MEDFORD MAIL TJBIgUNIJ), MEPTORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. ' 6 : !. . 1 I k 3 r ) r Lainer of the J Cavalry Sv i (Br Gn. Chs. King : Author f "Tho Colonel's V, DftuRktor," "Foes In Ambush," ;; etc. ' -5vntt-nrslnljJo orderlies had Bworn that Fltiroy started nlone. Therefore, unless Dofn Mnyhew had circled tho j fort nnd Joined him on tho bleak east ward prairie, it was most unlikely Bhe had gone with him, nnd up to 1 o'clock thcro was hono to hint -with whom or !feow. except afoot, she could havo gone. Then, however, enmo rovcla tlon. Tho sentry Btntloncd at tho northwest face of tho post admitted havlnj? seen "a rip from town" mak ing wide circuit clear around behind 'the fort on the westward "bench," which was swept almost clean of now. It had kept well out beyond e - "XLh OOXX; B'X.OXO OMAHA." telling distance, stood a moment or two up at the edge of the bluff, then whirled about and went the way It tine. By 2 o'clock that rig had been trail ed back, to town. There Ennls and ,Tleld and several troopers, with one or two Interested citizens, were in quest f tidings. There they were joined ky Maybew himself, who had one jBore hope. Dora had a friend a few years older than herself who was mar ,ikd to a conductor of the Union Pa cific railway and living In town. It might be, that Dora bad gone to her.' They found the bouse and ham jeered at the door and succeeded only la waking a Chinese servant, who aid, "All gone; blong Omaha." They vent to the three stables In town, and all bad 'Tigs" out. Most of them bad cone to a dance at Arena, six miles east. "What's all the row about any bow?' demanded the night watchman of one of these establishments. "There was that cockney sergeant fellow here sdong about midnight, asking ques tions nnd raising hades. The town mar shal had a rumpus with him and went to bed mad." The half dozen hangers en about the railway stutlon and the roisterers at the one open all night saloon we're growing Inquisitive, if not Impudent The station master had gone home, but the lone operator, to whom ono after another. Field. En nls nnd Maybew, bad appealed, de clared that no young lady bad gone on No. 0, for the reason that No. 0 hadn't gone nnd wouldn't go till along toward daylight. She broke down somewhere about 7 o'clock at Medi cine Bow. But Ennls and Maybew camo at him a second time, with a second question. Could he tell them anything of Mr. and Mrs. Osborn. Osborn being a conductor and Mrs. Osborn Dora's friend, of whom previous mention is made? Had they gone to Omaha? No, for Mr. Osborn was round here early In the evening and bad to be here at 0 a. in. to meet and take No. 5 over the Mountain division. Then John China man bad UeiL said Maybew. ready to break down. "Keep your heart, old man," said Enais. "Go to tho hotel, lie down and leavo the rest to me.' And still Jim Ennls felt by no means confident be could be in time. lie knew the Maybows only slightly.. He bad never before been stationed at regimental headquarters, bad seen and known Dora only since their coming to Fort Cusblhg and therefore bad not learned to share Bob's honest admira tion for her. She might be all Bob thought ber, a loving child and a true hearu'd girl In spite of her Infatuation tor this 'presentable, young trooper whose antecedents nobody knew. With Just two troopers at his back, towaid 4 in the morning big Jim went spurring on through tho dim moon light, town and station far behind, fol lowing a meandering sleigh nnd wagon track across tho wide, dreary upland, riding, as a rule, parallel with the rail way, while Buch sleighs as tried the owrney bad evidently been making raauy' a detour. Three miles out two "rigs" were passed, westward bound, lilted with town folk who had been to Arena for tho dance. Had they seen or beard aught of Mr, nnd Mrs. Os born? he asked. No; tboy know them well by sight and would be sure to Bote thorn had they come to the dance. "-: suj ..., cmtnnJl SUIJOntlOAV SHI 'PBOtlB pounds puu pot" U ,.!Moni no om0 mouji o pojusAV spina mir U 51 -na man vimav itUoiMsop joub nox TuojaoBop joj .njnooj Mjoj out J dean Meno; no jubjwjos aou-iu 4-h qjjM ojoqj joao omua MoqXuu anoj jo oaiqv-nia, jo HUH3lts lmn. V.. jno uioqi ponnq puq-oo 'havo, asao Jjaqi racu;-Ai q, jo Bjoonjo rjtuwoa osnuaoq tfltUM qjja. pomnsuoD Avon ojoav puu oaida u joj ouup oq -WW poujnmoa poq oq.w wIoacu uwoquxa hhaj. popvoi po oajnpoona BM-aSuMLA WQ.USL3Ali (To Be Couttnuer) AX TJIVTO-IUTE DRUGGIST says It is surprising how many old fashioned remedies arc. being used, which goes to show that It la hard to Improvo somo of our grandmothers' old. tlme-trlcd remedies. For in stance, for keeping tho hair dark, soft and glossy, nothing equaling our j-mndmotho-s' "sago to.." has ovor been dlscovqred. Although, by tho addition of sulphur and other Ingre dients, this old-tashloned brow has been made more offectlvo as a scalp tonic and c ltr restorer. Nowadays whon our hair comes out or gets fad ed or gray, Instead of golny to tho garden or parrot for rcrbs and mak ing the "tea" ourselves, wo simply go to tho nearest drug storo nnd ask for a bottle of Wyeth'a Sago nnd Sul phur. This preparation is sold by all loading druggists for 50 cents and $1 u bottle, oi Is sent direct by tho Wyeth Choalctl Company, 74 Cort landt St., Now York City, upon re ceipt of Price. ' LEON B. HASKINS, Medford, Or. Investors' Snaps. I am offered proposition in Illi nois valley which I intend to accept if I disposo of property. Don't be slow money talks. New six-room modem bungalow, three blocks from Washington school, pos session if desired or a cash tenant for ten months at $40; total amount $400 deducted from price, $3800; terms. Will trade interest in four lots for cood team, wagon and harness. Address 73. care Mnil Tribune, or call Phone 4201. WHY XOT GET RJD OF CATARRH? Here are some symptoms of ca tarrh; if you hae them, get rid of them while there Is yet time: Is your throat raw? Do you sneeze often? Is your breath foul? Are your oyes watery? Do you take cold easily? Is your noso stopped up? Do you havo to spit often? Do crusts orm in your noco? Are you losing your sense of smell? Do you blow your noso a great deal? Does your racuth taste bad morn ings? Dou you ' nvo to clear your throat on rising, or have a discbarge from tho nose? Does mucus drop in back of tho throat? Havo you ringing noises in tho ears? HYOMEI (pronounce it Hlgh-o-me) is guaranteed to euro catarrh, asthma, coughs, co'lds, soro throat, bronchitis, asthma and croup, or money back. Just breathe it in. Complete outfit, including hard rub ber Inhaler, $1.00. Chas. StraLg and druggists ovorywhero sell HYOMEI. If you alroidy own an Inhaler, you can buy an extra bottlo of HYOMEI for only 60 cents. Remember that. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in tho treasury of tho city of Medford, Oregon, for the payment of that certain issue of $30,000 of tho bonds of tho city of Medford, Is sued August lBt, 1900, :;nd duo Au gust 1st, 1910. Tho holders of said bonds are hereby notified to present tho same to the undersigned for payment on tho 1st day of October, A. D. 1910. Dated September 20th, 1910. 159 L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer of Medford, Oregon. LAYING FLOORS MY SPECIALTY T. G. Lowry, tho tile and floor man, la offering special prices on laying and scraping of floors until October lBt. Seo him at 336 East 6th Btreet, or phone Main 2321. Value-giving, always; then public ity, always and your store will grow "always."" 4. -M 4- 4- - a. udo rn Aunnruf.Q ; mno u 4- VOICE CULTURE, AT NATAT0RIUH TUES- 4- DAYS AND FRIDAYS. 4- 4- PHONE NO. 3952. Hftakbu for Health, Uye i Southern Pacific will run steam service instead of motor car SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd to enable people to reach Medford to attend Buffalo Bill's Show SPECIAL RATES SEE AGENT COLQNELJACKSONGOES OVER HIS OLD TRAILS KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Sept. H3. Brigadier General Mnas, com mander of tho department of tho Co lumbia, Adjutant-General Finrer of tho Oregon militia, nnd Colonel Jns. Jackson, U. S. A., retired, nnd now inopector-gcnernl of the militia, are investigating .the suitability of this part of tho state for future military maneuvers. They are now on Up per Klamath lake. They were ac companied by Will G. Steel of Port land, Alfred L. Pnrkhnret of Crater Lake, and Judge Gcorgo T. Baldwin, Judge H. L. Benson and B. St. George Bishop of this city. To Colonel Jackson tho trip is one full of recollections. It was during the Slodoo war, when Captain Jack nnd his braves wero devastating this region, that Colonel Jackaon. For Sale . by U00R-EHNI CO. 213 Fruitgrowers' BankBdg RANCH PROPERTY 10 acres bearing fruit, V2 miles out $15,000 10 acres bearing fruit; good buildings, l1 miles out.... ...11.... ....$15,000 24 acres truck and berry land, -water, buildings, 1 1-4 miles $2500 10 acres truck and berry land, water rights, barn .... $3750 8 acres fruit, good build ings, tools and stock, close in $7000 20 acres all fruit, 10 bearing, a bargain $12,500 7 acres bearing fruit, good buildings, V-fo miles out .... .!.... $9000 30 acres near Central Point, part bearing, good build ings, water, a bargain ...1! $16,000 '240 acres best fruit land, part bearing, house and barn, 42 miles out, per acre $300 35 acres, all in fruit, build ings? spring, wells, stock, tools $17,500 40 acres near Central Point, fruit and alfalfa, worth $400 per aero $12,000 CITY PROPERTY 5-rom bungalow, modern .... $2500 8-room house, 3-4 acre $1800 Fines residence lots on 8th St $500 to $700 6-room modern house $2700 5-rom modern cottage $2000 2-story house, lot 168x258, $2000 5-room modern cottage $2100 Fine residence lots and dwellings in all parts 'of the city TjTRE INSUEANOE, BEST COMPANIES CALL AT OFF. TOE OR PHONE MAIN 2592 then captain, won his spurs, lie was in command of the troops whim they first wont after Captain nJok, ami ho was also in tho fighting that followed the first encounter with tho Modoc warriors on tho morning! of November 29, 1S72. and tho long weeks of fighting that followed un til Captain Jnok surrendered the fol- lowing spring. Colonel Jaukson is familiar with tho Kluiunth reservation and will bo ablo to point out all the vantage points in tho district. A storo that always atlvortlsea Is supposed to always havo something spoclnl and Important to offor. M ONE DAY ONLY ROY SEPT 24lh Grounds, Phipps pasture, ou Roosevelt Avenue. The last, biggest mid best show of the season. "Buffalo Bill" positively bids you good bye. COL. CODY'S TERMINAL TOUR AND FINAL APKNUKCE NEK OCCUftS ON HIS COMINB PRODUCTION OF A Prooaiy Prmlaat ExblbltUn, Rich In Romance, Plcturvtqut , Patriotic, Educating and BnttrUiatflf . Protecting In Ona Arena Plctura-Mlttary ol the Conquest ol Hall Continent, m4 Holding the Miner of Nature for Rtflectloaa of Oriental Pageantry and Splendor. A QREAT DRAMA of COSMOPOLITAN LIFE OAT AND COSTUMED WITH AUTHKNTIOITY AND OOflRBOTNUS PURE WHITE -ia tho- FLOUR that moots with imivorsnl favor. Every housowifo, ovory cook, ovory balcor and ovory cmnpor Unit hns ovor usod "PURE WHITE" will toll you that it is tho best thoy ovor usod, On.ll up Allen . Reagan CORNER CENTRAL AND MAIN. PHONE MAIN 2711 , C0L.WM. F.CODY THE ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUFFALO BILL POSITIVELY APPEARS AND TAKES PART IN GVERY PERFORMANCE Twenty-eeren mra have ptwil since tble historical exhibition wu founded, Kor a Quarter century Buffalo Bill tu itooU AI.ONi; IN A CLANS UY JIIMHKLF ae an Knlertalner and iu an IlliMtrntor ol Wwtern Jlljtory In the Karly Daya. . HU Exhibition tiu WITHSTOOD T1IU 1 IMT OF TIM K aod hu btto the Admiration of More than a arore of Karth'e lmudrt Nation. Ad miring Ihouuiidj have Dellshtnl in tho IIKUOICI'ICTUKKS DUAWN KItOM HISTORY and Presented In an ENTERTAINMENT ALWAYS NOVEL, alwaya True to tho fundamental Facta Upon when it U DiMd, Authentio and Genuine; a Mirror of HUtory HKKI.KOTINO KCRNKH OF OTIIEIl DAYS. To which a now added tho IUchneu, the I'lcturraqueneas and Ueautlee of AN ORIENTAL SPECTACLE Contributed throcgh a Combination witb Pawnee DIH'e Great Far Haat and Showing with Fidel. ity to Fact and ta Absolute Correctnow of Detail the Illchneee and Hplendon of the Homantio Far Koat. Thus In one arena CnntrMtlng Picture of Two HemUpherm are shown, and the Occi dent Meeta the Orient In Impelling Tableaux. Under the Qoofalon of Buffalo Hill and Pawnee Dill there have been Marshalled an Imposing Array of Hero-Horsemen, WAltlUOlttJ FItOM EVEHYCUME. and Exponents of Dauntlera Courage and Manly Deds;an Assemblage of Mus cular Manhood the Enual of which has Never Been Known, Constituting what baa been Aptly Termed "THE STRENUOUS SHOW." sfcgjfjJMftrJM TIV!Ba IjaasUNaRfjaasasaasasasaaL Mm9kmlf V7Mf UJ ff y9 AWHTId JPaMaUlla Aastxila iU ViffJ!iLjitL!ataaBBif fX I fJl7ssRaasM3afl.i fJ-.4tassBwaassfcTrA!aassssssssssasn. jMAVM TW Val A GRAND MILITARY TOURNAMENT RBPRBSCNTINQ THB CAVALRY OH ACL, NATIONS The Battle of summit springs U depleted with lUaJUtlo VTldneae Showing one of the Deciding Conflicts Between the Indiana of early daya aod Government forces In tho long Drawn Out Conquest of the Western Wilds. M THE BUCKING M0NCH09 THI WILD WEIT SIDLS THOMPSON'! TRAMEQ HORIU THE BATTLE OF SUMMIT IPBINW TO REAL INDIANS FOOT BALI. ON HORmKBAOK Tk I,mI Tkbg la IlrU tpwts nomai'B musioal. klmphamtm haarik SwUlu, rb;U( la Tlats aa Taas A HOLIDAY AT "T'M" ffArVOil T ftU a4 rtr sf tU TfalrtM AN ATTACK ON AN MMIQItANT YfiAHt T rsrila af rteaMrtaf a4 rrwtMtlaf Oat sa tts rissaa Mailer HortMin NiantsiJ on Mitehteii tteeela Military Manatwrts b Artttlsnr and Certify Mtntloua Ftab) ef MaiktausMp b Expert Man Btdouln AtkliUi la Fsale ef AajWy, SUenflh ad Oaring Cowbey 8pertMlta IlLtemaeretf Bucking Brenchoa Rough Rldsta In Attsnlsalai Equestrian Achieve meals Brilliant Military Enlutleni, P(p and Ceremany Wild Wsit Girls Rhillag Cewbofi In Equettrian Feali A Contlnaoui Suceesalen et Slartllni Surprlaas BiWelUeei ol. Skill, Nsrta and Manly Oarlni THE ROUOM RIDERS of the World Embrace Feerlea Horsemen and Skilled Equestrians from all Quarters of the dope, TWICE DAILY, 2 a(J 8 P. M. RAIN OR SHINE. AdalsiloH (iRfilHdlag Sett), 694. Children Under 0 Years, naif Price. All PeaU Protected from, Sun and Ilaln by Irnmense Can; Tas Canopy, Grand Stand Cbalra (Including admission), SI. 00. On Bale day of Exhibition at Down town ticket office, Haspins' Drug Store, 214 East Main Street. Os. n J RESOLVED Thti bent rowolution for yon to mnko iu' to cdme to ua lor your noxt nuit, if you want Bomolhlng out of the orJiimrr. Wo do tho boat work nnm churjte lbs loweat prices. W. W. EIFBRT TiO PXOQEKMWVas TAJXO THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. In clmrgo of the Bencdictino Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens Soptcinbor 6th. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. MBeaBaaaaassaeBsaeatsaensaenaa J. E. ENYART. PreBidont. J A. PERRY. Vico-Proaldout. JOHN S. ORTII, Cnshior. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't CiiBhior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, 9100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 V SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A QENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machimory. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE St 00. ! i .11 l!l.JJ.J PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed . KriceB Reasonable COFFEEN a PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore, Phono 308 K - P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT Wo mako any kind and stylo of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH k DOOR 00., Medford, Oregon. t H)MMMM''T"ftT" fa.fa.s,a,jaas.,aaa,a,af.aa 0 f a 4 4 t .