MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUMB. JOPffOKl, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1910. i Use the Classified Ads When You Need Assistance or Employment W" i ' 'ti I 1 If '1 '; . NO NEED FOR UNREST SAYS JAMES J. HILL ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 21. Jnn. J. Hill, thu "umpire builder," tho "father of llio northwest." cannot boo why tlio bimiucHrt inuii of tho country should at prosant four to cngngo in now ontorpriBos, nor can hu sue any rlinHou whatever for thu Hoini-parolywiH which 1h gradually .reaping over thu United Stilton, "It's only u hoiiboIobh lauk oi' con fidence," Haid Mr. Hill, in an inter view just given out. "And why this luulc of confidence? Soino mnii, hoiiiowIioio, Iiiib grown timid over something or other, mid hurt cried 'boo!' at Ids neighbor. II!b neighbor probably jumped and the noxt follow took fright without knowing why he wub frightened. And flo on. "It's JiiHt like n flock of sheep. If uo starts to run, every shoop in the flock will follow, oven if thoy dio for it. "During this big nalionnl ooiiHor vation congress wo have tnlkod nliont coiiHerving water and conserv ing lauilj.ronHcrving conl and con serving inin; It's too bad somebody lidu't nay n word about conserving common hoiiho. "Thnt'n what thin country nocdn right now to conserve common pciihc. Tlioro'o mi articlo by Colonel George Harvey in the September North American Itoviow dealing with thu conservation of commou-floimo that well iluHtrates tho business con dition of thin country right now and given as tho panacea for tho husi iiohb paralysis, tho suggestion that our busiuoHH men use a lit t lo com mon koiiro jiit ordinary, Bound common boiiho. I wish business men everywhere would Inko that advice. 'I I can boo no reason for tho foiiM which hcoiii to possoss our hiisinoHB mon. I have preached a 'return to tlio farm' policy for years nnd ov poct to continue to do bo; but Hint's no ronHon for fonr on tho part of bunincHH. "Money and business arc, of ,8rHe, very coroful, and it is right that thoy should bo, but not to thn! ' extent of cutting off their noses to fipito their faces. Especially when it is ho iinnecesHnn' nnd thov need the noses, too. COURT? MOUaS IIEWS Circuit Court. J. D. Hoard vb. J. A. Wotzol; ac tion for inoi-oy. Ida Do llolionm vs. John Do no tion m; milt for divorce Adollno N, Griff It vs. J. J. Griffith; suit, for dlvorco. - V, U. Alien vb, Eva L. Alton; suit for divorce. Iuman, Poulaon Lumber company vb. Trail Lumber company; action for uionoy. JobhIo 0. IlobortHon vb, Thomas H. Robertson; dlvorco; ilocroo by do- fault. ,, Application of Honry P. Whotatono to register tltlo; riocrco by dofault. JamoB Rtngor vb. Caroltno Peel; order appointing guardian. Ooorgo Par-low vb. Mlnnlo Para low; for dlvorco; docroo by doatult. Circuit court adjourned to moot on .Monday, Ogtobor 10, County Court, , In tho matter of tho oatnto of P. O. Alloa, doconsod; ordor Dotting rtflldu poroonal proporty for widow and holrB,' I 'in tho in .ttor of tho cstnto of P. lo, Allon, doconsod; ordor r-ccoptlnp roport pf h. L, Mullt, John Schoblo nnd 13. B. ShiiW, appraisers. In tho matter of tho ostnto of It. J. Aljon; ropqrt of tho appraisers ap- provod, PROHIBITION CHIEF ISSUE IN IDAHO BOISE, Idaho, Sopt. 21. Tho fltnto contral committees of tho dem ocratic and ropublionn parliqs mot (today nnd framed thoir platformrt. As was oxiiootod, tho statowido pro hibition was tho prinoipnl issup.' ' Tho ' republican pint form favored tlio 'submission of u constitutional nniomimont providing fqr statowido proliibTtfoh nt tlio' noxt' gonoral oloo ' lion. v" Tlio democrats declared thorn solves in favor of tho iuitintivo aiid roforo'iidum and tho. submission, of tho prohibition quostion uudor its provisions. n &&& Motlfonl Quotations. (1'ricoB paid by Medford merchants.) rotalooB, now, fpi.luQvl.zu por owt.; cabbago, 2c. 1'onohcB, 3560o box. CuoumhorH, lUo to ICo doz, SqitnBli, 00c$l. Corn, 1016c, Cniitnloupos, 20(l0o dozon. Watermelons, 020o. T6matocn, .lc. rumpkiiiB, 812io. Applcu, lV&c; Pears, lc. I'runeH, lV(2c. Tokays, fc. Mutter, Kggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Ranch butter, 30o; fancy orcamory, 35o. Frosh ranch eggs, 315c. Mixed poultry, 1014o; spring chickens, j4(ii; turkoys, 17o. (PriooH paid producers.) HayTimothy, $10; alfalfa, $12; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.15 bushel ; oats, $32 ton; barloy, $J0 ton. Bcof Cowb, 44V o; steers, 5 5Vo; pork, Do; mutton, 5(55V&o; lambs, Go; veal, dressed, Ho. (Selling prices.) Rolled barloy, $1.75 cwt $32 ton; bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.85(2)1.00; shorts. $.80(SHM. ROOSEVELT'S Own Book The Most Popular Book By The Most Popular Man African GameTrails Gives In bcok form by Beesevelt't own hand tin sole account el his African Hunt. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1G3 Filth Avenue New York wmmmemmammmmmntjummmmmmmm Making Pure VCillUy l:Vkl Is a. Mission Modern Stctett A Minion Fulfilled FaironUi the "3Todern Dealer" Utittt CwfKlUMry Cfc, Nip)., Prtln4, Onr LOST. LOST Whito and black kitton, whito cars. Return 435 N. Contral; ro ward. 158 LOST Whito and blaok kitten, whito ears. Return 435 N. Central; roward. 158 LOST Who has my umbrolla? My iiamo is on tho handle. J. S. How ard. 159 FOUND FOUND August 12, five black bars, marked with crop off right oar and 2 splits in tho loft; owuor may have snmo by proving property nnd pay ing for their kcoping. Mrs.. A. It, Phipps, Medford, Or. 183 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating nnd bathing rosort, 1 square milos body of wntor, on railroad, within 12 milos of Med ford. Addresn Box 201, caro Mnl Tribuno. tf FOR SALE. Houaee. FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore tracts just within and adjoining city lim its", at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Wator Ppwer Co.". "i FOR SALE House nnd lot on West 0th st.; prico $1800, fl pot' coit in torost; cash $1400, 2 yonrs timo on bnlnnco, Address C, C euro Mail Tribuno office. 103 FOR SALE Two 4-room housos, lota 50x140 foot; ono is oomor lot, will soil ono or both, ohoap for cash, boforo Ootobor 1, Call 410 Board man st., or address Box 304, Med ford, Or, 101 Ph 0mm AGENTS jT WANTED NOW k M In orjr K City, Town and Village k to htntllo M k Colonel Rooevelt'Jr "FIND" If you nro porsonally lntorostod in land, or In tho "homo question," ceo if you cannot so ro-ar- rango your planB for today that you may J'flnd" an hour in which to tako a look at aomo of tho real ; cstato advertised In thoso columns, ' It may provo a valuablo "FIND" that hour! Want Ads One Cent FOR SALE- UOBeS. FOR SALE FumiBhcd houso with barn; also houso nnd two lots. In quire of owner, No. 723 13th 8t. west. 1C1 FOR SALE Brand-new modern 5 room bungalow, elegantly furnish ed, fnrnituro brand-now, ono block from S. Oakdnlo; prico $2000, cash. Apply to agent, room 205, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Dank bldg. 150 FOIt SALE 8-room houso with bath and 00 feet of screened pgrch, $3500. 000 0th Bt. West., W. II. Evorhard. tf FOIt SALE 0-room bungalow with bath. Inquire of R. A. Johnson, with Powor & Rcovcs, 212 Fruit- . growers' Hank bldg. tf FOR BALK FlYO-room houso, lot 53 by 200, cast front. North Cen tral Avonuo. Call on J. T. Sum morvllle, Whlsonant Barber Shop. tf FOR 8ALE 120 acres, EvanB Crook fruit; Improvements; buy of owner. Wrlto S. F. Futtor, R. F D Wood vllle, Or. tf FOR SALE Several houses and Iota also fino fnnn. D. T. Lawton, Owner. tf Acreage. FOR SALE 35ij acres, 2 miles west of Mcdford on main roau; fair buildings, iiO acres in 4-year-old Nowtowns nnd Spitzcnborgs, bnl anco planted to imits with peach fillora; big young tonm, Jersey cow, chickens, all machinery nnd tools go with plnco; $550 an aero; good tonus. There is a profit of $200 an acre in this buy insido n year. W. T. York & Co. tf FOH SALE 100 acres, 50 ncreB fruit land, over 3500 cords wood, f miles west of Talent, $2500 for quick Bale Hittnor, Phipps bldg. tf FOR SALE Two 10-ncro tracts near Eaglo Point, good soil, level; ono tract partly clearod, $800 each: tonus half cash, long timo on bal ance Address P. O. Box 702, Mcd ford, Or. 160 FOR SALE Or exchange, by owner, somo good ranch proporty; nlso Home town lots. Address P. O. box G83. Mcdford. Ore. tf FOR SALE SO acres in all. 10 acres in 4-yoar-olds. 0 acres irrigated alfalfa. 15 acres cleared laud. 5 miles from Medford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANCH. Prico $14,000 $.175 an aero; smnller suction if dogirod. iuiuress a. lucioiuncic, caro .nail Trilniiio office tf HuhIhcm Property, FOR SALE OR RENT Good opon ing for gonoral morchnndiso Btoro in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on rriilrond, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Cheioo business prop orty nt a bargain, on long timo; o.aoy tonus, Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Only hotel in Butto Falls, now nnd doing good busi ness, Addross G, W. n. Albort, Butto Falls. Or. 174 FOR SALE Any ono contemplating ohango to Oakland, Cnl. ; I Jiavo ono lot with two houses in East Onk land, actual cost to ownor $3800; $1300 still to pay, at $30 por month, incomo $26 monthly, routed; will oxohnngo equity .for Bmnll rnnoh noar Phoenix or proporty in Med ford or Ashland. Address Box 10, care of Mail Tribuno office 174 FOR SALE $1000 worth of stock in a big paying business ; ono lot on oast sido nt a bargain; nlso $1000 worth of good sooiiritios at ft, 'dis count, of 10 por tuinf, pnrty loaving city, Addross B. T., onro Mail Tribuno. 101 FOR SALE Phying businosV in Medford, Addross G, Q, II onro Tribuno, 103 AN HOUR F0R 3ALE. Lot. FOR SALE 50 feet on S. Oakdale, near Tenth, $800, on easy terms. Inquire 4 S. Orange Bt. 101 FOR SALE Corner lot, 70x100 ft., with modom houso thereon; alio a now 2-rooin house. Inquiro at 731 West 2d at. 1G0 FOR SALE Splendid lot on Central avo., cIoec in, $1000 for quick sale. Billncr. Phipps hldg. tf FOR SALE Three fine, high lots at corner of Tenth nnd Hamilton sts.; ono G-room house and one 3-room house; the 0-room house is com pletely furnished and furniture goes with plnco; this is a good bargain; look it up. 'Pierce-Shepherd & Co., room 11, P. O. bldg. lfiO AUttcclIanfouii. FOR SALE lo tons of first-class grain hn3'. C. W. Isaacs. tf FOR SALE Good-sized heating stove, nearly new, burns wood or conl; wrico $7. 313 Beatty at. If FOR SALE Brand-new Olivor typewriter, latest model, cost $100 six weeks ago; price inw $50. Ap ply to agent, room 2'J.'. Farmers' & Fruitgrowers i'miy b'eg. 150 FOR SALE Elegant, brand-new furniture for five rooms for sale nt a saorifico; will sell by the piece; owner leaving town. Apply at Room 200, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Bank bide. i 100 FOR SALOno roll-top walnut desk, 1 onk dining table and chairs;, 1 iron bed, spring nnd 2 mattresses, 1 sewing machine, 1 range, 1 kitch en cabinet, 1 onk commode. 1 onk rocker, 1 doz. fine Plymouth Rock hens. 710 E. Taylor bt. 1G2 FOR SALE Team, buggy and bar iiess at the Union stables. FOR SALE Work horses nnd heavy wagons. G. L. Schermor- hom. 112 N. Grape, st. 101 FOR SALE Team bay mares, 2400 pounds, 8 years old, matched nnd true, $250. See Humphrey, S15 E. Mniu st. 159 b'Oli, SAi.t; Lgai Dtanxs or all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. FOIt SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobfccr, 11x14 press; a bargain Inquiro Mall'Trlbuno office. FOR SALE Placer claim, 60 acres, ditch, reservoirs, small house, good hind; Jacksonville 8 miles; prico right. Address V. A. Springford, Jacksonville Or. 159 FOR SALE Furniture- snlo; parties leaving city. Call nt 230 S. River side tf FOR SALE 800 chickens, 90 per cjnt pulbts and laying hens; build ing and $125 worth of wire fencing, horso and wagon and 5 tons of hay and all tools, otc, going with ranch; cheap rout on ground; ono milo west of city limits. Address R. R. R.. caro Mail Tribuno office. FOR SALE First-class moving piu turo mnchino with fecciooptieon, 52 slides, 300 feet film. Addross Box 25. caro Mail Tribuno office. l'?2 FOR SALE Grapos, frosh from tho vinos. No. 507 Clark st. 180 FOR SALE I am prepared to furn ish wintor supplies of fire wood in oak, fir and pine; stovowood nnd four-foot lengths. F. Osenbruggo, phono 1041. 401 Riverside avonuo South. FOR SALE Qontlomnn'8 driving horso, pair driving ponies, 2 good buggios; choap if taken at onco. No. 4 S. Orango, cornor of 7th. 150 FOR RENT. lluslncss Rooms FOR RENT Businoss room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitublo for res taurant or billiard room or other business, stoara heftt. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Offico rooms in Eloo trio building, modom equipment, steam heat, elootrio light, baths, toilot, hot and cold wntor. Gold Rav Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Furakiko Rooms. FOR RENT -Two furnished rooms, modorn, clo 5o in, 2-13 N. nolly. 100 TODAY! a Word FOR BEHT. Famished House. FOR RENT A largo furnished front room, close in, modern. In quiro 227 S. Central. 100 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in modem home, best residence dis trict, close in; also private garage for rent. Phono JL 3501. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms with bath. C04 W. 10th or 124 King at. 170 FOH RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers bank. tf Housekeeping Hoots. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at 23 Roosgevelt Ave. 160 I10B9C8. FOR RENT 5-room house, north end. Inquiro 339 N. Front st. ICO FOR RENT New modern 5-room bungalow, elegant new furniture in same, for sale at a bargain. Apply to agent, room 205, Fanners' fc Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. 159 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 22-cal. Winchester, 38-40 Winchester, fishing tackle, wagon sheet and bows. Call 1110 W. 11th. 161 UK UtiAtiH irully equipped gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all ororated by electric pow ei. Owner will furnish free elec tric power for share in proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 West Main. tf WANTED. Situations Wauled. WANTED Position as stenographer and bookkeeper by lady with four years' experience. Address M. O. care of Mai. Tribune office. tf Help Wanted Male. WANTED A first-class piano player. Address C 12, care Mail Tribuno office. tf WANTED A competent man to tako goneral chargo of 40-acre pear or chard in bearing. Apply by Iettor nt once, Box 50, caro of Mnil Trib unc office WANTED Foreman for orchnrd, wife to board the men. Address, stating cxperienco and wnges want ed, Box 12, caro Mail Tribuno of fice. 161 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Female WANTED Girl for general house- work, at onco; good wages. Apply 52S S. Fir. tf WANTED A lady to caro for, chil dren two evenings a week; state prico. Box IS, caro Mail Trib- jmo. 158 WANTED Girl to work for board and go to school; very light woru. S20 Bennett st., across bridge. Mrs. Brown. 160 WANTED Competent woman for gcnoral housework, two in family, wages $30. Address Box 00, caro Mail Tribuno office. tf FIKEPLAOES built, brick work con tracted for; coment cIsternB built. D. O. Colo, 730 South Contral. WANTED Cook and general houso koopor. Addross Box 18, Phoenix, Or. 158 WANTED-Salesmen In every local ity of the northwest; moaoy ad vanced weekly; many make over 1000 month); choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top ponlah, Wash. WANTED To purchase 160 acres or more of uncleared land at a price not to exceed $25 por aoroj distnnoo from town no object if thoro is good wngou rond to land; no desert land wanted. Address P, O. Box 702, Medford. Or. 160 Rooms to Rent, WANTED To ront or loaso n furn. ishod or unfurnishod house, 10 rooms or more, Address J 37 South Ivy. Phono No. 2843. WANTED. Help WtuiUHl Fuiaale. WANTED Girl for gcnoral house work; good wuges to tho right party. Address Box 20, caro Mail Tribuno dffice. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework; small family; good wages. Phono Main 3111. tf AUscllancous. WANTED Partner in good copper gold prospect near main road and close to railway Burvoy; also somo good placor ground. Call aftor 5 p. m. at 111 N. Central. 100 WANTED Best lot from 50 to 75 feet frontage, within 3 blocks Main street, between bridge and Grape; give best price, terms, etc. Box 115. 101 WANT fruit land or city property; have a 1020-acre grin farm, near ly all under cultivation, full lino of farm machinery, good buildings, several fine wells, water piped in houso; 1000 acres to bo sown this fall to wheat; prico $30 per acre. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade, Portland. 165 WANTED To borrow $1000 for one to three years, on first-class close in property, worth $3000. Address P. O. Box 702, Medford. Or. 160 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban propcrtj', ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 109, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribuno office. tf WANTED To trade two five-acre tracts near city, one improved and one unimproved, for improved city property. Address Lock Box 31, city. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Steaograpberti. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Granit Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumental and buildin granite, crashed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and fino washed river sand. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room Phipps bldg. i 207, NOTARY office. PUBLIC Mail Tribune Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local membors, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business act. Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder See me about your new home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Writo Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Mam 3471. Residence phone 744. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE in room 206, Phipps bldg. O ministered for extraction of Telephone Main 341. Night 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist Offioo in rooms 203-204. Farmer' & Fruitgrowers' bank building west of the traoks. Undertaken!. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butlor 3571. LAUNDRIES. SING LEE has sold his iuundry to Wah Loo Co., and hereafter it will be conduotod by Wah Leo. Ho is an exporioncod man in tho busi ness. Palatum am! I'sperhaHgu. H. G. DEAN, O. P. MMULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & MoMullea, contracting painters, painting, pa pen hanging and tinting. Estimate! on all kinds of paintuif work Medford, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTWY. Pbo MACKEY'S STUDIO "Ee witk Maekey and die witk jay." Over Allen & Reafiaa's store; entrance on Seventh street. JtoHloiiC EHtyflrWIUJtBVf CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brktmasoa, Btone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable ckargea bj the day or contract. AddreM Ma Bonj. 511 E. Main Yjnrd, Qr. NEW AND SECOND-HAND G00D3 James A. MaoKessie, dealer k new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and Bhoea. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and see rat when you have Bomethkig to selL 103 South Central. Prlatern tat Pabllufcir . MEDFORD PRINTING CO. kas tk best equipped jab effioe ia Boutk era Oregon; Pertlaad ariees. '37! South Central avcae. B11Um S. T. BROWN is CO. BfflUrdc, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stain, YouDK & Hall buildJaa-. A alee, cool place to spend tke'kot altar noon. AAMpsMMflf SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st, Medford, Ore. M. W. Hiaey, Matron. Official kotpital P. & E. R. R. Iteal Setate. EARLE C. SABIN Orokaxd tracts, city property. List your holdinga with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 203, Fruitfrrowera' Bank bldg. Bill Foatere. VERNE T. CANON BUI Pot aa Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 30, Jackson Couatji Bank building, Medford, Ore. Cigars aa4 Tobaeee. D2ELAND & ANTLE, Smokekoaaa . Dealers in tobacco, eiaars aai spoken' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, XI Merita and El Palenda. 213 Wet Maia street. FanUtsxe. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia new and second-hand fumitur and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. J 6 Soutk Fir street. Phone Main 3161. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly its., Med ford. Mission Furniture made ta ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stoves and ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91, Medford, Ore. NaraerlM. ORDERS TAKEN for celebrated Sa lem Nursery company. Address Wm. Dolmas, general delivery, Medford. until September 25. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in tks trust. H. B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of kigk grade nursery stook. Office 21 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Bargeoas. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposits Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office aad residence phone Mam 3433. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any dofoct oi tho aye. Of fico ovor Allon & Reagan's. Phone Main 1851. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao- a C tho eye, omporary ffioe 21 r A1 A rd Hard- 'H DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor aai Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 311, 311. Office phone 581, residence skoaa 013. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. at. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA! MAINS CARLOW OsUoaatals Physicians. Mission block. Pfaoas 292. Medford. llrick OospsBles. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Gso. W, Priddy, O. D, Nagle, Oeo. U. O'Brien Contractors aad naaa faoturors of brick; dealers a pressed brick and lime. Offiee in Postoffice Monk, roo I. Fkoas No. 8181. ' M il i I ' "I 'II " ' Tfa Sties. ,: J. A. SMITH Tin skep.' Ta aa sheet Iron ware on hand aad sua to order. 128 North flit "' & :.i t-i s j'KAVtfftjr.ri; S Vw