. ? tifTlWH t4 ''' , '' ; i 4 M MBDFORD MAH. OggBUMB, MBPBQRD, OREGON, 3T&NDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910. I" I W - ! Ill " ' , ! WIMI.MIH Pill ! aa I H.WHIMIIIH WM a a. l I k I f"7,WIMMWW" ri - ' ' ' "' ' " """ " - . - Watch This Page for Advertisements of Good Things to Eat P III I "'I " " ' ' , . :. , fc W; iftic: i .. if-, r ii. tViLitl . It . "" , Butte Falls Items T n lfnmoa linn TlllTialiasi'd a flllO yiano with pinnol&JaTtfMhWent, and ire Mrs. often nro TCKaI5f H1U8W u Karnes. 7W..,r W. J. Kinor of Iho IiSld Diano house f Medford, has eeMiiaterviowinR wjt musically iuclined people and ls tho prospect of placing povoral eiders. " It is hoped that many in struments will find their way into fte homes of our people, as "from tine whereof tho memory of man rraaite'th not to tho contrary" music has been one of tho refining and up lifting influences that has made for Urhor civilization. . Engineer BovoriddRC, with his crow I assistants, has broken camp and it is quito probnblo that no mere: work will bo dono on the railroad iron this point until later on. Dillon Claspill has taken a posi tive with the fire-fighting force and is doing good work. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perry gave ou Saturday a birthday dinner to their UMther and her husband (Mr. and Mrs. F. XL Stewart) and to Mrs. rover and Mrs. Nichols of Eagle TtiaL Thore were present Mrs. Stewart and Judge F. M. Stewart of Medford, J. W. Grover, Mrs. J. F. (Sk&ols and several grandchildren. T say that they all were not enter tai&ed and that Mr. and Mrs. Ferry S4 sot do the honors of such an cession with more than ordinary interest and excellence would be laakjng in a proper commendation of llhase-excellent people There was a slight rain on Sat wfcj night, but Sunday was cloudy, vita indications that a good rain weald soon fall and which is very Kich needed, as thore is but little stock feed and tho woods are still John Allen of Derby has been Jeoking- after his stock interests ut the Geppert ranch. Gas Edmonson and a friend were fiakkg Butto Falls on Sunday. He ays no definite, certain clue has Stee 'found to the parties who burg larized his father's home. Quite a party of our young men lave gone on a hunting expeedition asd we have the promise of some Tseisou if any is secured, and which will be very welcome, as none has keen- enjoyed so far. Frank Netherlnnd has been mov ieg his household goods from Derby to the Falls and will move into his ww house. Claspill & Wheeler have brought n a large load of assorted store goods from tho valley. Emerson Wheclor is off on a busi t boss visit to Medford to purchase stock. A Mr. Bassctt of Eagto Point has been hero looking over tho ground for an investment. Ho says more than 20 years ago ho was in this section nnd ho was surprised to note tho many and favorablo changes which have taken place and that ho hardly recognized his old haunts. Wo aro pleased that tho Mail Trib uno is touching up tho road question. It is a shamo the wasto of monoy and labor is so great and that so little real son-ice is given nnd good dono nnd that the roads aro so bad. Mrs. Salome Matthews, wife of one of the oldest citizens, is suffer ing from a, sovoro nttack of dropsy. Drs. Seeley of Medford and Holt of Eagle Point are attending physicians, ; and on Monday performed nn oper ation of tapping Mrs. Matthews, which has brought to her temporary relief. Mrs. Matthews is a land, hard-working woman and it is1 hoped that her trouble may bo effectually cured. W. S. Dowing, who has been here for several days looking over his largo interests, loft on Monday's stage for Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr. Dewing is very much Dleased with the condition of his plant and the efficient services of Mr. Mills, his manager, and Superintendent Neta crland. In due time developments will take place advancing vory mate rially tho present conditions. C. E. Powers and son have purch ased several lots in the south end of the town and are building on them comfortable homes. Shorty Miles came up to the Falls on Monday, through a drenching rain, for hunting, but left us on Tuesday, the weather not being fa-j vorable. Ira Tungate has returned from thevalloy, where he has been visit ing for several days. There -was an itinerant photog rapher hero during tho week who has been taking views of our town and its many homes and buildings, as also of the surrounding country We have so many beautiful and in teresting views hereabouts that nearly every week some artist visits this section and goes away with many views which aro used 'ior va rious magazines and papers. All danger of forest fires is now past, as the heavy downpour of rain on Monday has effectually quenched the last smoldering embers and the face of tho country, tho clearness of the atmosphere and the balmy air are most invigorating. The primary election promises to be a tame affair, as the voters do not appear enough interested to come out and vote. Eagle Point Eaglets By A. O. HowJett. TJ. G. Hurley, a photographer from Fruitvale, Cnl.. has been to Butte Falls and came out Wednesday, where ho bad been taking views of tae scenery in that section. He has been stopping ut the Sunnyside for a couple of dnys taking photographs f some of tho buildings, orcbarda, 6ur school, etc. He produces some fine pictures. J. Moomaw has about completed lis new house, E. S. Wolfer has jut finished plumbing it, and James Rin-j-er, who has ben Inid up with bro ken ribs, said today (Friday) that ae thought that ho would be able lo o to work and finish up the paint ing next week. j I understand that J. W. Grover iws sold'that part of his place lying south of the county road, including His house, barn nnd orchard. I did not 'learn tho price puid or the name tho man to whom he sold, but heard that he was a man from Seut tle, Wash. Wo havo just stopped working on a new well wo have been digging ut ike Sunnyside. Wo went down 37 feet and struck a kind of slate for saation that exports sav is a sure in dication of coal, nnd it is the opin ion of a number with whom I have " talked that this entire Butte creak valley is underlaid with a bed of oal. Judging by tho amount of build- wg material On the different lots in J Eagle Point, thore will be something doing in tho building lino this fall, al though it is vory hard to got lumber either horo, at tho mills or at Med ford. Womsloy and Smith nro build ing a bam for T, E. Nichols and they complain that they can't get lurabor enough to keop them busy much over a&lf of tho time. Mr. nnd Mrs, Poyton of Peyton were horo Friday trading with our MfrchnntHi and on their way to STedfoni to s.eo tho show Saturday. Miss Donna Rader, who was called home on account of. her mother go ing to Klamath county to visit her sister and stepmother. Mrs. Sever ance was behind the counter again Thursday morning in Von dor Hel- len's store. Henry French and Alex Foster were doing business in Eagle Point Thursday. . L Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarno were smil ing on their friends Thursday. Old Grandfather Clarno, now 84 years of age, wns down from his home near Reese creek, and while hero called on your correspondent to talk over church matters. Mrs. Dartz, who is on tho Wilson plnco in Eagle Heights, had a lot of wire fencing arrive Friday and was taken to her place by Dccter & Daisy tho same day. A gentleman by tho name of Hutchison, who has a homestead on Reese creek, came out Thursday night on tho P. & E. car and spent tho night hero, the next morning tak ing tho Eagle Point and Prospect stago for homo. Miss Ina Willils of Persist, who has been engaged teaching school nour Climax, enmo out Thursday evening, spent tho night horo nnd Friday morning went up- homo with hor brother, who has tho contract for carrying tho mail from horo to Pros pect, via Trail and Persist. Sheriff Jones enmo out Thursday morning nnd loft tho ballot boxes for Englo Point, Trail, Flounce Rock, Lnke Creek and Climax nnd Butte Falls at tho Sunuvsido, in enro of his deputy, John W. Smith, nnd ho started tho same afternoon nnd went to Climax nnd Lnke Crook nnd Fri day morning stnrted for Trail nnd tho othor procinots with them. E, S, Wolfer is working on P, H. Daley's liouso today, doing tho plumbing wprk. Chase & Sanborns COF.FEE is used in hundreds of the best homes in Medford and the valley, and once used no substitute can be offored. Aro you a Chase & Sanborn user? Blue Ribbon FLOUR is bought in carload lots and wo sell quito a number of cars every year. Every woman who has used Blue Ribbon will tako no oth er brand unless forced to do so. IP IT'S GOOD TO EAT, WE HAVE IT. Warner, Wortman & Gore GROCERY PHONE 286 MARKET PHONE 281 POPULARITY Comes from several rea rea eons: IFIRST, we attain pop ularity by carrying a complete stock in all lines of staple and fancy GROCERIES SECOND, by employ ing only the most courte ous and painstaking helpj ITHIRD, by making good every single thing that is not altogether satisfactory. tJSome of our special ties cemprise: FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES, WHITE DIAMOND FLOUR, THE BEST 25c COFFEE. Olmstead & HibbarcT Phone Main 571 DOES THIS MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU? JOur stock is always new and fresh. We sell on the lowest possible margins. We handle only the best brands of , staple and fancy grocer ies. JWe are running a Spe- , cial sale on ) DISHES i IDoes this mean any- : thing to you? Allin b Allin 132 West Alain Street. Phone Main 2691 AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. 0. M. Murphy MURPHY BROS. .AUTO MVERY 1010 Chalmers Detroits. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. v Ultra Shoes in all the latest designs. qCOMMON SENSE not sacrificed in de signing Ultra Shoes. Comfort is not subor dinated to style: both are equal. ybdmeadedSA Medford. Iron WorRs E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, .Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents m So. Oregon for t FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. RESOLVE! Tho boat resolution for yoa to make ia to come to ua for your next unit, If you want something out of the ordinary. We do the beat work and eaargr the lowest prices. W. W. EIFBRT psoaxjiMrvM taxlos LOOK TO TIIK FUTUKE as well as tho prosont. You don't always oxpoct to havo a small busi ness. Thon propnro yoursolf for a big ono. Ojon an account at tho Farmors & Fruitgrowers' Dank and get used to doing buslncsa as big business Is dono, Desldos an account hero Is a monoy savor In many ways. A check costs you only two conts to mall, What doos It cost you to sond tho cash? . FAHMima' & FilUITGnOWERfl' BANK. '-ii Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank H, Hull, Prop., Medford, Or, R F. GUERIN &' CO. 4 Medford National Bank Bldg. , Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You Our Specialties Evory grocorynian has a nunibor of spooial linos which ho exploits and soils a great deal of. Two of our main specials aro "Puro White Flour" and "Ooldon Gate Coffee" PURE WHITE FLOUR is tho standard tho perfect flour. All wo ask is a trial -you'll bo a steady patron ovory nf forwards. GOLDEN GATE COFFEE has a record all ovor tho Pacific coast as boing tho best seller on tho market. Thoro is a good reason. Allen & Reagan PHONE MAIN 2711 Perfection Oil Heaters will cause you to lose all prejudice against burning oil. They are clean, economical, handy and just what every home should possess. If a corner of tho house is cold, warm it up with a "Perfection Oil Heater." LET US SHOW YOU. NICHOLSON HARDWARE COMPANY MAIN AND BARTLETT STS. WJ&i I . v I m, 'tm , M If I $7.so Ka xv. Jm S .Or A OS. a,' In VK SJBf Mdl V The tool that il$lieaglo4; Ibal'i dctlgntJ or comfort and tulllfor ttrvitt IS.Ineh ticlsbl Goodiraar wad $9.50 12-l..h, fMiub, twrfeoi fit ttnil u honett and rt llablo m hoot can b tnmlc. oarantrml in (. t7. .'.' Uppera alwaja Mem "Kl0" Hncrlal I'rnnru Of TannaCO. thO liWI lrather far ererdajr knockabout near. A Ik for Catalog C 1uourJtaUr fuun'l Afm "pan" on J Amttltan lint" thou v Jiltttr pn- paiaainu loyou ol rtgukir tiuu ptltti ,Namt atuiayo on o and yttlout tabtt. MENZIES SHOE COMPANY, Detroit, Mick. fjJWo nro oxcIubIyo njfonta In Mod ford for tho gontilno Monz "Koano" lioota advortlaod this wcok In tho HATUItDAV KVEN'INO POST (JTIila ndvortl8omont ahowa, what tho tnnkora say of tho Mom "Kaao" but to our notion thoy don't claim half what thoy could. Wo would lllto to toll you the othor half what mon you know havo to say of thorn. &e Wardrobe TUB HOMH OF GOOD SIIOICS 4-LLW I 1 . .i am Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Singlo rooms or on suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In ICvcry Room Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE' Union Livery Stables and will conduct a Kflerul food and boarding entabltahment. Horsoa boardod by the day, woek or month. I guarantoa a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. I- yeroww - -fT .ite.Wf'ir!l-j'jsJ,.j !.- jj.