Iff ? V ,wjteyv$jiwif-ii "? j 1,1 - fVifiiwyp MEDflORD MAIL TKtBUNE, MgDFOflP. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1010. ssc ----- ----- Newsy Notes from Rogue River Valley Towns f MRS. ED ANDREWS, VOICE CULTURE, AT NATATORIUM TUES- f f DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONENO. 3952. Butte Falls Items Eden Precinct Items Central Point Items f K R H to' H. Lf t " S-- frj Stf fe ?iv .1 4 ! V "i if' i l L7.' . 8rV. t t S-F 5? rir J U.-i- ' ! "1 54 2 4 ft S :. s ISM B! 1 The Dupray hotel is advertised for Bale, and some one will got n bai' jfeain an purchasing this place, as it tfisideally located and hns a Reed rpatrdnaco and tho buildiiiRS are all fnew. fMrs. Barritt, our kindcrsarten 'teacher, has located herself in tho Boughton residence. Frank Notherland has about fin ished his houso to that extont that ho will movo his family into it this week. It is a nice, comfortable home. Tho weather hero is quito cool and on Wednesday wo had ouite a frost and all indications of rain havo van ished, leaving tho atmosphere stilt enveloped with the smoke from the -fires. Our merchants are working out Jtho problem of computing sales with tho Anglc-Ido scales, with which all p our stores are supplied, as this is a movo toward modem conveniences and insures correctness to both buyer and seller. John Cunningham accompanied Mr. Mathews to Bedford, and both will return with a load of freight and store goods. The railroad has about completed its long bridge and ran the first car over it lately and carried rails be yond for the equipment of tho track to the falls. It will bo but a short time before wo will hear the rub ble of trains and things will take on anew and different color. A. J. Clarno moved his household belongings out on Tuesday and will ,not return, other than to occasion ally make trips to dispose of his truck. The son of J, P. Hughes, who has been living in Portland and working there, has come to Butte Falls and taken a position in his father's store. Tho Crater Lake Lumber company is hauling slabwobd to ilia railroad track so as to ship it to Medford to sell for firewood. Our mill is busy getting out rail road ties and delivering them along the right of way. Tho public school opened on Mon day with an increased attendance, as many new families have come into our commjunity and nearly nil with children of schoolable aire. Buff Karoos aud Pabtor Erio nre- making improvements to their homes by building additious. E. B. Mills is in tho valley and looking, incidentally, aftor tho pro posed incorporation of Butto Falls. U tllo town is incorporaioa u is mora than probnblo it will have to bo douo over again, as thero is a proposed law to bo voted on which make3 ma terial changes in the orcsont law, aud then agaiu, heavy indebtodnoss will bo created and increased, and this must bo mot by the prcsont property-holders. Again, tho com mission plan is tho law which climin atcs all graft and gives an econom ical administration. Wo beliovo that the uresent move is untimely aud lacking iu harmony aud unity of ac tiou. Jim Wringer has given up stnge driving and Johu Smith has taken his place." Mr. Schweihart of Derby has been hauling shakes for soina new build ings, for his store, as his business, is increasing so rapidly that ho must havo more room. The water difficulty between flr. Edmonspn and Mr. Castor has been amicably adjusted and the mill will bo run regularly by Mr. Edmonson. John Snowell and sons havo been visiting in town and trading with tho merchants. Mr. Stowell is now lo cated on a rauch in tho Willow creek section. Wana Parker is confined to his house with sickness, which, while not serious, yet incapacitates him from working. C. E. Wolverton enme in from his homestead and replenished his lar der and immediately returned home, as he does not waste time in loaf ing, but strictly attends to business. We had a nice but small rain on Monday night and there are strong indications that we will have a good downpour, which will wash the air and extinguish the forest fires around that are still smoldering. Miss Jennie Mahones', who hns been quite sick with a severe cold, is up and around. Quail are said to be more numer ous this year than for many years past and tho boys arc priming up their shotguns. J. E. Hoborts of North Talent was in Mudford Monday. tfonh Chandler of North Talent was a Medford visitor Inst Monday. A. S. Furry returned with his cnt tlo from Dead Indian last Saturday. Mrs. Q. C. MoClaiu of North Tal ent is visiting her father at Myrtle Creek, Or. C. Carey of Star garden, North Talent, has commenced digging his crop of fine potatoes. Mrs. Cora Standley, nieco of C. Carey, who bus been usitiug in the valley, returned to Koseburg hut Monday. Mrs. Will Aiken of Medford was visiting at the pleasant home of Mrs. A. S. Furry last Tuesday. Frank Oatninu of Talent was a Medford business caller last Friday. Mrs. J. E. Roberts nud daughter, Miss Lulia, wore shopping iu tho Hub city Friday. Mark and William Fern of Fotn Valley, wero over in North ffnlont Snturdny, doing 'trading and getting vegetables. Bertio and Walter Stancliff wore down from Phoenix and Nbrth Tnlent to Medford Friday, doing trading. Your correspondent and family received invitations to a big dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Knigh ton of Eagle Point, September 20. It is needless to say this will bo a jo:ly occasion and one that mil be worth recording. Owing to some disagreement be tween the contractor and the stone masons, the latter quit work on the chimney and other stonework on the Joq Itador bungalow Inst Saturday, aud work is progressing slowly now upon tho stonework. Frionds from California who havo been visiting at tho homo, of Mr. and Mrs. B. F, French in North Taleni, and Ayhosu imtnos wo did not learn, loft for their home last Friday. Wo are told that thoy had fallen in lovo with this valley. George Hoborts of North Talent has gono to Myrtlo Crook to visit his sou, Dr. Frank Hoborts, formerly of Medford. Dr. Hoborts is following his profession, that of dentistry, at that place. That a tclophono is useful is boat known when your family is sick and your phone is out of order. Such hns been tho case with more than ouo subscriber of the Phoenix Telephone company this last week, and now that it is rniuing, will umko matters worse still. Tho now steel bridge across Bear creek, lending to tho big settlement on tho north and cast side, a'ud just below Phoenix, is progressing rap idly. This bridge has been an abso lute necessity to may heavy taxpay ers for years, and will open up a big territory of rich farming lnnd. Honry and Oliver Holms of Talent havo both built a fine lesideuco on small tracts of laud which aro a part of the old James Helms place. Each one of theso new residences is up to date in evory way, with all modorn conveniences. James Helms himself has become helpless nud in in a private sanitarium iu San Francisco. Tho quotUlou of sower or nuvomont Its now before tho houso In Central Point and It looks as though tho sow er men hiivo tho bout of tho tlobnto. O. II. Nunh, who for some ttmo watt tho popular proprietor of Nanh's roH tuurant in this place, loft Saturday morning for Croawoll, UiIh stiito, wluiro ho expects to roriltlo In future. Mrs. Nnnh and their younu oon pro coded him several days ago, Wo will all miss 0, U, Nash, llo watt a bale follow well met and tho best wishes of all Central Point go with hint, Joo Solby of Tolo was In Central Point Sunday, merely taking a ploun uro drlvo about tho country. From tho point of tho political n saying It protty loud. ' M. 0, Womnok and II, G, Parker oio hero on iiubiuohh from cjolil llll Monday, Mr, Parkin' and iihho clatca havo nurduiHort tho Medford Gold Mill mining claim and aro pro imrlnic to dovolop It, Quito a heavy rainfall hero on Man day ovcnlng, and tho wenthor proph ota aro busy on tho wtutor quoHtlon. Wllllnm Mnyflold, who sold hla KHlilcnco to S. II. Murray, ban moved Into another cottao uenr tho HChool hniiBt. StmpBon Wilson, n contractor and builder who recently arrived hero, purehuned today a fine iohMoiico lot In Oak Park addition and will build rmnpnss It looks as though Micro will a modorn bungalow at once. not bo a doaon Ilawloy votes In Con- Mrs. 13. Pleasant lino oponod a now tral Point precinct. Tho people down . mllllnury atoio In tho Walker block this way aro tmylng Mulkoy," and over tho Quality ntoro. MR ONE DAY PITimniV SEPT ONLY Ofl UMJH 24th COL CODY'S TERMINAL TOUR AND FINAL ABEARANCE HERE OCCURS ON HIS C0MIN8 PRODUCTION OF A Proudly Pr-mlBnt BihlbltUn, Rich In Humane, Plcturssqat, Patriotic, Educating anil BatsrUlnlng. Prcstatlngln On Anna Plcturt-ltUtory ol th Conqut st ol Mall a Continent, aad Holding th Mirror ot Nature for Rstltctlon ol OrUntal Pagiaatry sd BpUndor. A QREAT DRAMA of COSMOPOLITAN LIFE OAST AND OOSTUMKD WITH AUTHENTICITY AND 00RRK0TNB88 FAIR EXCHANGE. It is guaranteed by Chns. Strang, to make hair grow and stop falling hair; to cure dandruff in two weeks I to stop itching of the scalp almost instantly. ! Parisian Sage is the most invig-' orating, satisfying and pleasant hair J. E. ENYART. President. J A. PERRY. Vice-President. t JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Asa't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENTA, GENERAL BANKING rem BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. COLWM. F.CODY BUFFALO BILL jMfcw"Back to &a Qld One How It w ' Is Dono in Medford. The back aches at times with a dull, Indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing dressing made. It is not sticky or- greasy, it makes the hair soft, lux-' uriant and handsome; it is especi ally praised by womon who love beautiful hair. Parisian Sage is for sale by Charles Strang at 50 cents a largo bottle. The girl with the au burn hair is on every bottle. Haaklns for Health. pains shoot across the region of tho Sidneys, and again the loins are so lama to stoop is agony. No uso to nib or apply a plaster to the back .in this condition. You cannot reach tho cause. Exchange the bad back for a now and Btrongor ono. Follow tho example of this Medford citizen: Mrs. William Charley, Grape street, Medford, Or., says: "Tho public statement I gave in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills in 1907 still holds good. I occasionally take this remedy now and I find that it keeps ray kidneys in proper working order. A fall was tho causo of kidney complaint In my 'case. Tho kidney secretions wero un natural and sometimes $ had such acute pains In my back that I could hardly bend over. I did not sleep woll and decplto tho use of plasters, liniments and remedies of various kinds, I continued to suffer. While in that condition, Doan's Kidney Pills wero brought to my attention and, procuring a box at Haa'ilns' drug store, I began th6Ir uso. In about two weeks I felt better and tho con tents -of four boxes of this remedy made me well. I have recommended Doan's Kldnoy Pills to many other people." ' For sale by s-.ll dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo agents for tho United States. Romembor the name Doan's and take no othot'. ' A Snap For a Quick Sale I have a corner lot, 100x100 tluce blocks from new Hotol Mcdforc. with good house of 8 rooms, concrete foundation, fenced, garage, etc.; good well, house can bo remodeled and thrco or four more rooms added for a few hundred dollars; would make fino rooming house; plenty Of room on lot for modem bungalow; owner wants to mnke quick salo and makes the snap price of $4000 if taken within ten days; $2500 cash will handle. Call on owner between 12 and 1 o'clock at 127 SOUTH GRAPE STREET. THE ONLY AND ORIGINAL POSITIVELY APPUAR5 AND TAKES PART IN EVERY PEUFORMANCU Twenty-wren jrr liata puuml tine thU htttnrira! exlilliltlon u foiimltil. Tor a Quarter century UulTatn 11111 liu txxl AI.ONK IN A CLAhS 1IY HIMHKM-'M an I tilcft.linr atiil u an Uliutrntor of Wmtrrn JIUtory initio lUrly Pity. UUKxliiMtUmlm Wl IIIWIOOH'I II ; HOT Ol riJIl. and lint Iwvn tlio Ailmlratlon nf Mnro tlirvn a tmrn n( i:nrtlt' I'mudrtl Natloiu Ail rnlrtnTliouiin.UiM Dellahlnl In llio IlllltOIO I'lriUIIIM llllAWN I IIOM IllittOUVaml IWntrd In jan ENTERTAINMENT ALWAYS NOVFX.lway Tru trtltm rumUmctitnl Karu Hn?5JJ.h.vMlS.,Vy.JiuU",n,' ntl nulii a Mirror of llUtnry Itlin.lX'UNO HCHNKrt OK OT11LU DA iB. To which It now added Ibo Hlchnnu, tho I'lcCumqucuna and Ilraullca ol AN ORIENTAL SPECTACLE Contributed through a Combination with Tawnro ntH'a f!frnt Far Vt ami tfbowIn with Fllr. Ity to I act nnd In Aluolute G.rrcctnmj or Detail the lllchtinui and Hplendnra u( tlir Itoniantlo tar Last. Thus In ono arena Cnntriutinit 1'lcturrn of Two llrtnUhbrrra aro aliown. and the Orel dent Meet Ibo Orient In Impelling Tableaux. Under the (Jonfalon of llulTalil Hill and I'awnea Illll Ihero lm been Manbatled an Imixxlnir Array o( llrfo-llorteinenv WAItltlOltH HIOM i.VLit Cl.IStn. and KxtwnenU of Daunllem Coiirmtn and Manly Deed; an Aueinblaco of Miu culir JUnhtxxl the Initial of which liu Novrr Ikcn lCnown, Conatltutln what ha been Aptly Tcrtnod 'THE STRENUOUS SHOW.- f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f -t--f-f BULBS KxcIiihIto Ajjoncy for Portland Boot! Co. Medford Greenhouee Phone 0741 l- '.-'lW 11 yi 8i IhihIL. C0RIET5 $1.00 to $5.00 AUTOMOBILES r ? in 0. W. Munhy. 0. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVKRY. 1010 Glmlnierri Dotrolts. Phono 1601, Vnlloy Auto Company, Alodford, Or. Quick Borvico. Kasy Riding. PricoH Right. PARRY AUTO UVKRY PHONK MAIN 3141. Agonoy for tho Parry Caw. Roguo River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford. Or. jjiHWSV T!IJr: 1 IVR MAY rC JPLOOK LAYING A SPECIAITY. "Mr. Contractor and Builder: Wo do all kinds of hardwood flooring, laying, Bcraplng and polishing. Wo are agents for tho celebrated Mosaic Tile' Cot, and lay tllo floors, -walla, beartliB aud mantles. All work is strictly guaranteed. Wo make a spe cialty of scraping fir floors, T. O. Lowry, tho tllo and floor man. Hes. 330 E. 6th street. Phone M. 3231, tf Women grow younger. When Dandruff Goes and Hair Grows Abundantly. Parisian Snpre, America's Greatest liair restorer, yl koop you looking young and attractive. A GRAND MILITARY TOURNAMENT RBPRB8BNTINO TUB CAVALRY OH ALL NATIONS THE BATTLE OF SUMMIT SPRINGS la depicted with IteolUtlo Vlrldneu Bhowlnjr ono of tho IWMInn Conflict Between the Indiana of early Uaji and Ooverumeut forcea In tho long Drawn Out 0nunit o( the Wotcrn Wild. Mailir Hommon Mounted on Matchlan Studs Military Mftnoiuvru by Artillery and Cmlrr Mtrttloui Fait ol Mirktaiamhlp br Eipert Mn Bidouln Athlotii In Full ol Ajflltr, Strength and Oifl.19 Cowboy 8potti with lll-ltmptf td Bucklno Bronchon dough nidtrt In Aitonlihlng Equtllrlan Achlttf mentt Drllllant Military Evolutions, Pomp and Coromonr Wild Will Girls Rivaling Coaboii In Equestrian Teals A Continuous tuecesslon ot SUrtllng Surprises ihleHlons of.Sklll, Nsrvi and Manly Oaring SEE THE DUCKINO BfiONCHOS THE WILD WEST CIRLS THOMPSON'S TRAINEO HORSES THE BATTLE OF SUMMIT SPRINM I0O DEAL INDIANS FOOTBALL ON HORSBBAOK iu nu u (iMiriM up nossrs musioal elephant MtMWtli SlBUfUa -4taS to Tine taS TftJit A HOLIDAY AT "T-E" HANOI n tu ui ru; r u rnirtw AN ATTAOK ON AN EMIGRANT TRAIN n rrt r rwimUf m4 r,MMU( oi i ruiu In Just Five Months LLn'LwIHjLV4jIJIH'll9tV i iBsLVp'jKTsiaiiiiiH v4 Grew a Full Growth of Hair on a Bald Head Here's the Proof For two or threa years my hair hal bm falling- out ana setting quite thin. untl. trie top of my hea4 wo entirely bali. About four monthi nso I coairaented utlwc Zanf and Sulphur. The first bot a itemed to do some good and 1 kept tuinc It resularly, until now I havo uied four bot l!c T.w whole top of my hood Is now fairly crered with hair and It keeps coil (tc In ttilrl.er. I shall lieep on mlrg It a ' tie tmucr, as I notice sv constant lm- 1 f CV&JISUt. ' OTBPUEN DACCW, Rochester, If. T. : Btatb op Kew York I , CVumy of Jlonroo J ' Stephen Ilacon. belntr duly sworn, says t'ut ha hai read the ttatunient aota an nextd and that the contents of uU etaic mul ore true, STEI'HEN J1ACOH. Oworo to before me this 31it dy of July, 1003, liraiiT vt. Ham. Wotary Public The birthright ot evory man, woman and child a full, healthy head ot hair. It your hair is falline, K it Is full ot dandruff, or If it Is faded or turning gray, 'II Is diseased and should be looked utter without delay, WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY, a true Hair Tonic and Restorer, removed dandruff in a few days, stops hair falling in one week, and starts a new growth In a month. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur does not soil tho skin nor injure the hair; but it is an ideal hair dressing that will ,re store faded and gray balr to nulurul color and keep the hair soft and glossy; 50c. and $1.00 a Bottlc-At all Druggists Or Sent Direct, Express Prepaid, Upon Receipt of Price sbh t-ji sjm es ""h i rr a b esse e rni as r-. v-r -r v n r- r. of tho World Embrace Tearlces Hornemen and Hklllod Dueatrlan from all Quarters of tlio Globe, TWICE DAILY, 2 aad 8 P. M. RAIN OR SHINE. Admission (Including Seat), 50. Children Under 0 Yearn, Half I'rlre, AH Peats Protected from Hun and Haln by Immenio Can Tm Canopy, Grand Htaud Chulra (Including admlMlon), 11.00. On Hole day vt lixhlbitlou at Grounds, Phipps pasture, on Roosevelt Avenue. Tho last, biggest and best show of the season. "Buffalo Bill" positively bids you good bye. Down town ticket office, TJaBi'iiis' Drug Store, 234 Bast Main Street. '' ATTK.VU COMiKOK. "ArrnrtRo to atload tho ISusono nu- luoaa Collogo, and lot u cot you a Reed poultlon whoo you eratluato. Kn tor now. Sand for our uow cata Iokuo. H',4 W'cat Seventh stroot, CtiRono, OrcLon." tf uSi G3 Southern j Dairy Co. AVholesalo and Retail Deal el's in Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. If you havo any sweet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 32 S. Cen tral or phone. Wyeth Chemical Company, & SSftV. HASKIINS DRUG STORE THE TIME IS HEBE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office U6 Main Street MILK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Storo Phone Maim 881. Ranch Phone Farmers 7183. ALL KINDB OP DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir nn'd fine, Ilu'y your wintor supply now; roasoimblo pricos. THE SUN STAR WOOD' CO., ' 15 Almond st., or Room 31, J, 0. Bauk bldg, Phom Main 476 1. C. T. Mori. Prot QOODFRIENP HOTEL 8AH rnANCISCO I, OOOOFRIEND, Msnsttr Fonnorly llnMii Btnnfonl nnd St, Ilcryl, I'owell Btrrrt1ricnr(lury,iliolijlniII(itIMiiiix, '4'ko Jlottl i hinx Jn, or Mutkvt Htrost ttits, tmiufor to 1'owi'll. Itlcal liouso nnd locution for ladlta vIslUuKthooltyuIouo, BATU, ;x,.0 PE 0AY AND VP J X , Hilntfrii'i i nstiHii, iM