over Im Riven In Hon I hern Ori'iton itKitln pnitmblv anil tho opportunity of win nliuf Htich prlxeii Hhnulil bo Kmniirri Im luollntely mid utrlven for Mirnenlly Cunillifnten nhoultt poll n fow voteit oviry itny to lot their friend know they arn Mill In thu rncu- Hut by ull tnentiN kevp a n-Norvo for tlio Innt day. If no ono known how many vote you Imvo U will bo much harder to defeat you than If you liavo ull your vote In lliu pnper when? overy ono can ne how you iitand nml know Jimt whnt It taken to bent you, Yfiilerdiiy vni, tho bnnner any c the content up to dato. ThlM In tlio record for three weckn. Not hnlf bnd for tho VALUE OF SPECIAL BALLOTS Prica. Ono month -. ..$ ,50 Two moulhfi 1.00 Thrco months in advance..' .'. .. 1.C0 Six tnontlm in advanco 2,r0 Ono yoar in advance 5.00 Two yearn in advanco 10.00 WEEKLY, BY MAIL. Prico. One yanr in advance. $ 1.50 Two years in ndvanco 3.00 SUNDAY, BY MAIL, Prieo. Ono yoar J.... $2.00 Two yonrri 4.00 AH old HubfloribortJ of tho Wookly paying their arrearages, chang ing to tho DAILY, will bo conHtderod now BiibHuriberH and bullota in Btifd noeorJiaglY. Now Sub. Old Sub. 700 350 1,400 700 3,000 1,500 7,000 3,500 15,000 7,500 40.000 20,000 Now Sub. Old Sub. 3,600 1,500 7,000 3,500 Votca. VotoH, Now Sub. Old Sub. 4,500 2,250 12,000 0,000 NOMINATION BLANK Write plainly. It. in udviaablo to lino thia blank, but nominations can bo written on any paper., Coupon in printed for convenience only. 'I Nominnto Address . . . District No. T ! An tho most popular enndidnto in tho MniPTribuno Cdntent. ' Signod . Dnto. Address. Knelt nomination Bant in will oounty twenty votes if sent to tho Mail Tribune Coutost Department. Tjio Mail Tribune reserves the right to reject any objootionablo nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to tho Mail Tribuno with your nnmo or the nnmo and addross of yonr favorito candidate A subsoription with it Ih not neqessary, but a good start means much. This blank can bo uhoiI us oftou as desired for tho sumo candidato, and each and every ono counts twonty. Tho nama of tho party making the nomina tion will not bo divulgod if so desirod, In cane of n tie, prizes of oqunl valuo will b givon. Not Good After October 6, 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Gonest This Ballot Counts for TEN Votes For District No. , Address Good for ton voioa when filled out and sent to tho Content Depart ment by mail or othorwino pn or before expiration dato. No ballot will bo altored in any way or transferred after boing roeoivod by tho Mail Tribune, In oaso of a tio, priros of oqual valuo will bo givon to each of tho contestants tiod, Nhort Inu'tlh of time (ho con lent linn been In operation. Votew nro emulate in i... ....if ruin.....,.' M....t..ui ...in i... II...' 1IIU PIHII 1 rilllllllf u;iltvnfc mui iu tot? iioHl almorlilliif toplo of converxatlon In Medford mid niirrouiidltiK country Interent In InorennltiK dully mIiico Iho publication of Iho flrnl lint of minion mid Indication!) nro that the different ladlen In tho content will bn iiblo to .tot voton a great ileal moro eanlly from now on Opeu Evenln&f, for Hip bonerit of thnno who nro not iiblo to uot to lliln office durltiK bunl iiubh holirn, tlio Content Dopnrtmoiit will bo opon i)Voryovenliitf umH.1 9 o'clock. UISTJtiOTHO, 1. Includo nil the ttrrltorr In th city of Minn Crawford, plnnlnt, Nanli drill 80,410 May Uiiclmnun, 80B K. Taylor. . . 87,680 Mario Klfort, N. Trent ntreet,.,. 80,710 lltixollo Tlce. 208 N (Jen I nil. . , . 8I.S0O May llalloy, SIO H Central. K3,4Cii llordlna Iteacoirie, Tenth nt 83, UO llertha niillcy, 208 H, Ivy S2,r.no Klttlo liurKenn, 3.15 OnuiKo. . . . 82,1 70 Klttlo IlurKeMH. .135 Orange. .... . 82,170 lotiP Klyilll, tier. W Tenth,.. 8I,0 Iternlro Canlor, 310 V. Jncknon 80.91H Kiln (liiuiiynw. 137 N Central.... 7,lt Mnbel Itny, 1101 W Mnln ..... 78,780 Mnry A. Itnnwoll, H. O. I'roduco.. 77,1 DO Mnilrio Onlnen, H, Orapo 77, KO Medn Illnh, 23 N. Court 7fi,UN0 Mnybello Jonen, llunnoyn ntore. . 78.870 Mrn W M KorU Portland nvo. . 7B.HO Iluth Van Uyko, 9 AV 12lh 73,B!10 Nolllu Htonn, 219 8. Contra!.... 73.IC0 Iluby llilrke. 3d and N Uartlptl 70.110 Maty Uorc. 129 H. Central 70,090 .li'tltiln IriilBi, 810 H Onki1nl 82 150 Mntitlo I.lnif, Hint Main 80,910 Myrlju C'ttlhoun. 8 H. Centnil.. .. f.p.JIO Abiiin Knodrrnnn, ItiiHNrt'n nlore G9.780 Nolllo Kvnnn Pacific Tel. Co.... f.C.ICO Kranccn Diirliiim. 119 H Holly.. BB.630 lliu Jano Onborno. r. 12 Onkdolo. . r.5.310 (Scrlliiile Kay. 103 N. tlrnpo BZ-272 AKtien McMahoii, 207 K. Iry 6O.7S0 tina llumnhrey. Kontnor'n ntore. t5,780 llnrrlet Paul. 92S V 91h .TO Mary Klllrtilire. 20 H. Orapo. .. 44 710 Anita Kmllli. 620 H. Ivy.... Ir'J"? Mniido Onutt. Van Uyko'n ntorq 41..U Jlnxello (HKdn!p. H. Itlvfirnldo. . 41.810 Anna Peteernon. S Holly 40,860 Hula nJcntiH. 122 H fVntrnl 3S.IS0 . ary Deuel. R Onkdnlo 38.JI40 r.lmlra Wllwin. Hplrollu ParJorn 32,870 Anna Iternch, 247 H. Ivy... 31.710 .lenclo Cole. 706 N Ccntrnl 31,150 Minn Andrew. 96 Itonnnvrlt nve. 30,9.0 I.uelhi Campbell. 714 V. 8th.... 28.150 lliicello Welch. H Ivy 2212S Mrn II OroKory. 232 R Mnln. .. 25,180 Ilntlle Allen, 313 W. 10th 24,810 Hnld Hamilton, N. Pontrnl...,. . 22.7JO Nlnn Itnkemnn. 21 W. 10th 19.270 Vlda Thornburi?. R Holly 19,280 Mnt.M Mtrkev. 330 H Kir 19.110 Ornco Offut. 140 N. Ornti...,.. 17.980 fllndyn Ilenrd. ennt end 15 Mnln. 17.670 Julia U Monicr, vio n. .min.... u.;j" iril,r Mlirnhv. G1S N. Kir...... 14.610 tJrace McCoy. 613 N Central ... 14.190 Jennio Pundy. H. Holly 9.780 ?lnrn HplnKUtle. 204 Centrnl ftVf. 11.710 Kllietvn Ilnwen. 381 W. 11th. Mnry Pnyne, 135 N. nnrtlett ... NVttln Hartley, B K. 3d Mllleent Potter. 145 N. Onkdnlp. Vlnlta Hnmllton, N. Centrnl ave. Orncn McCoy, 613 N. Centrnl.... Hfflii Ilurch. 216 H. Cottnue Ornco rtrown. 1221 W. Main.... Mnry Flentcr. Montgomery Co., Ilebcccn Clinton. 104 RNewtown T1 - - - "IM'. 11,2n 7,910 7,910 7.280 7.21" 6,850 3.670 890 310 230 nitrrmxoT vs. a. Xnc!nd all territory ontild city of Medfor. Orfcolu Cnrnlhnn, Talent ...... 65,190 lilennor Powern. Talent G4..10 Dllllo Hull, Hrownnboro 5?5J2 Wlnnlfred Uuvln. Anhland 5I'S.'? Minn Moore. Anhland 00,7110 .rn. W II Whltenldo. Contrnl Pt 49,770 Ithettn Ilobblnn. Woodvlllo 8'9J2 Ida lleern. Woodvlllo 8'IS2 MnybellP Peart, Central Point.. 48,700 (lliiilyn Miller. Woorivlllc s'lSS i:vn Nororonn, Centnil Point.... 47.870 I.enna I'lrlch, Jucknonvlllo 45,710 Clara lthoden. Anhlnnd 1S'!?!1 Krnncen Hnmllton, Ashland 2'1 lluby Palmer, Anh'und 1,9?9 Hazello Cronen, Anhlnnd 39,160 llnxello Welch. Jncknonvlllo J5.980 Rirnh rtebb. Central Point 32.6CH OorlrudP Norton. Jncknonvlllc. 31,910 lone C.iiiKhtron. Jncknonvlllc . . , . 30,130 Mary Olnon, Central Point 30,6.0 Miule Moore, Ornntn Pass 26.190 Alva Kcott, Woodvlllo 26.170 IV.ul llonn. Centrnl Point ....... 23.970 I.ucy Hnnnond. Ornntn Pnan..,. 22.S90 Ireno Wilson. Central Point.,. 22.070 Hinnin Wendt, Jncknonvlllo 20.960 . nxollo WnrnVr, Trail 20-S:2 Ornco Colhv IlrownBboro 19.8S0 MncKlo Inly. Kiifilo Point 17,460 Kdna Nell. Anhlnnd ............ 17.1f0 tlrennel .Incknon. KiirIo Point.. 16.940 I.elln Mnrclock, Gold Hill 15,85.0 lliln Wininmn. Contrnl Point .... 15.000 Mnybellp Koncnde. Anhland 1?'lS2 .Minn Honey AHnianu n.uuu Kayo Ilurchpll, Woodvlllo 14,780 llnnnn Itmtnr. Knoln Point...... 13.510 Mnybollo Pflmonn. Anhlnnd ..... 12,160 Myra Anltow, nenglo 11.780 Vera Rkeen. Anhland 11.460 Kthelyii Unnett. Ornntn Pnnn. . 9.7J0 Minn .. Pcdlor Itutto Kulln R.760 Alberta Rtncy, rtoaclo 7,340 I mrn Hkyrmnn. Trnll 7,180 May Hiihii. Anhlnnd 6.940 Clarice Wllcor. Woodvlllo 6.710 IMnn Hnv. Oold Hill 6.730 Klora Hhnfer, Hummervlllo 4.810 Olllo Hokuo. Oold Hill 4,780 Minn Itnwmnn. Anhlnnd 4,160 vi,ia Minllh. itutto Kails Delia miner. Trail iner. Miicm, rcrnmi Mnrlo Cnrnlhnn. Talent... r. .... may iiowp. -rrnu 4.160 3,450 3,150 2,970 2,170 I.eu MlddlPbuihol. Trnll 1,950 Mncslo Jones. Ilenulo llernlco Kdniondnon, Ilutto Knlln Mnrle OnRe, Ttencio Kiln .Stolen, Woodvlllo flatoiiKO MeCredle, Centrnl Point Oertrude Nichols, nutto Kails... 1,080 9SO ten 310 30 CO CATARRH GERMS Movo Out When Ilyomcl Moves In, No Btomnch dosing. IIYOMEI (nronounco It Illgh-o-mo) Is mndo from tho lilrjlioat grndo of oucalyptifs, taken from tho eucalyptus forests of Inland Australia, and combined with tho oxcollont antlsopttca omployod In tho Llstorlnn syatom. In Inland Australia tlio atmosphoro Ih so lmprognnted with balsam thrown out by tho eucalyptus troea that germs cannot Hvo, and In con sequence catarrh aud consumption nro unknown. Droatho IIYOMKI and got tbo yory namo, ploaBant, healinif, gorni-klll-Ing air as you would got In tho eu calyptus forests and kill tho gorniB. IIYOMEI Is sold by Chas. Strang and drugglots ovorywhoro, at $1,00 a comploto outfit. An outfit consists of a bottlo of IIYOMEI, a hard rubbor pocket ln halor and slmplo instructions for uso. Tho tnhalor will last for a llfotlmo, but boar In mind It you uood anothor bottlo of IIYOMEI you can got It at drugglBts for only 50 conts, Guar anteed to euro catarrh, croup and throat troubloo, or money back. Trial sample of Hyomol froo to roadora of tho Mall Tribuno, Address Booth's Hyomol Co,, Buffalo, N, ,Y. -No.1323 mm Seats on sale Monday, September 26. Our Specialties Every groceryman has a number of special lines which he exploits and sells a great deal of. Two of our main specials are "Pure White Flour" and "Golden Gate Coffee." PUKE WHITE FLOUR is the standard the perfect flour; All we ask is a trial you'll be a steady patron every afterwards. GOLDEN GATE COFFEE has a record all over the Pacific coast as being the best seller on the market. There is a good reason. Allen & Reagan PHONE MAIN 2711 Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block Tins is the school that will make you Sue-' cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. Bookkeeping, and Shorthand Secure your Business Education at homo at a Very moderate expense and, if you wish,, we will secure you a position in any of ttie large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ' - .; P. RITNER, A. M., President. Pall Term Commences September 12th ' R, F. GUERIN SL CO. 4 Medford Natienal Bank Bldg. Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You RHS0LVEI The best resolution for yon to make ia to come to ua for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary We do the host work and chart? the lowest pric-eo. W. W. EIFERT YXTJB FXOOKHBSXVS XAXLOI THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plait ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. In charge of thBenedictine Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens September 6th. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilors and Machinery. Agents in So. Orogon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Che finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore , Telephone In Every Room Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. uriian Plan J. E. ENYART, President. J A. PERRY. Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BAN K j Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St..Medford Ore. Phone 303 FOR RENT Only hotel in town ot 1000 inhabitants on Southorn Pacific rail road, Roruo River valley. Newly refurnished, papered, painted; equipment modern; baths, toilets, eleotrie lights, hot and cold run nine wnter. Now deinp: business. CALL ON ALDENKAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY. 216 West Main St., Medford, Or. Edward Charles Root TEACHER OP s MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, 142 NORTO IVY SJREET. . I' Haaktas for Health. - ,MUM!Atfatftu J