MISDFORP MAIL TREBUNH), MKDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. i WwMMi II. Von dor Ilolloit of Wolloii spoiil 'iliuiRilny In Medford, Mr. niul Mrs. W. 13. Hliuttul loft for flan KmucUco Thursday, John II, Cnrkln, attorr.oy-at-law, avor Jacknoa pouuty Dank, W. 0. Hendricks of Woodvlllo upoiit Thurslay In McxlfoiJ. All rcliool children nliould watch for tho "lilic kooho" nt IContnor'n. T, S. Johnson was In Medford from KiikI" I'olnt Thursday. All nchool chlldron aliould wntch for tho "IiIk booo" nt Kontnor's. M. W, Wlioolor niul wlfo of Ash lmifl woro In Medford Tlmrndny. All nchool children nliould wntch for tho "hlK kooho" nt lCantnor'9. C. II. Cmuo of 111k llulto In visit Iiik Mudford. For Imirnnco, phono 3401. Hunt-ley-Kromor Co. 101 Jmiiiw A. Thomas of Yroka Ih vis Itlm; T. 13. HRtilolii In Medford, For Imirnnco, phono 3401. Hunt-loy-Kromor Co. 101 Mr. mul Mm. T. 13. Daniels return ed from Portland Wednesday, II. C. McAlllHtor loft for Portlnnd on ThurHdny mornhiK. N. C. Powers roturmnl to Medford Thursday from Portlnnd. Coronor ICoIIokk I" I" Medford from Cold Hill on buslnos'i. Kdwnrd Itotty wont to Ashland on Tliurndny mornliiK on business. KdRnr H. Hater has rotjirnod from n biiHlnoHn trip to Portlnnd. Vlrull nnd Fred 8trnnR will do pnrt for O. A. C. noxt Saturday ovo tilnK. Kvorybody wntcli for tho '"IiIb KOoho" on tho ntroot and In tho win dow nt IContnor'n. tf Hnrry Portor will lonvo on Satur day for Corvnllls to attend tho statu nKrlQiilturnl collogo. Medford Colloctloa Asoncy, 10 por cont chnrjiod. Ovor llurluurt'a now store, tf J. F. Kirk nnd wlfo of Junction City, Or,, nro vlnltlni; Mr. nnd Mm. J. F. Kirk It. Medford. Uomombor tho blR Introduction alo nt Orny & Moo's, Vnn Dyko'a old stand, Mnck Hurvoy of Cranio Pass Ii spondlnB n fow days In Medford on business. H H m crop H PB jw'V f i 1 1 ,' I I I W. T. H - Smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Victor P. Moho1 nnd P. A Motion of Corvullln nro In thin oily, Tho Introduction tttilo nt Gray & Moo'ti (Vnn Dyko'n old n'nnd) Ih to contlntio bnlnnco of tho wook. Tho Introduction nnlo runn nil dny Wednesday. You uro Inyltod to call. Orny & Moo, Van Dyko'ti old ntnnd. Ho hort Nixon, pontmnntor nt Yro lc Cnli, Ih vIhIIIiik nt T. 13. Daniels' In Medford, Potor M. Kornhtiw of IIiIh city Ii pondltiK 11 few dnyn In ClrnntH Pns on ImihIiiosu, Mm. J. I). Fny of OrantH Pnsn Ih nltoiidluK tho Mthodlst conforonco In Medford. ' , J, II, DoncHMi of tho firm of Bhnn non & Donosou, wont to Tolo from Medford Tliurndny. Mrs. Iytuiih iirrlvcl In Medford on Tuesday from Coijulllo to vlBlt hor fnthor niul mother, Mr. nnd Mn. A. M, Woodford. For rent- 2 nowly furnshod rooniH In prlvnto hemo; nil modern convonl oiicoh. 203 Oloson Btroot. Call Mnln 1174. " Cnptnln M. F. ISRKlcston, cnndldntd for tho loKlulntttro, Hpont Wednesday liutlold Hill nnd Tliurndny In Con trol Point on Imnlnosit. Plorco & Bhophord hnvo movod tholr ronl ontato offlco from tho Miles bulldlnK to tho pontofflco build I11B. Cnll nnd rocotvo n copy of our llntlnc. A. Brown, tho onorROtlc booster piibllflhor of tho Horuo MnKarlno, spout Wednesday In Ornnts 1'nHH on biinlnoHK, Mm'. W. 11. Hnrrln nnd two younu hoiih returned Thursday from Kansas and N'obrnnkn, whoro thoy hnvo boon vliHtlnK rolatlvon. Alnn HarolrlBK. "on of Charles D. UnxolrlBK, tho well known theater mnn, loft to nttond O. A. C. Wcdnes- dny ovoiiIiik. O. W. Uarnum & Co., contractors itnd bulldora. Country work n spec ialty. Ordorn solicited. Inqulro nt Tho TosBory. Now biiHlnoHH for Medford. F. V. Ilnrtlott, tho well known taxidermist nnd furrlor, will open n ahop In Med ford nbout Novombor 10. Lonvo or ders Humphrey's Rim ntoro. Do you know thnt you can buy nny nmount, from n half ncro up, In Onk dnlo Pnrk addition on oasy tonno? Oakdnlo Lnnd InvoBtmont Co., 214 FrultBrowora' Dnnk bids. tf John Portor, n former Medford boy now living In Corvnllls, wHI marry MIhs Cloo Johnson of Corvnllla on tho fifth of noxt month. Ills father nnd mother of this city will nttond tho woddlnu. The Most Perfect Block of Trees in the Pacific Northwest ' station about a mile and a half. m u-V " P"G0 ftnd terms: $1000 por acre, half cash, balance in three equal annual payments, with ' " ' por cent. A five-acre tract of this bearing orchard will cost the mirchaser $2500 in cash. $833.13 in 1911, , , . , V ' " and $833.13 in i This is an exceptional opportunity to become tho owner of what is chards in tho northwest. The trees are the right varieties, they are in V ' satisfactory income. The time to buy is now. Let us show you theso trac'tsY Lady npprontlco nt Urcjory'rt stu dlo at once; Hinall wnKW to ntnrt.100 C. C, Kirk, brother of J. F. Kirk of IIiIh ell, will nrrlvo Friday In Medford to attend tho Methodist con foronco, Iliti homo is In Jloppnor, Or. Tho introduction wilo will continue balance of thin wook nt Van Dyko'a old ntnnd -Orny & Moo, tho plnco to K. With tho Intention of paying llfo liisurnrico policy carried by Josbo C. Smith, who worka in tho Nntntoriiim, Mra, Whltnoy, representing tho Lin coln Annuity Inmirnnco company, enmo to Medford from Ashland on Wodncnday. Howovor, sho found Josso C. Smith very much allvo, em ployed nt blH work, nnd tho corpHO of another Jcsso C. Smith In tho morgue. O rent Interest Is being tnkon In tho formation of tho Medford University club, which taken placo noxt Friday evening lit the Commercial club room. Tho fnrmora nro especially intorcst od, ixn thoy nt proBont hnvo no place to "hang out" when In town. Dr. ArtomiiB W.' Donna ban removed- hln offlco In Phlpps building to ltoalty building, nt 123 East Mnln strcot. Phono Main 081, mid night phono 4132. 102 Mrs, William Prlco, who has boon visiting hor coubIii, Mrs. D. T. Law ton, In Medford, has loft for hor homo In Pittsburg. Archdeacon H. D. Chambers loft Medford Thursday to spend Sunday In Portland. J. It. Hnrvby is visiting frlonds in Medford from Grants Pass. Profoswor U. I). Fleldn of Orants PnB Is spending n fow daya In Med ford. I. C. Itaynor of Gold Hill was in Medford Thursday. DEPUTY ASSESSOR FOUND MURDERED UNION', Or., Sept. 22. Following tho tliscovory of tho body o Deputy Assessor Wndo Ilerry lviiijr in n pool of blood nt his homo, tho victim of an nssiiHsiu, eycry officinl of tho sher iff's office wns put to work today to run down clews that micht lend to tho identity of the inurdcror. Tho coroner's jury, which met yes terdny noon nftcr the bullet-riddled body wns found, resumed its inquiry todnv. Sixty-six nnd a half acres of SUNOREST ORCHARDS is offered for sale in five and ten-acre tracts on terms that should prove most attractive. This tract is planted, two rows alternately, to Yellow Newtown, Spitzenberg and Jonathan Apples, the very .choicest standard commercial varieties. , ' if They are eight years of ago and have a good crop this year. They are well set witr fruit spurs for next year's The trees are large for their age, are Tho soil is tho very best. Drainage 1913. After tho first payment is made the crop should a YORK STOCK MARKET STEADY NKW YORK, Sept. 21. Blight loflBOH woro notod nt tho opening of tho ntock markot. Trading wns rath er actlvo throughout tho lint nnd prlco fluctuations woro nmnll, Amer ican Malting proforrod dropped 2. By tho end of tho first hour most of yentorday's advance haij been wiped out by realizing snlcM. St. Paul, Groat Northern proforrod dropped 1 Vi . Bonds woro steady. (Fum (shod byMoBH & wire.) NEW YORK, Sept. rango of price's: .High. Amal. Copper ,63 Am. Smoltors 00 Atchison .,. 99. Am. Tol .... 136 Vi lint. & Ohio. 105 Boot Sugar .. '3? C. Nor, West. 140 Erio 30 Gt. Nor, Oro. . . . do pfd ... 123' Intorboro pfd 55' Co., by prlvato 21. Today's CIoso. Low. C24 05 98 135 104 38 145 25 t 120 54 112 ll'CH 29 141 31 121 114 105 07 iio 02 CO 99 130 105 38 145 25 55 120 54 112 97 110 30 142 31 122 114 1GG 07 110 N. Y. Contral 113 K Nor. &. West Nor. Pac . . . Pac. Mall . . . Heading Hock Islaud St. Paul . . . So. Pno . . . . Un. Pac i 117 30 143 31 123 115 10,7 08 110 U. S. Steel . . do pfd . . . Call money, 1. Total sales, 387,500 shares. Chicago Markets. May 100 100 106 Dec : 101 100 100 Corn May 54 54 54 Doc 51 50 51 Oats May 37 47 Dec 34 34 37 34 Pork Jan 18.30 17.97 18.00 f-f -- MOSS & COMPANY. Brokers NEW YOItK STOCKS OKAIN AND PROVISIONS PRIVATE LEASED WIRE ROOM 15 P. O. BLOCK -f- PHONE 1831. - Hnskinu for HeAlth. uniform in size and-'exceptionally thrifty. is perfect. Altitude about sixteen hundred feet. Distance AT THE. 1M0TELS Hotel Moore C. C. Weidcman, Portlnnd; W. It. Sott, San Fran cisco; W. It. Schrocdcr, Portland; Mrs. Emma Jnmes, Omnha; C. Mas son, Snlcrns J. Mntiey, Eaj,'Io Point; Dr. and Mrs. T. Connor, Theodore CotiRer, Jr., Miss Dorothy Conger, Sunta Barbara; C. W. McKco and family, Portland; A. Whitlock, liioso; J. It. Barbour, Wcllcn; S. W. Sholc, San Francisco; N. P. Houston, F. Plymnlo, J. W. Mclntyre, city; C. Lewis, M. E. Finney, Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Mills, Klamath Falls; W. S. Willitt, It. W. ArcLeod, Snn Francisco; T. M. Alexander, Portland; O. O. Alexander, Now York; W. A. Clement, T. C. Davis, Salem; W. C. Tcdler, Pittsburg; O. Graves, Salem; A. W. Walker and family, city; A. O. Itidling, J. S. Parked, Portland; S. II. Day, Wat fionvillc; IC Miller, Medford; J. Montz, Eagle Point; C. B. Weaver, Seaside; W. G. Howard, St. Paul; W. S. Dewing, Kalnmnzpo; C. H. Nutwick, P. & E.; W. G. Meyer, Sa lem; F. M. Lcnbo, Portland; A. E. Pennell, Jacksonville; A. McDonald, J. A. Iiathwell, Los Angeles; S. San- grnn, city; W. P. Baker and wife, Portland. Hotel Nash. It. Gospnrd, C. II. Marshall, O. Oppenheimer, J. ft. Flvnn, T. IC Nickerson, Portlnnd; W. L. Baldy, D. T. Butcher, Port land; J. Morritz, Eagle Point; S. K. Marsh, S. A. Kccnnn, A. E. Anger son, San Francisco; J. It. Harvey, Grants Pass; II. Schiller, W. W. Downard, Portland; W. Scharfe, Los Angeles; F. II. Monroe, Chicago; J. Forsythe, Portland J W. T. Varmulc Meyers, Portland; A. A. Hall, B. Pcckerman and wife, New York; W. W. Johnstone, Sacramento; W. W. Goodhue, G. W. Proctor, New York; L. Wilkins, Los Angeles; J. L. Fisher and wife, Dunsmuir; G. Bnron, C. Cerotti, M. McKee, Portland; D. Roberts and wife, E. G. Linscott, Oakland; B. G. West, Now York; C. J. Slossy, Los Angeles; G. E. Boos, Senttle; W. J. Hatfield, M. Frieden thnl, A. L. Young, Portland; E. O. Ingle, San Francisco; G. G. Smith, Omaha; E. Stcrnbcrger, San Fran cisco. Hasklns for Health. great deal more than pay the m L. unquestionably one of the finest young 01' perfect condition, and there is a surety of a ' v ,TJx . S - COMPANY MAN 8 EEET TALL IN TOILS FOR BOOZING PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 22. Whon Charles Nowland, a flhecp herder who stands an oven eight feet in his stocking feet, awakened in tho city jail this morning ho demanded instantaneous trinl on the charge of drunkenness. Nowland was arrested by three policemen Inst night in the north end, whero ho was found lying on tho sidewalk. As tho mnn weighs 312 pounds, it took eight men to lift him into the patrol. Upon tho nr rivnl of the prisoner at the police station special arrangements hnd to be made to nccommodate tho big herder. He was given a cell to him self and two mattresses instead of the usual one. Newlnnd's shoes, which arc made especially to order, nrc size 18. If tho furnished room ad "looks good", run r.round to tho addresa given and take a look at it. The Big' Eye on Main St. shows where they grind glasses, fit glasses and repair glasses Dr. J, Meciord ' from shipping interest at six $833.13 in 1912 balance. )'i .. v. 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- OPENING OF NEW THE- ATER AT NATATORIUM r TOMORROW NIOHT. FRI- -r DAY, SEPTEMIER 23. 4- A .-..... "' And MQVING PICTURES 4- ILLUSTRATED SONflf. AD- MISSION 10 CENTi A FREE TICKET WILL -iE GIVEN FOR ONE YEAR TO " THE PARTY NAMINQ THE MOST APPROPRIATE " NAME FOR THIS THE- 4- ATER. ALL NAMES TO BE IN BY OCTOBER I, A COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF MESSRS. KENTNER, ENYART, MERRICK AMD "- BROWN WILL THEN DE- " CIDE ON THE NAME MOST SUITABLE. ADDRESS 4- NAMES TO SEELY HALL. 4- 4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4- Knthuslastie ndrortlalnff of a stor that compels enthusiasm "win ning" advertising. I Hnsklns for Helth. G. Goble Oregon f jV so- ;