Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 15, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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If Xi
Mt'MiiiiiH' iioiuir V Hturtiti itrif
T'xCMitt. ,lil AUtllti blltMIt, I'JiDllO ,.ll
tlttl AiiiUinon wns In MeMorc!
trom Ain'lPKnf" W'!:iiiHlf.y
, Throo-ncro Irnctn In Onlulalo Park
ndilltlon, $3400, OaUdalo Land In
voiitiiiont Co,, 314 Karniora' & Fruit
Kroworn' Hank lllg,' tf
Next Wotlnoiidny oovnliitf Ik tlio
ditto not for, tlio orj;iinlnitlon of tlio
liropuHud Unlviirnlty club. Tlio moot
Iiik will bo hold In tlio looiim of tlio
M ml ford C'oiiuiiorcltil club, It In ox
pooled tlint ovor 100 coIIoko men will
lie In uttondnuco.
NlKli-Krndo CIIiikh for jilclcUm, Lnto
Crawfordn, Kronen nnd prunes nil
wn. Main 4471. tf
OoorKO Hclinml of NiiIimhIui nnd It In
lirotlior llonry Bchniul of Illinois top
ltl off nt Medford Wodni'Hilny to
look ovor tlio vnlloy.
MoNdiitnoH Denny & Storm, dross-
nmkliiK, 32G Houth Hlvornldu. 1C0
Mrn. tloorgo l'ltcli, w'lio lmii boon
vImUIiik, M. l'lirdln, loft for bur homo
In Hun KrnnclHco Thursday.
Fred II. llopklnn, former owuor of
tno Snowy HiitUi orchard, In vlnltliiK
frlondH In Medford.
Fort Ilublnrd lonvos Thursday
ulKht for tlio utnto fnlr nt Saloin,
Ladles, If you havo nny hair to
sell or to ho inpdo. up Into fnnhlonn
litu coiffures, please brliiK It to Mn
4I01110 U, h. It on 1110, 240 North' Onk
dnlo. Darfrol Aorhnrt will leave for tho
University o WashlnKtnn nt Brittle
Snturdny morning,
Klvo-ncro trncta In Onkdalo Iark
Addition, $3000. Onkdnlo Innd In
ventmout Co., 214 Farmers & Fruit
Kroworn' Ilnnk bldK. tf
Arthur C Wolla of IMioblo la look
ing ovor tho vnlloy with an Idon of
Foiir-ncro irncts In Onkdnlo Park
Addition, $2700. Onkdnlo Land In
vestment Co., 214 Fnnnora' & Frult
Krowcnt' Ilnnk bldK. tf
A. C. Hubbard will return from
thu Mntu fnlr nt Bulom on Friday.
John II. Cnrkln, nltorLoy-nt-law,
ovor Jnckuon County Uank.
Loon II. IltiMkliiH Is In Portlnud on
Medford Collection Agency, 10
por cent chnrnod. Ovor Hurlburt'a
now atoro. ' tf
Honry C. Uuwllns of Onklnud, Cnl.,
la HpondltiK ft fow days In Medford.
' O. W. Ilnrnum & Co., contrnctora
und bulldora. Country work n spec
ialty. Ordora solicited. Inqulro at
Tho ToRBory.
HoborL Dow, dopnty Bhorlff, la In
Portlnud on IhihIiiohh.
Or. Clnrk 13. Saundora. Prnctlco
limited to oyo, enr, noao nnd throat.
Offlco over Medford Hnrdwnro Co.,
SIC 13. Mnln at. 1G4
Dee Hrndahnw spout Wednesday
ovonlnK In Medford.
Flno KIIiir ponchOH for salo. Call
up Fnrmora 7110. tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Oroon havo
returned from nu oxtondod visit In
Novndn, whoro Mr. Oroon hnB xoton
slvo iiilnliii; tntorosts.
Hnlf ncro lota In Onkdnlo Park nd
illtlon, $500. Onkdnlo Land Invest
ment Co., 214 Farmers' & Fruit
growers' Ilnnk bids. tf
MoadnmoH Donny & Storm, dross
iiinkliiK, 225 Houth Illvoraldo nvo.
Phono No. 38711. 150
Mrs. J, F. ltoddy Iiiih roturuod
from n trip to San FrnnclBco.
Jnmos Korahnw of EnKlo Point wna
n rocont vlaltor In Medford.
OoorKO n. Hondoraon of Jncksou
vlllo wna n visitor In Medford Thurs
day. Mrs. V. C. Ilrown hna nrrlvod to
join hor hiiBbiuid In this elty. Mr,
Ilrown la romioclod with tho Oregon
OrniiUo company.
John W. Bmlth of IOiikoiiu Is spond
ln n fow dnya In Medford. w
Lynn Purdin, editor of tho Contrnl
Point Olobo, wna u rocont vlBltor In
John V. MnnnliiK of Ashlnud spent
ThurHdny In thla city on lnialnoss.
Chnrlou F. Ojokb or Portlnud la In
tho vnlloy sookliiB 11 locution. Ho
wan c loaldont of tho tlion vlllugo
of" Medford 18 yonra hko nnd hna
ninny frlemla nmonK tho old timers.
Norman S. Williams of StorlliuJ la
spondlng fow dnya Jn thla city look
ing aftor business Intorosta,
K, II. Ilullock of Omnia Pns8 la
vlHltlim friends thla week lu Med
ford, City Kocordor Tolfor la conflnod
to hla homo by n aovoro nttn'ck of
tonallltls. In tho monutlmo Mrs. Tol
for la holding down tho Job in tho ro
cordor'B offlco.
Pr, nnd MrH. Kroiuor, pnronta of
(loorgo Kromor, tho Medfold rwil
oHtnto mini, mo vlBltlng their boh.
Jack Cary lonvoa for tho Univer
sity of Washington Friday ovonlng.
Ho will atop for n day or two at Ru
.Hoiio to vIhH filonda.
Xntlomil trf'tigm.
rinclnnntl 3, llrooklyn 4,
Pittsburg 4, Now York 3.
Hnrfon-Bt. Louis gnmo postponed
on account of rain.
Philadelphia C, Chicago 0.
Hocoud gnmo Philadelphia 2, Chi
cago D, f
Aiiiorlrmi Ix-aguo.
"Clovolnnd 8, Detroit D.
Chicago 1 J, Ht. LoiiIh 2,
(,'oaHt fA-ngiio.
Barrntnonto 2, Portland
Ban FrnnclHCo 0, Vomon 5.
Los Angeles 0, Onklnnd 3.
NorlliMCNtern Loagui.
Hoattlo (I, Tttcoma 3.
Bpoknno 0, Vancouver 1.
ProMldeiit Murphy of Culw, lionet cr,
ltcfiutOH to A (I inne Date.
CHICAGO, Sept, 16. President
Han Johnson of tho American league
la detorinlned that tho world's sorios
shall start before October 1G. John
sou Bays It would bo nn Injustice to
tho Philadelphia Athletics If tho Chi-
HmiiIIk!(iiii, Honoer, In Divided on
tlio Outcome.
BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. G, -Bportdom
la divided and talk of
another match already la In tho air
as tho result of lartt night's fight nt
tho" Oakland Wheelman's club be
tween Bnmmy Kellar nnd Jimmy Car
roll. Itoforoo Smith's vordlct In fa
vor of Kellar did not meet with ap
proval. A draw was what tho crowd
looked for.
Carroll had tho better of tho early
milling, but Kellar evened up nnd
wns coming strong nt the end. An
excited spectator floored Itoforoo
Smith with n swing to tho Jaw when
ho announced tho decision.
Petitions to Be Circulated for Sub
mission to Voters Question of Cro
atian County Fund for Distribu
tion Among All Districts.
Rural Districts May Unite for High
School Purposes and Draw Upon
FundSchools Free to All Hold
inn Eiflhth-Grade Diplomas.
Merrill CJrlffln Hurls One 110 Feet
nnd One Iinli.
JOLIKT, III., Sopt. 1G. A now
unofflclnl record for dlscua throwing
has boon set by Morrltt Griffin in an
athletic moot horo. Tho now mark
Is 140 feet 1 Inch. Though this
ahnttera tho old mark, it Is said to
day thut no offort to havo it rocog-
rngo-St. IxHils National leaguo gnmes m(jx,(, wI1 l)0 n)a(lo Tno reconj wn8
which would delay tho world's sorios,
nro not plnyed off earlier than thoy
are sched tiled.
President Charles W. Murphy or
tho Cubs refuocM to ndvnuco tho sc
ries on tho calendar so thoy will bo
tho Olympic games In London.
New Rules Iiiiproiciuont.
NI3W YORK. Sopt. 15. Ilollov
Ing that the roviscd rulos will uiako
football less dangerous than It has
been horotoforo, tho school hoard haB
announced that tho game will bo per
mitted In tho Now York schools his
season. Tho now rules, tho board
holds, have eliminated the objec
tionable features.
made In an unscheduled meet horo
I'ntiie to Xmv Orleans.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 15. John
ny Frayno and hla manager. Charllo
White, lenvo tonight for Now Or
leans, whoro Frnyno will tnko Owen
Mornn's plnco In a ten-round bout
with Harlem Tommy Murphy on Oc
tober 1.
lfope h. HIoskoii.
NEW YORK, Sopt. 15. Willlo
IIoppo today accepted George Slos
son's cbnllongo for 11 500-polnt match
nt 1S.1 bnlkllno. Tho match will bo
playcil In Now York Novombor 25.
SPOKANE, Wash., Sopt. 1G.
When shoun tho dispatch from Dov
erly this morning stating that tho
president had decided to rccognUo
tho progressives, Mites Polndaxtor,
progressive nominee for tho sonnto,
expressed his plennuro nt tho chnnga MaW Students From Medfori1 Th,s
of tho attitude on tho pnrt of tho ad-j
ministration. j
"I am very glad," said ho "that tho J
presiiieut is trying to nnrmomzo 1110
party. Of course, success cannot ho
achieved In discord nnd rocrlmlna-
tlou. Thu republican party la pro-,
gresslvo and will relieve Itself of
reactionary control.
Year Reception Given Younrj Men
and Women at Natatorium by Al
umni of Institution.
"Tho effort to stlflo Indopoudont
though nnd action by withholding
patronage wna foredoomed to fail
ure. Tho party will got together un
der progrosslvo leadership."
Tlio university of Oregon nt Eu-
. geno will open for the fall semester
I next Tuesday. Among tho Medford
students who will nttend Hint insti
tution this winter nre: Josio Itiley,
Leoln Eubnnks, Ruth Merrick,
Alethii Emeriok, Minnio Jackson,
Ernest Smith, II. Qorig und Vernon
TODAY TAFT REACHES Tho Oregon Agrietiltural eoltcco
HIS FIFTY-THIRD YEAR, will begin next Friduv. Medford
student who will bo in attendance
UEVERIjY. MiihH., Sopt. 15.- jut Corvnllis this school year are:
This in tho fHd birthdnv uiinivei-snry Kreil nnd Virgil Strung, Wnltor Mer
oL' William Hownid Tafl. No sporiek, Weston Hictlor, Harry Porter
eial celebration marked the dnv nt und E. Swartlioitt.
tlie president's cottngo. A fow of Tho O. A. C. nlumni nnd nelivo
liis cloHuat frietids called to jmv thoir tlulenl8 gnvo n, reooption to pros-
Tho 1909 aosslon of tho Oregon
legislature enacted a law providing
that when petitioned by 10 por cent
or moro of tho legal ichool voters of
nny county tho county court shall
submit to tho legal voters of tho
county nt tho next general election
tho question of creating a county
high school fund. If tho mcasuro
carries, tho county court shall pro
ceed to mako estimates and lovy n
tax upon all tho assessable property
of tho county sufficient to meet tho
requirements. Tho fund thus creat
ed Is apportioned 0 all school dis
tricts In tho county that shall main
tain high schools up to the standard
fixed by tho stato board of educa
tion, on tho basis of the average dally
attendance In tho high school. Forty
dollars per pupil Is apportioned for
tho first 20 pupils average dally at
tendance; $30 per pupil for tho sec
ond 20, and $12.50 per pupil for tho
remaining nurnbor.
For Jackson County.
In nccordanco with a resolution
passed by tho school board conven
tion of Jackson county, held at Cen
tral Point last November, tho fol
lowing committee has been appoint
ed to devise ways and means of sub
mitting this question to tho voters
of Jackson county at tho November,
1910, electien: Dr. R C. Kclsey,
Gold Hill, chairman; C. P. Briggs,
Butte Falls; Welborn Beoson, Talent;
B. F. Mulkoy, Jacksonville; F. A.
Hawk, Central Point; J. H. Cochran,
Medford, and G. G. Eubanks, Ash
land. This cotmnlttco mot at tho
call of the chairman In Medford July
20 and decided to namo a sub-com-tnittco
in each scshool district in tho
county, to whom blank petitions
should bo sent with tho request that
thoy bo circulated for signatures of
legal school voters, and returned to
Dr. Kclsey at Gold Hill, About COO
signatures nro required, but consider
able moro than that number should
bo sccurod.
Arguments In l"nor.
Every school district which nt pres
ent maintains a high school will bo
benefited, because it places behind
every high school In tho county all
tho vast undeveloped resources of tho
county, and rellovcs tho heavy bur
den of special district tax, under
which they arc at present maintain
Every small town which Is main
taining grades above tho eighth or
struggling to establish a high school
will bo benefited. An averago,dally
attendnnco of ten pupils lu tho high
school means $400 por year for the
school. A high school of 20 pupils
end ono teacher Is self-uupportlng.
Any number of districts in thickly
settled rural sections may unite for
high school purposes and'draw upon
this fund.
Every high school In the county
will bo free to every pupil In tho
county who holds an eighth grade
diploma. , -
Incentive for High Schools.
Tho law will be a great incentive
for tho establishment of high schools
in our small towns and rural sections
and a genet al urllft to the educa
tional system of the county.
Tho standard fixed by tho state
board of education Minbles thJ ama'l
school of two or three rooms to meet
the requirements
nil plan has l.een tried in Lane
and Linn counties and has proven
vd-y satisfactory.
Tho following table will illustrate
how tho law providing for a county
high school fund would havo operat
ed in Jackson county, had it been In
Torco during the school year of
High Grado Schools.
,$ 605,830
!VV 962.535
s 1
Griffin Creek
Central Point
Englo Point" .T..... 213,022
Agato .- .' 331,138
Talent 405,869
Medford " 2,961,556
Gold Hill t.. ". ... 357,522
Dally Apportionment
Attendance, of Fund
' 85
The assessed valuation of Jackson
county for tho year 1909 wns approx
imately $26,000,000.00." On this
valuation n tax of four tenths of a
mill on the dollar s produce $10,
400, or $1562 more than tho requir
ed nmount. In other words, a por
son who pays taxes on $1000 worth
of property would hnvo been requir
ed to contribute 40 cents to this
fund had tho law been In operation
during tho last school year. Under
this law tho attendance In the high
schools would bo materially lncreas-
ed for every high school In the coun
ty would bo free to every pupil In
tho county, but tho assessed valua
tion Is also Increasing from year to
yenr, so that tl 0 rato would proba
bly remain about tho same.
respuets. Tlio greater part of the
day wiih spout on tlio golf links.
Helen Tnfl, vho ltn been attend
ing collogo nt Hryu Mawr, will not
return to K-liool in tlio fall. Sho will
louiuiti in Wusliinctoii to iiMxint lier
mother in her Booiul duties.
I Too Late to Classify j
EOlt SALE Fin nit tire bale; putties
leaving- oily. Call nt 230 S. Iliver
slilu. - If
FOR RENT Modern fiiuiisliml
ropms with liutli. 001 W. 10th up
12 1 Kim: si. ,170
FOR SALE 800 eldokoiiH, DO pjp
UiHit pullets nnd laying lions; huild
iiiU nnd .125 worth oL wire fencing,
liorso nnd wugou and f tons of
liny und all tools, oto going with
ranch; ehonp rout 011 ground; one
inilo west of oity limits. Addross
It. It. If., euro Mail Tribune office.
FOR UHN'lW'Vnisliod rooms. 32fl
Riverside uvo. South. lf.r
WANTED Cook and gcnoml house
keeper. Address llox 18, Phoenix,
Or. lfi8
WANTED Situation, by a steailv
man with family, ns foreman on n
largo or small farm or yoiinsr orch
ard j mivnv yenis' experience; ron
uonnhlo tonus; firsl-olass work
innnship cunvnulocd. Aildro" Pon
12, Mnll Tribune office. IS I
pcelive pupils in tho privule dnnco-,
hull at the Nntntntiuin Wednesday
evening. The hall wns decorated in
O. A. C. colon. Nenilv one hundred
were ptosent.
(ConL'miod from pago 1)
Hon was an offort to rond thorn out
of tho party, and aftor It became
known tho disputes botweon tho two
factions hocamo moro bitter.
Signed by Norton.
Tho lottor wns signed by Charlos
D, Norton nnd wna ondorsod by tho
president. Politicians say tho lottor
is an nttompt to turn tho progres
siva nctlvltles Into a channel whoro
thoy will do tho most good. It Is
not announced to whom tho lottor
wns nddross'od, but It Is gonorally un
derstood that tho recipient Is a stnnd
pat congressman from Iowa.
"Tlfo proaldont directs mo to ox
presa to you nnd your frlonds tho
appreciation of tho work and pow
erful nsBlstunco oxtondod to tho ad
ministration from tho beginning, con
tributing much to tho loglslnllvo and
othop succoss of tho party. Tho pres
ident rocognlzos that your ottorts
woro wholly disinterested and thnt
you fought Btendllynnd gonorously
for what you bollovod his Intorosts
and the wolfnro and buccoss of tho
party. Whllo republican legislation
was ponding cortaln republicans woro
opposing It, and tho piesldout tolt It
his duty to party and tothocountry
to withhold patronage from cortaln
senators and congressmen who seom-
od opposod to the administration's J
otforts to carry out the promises of
tho party platform.
"Tho People Hate Spoken."
"That attitude, howoyor, ondod
with tho primary elections and nom
Inntlng conventions, whoro tho voters
had opportunity to declnro thorn-1
solves. The people havo spoken. I
"At tho party fall elections tho 1
question must be settled whether tho
differences of tho last session nro to.
bo perpetuated or forgotton.
"Tho president recognizes thnt In
cortaln cases tho expression of opin
ion has boon so bitter as to mako It
difficult In some Instances for tho
factions to come togothor and work
loyally for tho party. As statod In
his lotter to tho congressional cam
paign committee, he bellovos that
this enn bo done. Tho "president is
confident that you will meot local
conditions and state Issues In this
spirit and thnt yon will wrlto to your
frlonds and ask thom to do Ilkowlse.
Its Value i:aggorRted.
"Tho president fools that tho vnluo
of fodoral patronngo has boon groat
ly exaggerated. Tho refusal to grant
It probably has beoa more useful to
tho mon nffocted than tho appoint
ments would havo beon In, prelimin
ary skirmishes,
"In cortaln states, llkoj Wisconsin
and olsowhoro, tho prosldent hnB boon
willing, In tho Intorest of what tho
londora bollovod was party buccoss,
to mako cortaln discriminations, but
ho hnB concluded that It Is his duty
now to treat all republican congrosa
mon and senators allko. Without
distinction ho will now follow tho
usual rulo In republican congrosslon-
Should be bought only from
Combino tho knowledge leprosont
ed in diplomas from three gradu
ate com sos and ten years' oxpori
cneo, with a sturdy ambition to
grow, high quality, fair treatment
and roasomiblo prices lis a slo
gan nnd you hnvo the scorot of
my offioicnoy.
Over Kentner's, Medford.
al districts andnft7UOT"aTTdf allow
tho recommondatlous of congressmen
and aonators, no matter what thoir
Bhado of political opinion, only re
quiring that tho men recommended
bo of good character, compotont nnd
host fitted for tho particular offlco
to which they sook appointment."
Many republicans aro lncllnod to
consldor tho lottor a bid for tho lond
orshlp of tho progressives, and re
gard t as tho death knoll of stand
ASOHOOLHOUSE without a telephone
would seem strangely isolated in these
days of constant communication. Parents know
that the school is always within call and this
knowledge gives them a sense of security and
The Bell Telephone carries the same confi
dence into all, the relations of life. Your frienfk
are brought within reach of your voice! by the
universal service of the Bell System.
One great advantage of the Tell Telephone is
its readiness to serve yur sudden and unexpect
ed needs.
Every Bell Telephone is the Center of
the System.
Office 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
is booking orders now for early fall plant
ing. Don't delay in placing your ordar.
all stock guaranteed.
Office 116 Main Street
Diamonds. Watches and
at Lowest Prices. Every Article
Warranted as Represented
J. W. Diamond
115 East Main Medford, Or.
We make any kind and style of Windowa.
We carry Glass of any size on band.
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Orefon. X
Edward Charles Root