'WT GPPTWS. ' " T&t ' T-KJ ; tf, i '-A. r f, ' ' ,1T ' j. -. mfwf,1 A ' -i " ' . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER it, 10J0. vi 'M: Week Five New Yearly Subscribers Secures the Extra Ballots. You Can Qualify For the Valuable Prizes if You Will Try. ORGANIZATION OF FRIENDS IS STIMUALTING Everyone is Willing to Help the Active Worker The Larger Number of New Subscribers the Larger the Extra Ballots Will Be The Prizes ?m. CAPITAL PRIZE ONK FIVE-PASSENQEK TOURING AUTOMOBILE (WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN A PEW DAYS). GRAND PRIZES TWO $400 1'IANOS. TWO $100 DIAMOND KINGS. TWO BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIPS. TWO BEAUTIFUL LADIES' GOLD WATCHES. "Count that dny lout, vrhop.o huh, dcsrcudini; fust, Views from thy hand no bunch of ballotH cunt." From tlio LyricH of tho Content Editor. dibtbiot wo. i. Inclndt all tb territory In the city of Mcdrord. Mnl.rl liny. UQl V. Main 25,370 Mituilu Nlchola, 713 U Mnln.... 24,410 llorlhit Dnllny, S0K H. Ivy SJ.TkO lotto riynn. os v. Tnntli so.ieo May Jlnlluy, 610 8. Ontriil. . . . 10,710 Mnyttvllii JonM, llunitfly'rt More. 18,310 Minn Cruwforil. NtiHli drill 17,310 llnxi'llti Tier, :0ft N. Oiitrnl.,.. ic.xuo llcrillnii Jlcucomn. Trntli 1 16,100 Mnln lllvli, 2!J N. Court I&.UH0 fJTlrtuIti I'ny. 103 N. Ornpc... H.slO Mm, W. M. lor.l. l'ortlumt avo... lt',130 Mary Unttcl. U. Onkilitlu 11,170 Minn Aitilrtwa. 3S Itoonovell uvo. 13,740 i:vu Jiiiim Unboriic, t I Z Dnkilnlo. 12,070 May Htiolmnnii, 806 K. Taylor.. ll,7t)0 Kllu tiaunyaw, 137 N. CVntral... IO.jso Uuth Vim Dyke, 9 W. isili 9.S0O Myrtlf. Calhoun, 8 8. t.Vntrul., 8.M0 llcrnlca Canlr, 310 V, Jnckaon. x.luo Jernlillna Thitlmi, llpatlv nt H,130 Ada Hwlmlol. bib IS. I.lWty. .. . 7,980 Marlu Klfnrl, N. Kronl nt 7.130 Harriot l'nul, o:S V. 0th 7,130 I.Uflla Campbell. 714 W. 8tli.... 7,130 Nclllu Hlorm. 319 H. Central.... MHO MIdn Humphrey, Knitnor'M Mora 3,910 Aloim HnoilRraaH, Huo1'h aloro. 0,610 Vlnlln lliinilttnn, N. CVntral uvo. 6,140 Muuiln Ouult, Van Oyko'a aloro. fi,H70 JMIth crnnrni. M7 m, I'murui.. &,iiu Anna ivteraan. M. Holly. Mnutln I.I M if. I:. Mull) ... 4.9H0 4,'iSO 4,030 4.K30 4.13U 4.020 S.7C.0 3.10 3.710 3,700 3,300 3,100 s,:o 1,930 1,710 1.7H0 1,680 1,210 1,230 1,170 1,120 070 910 910 920 890 870 780 700 R10 660 Julia C. KlnlaYr, 710 K. Main... ,Ip mi In I'umly, H. Holly Jennlit DotlRp, 010 H. Onkdalo... Anna Jleroli217 H Ivy,.,..... r.lmlrn Wilson, diilrvlla Pnrlora llatttla Allru, 313 V. IOIIi...... llnxollr IlnKmlaln, H, Itlvoralilo. . Anna Hiultli, C20 H. Ivy .... Omen McCoy, 813 N. Control..., Mnnal Mickey, 330 H. Kir....... Nina Ilukcman, 21 V. 10th.... Mra. Clin. CliarloM. Kant Meilfonl Mary (lore. 429 H. Central. .., Nettle Ilartlny, I 12. 3d Knlil Hamilton, N. Contral..... Mary A. Hamvoll, H. O. I'rotluco. ):thrl Klfi-rl, N. Front Jomtln Cola. 70n N. Central.,.. Nottlo Hopklna, Oilelt liotel.. .. Mlllcciit lottnr, 14S N. Onkdnlo.. Ktlielyn MnwpH, 301 V. lltll,... Mary KlttrldK. 304 H. Oriipo.... Hula Jarotm, 122 H. Central,... Hnzelln Weloh. H. Ivy Mau1n Galnen. H. Ornrui i:fll.i llurch. 211 H. CottaKo a nice Offut, 140 N. Uraui Nettle lller, 203 H. Front Nollln nvnnn, Piiolflo Tel. Co.,.. Vora Htorey, 301 13. flth Not Good After September 25 1910 Th I Tribune Pipular Voting Conest This Ballot Counts for TEN Votes For , District No AddroHH Good for ton votoB when filled out and boiU to tho Contofit Dopnrt mont by mnil or olhorwiso on or boforo oxpirntion dnto. No bnllot will be nltorod in nny wny or transform! aftor boinj; rccuivod by tho Mail Tribiino. In ciiho of n tio, prizos of equal valuo will bo civon to each of tho cnntoHtnntfl tiod. Not Good After SPECIAL COUPON The Mail Tribune's Popular voting' Contest GOOD FOR 50 VOTES FOIt i DISTRICT ADDRESS Good for fifty voloa whon fillqd out und sont to tho Contest Do piu'ttuunt by mail or othorwlso on or boforo oxpirntion date. No ballot will bo altorod in nny way or transform! aflor beiiiK rocoivod b.v llio Mail Tribiino, In oaso of a lie, pi-lsos of equal valuo will bo given to oaoh of the contestants tiod. Kdtlu-r Murphy, 615 N. Kir...... 370 (llailyn lltnrtl, htu end II Main lio (Iruo llroun, 1221 W. Main.... too Itelircni Clintun. 101 H. Newtown 90 Mary neuter, .MontKotnery Co.. 80 Mary Payne, 136 N. Ilartlott. , .. 30 DIBTHICT NO. 2. Xnoladti all tarrttory ontiid city of Mdford. I'onii Ulrloh, Jnckmitivllle ..... 9,210 MujIm-Hi. I'eart. Central Point.. 8,900 Itheltn Holililnn, Woo.lvlllo 7,900 Haxelln CroKen, ANhlanil , 0,130 Kva NnrrroHK, Central Point.,.. 6,980 MaKk'ln laly, FjibIo Point 6.710 MImm Hollev, AHhlaml 4,920 Wlnnlfreil bnvlK, Anlilaud, 4,410 Pearl Ho, (Vntral Point 4,o:0 Mary Olmiu, Central Point 3,780 Minn Itowiimn, Anliland 3,110 llnxclle Welch, Jackminvllln.... 2.210 Ornco Htevena. Woodvlllo 2,180 Clara Kkyrnian. Trail , ,, 1,900 Donna Hader. I'iKln Point 1,910 Uertrudo Norton, JackMonvtllo... 1,820 Minn Mnorn, Anlilnnd 1,740 Vera Hkeen, Aahlan.l 1,010 innu vouantron, jnrKnonviuo. . . . l.r.iu Kdtia Nell, Axliland 1,470 Orlcolla Carnlhan, Talent 1,040 llomtlo Carter. Woodvllle 990 l.'nimn Wendt, Jnckonvlll. 920 Maybelle Parnnn)i, Anhlaud. ... 730 IlK'S Wllleta, PerrtHt . 720 Nannie WrlKlit. Kacln Point,... "10 l'nye llurcliell. Woodvlllo 690 I'rnnc.'H Hamilton. Axhlnnd 670 ICttii WllllauiM, Central Point.... 670 UladyK Miller, Woodvllle 660 Delia Miller. Trail 510 Alva Heott, Woodvlllo 4-5 Ank'y While, AMhland 440 lluliy Palmer, AMhland 390 DchhIo tlearliiK, WiwI'MU ... . 370 Marie Carnlhan, Talent t 330 Kleanor l'owcrn. Talent 340 Maybello Koncade, AMhland 230 Alherta Htaay. HeaKlo 230 MaKk'to Joneii, lleaitlo .... 190 Clara llhodoii, ANhlun I 180 Clrvnnel JackHon, 1-J.ikIo Point ,. 10 May Howe, Trail 120 llncello Warner, Trail . . . .. 110 Clarice Wilcox, Woodvlllo 90 Klla HtoleH. Woodvlllo. ......... 70 Myra Ankew, Ileaclii o arncit Colby, BrowiiMltoro 70 Flora Hhnfer. Hummervllle 70 Ireno Wllaon, Central Point 60 I.en MlddlebUMhel. Trail.. 20 May llanh, Anhland 20 Mlla Hall. llrowiiHboro 20 Mario OaKO. UeaBlo...., 0 September 1 7th. NOMINATION BLANK Writo plainly. It is ndvisablo to ubo this blnnk, but nominations can bo writton on any paper. Coupon is printed for convenience only. I Nominate Address Distriot No. As tho most popular candidate Signedr:.; ;..fc?M$(p . .. Address .... Dato Ench nomination sent in will county twenty voles if 6cnt to tho Mail Tribiino Contest Department. The Mail Tribune reserves tho right to reject any objectionable nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to the Mail Tribune with your name or tho name and address of your favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, but a good start means much. This blank can be usod ns often as desired for tho samo candidate, and ench and evory ono counts twenty. Tho namo of the party making the nomina tion will not bo divulged if bo desired. In case of a tic, prizes of equnl vnluo will be givon. NDIAN FIGHT Buffalo Bill Gives Vjvld Pictures of Pioneer Warfare Between Settlers and Aborigines Colonel Cody's Farewell Visit to the Coast. Tliot principal fcatttro with tho Wild West and Far East this season la a reproduction of tho Dattlo of Summit Sprlnes, ono of tho deciding conflicts In tho government's task of subduing tho rodskin. Colonel Wil liam P. Cody (Buffalo Hill) partic ipated In tho original battle on July 11, 1SC9, at Summit Springs, near tho western "bordor of Nobraslta. In this battle Chiot Tall Dull, who was In command of tho rcnegndo Indians, or "Dog Soldlors," as they woro call ed, was shot and ltlllod by Buffalo mil. This Important lucldont will, of courso, bo reproduced as n part of tho roallstio mimic battlo. General 12, A. Carr, who was In command of tho govornmont forces, General E. M. Hayes, General William P. Hall and other officers who participated In tho original conflict, nro still allvo and vlll bo impersonated In tho scene. Incidental to tho battlo will bo shown many Interesting foaturoo of Jndlnn Ufo; tho erection of an Indian vlllaro will bo doplcted, and Incldonts of Indian camp Ufo will bo faithfully doplcted. Tho attack by tho troops undor Gonoral Carr will coiiBtltuto a stirring scono and tho rigors of war will bo dramatically Illustrated. Tho battlo of Summit Springs, whllo tho chlof feature of tho exhibition, will by no moans con stitute tho only scono of western llfo. Thoro will alco bo tho Ovurland emi grant train and sottloro' trall-shlo camp, In wl-'ch scono thoro will bo blended tho ploosuros and pastimes of tho plalncmon with tho horrors of nn Indian attack upon tho wltltos. Tho threo big scenic features will bo of exceptional Intorost bocauso of their historic correctness, nnd bo causo of tholr valuo as ropllcas of scones takon from an ovontful pe riod In our nation's past. Tho ex hibitions of horsemanship by tho roughrldor contingent will form a novel and It foresting soction of tho program, and at ovory porformanco tho only and original Buffalo Bill will bo In tho saddlo directing tho on- tortniumont and participating thoro In, Contrnstlns with thoso plcturos of far wootorn llfo will bo seen an oriental display of goat boauty; a pagoantry of color and customs In strong contrast to tho strenuous scones nnd incldonts of tho Wild West, Incidental to tho Fnr East scono, and as spoclal foaturo thoro. of, Rossi's Musical olophnntu will bo noon In a brilliant ind truly wondor- ful exhibition of nnlnml training. This visit la rondorod Interesting ns the final appoaranco horo of Buf falo Bill. REPRODUCED in tho Mail Tribune Contest. PEDIGREES FOB APPLE TREES Tliorounhbred Stock to Be Register ed, the Same as Livestock Unique Innovation of Orchardlst in Yak ima District. 3- SPOKANE, Waslu "Sept". 15. Growing thoroughbred npple trees, to be registered tho same as livestock with pedigrees, is an innovation in Eastern Washington. II. M. Lichty, an orehnrdist in tho Ynkimn-Sunny-sido district, west of Spokane, has perfected n plnn to placo the scienco of growing commercial fruit of tho Inchest quality and color nnd uni form size upon n practical basis. Explaining his plan, Mr. Lichty said that in every thoroughly culti vated apple orchard thoro are trees wlpch stand out for yielding most of tho prizewinners nt national and state shows. Scions are takon from these nnd transferred to other trees by budding and grafting, thus rais ing the quality. Tho trees nro record ed upon an orchard plat, then regis tered and a pedigreo is issued to tho grower. "I do not claim that nil trees so crown will produce premium-winning fruit," ho added, "as that can not lie said of pedigreed livestock; but tho experience of tho foremost irrowcrs in the northwest and otlior parts of tho United Stntes nnd Can ada will show that a greater percent age of Iiich-grade trees is raisod by followiuc a common-sense system than b.v orcharding in tho old luui liazaM wny. My own oxperimonts prove thoro aro superior' strains of tho soveral varieties of standard ap plo trees." Professor W. S. Tliornbor. head of tho horticultural department at the Stnto of Washington college, Pull man, nnd growors in tho applo belts in. EnHtorp Washington ' apd else where, approve the Lichty plan, the former saying that tho products of healthy trees may bo improved liv budding nnd grafting from superior stock. lie added thoro is just much difference in apple trees of the same varioty as thoro is in horses of tho samo breed. Tho plan of regis tering trees nnd keeping a record ? yielding performances is also in dorsed. ZEPPELIN LOSES GREAT AIRSHIP THROUGH FIRE RERUN, Sept, 15. Count Zoppc lin's groat airship. Zoppolin VI, was destroyed by fire near Baden Na tion today. Tho airship was a dirigibjo of the Zeppolin typo and was ono of tho largest niroraft ever constructed. Occasionally wo moot n man whose train of thought reminds us of a row of flat cars. ' NUNAN-TAYLOR GO. Pioneer General Store Offer you this fall nnd winter better merchandise for your money than nny firm in Southern Oregon. Our goods aro entirely fresh, new nnd attractive. When in need of anything in our line call or write to ns. If we havo not tho articlo you wnnt, rest nssnrcd it's a pleas ure for us to get it for you. NUNAN-TAYLOR CO. JACKSONVILLE, OR. Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. In charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens September 6th. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. If "i !Sw Sj IjFJ ljrF MMIMIMHtM IHIH ( MM fc. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. BS32T1 PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable- COFFEEN L PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. The Big' Eye on Main St. shows where they grind glasses, fit glasses and repair glasses Dr. J. G. Goble Meciord FOR Only hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants oti Southorn Pacifio rail rond, lloRtio Rivor vnlloy, Newly rofumishod, pnperod, paintod oquipniont modorn; hnths, toilets, electric lights, hot nnd cold run ning water. Now doing husiness. CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 216 West Main St., Medford, Or. RESOLVE! Th best resolution for job to make is to come to na for yonr next suit, it yon want something ont of the ordinary. We do the best work ana chart r the lowest price. W. W. EIFERT sex Fxoax&urvx xatcok Phoue 303 Oregon RENT For tSale by MOOR-EHNI CO. 213 Fruitgrowers' BankBdg RANCH PROPERTY 10 acres bearing fruit, 1V& miles out $15,000 10 acres bearing fruitj good buildings, V2 miles out.... $15,000 2y2 acres truck, and berry land, water, buildings, 1 1-4 miles $2500 10 acres truck and berry iana, water nglits, barn .... $3750 Sy2 acres fruit, good build ings, tools and stock, close in $7000 20 acres all fruit, 10 bearing, a bargain $12,500 7 acres bearing fruit, good uuiiuujgs, o.y2 mutes out .... $9000 30 acres near Central Point, part bearing, good build ings, water, a bargain t $ie.ooo 240 acres best fruit land, part bearing, house and barn, 4 miles out, per acre $300 35 acres, all in fruit, build ings, spring, wells, stock, tools $17,500 40 acres near Central Point, fruit and alfalfa, worth $400 per acre $12,000 CITY PROPERTY 5-rom bungalow, moderii ... $2500 8-room house, 3-4 acre $1800 Fines residence lots on 8th St .. $500 to $700 6-room modern house $2700 5-rom modern cottage $2000 2-story house, lot 168x258, i $2000 5-room modern cottage $2100 Fine residence lots and dwellings in all parts of the city FERE INSURANCE, BEST COMPANIES CALL AT OFF ICE OR PHONE MAIN 2592 TIME This is truly kodak time.-; The leaves are beginning i to turn the smoke has about cleared away mak-'J mg it possible to get the choicest and most perfect pictures. Got a kodak andj keep the memory of your excursions for all time.f. You'll find tho work of dc-j veloping very fascinating"' and not at all difficult. "Wo handle all the nec-r cssavy supplies and a com plete lino of Kodaks, Pack Fill Oamoras, etc. PRICES REASONABLE Medford BooR Store ;5 If your advertising Is so unimpor tant thut It makes people suppose your store to bo unimportant -work bard to correct the Impression. A t t4 -( eN i v. 1 Haektas for Health, HasklnB for Health. riaskhiB for Mwilth. i tf x HwLkiriMJkM