V. I ! 'PT' wi MEDF.DRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, taiUfNu OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910. e PRICES FOR BARRETTS NEW YORK, Sept. iW. The of fyrlngH of (luulduotiH fniltn on our nuirkut tliln wuok uggregulud 2U1I oui'H, uh I'oIIewh: Calll'oniia, 1-10; tioilliwcHtorn, 00. Prleon raiio an I'oIIowh : Monday, 26 California, 22 iiortli wt'Htoni tiitlwnyB, 0000o; Levi ClingH, 70o$l.2r); TokayH, $IMQH 'J.U7; MulitgiiH, $l.f01.87; Comico, ImlMioxttM, 1.7fi(Jj)2.a6; Wlnlur NcIIh, ImIMioxoh, U5a(H,$l.O0 Hurt loltH, Iioxoh, $;).12((1.H7; IVAnJoiiif, .3.12(Ji)0: Italian prtinoH, O(5o(i$1.20; KlliorlaB, (10o(i))00o. NTucndiiy, IK1 California, 1U north, western EtberliiH, 000ro; Italian lirunuH, 80o((71.20 Tokay, ijil.lfiCtf 'J.i!fj Mulngiw, $UG($1M Him IcttM. llOXtH, .2.rj0'i.7rt. Uohc, .f'J.f.O; Cliiirgoiiu, 2.22.7fi; Co inlco, $1.7rU.2r; Comico, half boxen, 8fio)2.2S; Winter Nells, half boxes, 00o$l.:ifl. .Wodnondny, 28 California. 0 nortliwoHtorn Snlwnyn, fiOis(J?)jil.lO; Italian prunes, 05o$1.20; Klhortas, AQfftQOa; TokayH, $1(32.10; Mulligan, $l(l.ri0; UartluttH, Ioxch, s2.3A($ a.87; Comico, $2.303; CInincoiiu, 2.202.37; Comico, halMioxim, 1.8r(7i:i.lG; Hardy, half boxiw, i.3n()i.'io. Thurailny, 21 California, 11 north western Elborlnn, 05o(n)1.0.'i; Ilnl IniiH, s?l1.2ff; TokayH, $1.10(e1.87: MulngiiH, $1.05(?il.r0; Cornice, boxen, $2.37j)3.2.r; BurryK, $l.no2.2ri; O'AnjoiiH, $1.85pfi.fi0; Cornice, half bxoH, $1.87ji2.12. Kriday, 33 California, M north western ElbcrliiH, ri0c$l.ir; ltal ianH, $l1.30; TokayH, $1.25(2.10; Malagas, $1.10()1.G0; llartlotiH, 3.2rl; Wintor Nolls, $2.50)2.00; D'AnjoiiH, $3,503.76. STOCK MARKET STEADY (Furnlnhctl by Moa & Co,, by prlvato wlro.) NBW YORK, Sept. 2t. Today's rango of prlcea: J IIIrIi. Low. Close. Amnl. Copper 01 01 4 01 V4 Am. Smokers 00 U 05 Am. 8ui;nr 110 Anaconda .. 37 38 Vi 3S AlchlBon ... 98 08 08 Am. Tol ... 137 137 137 Broolc. It. T. 70 7C 70 C. & O 7S Con. Gas ... 131 130 130 D. &. U. Q 30 at. Nor. pfd 125 12C 126 Intorboro .. 21 21 21 do pfd ... 57 50 57 M. K. &T .. 31 Vi 31 31 Mo. I'ac 52 N. Y. Central 112 112 112 Nor. & West 90 Nor. I'no ... 115 115 116 I'ac. Mall .. 30 30 30 Ponim 128 Kimdlng ... H3 143 143 Itock Island.. 30 30 30 St. Paul ... 120 120 ft 120 So. Pno .... 114 114 114 Un. Pac .... 100 105 105 U.S. Stool.. 07 07 07 do pfd 11" Utah Copper 45 WabaBli pfd. 35 35 35 Total ealou, 110,000 snaron. 4 Chicago Markets. Sviioat High. Low. Cloao. Mar 100 105 105 rJoo 100, 90 99 Z Corn May'...:... B4 54 54 oo 61 51 51 Oats May 37 37 37 Pork Jan 17.87 17.80 17.87 4- 4- 4- MOSS & COMPANY, Brokers NEW YORK STOCKS 4- GRAIN AND PROVISIONS 4 PRIVATE LKASHD WIRE f ROOM 15 P. O. BLOCK -f PHONK 18511. 4 4- 4-4 4-f44444444444-4 Presbyterian Church. Preaching nt 11 a. in. by Rov. A. Orr of Corvallis, Or., of tho M. E. oonforonoo South, now in session in this city. Proachinpt in tho eve ning nt 7;30 o'clock by Hov. E. II. Mowro, of Portland, Or., u mombev of tho oonforonoo. Sunday school at 10 n. m. C. E. society nt 0:30 p. in. Good inusl.o, All nro wolooiup. Tho Ladies' Aid aooioty of the Presby terian church will moot at tho home of Mrs. Walter Frazier lJrown, 018 S. Central avo., Tuosday nt 2:30 p. m. All tho lndlofl of tho coiiRroKM tiou nro invited. FOUND FOUND AiiRust 12, fivo black bars, murkod with crop off riht oar and 2 splits in tho loft; ownor piny lmvo samo by provinc; proporty and pay iuc; for tholr koopinp;, Mrs, A. R. Phipps, Medford, Or. 183 LOST. LOST Wnleli, thin gray and iilnok Kiininotal cumu, ribbon fob, wilh olil diamond hI udded charm; lib oral reward, J, R, Tomlin, 'I2." K. Holly hI. 102 FOR LEA3E FOR LEASE -Hrand now, modern "t room bungalow, one block from ii. Oakdale; will loast) for una y;r to party buylnu fiiiiiiluroi rent, $30; furniture for hiiIh chonj), Apply room 205. FuiuieiH' & Fnilljtrow orH' Rank Jilil. 302 FOR I.WAHB KulFy" oqulf pt-d gold uilno; ten-Htainp mill and concen trator, all ororttcd by oloctrlo pow m, Owner will ftirnluh froo oloc trlo pow5r for Hlmro In procoed, Bee Smith, ut Condor Wnr & Power Co. FOR LEASE Kinliinjr, hunting, bontini; and Imtlilnu' rcHort. IVi Hriunro miles body of water, on niUrond, within 12 miles of Mod ford. Addrcfir I'.ox 201, care Mail Tribune. tf FOB SALE. Houmw. FOR SALE Two 4-room housos, lotH COxl'10 foot.; ono is corner lot, will noil one or both, cheap for cnnli. hoforo Ootobor 1. Cnll -110 Hoard limn st,, or address Uox 304, Mod fan), Or. . . 101 FOR SALE 6 and lb-u"orn traoT jut within and nd,io'minc city lim its, at a bnrRain, on 6 annual pay. moots. Address Condor Wator Power Co. FOR SALE Hoiiko and lot on West 0th fit.; price $1800, 0 per cent in tcroHt; cash $M00, 2 years time on balance. Address C. C, enro Mnil Tribune offleo. 103 FOR SALE Now furnished houho, fi rooms, bath, pantry, closet, two jKirchos, cement foundation, wood shed, ! lots, W. 11th st., 3 blocks from pnvrd street ; price $2000, torniH. P. E. Zenp. 100 FOR SALE Furnished houso with barn; also houso und two lots. In (piiro of ownor, No. 723 13th st. west. 101 FOR SALE 8-room houso with bath and 00 foot of Hcrconod porch, $3500. 009 0th st. West., W. II. EvqrhanL tf F5fl SAU2 FlTO-room nouso, lot 63 by 200, east front. North Cen tral Avonuo. Call on J. T. Sum morvlllo, Whlsonant Dnrber Shop. tf ftHTSA'L'E--l 2 0 acres, itvans Creole fruit; ImprovomonU; buy ot owner. Write 8. F. Pi.ttor, R. P D., Wood vlllo, Or. tf FOR 8ALI2 Sovoral houses and Iota also fine fann. D. T. Lawton, Owner. tf FORALE Furnished house with hnrn; also houso and two lots. In quiro of owner, No. 723 13th t. west. 108 FOR SALE $1200 cash for ono houso and two lots on Rontty Jt. Inquire nt 521 Bcatty st. 107 AcrcnRv FOR SALE 20 acres, -1 miloa north east of Central Point dopot; Reed land, fino location; $3500. Address E. Erickson, Route 2, Central Point. 100 FOR SALE Los Molinoa ln-inled lands; a 20-ncro tract of this rich land, with tho abundant wntor bup ply will inako you indopondent; con sider theso essentials: A clmnninn California valley, "just over tho nountnins from Medford"; an abundant wntor Hiipply. never fail ing; dark, loamy soil, 15 tp 30 feet in depth; porfoot drniuau;o, climatic conditions ideal; chonp transporta tion by wntor, rail and electric lino; hr1i mnrkcts and hichost prices for ovory thine; produced; uood schools; diversity of crops; oyory Uuul oi fruit you can mention ; citrus us woll as dociduous; two crops of most all kinda of pardon truck and borrios ojn ho kcowu bore; mid nl fnlfn, this is its natural home, out six timos per year and yields from 10 to 12 tons per ncro. It is im possible to find a ropion whoro the returns nro more K0oorous. Call at tho office and lot mo explain tho project in detail, or write for froo booklot nnd literature Samplos of cotton, tobnoco and uomopranatos i;rown on thoso lands on oxhibiliou nt tho office Frank G. Androw, No. 0 South Fir Street, Medford, Or., resident nRont, Los. Molinoa Lnud Co., Toliama Co., Calif or- nia. 102 FOR SALE 30 acres of choice fruit land, partly Bot to npplos and pours, with build'niRS, at an investment prico if sold at once. Address owner, Box 20, R. F. D. 2, Central Point. 107 FOR SALE An idonl small farm of 10 ncvos; nlmost 3 milos from Phoenix, samo distanoo from Tal ont, Or.; fruit land, 2 pood springs, 6-room houso, outbuildiiiRR, small fruit, 5 noros cleared, $800 worth of wood; $1200 down, Imlnnco on timo to suit buyor; tnko enra to Tnlont nud I will show you tha proporty. L. N. Judd, Roberts bldjr., Tnlont, Or.; only $10 por aero. 102 FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE 5-room houso nnd lot 75x02 foul, on H. EvorKrcon st. near now Medford Grooory Co, building, for $2500; riht in the now ware house district nui will douhlo in vnluo in 18 months; 1 block from S. P, freight dopot. Address ownor, P. O. box 172. If. FOR SALE 36V4 ncros, 2 milci west of Medford on mnin ronu; fair buildings, 20 acres in 4-ycnr-old Nowtowns nud Spitr.onborK8, bn iincMi planted to pears with pench fillers; hie; youuu team, Jcraoy cow, chickonH, all niachlnory nnd tooh ro with place; $550 an aero; ooil tonus. Thore is u profit of $200 an aerQ in this buy inaide a your. '. T. York & Co. " FOR SALE Or exchange, by ownor, fiomo good ranch proporty; also Bomo town lots. Address P. O. box 083, Medford, Pro. tf FOR SALE 80 acres in all. 10 acres in 4-ycnr-olds. 9 acres irrigated alfalfa. Ifi ncros cloared land. fi miles from Medford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANCH. Prico $11,000 $175 nn acre; stnnllcr suction if desired. Address A. McComnck, care Mnil Tribune office. tf FOR SALE Do you want a fine farm of QQ acres, noar Anderson creek, Talent, Or.? Fortilo soil, healthy location, among tho hills, 20 ncrcn under cultivation, a 7-room houso, outbuildings, etc., etc.; a well of puro, spnrkling wntor, sev eral living springs of wator on u place, a fino bearing family of three ncros, early and la pics, nlso poaches, ponrs, plum, prunes, chcrrios nnd somo small fruit; lovely view from it of tho vnlloy; will mako somebody an ideal homo; six thousand dollars that's only ono hundred dollars an ncro; tnko your wifo and come on the cam to Tnlont and I will tnko u rig nnd go out nnd show you the place. I. M. Judd, Robert bide-, nonr depot. 102 Iltutaesa Property. FOR SALE OR RENT Good opon inc for genornl merchandise storo in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Mxidford. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Mnin. tf FOR SALE Choice buomess prop orty at a bargain, on long time; easy torms. Address Condor Wa tor Powor Co. FOR SALE Only hotel in Butlo Fulls, now and doing cood busi ness. Address G. W. II. Albort, Ilutto Falls. Or. 174 FOR SALE Any ono contemplating chnuRo to Oakland, Cal.: I havo ono lot with two houses in East Oak land, actual cost to ownor $3800; $1300 still to pay, nt $30 por month, in co mo $20 monthly, rented; will oxchnngo equity for small ranch nonr Phoenix or proporty iir Med ford or Ashland. Address Box 10, enro of Mail'Tribuno office. 174 FOR SALE $1000 worth, of stock in a big paying business; ono lot on unst sido at n bargain; also $1000 worth of good securities at n din count .of 10 per cont; party loavinp city. Address B. T., caro Mail Tribuno. 101 FOR SALE Paying business in Medford. Address G. C. II., enro Tribuno. 103 Lota. FOR SALE Lot, cast front, 50k 140, fmit trcos; a snnp nt $335. Addix-ss Box 19. Mnil Tribuno. 170 FOR SALE Two lots, half block north of West Mnin; paved street, sowor and city wator. Soo ownor, 430 S. Evorgroon st. 105 FOR SALE 60 foot on S. Oakdale, nonr Tenth, $800, on ousy tonus. Inquiro 4 S. Orango st. 101 FOR SALE Four lotB, sowor nnd wntor, Btroot ordorod paved, size 51x100 foot, $1250; or 4 lots, 51x 100, for $1000; on Palm Bt. Those nro tho choapost lots insido the oorporato limits of Medford. Ad dross ownor. P. O. box 172. tf MisbollABeouB. FOR SALE A $400 piano for $250. Call at 015 S. Oakdale nvo. FOR SALE 22-onl. Winohostor, 38-40 Winohostor, fishing tncklo, wagon Bheot und bows. Call 1110 W. 11th. 101 FOR SALE Good-sited hontiuc stove, nonrly now, burns wood or ceal: prico $7. 513 Boattv Bt. tf FOR SALE Fivo-sonted Buiek mito, cheap, or exchange for city lots. Box' 300. Medford. . 101 FOR SALE Mako offor; host offer this wcok takos finost six-room bungalow in town ; hardwood floors, colored glasR windows nil modorn improvonuinta; half ensh. Call W. J. ITnrtzell, covnor Dakota nud Park. 101 FOR SALE I always lmvo good in vestments in roal ostato; writo mo what you want, C. T. Forbes, routo 2, Control Point. 107 ' v. FOB SALE. MJm1J(ui(mjuji. FOR SALE 40 lomj of firHt-clasa grainhny; C..W. Inancs. tf FOR SALE One roll-lop walnut desk, 1 oak dining tnblo nnd chnirM, 1 iron bed, Hpritig nnd 2 mnttrcsscH, 1 sowing machine, 1 range, 1 kitch en cabinot, 1 oak cornrnodo, 1 onk rocker, 1 doz. fine Plymouth Rock hens. 710 E. Taylor st. 302 FOR SALE Team, buggy nd hnr uohh at tho Union stablos. FOR SALE Work horses nnd heavy wagons. Q. L. Schermor- horn. 112 N. Ornpo st. 101 KOit HALE Chandler & I'rico aor don obfcer, 11x14 press; a bargain, tnqulro Mall Jrlbuno offleo. FOR SALE Funiituro Hnlo; parties leaving city. Call at 230 S. River side tf FOR SALE 800 chickens 00 per cent pullats and laying hens; build ing and $125 worth of wire fencing, horso and wagon and 5 tons of hay and nil IooIb, etc., going with ranch; cheap rent on ground; one milo west tyf city limits. Address n 1? ir nnrt Xfntl Tnlmnii nfRni fc. .. .. 1.WU .. llllll UUIlilit FOR SALE Firtt-class moving -picture machino with hccicoptieou, 62 slides, 300 feet film. Address Box 25. enro Mail Tribune office. 102 FOR SALE Grapes, fresh from the vines. No. 507 Clark st. 180 FOR SALE I am prepared to furn ish winter supplies of fire wood in oak, fir and pine; stovewood and four-foot lengths. F. Osenbrugge, phono 1941. 401 Riverside avenue South. FOR SALE Remington visible type writer, No. 10 model. Address Box 305, enro Mail Tribuno 105 FOR RENT. U-slncss Rooms FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Rcnltv Co.. 210 W. Mnin st. tf FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Rnv Roaltv Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf F-rntebetf Room. FOR RENT Furnibhed rooms? 325 South Riverside. tf FOR RENT Lnrgo furnished front room, modem.- Phono 2455. 521 W. Hnmilton. 100 FOR RENT Nice bedroom with good bed. 40 1 W. 2d st. 105 WANTED BidB 'for cement side walk cntiro length Queen Anno av enue. For particulars Bee Walter McCallnm. Hotel Nnsh. tf FOR RENT Nicoly furnished room in modern home, best rcsidonco dis trict, close in; also privato garage for rent. Phone M. 3501. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms with bath. 004 W. 10th or 124 King Bt. 170 FOR RENT Furnished room! for transients, No. 10 North Grapo street, next to Farmers and Frult Browora bank. it' Farina. FOR RENT Farms from -40 ncres to 400 acres, nlfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West .Main. tf WANTED. Situation Waato. WANTED Position as stenographer and bookkeeper by lady with four years' oxporionco. Address M. O. onro of Mai. Tribune offioe. tf Efolp Wanted IhsstaXe. WANTED An exporioncod filter for cloak and suit "department. Ad dress Box 400. Mail Tribuno. tf WANTED A cnpnblo genornl house work mnid; ono used to 6orvico. Ap ply Mrs. C. II. Glaizo, 313 S. Grapo street. 105 WANTED Wouinn to wash ladies' clothost Inquiro at Hotel Nash. 101 WANTED A washwoman. Inquiro nt 333 S. Rivoreido avo. tf WANTED Competent woman for genornl housowork, two in family, wagos $30. Address Box 00, oaro Mail Tribune office. tf WANTED Exporioncod nltorntion wmnnu. Apply at tho Emporium Monday morning. 161 f WANTED 8alMmen In erery local ity ot tho northwest; raonay ad vanced weekly; many make over 11000 monthl; chelce ot territory. Ynklma Valley Nuraery Co., Top pon(8li, Wash. WANTED High sohool girl to work for board and room, Phono Main 1021. 103 WANTED Givl for gonoral houso work; good wngos to tho right party. Address Box 20, caro Mail Tribuno offit'Q. , WANTED Compotont girl for gon oral housowork; small family; good wagon. Phono Main 3111. tf WANTED Exporioncod nltorntion woman. Apply tl tho Emporium Monday morning. 101 WANTEi. Help Wanted Ponutle. WANTED Experienced nltcrntion woman. Apply nt tho Emporium Monday morning. 101 Help Wanted Mala WANTED Will pay boy or man with wagon commission for selling grapes or will sell them cheap; have largo quantity fino grnpos. Addrcas Box 15, caro Mail Tnbunc office. 102 WANTED Foreman for orchard, wifo to board tho men. Address, stating experience and wages want ed, Box 12, care Mail Tribuno of fice, 101 WANTED First-class carpenter wants ono, two or three houses to build; would consider ono lot as part payment. Lock Box 750. 102 Itooms to Kent. WANTED To rent or lease a furu inked or unfurnished house, 10 rooms or mora. Address 137 South Ivv. Phono No. 2843. WANTED Modern furnished house of fivo or six rooms, centrally lo cated, by couple, no children. Ad dress A. A., care Mail Tribune. 10-1 WANTED Four or five-room house, small family, no children. Inquire or address cigar factory. 119 E. 0th Bt. MisccIlaaooBS. WANTED Call or phone Main 32 for nil kinds of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll, 329 N. Riverside ave nue. 105 WANTED Phone Main 32 for gen ornl hauling, long or short job, or rubbish. 165 WANTED A second-hand bicycle, in good condition. Phone Main 0131. H. G. Sloeckmnn, 528 W. 10th st. WANTED 10,000 people to have rugs made and game heads mount ed by Bartlett. the taxidermist. In- quiro Humphrey's gun store, WANTED Sufferers from piles can hcccivc a reliable English recipe; simple; cheap; send 10c to P. Gnntz, room 233, Labbe bldg., Portland. Or. 103 WANTED Best lot from 50 to 75 feet frontage, within 3 blocks Main street, between bridge and Grapo; give best price, terms, etc. Box 115. 101 WANT fruit land or city property; havo a 1920-acre grain farm, near ly all under cultivation, full lino of farm machinery, good buildings, several fino wells, water piped in house; 1000 acres to be sown this fall to wheat; prico $30 por acre. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade, Portland. 165 WANTED To exchange some of the very best of orchard lands, 6 miles of Medford, for good desirable city property; prices right. Address box 407. 161 WANTED To borrow $1000 for one to throe years, on first-class close in property, worth $3000. Address P. O. Box 702. Medford. Or. 160 WANTED To trado two five-acre tracts near city, ono improved and ono unimproved, for improved city proporty. Address Lock Box 31, city. tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 199, caro Mnil Tribuno. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fivo passcnger 4-oylindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribuno office. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post office. POUTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA IfEY Attorneya-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Roamos. Lawyers. Of fioo Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207, Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribune office Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day ovonhtg promptly at 8 o'clock. All journoymon carpenters, as well as local mombors, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital interest to nil carpontors transacted at theso meetings. J. J. Sonl, business agt. Stenograph era. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Blook Stenographic work done quickly and well. Cinuilto Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st manufacturers and deal ore in gmouumontal and buildin granite, crushed granito, common brick nnd prossod briok, conrso nnd fino wnBhod rivor sand. PAUL & WOLFF soil sand and foun dation gravel; all ordors promptly dolivorcd. Phono 4721 and 1213 Main. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tailor T. D. MORGAN, JR., 710 E. Taylor t. Up-to-dnto paper hangor; 10 years' experience in tho cast. 17.1 Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder Seo me about your new home. I can save you monoy by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. 0., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phone 744. UcaUs&s. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANB in Rialto 'bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentiat Office in rooms 203-204, Fanner' & Fruitgrowers' bank buildinjr went of the trankft. Undertaken. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 35L Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Bntler 357L La Had dries SING LEE has sold his laundry to Wah Lee Co., and hereafter it will be conducted by Wah Lee. He is an experienced man in the busi ness. Pftlaten H. G. DEAN, O. P. 1TMULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & HcMalleo contracting painters, paintinfr. pa per hanging and tinting. Ettimatei on all kinds of paintinc work Medford, Or. Oe&est fllfltwnfli CEMENT SIDEWALKS, briekmason stone mason, plastering and al lane's of stucco work. Expert work mansbip at reasonable ckarree b the day or contract. Adaxeas Ma sona. 511 E. Main nt.. Medfnrai. Or NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MaoKenrio, dealer ir new and second-hand furniture hardware, clothing, boots and shoes Highest cash prices paid for gooc cast-off clothing. Call and see m when you have something to sell 103 South Central. Prtaton rvBWMn MEDFORD PRINTING CO. kas tht best equipped job offioe is South era Oregon; Pertlaei prieea. S? South Central avenue. Bffiferd Partem. S. T. BHOWN & CO. laiiaris, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up siaira Young & Hall builaUag. A aloe cool place to spend tie kot after noons. Hocpttata. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st, Medford, Ore. W. Hisey, Matron. Official kospita P. E. B. a. Bed EARLFi C. SABIN Orchard traoU city property. List your hold&nft with me. Only desirable property handled. Boon 202, Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. BUI rosters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster aai Distributor. All orders prompth filled. Boom 30, Jackson Const Bank building. Medford. Ore. Clears Mt4 Xoteeee. D2ELAND & ANTLE, Smokekome Dealers in tobacco, cigars an smokers' supplies.. Exolnsive agenti of Lewis Single Binder, 1 Meriti and 3 Palenoia. 213 West Man street. Fmrmitvre. H. F. WILSON ft CO., dealers b new and second-hand furnitun and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. J 6 Soutb Fir street. Phone Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made t order. Cabinet work of all kindi A trial order solicited. MOBDOFF& WOLFF Cook stovei and ranges. New and seoond-hani furniture. Bads' old stand. 13 W F st. South. Phone 81, Medford Ore. Nmneriea. QUAKER NUKSERD3S Our treei are budded, not grafted. Our stool is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in tfc trust. H. B. Patterson, offioe r moved to 116 East Main at. ROGUE RP7ER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. .Growers of high grade nursery Btook. Offioe 2 W. Main. Tel. 1201. rbyslclans and Bnrgeoss. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposit. Jaokson County bank. Night call promptly answered. Offioe ani residonoe phone Main 3493. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any dofoct of tho eye. Of fice over Allon & Reagan's. Phone Main 1851. BUSINESS DIRECTOR. Photograph- MACKEY'S STUDIO 'To. witk Maokey and dio witk joy." Over Allen & Reagan's store; entmuee P5 JISg JLfi!s!SJt. . DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS -Practice limited to discasos of ttio ore, car, noso and throat. Of! Ice 2ltf E. Mnin Bt., over Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY ft CLANCY. fhu clans and Surgeons, Taylor as Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 2.1S. Offioe phone 561, resident uhnoe 612. Office hours 9 a. m. n - DR. F. G. CARLO W, DH KA MAINS CABLOW - OsUoptinfe Physicians. Mission block f'booe 202. Medford. Brick GoapanJe. MEDFORD BRICK CO. 0. K Fnddy, O. D. Nagle, 0o. X. O'Brien Contractors and uiaaa factnrera of brick; dealnrr ki pressed briok and lime. Officn is Postoffiee block, room f. Pk, No. 11S1. Tl fljiimni J. A. SMITH Tin shop. T.B and sheet iron ware on band an mndm to order. 128 North O S FRATERNAL ORDERS. a. r. mA a. wC Medford IvOdtr-, jfo. 102, meets Fridays in Maaonlo HatJ. L. B. Kaaklns. W. M . WII-' llam Muller. Sec-rotary. SUted meeting! tntrd f.Iii;8BG?-.w,MHir8ni;,',1: .. -wv,. ptpiary. Moynl Arc seasons. 32CrM,,e ?hP"r. No. '. MeetB first an. I .1.1.. Tue-dars In Mwonlo HalU T" h nes. High Priest J. R. Woodford, l&retwy: J6?rt.5fcV-.l.. Mews .00. Jordan. Secretary. a' Mr- - s. r. o. s. Medford Lodge. No. liss.v Tr Meets Thuradava in v a ( jM HaJL W. W. Elfert. E. R.J b -. io.ior, secretary; 9m John WilklnsL Tr,.i,r. VsUmmI rntMn Scton. .J!e??. JteoJ1' No- 2"- Meels first and third Wednesdays In Rmith-. irlft Medford Lodge. No. 83. Meet Mondav. xr T. M..5tcna ' fnTrJ''' W- U'-.' JO foresters of America, Court Medford. Ho. 895. Meets secund and fourth Mondays In Red men's Halt O. M. Sets by. Chief. acr. Talisman Lodge. No. 31, Meets Mondays In K. P. Hall. IL O, "Wortman, C C; J. F. Ilutch ason, K. of R. 8. yytMan Sisters. Temple No 40. Meets first and third Wednesdays In K. P. Hall. Mrs. Enola Hamilton. K. C; Mrs. Alice K. Trow brldce. M. of R. C. A. O. XT. W. Medford Lodge, No. 33. Meet second and fourth Wednes days In Redmen's Halt. Fort Hubbard. M. W.; A. C. Hub bard, Recording- Secretary; Chas. St ran it. Treasurer. Royal neighbors of America. Mistletoe Camp, No. 471J. Meets first and third Mondays in Rodmen's HalL Mrs. J. B. Enyart, Oracle; Mrs. Alts. Newman. Secretary. . Order of Eagles. Medford Aerie. No. 1277. Meets Thurs days In Rodmen's trail. O. M. Sels by. P. Fzaternal Srotherhood. Banner Lodge. No. 135. Meets first und third Wednesdays, Redmen's Hall. J. R. Tyrrell. President; M. C, McDon ougli. Secretary. M. W. A. Medford Camp, No. 90. Meets first and third Wednesdays, at Redmen's Hall. W. C Klnyon, Consul; W. T. Goulder. olorlc. Woodmea of the World. Medford Camp. No. 90. Meets first and third Thursdays In Redmen's Hall. W. P. Mealey. C. C.; J. W. Ling, cleric. Women of Woodoraft. ' Chrysanthemum Circle, No. 81. Meots second and fourth Tuesdays In Redmen's Hall. Mrs. Katn Watte, O. M.; Mrs. Prua jvhkib nan, cierK. X. O. T. X. Triumph Tent, No. 14. Meets first and third Mondays In Redmen's Hall. C. B. Collins, Coa.1 C. F. llurke, R. K. Srand Army of the Jtejmblio. Chester A. Arthur Post, No 47, Meets first and third Tuesdays In Redmen's Hall. O. W. Elgiimy, Com.; D. R. Aa- drews AJt. Woman's Sellef Coras. Chester A. Arthur Corps, No, 34. Meets first and third Wednesdays In Redmen's Hall. Mrs. Nancy willson. President; Mm Win. Bhoulty. Secretary. Order of Xeowen. Weatonka Tribe, No. 3 Q Meets gft urduys In Redmen's Halt. .Aug. D. 4a- K lot . p., wcti Mw-. .M w, -.. Order of 3fAketM. Meets Friday In Redmen's HillM Margaret CJardner, P,; Mrs. W, U. Schults, K. of R. W( o C-JCn v - SBBsPltW ft