tcflW WiW irtw v. -i: Medford Mail Tribune y -?. UNITED PRKSS A8ftOCTATK)J Pnll Leaned Wire Report. Tlio Woathor. fair tonight anil tomorrow, Tho only paper In the wort published In a city the else ot Medford having a leasedrWtf. 1 ' I: ". ;u 1 MFTH YICAE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1910. No. 154. t HI TEMPORARY INJUNCTION WHICH CUD EAST SIDE SEWER DISSOLVED d CALKINS SAYS THAT CONTRACT CONSTITUTES DEED TO LAND SEWER WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT DELAY Judgo r. M. Cnlklnu hm granted tho motion of City Attornoy N'off to dUoolvd tho tompornry Injunction ao curcil by I. J. l'hlppn restraining tho city from completing tho East Sldo trunk f owor across Donr crook. Judgo Calkins hold that tho tonne of tho ncrooincnt botwoon tho cl,ty and Mr, PhlppH woro tiuch as to constitute a doud to tho promlBOH In question. Tho city will rocommonco work nt onco on tho construction of tho trunk sowor, for until It hi completed tho ontlro cant aldo nyatom cannot bo usod, Tho case can still go to trial, but It Is unllkoly Hint It will, although Mr. l'hlppn may bring an action for damagon unlosc u bridgo Is construct cd acrosa the creek. In making Uln motion to dlssolvo the Injunction, City Attornoy Noff contended thnt tho first paragraph In tho agreement botwoon tho city and Mr. Phlppa constituted a doed. In thin ho waa uphold, Judgo Cal klnn aaying: "Tho plaintiff takoa tho position first, that ho la tho ownor of tho ntrlp of Innd dcstrlbod In tho con tract attaciod to tho complaint. In this I am of tho opinion ho la wrong, for tho vory tonus of his contract for oasomont aro a grant In proBontt as tho ownership la subject to tho oaaomont grnntod nnd tho consldora- (Continucd on Pace 8.) EUREKA LINE TO BE PUT THROUGH Rumored Hill Invasion Into Califor nia Causes Action by Southern Pacific Road Asks for Bids Line to Be Built at Once. SAN FltANOISCO, Sopt. 16. Aroused by tho porslstont rumors of tho coming Invasion of California by tho Hill roads from tho north, tho mnnngomont of tho Northwestern Pnclflo, which moans tho Southern Pacltlo and tho Sautd Fo, Is showing slgnc of ronovyod uctlvlty la perfect ing Its plaun for construction from Eureka northward to Groscont City. It hnB boon learned thnt bids hnvo recently bcon nskod for tho construc tion of two now plocos of tho rond, thnt la to bridgo tho gap In tho lino botwoon Wllllto nnd Eureka, molting n total of 30 miles of now road, which will bo rushod through to comple tion. Ono of tloso section,), for which tho contract ban boon lot, Is at tho Wllllta ond of tho gnp, botwoon Out lot crook and Covolo bridgo, construc tion now bolng In progrocn botwoon Wllllts nnd Outlet Crook. Tho othor Boctlon, which will bo complotod this wlntor, Is at tho Eurokn ond of tho gap, botwoon Dyorvlllo nnd Fort Sow nrd, tho rond having nlrondy boon complotod from Huroka south to Dy orvlllo. At tho 8nmo tlmo tho Soutuorn Pn clflo Is porfoctlng Its rights of wny uorth of, Huroka to CroHCont City nnd thoro hna boon tnlk of oxtondlng this lino through to a connoctlon with tho mnln lino of tho Shasta routo, at a point nonr4 Roguo rlvor, thus complotlng a const Una to tho north from San Francisco to tho Orogon lino. 38 ADDITIONAL ARC LIGHTS FOR STREETS OF CITY Tho light commlttoo of tho city council ImH ordered tho Hoguo Riv er Valloy Kloctrlo nnd Powor com pany to plnco 38 additional arc lights upon tho Directs of Medford and to chftiigo all 10 c. p. lights on East Main street to arc lights. Tho lights aro to bo locatod nu follews: Corner of Klghth and 0 ran go Htroots. Poach street, midway botweon Fourth nnd Sovunth stroots. Seventh street nnd wost city lim its, In front of 1022 West Fourth street. Corner of Summit and Fourth streets. In front or 731 West Second street. Corner of Jackson nnd 8umtnlt nvonuo. Corner of Tenth and D streets. Corner of Twelfth nnd Fir stroots. Cornor of Thirteenth and streets. Holly Ninth and Holly stroots. Tenth and Onkdalo strcots. Cornor of Dakota nnd Oakdale nvonuo. Corner of Dakota and King strcots. Corner of Dakota and Nowtown streets. Corner of Thirteenth nnd Laurel stroots. Cornor of Twolfth nnd Doach ctreetH. Cornor of Dakota and Poach stroots. Hot ween 101G arid 1024 Ninth nvonuo. Cornor of Eighth nnd Fir Btroota. Cornor of Portland nvonuo, two blocks south of East Main. (Continued on Page Four.) NEW YORK, Sopt. 10. That nn nllinnco between William R. Hearst and Colonel Roosovolt, which has boon hinted nt by party lenders since a recent uditnriul apponrod under Hearst's name, inviting tho colonel to como bnck to Now York nnd holp drivo tho bosses out of tho stnto, is tho belief of muny politicians today, following iv call nt tho Outlook of fico by John Tomplo Graves. Qrnves, who is considered Honrst's first liou- TO RE0R6ANIZE HEARST TRYIIfflO ALLIANCE Gigantic Scheme for Reorganization of Pacific Coast Fortifications Is Being Considered by General Staff Present Unreadi ness for War Said to Bo Startling; WASHINGTON, Sopt. 18. A gi gantic schomo for tho ontiro reorgan isation of tlio dofonso of tlio Pnoifio coast, from fortifications to tho 1111 tionnl Riuu d, is being considered by tho gonprnl fitnff of tho United Slates nrmy, Startling disclosures of tho lack of proparoduoss for do fonso nro oxpoutod lu rosponso to n resolution whioh Congressman Ma Luohlnu of California introduced. Goneral Loonnrd Wood, chief of staff, lays tho blnmo for what is 1ST NATIONAL IS TO ENLARGE ITS BUILDING Mcdford's ."Million Dollar Bank"- tho First National, in planning to increase tho Biro of their present quarters on Main stroot by building cm tho strip of ground which now constitutes tho alley between tho bnnk building nnd the Hotel Nash. Tho interest in the alloy owned by tho Kneli hotel hns been acquired mid tho city has pet u ditto for hear ing of protcsti) regarding tho va cating of tho alloy.' President Crowd! of tho bnnk ih nt present absent from tho city nnd houco it is impoBBiblo to doterminu tho extent of tho improvements planned. RANGERS' EXAMINATIONS ON OCTOBER 24 AND 25 Men who nro mentally and physic ally strong, who wish to entor tho government Bcrvico nnd help protect her forests will havo the opportunity on tho 24th nnd 25th of noxt month. Notices sent out ' by Supervisor Kriekson nunounco thoso days as dates Xor civil service examination for rangers. This summer's devastating forest fires hnvo shown tho need of inoro range rs. Thoro is no special training re quired by tho forestry department. They will judgo tho applicants on general fitness, which will include education and physique. CoIvIq Joins York's Band. Vnnco Colvlg, Medford's rising young cartoonist, leaves Sunday ove rling for Portland, whoro ho will Join York's bnnd In nn oxtonslvo tour. FORM AN WITH COLONEL? tennnt in matters of politios nnd who wns commissioned to tender Hearst's determination to return to domoornoy nt tho Jefferson day banquet in Washington, cnllod on Roosovolt nt tho invitation of tho former presi dent. Roosovolt froely admitted thnt Graves had cnllod, but would not say whother Hearst's support had been offered or aocoptod in tho fight ho (Continiiod on Page 8.) COAST DEFENSE termed a deplorable condition 011 tho luck of oompotout nrmy officers. Tho situntiou in tlio regular army is bad, ho says, but in tho national guard it 1b worso. Gdnorul Wood says tljoro nro not enough officers to 'instruut civilians in tho art pf warfare. It is plaunod by tho conoral staff to begin by making tho national guard inoro offootivo. Tho stuff momb'ors hope to accomplish this by creating a rosorvo whoso mombors 011 retirement will bo givou an honornblo army discharge TAFT TO OUIT AT END OF TERM? Such Is Report and. No Denia! Is Forthcoming. Special Dispatch Published in New York Times Says President Has No Thought Beyond March 4, 1913. BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 16. Al though efforts woro made by many newspaper correspondents here to induce Secretary Norton to deny tho fuct thnt Tnft is nol inclined to bo come a candidato for u second term as president, tho attempts proved unsuccessful. Norton refused to is sue any official denial, and the cor respondents sent dispatches to their various papers saying that no offi cial statement that Taft would not bo a candidate in 1012 had been is sued nt Bovcrly. Tho United Press dispatch of yes terday containing tho first autbori tntivo information thnt the president will probably retire at tho end of hU term, distinctly said that no official stntcmunt to this effect had been is sued. The truth of tlio stor" how ever, is accented wiihoutlauestion uuru luuuy. NO SECOND TERM WANTED. Nov York Times Publishes Dispatch Baying President Is Tired. NEW YORK, 10. President Taft is not thinking of the campaign of 1912 and probnbly docs not desire a second nomination, according to tho Times today. Tho Times prints a special dispatch in which President Taft is quoted as having said to a friend several weeks age: 'I am not thinking of 1012. In fact. I don't know that I desiro u renomination. From tho way things aro drifting it mny bo that no repub lican can be elected, savo probably one." Tho Times centinues: Report Confirmed. "From nn entirely different souroe tho Times correspondent is inform ed thnt President Tnft made sub stantially tho samo remark to anoth er friend. These statements havo been repented among associates of the president until they aro almost common property. For this reason additional weight is given to u dis pntch sent out by tho United Press yesterdny saying thnt in all proba bility President Tnft will not bo u candidate for another term. "Thus fnr tho prosidont has dem onstrated littlo interest in tho pol itics of tho futuro beyond March 4, 1U1H. Tho chief idea of tho prosi dont is to fulfill tho party pledges. There has been, a studied suenco on Tuft's part about politios. Thoro Is no secret that ho is much discour aged Roosovclt's courso has un doubtedly annoyed him. The tri umph of tho insurgoiits in a nuuibor of stnto primaries, tho rofusnl of certain republican conventions to endorse tho administration and tho great overturn in Maine hnvo caused him vexation," NO COMMAND FHOM T. It. Much Speculation Indulged ,In in Gotham Regarding President. ; . NEW YORK, Sopt. 10. Colonel Roosovolt today rosumed hi editor ial duties in tho offico of tho Out look. Sunvo and nf fable, tho colonel wnH willing to discuss any quostion with ono oxeoption. no refused to comment on tho roport that Prosidont Tnft has doolared that ho will not bo a candidato for ro-elootion in 1012 if Roosovolt docides to try again for tho prosidonov. (Continuod on Page Eight.) TIMBER IN IS TO BE SOLD SOON AS POSSIBLE PRIMARY REGISTRATION TOTALS J808JlC0UNTY;JEP.122i, DEM. 1011, Thirty-eight hundred and eight county for tho primaries. Of this licans, 1011 as democrats, 237 as socialists, 269 as independents and 70 as prohibitionists. A large number of registrations were received on Thursday. Hero is tho list by precincts Precinct Rep. Antioch 9 East Ashland 136 West Ashland 221 South Ashland 200 Appicgaie 4U Barron ;.' 30 Big Butte 51 Climax ,.. 9 Central Point " 96 Englo Point ; 86 Flounce Rock 7 Foots Creek 7 Gold Hill 74 North Jacksonville 71 South Jacksonville 57 Lake Creek 29 Meadows 7 Northeast Medford ..-, 50 Northwest Medford .'.. .-." 120 Southeast Medford 40 " Southwest Medford 265 Central Medford 205 Mound 23 Phoenix 18 Rock Point 15 Sams Valley 21 Sterling 5 Tnlcnt '. '... 84 Trail 10 Union 53 Watkins 15 Willow Springs 10 Wimer 10 Woodvillo 54 Totals 2221 Total roristrntion. 3808. $3.90 PAID FOR JO A Thrco dollars and ninety cents is tho banner prico of tho year for Bartlotts. This sum was received by Dillon B. Hill on ono of four car loads which ife has shipped to east ern mnrkots up to date. Ho hns re turns from threo of tho cnrlonds, which average $3.33 a box. The Boso placed in with tho Bnrtletts in two of tho enrs averaged $2.70. George E. Marshall reports the OX CRIPPEN CASE IS Experts Employed by Crown State That They Were Unable to Determine Sex of Remains Found Doctor Smiles for First Time When Testimony Is Given. LONDON, Sept. 16. Witnessas for tho crown today administered anothor blow to ,tho crumbling ovi donco against Dr. Hawloy II. Crip- pon, tho American dentist, when thoy admittod that thoy could not dotor- mino tho sox of tho mangled body found in tho bnsomeut of Crippen's "Islington" homo. Ouostionod todav ns to tho sex of tho body, Dr. Wilcox said ho bo liovod it was "probably fomalo." Duriiicr tho ouostioniiig of tho ox- ports on this point, Dr. Crippen nnd BURNED OVER AREAS SOC. 237.MND. U voters - have registered in Jackson number 2221 aro registered as repub Deni. 9 Soc. 6 7 10 5 11 .7 Prohi. Ind. 39 48 41 20 11 25 2 69 46 1 7 93 32 .20 7 9 10 14 12 18 7 1 7 1 1 6 1 1 16 8 a 10 5,0 - 6 4 4 3 7 21 9 35 o4 o 6 1 12 7 42- 64, .20'. 110 110 16 -26 25 6 39 il ls 2 9 11 19 1 -lV:'. 18 16 7 7 '' 3 3 24 4 5 3 1 1 2 4 -8 1 13 7 1 1 32 1 5 3 1 1 11 1011 237 70 269 BARMS; banner price so far received for Do Anjou pears, nis returns in Now York were $5.90 a box. John G. Gore, who now has com plete returns from his cloven cars of Bartlotts reports that the average re turns per box woro $2.90 in Chicago. It cost him $80 to ship to this city, which is 20 cents less than wns paid bv those who shipped to New York. F Mllo. Ethel Leneve, who snt togoth or in tho prisoner's docket, exchang ed glances nnd a shadow of a smilo crossed tho doctor's fnco when tho witnesses admitted thnt thoy could not say whether tho body found was that of n mnn or a woman. Though tho prisoners woro allow od to sit together today, tho court ordered again thnt they should not converse with each other. This re striction was removed n fow days ago and tho fact that it has again (Continued on Page 8.) 9RG R 'AN JOBS S CRUMBLING MANY MILLION FEET OFFERED CRATER FOREST PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 16. All merchantable timber' in the burned-' ever areas of the national forests us Washington and Oregon will be soli at once. Plans for the sales havo just bee completed by the forestry service as- -sistcd by W. T. Cox of the agricul ture department, who sent frost Washington, D. C, to complete the arrangements. It is estimated that tho recent for est fires in Oregon and Washingtos destroyed approximately 1,200,000, 000 feet of timber. Tho Idaho losses? approximated 3,000,000,000 feet. Such a move on the oart of tha government has been expected by the local forestry officials for the past few days, as there is a great quan tity of sugar pine which can be sav ed if used within the next two years. Several timbermen arc considering tho purchase of tho timber, as it will be sojd at a low price in order to dispose of it quickly. Several million feet will bo offered ' for sale in tho Crater national for est. The local office is to commence cruising soon. DROVE CATTLE ON Mum STREET Pioneer in Cattle Raising Tells Hew '"'? He Roped a Steer on Corner sf Main and Central, But That Was, M Lo! Many Moons Ago. William McClanahan has fust come to Medford from tho McClana han mill, on Elk creek, owned by his son. and will leave in a few das's for his homo in Fresno county, Califor nia. For 22 years Mr. MoClanohaa raised cattle in tho Roguo River val ley. Ho engaged in a icw reminis cences, when seen on tho street Thursday evening, of tho days when he drove his cuttle down Main street. Ho spoke of ono timo whea ho roped a big steel on tho corner of Main and Central nvonuo. As ha lookod at the crowded streets and honking automobiles he remarked that he would not liko to try and drive a herd of wild steers down the stroot now. Still, it was only fiv; years ago that cattle woro driven through tho business section of M3d ford without trouble FITZGERALD OUT ' ON $50,000 BOND CHICAGO, Sopt. 16. George W, Fitzgerald, former assorting teller la tho United States sub-treasury here, who was arrosted and charged wltk', tho theft of S 173,000 from tho sub treasury In 1907, has boen released on J50.000 bonds. Fitzgerald Is bitter concerning tho humiliations to which, ho says, ha has been subjected by secret serv ice mon during tho last two years. Ho claims ho has boen persecuted and oven tho most sacred things ot his homo life havo beon violated by tho offlcors. "I didn't tako tho monoy," he salt today, "but I l:avo a strong susptS Ion who did. While I have no pot tlve proof, I am willing to tell tke proper persons all 1 know, ! ' M i vi vi; V v j t 1 j; 1 r" C 1 i. H Q, .i - t - ! 4 H is m 4l, jHux-i-wmaa-w w ; -PfV- V