Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 15, 1910, Image 7

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' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! i mi i iinMMBVBaii HaaMXBwaan aHv i ..... "" w MBMHMa M & IHMaMaHIHaHMa1MHMaaHMaMnH(H
Answer a Want Ad and Investigate That Opportunity in Person i
. . .
Many Fnmbus Football Plnycrs and
Athletes Now Mnklno Tholr Homes
Around Medford Talk of Forin
Inil Medford Team.
Why not form a Medford foolbnll
cloven, h tho intention being linked
each otliur by tliu college inuu living
in niul around Medford.
Tliuro nro ninny former gridiron
diiimpioiiH ut work in tliu orcliurriti
11101111(1 Medford. Among thorn is
Brooks Spcucor, who for four yours
was ono of tliu timiiiHtuvri of Yitlo'ri
lino, HtH pouition wuh ut gimrd. Ilo
wiih graduated only thin lust Juno
and IiIh Ioh h being full kuuuly by
tlio uoaulioH who nro rounding up
tho dufondom of tliu bluo for tlio
fall HCIIH0I1.
Van Hovutibiirir, Coluiuhin'H fn
inoiiH All-Amurionu end in 1002, is
aiiothur football Htar wIioho promnlt
occupation in raising fruit in tliu
Itomio Hivor vulluy and who would
bo n Htroug man for tliu Mud ford
team. Van Hovriihurg played on
that faiuouii Coliiiubin tcniu t lux J- do
fontcd Yulo. Onu of bin toiiumuilcH,
both on tho Columbia team' and on
tliu Van Ciiiiid'h All-Amoriciiii cloven,
wan Dick Smith, an Oregon boy who
first won bin Mtor at tliu Htnto uni
vurriity. Smith until romtnlly ban
been a lawyer In Khimath Falls.
There arc many other football
Mars who hnvu como into tho valley
mid are unknown except to a HUitill
coterie of friends from their homo
It. V. Hitchcock, an orchard own
er near F.nglu Point, carried off first
honors for Cornell in 100!) in tho
iliiiirtor-milo race of the iiitorrollcgi
nto meet, his time being '10 '1-5 hoc
oihIh. Henry Griffin is ono of tho
college lilnrary geniuses who are
looking for a location in tho vnlloy
and who i an entliusiiiHlic booster
for a .Medford cloven, Griffin wiih
editor-in-chief of the Cornell Daily
Sun, which 1h recognized as .the fore
most college jinpor of tho laud.
Ah well as poled ensturn uthletes.
then are hoiiio men who hnvo won
high honors in the Orogon institu
tion. Olon Arnspiger, who linn been
ill for a month pant wit,h an abscess
til tho car, was for four years chos
en for tho all-northwest team and in
1008 was assistant conch ut the
university of Oregon, his alma mater.
Dr. Thaver and Walter Molntyro
nro othor old "Oregon" stars locat
ed in Medford. B. F. Hall, teachor
in tho high Hchool, won against nll
eomors in tlio liammor-throw when
ho wns in attoudauco at tho Oregon
Agricultural college. Dennett, a
.Jackson county boy, wiih for fivo
years a star on tho O. A. C. football
Tho great number of eollogo men
in tho vnlloy for hoiiio timo past have
felt tho neod of a university club.
When tho men como in, from thiir
farms tlioy hnvo no placo to louugo
around and visit but tho hotel lob
bios. p. A. Mulboouf has promised to
send out u circular lottor asking tliu
eollogo men to como together and
(IIkuiihb plans for such an organiza
tion. If the plaiiH for a football
loam are realized, tho management
would oomo under tlio University
NEW YORK, Sept. IB. Although
the physicians at tho Itoosovelt
hospital, where Mary Miinnowig wah
oporntod on for appoudioltits, issued
today a formal bulletin: saying tho
actress' condition is "fairly favor
able," other reports from the hos
pital indicate that shu is battling for
Miss Maunoriiig, uftor rehearsal
last Monday, heeamo ill. She was
taken to tho hospital and the opera
tion followed. Formerly she starr
ed with JamoH K. Haekett and when
who hooamo ill was prewiring for n
tour in "A Miiii'h World."
Sorority House Burned.
BERKELEY, Cal Sept. 14. Tho
chapter houso of tlio National College
Sorority of Alpha Omicron Pi at tho
University of California wuh partial
ly dostroyod today by a firo that
started in tho third floor of ( the
building, prosuninbly from defective
If tho f urn (shod room nil "lookB
Reed", run around to tho nrtdrcBH
glvo'a unit tnko n look at It,
An announcement of great import
ance to tliu music-lovers of this
country is that Haroldi, tliu famous
Polish violinist, who lias boon tho
sensation of Europe for tho pnit
three years and who has just com
pleted a triumphal (our of Australia,
is to make his first tour of America
this season. Haroldi will arrive in
San Frnncisi'o within the next fuw
davH and begin immodintely filling
important symphony orchestra and
recital engagements in the largest
cities of thin eountry. Ho will tour
America under tho direction of Kitz
palrick & Norwood, managers of tho
famous Pasmoro trio, tho
Dutch contralto, Tilly Kounon, and
other distinguished artists.
In the hope of securing ooue or
more of these splendid attractions
for the bouufit of tho local music
lovers, Manager Hazelrigg of the
Now Auditorium, has written their
managers nsking oh to tho possibil
ity of concerts in this oity. Manager
Hazelrigg doeH this with tho realiza
tion thut a substantial guarantee will
bo necessary, but is willing to take
tho risk, believing that the musio
lovors of this and the surrounding
community will rally to his support.
It will be interesting to watch tho
result of this eommeiidablo effort.
HciBklnn for Honlth,
(Prices paid by Medford merchants.)
Potntoos, now, $1.151.25 por
cwt.; cnbbago, 2c.
Hlackborrios, $1(3)1.25.
Peaches, 3550c box.
Cucumborri, 10c to 10c doz.
Squash, 35()50c dozen.
Corn, ,10(iirc.
Cantaloupes, 20(7i)-t0o dozen.
Watermelons, G20o. .
Tomatocu. lc.
Pumpkins, 8()12Vfcc.
Apples, lV&c; Fenrs, lc.
Prunes. V(n2c.
Mutter, Kggn and Poultry.
(Prices pnid by Medford merchants.)
Ranch butter, 30o; fancy creamery,
Fresh ranch eggs, 40c.
Mixed poultry, 10(7?14c;, spring
chickens, l-l7110c; lurkoys, 17c.
(Prices paid prodticora.)
Hay-Timothy, .fl (J; alfalfa, $12;
grass, $1-1 ; grain liny, $10.
Orain Wheat, $1.15 bushel; onls,
532 ton; barloy, $30 ton.
Hcof Cows, '1'1V o; steers, 5
o'fco; pork, 0c; - mutton. 5(o)5 Vo;
lambs, (1o; veal, dressod. Be.
(Soiling prices.)
Rollod barloy, $1.75 owt., $32 ton;
bran, $1.70 middlings, $1.851.00;
aborts. $1,600)1.85.
FOR SALE Modern houso in good
location. Innuiro 501 S. Holly. 157
FOR SALK Tho ono host buy;
houso of 12 rooms, lot 100x120, ono
block from North Oakdalu; will
rout for $10 pur 'mouth; price
$3500; tonus if required; ovor 15
per cent por annum iucomo; owner
is anxious to nuswor tho call of
"liable to tho farm." F, Q. Andrews,
No. 0 S. Mr Rt. 15(1
FOR SALK Furnisltud hoiivj with
burn; also house and two lots. In
nuiro of owner. No. 743 1 3th st.
west. 155
FOR SALE Furnished houso and
2 lots and a house, Cnll at 720 W.
13th st. 155
FOR SALE 120 ucroe, Evans Crook
fruit; imprrivomonta; buy of owner.
Wrlto S. F. Pi.ttor, R. F D., Wobd
vlllo, Or. tt
FOIt SALE 0-room bungalow with
bath. Inquire of R. A. Johnson,
with Power & Reovos, 212 Fruit
growors' Dank Whig. tf
FOR SALE Bovoral liouaoa and lots
also fino farm. D. T. Law ton,
Ownor. tf
FOR SALK 5 and 10-noro trnots
just within and adjoining oity lim
its, At a burgnin, on 5 annual pay
ments, Address Condor Water
Power Co. "
FOR BALE Fivo-room houso, lot
D3 by 200, onst front. North Con
trol Avonuo. Call on J. T, Sum
morvlllo, Whlsonant narbor Shop.
FOR SALK A now, modern 7-room
bungalow, on paving, comont sido
wnlks, threo bloek.i from parks
W830. Address llox 300. Routs
for $10.
So Unit you can go straight to
So thnt you'll hnvo no useless
I tho want nds nro "claBslfiod."
So that opportunity hunters
Want Ads Que Cent
FOR SALK Two 10-noro tracts
nonr Englo Point, good noil, level;
ono tract partly cleared, $800 onch;
terms half cash, long timo on bal
nnefc. Address P. O. Box 702, Med
ford. Or. 100
f'STTSALB Beautiful bungalow, lo
catod ono Llock wout of South Oak
dnlt; flvo rooms and modorn bath;
Btono foundattoM; largo torch, ex
tending ncroBn front and nldo; lot
59x103; 10 applo trooo In full bear
ing; prlco for quick ealo 2650; half
caah, bnlanco oaoj terras. Soo own
or at Siiorman Clay Piano com
pany, tf
FOR SALE Ono houso nnd two lots
on North Realty street; ono is cor
ner lot. Inquire at 521 Rcatnty
street. 153
Karnm or Orduirta.
FOR SALE An idonl small farm of
10 acres; almost 3 miles from Phoe
nix, samo dictnnco from Talent, Or.;
fruit land; 2 good springs, G-room
Iiouho, outbuildings, GO pear trees,
small fruit, 5 acres cleared, $800
worth of wood; $1200 down, bal
ance on timo to suit buyer; this is
$50 per acre. Tnko cars to Talent
and I will show you tho property. L.
N. Judd. Roberts bid.. Talent.
FOR SALE Do you 'nnt n fino
farm of 00 acres, nenr Anderson
crcok, Talent, Or.; fertilo soil,
healthy location, among tho hills, 20
acres nndcr cultivation, a seven
room house, outbuildings, etc., etc.,
a well of pure,' sparkling water,
sovornl living springs of water ou
tho place; u fino bonring family or
chard of threo acres; early and Into
apples; also peaches, pears, plums,
prunes, chornos nnd oomo small
fruit; lovely view from it of tho vnl
loy; sovcral thousand dollars (thnt
is only n trifle over ($110) ono
hundred and sixteen dollars an
ncru). Tako your wifo nnd como on
the cars to Talent nud I will tnko u
rig nnd go out nnd show you tho
plnco. L. M. Judd, Robort bldg.,
nenr depot. tf
FOR SALE A self-supporting
homo that will pay for itself in 3
years in n charming Cnlifornin
valloy; with our deep, rich soil,
A abundant wator supply and our ten
months' growing sonson, you enn
put two summers into ono, thus
doubling your incomo; chonp trans
portation; wo hnvo a rnte of 35o
por 100 lbs. frpm Los Molinos to
Portland on mixed cnrlond lots of
vegetables and fruits becnuso wo
ami ship by wnlor; wo cut Alfalfa
six times each voar and produce
from 10 to 12 tono por noro; it is
impossible to find a region whoro
tho returns nro moro genorous.
Thoso lnndo, including n deeded
porpotunl wntcr right, sell nt $150
por noro, ono-fifth down nnd bal
nnce in four oqual annual pny
monts. Call nt tho office and lot
mo explain tho P50.ioct in dotnil, or
writo for froo booklet. Frank G.
Andrews, resident ngont Los Moli
nos Lnnd Co., No. fl South Fir st.,
Medford. Or. 157
FOR SALE 100 aores, 4 ncros
cleared, creok through plnco, 15
acres undor ditch, mile to school,
0 miles Gold Hill; 750 cords wood;
terms nnd auto for part, $2500.
Address O. F. Cholgren, Medford.
FOR SALE 35 a oros, 2 miles
wost of Medford on main ronu; fair
buildings, 20 acres in 4-year-old
Nowtowns'nnd SpiUonborgs, ba!
anco plantod to ponra with poAch
fillers; big young toam, Jorsoy cow,
ohiokoiis, ull niAohinory nnd tooh
go with placo; $55Q nn noro; good
tonus.' Thoro is n profit of $200 nn
J noro it) this buy insido n yonr W.
TYork & Co. . tf
FOR SALE By owner. 40 noros
best fruit or truck lnnd in tho val
ley, 12 aoroa in young fruit; every
foot of tract onu bo cultivated and
is ditched for irrigation; nt prioo
nuked is best buy in vnlloy; easy
tonus. Address W. II., onrro Mail
Tribuno office 153
Classified For YOU
tho ad that intoronts you tho want
rending to do no entanglcmonta of
may find tho opportunities thnt nrc
FOR SALE 100 acrcH. 50 acres
fruit land, over 3500 cords wood,
5 milos west of Talent, $2500 for
quick sale. Bittnor, Phipps bldg. tf
FOR SALE Or exchange, by owner,
somo good ranch property; also
somo town lots. Address P. O. box
083. Medford. Ore. tf
BttalaeM Fropcrtj.
FOR SALE Cboico business prop
erty at a bargain, on long time;
eaBy terms. Address Condor Wa
ter Power Co.
FOR SALE Only hotel in Butto
Falls, new and doing good busi
ness. Address G. W. II. Albert,
Butto Foils, Or. 174
FOR SALE Any one contemplating
chnngo to Oakland, Cal.: I have ono
lot with two houses in East Oak
land, actual cost to owner $3800;
$1300 still to pay, at $30 per month,
income $20 monthly, rented; 'will
exchange equity for small ranch
nenr Phoenix or property in Med
ford or Ashlnnd. Address Box 10,
enro of Mnil Tribune office. 174
FOR SALE By owner, 100x215 ft.,
North Central, wntcr, sower nnd
pavement; $1000 will handle. 521
W. Hnmilton. Phono 2155. 150
FOR SALE Do you wnnt n good,
lnrgo residence lot, cheap, one
block from pavement? I expect to
lenvo town nud will sell for cash or
terms to suit customer. "Bluo,"
enre Mail Tribune. 154
FOR SALE By owner, high east
front lot, 50x175, 100 feet from
pavement, North, Central; $500,
terms. 521 W. Hamilton. Phono
2-155. 150
FOR SALE Fourteen building lots,
close in. nt bargain. Inquire Louvre
Cafe. 157
FOR SALE Good lot, 00x125, in
Walnut Park nddition, $350; terms
to suit purchaser. Address Box 5G,
caro Mnil Tribune office. tf
FOR SALE Splendid lot on Central
nve., close in, $1000 for quick sale.
Bittnor. Phipps bldg. tf
FOR SALE Between Fourth nnd
Second ste., eight high, level lots,
51x100 food; sower nnd wator;
price $2400, $1100 will handlo; this
in a snap. Address P. O. box 172
FOR SALE Light work team, har
ness and buckbonrd'.vn bargain. In
nniro Isis theater. 154
FOR SALE Two brood mnres.
cheap. Address 502 N. Court. 154
yoar-old nll-purposo golding, broko
singlo; will sell or exchnngo for a
good brood mare. W. B. Harris, 132
North Ivy st. 154
FOR SALE Firt-eln8s moving pic
ture machine with Mciooptieou, 52
slidos. 300 feet film. Address Box
25. enro lail Tribuno office. 12
FOR SALE 5-pnssongor nutomobilo
in first-class shopo; will tako part
in trndo. P. O. Box 412. 154
FOR SALE Tho board, of direotors
of Sohool District No. 49 will con
sider bids for the snlo of tho Wash
ington school property; all bids to
bo filed with tho clerk by 4 p. m.
October 1, 1910. Doseription: 150
foot on 7th st, -100 foot on Laurel,
150 foot along 8th nnd running
thonco north 104 foot, nnd thenco
oust 122 fout to Oakdnlo, and thonco
over 300 foot north nlong Onkdalo
to 7th stroot, in city of Medford.
Tenus: Cash on tho dnto of dolivory
of tho property Juno 1, 1911, with
proporly scoured uontrnct givon
when snlo is awarded, Bonrd ro
servos tho right to rojoot nny nnd
nil bids. Oris Crawford, olerk. 153
FOR SALE Now punching bag, In
perfect Condition; nlso a t olograph
instrument, comploto with battor
ios. N. Dm jrnil Trihuno. 155
FOR SALE I nm prepared to furn
ish wintor supplies of firo wood in
onk, fir rind piuo't stovowood nnd
four-foot longths. F. Osenhruggo,
phono 1941. 401 Riverside nvonuo
ads nro "claassificd."
offers and quests to wado through t
awaiting them tho wnnt ads arc
a Word
FOR SALE At n bargain, entire
grading outfit, consisting of 24
head of horses and mules, harness,
Mven wagons, 4 tents, 10x18, 8
Fresnos, 100 blankets, full set of
blacksmith tools for grading camp,
4 No. 2 Wheelers, 3 plows, 15 set
of double and single trees extra;
also a lot of miscellaneous tools for
uso in grading; entire outfit can be
seen at Eagle Point Call on or ad
dress George Powel, care of Jnck
son plnce. Eagle Point. Or. 154
FOR SALE Household goods and a
good piano; also buggy and har
ness. Inauiro at 022 W. 2d st 153
FOIt SALE Legal Diansa or all
kinds trespass and other notices,
at Malt Tribune office.
FOR SALE One hundred angora
goats, clicnp; must bo sold ut once.
J. A. Westcrlnnd, phone Main 3371.
FOR SALB Chandler & Price GKR
don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inquire Hall Tribune office.
FOR SALE Plncer clnim, 60 acres,
ditch, reservoirs, small house, good
land; Jacksonville 8 miles; price
right Address V. A. Springford,
Jacksonville, Or. 159
FHiTiifthed Rooms.
FOR RENT Room and board for
man and wifo or 2 3'oung men in,
private family. 907 E. Mnin st. 153
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms
for housekeeping, 1 elegant furn
ished sleeping room, 1 four-stall
barn, all closo in, 113 Lnurcl st.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
transients. No. 10 North Grape
stroot, next to Farmers and Fruit
growers' bank. tf
FOR RENT Room, suitable for 2
ucntlemen, $1.50 por week. 1001
South Central. 153
FOR RENT Houso; furniture five
room house, complete, for sale. Ad
dress Box 20, Mail Tribune office.
FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold
mine; ton-stamp mill and concen
trator, all c-rorated by electric pow
oi. Owner will furnish free elec
tric power for share In proceeds. See
Smith, at Condor Water & Power
FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres
to .400 noros, nlfulfn land, f rait
ranches, garden lands, general
farming ranches. Gold Rny Realty
Co.. 216 West Mnin. tf
Situations Wanted.
FOR RENT Five -room house, city
wnlor. $10. 1111 N. Riverside. 153
WANTED Position as stcnogrnphor
and bookkecpor by lndv with four
years' oxpo'rience. Address M. O.
euro of Mni. Tribuno office. tf
Help Wantcd--Male.
WANTED A compotent ninn to tnko
genornl chnrgo "of 4Q-ncro penr or
chnrd in boaring. Apply by letter
nt onco, Box 50, cure of Mail Trib
uno office
WAN'JjBD Eixporlencea mtone cutter
and quarry man. Call at Condor
Wator and Powr Co'e. office.
WANTED PIvo buddora. Iloguo
River Va)ley Nursory Co., Inc., 26
West Main at., Medford. Or. tf
WANTED At once, enrpontors at
11th nnd Hamilton sts.
Help Wunted.
WANTED Lady to do mending nnd
ropniring. Phono Main 2102. If
WANTED Compotont woman for
genornl housework, two in family,
wngos $30, Addross Box 00, enro
Mnil Tribuno office tf
WANTED Good tonmstors who nro
fnmilinr with tho city; stondy em
ployment for good men. Big Pinos
Lumber Co. s
FIREPLACES built, brick work con
tracted for; comont clstorns built,
D. C. Cole, 730 South Central.
Help Wonted- Female.
WANTED A capable general house
work maid; ono used to sorvico. Ap
ply Mrs. C. H. GJaizo, 313 S. Grapo
street 154
WANTED Compotont girl for gen
eral houso work; small family; good
wages. Phono Main 3111. t
WANTED Baleomen la ererjr loeal
lty of the northwest; raosf? ad
vanced weekly; many make otoc
11000 month; choice of territory.
Taklma Valley Nursery Co., Top
penlah, Wash.
WANTED To purchase 1G0 acres
or moro of uncleared land at a prico
not to exceed $25 per acre; distance
from town no object if there is good
wagon road to land; no desert land
wanted. Address P. O. Box 702,
Medford, Or. 160
Room to Beat.
WANTED To rent or lease a fura
ished or unfurnished house, 10
rooms or more. Address -37 South
Ivy. Phone No. 2843.
WANTED To rent 5 or C-room
houso, modern or part, on street
with good sidewalk; no children.
Address "U." Mnil Tribune. 153
MUccItaDeo .
WANT to contract for clearing
about 30 acres, 4 miles from Med
ford. W. J. Hartzell, Dakota, and
Pork aves. 150
WANTED To borrow $1000 for one
to threo years, on first-class close
in property, worth $3000. Address
P. O. Box 702. Medford. Or. 160
WANTED To buy light one-horse
wagon, spcond-hand, with shafts.
Address Box 745. 153
WANTED Resident of Medford
having steady salaried position
wishes to buy house and lot on
easy terms; can trade in good lot
as first payment; balance monthly
payments. Answer at onco. Ad
dress B 4. enro of Mnil Tribune of
fice. 153
TO TRADE For Oregon property,
2GV acres, unimproved, in Dcs
Moines, la.; value $5000. and clear.
Address Box 111, care Mail Trib
une office. 155
Palm building.
A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA-
LEY Attornoys-at-law. No. 9 D
street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank build
ing, second floor.
Phipps bldg.
office. ;
1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128
North Grape street, every Thurs
day evening promptly at 8 o'clock.
All journeymen carpenters, as well
ns locnl members, urged to bo pres
ent. Business of vital interest to
all carpenters transacted at these
meetings. J. J. Soal. business agt.
NORMAN WINDER, architectural
draftsman and builder See me
about your now homo. I can savo
you money by planning to your
own ideas and figuring with you
right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med
ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main.
Phono Main 3471. Residonce phone
in room 206, Phipps bldg. Oan ad
ministered for extraction of teoth
TelepRone Main 341. Night phono
DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist
Office in rooms 203-204. Farmers'
& Fruitgrowers' bank feuildins
weRt of the tracks.
dertakers. Day phono 351. Night
phonos, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. F.
Butler 3571.
SING LEE hns sold his Inundry to
Wnh Loo Co., and hereafter it will
bo oonductod by Wnh Leo. Ho is
nn experienced man in tho busi
ness. ' -
Maokey and die with joy." Over
Allen & Reagan's store; entrance
on Seventh stroot.
ELLA M. GUANYAyT Pate Kioek.
Stenographic work 4m qwtcWy
and well.
Dement bMewalk.
stone mason, plaetenag M
kinds of stucco work. IKxjwrt wedt
manship at reasonable ekrra by
the day or contract. Addrwa Ma
sons. 511 E. 'Main Ht. Mtafgrd. Or.
James A. MacKanrie, dealer tet
new and second-hand xanutars
hardware, clothing, boots aacl.eheea.
Highest cash prices paid for g9L
cast-off clothing. Call and soa hm
when you have soaetbtnn te sell.
103 South Central.
Printers aad
best equipped job effie hi ttanta.
era Orejron; Portland yriass. J7
South Central wwm.
S. T. BROWN it m ITUlii i , Ci
gars aad Soft Drisks. XSp tks
Yew k Hall bwMiaff. A bmc,
eeol place to speed tha bat after.
344 Seat C st, Maafettf, On. ft.
W. Hisey, Mahtm. OffMsl bnHal
P. K, E. a.
city property. list ye
with sse. Only desirabla piasmly
handled. Room 262,
Bank bldg.
VERNE T. CANON-B Paciac ami
Distributor. All ordevs sggsapU
filled. Room 29, Jaekaoa Casattf
Bank baadkir. Medford, Or
Dealers ia
seekers' supplies.
VI 4DvvM KJUsfpV JVnaWBp
aad El PaleasM. 219 Ws4
Phoae 3732. ' Deaa 4 sliMaMw.
contracting painters, pmmtimi,
per hanging aad tktuHC. EstiiatM
on all kinds of paiatsaff wsdc
Medford, Or.
H. F. WILSON CO. sclera im
new and eecond-htad fmiattai'a
and hardware. Agents for iTaase
hold stoves and ranges. 16 SeuMb
Fir street. Phone Msin 31BT.
Corner 8th and Holly sta .Mad
ford. Missioa Furniture auuls to
order. Cabinet work of aH biwia:
A trial order solicited. " "
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cask stars
and ranges. New and sewoad hasii
furniture. Eada' old stand, IS W.
F st. South. Phone L Medftari.
are budded, not grafted. Oar i
is not irrigated. We iruaraataa m
erythkg put out We ara aei ia aba
trust H. B. PattersoB, affiaa as
moved to 116 East Main st.
SERY CO., Inc. Growers ef
grade nursery stock. .Offioa
W. Main. Tel. 1201.
Physicians and Sareeoas.
DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to
correct any defect of tho eye. Of
fico ovor Allen & Reagan's. Pbea
Main 1851.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Oppesito
Jackson County bank. Nurbt saa
promptly answered. Office ad
residence phone Main 3433.
tico limited to diseases of the eya,
ear, nose and throat. Temporary
car, noso and throat. Office 21ft
East Main st., over Medford Hard
ware Co.
cians and Surgeons, Taylor aa4
Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, tit..
Office phone 591, residence sheas
612. Office hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. av"
MAINS CARLOW Ostasgathaa
Physicians. Mission block. Pbeas
202. Medford.
Urlck Companies.
Priddy, O. D. Nagie, Osa. T.
O'Brien Contractors and bwum
facturcrs of brick; dealers ba
pressed brick and lias. Offise la
Postofflce block, roosa 5, PImhw
No. 1B1. w
Tla Sboss,
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tk
sheet iron ware on hand aad
to order, 128 North 9 St.