Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 25, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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"A New Cloak and Suit
Will open its doors to tho Medford and vicinity folks in the very near fu
ture. ?e assure you it will be well worth your while to wait for our opening,
which we will announce very shortly. We will be located in tho St. Marks
building, which was promised to us by August 15, for which we had made all
preparations, so you can see how inconvenienced we have been and will find
our stock a little larger than it should be by opening date. Our lines will be
t for the present, Cloaks, Suits, Millinery, Furs, Shirt Waiscts, Silk Petti-
coats, etc.
Cloak" and Suit House
' . ' ' ft :
T (
A " f
Continued from Page 1)
NEW YORK, Sept. 24. Wall
Street's most desperate scheme for
obtaining a throathold on the federal
government, tho Central bank, with
tho stock controlled by interests, has
been balked with the passing of Aid
rich from the senate, in the opinion
of Charles f. Fowler, republican, of
New Jersey, a possible senatorial
prospect. In nn exclusive interview
with the TJuitcd Press, Fowler, wh6
is an nnti-Cnnnonite and a financial
expert, declared that the Central
bank plan of the "interests" is dead.
"The monetary commission created
to deceive tho people is doomed,"
ho said. "Undoubtedly we will now
have a period of thoughtful consid
eration of the financial currency
problem. I am of the opinion that
there can be but one result to this.
Tho unfortnnato character of the
monetary commission, which was not i
uuieuiuu wnn u view ui luiuug, uu
vantnge of tho best thought of the
country, but for tho specific purpose
of currying out a preconceived pro
gram, will result most unfortunately
nud delay financial legislative ac
tion." Fowkr said that the members of
the commicsion were unfitted, as
they had no previous experience, and
that night schools and junkets were
essential o their primary financial
education. Continuing, he said:
"Through falso pretense pn the
part of Cannon and Aldricb, the pur
poso of covering up the ulterior mo
tives under claims of protecting the
dignity of tho senato the house law
creating tho commission would be so
framed that appointments were c6n
finned to membership in congress.
"Of nine members of the senate,
two alone remain after March 4. Tn
tho house probably fivo of nino re
main to recall tho incidents of tho
last two years."
FoAvler stated that his bill, 'provid
ing for a commission of eleven Wein
berg from the liontio and nn equal
aumbcr from tho senato and 31 citi
zens, to bo named by the president,
was stifled and defeated because of
Cannon's and Aldrich's objections.
iWlcr cencluded: "I think it is gen
erally conceded now that tho Cen
tral bank idea is about as dead as
tlfo pionetary commission, which is
now h matter of history, and n little
raoro than an uiiplensunt recollcfo-
Point, Phoenix, Talent and Union.
Sixteen outlying precincts are sti'l
to hear from, but probably not over
100 votes were cast in them.
Oswald West carried tho county
for tho democratic nomination for
governor by a large majority. The
name of Robert G. Smith was writ
ten, in for congressman, Robert Neil
for state senator, Henry D. Reed for
joint representative and J. W. Myers
for county commissioner.
Mulkey carried the county by a
vote of 040 to 356 for Hawley.
The vote on governor stood, Abra
ham 201, Bowerman 231, Dimmick
201 and Hofer 214.
Tom Kay got 653 votes to 277 for
Hoyt. For supreme court justice,
Bean got 649, McBride 498, McCam
mont 252, Burnett 533 and Mooro
For attorney-general, Crawford
got 508 to Bait's 295. Clarke for
state printer got 430 to Dnniwny's
Interest in the ballot centered in
the three cornered fight for state
senator. Von der Heller leads with
345, Cambers Is second with 330 and
Colvig third with 310. Mr. Colvig
claims that ho will carry the missing
precincts, which may change tho re
sult. In the legislative race, Westerlund
lends with 540, Eggleston is second
with 502 and Mears third with 447.
In the contest for county commis
sioner, Davis leads Patterson by 20
votes, having 494 to 408. The re
sult is bo close that it may require
tho oflicial voto to determine.
Ashland voted almost solid for
Cambers and Patterson, but did not
give Mulkey tho expected support.
Medford went strong for Mulkey and
Davis, and gave both Von dor Hellen
and Colvig a good voto. Westerlund
got a big lead in Medford, which
Ashland cut down. Me.irs ran unex
pectedly well.
Tho polls opened at noon and
closed at 7 o'clock, but less than 50
per cent of tho registered voters oaat
their ballots.
Peaches and watermelons are fast
passing Into tho "has been" class (or
this season. Peaches aro being sold
at a premium in tho markets. Poor
grades of peaches aro being sold at
five cents a pound and the grower Is
getting three cents from the gro
cerymen for anything that can
answer to the cognomo of peach.
Watermelons In. another week will
bo almost out of the local market
leaving Just ono week for tho small
boy who has not yet satisfied his
enormous affinity for Juicy fruit.
Continued from Page 1)
Pacific Coast League.
At Los A'igohs
R. II. E.
Sapraraento ,..., 0 4 2
Los Angeles .....1 4 3
If the furalahed room ad "looks
ceod", ma arouad to the addresp
gjrea and take a lok at it.
Batterios Papo and Spiesninu;
Nnglo and Orendorf.
At San Francisco
Oakland 8 11 1
San Francisco 1 0 3
aBttories Lively and Pierce;
At Portland
Vornon .., ,,,,.6 7 1
Portland 3 9 5
Batteries -Carson and Hogan;
Gregg and Fisher.
ley, where the nearest telephone was
located. From here the lad tele
phoned to Deputy Sheriff Manning
at Talent, who immediately left for
tho place accompanied by Clifford
and James Garvin. Tho men arrived
at tlm place at 2 o'clock Saturday
morning and began a vigil over the
house, which lasted until 6:30 a. m.
Then when Mock walked down
stairs he was placed under arrest.
There was no possibility of escape,
as he had left his gun downstnirs in
order to avert -suspicion tho evening
Reward Is Paid.
With their prisoner tho men drovo
back to Talent, where they secur
ed an automobile and drovo to
Jacksonville, where Mock was lodged
in tho county jail. Sheriff Jones
immediately paid tho men tho reward
of $350, which they divided equally,
giving Mrs. Trnsk her share. Each
portion of tho reward amounted to
Trnsk Bpent tho entire timo ho was
a fugitive in the hills without seeing
a single person. Ho is suffering
from tuberculosis of tho lungs. Ho
is thoroughly tamed by his experi
ence in trying to elude tho law.
Continued from Page 1)
close to them, but tho darkness pro
tected mo. Morning found mo in the
foothills between Wagner creek and
Jacksonville. I found a shady placo
in a canyon and took a long nap.
Lato in the day I woko up and first
began to cxporienco tho pangs of
hunger, And I had nothing to oat
until Thursday morning, when I shot
and killed a rabbit. But rabbits aro
not good without salt or n fire, and
Thursday afternoon I decided thutj
I must find a house and get some
thing to cat. Sleeping out on the
damp ground hadjmadc my lungs
pnin me so I began to search for u
settlement. I decided at that timo
to rotum to the T&lley and give my
self up.
Says Wife b Good Woman.
"About 3 o'clock in tho afternoon
I found a house, which proved to bo
that of Mr. and Mrs. Trask, on what
I now. know to be Little Applegate.
I walked boldly ap to the house and
told them I wa3 a hunter that had
boon lost. I said I was a poor man,
but if they would give me something
to oat I would help Mr. Trask in
building tho addition to his house he
is erecting. Then it was that I sat
isfied my terrible hunger.
"That night I purposely left my
gun downstairs, as I thought it
would avert any suspicion which
might possibly arise. But ns I have
learned since, it did no good. I was
not, however, greatly surprised when
I heard tho command to throw up
my hands when I walked downstairs
the next morning. In fact, I was
glad .that the terrible uncortninty
was over. I submitted quietly and
will face my trial. I have not long
for this world, anyway, and perhaps
it will bo bolter to go a little sooner
than I had expected. I am suffer
ing from tuberculosis.
"Tho murder was not premeditat
ed. I have a quick temper and I had
been drinkintr that afternoon. Be
tween tho two I committed murder.
ButI do not feel like I hnvo always
imagined n murderer would feel. I
have not been as yet confronted by
tho fnco of Smith in my droamH,
though I hnvo occasionally' heard
that terrible gurglo ho emitted ns I
was leaving on tho night of the
Stopped at IIohsc.
"My wife is a good womnn. She
has always been truo to me. There
wns no chance for intimacy between
hor and Smith. I hnvo always loved
hor and havo tried to be pood to her.
Any ono who says that she is a bad
woman is a liar. I hnvo lived with,
her for two ynars and I hnvo never
onco questioned her actions. She
has been a good wife to mo nnd my
great regret now is tho fact that T
havo dragged her into this trouble.
For myself I do not enro much, but
I do regret dragging hor into this
case. But tho man who says she is
not a decent woman is eithor a man
who is wilfully lying or is listening
to honrsny. Sho was always at homo
attending to tho wants of her house
hold, Horn in Missouri.
"I was born in Rt. Joscnh. Mo..
and nm 43 yonrs of ago. I camo to
Medford a year ngo last March and
liavo sinco lived there. Not onco
did I get into trouble. I Imve tried
', , $rL f
IT !
I i .
A good honest suit
of clothes for
$ 1 0.00
Every nook nnd corner is packed with the now
HATS, ETC. AVc are prepared to outfit tho men and
young men with better values for less than any establish
ment in Southern Oregon.
If you want the latest weaves, styles and finish, the
best workmanship and a binding guarantee, call on
The Toggery
to livo a decent life. Beforo moving
to Medford I lived in California,
where, as in Medford, I workod at
tho carpenter's trade."
Continued from Page 1)
trio acid, Gordon's story continuoij,
and tho body, wrapped in u blankot,
was also soaked with acid, that all
traces of it might bo lost.
Made Cement Floor.
Working at night, tho doctor and
his assistant, Willie Saachs, a youth
who has eiuco disappeared, mado
cement and laid a now floor, sovoral
inches deep upon tho gravee, Gordon
told tho doteotives,
Questioned closely, Gordon told
how ho had ondoavorod to collect
$18 from tho doctor and when tho
monoy was refused had sworn that
ho would got oven. This, ho admit
ted, led htm to tell his Btory to tho
Gordon informed tho dotectivos
that tho facts ho related had boon
told him by Saachs, who, frightened
by tho knowlodgo of tho death in
which ho had been forced to tako u
part, nccording to his story, folt im
polled to confido in someone.
Haiklni for health.
(Continued on Page 8)
tides of tho first clues. Tho com
modity rntos, which include flour,
lumber, potntooa, boor and comont,
aro so low compared with tho cIiibh
rates that thoor is not much chnnco
of a largo reduction taking placo.
Tho commodity rates on tho articles
Just montlouod vary from 20 to 86
cents a hundrod pounds from Port
land to Medford,
At present thero Is nothing certain
about tho reductions going into ef
fect. Tho Southorn Pacific com
pany may bring tho ordor of tho
commission beforo tho court, on va
rious grounds, but it is generally folt
that tho now basis will bo nccoptod
by thorn as roasouablo, and that
tariff shoots covering tho changes
will bo anuouucod within a short
Going away or
Staying at home
You will want your clotheo cleaned
and woll proasod. oS Bend your
clothos now and you will bo assured
of satisfaction. Our spoclal process
of French dry cloanlng for mon's
and women's clothing Is thorough and
rollablo. No fabric so fino, no Bhado
60 dollcato, no laco so oxquislto that
it cannot safoly bo sont to us for
If you have business ability, show
Its quality in tho way you advertise
It thoro's nothing want ad can'
holp you to accomplish you'ro load
ing too qulot a lifel
1 f
VOll HUNT Furnished room for
partners, men only, cIoho in, 220
Applo si.
FOUNDIn Medford, on ciroua day,
n small black dog, wliito ring around
nook. Addross Ilex II. Lampman,,
Oold Hill. tf ,
LOST On circus day, botwoo'n
Central Point and Medford, fivo
new ruzora in enso. Rotum lo
Medford Mall Tribune,