I'jev-Jk MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,19.10. Medford Mail Tribune AST UrBBFSHSBXT XBW8TArX VfBUIDS SAX&Y 8XOXPT BAYUS- BAT BV TXB MBBrOBB rmnrrora co. A consolidation of tho Me J ford Mall Mtfellshcd 1888; the Southern Oregon lu, established lSOt: the Domocrntlo Time, citabttiihed 1871: tha Ashland TTlBune, eainDiianca mve ana mo aiea- Yrioune, csuioiisnoa ivu. SBOnQE PUTNAM. Editor and Manager Xnterod an second-claBS matter. No vambar 1. 190B. at tha nott office at Medford, Oregon, under tha act of March s, 1S7V. Official Paper of tho City of Medford g?TB8Cx?Txoir katxs. Obs year by mall 15.00 Ono month by mall .50 Per month delivered by carrier In Medford. Ashland. Jacksonville and Central Point 50 Sunday, only, by mall, per year. . . . 3.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 JTU leased Wlr 0nttd Pre8 8U- patches, The Mall Tribune Is on wtfa at the Fwry Nowa Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co.. Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle, Wash. Hotel Spokane News Stand. Spokan e. Postace Bates. 3 to 12page paper lo IS to 24'pago paper......... . Sc SI to 36-page paper Jc SWOBS CraCDXATIOW. Average dally for November, 1908 .December, 1909 January, J910 FoBfu&ry i v iu Asrll, 1910 May. 1910 Jaae, 1910 Jaly, 1910 n Auatrsr cibcuiaAtiob. 1.708 1.842 1.9SS 2,123 2.303 3.301 3.460 2.503 3.524 3.550 2.550 J.650 3,550 3,550 3,650 3.550 3.460 3,460 2,510 2.460 2.460 2.465 1 2,550 X.......... 2,550 S... ....... 2,550 4. 2,550 S.' 2,550 T 2,600 2,550 t 2,525 M 2,500 XI 2,500 IS 2.500 14 2,550 Si.. 2.550 II...:....... 2,550' 17 IB SI. St SS 2 2E 26 28 29 t 10 31 Total gross 68,340 Dally Average. 2,627 BTATE'OF OHEOON. County of Jack eon, ss.: On the 1st day of September. 1910. personally appeared before me, George Putnam, manager of the Medford Mall Tribune, who upon oath, acknowledges that the above figures are true and cor net. IL N. YOCKEY.. CBeal) Notary Public for Oregon. KESrOXO, OKSSOX. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest grewlng city in Oregon. Population. 1910. 9.000. Bank deposits $2,750,000. H99.000 Gravity Water System com peted In July, 1910, giving finest sup- My pure mountain water. 81xteen miles of street being paved at a cost exceeding 11,000, making a total of twenty mlnues of pavement. Poitofflce receipts for year ending Jane 30, 1910, show a gain of 36 per Mat Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue River apples won sweepstakes prize and UUe of "Apple JOng of the World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1109. Rogue River pears brought high act prices in all markets of the world Curing tho past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 easts for postage of the finest com munity pamphlot, ever written! fifty Years Ago Tciay. Sep.t. 16. President Issued a proclnma tloa for the salt of 231,000 acres or public land in Kansas. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. The Puritan iicnlri beat tin !nesta for t!j. Auicrk-u vU. wjnutng the cuuiwt; difference lu time two minutes and uliif MK-onds. - Jumbo. Itariium'B celebnut-ri SMIO.OOO flepuiuii. killed In n railroad acvidem In Canada while be was attempting to res cuo the baby trick elephant. Tom Tliumb. 4- - C0LVIG COMMITTING POLITICAL HARI-KARI -f (Gold Hill News.) William M. Colvlg o? Medford Is out for tho republican nomination for state senator on an anti-statement No. 1 platform. Ho says, re ferring to the statement pledge that lie "don't want his hands tied." Mr. Colvlg la to be commended for his frankness, even if his determination to commit political hari-kari is de serving of little sympathy. J..H, Bellinger Is a republican can dodate for the shrievalty nomination. His namo bears an unfprtunately marked resemblance to that of a cer tain woll, If not favorably known, ex-mayor of Seattle. WHAT A GREAT SIAN SAID TO TIIE GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE Parisian Sago Is a discovery of a celebrated scientist, who spent tho test years of his llfo perfecting this Croat hair tonic. In giving his recipe to the Amorl an people he said: "Parisian Sago 1b the most delightful hair dressing In the world. It cures dandruff by klll Isg the germs that Infest the roots of the hair; It stops falling hair; It gives vigor end strength to the hair roots. Chaa. Strang soils Parisian Sage' at 60 conts a large bottle and guarantees It to do all that is claimed for it, or your money Is refunded) It stops falling hair, dandruff and Rolling scalp In two weeks, ' : Haaklaa for Healtk. JACKSON COUNTY ROADS. THE highways of Jackson county arc a satisfactory rcf nfiifinii ii flin nlniitic nf flu innlimhmif iHllll.V 00111- mission as to road improvement. Outside of the Medford Jacksonvillc road and a portion of tho Medford-Phoenix road, nearly every effort at road improvement in tho coun ty has been a useless blundering expenditure of money Unsuitable materials have been heaped upon the roads in corrugated ridges driving travelers out into the ditches and along the fences, and impeding and obstructing traf fic. The efforts of the road supervisors in a great measure have been more of a detriment than an improvement. So crude in structure as to dry months and so unstable in character as to bo oblit erated bT the autumnal rains. The commissioners are that they build very fine roads and their efforts, however poorlv directed, -were honestly put forth, but the condi tion of the roads fullv indicates their limitations as road builders. To the good roads expert the highways of Jackson county are a joke, and for the name of road. Jackson county has thrown off the lethargy of years; it has gone into intense production, in the past few years it has trebled its population and traffic, and it is produc ing at a ratio that demands up under traffic, and not the makeshift highways that now are and have been a drawback to the community. Honesty of purpose is not enough; the taxpayers of tho county demand an intelligent disbursement of their funds, something permanent and beneficial in the way of roads. The present county commission have had their trial. The situation demands a change; business men who will employ business methods are badly needed. George L. Davis of Medford is a candidate for the re publican nomination for county commissioner. He is a thorough and successful business man and a road' enthu siast, and if elected to the office will deliver the goods. A NEGLECTED Q MALL fruits and vegetables are sadly neglected in the Rogue River valley. . It is next to impossible to secure a variety of fresh vegetables in local markets. There are no market gardens. Vegetables are shipped in throughout the year. They could all be raised here. Rogue River valley soil, wafer and industry produce almost anything that grows everything needed for fam ily consumption. "We have the soil, we have the water, but we lack the industry It is so easy to make a living in this section that systematic hard work is shunned. Farms are not worked as they are east if they were, we would not have farmers coming into the city to buy vegetables, as is frequently the case. H. E. Boyden has given a demonstration this year or what can be done. On a strip of so-called desert land, 250 feet long, 42 feet wide, he harvested and sold $230.95 worth of strawberries, from vines planted last winter. From a strip of land the same size,, he sold $200 worth of blackberries and phenomenal berries. From this less than half -acre he grossed $430. What Mr. Boyden did on desert land has been done for years in the Phoenix district, yet in spite of the opportuni ty, few embrace it. "Why wait for years for an orchard to grow' to maturity when you can secure an equal income at once, provided you are willing" to work? The Rogue River valley offers great opportunity for berry culture and market gardening. WORLD'S CHAMPION ORCHARD. WHAT may be called without fear of contradiction, the most profitable orchard in the world, is the seven and one-half-acre Bartlett pear orchard south of Medford owned by John G-. Gore.. For four years past this orchard has netted its grower $1200 an acre annually. For ten years it has averaged over $800 an acre annually. It is twenty-two years old and since" it began bearing has never failed to produce a crop. This year Mr. Gore shipped from this seven, and one-half-acre grove forty-five hundred boxes of Bartletts. These were marketed in Chicago, the highest price re ceived being $3.60 a box, the average for the entire ship ment being $2.90 gross, or $12,950 gross, or nearly $10,000 net, an average of $1300 an acre. In 1909, this orchard yielded twelve cars, netting Mr. Gore $9335.10, or $1244 an acre. In 1908, eleven cars were shipped, netting the grower over $1000 an acre. In 1907 twelve cars were shipped, net ting tho grower $10,300, or $1250 an acre. The Gore orchard shows what a few acres in pears in tho Rogue River valley will do, when properly cared for, and proves that the small orchard properly worked is enough for any man. be an obstruction during the doubtless sincere in the belief the greater part unworthy of roads roads that will stand OPPORTUNITY. c . ENTERS Sends Statements of Ellis' and Hawley's Records as Affectlnn Labor Postmasters All Are Working for Willis C. PORTLAND, Sept. 16. In pro portionato rttlo with tho rising of the hopes of tho Insurgents como tho fears of tho aascembly backers of Ellis and Hawloy, although Ellis and Hawley maintain thoy will win. Now ginger Is thrown into tho congres sional campaign by tho action of Sampel Gorapcrs, who has sent to Oregon a statement of tho records of Ellis nnd Hawley as thoy affect tho worklngman. Gompora roport will bo brought to tho attention of tho unions during tho coming weok. Gompers also was Instrumental in submerging McCredlo In the Insur gent wavo in tho state of Washing ton. Mr. Ellis is not stumping his dis trict, but Is slipping around quietly, shaking hands and smiling bonlgnly. Ho arrived In Portland Tuesday, and has been conferring with tho assem bly manages. Ho avoids discussion of politics, but says thoro la no doubt of his nomination, Tho 'lnsurgonts, Lafforty, Reed and Shephord, point to tho defeat of McCrodlo In Wash ington, a stand-patter and Cannon supporter. Somo Postmasters Active. It Is a moro clean-cut fight In tho First district between Hawloy nnd Mulkoy, for Mulkoy has no other in surgent with whom to split tho antl- nssembly, anti-Cannon vote. There aro not so many insurgents voters in tho Willr.metto valloy as thoro aro in Multnomah county and the coun ties east of the Cascades, which gives Hawloy a fighting chance. Tho postmaators Hawloy hns ap pointed In his district aro noarly all working for him except such as feel that a federal officeholder should not dabblo in politics, Mulkoy sorv ed several BOHslona in tho legislature, looking aftor school legislation, nnd his fight to eavo tho normal schools which Jay Rowerman put out of bus iness In tho 1909 session Is bringing to his support tho graduates of tho normals, am' these aro numerous. Mulkoy lo attacking Hawloy's rec ord as a stand-patter, a Cannon fol lower and on tho tariff bill, tho very points which caused the dofoat of Our Mistake Book-Keeper checked us up on pear shipments from the BURRELL ORCHARD; says thoro havo only boon forty-six carloads shipped so far this season. This is pretty good, and we would like to know whorq there is another pear orchard in tho ontiro Northwest that has done so well. Prices on tho Burroll Orchard are going to advance sbon Don't forget this. Jno. D. 01 well Exhibit Building, Medford, Oregon. Make Every Dollar Worth More Than ,a Dollar! An educated ad reader will never be poor. To "know advertising" is to have a prac tical knowledge of values of things of when and how and whore to buy. No one, having and utilizing such knowledge, could ever be unthrifty, or in any sense careless or reckless of expenses. For such knowl- edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes ono proof against shams false values manipulated reductions. Tho intelligent ad reader uses as much thought and ability in buying things as is required in earning the money that ia spent for them. And that amounts to a substan tial increase of the vamo of every dollar of the family revenue 1 McCredlo and othors throughout tho country. 38 ADDITIONAL LIGHTS. (Continued from Page 1.) Cqrnor of Taylor and Myrtlo Btreots. Corner of Cottago strcot, tlirco blocks south of East Main atroot. Corner of Tripp and Taylor streets. Cornor of Almond, three blocks south of East Main strcot. Cornor of Woodstock and Ninth troots, ' Cornor of First and Fir stroots. Cornor of Jackson .find D streets, C In front of 1410 North O stroot. In front of 223 Court street. Cornor of Manzanlta and Rivor sldo streets, Cornor of Rlvorsldo avonuo, bo tweon Manzanlta and Maplo strcots, Cornor of Rlvorsldo avonuo and Maplo stroot. In front of Cllno's grocory storo, North n strcot. Cornor of Ropsovolt and Donnott nvonuos, Cornor of Ashland and East Main stroots, Cornor of East Main and top of Nob Hill. Cornor of Hlllcrest road and Koono way. Hosklns for Healtk, ROOSEVELT'S Own Book The Most Popular Book Crfrikt if Chjrltl Striker' I Stuf By The Most Popular Man African . GameTralls Gives Ih bMk (arm by flMctvtlt's own hand tha sola MMunt at Ma African Hunt. AGENTS WANTED NOW In every City, Town and Village lo handle Colonel Roosevelt' Great Book CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 183 Filth Avenue New York vmmmmmmmmmmmnutmmmmmmmamm You wouldn't move Into n storo so iHiiull tlmt you couldn't dlHpluy halt your iitoalc -hu don't try to ndvor- tlno In hulfunnuh upaco, olthorr Ilnsklns for health. Wanted llntioh IiuihIh. liintiiiKH of orchard nnd olty prop erty. Woodohopporfl. Girl for Rouornl hound work. Special I tcn-ycar loi Stock nnd tcn-ycar lease, snap. closo In. For Sale Furnltura nnd lonsu of C-rooiu mod era ho lino. G wiiKotta, $10, $r0, $70, $00. IIiihIiiohh netH $4000 yonrly. FRUIT LAND. 17 noros, in liouvy boariiiK. 2 milos oi(t, $000 per ncrc. 5 ami 10-noro trnctn beiiriuc orch ard, closo in. ' 120 noron, 0 in bonrinir orchard, 5 in D-.Yoar trooH, i!5 noros alfaU'u, undor ditch, fino wnlor riKht, IooIh, 33 hand utook, clone in, $10,000. 01 nurus finest Hear crook bottom, will Hiibdivido; ony tornm. 100 acres, 'J.OUO.OOO foot fine tim- lior, G milcfl out, GO ttoroH fruit land, $1G por uoro. 20 acres Dear creek bottom, nil in fruit, $7000; fiuu building alto. 10 norcs, improvements, '1 mitoti out, $27G0; beautiful locution. 35 ncroH, Griffin orcok, fruit nnd nl falfu. fine homo. 1-room Iiouho, 1 noro, $MG0, 20 uurcH. 10 aorori Hartlettri uiid NowtowitH, $2f00. 2 Acres, half mile wont. $(100, HOUSES. 2 liousoH. G'j norus, $7000. 7-room house, lot 01x200, Wont Main; fino investment. G-room htiiienlow, completely furn ished, $2G00. 2-room Iiouho, cIodo in, $000, 1-room houue, good lot, $100. LOTS. West Main Iota, 00x210, easy terms. 4 Kenwood lots, $1100. J.ot on Central, clone in. $10Q0. I lots North Itivorsido, nowor and water; $11 GO, tumiK. Westmoreland lotx $300, terms. Walnut Park addition. IoIh 52x112, $350, your own te'niiH. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Phlpps Bldg. I'honn 4141 Mtn IE W MEDFORD'S POPULAR RESORT -i i TONIGHT Match Game of Bowling Tbe Smoke House vs. The Valley Auto Co. Five mn teams bst 2 in 3 sjams Saturday Night the Regular Dance at 8i30 SHnirraw.H.VWP ijWlwMK.ST.Mr.iwwgW"'-"'