Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 19, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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U f
Sermon by
Paatar Brooklyn
Tortland. Me, Sept 1--The Inter--woUosial
Biblo Students Convention la
Ja jscsstos here with aij excellent at
Awdanoo and deep Interest manifested.
Jpfcstor RHsacll of Brooklyn Tabernacle
tttUrered two addresses today, ono bc
ftg In Jefferson Theatre. We report
wmtt of tbem from the text foregeing:
Three weeks ago today Christendom
u startled by a communication
Which announced that the Christian
.Alliance had lifted a collection of $00,
60 in a few minutes $300 in cosh, the
lolanco la promises. Then followed
fke startling announcement of Brother
JRaapson, its President, that the col
taction lifted would probably be the
Jtet at Old Orchard, because the Camp
grounds' Directors had rented its An
Mteriam for three days for the use of
nr Association. He declared that he
Obagrces with our theology. 'This, of
rarse, waa a Yelled threat that the
"Sfrectora of the camp ground must
Ireak their Contract with the Bible
.cedents. This they promptly did, and
Urw accepted back the money paid in
trance, rather than go to Law. It is
-4r this reason, dear Mentis, that we
re having our Convention "outside
fee camp." We are glad that its fence
Moes not separate us from our great
.Bedeciner and Teacher, the Joy of
-whose blessing I see in your faces.
Beculnr editors were astonished!
.Cfcy bad been congratulating Chris
'.Han people that the days of the rack,
tte thumb screw and the stake were
-fjast and that from every quarter were
mlnr appeals for Christian Union
which, it was hoped, might even nlO
vsatcly include all denominations of
Catholics and Protestants. Tet here
mey had tollstcu to the contrary a
wnestioa that Christian people in ah
Itnnrr were so opposed to Bible Stu
iflaats that even a year would not be
.cleat to purify tho'alr of Old Or
robcrd and to permit them to meet here
est year to take up another collection.
It acmed funny, too, to these editors,
Jfcit anything could drive a Christian
jAHfance meeting away from a 900,000
Explanation Surety In Order.
Since Brother Simpson may not care
ta'tell the whole truth about the mat
&er and since the Christian public Is
Interested' and ought'to know thef acts,
1 Biust toll them. The unpleasant duty,
however, will not necessitate my Bay
Mg an aakind word', concerning Mr.
Uopson and the Christian friends who
.-are i alUanee with him.
There are two reasons why Brother
'Simpson thought it doubtful if be
ceuld come next year following our
referee days of this year.
(1) lie knew Instinctively that his
ataUcctiona would be smaller, hardly
-worth coming for, if the people should
eeln to get the eyes of their under
standing more widely opened respect
tag what really constitutes the Gospel
C Christ.
(2) The $00,000 "raised" was not cash
jaad a large proportion of It never will
iw. Some of it is promised over and
rcr again and telegraphed over and
otct, as was tho case with the young
-woman who in the spectacular manner
'offered her jewels from time to time
sad had it mentioned In the papers,
sen repetitions of charitable work are
easidpred entirely proper by many In
canection with religious work in vari
a denominations, "for the good of
-fee cause." Subscriptions are given
jwbllcly without hope of payment, to
influence others who are more slncero
some of whom In tho excitement give
-tore than they can afford.
Chicago Stockyard Methad.
This same method is illustrated in
toe Chicago Stock Yards. A fine, large,
-trained bull gallops out to meet the
-aattle designed for slaughter. He
waltoes before them and becomes their
leader. Following him in a grand rush
Ssr a narrow passage they crowd one
ssotherto tbo executioner, who knocks
tfeetn senseless. A special place just
large enough for himself is provided
for the decoy bull, who, later, goes out
to lead on another herd for the slaugh
ter. We do not mean to eny that those
who give their money aro slaughtered
or otherwise Injured. We believe that
they are blessed that everyone Is
leaned who sacrifices anything hearti
ly wuto the Lord, or to what they eup
t jpeso to bo his service, whether It is
-or not. It is the method of getting the
Money from, the people and the decep
tion practised which wo deplore. How
ever, the Alliance has plenty of com
Buy la this method lu larger Chris
tiaa denominations. It Is part of the
tflMffs" method of recent years,
leme who did not understand this
"business" method wondered where all
4fee tuoatty apparently contributed to
the "Christian Allianco" work was
jpsMt. Ail investigation of Its financial
account was made, which revealed
ffco fact that they were chaotic, and
Other "business" methods were ad-
Tha parMm Hatetb the Light,"
,no oe may inquire why tho
fjbristian Allianco should fear us and
whether or not wo have ever done
ifeon harm. We reply, Never have we
tejored them la th.p slightest degree,
' over oven puuuciy meuuoueu wieir
BOO' '
"I am not ashameU o the gospel
of Chrisl" (Romans i, 16).
name before. Their opposition to ua
r is on the lines of general principles
mentioned by the Great Teacher, "Tho
darkness hnteth tho light;" "All things
that are reproved are made manifest
by tho light" (Ephesians v, 13). Our
work is to proclaim tho true Gospel
to Incite Christian people to Bible
study in the light of the Blblo's own
testimony and without sectarian spec
tacles, hlch, In the past, have so dis
torted tho Word of God and set it
forth In false colors.
As Christian people come to eoe the
grossness of the errors by which they
have been blinded, the light not only
has a blessed and transforming effect
upon their minds, but it Influences
their pockctbooks also. They no
longer appreciate tho "business" meth
ods of the Allianco nor the brand of
Gospel which It sets forth. The mora
God's people come to a correct under
standing of the teachings of his Word,
tho smaller will be tho collections of
tho Christian Alliance. That is the
real secret ot their opposition. I would
that It wore true that they would nev
er take up another collection at Old
Orchard! The heathen have already
hnd too much of (heir Gospel of dam
nation. God's name has already been
slandered and blasphemed enough by
the false Gospel message that nine
hundred and nlncty-nlne out of every
thousand of humanity ever born are to
suffer eternal roasting because of fa
thcr Adam's sin and the Ignorance, stu
pidity nnd meanness which have re
sulted. Let the Truth Prevail.
If the Intelligent men connected with
the Alliance really believe the horri
ble nightmare of tho Dark Ages which
they are proclaiming as the Gospel of
Christ, then, of course, they are ex
cusable for preaching It. It is not for
others to judge of their honesty In this
matter, but It Is for others to decide
that they will no longer assist or co
operate In the spread of such horrible
travesties upon the Divine character
no longer asslst'flnanclally or otherwise
In binding upon the poor heathen at
home and abroad Increased Ignorance
and superstition.
Everybody knows that the word Gos
pel signifies "good tidings." And every
body ought to know that, as Christian
people, we have for centuries misused
the word, applying it to the bad tid
ings of great misery to all people, ex
cept the mere handful of the elect We
did this because It was banded down
to us by our forefathers. What Jesus
said to the Jews has been true of us
as Christians, "Ye do make void the
Law of God through your traditions."
Thank God that, as in the natural
world he is sending us now the electric
light Instead of tho tallow candle, so
through Bible study helps, concord
ances, etc., his Word (tho Lamp to his
people's footsteps until the day dawn),
Is now shining brighter than ever be
fore. Which Is the True Gotpel?
Catholic and Protestant orthodoxy
have set forth for centuries two gen
eral views of the Gospel of Christ. To
whatever extent they now disagree
with these they should publicly dis
own and abandon them. Until then
they are besmirched with whatever
odium attaches.
The Catholic Gospel (Good Tidings)
Is that all the heathen, all Catholics
and all Protestants, except a mere
handful, go to a Purgatory of awful
suffering, terrlblo anguish, lasting for
decades, centuries and thousands of
years, roasting, boiling, agonizing, and
thus purging away their sins nnd dross
that they may ultimately attain to
heavenly bliss for the remainder of
eternity. If that Is good tidings It can
bo considered such only la contrast
with something more horrible. If that
be imaginable.
Our Protestant Goipel.
Our Protestant Gospel, of which we
are so proud that wo want to thrust
It upon Jews and Catholics and heath
ens everywhere, we should thoroughly
understand, enjoy nnd appreciate be
fore we waste good time and money
giving it to others. Ilere it is: Four
centuries ago our forefathers were not
Protestants but Catholics and believed
In Purgatory, etc., as above. Then
what was known as the Reformation
Movement set in. Catholics, Jows and
Infidels will admit with Protestants
thnt a great blessing of enlightenment
and civilization has come to tho world
In tho train of tho Iteformation Move
ment Put none of us Is prepared to
admit that tho Reformers were per.
feet nor their work perfect.
The Itcformorm criticized tho Catho
lic teachings which they had former
ly believed, They examined their
Bibles and found nothing thero to the
effect that Mary was the mother of
God, nor that wo should pray to saints,
nor that we should uso pictures or im
ages In our worship, nor that their
sacrifice of Christ in the mass was
proper, nor that there was a Purga
tory anywhere. Tbo Reformers threw
out those things an unscrlpturnl. They
completely demolished Purgatory In
thrlr minilB, declaring that it had nev
er been anything more than Imagina
tion. Then came another thought, viz:
What must two do with the thousand;
of millions of mnnkliul Hint wo nnd
our fathers for centuries mipposett
wore in Purgatory roasting, mewing,
tortured, but hoping for wa en They
looked at one nnothor In consternation.
They 'had hearts ami sympathies nnd
felt that as It had devolved upon them
to smash Purgatory, It must also de
volve upon then! to rv-locnto all those
thousands of millions whom they hnd
on their hands. They felt the weight
of tho responsibility. Could they de
mand of God that they should bo put
Into heaven? Surely not! Surely only
the saintly few nro Ot for heavchl
They, ni well as nil. recognized thnt
fnct Then, with blank consternation,
they determined that they must crowd
the entire mass Into a hell of eternal
torture nnd shut the gates upon them
forever and write upon tho gates,
"Who enters hero abandons hope."
Brother Calvin to the Rescue.
Taking from practically all human
ity all future hopo mado tho Reformers
for tho tlmo heartsick. It would be
nwful to do that for ono person, but
to thus "do" nil humanity seemed ter
rible. And then to bo obliged to label
that gospel "Good Tidings" must cer
tainly have been a trying experience
for the Reformers.
But Brother John Calvin helped
them amazingly and took from them
their burden. Ho told them that they
should not worry, becauso It was all
God's fault and not theirs. God hnd
predestinated them to that nwful fu
ture long before be created man. Now
they should merely try to think of
themselves as the "elect" nnd try to
forgot everybody else. Of course, It
Bccmed horrible to charge all these
things against the God of all Justice.
Wisdom, Love and Power. But it was
tho only solution which occurred to
them. John Calvin's theories were
afterwards embodied In tho "West
minster Confession of Faith." And
thnt confession of faith became the
foundation of nearly all Protestant
creeds. Brother John esiey arior
wnrd oblected. but admitted that only
the saintly went to heaven and every
body else went to eternal torment.
His protest was that Instead of this
being by Divine foreordlnatlon and In
tention, It was, on the contrary, be
cause of Divine unwisdom and incom
petency. "Good Tiding of Great Joy."
Surely no sane.porson can any longer
defend any of the above "Gospels" as
the true one, of which St Paul was
not ashamed! Surely St. Paul never
nreached anv of those Gospels, nor did
any of the Apostles nor docs tho Bible
support such theories, except oy inc
turning and twisting of language, mis
translations of the original and misin
terpretations of some parables. The
plain statements of tho Scriptures are
all directly to the opposite.
The Bible teaches that "tho wages
of sin Is death," not Turgatory nor
eternal torment "Tho soul that sln
neth. It shall die." Adam, the perfect,
ttah nlneed on trial for life eternal or
death eternal. Ho sinned and tho sen
tence against him was, "Cursed Is the
earth for thy sake; thorns and thistles
shall It brlnr forth unto thee. In the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread
until thou return unto the ground from
whence thou wast taken" (uenesis m,
17-19). St Paul declares tho same:
"By one man's disobedience sin enter
ed Into the world; and thus death
passed upon all men, because all are
sinners" (Romans v, 12).
Looking about us we find this true.
Everybody who Is not dead Is dying.
As the Bible says, we arc living un
der a reign of Sin und Death. Nothing
that man can do can either eradicate
sin or lift us out of our dead and dy
ing condition. God alone can help us!
Ho proposes to help us and the mes
sage respecting that help Is, In the
Scriptures, called tho Gospel. Its an
nouncement by tho angels on the night
of Jesus' birth is full, complete, sat
fsfnetorv. viz: "Behold, wo brine you
good tidings of great joy which shall
bo unto all people; for unto you is
born this day In tho City of David n
Savior (Ufo-glver) which Is Christ the
Lord" (Luke 11, 10).
Ah, now wo have tho Truth! Tho
nenaltv of sin Is death. And the "good
tidings" Is that God has provided for
cur recovery from sin anu ucatn.
Savior gave his life for the cancella
tlon of our sin, for tbo satisfaction of
Justice, that in due time Adam and all
his condemned and Imperfect race
might bo released from tbe condemna
tion and bo lifted out of tho sin and
death conditions which now provall.
That uplifting Is Scrlpturally called
tho resurrection of the dead. Ilenco
tho preaching of tho early Church was,
"Jesus and tho Resurrection" tho Re
deemer and his work.
Still More Good Tidings.
Tbe good tidings for the raco in gon
cral is that tho Redeemer in God's due
time will become King of kings and
Lord of lords the Messiah of glory,
God's glorious Representative. For
a thousand years tho regenerating
work for Adam's race will progress
(Matthew xIjt, 28; Acts 11L 10-23).
God's Chosen People, Israel, will bo
tho earthly agents of tho hoavenly and
(nvlslblo King of glory. By tho close
Of bis reign tho whole earth will have
been transformed Into tho Paradise of
God. "lie will make the place of his
feet glorious." And mankind will all
bo perfect again, In God's image.
There will bo no more sin, no more
sickness, no more dying, because all
tho things of sin and death will have
passod away and bo who sits upon
the Throne will Iiavo renewed nil
things (Revelation xxi, C). All who
after coming to a full knowledge o'
the Truth of God's love nnd gracious
provision, still love sin nnd hdte right
eousness, wll bo destroyed In tho Sec
ond Death, from which thero will be
no redemption, no resurrection, no re
covery; as St Peter says, "They shn
perish Uko bruto beasts."
Lainer of the
Gen. Chts. King
Author of "Tho Colonel's
bnuRhtor," "Foes iu Ainbuflb,"
A look of nmnzcnient enmo Into the
young otllcer's face. The answer enmo
slowly, painfully:
"I took pnrt in no frolic, sir. I went
contrary to an order that hnd held good
while wo were out on the campaign,
but that wo did not Biipposo was bind
lug there. I went to tho post thnt
night to help n fr n man who who
needed money for nn Immediate Jour
ney. No ono personated mo to my
"I have tho written report of tho of
ficer of tho dny that you were there
asleep at 11 p. m. Subsequently I
learned that you wero away from tapa
until nearly reveille."
"You could have beard thnt from me,
Blr, nnd why I was gone, If need be."
"Officers who make comrades and
intimates of enlisted men take chances
"Colonel Button, I protest"
"Protest you may, but listen yon
shall," was tho Instant rejoinder. "It
Is well known you Interfered with n
noncommissioned officer In the prop
er dlschnrge of his duty. That wbh
Inst June, nnd It was In behalf of that
young man Rnwdon. It Is well known
that you were hobnobbing with other
enlisted men here. It Is well known
you lent civilian clothing to your pro
tege for his latest escapade"
"Colonel Button gentlemen," cried
Lanier, "this la beyond all right!" In
deed. Stnnnnrd nnd Sumter wero on
their feet in exjostulatlon, but (ho
colonel's blood was up. Bang went
his bell, and tbe orderly fairly Jumped
into the room.
"Call Sergeant Fltzroy," said he, and
In another moment Fltzroy stood be
fore them, a civilian coat and waist
coat banging on bis arm.
"Briefly, now, sergeant, where did
you get those?" demanded Button.
"From tho room that Trooper Raw
don occupied in town, sir. It's tbe
suit he wore about town last Friday."
And, so saying, he held them forth.
Lanier slowly took tbe coat, astonish
ment in his eyes; glanced at the tag in
side tho collar, bearing tho name of
his own New York tailor.
"It is enough Uko mine to deceive
anybody but tho owner," snld he.
"Do you mean to tell me" began
Button Indignantly.
"That this Is not mine?" Interposed
Lauier. "Yes, sir, and thnt ono very
Uko it will bo found in my closet at
"Mr. Barker will go with you, and
you will resumo your confinement In
arrest" And Button in his anger was
lashing himself to language his bear
ers novcr forgot and that aomo could
hardly, even long months after, for
give. "In my time, as a young officer,
ho quotes, not asserts, tfiaT 'th"(a mon
ey was advanced to Mr. Lowndes on
Mr. Lanier's statement that tbe young
man was summoned homo by tho se
rious Illness of his mother and thnt
he, Mr. Lanier, would bo responsible
for tho transaction. Mr. Lowndes has
never repaid It, nnd Mr, Lanier when
appealed to four weeks slnco not only
refused to mako it good, but abused
and cursed mo for simply asking for
what was my own.' "
"Very good, gentlemen," answered
Button, rising in obvious chagrin. "It
fs quite evident in your opinion Mr,
Lanier is a persecuted saint und I am
an abandoned sinner, but Just as soon
as I can reuch Omaha this case shall
bo laid before n general court mar
tial." Tho men were mostly in bed, as 'they
should bo at such an hour, but thero
bad been an Informal dance, and many
of tho sergeants wero still nt tho hop
room. Beyond this brightly lighted
building and about In tho rear of the
Infantry barracks at the westward end
was tho slido Into tbe creek valley,
whereat so urnuy of tho ofllccrs' chil
dren hud been coantlng early in tho
evening nnd where uow nearly 11
o'clock half a hundred young peoplo
Of both sexes, wives and duugbtcra of
quartermaster's employees and of tbo
f s. -j
I Tfll 1 TT J MW
nothing templed one of our members
to violate nn nrivst, but yim"
Palo lis death Sutler faced lilm.
"Surely, sir, it cry for lulp-hnt I
thought might mean tiro"
"Thero wn no cry for help," Into'4
rupted t)i colonel. "Thoro was no
sign of lit. Kvon If there hnd beet)
It should mean nothing to u man of
honor when ordered lu arrest That m
tho only creed of n gentleman."
Tho adjutant led his stunned and
silent comrade home.
(To Bo Couthauor1.)
This is truly kodak time.
Tho leaves aro beginning
to turn tho smoke has
about cleared away mak
ing it possiblo to got tho
choicest and most perfect
pictures. Get a kodak and
keep the memory of your
excursions for all time.
You'll find tho work of de
veloping very fascinating
and not at all difficult.
Wo handlo all the nec
essary supplies and a com
plete line of Kodaks, Packl
Pill Cameras, otc.
Try our
Home Made
Fresh Bread. ''Goodness
and Purity" is our motto.
Also Salads and Roast
Meats ready cooked, at tho
Pine Timber
For Sae
3,700,000 feet extra liiftb grndo
next thin; to sugar pine, will om
OS per cent strictly cloar.
2,000,000 feet first class yollow
pine, will out 05 per cent No, 2 shoo
nud bottor.
1,000,900 foot fino Inrpo red fir
nnd cedar. Plenty of water, easy to
log, level roads. Inquire at Dorris
Hardware Co. at Dorris, Siskiyou
county, Cal. 107
' w . ' i. '
Onk, Laurel, Fir nnd Pine. Buy your
winter supply now; reasonable
16 Almond st., or Itoom 31, J. C,
Bank bide
Phone Main 47SI. C. T. Mori. Prop.
Ito-oponod nnd will cator to the
public, Auto and huntlig party din
ners a specialty. Fatroiago respoct
fully solicited,
MR. AND Mllft. A. DWRAY, .
Prop, and Mgr, ReipocUvely.
Daily & Toft
NO 1 TWO HOUSES and two lots, in good lacation,
$2000; rents $25 por month.
NO. 2 MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE; now, close in,
$2G00; half down, rest on easy towns.
NO. 3 4-ROOM HOUSE and two good lots, $1G00,
half cash, 1 year on balance
NO. 4THREE LOTS on Edwards strcot, with large
oak trocs, on easy tonus, $500 oach.
NO. 5 LOT, 60x100; prico $250, on tonus.
NO. 6 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $900, $250 down and
$20 por month.
NO. 7200 ACRES on Roguo river, $20,000, tonus.
Medford Iron Works
E. Q. Trowbridgdo, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Owtfits, Pumps,
Boilors and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
All Work Gunrnnteod PricoH Roasonablo
11 North D St.. Medford,
The finest
Sample Rooms
in tho city.
Hotel Moore
Telephone In Kvcry Itoom
Rvu-MoHr Company
European Plan
Medlord Conservatory
For Music and Languages.
Natatorium Building.
Piano, Voico, "Violin, Cello, otc. Registration he- t
gins September 26.
Edward Charles Root
The Big' Eye
on Main St. shows where they grind
glasses, fit glasses and repair glasses
Dr. J. G. Goble
Phono 303
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath