'j 6 s ZTZZ MJfiDJPORD ALA.IL TRIBHNE AOSDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910! It, I ' I Lainer of Uie I ;: Cavalry Br Gen. Chas. King Avthor f "Tho Colonel's baa&ter," "Foes in Ambush" 'tie. " - -c- 1 . CHAPTER IV. EYKH as Mrs. Sumter stroro to an Vsaro Mlra Arnold that n mill '""tary arrest was far moro por tentous In sound that In effect. BesuetMsg la Kate's determined allcnco and Miriam' Insistence added to the ffntt t tfeose rumors. Then asotber thing weighed heavily HnB tte braTe heart of this lovlns frk-Bd sad mother. Never bad she kaowa fer child to be so silent, so vtnuagc aow. Ever since Friday Blgtit ake seemed to avoid all mention f tb affair, to shrink from the sub-jft-t ah who bad erer been frankness Jtsotf, wbo had never bad a tfeoBftfet fce mother did not share. She mtmtA apprcnatd with some secret. Bat way should the situation so traBsaty affect her daughter? Could Jt tee ttat aae, too. cared for Bob La- Sbe was writing her reply to his jmi wan Maggie agala appeared. Two jrcatlesen to see the captain, mm.'' asd Mrs. Sumter hurriedly Messed the Bote and went below stairs to meet taem. Sbe knew well who "they were and why they had come. A branch office of the Rocky Mountain Detective agency had been maintained Je&g neatte at tbe great and growing railway station. They had been sura oaed by her husband, and that was OBORgB. They asked to be shown the room. with tbe storm battered dormer, by -this time emptied of its load of snow. JTTjey asked to see Miriam's desk. "3&ej smiled at the Idea of the pay sastcr being held up and robbed In Jnroad daylight by any gang In their neighborhood. "While they were yet at their work Acre came sounds of stamping feet t toe frost door, and In came Sumter, tiff from cold, but brimful of energy Toasa Scott and his clerk, at least." Jae cried. "Most dead and half frezen: ae driver's gone. 1 fear. He was Mowa or pitched off. The mules ran avway Before, the gale. Those Inside "aae- aajbalaace were helpless. Two aVupfjBd off behind and are lost The -MBg tealry capsized and went to jpitow, aad they managed to reach a Sttle cattle aback two miles south of 4awa. They've found Lanier's striker, tao-wbafa left of him." JBy tafa time Kate had come down- ""Hare taey found Bawdon?" she jMted fearfully. ' S. set aalgH of aim- any wberer "Is that tbe young fellow that those mmrgcaata save been bunting for?" flawed Gfie of the detectives. "We aaatBaged to find out about blm. He rma te tows as early as 3 o'clock Frl atay. aBd he left on No. 0 that night" "Do yea Baeaa to tell me." said Sum mer. gaBtag blankly at the speaker. tht he wasa't out here when this Jrtppcaed?" Net Baleas he bad wings! That araln leaves at ll:4a -AROther day went by. Major Scott amd Ida clerk, under Larrabee's skill 9al teach, were gradually regaining atrragta asd beginning to answer aawatloww, Tbe ambulance was cur tateed la even at the rear, through which the two scared troopers bad JB&saged to slip to their doom. Not astll the snows melted In tbe spring aad the contents of the ravines should he revealed was It likely they would he beard of again. The railway was jbUI! blocked. The wires were still dews. Fort Cashing stood Isolated from fee outer world, and no less than five Its garrison were absent and unac ceanted for. Tho two, men detailed to drtTc la with the paymaster, two. bac chanalians wbo. being In town when the literal broke, bad dured each other te face tbe gale and tramp our. and At JIU4VJI WAV IVVBf HAHiwni tetUr yevug: trqepej: nnn4 Cary, -wlto hat arrived with tbo name re writ iwt'rtwt breut;bt thorn Itiiwdon ud td Inmh en terma of frluudslilp, If set, iftfeed, of Intimacy, with him, Alvag toward dusk on Tuesday oth m CJUW-JKJiltig.Baiiadrop snt M. WM .. ...n 11tt.ll)H ' B iJ j4I i T J A uvnth r f" it afar down ' the vnlloy" baiTcoiuo back, reporting tlint the ambulance mules were found, huddled together, half starved and still half harnessed. In a log shack or shelter to which their instinct had guided them after their heels had made chopsticks of the run ning gear. The ambulance body was snowed under somewhere and no where In sight. The driver, a civilian employed In the quartermaster's de partment, bad totally disappeared. Scott, the paymaster: Thomas, his clerk, and Rarterty, Lanier's soldier servant, or "striker." as then calted. were still half dazed. One more unfortunate, the driver of Foster's sleigh, was In trouble. Not until two hours, after the danco had bo turned up with the missing equipage, a cock and bull story, and n caso of what the corporal called "Jag." Ho swore that, having got chilled through, waiting, he Just thought to get ono hot whisky at the store. Sentry No. 0 said he'd mind the team while tho driver went In. and the nest thing ho knew "they'd run'd away, hell for leather," and he. their driver, bad to follow two miles tn Flint's roch. ilose to town, wher be "might have tskcu a nip or two more." It was his first offense and Foster forgave. It should be remarked, however, that No. 0 declared that It was not be with whom tbe driver left the sleigh, but two "fellers" L e.. troopers who hap pened to be near the store. (To Be Couttauec',) STOMACH FEELS FINE. Two Mi-o-na Tablets Drive Away Distress From Stomach. Get n 50-cent box of iH-o-na tab lets at Chns. Strang's today and learn for voursclf how easy it is to put your out-of-order stomach perfect condition. in Mi-o-na stomach tablets give m- stant relief and do more. They build up tho stomach so auickly that in a fow days belchincr, sourness, heartburn, heaviness, bil iousness, headache and dizziness will disappear. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are guar anteed by Unas, btrang to euro in digestion and all stomach ills, or 'money back. "I have had trouble with my stom ach for two years. I tried every thinc I heard of. Mi-o-na stomach tablets did mo moro than ,$25 worth of good. They are the best in the world." Dennis Stephen, Couders port, Pa., February 1. Fifty cents for a large box of Mi- o-na at Chns. Strang's and druggists everywhere. Investors' Snaps. Don't be .slew: money talks. New six-room modern bungalow, three blocks from Washington school, pos session if desired or a cash tenant for ten months at $40; total amount $-100 deducted from price, $3800; terms. I am offered proposition in Illi-i nois valley which I intend to accept if I disposo of property. Will trade interest in four lots for good team, wagon and harness. Address 73, care Mail Tribune, or call Phone 4201. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received until Septem ber 20 construction of Crater Lake road on 2 1-7 miles of Pumice Hill, C miles south of Prospect. Apply to JEFF HEARD, E. B. WATERMAN, J. A. WESTERLTJND, Contract Committee Crater Lake Highway Commlselon. 157 RICHEST LAND IN THE WORLD In Tropical. Mexico. . You can see Jt at our expense before you buy. No irrigation or fertilization. Healthy climate. Perfect titles. Price S6.50 per acre. Easy terms. Local and county agents wanted. Liberal com missions. Write for illustrated book let. Mexico International Land Co., rirtland, Or. FLOOR LAYING A SPECIALTY. Mr. Contractor and Builder: Wo do all kinds of hardwood flooring, laying, scraping and polishing. We are agents for the celebrated Mosaic Tile Co,, and lay ti'lo floors, walls, hearths and mantles. AH work la strictly guaranteed. Wo make a spe cialty of scraping fir floors. T. G. Lowry, tho tlla and floor man. Res. 33C E. Cth street. Phone M. 3231. tf NOTICE. Notice is horoby given that we will apply to tho city council for n license to sell spirituous, vbiuous and mnlt liquors in less than gallon lots at our place of business, 12-13, block 20. 37 South Front street, in the city of Medford,' in Jnckson county, for n period of six months from date of issuance. 153. J. W. SL1NQER. Pope Pius Sufferinn. ROME, Sept, 15. A roport that Pope PiiiB is suffering from a hard ening of tho honrt arteries and from! gout, was circulated hero today. Al though tho report was denied at tho vutienn, it Borvcd to alarm the city. Hasklna for Health, A ntoro that always ndvortlses la supposed to always bnvo- somothlng spoclal and Important to otfor. FRUIT JARS "We can supply you with all sizes in Mason's and SCKRAM'S Self Sealing Glass Jars (tho best jars on the market and sold at the lowest prices) if you want the best, try one of theso brands. Fresh Meat Anything you wish that can be procured in tliis section may be had at this shop, and when you buy it here you can rest assured that it will not only be fat, tender and altogether perfect, but it will come from an absolutely sanitary shop. Warner Wormian 6 Gore Grocery Phone 286 Market Phone 281 E. Main, near Bartlett SAME OF DISHES If you are wishing for a beautiful set of dishes dishes that will give staisfactory wear dishes that will not cost too much you should call at this store and see the j VALUES we are offering in com plete sets, or you can buy the separate pieces. The savings will sur prise you. Come and see. Allin S Allin 132 West Main Street. ' Phone Main 2691 PORTLAND. OREGON A SplendM noardlni and 1) Hchool (or tuunu jnt(n Arir. Jiirin . Kxtciulr courMi la Oolleee. IIUli Hchool tui Com. usrrlcl work, Urninr yriuiM taoiilil to oj orrr II yMir.bvlioalniniil-(it. 13. 1U10. 1'kUloif btv, AUdrvM. IUV. JcwKru (Jallaoiieb.O. H. O., J'riw. OoLvtUiU. Uuiyznanj, Tobtlutd, Obhoom. NiHilfcaM Southern Dairy Co. Wholesalo and Retail Doal- ors in Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. If you have any sweet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 82 S. Cen tral or phone. u MTT,K ROUTE IN CONNECTION Store Phone Main 881. Ranch Phone Farmers 7183. Geo. W. Cherry Lawyer Titles and conveyancing a specialty. Room 30, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone Main 431. U. S. HOTEL BUTTE FALLS, Or. Ro-openod and will cater to the public. Auto and nunUng party din ners a Bpoclalty;' Patronaeo respoct fully solicited. MR. AND MRS. A. DUPRAV, Prop, and Mgr. Respectively. BULBS Exclusive Agency for Portland Seed Co. Medford Greenhouee Phone 3741 AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY 1010 Chalmers Dotroita. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Aledford, Or. Quick Sorvice. Easy Riding Prices RiRht. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONB MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cora. Roguo River Auto Co., Prank H. Hull. Prop., Medford. Or ATTEND COLLEGE. Arrango to attend tbe Bugeno Bus iness Collogo, md let ua got you a good position rhoa you graduate. En tor now. Send for our now cata loguo, 14 & Woflt Seventh street, Eugene, Orcton. tf RKAD SKPTKMBER BUNSBT. - i READ "ARIZONA THE 47TH STAR" By dovornor Richard B. Sloan, and "Fremont and the Bear Flag," by William SImpgoa, la Sunset for Sep tombor, now on sale at all news stands, 15 cent,' tf ALT, KINDS OP DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fjr and Pine, Buy your winter uupply now; nmsonublo prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO., 15 Almond st., or Room 31, J, C. Hank bldtf. Phone Main 4751. C T. Mori, Prop. J Building a Business is the most difficult task any man or sot of mon ovor undortook. It means kcoping on hand the best that tho market affords, soiling at fail prices, making good ovorything that proves unsatisfactory and try ing at all times to please. If a business is To Last it must bo handled earofully stocks must bo turned often fresh goods always on hand. Then a firm can hope to To Please Try us with an order and see if we can meet your approval. Allen & Reagan CENTRAL AND MAIN PHONE MAIN 2711 BREAD Try our Home Made, Fresh Bread. "Goodness and Purity" is our motto. Also Salads and Roast Meats ready cooked, at tho MEDFORD BAKERY 42 S. CENTRAL AVE. ""M-H-"---- -f -r f MRS. ED ANDREWS, VOICE CULTURE, AT NATAT0RIUM TUES DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3952. ' Jusft Published Mining Maps of Southwest ern Orogon and Northwostorn California, tthowinfr tho forest rosorvcH, survojod and unfliir voyed lund. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pass, Or. Price of Wall Maps, $2; Pookot Maps, $1.60. Pine Timber For Sale 3,700,000 feet oxtra IiIrIi grade noxt thing to sugar pine, will on 05 por cent strictly olear 2,000,000 foot first oluss yollow pino, will cut Q5 Por cont No, 2 shop and bettor. 1,500,000 foot fine larco red fir and ccdur. Plonty of wator, onsy to log, lovol roads. Inquire at Dorris Hardware Co, at Dorris, Siskiyou county, Ca'l. 157 T''' C' 'XvZTTi; ;S!iv'',3wv'v,J"''s''r'r'v vw If Your Neighbor Has Electric Light and you have not, just step into his houso some evening after dark and compare its light with your own. Study each point of conve .nience, cleanliness, clearness, beauty carefully, and then figure out for yourself if it would not pay you well to have your house wired for electric light at once. Elcctnc light today is cheaper and better than ever before, since the General Electric Com pany placed its MAZDA lamp on the mar ket. We have arranged to supply our cus tomers with the G.E. MAZDA lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give two to three times as much light as other lamps using the same current. If your house is located on nny of our dis tributing lines wo shall bo glad to advise you about naving it wired and will give you more facts about tho efficient electric lighting of your home. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ELECTRIC CO. FOR SALE $2600 will buy 160 acres in fine locality; 5 acres of bearing orchard, good buildings." It will pay you to in vestigate this. 70 ACRES 35 acres in fruit trees 1 year old; CO inches of water; Vn miles from town; all farming im plements, tools, etc., together with team of horses, go with place; good buildings. A bargain if handled by September 15. Al STOCK RANCH- 160 acres; Clear creek runs through place; good outside range; easy terms. Lot us show you tho Nickell Addition, where tho fine homes are being built. 428 ACRES Roguo River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpotual water right; has coal outcrop ping; at a bargain on long time, easy payments. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 216 WEST MAIN STREET. J. B. Wood, W. D. Foster, Sales Agents. Phone 1681. The finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Hotel Tolophone In Kvery lloom Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. Euriian Plan Medlord Conservatory For Music and Languages. Niitiitorium Building. Piano, Voice, Violin, Cello, etc. Registration bo gins September 26. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Moore i