MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDttORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19.10. I,M.- There Are Only Two More Bargain Days of Extra Votes Have You Secured Your Five New Daily Subscriptions Only Two More Days Left in Which to Hustle See Your Friends and Relations at Once Don't Delay CLIP THE BIG COUPON FROM THIS ISSUE The Mall Trlbuno Will Accept All Subscriptions to Count on the Special Otfcr That Arc Mailed Before 1 1 o'clock Saturday Evcnlnn- Thc Days Are Flying and Candidates Must Hurry This Is Opportunity Week. The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE ONE FIVE-PASBENQKIt TOURING? AUTOMOBILE (WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN A FEW DAYH). GRANB PRIZES TWO $400 PIANOS. TWO $100 DIAMOND RINGS. TWO BUSINESS SCIIOLAHSI1IP8. TWO BEAUTIFUL LADIES' GOLD WATCHES. "Count Ikat day IohI, whoso nun, doooending font, Viows from thy band bo bunuh of bnllota cast." From the Lyrics of tbo Contest Editor. A great number of popular youug women who nro putting in leisure dayo in securing subscriptions and UittlioritiK voting coupons from tbe Mull Tribune, nro going to bo sutia ficd with nothing loso than tbo grout fivo-pnHBoiiK'or Buck touring r which is tbo grand prize The con toot is nn easy and uick way of so curing n valuablo car, tiouiulliluic to yield plensuro and duli;ht for ft lifu timo and to bo enjoyed by ovory mombor of tho family. Tbo young woman who wins tin automobilo or piano this way wIiib it by bor own efforts, hor own activity, popularity and ambition. Evory mail brings iu votes to tho content manager, and tho doors of tho office aro kept constantly swing , iug by. voters who go in and out cast ing bnllotH for their favorite candi dates iu tho rnco. Tho contest U certainly gaining ground day by day and no ono can uuticipato whnt height this good-natured tug of war will attain. Cortain people of Med ford and adjacent torrilory arc di rectly interested iu tho outoomo of tho contest and before another week has olupsed tho othor f0 per cent will bo into. tho contest ns deeply nn tbo candidates and their friends aro today. Iu roply to a great many inquiries, wo wish to stnto that two subscrip tions for six months oner counts the sntno as ono subscription for ono your, or ono subscription for two years is tho same as two subscrip tions for ono year on tho special offer. Grout Special Offer. For ton days only, boginning Wed nesday, September 1'!. and ending Saturday, Soptombor 24, at 11 p. m, in addition to tho votes given on sub scriptions according to tbo schedule, wo mnko tho contestants tho follow ing effer: Wo will givo to oach and ovory contestant an oxtra ballot of 100, 000 votes who turns into tho Mail Tribuno offico fiyo now twolvo months daily subscriptions between Wednesday, Soptombor 14, and Sat urday, Soptcmbor 24. Wo will giyo ench and every contestant nn oxtra ballot of f)0,000 votes who turns in fivo now six-months daily subscrip tions between tho nbovo dntos. This is your chanco to catch tho loaders. Take advantago of it. Yearly sub tiaripliqnB count two for six months. Friondii who subsoribo for tho pa por for a tortn aro ronlly not donat ing anything from thoir pookets sinco thoy will rdcoiyo full valuo for tho amounts they subooribo to tho Mail Tribune, which will bo sont to any address to which thoy may roinovt for tho torm which tho subscription is paid, Tho Mni) Tribuno will not only maintain its present standard of n olonn and noway, rolinblo family papor, but will go on improving its columns and so far as possiblo per fecting its dolivory uorvico so tiqt thoro will bo no rogrota at having Bubsoribod to holp some dcsorvliig contestant. A difforonoq of, a fow thousand votos is not a vory largo margin, as it moans but a yonr or, six. months' subscription to tho Mail Tribuno, uud thoso who nro bohind by such a small number should not loso honrt by any moans, but koop on with tho rnco with ronowod vigor. A raoo is novor ond ed until timo for tho last oompotitor to win out. Koop up with tho con tent and mnko it your determination to win and you will bo successful. HUH Tltno to Nominate. It is possiblo that you will not find tho nnmo of tho party you boliovod would be ablo to win one of tbo grand prizes in the following list. If such should be tho case, you aro earnest ly requested to nomiunto a candidate yourself. You can name any woman, a friend, a rclativo, or, if you think you can get out and get enough votes to win a prizo, you may nominate yourself. Evory cnudidnto is provid ed with oil nocossnry information and subscription books necessary to conduct an euorgotio and successful campaign for votes. Everything Fair aad Equal. In tho city of Mcdford tho in ter ra t is such that frionds of candi dates call at tho offico to learn how Home friend is progressing and lot tow of inquiry nro roooived by over mail. New candidates nro entering tho contest, and without a doubt it will bo tbo greatest voting contort evor conducted by a newspaper in Southern Oregon. Check over tho list, see whnt your friends aro doing, what tbo other candidates nro doing nud who will probably win tbo magnificont nrrny of prizes. Open Kvciilngg. For the bonofit of thoso who nro not able to got to this offico during business hours, tho Contest Depart ment will bo opon ovory evening unti o'clock. bxstbiot ho. i. lacludcm all the territory la tha city of xctroro. Hiucllo Tlcc, 108 N. Control.... 61.980 Mny Hnlley, BIO B. Central G2,S0 .Mnry A. llaawcll. H. O. Produce. 81,220 HcrOm Dalloy. 208 R Ivy 60,870 .May Uuchiumn, 800 R Taylor... 19,720 lono riynii. 908 W. Tenth.... . 19,360 Clnrtrudo Kfty, 10S N. Grape.... 18,930 Ml Crawford, plantat, Nftah drill , 18,690 llortllim Ilcncomo, Tenth at...... 18,370 Mnurio Onlnea, t). Clrnuo 17,130 Mm. W. M, Kord, Portland avo.. 16,390 Meda Illsti, 28 N. Court 16,220 Mario Klfort. N. Front Ht 16,770 Maybollo Jones, lluasoy'a atoru. 11,760 Nellie Hlorni, 219 H. Con t nil..., 11,890 Iluby llurko, 3d and N. llnrtlott. 11,730 vAlona HnodKrnaa, HunaM'N nloro 10,710 niln Gnunyuw, 137 N. Central.. 10,600 Klttlo UurKeaa, 338 OriinKo,,,,. 39,900 Mnry Clore, 129 8. Central 37,210 Mnudo Mne, 10. Aftiln 37,170 Itulli Van Dyke. 9 V, 12th 38.160 Myrtlo Culhoun, 8 8. Central.... 33,980 llernlco Carder, 310 IV. Jnclmon 33,110 Kva Jane Oatiornu, 612 Oakdulo.. 31,610 Knincea Durham. 119 8. Holly., 31,370 Jennie Dodge, 10 8. Pakdalo..,. 30,770 Nellie Kvann. I'uclflo Tel. Co.... 30,600 Maude (limit, Van Oyku'a atoro 29,810 pna Humphrey. Kontner'a atore. 28,890 Mabel liny. 1104 W. Main 63,610 iCuld Hamilton. N. Contml. , . .. . 18,260 Mary Uouoli 8. Onltdulo 21,610 Mlns AndreWH. 96 Iloonuvolt ave. 21,110 Harlot Paul, U36 W. 0th......... 22,710 Aunca MeMuhon, 207 8. Ivy 19,860 Ilattlo Allen, 313 W, 10th 19,760 Mary KittrldKe, 201 R Drape,... 19.710 Annrt Pntnraon, 8. Holly,,.,.,,. 18,260 Klinlrn. Wllaoi), Hulrolla Parlors. 17,880 Kula Jncoba, 122 8. Contral 17 810 Anna Iierach, 217 8. Ivy 17,110 Anna Hmlth, 620 8. Ivy 10,200 Hnxelln ItaitadnlP. H. Itlveraldo. . 11,800 Mabel Mjokey, 330 8. Kir 11.820 draco Orfut. 110 N. flrapo 12,010 Jul a C. Klclder, 710 M. Main,.,, 12,660 Kthelyn Howes, 381 W. 11th 11 290 Oraco McCoy, 613 N. Central,... 11,210 Ifi10".1! .Welch, 8. Ivy,.. 9,180 Nina Unkoman, 31 W. 10th 9,180 Jeoalo Pundy. 8. Holly 7,890 Vmita Hamilton. N. Contral avo. 7.21U ICBthor Murphy, 616 N. Kir 7,260 Jewilo Cole, 708 N. Central 7,180 I.uellft Campbell, 714 W. 8th,,.. 7,120 wmcB flipuoy, cua n, i.'oiurni, . , Ntttlo Hartley, 6 13. 3d Mlllcent Iotter. HE N. Oukdnln.. qindya Heard, eaat end K. Main. 3,760 Kfflo Jluroh. 216 8. CottARo. 1.1K0 "i".'u uniwji, isi y. main,,,, Vora Btorey. 301 13. 6th Mnry Fleatcr, MontKomory Co. . Vldn Thornburff, 8. Holly Itobeccn Clinton, 10 1 8. Nuwtown Mary Payne, 136 N. Ilnrtlott. ... Mr. H. Orecory, 232 13. Main.. onzaiuv nu, u. Xaolndta all Urrltory outalda city of Mtdford. Olnrn nhodea, AhIiIiuhI ,, 32,090 Uliutlii Itobblna. Woodvlllo 29,810 I.eonn XJlrloh. JuokHonvlllo 28,000 Mrs. W. 13. Whltoalde. Contral Pt 28,110 Maybollo Penrt, Central Tolnt, , 26,770 nilllo Hall, nrownaboro , 21,780 Idn nnora, Woodvlllo. ......... , 21,660 AVInnlfrcd Davis, KiikIo Point,, 23,880 Eleanor rowers, Talent, 23,180 6,860 3,370 890 660 310 J 00 100 30 20 Hvn NorcroH. Central Point,.., 22,910 Orlcoln Cnrnlhan, Tnlont. ... . ... 22,110 loan CoiiKlitron, Jacksonville. ... 19,760 lrono Wilson, Central Point .... 19,110 MIhn Mooro Ashland , 17,860 Ituby Palmer, Ashland 17,270 l'drni Nell, Ashland 10,370 Muirtcla Daly, KiikIo Point.,,.... 16,220 Trance Hamilton, Ashland...... 16,270 Gertrude Norton, Jacksonvlllo... 11,810 ICinrna Wendt, Jacksonvlllo 11,810 Mary Olson, Central Point 11,760 Donna Itndnr, Knglo Point. 12,910 llazelln Weloh, Jacksonvlllo 12,180 Kiln Williams, Central Point.... 12,160 Kayo Uurchell, Woodvlllo 11,890 llazelln Crosnn, Ashlnnd 11,870 Pearl Koss, Central Point 11,820 Alva Hcott, Woodvllln 11,180 .Miss llolloy, Ashland 11,210 Myra Askew, Ilea Kin 9,980 Harah Ilebb, Central Point...... 9,610 Mnybelle Parsons. Ashland 9.280 1 In rulle Warner, Trnll 8,860 Maxlo Moore, Grants Puss 7,980 Alberta Htncy, IJeaRlo 7,310 Grennel Jackson, KnRlo Point.... 7,180 Maybollo Koncndc, 'Ashland 4,870 Vera flkcon, Ashland 2,780 Leila Mnrlock, Gold Hill. . 2,760 .Miss 13, Pcelor, Dutto l'alls 3,760 Delia Miller, Trail 3,160 May Hash, Ashland ........... 3,190 Mis Bowman. Ashland.. 3,110 Grnco Colby, Drownsboro ...... 2,980 Clorlco Wilcox. Woodvlllo 2.180 Lucy Harmond, Oranta ra.... 2,180 Clara Hkrrman, Trail 1,010 Lea. Mlddlcbusliol, Trail 1,960 Mario Carnlban, Talent ........ 1,910 May Howe, Trail 1,890 Uthelyn llcnnctt. Grants. Pass... 1,810 Flora Hhnfer, Butnmervllle ..... 1,7X0 Inex Wlllets, Persist 1.280 Olllo UORK, Gold Hill ... ..... 1,280 MntfKle Jones, IleaRlo ......... 1,080 Viola Hinlth, Ilutta Kail 910 Edna Hayes, Gold Hill 710 Marie Gbk, HeHtfle 160 Ella flloks. Woodvlllo ......... 2C0 llernlco Edmonduon, Butte Kails 190 ClatouMo McCredlc, Central Point 30 Gertrudo Nichols. Butto Fall... :o Good only on Saturday Sept. 24th. GOOD FOR IOO--VOTES--IOO in the Mail Tribune's Voting Contest 1 Voted for Miss. i District No Address Good for ono hundred votos when Tilled out and sent to the Contest Department by mnil or otherwise on Snturday, September 21. No ballot will bo altered iu any way or transferred nftcr being received by tbo Mail Tribune. Tho Mnil Tribuno reserves tho right to limit tho number of papers of this issuo that will bo sold to one person. If you want this ballot to count, you must writo plainly, and if more than ono ballot is sent, fasten them togothcr in a nent bundle. Trim neatly on tho black line untidy bundles will be discarded. Not Good After October 2, 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Conest This Ballot Counts for TEN Votes For District No Address. Good for ten votes when filled out and sent to tho Contest Depart ment by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date. No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred after being received by tho Mail Tribune. in case of a tie, prizes of canal value will bo given to each of tho contestants tied. NOMINATION BLANK Writo plainly. It ia advisable to use this blank, bnt nominations can be written on any paper. Coupon is printed for convenience only. I Nominate Address . . . District No. As tbo most popular candidate in tbo Mail Tribune Contest. Signed. Date. Address. Each nomination sent in will county twenty votes if sent to tho Mail Tribune Contest Department. The Mail Tribune reserves tbe right to reject any objectionable nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to the Mail Tribtmo with yonr name or the name and address of your favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, bnt a good start means much. This blank can be used as often as desired for the samo candidate, and each and every one counts twenty. Tbe same of the party making tbe nomina tion will not be divulged if so desired. In case of a tic, prizes of equal value will bo givon. ALL IONDS OP DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your winter supply now; reasonable prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO.. 15 Almond at., or Room 31, J. C. Bank bldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori, Prop. iHiiE PORTLAND, OREdOM A. Splemdlil Rocrdlnf and Da School for luunu jie,i jul xui I .,. f&. u vao Kitenwf cobtw la Oollecw. Illtn Hcbool and Dora. mrrlal work. Grammar crania taatht to bora orer U jrara. School cwiw txpt. 13. 1010. Cat! Cvtciuia Cxmiarrr. tontiAwa. Omroo. ATTEND OOLLHGH. Arrange to atteid the Hugeas Eas iness College, and let ns get yen a good position when you graduate. Ea ter now. Bead for eur new cata logue. 14 West Seventh street, Eureae, Oreiea. tt How to Win the Grand Prizes WniCU WILL BE GIVEN, AWAY BY THE MEDFORD NAIL TRIBUNE Capital Prize ONE FIVE PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE District Prizes TWO BEAUTIFUL $400 UPRIGHT PIANOS. TWO BEAUTIFUL $100 DIAMOND RINGS. TWO SIX MONTHS' BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIPS (in Ashland Commercial Colleot) TWO LADIES' GOLD WATCHES (I5-Jewel, 20-year guaranteed case). Ono of tho Bonutiful $400 Pianos now on dis-v play nt Halo's Musio House. f t ')V VALUE OF SPECIAL, BALLOTS Price by Votos Carrier. New Sub. Ono month Two months., . , . Three months . . Six months Ono year Two yoars One Two .$ .60 700 . 1.00 1,400 1.50 3,000 3.00. ';7,G00 6.00 '18,000 12.00 48,000 WEEKLY. BY MAIL. .$ Price. year in advance. . , $ 1.50 years in advance 3.00 SUNDAY, BY MAIL. Votes Old Sub. 350 700 1,500 3,800 9,000 24,000 Price Votes By Mail. New Sub. .50 1.00 1.50 2.50 5.00 10.00 1,400 3,000 7,000 15,000 40,000 New Sub. 3,000 7,000 Votes Old Sub. 350 700 1,500 3,500 V,500 20,000 Old Sub. 1,500 3,500 Votes, New 'Sub. 4,500 12,000 Votes, Old Sub. 2,250 6,000 v Prioo. Ono yonr $2.00 Two years 4.00 All old subscribers of tho Weekly paying their arrearages, chang ing to the, DAILY, will be considered new subscribers and ballots m Rucd accordingly. NINE VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN AWAY . OCTOBER 29. 1910. ;", . GREAT SPECIAL OFFER ? ne For Ton Days Only, beginning Wednosdny, September 14. and ending September 24, in addition to thevo)es,given oni' subscription according to tho nbovo schedule wo moke tho contestants the following effer: ' Jx f' Wo will givo to each and ovory Contestant an oxtra ballot of 100,000 votes, who turns into the Mail Tribuno office five now twolvo-month daily subscriptions between Wednesday, Soptombor 14, and Saturday, Soptembor 24. Wo will givo to oach and ovory Contestant nn oxtra ballot of 50,000 votes who turns in fivo new six-months daily sub scriptions botwoon tho abovo dates. This is tho opportunity to obtain a groat ninny oxtra votos by a litttlo effort. Tho subscriptions should not bo'held back until tho last day, but turned in as socurod. An aoourato account will bo kopt by tho Conlost Manager of all subscriptions tarucd in during this offer and the Extra Ballot will bo mailod to Contostnnts nftor this offor closes. . . ' Conlost closos Ootobor 29, 1910. ADDRESS CONTEST DEPARTMENT THE MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR. For Sale by MOOR-EHNI CO. 213 Fruitgrowers' Bank Bdg SANCH PROPERTY 10 acres bearing fruit, 1& miles out $15,'00t 10 acres bearing fruit j good buildings, 12 nulcs out. $15,000 2y2 acres truck and borry land, water, buildings, 1 1-4 miles $250i 10 acres truck and berry land, water rights, barn J. $375i 82 acres fruit, good build ings, tools and stock, close in $7000 20 acres all fruit, 10 bearing, a bargain ...$12,500 7 acres bearing fruit, good buildings, V2 miles out $9000 30 acres near Central Point, part bearing, good build ings, water, a bargain $16,000 240 acres best fruit land, part bearing, house and barn, 4 miles out, per acre $800 35 acres, all in fruit, build ings, spring, wells, stock, tools $17,500 40 acres near Central Point, fruit and alfalfa, worth $400 per acre -$12,000 CITY PROPERTY 5-rom bungalow, modern aattia4aaMaaa(aia.iMRW 8-room house, 3-4 acre $1800 Knes residence lots on 8tk St $500 to $700 6-rooin modern house $2700 5-rom modern cottage $2000 2-story house, lot 168x258, $2000 5-room modern cottage $2100 Fine residence lots and dwellings in all parts of the city FERE INSURANCE, BEST COMPANIES CALL AT OtfEl ICE OR PHONE MAIN 2592 Fountain Peas When you buy a Foun tain Pen you want the best. WATTERMAN'S has proven the best. You are sure of a good pen if it bears the trade mark and comes from a Watterman factory. TheMedford Book Store AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1910 Chalmers Detroits. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Servioe, Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO UVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agouoy for the Parry Cars. Rojpw River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. "To waste Is an offense," o MX those second bund things you've cw od to usho. Such sales are "wamt a4 busUisa." i, tyW 1 Value-giving, always; then public ity, always and your storo will grew "always." j jj n .-. IH ;1 i ;l 1 , J stl 4 , 1 ti asu , 4hifrHhjgffifr ' t-ju ' Vv.-'ite'in , x k. Wfyjtttiftbtf ,Uii, ftv ftffc-ifyti&4 mmmmm