s .rt, I i: i :J ! ' I 1 ?l '! X ki I I r &. r, ;- to? l'c ! W4 ft! ra .H SfCS vya B .4' WEDFORD MAIL TSMBUNEt M3BPPCWD. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER22, W-.il.. ' '1 , l'l' . .. - l" I II - - -" 1910. VETERANS PASS III L0N6RARADE Nearly 100,000 People Watch Gray Haired Soldiers Pass Review Stand in Atlantic City Under a Sweltering Sun Wild Ovation. ATLANTI CITY, Sept., 22. niu uuuuui puvauu ul mv uiuuu Army of tho Republic w.8 hold hero this morning. Under a sweltering sun the gray-hrd.'cd veterans, mnny of tli cm cripples, hobbled along through tho streets nnd past the reviewing stand on vrlhch wero Vice-President Sherman and Governor Fort, Every where the old fighters wero met with cheers, and one old man hobbling along on a crutch, was given a wild ovation. Fully 100,000 persons saw tho parade. About 15,000 Grand Army men wero In line. Tho day was exceedingly hot and it was expected that somo of tho march ers would collapse. Ambulances and Hundreds of attendants lined tho route, but In only one or two cases were thoir services needed. Silas Taylor was the grand mar- shal. Walter Edge was chief of staff. Commander-in-Chief Van Sant headed tho parade until tho reviewing stand was reached, when he took his place beside Sherman and Governor Fort. It was estimated that the attend ance at this year's encampment fell short '10,000 If what It otherwlso would have been because of the refu sal of tho railroad companies to grant reduced rates. The question of erecting a statue to General Robert E. Leo will bo tho chief topic of discussion tomorrow. MOB THREATENS ETHEl LENEVE Only tor Strenuous Activity on Part of Police She Would Have Been Injured Onlookers Hiss Threats Against Girl. LONDON, Sept., 22. An enraged mob surrounded Ethel Claro Leueve, Dr. Hnwley E. Crippen's typist, to day as sho was betnj; taken to tho Bow street polico court, and but for strenuous activity on tho part of tho polico sho would havo heeu injured. MHo. Lcnevo is completely unnerv ed as tho result of tho hostilo demon stration. Sho remained calm in tho face of tho mob, but as soon as it had been dispersed sho became hys terical and it was necessary to sum mon a physician to quiet hor. A hundred or more persons follow ed the jjirl an her polico escort when tho trip to tho polico court was be gun. Soon several hundred had sur rounded her and .prevented her prog ress. Tho polico formed n cordon and with drawn "billies" fought their way through the crowd. The onlook ers hooted and hissed and made threats against tho girl. Cnppcn's tnp to tho courtroom was marked by no demonstration The building in which the hearing is being conducted has been put under a triple gunrd. Tho demonstration against Miss Leneve is believed to havo resulted from tho testimony of Mrs. Jackson at the inquest Monday. Hasklna for tealth. If your advertising Is so unimpor tant that It makes peopo suppose your store to bo unimportant work hard to correct tho impression. PACIFIC OFFICIALS HERE Vice-President J. P. O'Brien, Su perintendent L. R. Fields, Assistant General Passenger Agent John fit. inlt nnd Travolinir Passenger Agent Jenkins wero among Iho Southern Pnaifia officials who attended the opening of tho now Grants Pass do pot Tuesday nnd who visited Mod- ford in their privato cars lator m tno evening. Messrs. O'Brien and Fields loft early Weduesday for Portland, hut Messrs. Scott and Jenkins remained over tho day. 'Before leaving Mr. O'Brien mado an early morning tour of tho city, inspecting tho many now buildings, visiting tho Nntntoriiiiu, the Pacific & Eastern depot situ and other places of interest. Mr. Scott spent uenrly tho outiro day noting tho changes and growth sinco his last visit. All wore ereatlv impressed by the remarkable progress Medford is making, tho greatest of any city on the coast. Siuco their visit lust spriug ten miles of streots havo Leon" paved, tho water system completed and construction begun on many business blocks. All of the officials expressed plensuro over tho appear nnco of tho city and predict a great future for. Medford. Tho uew Natatorium was a great surprise to all and pronounced a great advertisement for tho enter prise of tho community. U. S. HOTEL BUTTK FALLS, Or. Re-openod and will cater to tho public. Auto and bunting party din ners a specialty. Patronage) respect fully solicited. MR. AJTD SIRS. A. DDTRAY, Prop, and Mgr. Respectively. Ue .iv 43 - 1 - Southern Pacific will run steam service instead of motor car SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd to enable people to reach Medford to attend Buffalo Bill's Show SPECIAL, RATES SEE AGENT s88J8& p f I SHOW Ithe goods J Almost every day there is something new 'arriving in the Jewelry line, such as Collar Pins, Beauty Pins, Belt Pins, Stick Pins, Lockets, Neck Charms, Bracelets, Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Watch Fobs, Etc. NEW WATCHES AND DIAMONDS Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER NEAR THE POSTOFFICE WARRANTED RAZORS Carbo Magnetics and M&ganese Steel Mi ci.i.i .. ot -l t : j:i optu uu ou uuya J.uir niui. m&.&2mMZi. GRIFFIN WARRANTED MANICURE ARTICLES " (See the window) OUR PHONE WORKS DAY AND NIGHT Medford Pharmacy NEAR THE POSTOFFICE MAIN 101 MEDFORD THEATRE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. Wilton Lackaye (Lioblor & Co., Managers) IN CLEVELAND MOFFETT'S DRAMA OF LOVE AND DOLLARS THE BATTLE SEATS NOW ON SALE. RESOLVE! The best resolution for job to make Ib to come to na for your next auit, If you want something ont of tho ordinary. Wo do the best work anil chart r the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT ybm PBoausarra yailob Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Every Iloom Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan FOR RENT Onlyhotcl in town of 1000 inhnbUnnts on Southern Pacific rail road, Uoruc River valley. Nowly refurnished, papered, painted; equipment' modorn; baths, toilets, electric lijjhts, hot nnd cold run nine water. Now doin business. , CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY. 216 West Main St.. Medford, Or. Medlord Conservatory For Music and Languages. Natatorium Building. , Piano, Voice, Violin, Cello, etc. Registration he gins September 26. Edward Charles Root TEACriER OP HANDpLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, 142 NORTH IVY STREET. t - n Prepares young people for bookkeepers, stenographers, correspondents nnd general offico work. Tho development of tho Northwest will afford openings for thousands in the next few yonrs. Proparo now. Send for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, Principal. SALEM, OREGON. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will eonduot a general feed and boarding establishment. Qorsos boarded by the day, week or aonth, I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. Kimball Piano on Display The $560 Kimball Piano, ono of the prizes in the :: Mail Tribune's Big Contest, is now on display in tho : window of Weeks & MeGowan Co.'s largo furniture j : : store on "West Main street. PURE WHITE -is tho- FLOUR .that meets with uuivorsal favor. Evory houriowifo, ovory cook, evory bakor and evory campor that has ovor usod "PURE WTUTE" will toll you that it is tho best thoy ovor used. Call up Allen S Reagan CORNER CENTRAL AND MAIN. PHONE MAIN 2711 THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is boolring orders now for oarly fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your ordor. all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street Mt. Angel College. MT. ANGEL, OR. In chargeof the Benedictine Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens Soptombor Gth. Prc paratoiy, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. J. E. ENYART. Prosidont. J A. PERRY. Vico-Prosidont. JOIIN S. ORTII, Cnshior. W. B. JACKSON. AkbH Cnshior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BAN KING BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. i .. i.jaKj; Kirn wl PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Roaeonablo COFFEEN & PRICE 8 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 308 --9 TOM MOFFAT P. O. I1ANSEN Wo make any kind and fftylo of Windows, Wo carry Glass of any sizo on hand. I MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon; - "apt- 'Cww.;