W& Voroa CTOI firw ciw FIRST SECTION Medford Mail Tribune cnitkd phbsb associat 1 Fall Leaacj Wire Kefrtrti.-' PAGES 1 TO 8 Tito only miner In th published In a city the riM.W Medford having leas4 te. J jrnirnYicAjR. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1910. No. 16L ANTI -ASSEMBLY FORCES WIN JACKSON s yjttft M lot' Result of Republican Primaries in Jackson County 50 PER CENT OF VOIE IS ALL CAST Mulkey Carries County by Two to On Vote Davis Leads Patterson Colvlp Is Third In Race with oVn dtr Hellcq First Only About 100 Votes Yet to Hear From. Insurgent and nuti-iiHsombly forces won n grcn t victory in Jackson county Saturday, duupito thu fact that ken than 50 per cent of tho republican voto wuh cant, and still loaa of tlio democratiu voto. Buffalo BUI proved a greater attraction than tfao primaries, and in some outlying procinotii no election was hold. With 10 prccinctii complete, with a rciHimtcnn registration or over 1800, including all thu largo prc cinctH of tho county, and with prob nl)ly k'H than a hundred votes to hear from, 11. F. Mulkey, insurgent cnuiiidnto for congress, has carried Jnckxon county almost two to one. Dimick loadH the gubernatorial can didate, and the entire nuti-nHHcmbly ticket, with tho exception of Frank HcuMou for Hocrotary of Btatc, ha swept tho county. For slate senator, tho Htntciuont cnudiduteH are in tin; lead, but country precincts may cltnugo tho rcHiilt. George L. Davis hnH a Niuall lead over Joflliua Patter son for county commiKsionor, but In ter roturon may :i1ko change Ui'ih. Precincts heard from itielude the fire Medford precinctfl, the three AhIiIiwuI precincts, tho two Jnckxon- villo, flold Hill. Central Point, Ragle (Continued on Page 8.) seeWpTboT john r. walsh WASHINGTON, Sopt. 2-1. A move on tho part of nttornoyH to so ouro the rclouso of John It. Walsh, tho aged Chicago banker, now sorv ing a tonn in tho federal priHon at Fori Leavenworth 'for , violation of tho national banking Iuwh, wan be gun today. A mouHtor petition wuh filed with tho department of justice, asking Proflhlent Taft to exorcise clemenoy toward WuIhIi, on tho ground that tho banker will hooii bo beyond tho reach of human aid un ions he Ih parolod. Tho petition itsolf eontaiiiH 25 pugos,' uottiug forth tho caso ngahiHt Walsh. Tho signatures of Mrs. Wo I nil and tho banker's sons, who accompanied him to prison whou ho wns inonrcoratod a year ngo, arc appended. Tho petition was filed by floorgo Buckingham, uttornoy for tho bankor. All tho living officers and direct ors of tho "Walsh banks" havo join ed in tho application for his release Tho HtookholdorH and every traceable depositor except one huvo signed the potitiou, all affirming that tboy did not loso ii cent on account of Walsh's irregularities. KILLED BY COLLAPSE OF OLD BUILDING j a i w i h S r 5 o 55 5 o , OFFICIOS. ', T p J? 5 I 9 f 8 o a 2 . iv- -.a g y rvr ',i:- - 1 ' f .Ml : 5 I T T"l ii fv - ' f, F Jr o ,P ? ?- I 5 a g I g ? -r r- . p p p gr sr 5 7J I " -M ?5 . P ? -M f o . ,.V- J ,v , p..p I 3- ?J g r I I I I a!l ? --I ? ? Z I r . J - v I I , t "fjKPUI)FJGAN J : ;; ; J ;? ; , ; j ; ;; & R p ; ; U j j '? i ; j f" j j : j : : :::::::: i j :::::: i :::::::::::::::: : , F t 1 ! ''lJ I J '. 11 Knnt Analatu! Went AHhliuut . South Anblr.ntl . Contra! Point' . . KnRlo Point . . . Gold Hill ..... X. Jacksonville 8, JackHoavlllo N. K. Modfdrd . N. W. Medford. 8. K. Medford.. 8. W. Medford. Central Medford Phoenix Talent Union 11 581 I , 14 I "I I "I , 9 I "I I 101 I 3 I 3 -I 38 I l I l . 131 1 4U 15 70 30 DSJ 23 U 11 27 3 27 11 30 C 2C 7 2C 7 32 1C 21 0 D&j 3-tj 92 32 21 12 32... 6 5 10 59 10 40 12 0 1C 2 9 10 10 12 1C 0 9 8 19 9 E 4 4S 40 42 33 5 17 9 14 41 21 17,35 21 23 33 44 28 09 31 llj 2 17l 7 28 4 10 3C 14 7 31 8 10J 28 10 8 25) llj 1C 45 17 8 13 8 22 3C. 47) 31103 36 C 19 15 10) 25 20 1 lOJ 1 ipm 23 9C 28 73 1D 20 1G 1C 10 29 13 27 17 17 8 28 31 33 21 911 1 421 50) 82 8 27 7 38 2 10 44 94) 64 34 18 34 27) OOl mm) 27 42) 20 91 98 27 T5T 8 6j 70 28 82 Clj 30) 71 24 7 30) 7) 9) 20 18) 7 17) 21 13 28 25) 20 27 22 G IS) 33) 26 17 llj 2 13 92 42 93 C6 52) 94 241 01 221 47 41 81) 77 76 C7 26 C5 14) 17 23 23) 30 8) 25) 8) 28) -2 2 1 34) S8) 13 14 9G 69 87 87 5fil 201 12 36 31 10 11 9 12 15 5 21 9 55 41 5 ........... 7) C 7) 6 9j 9) 3 15 29 90 32 86 49 28 22 llj 16 20 14 34) 16 29 27 26 15 50) 39 13 6 101) 60 107) 69 26 8 .. 13 91 5 2S 65 50 18) 13 23 15) l 17 30 15) 68 58 25) 29 C 321 261371 4G 361 131 541 46 381 14 41 43 60 50) 84) 97 61) 40128 98 83 29 19 97) 52J 40J 8lj 8lj 53 35) 9S 81) 06) 21 18) 68 20 17) 30 31 21 12J 40) 34 19 llj 17) 23 18 10 21f 17 6J 30J 24J 24 lj 9 20 14 181 161 191 271 211 8! 301 25 20 20) 35 36J 23 15 38 35) 17) 15 34) 29 9 20 36 31) 10J 18) 24J 26J 25 4 35 29 30 35 47) 48) 37 19 62) 57) 41 151 141 191 151 31 22 161 11 7 20 19 14) 12 12 24 7 15 14J 18 2 9) 28 12 10J 33 23 30) 4 7 14 6 40 78) 921110 78) 39 124108 14 56 62) 52) 63 57 98105 73 46)...)...) 21 60 63 57) llj, 20J 24J 3lj 25 7J 30 35 llj llj 16 12 ....................... 181 12 14 19 6) 6 6 llj 8 3J llj 10J 7 lj 8) 6 17)12 53) 23 44 50 17 23J 17J 18 18 18 22 14J 25) 26 16 20 16 14 21) 19 15 27 29 19J 47 55 llj 2lj 21 72 90)107 69 89 99 39 23 20) 13 23 23 24J llj 34 7 6J 6 6 44 103 80 19 19 11 23 18 6 17 5 30 TotaU 350, ti40201231291214G60302277653 G49498252533614)&6S295644430 46U401423646713l491294t732!634326310345502(447546l494468 MOCK CAPTURED OF 1R , TELLS STORY AND OF FLIGHT Body of Female Is Found in Basement on Eureka Street Believed to Be That of Eva Swan, Who Recently Disappeared Joints of Body Were Sawed So That It Could Be Deported in a Trunk. fl 4- i tt tH 4- -f -r l i MURDERER MOCK SAYS: That tho murder of Josso C. Smith was not premeditated. That ho was on his way to give himself up when captured. That his wife is a good woman and has over boon faithful. That he killed Jesse C. Smith whilo partially under tho influ ence of liquor and when his temper had gotten tho best of him. That he does not feel like a murderer. That he is suffering from tuberculosis nnd that ho haB not long for this world, anyway. That he has never before been in trouble of any kind. f -f-f -r -f-f-f-f -f--f-f-f4----t--f-f---.--4-44-f-f SACRAMENTO, Cat., Sopt. 24. Sonrohin the ruins of the Illauth building, which collupsod at 1 o'clock this morning, revealed no bodies buried beneath tho debris and tho authorities boliovo that Potor An derson was tho only portion killod. An investigation will bo started at ouco to fix responsibility for thq envo-in of tho struoturo, n two-story build ing. It is boliovod that oxaivyntions adjneout, whoro a building is boitig orootod, caused tho building to fall. Tho second story of tho building WUB occupied as u lodging house, Julian A. Mock, tho murderer of Josflo C. Smith, in confined in the county jail in Jacksonville. Ho was captured early Saturday morning on Little Applegatu, 12 miles east of Ashland, by Deputy Sheriff P. Man ning of Talent, who was assisted by Jamos and Clifford Garvin of Tal ent. iVa. James Trash gavo the information which led to the mur derer's arrest. Tho fugitivo had no chance to resist and submitted quietly. Worn I))' Hardship. Worn out by three days of hiding in tho brush in the hills to the south of this city and greatly weakened by laok of food, Mock was forcod to visit a habitation on Thursday nftoruoou. Ho appeared a,t the homo of James Trask, on Little Applegate, about ') o'clock in the afternoon and asked for food and lodging. Ho was given both, when he signified a wil lingness to go to work with Mr. Trask and assist in tho orootiou of an addition whjch Mi. Trask Is building to his homo. After n hearty supper, leaving his gun at tho foot of tho stairs, ho repaired to the loft and wont to bed. Had Itead of Case, Mrs. Trnsk bad road full accounts of tho murder and tho suecoodiug manhunt in tho columns of tho Mail Tribune, Bho rocognizod tho nuiu by tho-description which had hoop pub lished, ' nnd as soon us sho could safely do so sho dispatohod her 11-yoar-old son to tho homo of W. Pni- (Continuod on Page 8) Julian A. Mock's story of the killing of Jesso C. Smith, his subse quent attempt to escape tho law and his life, as told Saturday afternoon to u representative of tho Mail Trib une in tho presence of Sheriff W. A. Jones and Walter McCallum, is as follews: "I do not feel liko n murdorer, though tboy tell mo that 1 .am one. I had no intention of killing Jesse Smith on last Tuosday evening when I visited his homo. In fact, I had not intended going thoro, but did so in order to soo Davo Martin, whoa I learned that ho was visiting Smith instead ot being at homo. However, when I did moot Smith I nskod him why ho had tried to steal my dog and why bo had called my wifo a liar. Ho grow oxoitod and struck mo after wo had had a few words. Then it was that I. ornzod for a moment. drew my knifo and struck. What followod afterward is more or loss of a blur.-, I thought oi but ono thing and that was to got away, So I started, walking blindly for a while, thon as I grow cooler I stmok out across tho fields for tho hills, koopiug away from tho roads, Tho roport that I had mndo my oscapo in a cart with n horso was falso, for I mndo ovorv bit of the trip on foot. Watched Pursuers, "Suvornl timos during tho night, when I catno oloso to tho roads, "au tomobilos passed, driving furiously, and I know that they woro looking for mo. Sovoral times I wns vory REDUHOr RATES IS HELP Thousands of Dollars Annually to Be Saved to Medford If Recent Order of Railroad Commission Is PuMn to Effect No Notice as Yet Is Sent by Company to Its Agent Here. CRIME RIVALING NMD CRIPPEN CASE IN SAN FRANCISCO BOHIAN SAID TO BE VICTORIOUS Returns Are Very Slaw in Mritat man County and ThfeHfteut WW amette Valley Oswald Wt Sweeps State fer Democratic Ht minatln Others Run Cfese. Body of Female is Fund in Basement an Eureeka Street Believed to be That f Eva Swan. Who Recently Dlssapeared Joints of Body Were Sawed so That it could be Deported In a Trunk. (Continuod on Page 8) Thorcdnctlon of from IS to 22 per cent on nil class rates to Medford, ordered by tho Intorstnto commerce commission, will, It maintained, savo thousands of dollars annually to con sumers lu Medford. II. C. Garnet states that It this ro ducod rato had beon la effect dur ing tho last nlno months In his hard ware business thoro would havo beon a saving of S2000 to his patrons. Tho now rato on nails for lnstanco calls for a reduction of 20 cents a lcog. During thu Inst utno months Mr. Qnr nett has reocived 10 carloads of nails with 400 kegs lu each car. At a rcduteion of 20 cents a keg tho sav ing would hnvo been SSOO on nails nlono. Sugar Is another Important com modity that comes uuder tho juris diction ot class rates. Tho prosont fifth class rato for sugar In carload shipments from tho roftnorlos in San Francisco for n hundred pounds Is 91 M cents. Under tho now rato or dored by tho lutorstato commission tho frolght churgo on sugar will bo reduced 20 conts a huudrod pounds, Cannod goods, crnckors, whisky, coffoo, Iron plpo, eteel rails, struc tural Iron and hardwaro of all kinds nro Boino of tho goods that como In under tho class rates affected by tho first order of tho commission. It Is hardly oxpectod that any roductlons will bo ordored In tho first class, but chnngos in tho commodity rates nro looked for lator, when they havo boon investigated by tho lutorstato com mission and Stato Commissioner WoBt, Drugs, shoos, hats and dry goods aro numborod among tho ar- SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. The mutilated, acia-aien bo4j dug from tho cellar hou60 an Eureka street here was identified tonight W Mrs. Harry Weir as that of Eva Clara Swan. Mrs. Weir is the propriet ress of tho rooming houso where Miss Swan resided. Her ldentitca tlon was accepted by tho police as positive, although tho face was mar red by acid said to havo beon poured over it. Mrs. Weir said that the idontifcation was positive on account of tho high cvheek bones, and two broad flat teeth, prominent in the center of tho lower jaw. (Continuod on Pngo 8) SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. Although tho police still hold to the theory that tho body found in tho basement of tho Euroka street houso I is that of Eva Swan, a school j teacher at Paso Itobles, and receut ,ly employed as stenographer in San I Francisco, tho identification was shaken tins' afternoon by Mrs. Jlnrry Weir. Mrs. Weir, who keeps the rooming house at which Evan J Swan lived, boliovcs that tho detee , tivos aro mistaken. Sho basos her J belief on the clothing found in tho trunk in the basement of tho house whoro the body was discovered. Tho wisps of hair found iu tho trunk does not correspond with the color of Miss Swan's hair, Mrs. Weir declares, and tho color of tho hair on tho head of tho dead girl, though Stained from tho acid poured over it after death, is dissimilar, Tho dcteotivos working on tho caso, boliovo that Homor Hatch, from Paso Robles, may bo able to settle tho dis pute definitely. Ho will bo an im portant witness in identifying tho girl, tboy bolieve. Aftor completing his examination of tho body todny, Autopsy Surgeon Glover mndo tho following state ment : Surgeon's Statement. "Tho body is that of a femalo, ngo not determined; hair ovidontly dark, but color changed by somo fruid; weight about 150 pounds, well devel oped; height, 5 feet 0 inches; teeth, Tho grave was saturated with ni- uneven, upper jaw somewhat decay ad; body wrapped in a plain linen nightdress, which was considerably decayed; portions of tho body burn ed by soaio sort, of corrosive, prob ably nitric acid, as stains showed yellow." The report goes on to say that the internal organs aro decayed. Both legs aro sawed through near tho nuklo; tho partial amputation was probably performed after death, the physicians think. The report docs not give tho prob able cause of death, Thcro is no mention made of any operation hav ing been performed. Coroner's Jury Visits Scene. Tho coroner's jury summoned to hold an inquest into the death of the girl whoso body was found in the Eureka street houso wns taken to the houso to visit tho scene whoro tho body wns found today. Dr. Grant will be taken to tho houso this after noon nud questioned. Gran,t and Miss Messersmith woro photograph ed and measured today. Acting on tho theory that tho story told detectives by Ben Gordon, 30, who, disgruntlod, ho says, because Dr. Jnmos Grant had refused to pay him $18 said to bo duo him, gavo the first iutitmntiou of tho trngedy dis closed whon detectives nud officers from tho coroner's offico uuder tho flickering light of lanterns toro away tho cement and found tho body of a girl. Died on Operating Table. Gordon's story, as told to tho po lice, says that the girl wont to Dr. Grant for an operation; that sho died on tho oporating table; that tho doc tor bocamo frightened nud deoided to got rid of the body. A small hoii3o on Eureka Btreot was ronted, tho story continues; tho body wns put into u trunk, the joints first boing sawed through so that it might bo orumpled up to fit its crnmpod rest ing placo. Gordon says tho doctor took tho trunk to tho honse; that he sawed a holo in tho wooden' floor of tho basomont, dug a shallow grave nnd buried the body. PORTLAND, Sept. 24. With tfe returns coming in very slowly, re turns at a lato hour tonight indica! tho victory of Jay Bowcrman ia tin fiht for the republican gubernatorial nomination over Hofor. Dimmirlr t4 Abraham. He has carried MuItneaudK county. In the second congressional district Laffcrty, insurgent, has won aniu Ellis. In the first district Willamette nL. ley returns indicate the renominate. of Congressman Hawley, but insur gent leaders are counting on the re tarns from Coos, Klamath, Lake and Jackson counties, where early reports give Mulkey a consideraUt lead. Oswald West has rnn th ilan. 4cianeo"ominatioa' die rTe'ffi Myers, and has swept Kali county. Attorney-General Oawfora been renominated. Indications tonight aro that assemblyites will confrpl the n legisaltnrc. Seldom havo tho returns beea slow at a prdimary election a this one. ROOSEVELT TO BE (MMti SARATOGA, Sept. 24. Tonftse tho big question hero is whether New York will head tho Insurgent colaaui next week, With Kansas and Iowa, sr gc back with tho half-hearted stand patters, with tho fact generally ac cepted that Roosevelt will be tesa porary chairman Instead pf Sherraaa. Interest centers In the platforb,-s-poclally in tho direct primary plask, and tho possible ondorsomont of Talk as Now York's presidential choice ia 1912. Tho gubernatorial nomination is almost lost sight of In those ty questions. If Roosovolt controls, tfc direct nomination plank will be ad opted. If the old guard has Um most strength, there will bo no di rect primary plank. It is predicted that a corapronilw will bo offected and In tho smallaesa or groatness ot tho amount ho la forcod to yield will bo found to aas wor to tho nation wldo guess as U Roosevelt's present political powwc in his own stato. i". DOCTOR'S ASSISTANT x NOW UNDER ARREST BERKELEY, Cub, Sept. 24. Was Murio Messersmith, who is under r rost with Dr. Grant in San Fraa cisco, iu connection with thq fiudiag of the body supposed to bo that ot Miss Swan, lived hero most of her life. Her fnthor is Conrad Messer smith, n shoemaker of South Rw koley, and sho has sovoral brother and sisters living. Miss Messersmith attended tbt public schools of Berkeley and leak her training for nursing at Itoot volt hospital, Until five or six months ago sho lived with her father, Sitico then sho has beon living atjtba homo of her sister, Mrs. L, Nissen, m Sail Francisco. Her relatives, sj she has beon empolyod by Dr. Graaft for about ten months. Jh 3 4 Hi m . i vyyA Jt4ti'r .