MEDFORB MAIL TRLBTOfl, MKDM)BD, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. fin BIwford Mail Tribune vnoMoniB saxxiT axcntrv AT BT TWB MroB 3PBXHTZXO 00. A consolidation of the Medford MftU asMtrilnhtd 1881: the Southern Oreron- iu, established 1I0IJ the Domocratto mni. established ISTSt the Ashland Tribune, established 18t and the Med- TriDune, esiauiianea i. "' MOKQB PUTNAM. Editor and Manager Batercd as second-class matter. No tmm Aa.r 1. 1909. at the oost office at Medford. Oregon, under the not of Mftreta 3, 1S7. flBiet Paper of the City of Medford Fifty Years Ago Today. Sept. 22. ' Prince of Wales Inspected one of Chicago's Immense Km In ele vators, which at that early date the city famous. twenty-five Years Ago Today. At the American forestry con gress In Boston the United States P chief forester announced that there was an annual drain of ' Umber In this country equiv alent to fiO.000.000 acres of for- est. Dr. Oliver Wendell Ilolmes ' stated he hoped this country would retain "leaves enough to . hide Its nakedness, of which It ' "Is already becoming' to be asham ed." Wanted Buch hands. listings' of orchard and city prop- "erty. Carpenter nnd wife. Brickyard men. Woodchoppers. Girl for general housj work. For Sale Farnituro nnd lease of 5-rootn mod ern house; rent $20. 5 -wagons, $40, $50, $70, $90. Stock and 10-yenr lease, close in. Business nets $4000 yearly. FRUIT LAND. 120 acres, 10 in orchard, 25 alfalfa, under ditch, tools and stock, $15,000. 160 acres, 50 fruit land, 7000 cords wood, close in, $15 per acre. 5' acres, North Riverside, irrigated, . , $1675. 17 acres, 14 in heavy bearing, 2 miles out, $500 per acre. 5 and 10-aere tracts bearing orch . ard, closo in. 1C0 acres to be fifed on, $250. 64 acres finost Bear creek bottom, will subdivide; easy terms. ICO acres, 2,000,000 feet fine tim ' ber, 5 miles ont, 50 acres fruit , 'land, $15 per acre. .20 .acres Bear creek bottpm. all in fruit, $7000; fine building site. 10 acres, improvements, 4 miles out, $2750; beautiful location. .29 acres. 10 acres Bartletts and Newtowns, $2500. 2 Acre's, half mile west. $000. CITY PROPERTY. Boss court lots, $000, easy terms. 2-room house, close in, $900. 1-room house, good lot, $400. 2 close-in lots, east side, $750. 5-room modern buneralow. 1900. ,4 Ross court lots, east front, $2500. 1 acre and house, $1075; 2V acres, I building, $4000; 1 acre, $1575; 1 ' acre, $1275; all platted, close to m South Oakdale. West Main lots, 60x240, easy terms. 4 Kenwood lots, $1100. Lot on Central, closo in, $1600. 4 lots North Riverside, sower and water; $1150, terms. Westmoreland lots $300, terms. Walnut Park addition, lots 52x112, . $350, your own terms. Bouses and lots in all parts of the L F. A. BITTNER Rwm 206 Taylor & Phlpps Bldg. Phon 4141 Main. PURSUED AND PURSUER MEET IN DEPOT A GRANTS PASS, Sept. 22. S. K. ' Morrison was arrested here shortly ' after noon Wednesday by Marshal McQrew and a Pinkerton detective en a charge of embezzlement in the tast. 'Morrison is a traveling salesman for a Portland drug house and ar rived hero from the south, while the detective also arrived from the north. All information as to the crime with l which Morrison is chnrgod rests with the Pinkerton man and ho is not in clined to give particulars, except that the dotectives havo been on .Morrison's trail for a couplo of years. The money was embezzled, it s sajd, from his employers, a large drug houso in nn eastern city. Morrison protests his innocenoo and claims ho lind n right to do whnt leTdidf ' , , , , . , , . ' Haaktnfl for Healtk. SOME ROAD TAKE n drive over the vnlley nnd glance nt some of (lie vond im provements. n .1 tt 10...1 1...1 I M-l... J II........I !.. tint tako me Jicuioni-vemrm rural ruu, wiu musi nii v couuty, nnd about tho roughest. No improvement for years. Take the elevated to Agato. Somo sections nro utilized, but, most of it is too rough for use, nnd you nro forced to drive alongside, lu some plncos gravel has been dumped nnd'jcft in tho center for months, untouched. A new bridgo has been built to io stdo of the cobblestone olovated, and earth approaches left which will bo impassable after tho first heavy rain. Cross Bear crook, as you have had to cros3 it for months, while the work of rebuilding it leisurely proceeds. It will not bo finished in time for tho npplo crop. It should havo bceu completed long ago. , Tako tho Gold Hill road tho samo old ruts, tho same old bumps Unit lmvo been thero for many years. Around Tolo, Colonel Ray has boon building roads nt his own oxponso tired of waiting for tho county to act. Tho Medford-Jacksonville highway has boon completed again at a cost of $30,000. A very creditable piece of vond, but too narrow. It wns con structed two years ago at a considerable cost, tho monoy largely wasted. Tho Medford-Phoenix rood, which was in fair shape, ling boon rebuilt a portion of tho way. It did not need it as badly ns other highways. Tho road north of tho Burrell orchard to Jacksonville has been "im proved" by dumping gravel along tho center, which has been loft undis turbed since spring. Tho main road is impassable. Tho upper Jacksonville road has been improved by having sand piled over it, so that it is almost impassable. You must drive to one side.' Tho Trail road, blasted out of rock, has been surfaced with pumico dust, hauled miles for tho purpose and worthless for tho purpose. One could go on for hours detailing tho road "improvements" nnd lack of improvements, costing in tho neighborhood of $90,000, this year but what's tho usot Couuty Commissioner Patterson moaus all right, but roads can't be paved with good intentions. He simply doesn't know how. His methods nnd system nro nntcauntcd and out of date. Better change tho man and change the system. Introduco business methods and up-to-dato system. You can do this by nominating Gcorgo L. Dans as county commissioner. ANOTHER WINDMILL ATTACKED WM. M. COLVIG, attorney for tho Southern Pacific, nnti-Statement candidate for senator, in a circular sent voters, states that Mr. Von dcr Hcllcn, while a membor of tho legislature six years ago, accepted a pass from the Southern Pacific. So did tho other members of tho delegation. So did all the other legislators and state officials of that time. It was a courtesy extended by the railroad company to all officials, and entailed no obligation. And not only the legislators had passes, nnd their clerks as well, but the chairmen of legislative committees had passes, which they filled out to suit themselves for witnesses. But tho animus of Mr. Colvig's circular is the assertion that Mr. Yon der Hellen,' while a member of tho legislature six years ago, accepted a pass from the Southern Pncific. So did the other membors of the delegation, including Messrs. Carter, Vawtcr and Jnckson. So did all the other legis lators and state officials of that time. It was n courtesy extended by. the jailroad company to all officials, and entailed no obligation. And not only the legislators had passes, aud their clerks as well, but tho chairmen of legislative committees had passes, which they filled out to suit themselves lor witnesses. In those days, the days before the railroad commission bill became a law, before the anti-pass bill was passed pnsses were placed at the di3-. posal of tho chairmen of the political parties, and, when they wanted a crowd to swell a meeting, passes were sent broadcast, nnd no one knows it better than Mr. Colvig. Thero is nothing in Mr. Von dor Hellen's record to show that he betrayed his constituents for; tho railroad. Indeed, he was one of the few legislators at that session that voted for an anti-pass bill. The fact that railroad attorneys wero so conspicuous in tho recent assembly, tho fact that W. D. Fenton of tho Southern Pncific,.R. W. Wilbur of tho Portland, Railway, Light & Power company, Charles H. Carey of tho Hill system, S. B. Huston and G. W. Staplctou nnd" other corporation attorneys took a leading part in this anti-Statement assembly, which nom- inaiea jay uowerman, a bouthorn comment when Mr. Colvig, tho local uuuauuceu ms canoiaacy axier stating that he would not bo a candidate and writing tho following to tho press under date of August 15: "I am one of those mentioned by the poet, when he says: " 'There are men so deaf to loud Ambition's call They'd shrink to hear tho obstreperous trump of Fame.' td ? "I am not a candidate for any office. Respectfully, - , " I "WILLIAM M. COLVIG." HAWLEY AND THE REPRESENTATIVE HAWLEY is candidacy by a stale reprint Koosevelt is reported to have given a partisan newspaper corre spondent in the spring of 1908, in which Roosevelt complimented tho Ore gon representatives for their support of his polices in congress. The resurrection of this aged and musty reprint will not deceive the voters of Oregon. What Mr. Hnwley did two years ago is not an issue in this campaign. Mr. Hawley's record in tho last legislature, when ho bo trayed every measure of the people, is the issue in this campaign. President Roosevelt is opposing tho candidacy of every standpatter in the republican primaries, and were his time not fully occupied in driving such tigers as Tawney out of the jungles of Minnesota, ho might, have engaged in a little snipe-shooting in Oregon." This willful attempt to deceive and his oft-repeated references to tho spoils he has secured from the "pork barrel" is the only tangible he offers for his re-election. What President Taft has to say of the "pork barrel" isAvorthy of some attention in connection with the candidacy of Mr. Hawley. It was uttered yesterday at Cincinntvrl nnd follews: "But thero is another legislative abuse as dangerous, and that is tho selfish combination of representatives of the majority to expend tho money of the government for tho temporary benefit of a part of tho people with little benefit to tho whole. It is thn ilntv f Mm n;nnt., n.i i : lty to legislate for tho benefit of tho .. uu ca,uiiuuuii ol less man mo wnoie people at tho expenso of tho whole is a species of legislative abuse which comes near corruption' in its effect. Perhaps it is more dangerous than corruption because those Sup porting such a combination nro usually bold in its defense. Tho days of tho 'pork barrel' should bo numbered. Tho country is aroused against cor porate corruption and tho control of legislative agencies, but it is doubtful whether constituencies nro yet able to perceive tho higher obligation of the part of themselves and their representatives not to uso votes in com bination to appropriate to a nnrt that which belongs to tho whole" FOREST SERVICE TO KEEP GRAVES GREEN As a fitting commemoration of tho liyes lost in fighting fires in Mon tana, tho bodies of tho unidentified dead will be buried at tho ranger stations and their graves kept greon by the forest service. In the first district, embracing Idaho and Montana, 94 temporary employes lost their lives. Tho re mains of those who could bo identi fied nnd whose relatives could bo Jocatcd were shipped in acconlniieo IMPROVEMENTS. Pacific attorney, for governor, caused Southern Pucifio attorney, suddenly "PORK BARREL" . seeking to bolster up his tottering of an alleged ' interview President whole people. Enactment looking for with instruptions, from them. The local forest offico has receiv ed a letter from District Forester W, B. Greeley of Missoula asking that all tho membors of tho service on this forest bo requested to give $1 toward u fund for the disposal of the bodies of tho dead and to assist in paying the hospital expenses of thodo injured. Tho letter states that' the Amoricnn Red Cross sooioty hns con tributed $1000 and that $3000 more is needed. , St. Agnes' Oulld will meet at the homo of Paulino Gurloy. 317.Annlo street, at 7:30 sharp tonight (Thurs day). Old membors aro urgontly re quested to bo present, as sovoral planB nro to bo discussed. ' " ' FRED W. MEARS FOR STATEMENT NO. ONE. PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ONLY DECLARED ANTI-ASSEMBLY CANDIDATE FROM JACKSON COUNTY. MMMSmmmi '" OMmMmmmmix Fred W. Mears was born nt Newton Centre, Mn3., on April 15, 1873. His father, who had served ait tho Union nnuy, diod in 18S5, leaving a wife and thrco young children. Fred W. Mears attended tho public schools of his native town and later graduated from Brown university nnd tho Univorsity of Michigan Law School. Ho worked his way through college and law school by teaching school, canvassing books nnd doing ninny other kinds of work. Ho practiced law in Sioux City, In., for seven years boforo coming to Medford, wkero ho has his Inw offico nt 213 Fruitgrowers' Bank building. I nm for Statement No. 1 nnd tho mlo of tho people. I favor free textbooks. Normal School at Ashland, good roads, initiative, referendum nnd recall. I am Anti-Assembly nnd ngninst corporation rule. I stand for all portions of Jnckson County fairly and impartially. I stand for those political and moral principles which will uplift (he community, tho state and tho nation. EVERYPROTEST AGAINST WRONG IS INSURG - ING FOR THE RIGHT. FRED W. MEARS 400 S. KI.VO ST. (Paid Advertisement.) Multnomah Training School For Nurses Portland, Oregon, connected with Multnomah County Hospital, has the advantage of being a newly organ ized school, which will meet the desires of those aim ing for high professional training and will educate women to be thoroughly competent in the practice and theory of nursing in all its branches. Applicants :r may apply to SUPERINTENDENT OF TRAINING SCHOOL Multnomah Hospital, Second and Hooker Sts. Portland, Oregon. EXACTING BUYERS will find what they want in Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry at, J. W. Diamond 115 Cast Main Medford, Ore. R. F. GUERIN a CO. 4 Medferd National Bank Bldg, Offer 7 a half interest in one of the old, well established mer cantile houses in Medford for $3,000 cash. The mon ey will l)e used to enlarge tho business, and the now partner can have complete charge This is an unusual opportunity to stop into a big business with a small I amount p money.., . , , MKDFOKl), OHKGO.V NOTICE DO NOT SELL TICKETS All parties having in their possession tickois for a "Night "With Hamlet" will plonso turn them in to J. .i llutchason .at this office. .Tho locturo will not bo held JTriiiay availing on ac count of Mr. Mulkoy bo ing dotninod away from Madford. Some Good Investments A fine littililitiK lot, onnt front, 0ll.M7'a, de In, sower niul water on tstrcot. A now IhiukiUow, 5 roimn, Inumlry, lmth, nil plnatoretl utid tinted, Btono foundation; lliia is it Hiiapj $2050; lot f.O.xlOO, 2 finu lotn, nO.xlOO. .fllOO eaoli. ;"i lots, fiOxl-10, cnHt front, worth moro monoy, $-100 each. 120-aero much, Kod liouso nnd hnrn, rich liluclc noil. Call nnd ask to moo other prop erty. Thos. H. E. Hathaway 134 West Main Street. b. v. o. r. Medford I.o1 ao, No. 11S. Meat T)iuri!ny In K. I. Hull. V, W. Klfort. E. It.: Kotmrt Totfer, flecrctnryj Jotin Wllklni, TrcnNUror. Southern Dairy Co. niolesalc and Retail Deal ers in Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Buttor and Buttermilk. If you have any sweet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 32 S. Cen tral or. phone. IULK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Store Phone Main 881. Ranch Phone Farmers 7183. TWO TAIILETS AND STOMACH MI.SKUV GONE Clmu, Strang hcIIh and gutirnntccs tho boat proHcilutlon tho world htm ovor known for ''taturbod nnd npuot stouavh, bib bolclilntr. heaviness, honilbtirn, achl Btonmch nnd bilious nosri. It Is called Ml-O-NA, romombor tho inmo, nnd It bnnlshos dUtrcss from ovor oatlnir o,- formotitntlon of food In flvo inlmitOH. It Is Kimrnntoad by Chrio, Strang to euro Indigestion, ulck hoidncho, norv ouHiioss nnd dlzzlnoss, 01 monoy back, No matter how lonc yo.i havo Hiif forod you will fin 1 a cortaln euro In MI-O-NA otomnch tablots, "About six woolen ngo I purchased a box of ni-O-NO tablets for- an ng gravtod form of stomach trouble I Ii Ml boon troublod for four or flvo yonrB, hnd tr'oj dlfforont pliVHlnlniiB and a groat mrny patent medlclnoH, but of no uso, until I uoc MI-O-NA. Thoy ontlroly rollovod mo frpm pain, and I can now oat most uny kind of food r.nd rollsh It.' A. J. Pish. Woct Cnrthngo, N, Y. MI-O-NA otomach taJilola nro only w CO cents n largo box nt Ohas. Strang's nrd druggists ovorywfroro. Got a trial trontK.o:l froo by writing noqth's Ml-o-nn, Duff.tlo, N, Y. A stcro should bo advortlsod as regularly as It la oponod for business, A merchant who wouldn't closo up for n while now and thon "to savo running oxpensoa" shouldn't utop ad vertising now and thon to "savo ox ponso." nasklns for Health, Political Announcements. f 4 4 For State Senator Stntontont No. I Candidate. I nm a rvmibllonn citnrilitnta frir nlata Honntur nt tho jrlmiry hotlun Hiuitmn- tier 34, 1010, 1 rnvor Miiiioincni im 1, pood roitilri, nrourciinlvo mluoutlon unit llio Houtlitim intirn wroiton niiuii nonimi Kor olovon vcnrn ft rpulilont or NUIIOfll. Axlllrtllil, Or. J J, CAMllHllti. if (1'Aia AllVCrllAUllHMll.) 1-Nir Attornoy (Jenenil J. X. HAHT of linker City Promote pnldlo IntoruHtH only prlvnto lntorontH to Horvo, (Piiltl p.avortlaoniont) -no For County Commissioner. To tho Votor of Jnclmon Count)': I hrrcby iiimouiien inyn1f an cnndl. ilntn for county comialnKliinor, miUJcct to thn iirlmury olcotlon. 1 nm a roiut. IIcaii In 110II ttcn. I nm ncaunlittud with nit of tho InterodlH In thU unction nf thn country nnd hrltovo lliut If elcattfd my knowlnlKo of flnnnalnl And tiunlnrM AffAlrH will nnnblo me to be of KrinU bonofll to tho (icople of tho county In thn iiirtnnKomoiit of public uffnlrti. I bnllnvn In n caroful. rennomlcitl And bUBlni'du Adnilnlntrttlon of the iioiln'A Intercuts nnd If micccrnifnl 1 iromlo to Klve to Muoli inturoHlii my inoitt careful Alltentlon. I bnllnvn In irood ronilM And i a modern nnd nclnntlflo coimlrucllon of thnin, At treent I Am (trnaldont of th i- rimtrrowera- dahk or leurnrn, jr, nn nm othnrwM InrKKly InlcreNted In tho fltmnclAl AffAtm of thn Itotuo Ittver valley. Iteniieotfully, OHO. U DAVIR, (l'nld Adverllnnmcnt.) State Representative. Jackaon county It entitled to two (S) roprnentntlvii. I nm a candldnto for the Itepubllcnti nomination for ntnto rnprrnentAtlva from jAcknon county, Aiibjeot to tho prlmarlcn to bo held Heptombor 34, 1910. I nm for Rtntotnrnt No, 1, direct lu Inlatloti. cood roads, nnd Htatn nld for a nonnul rohool nt ANhUnd. I alnnd for thOKA iiolltlrnl nnd mornl prlnclplvn which will uplift tho community, tho Ntntn And the nation. I Am nnt.nitaiittly nnd Knlnt cor porAtlon ruin In pollllcx. I nm n profcrxonivo Itapubllcnn. I bo llnve In the rule of (ho people, I iitttnd for tho rlKhtn of thn penpln In tlmlr fluht ARatnat apeclAt tnturtn nnd prlv lleRa. I'ltl'.I) V. MKAUH. (l'nld Advortltemvnt.) State Senator. I nm n candldAto for the office of ittate Monalor for Jncknon county, nub ject to tho declnlon of thn republican votnra nt thn prlmnrlen to be held Hep limber H. I pledica rnyiolf to vote for thnt republlcnn cnndldnte for United 'Htat nonntor In comae who Malt hnvn received thn hluheitl number of votrn In the RenerAl election next pre ceding. I nm All Advocntn of kooiI ronda And nil Improved educational faclllttcn. nnd nil other thtnRM which 'end to the betterment of the county nnd ntntn. WM M, COhVia. (Paid Advertltement.) For State Treasurer. Antl-naaembly ropubllcnu candldato for ntato trenaurer. Una boon a mem ber of the Oreeon loKlalnturo for thn fnat elRlit yonra. Ho la the uuthnr of ho flnt nalnry law, which aavna to thn atato over $15,000 por yonr. W Act ive aupporter of tho corporation tax law. wjiloh lrlnRH In over tlCO.000 an nually, and lit tlin InlmrltAiico tax law, which brlnitn to the ntnte over 100,000 a year. On account of peralatent opponltlon to uaeloaa appronrlntlona nnd extravn Banco In clerkship hire, Mr. Kay wna known a "The watchdog- of the Trena ury," A vote for Kny In a vote for An eco nomical and Reed bualneaa adtntnlatra tlon. (Paid Advertlaement.) State Senator. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for atate nonntor from Jnck non county, nubjeot to primary of Sep tember 3t. I am for Hlntainont No. I, economical administration of publlo fund. Reed roads. Improved educational facilities and other things that have for their object thn bflttorment nnd Im provement of thn ntntn nnd county. IT. VON DRU JllMibtiN. (Paid Advertlaement.) For Representative. I dostro to no (no republlcnn nominee for state representative of Jackson county, subject to tho primaries to be hold Heptombor 24, I bollnvo In tho In itiative nnd referendum, fltatomnnt No. 1, Road ronds and atnto nld for Ashland normal school, I am opposed to ox trnvaRant creation of salaried officers nnd commissions, nnd if nominated and oleoted will represent 'all tho people. JOHN A. WnBTKW.UND, (Paid Advertisement.) For Sheriff. I am a candldAto tot tho nomination of sheriff of Jackson county on tho re publican ticket, subject to the primary of September 24. J. H. DBLMNanit. (Paid Advortlsemont.) County Recorder. I am a candldato for tho doinocriitto nomination for recorder of Jncknon county, subject to tho primary election of Hoptembar 24. itonniiT u TAYi.on. (Paid Advertisement,) For Sheriff WILBUR A. JONES Oandldnto for ro-oloctlon, (Paid udvortiBomont) 9RHHHHHIIIHIiKflCHHuHHSlBuaaM Tn writing nn nil nbout that furn iphntl room you have to ront Hav, In n mnvinaiiiff wny, ,iut what you'd whnt It wan liko. "and nil about it." ''IIiiHkinB for honith. zvxi-rmor: 4- "" 'V