"., i '! T , ..,ot mm! iimnn m nmwMmri,KrUm' id MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1910. (I. SSi -i & v - -'.Vfc If! i. I i I. W . '' ,4 BflftrWGS Mr. and Mro, II. N, Mio of Mlnno npullu liuvo arrived In Mod ford mid ,oxiuut to mnlto tlilii ell thuir future home. Hlnli-itrndo Cllngn for iilclclon, I.ato Orftwfordn( RfnpoH and pruned an well. Mnlit mi. if Tliroo-noro trnctn In Oakdale Parle addition, 12-iOO. Onkdnlo Land In vontinnnt Co., 2H Fnrinorn' & Fruit ftroworV Hank bldjf. tf Cliarlon Daly, alias Harry O'Noll, wanted In Cliolmllii county on a chnnto of mln.ipproprlntlng 12100 bolonitliiK to hla wlfo, loft Medford for Montomuio, tlio county Hont of Ghutiulln count, Thursday In custody of an officer. Frod II. IIoplcltiH, former owner of tlio Snowy Ilutto orchard, In vlnttlnK frlundH In Medford. Don't faU to nttontl chldlren's "nt homo" tomorrow aftoruoou .1 p. in. to 0 p. m. nt I'rimuytorlnn church. Occasionally wo moot ft man whoo train of thought reminds ui of o row or flat cars. Mro. Tolfor, acting city rocordor, placed .10 hlR round dollars to tho city's credit thin n. m. hy Issuing n Ilconno to Mr. U F. Stroud to run n Hkntlut: ring In thlH city. Mr. Stroud will opon tho now rlnlc In tho build ing now orcuplod by tho Cuthbort Furnlluro Co. on West Main. Kvory thliiK will bo In first-clans condi tion nml will bo open for business In about two weeks. Thoro will alo bo duncliiK ovory WodnoBday and Saturday nights. 15 Mm. H. A. Lockwood, who hnu boon vIbIUiir her pnrentn nt Lincoln, Nob., returned to Medford yester day. Ladles, If you hnvo nny hair to Bell or to bo nmdo up Into fushlona blo coiffures, plcaso bring It to Mn damo L. Ij. Hoamo, 24C North Onk dnlo. - B. Diirk returned from Portland Friday morning'. Flvo-ncro trnctB In Oakdale Park addition, $3000. Oakdale Land HI 'S vestment Co., 214 Farmors' & Fruit growers' Hank bids. tf J. O'Neal returned from tho Btnto fnlr on Friday. V Four-acro trnctn In Oakdale Park & addition, 13700. Onkdnlo. Lnnd In i vestment Co., 211 Farmers' & Fruit growers Hank bldg. .. tf A. 8. IlOBonbnum Iuib returned from Portland. John II. Cnrkln, nttor:.oy-at-law, over JnckBon County Hank. Mrs. L. B. WhltlnR of Itlvorvlow rnnch, near BaRlo Point, baa been vlnlllnK rclatlvcB nnd friends In tho city this weuk. Medford Collection Agency, 10 nor cont chnrcod. Over Hurlburt's now Btoro. tf Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lummlon havo returned from tho Btnto fair nt Salem. 0. W. Harnum & Co., oontrnctors und bulldorB. Country work n spoc ialty. Ordors Bollcltod. Inqulro nt Tho Toggery. H H. II. ParooiiB roturnod from So li nttlo Friday nftornoon. Dr. Clark B. Saundors. Practlco 1 1 m I tod to oyo, oar, noso and throat. Offlco over Medford Hardware Co., 210 13. Main st, 1G4 ' C. I. Hutchleon, U. U. Lumndon , nnd Uoy nouBSum will lonvo for a huntliiK nnd flBhlng trip In tho.Proa- t poet country on Monday. I Half aero Iota In Onkdnlo Park nd- i dltlon, G00. Oakdale Land Invoat- mont Co., 214 Fnrmora' & Frult- i RroworB' Dank bldg. tf Mr. nnd MrB. W. B. Horning nr rlvod In Medford this morning from a 1000-mllo trip through tho CascndoB. Mr. Horrlng Ib making a, Btudy of Oroiron BtroaniB for tho govornmont. I). F. Heldol loft this nftornoon for his hondtnmrtorB nt Trail. F. 13, Nnylor, nBslatnnt englnoor Crntor Lnko rond, hnB roturnod from ,' ii trip to ProHpoct. f U tho furnlflhod room nd "loolw good", run around to tho addroaB f given nnd tako n look nt It. J AmoH MoICoo on Illg Applegate Is throBhlng ft hoavy crop of rod Mox- lean boniiB. Ho haa 20 noroa plnntod ,of thorn. A otoro that nlwnya ndvortUos la suppoaod to nlwnya havo aomothlng " poolnl and Important to offor. O. A. Mnlboouf loft .for Portland on Commorclnl club bualnoBB Friday ' morning, Don Colvlg tho tiBalaUtnt , oocrotary, la now in command. W, B. Lnno roturnod from Snlom A Trldny morning. Ho mndo tho trip i with hla son Fay ami Hans Hookon- yos to Snlom In nn nutomobllo. Ho I fciid tho trip wnH mndo In 24 hours' actual running tlmo. yi Hnrry A. Young, forost guard, who , hnB boon stationed nonr Coloiitln rtur ) Ing tho Into forest flros, haa Juat I loturnod nnd ropoHe that tho flroa woro prncttcnlly out, nlthough thoro lu ilnngor of nnothor nonr Coloatln. Dee DrmlBhnw spout WodnoBday and Thursday t his rnnnh In tho Wollon district. SPORTING NE Jt? (5 VI TJIUHHDAV'H lUJHOrTH. National LwigiM. Now York 11, PlttBburg 3. Sooond Rnmo Now York 1, Pitts burg 0, UoHtou 5, St. Lou In 7. Bocond gaiiio Doston 1, St. LoiiIb r Plillndolphln 5, ChlcaRO 7. Ilrooklyn 2, Cincinnati 7. American Lengue. Detroit 1, Plillndolphln 7. St. oLiiIb 3, New York 0. Clt'uvlnnil 3, WiiBhlngton 0. Chicago 4, Doston 2. Nortlim'fttcrii Irt,gut. Vancouver 0, Spoknno 4. Count Ix'nguo. Sacrnmento-Portlnnd gnmo post poned; rnln. Lob AiiRoIos-Onklnnd; gamo glvon to Lou Angeles lu tho fiovonth, 9 to 0; riiiiio ended la n dlsputo. San Francisco 2, Vernon 1. I'KUNOLL PITOHKS V1CTOIIY. Win Inciting CinniOH for Detroit in Driving Itnn. Of Into thoro Iibb boon vory llttlo hoard of Jud Pernoll, who Is playing with tho Detroit tonm of tho Amort can lenguo, bu tho Detroit Nowb Trl biiuo of September 4 hn tho follow ing to any of tho Grants Pass pitch er. Tho bending of tho nrtlclo says: "Pornoll Pitches Tigers to Victory In n Driving Itiiln," nnd thon coiiicb tho follewing: "Tho credit of tho gnmo should rightfully go to Murphy, but sovornl othor gentleman will Bhouldor tho credit since Mr. Murphy'B Btnr piny cannot bo mndo official. Owon Hush and Henry Huston Poruoll, tho Inst nnmo representing tho lending resi dent of Grunts Pass, Or., nnd who, with General U. 8. Grant, Bharcs q honor of Betting that city on tho map. "Tho leading resident of Grants PMB hns a habit of throwing a ball from his loft side nud alnco Hughlo Duffy hns n number of men In IiIb tlnoiiu who bat loft-handed. Hughlo Jennings thought It wIo to shovo Mr. Pernoll Into tho box for tho nft rrtioon. Ho performed nobly, not ulono pitching good bnll against tho gentleman from Chicago, but won bj his Holding iib well. Ho mndo two Btopn. coming lit closo succes sion, which rivnlod any Holding font performed by n twlrler nt nonnott pnrlc this tonBon. "I'orm H ha3 not qulto rid himself of Hint short doll vory. Ho still poa bosbcs that habit of giving his Bhoul dor a short, backward movoment, thrtiBtlng out his nrm, Jolt stylo, and Bnapplng tho ball. Hughlo tried to euro him of thlfl hnblt and haa partly Bucceedod, but It will tako moro of forts on tho part of Pornoll to es tablish n frco movomont of tho loft nrm for btmsolf. "At thnt tho Btout gontlomnn from Grnnts Pass, Oregon, U. 8. A., un corkod soino twirling tbnt wna too offoctlvo for tho Whlto Sox. Pornoll hnB pltchod In bovoii gnmes for Do trolt. Ho Is credited with winning four nnd losing throo. Hnd ho socur ed a freo movoment during tho onrly months of tho Benson ho would prob ably hnvo hnd a rocord by this tlmo that would boat his prosont'ono hol low." Thon follows a summary of tho gamo, doBcrlblng tho offoctlvo work of Pornoll. Many of tho ndmlrors of Pornoll In Bouthorn Orogon hnvo fonr- od thnt ho would not mako good and not hoarlng anything nbout him for tho past couplo of months, thought ho might bo out of tho gamo. It must bo romombored that ho 1b play Iiib lu tho faatost company In tho world, and until this yoar has had no oxparlonco In Xnst company, conao nuontly thoro many things for him to loarn, nnd It thoro had not boon good BtufMn him Dotrolt would havo rolonsod him long oro this. Thoro la no quoatlon bu that Pornoll la going to bo ono of tho best pitchers In tlio country, but ho la young and atlll haa tlmo, but it ho putB bla mind to It and undor nblo Instructora ho 'will win out. It enn bo soon by tho nbovo tho't ho la much thought of and that Dotrolt hns no ldoa of lotting him go, Pornoll'a avorngo among tho pitchors Ib 500 por cout up to bop- tombor 2, HAW) lA'lvrLH FOU WIUTK. Will Tnnglo With Abo Attoll Uoforo National Athletic Club. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sopt. 10. -Ohurloy Whlto la slntod to taoklo ono of tho hardoat lttlos of hla c&roor tonight whon ho tnnglos with Abo WS c$ & Attoll boforo tho National Athlotlc club. Tho llttlo follown will battlo ton rouiidB nt catch weight. Attoll will havo n throo-pound odgo on his op ponent. Ho weighed 12C this morn ing nnd expects to enter tho ring a pound hoavlor. Attoll declared lio Is In tho best condition ho has reached since bis return from tho Pncllfo const, whoro ho met Owen Moran in n ton-round go nt Lob Angolas. Attoll expects to outpoint White easily nnd possi bly to lnnd a fllcop wallop boforo tho wlro Is ronchod. No doclslon wjll ho glvon In tho ring. ' TKSIPIiST IN PUOILISTIO POT. Parky Snys Ho Cnnnot M'nko Weight nnd Troulilo Ilrcivs. CHICAGO, Sopt. 10. Pncky Mc Fnrlnnd'fl nnnouncomont thnt ho can not mako tho wolght Btlpulatod In bin nRroomont with Champion Ad Wolgust Is causing a tompest In tho pugilistic pot. Tom Jonos, tho champion's foxy malinger, wr.nts Pncky'a 1500 forfeit money nnd throatons to buo tho stock ynrd acrnppor unles ho yields up tho coin. Tho douchty Wolgast, howover, disclaims such morconnry dcsIrcB. On tho contrary, ho magnanimously of fers to meet McFarland at any old weight. Jonos Ib unwilling that tho champion Bhnll risk prostlgo ngalnBt a welterweight, nlthough, of courso, tho lightweight tltlo would not bo Involved. McFnrland'n Inability to mnko 133 pounds, It Is bollovod hero, onco and for all ollmlnatos him from tho light weight ranke. In nil problllty ho will hnvo to Boarch among tho heav ier lads for his futuro lunch monoy. GOOIMAN-HIGIIIiAXD MILTj. If New Sinn Cnn Lift Scnlp of Hy. lam! Ho Slny Try McFnrlmul. NBW YORK, Sopt. 1C -If Jack Colomnn can lift tho scalp of ''Flght Ing Dick" Hylnnd of California to night ho mny havo a chanco to meet Packy McFarland before tho Fair mont club of this city. Following tho nnnouncomont thnt tho proposed Wolgast-McFnrlnnd match Is off, tho promoters of tho Fairmont club got into touch today with Pncky nnd clnlm o havo sccur od his consent to tho mill. Goodman has boon showing unusu ally woll in hla rocont bouts. Against McFarland ho would bo a groat drnw Ing enrd horo. AT THE TELS At tho Mooro C. C. Cathny, C. W. McCnmo, San Francisco; F. D. Frnrlor, Portlnnd; G. O, Sanbourn, San Francisco; N. S. Tullls, St. Paul; A. L. Stlllman, Portlnnd; A. Astlll, St. Louis; A, L. Fnulknor, Portland; Mr. am Mrs. Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Pruol, Astorln; J. S. Fournlor, T. A. Jonos nnd wlfo, Portlnnd; II. C. Thompson, A. Drund. B. C. Shcay, Cottago Orovo; J. P. Hums, Port land; W. H. Mitchell, Portland; W. S. Dow lug, Kalamazoo; S. O, Slmms, G. II. TIlllnghaBt, Portland; O. II. nnllard, Dee Dallard, Omaha; A. C. H088, Albany; O. M. Lnwronco, John IJybot and' wlfo, George T. Nlckols, Q. S. Aloxnndor, Portland; H. O. Whltnoy, Modrord; C. O. Brlao, ABhlnnd; R. II, Bradshnw, Browna boro. TIiq Nnsh W. J. Leonard, II. P. Nailonu, San Francisco; W. Ilnlin, D. C. nognrt, a. IT. PitrRibbonB, C. M. Strauss, Portlnnd; Ii. J. Thompson, Snn Prnnoisco; C. Eoiloston; N. A. Niolson, J. II. rirook, A. K. Drown, Portlnnd; J. M, Ditrko, nRont Buffalo mils A. 0. Shonnnn, Portlnnd; P, A, Roioliovt, Snornmento; W, K. Noble, Ilorkoloy; B. h. White, J. Myors, Snn Prnnoisco; P. E. Blnokbum, Cinoin nntti; J. S. Norwood; P. E. Naylo'i Trail; A. Ilnrpor; Mrs. J. II. Smith, Chico; T. IT, Oxmnini, Los Augxilos; J, 1"), Dunonn, Cnrtuni;; L. W. Un worth, Bono; J. 0. Cratd, Abordcon; Mrs. IT. C. O'Noill. Montosnno; V. O. Murphy, city; W. E, Howard, St. Paul. - Bnthuslnstlo advertising of n Btoro thnt compols ontliUBlasm la "win ning" advertising, IP m L h?5' MEDFORD THEATRE THUaiDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. Wilton Lackaye "SSSS VI (McWer ft In Cleveland MoIIett's Drama of Love and D)llars "THE BATTLE" Heats on wilo MONDAY, SEPTEMIIGR 10. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, woek or month. I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. CANNERY AND DRYER RUNNING j 1" 250,000 Pounds of Prunes Will Be Dried and 60,000 Cans of Fruit Marketed the First Year Prices Are Satisfactory.' The cnnner.v nnd dryor of the Rojiuo River Canning & Evaporating company is now runnin? full hlast, with a crow of 30 men. L. F. Lozior, tlio owner, stated Friday that lie would dry 150,000 pounds of prunes nnd preserve about G0.000 cans of fruit nud vecctubles ths Benson. Tho cannery nt preseut is canning peaches and tomntoos. The supply of fruit and vegetables throughout tho season' has oxecoded what the cannery hns been nblo to handle. This is tho first year that tho ean nory has been running and tho suc coss thnt it is luivinc in marketing its products insures tho permanency of tlio establishment. Tho prico that Mr. Lozior is pay ing for tho dried fruit is 5 cents n pound fur 35s. Ho estimates tho total pruno crop of tho Medford dis trict nt 250,000 pounds. Tho drying season will continue for about a mouth. TOlFORGEITRACK DOWN TO GRADE Drastic Action Is Expected Soon on Part of City Dads Against W. S. Barnum If He Doesn't Lower Rails. V. S. Ruinuin, tho ownor of tho lioguo Kivor Valley railroad, lia3 thus far rofusod to 'ldwor his track to moot the levels of tho Holly and Fir stroot orossmgs. Councilman Kmoriok, detailed by tho oity dads lo seo that Mr. Harnum fulfillod his contract with tlio oity, has boon un- ablo to got notion and stntos that ho doos not believe that Barnum will lower his rails until drnstia action is tnkon hy tlio city council. At tho next wee-ting of the ooun oil Mr. Emoriok states' ho will pro- poso nn ordinance to bring Barnum to timo, ns tho raised tracks nra a monnoo to tho people who must oross thoni. Co., Mnnagen.) ft EIYER8IDE AVENUE. THE USE OF ACTUAL MONEY in most transactions is unnecessary. It is much better to pay by check nnd thus have a record and receipt nt tho same time. The Farmers' & FrtlitgrowersJ Bank bank checks are as Reed as cash nny time, better than cash many times. Why not start an account there. You'll find it a con venience and nn advantage. FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. Men's Shirts Just received choice selections, includine all sizes in Cashmeres, Wools, Negligees and Golf, winter weights nnd want every man in Southern Oregon to cnll nhd ex amine the lino. Neckwear A few new Ties to brighten up your collection may be bought horo. NEW LINE just in, including hundreds of new patterns. Prices from 25c up to $1. Underwear New lines of Underwear for men and boys, including all the best winter weights nnd tho cele brated "Glastenbury" brand. CORDUROY SUITS for men nnd boys just what you want. lie WARDROBE The Home of Good Shoes. AT THE CHURCH Methodist Church. Cornor Fourth nnd Bartlett. Next Sabbath morning Row L. P. Bolknnp will proach his last sormon boforo lonving for conforonoo, which moots in Hillsboro next Wednesday. Sun day sohool at 9'A5 nnd proaching at 11. A cordial invitation is oxtended, especially to strangors who havo no church homo. Union mooting in tho ovoning at tho tnbornaolo. Presbyterian Church. Proaching hy the pastor Septem ber 18 at 11 a. m,; proaching in tho ovoning by tho pastor at 7:110 o'clock. Sunday sohool at 10 a. in.; C. E. so oioty nt 0:30 p. m. Good musio is oxpeotod nt nil those services. You nro cordially invited. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order. all stock guaranteed. -i Office 116 Main Street Medford Iron WorRs E. Q. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Pricea Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St.,Medford,Ore. P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT "We make any kind and stylo of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. Edward Charles Root TEACHER OP MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, 142 NORTH IVY STREET. IS GIVEN MORE TIME PORTLAND, Sopt. JO. Judge Wolvorton has given Attorney W. D. Fonton of tho Southorn Pacific until October 1 to reply to the brief of Gold Ray, Oregon RESOLVE! The best resolution for you to make is to come to as for your next suit, if yo waai BomethiBg out of the ordinary. We do the best work and eharg the lowest prieea. W. W. EIEBET not rsoaxtMXVz taecok P.houe &03 tho govornmont in tho Oregon & Cal ifornia land grant forfeiture case, nnd ho gavo the lntorvlewert who recently filed their brlot until Oc tober 15, Thatl s tho last word la arguments boforo this court. When the briefs shall be filed, the judgo will take the case under ad vlsemont for the earliest pooetble de cision, aa It Is tho special reHeet the attorney-general that haete b given proceedings ) '1 I M ft a u f