: 2 MEDFORD MAIL BBDMflW, MEDPQRD, OREGON THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1910. PENDLETON TO HAVE ROUND-UP SffiR f i Ar i A .51 V , i u ttr fy ! i Ui. ? ire, Eagle Point Eaglets Mr A. C. Ilowlctt. Our school commenced Monday norning, but I havo not boon nblo to learn the number enrolled. Charley Wolgatnott, who has been -working on Sir. Stewart's house, quit Monday evening on Account of not feeling -well. Tho P. & E. Railroad company : started tho steam shovel again this morning and tho crew arc ballasting the track getting ready for busi- JQCSS. gono onto tho place and are plnn ning to fence it, dig a well and make nt their homo. Mr. Pflyer has come to do tho manual labor act. Last Sunday morning our depot looked all camo Chicago. Tho main lino was full or cars for quite a dis tance 'and the side track seemed to bo full of cars'. Thirteen passenger coaches, baggage cars, express cars land tho locomotives whistling, the Wild Horso Races anil Broncho Busting Features of Unique Show Planned by Eastern Orcflon City Larjie Purses Hung Up. BERKELEY, Cal.. Sept. 15. Tho wild horso race Is an event which Mrs. Scott Bruico of Dudley camo out on the Englo Point and Peyton Btago Tuesday eve to remain a few days. Sho and her husband are guests at tho Sunnysidc hotel. Mrs. Harry Spencer came out Sat urday on tho stage from Dudloy and exiects td roturn tomorrow, Wed nesday. Mr. Kelso will take up the winter supplies for tho family. Saturday evening Messrs. Biggs and Baker of Butte Falls came out frtlra Medford and spent the night nt the 'Sunnyside and Sunday morning jour correspondent took them home. Edward M. Babcock and his brother, Clyde, of Cottage Grorc, Or., near Eugene, -were guests at the Sunnyside Sunday night. They were distributing books that they had re ceived subscriptions for. The people coming in from the mountains, where tho fire and sol diers were, speak in tho highest terms of their work and gentlcmnnlv deportment, and the people of Eagle Point were more than pleased with their company whila here. Mrs. George West came out Sat urday and her and Mrs. Spencer iave been tho guests of Mrs. How fctt Mrs. West leaves Wednesday on the Eagle Point-Prospect stage for Prospect to join her husband. who is stationed in thnt ncighbor iood ns one of the forest rangers. Mrs. A. Dregt of Portland and P. J. Pflyer, also of Portland, arrived Sunday by private conveyance from Vcdford to take charge of a tract f land thnt Mr. Wilson sold to Mr. Drect on Enele Hciirhts. Thev have bells ringing, men running too and fro, made us think that Eagle Point was indeed something more than a little village way back in tho hills. The cause of all this stir was the departure of the soldiers from among us. They had beeu back in the for ests fighting fire and having got through with the work assigned thorn, were on the ove of their de parture, but before they left the youug people ot fcagle Point gave them a dance in the Daley hall. I understand thnt there were about 40 ladies present and they report hav ing had a fine time. Monday morning I took a lady by the namo of Stanley up to Maney's camp on Rceso creek, and on my re turn found Mr. and Mrs. Thomnson, Mrs. Beck and a youug muu all anxious to go to Medford before train time, so I took another team and went to Medford that evening. Tuesday morning had to go to the train for a load of supplies to go to Wolfcrs tomato garden for toma toes. On my return I found Mr. Macdonald, his sister. Miss Lena, and Miss E. M. Coggins of Medford waiting for me to tako them up to the long bridge on the P. & E.; got a fresh team and went up there, and while there took a stroll across the bridge to where they are pujting nn othcr bridge, and they have the pile driver working on another about half a-mile farther on; found the men busy at work nnd doing good work. The bridge looks like a good structure and strong enough to bear up all the weight thev can nut on it. tho ordinary Individual passes through lifo without seeing. Any raco Is exciting to a certain extent, but as a thrill producer, tho wild horso raco must bo classed ns tho superlative without a rival worthy tho namo. Be- cauBo ot tho peculiar character ot this race, tho Round-up which will bo hold In Poudloton September 29 nnd SO and Octobor 1, is being awaited with considerable eagerness by lovers ot things wild, for theso events aro prominent features ot this wild west show. For a successful wild horso raco, a largo number ot untamable bron chos is a necessity and this need has been amply supplied for tho first northwest exhibition from tho ranges of tho entire west. Theso horses will bo drawn for by different expert rid ers and at a given signnl tho men will saddle, mount and attempt to forco their kicking, bucking steeds around tho courso to tho finish. As horses of thl9 character gener ally enter strenuous objections to go ing in any direction other than straight up, a scene ot wild excite ment is sure to follow. Thoro will bo about 30 entries for theso races as a handsome purse has been hung up by tho frontier association. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ST. CLAIR AND MONARCH RANGES. Important to all who contemplate HOUSE FURNISHING The house thnt iniulo It possible to buy Hoimo furnishings at reasonable pHcoh f r 'if ", a . a Great Removal Sale IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND COMPARE PRICES BEFORE BUYING. $25,000 STOCK of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Ranges, Stoves .' ? . . Heaters, etc. Now on sale without reserve. Every article reduced y s Central Point Items Some frost was noticed Wednesday morning, but not enough to hurt. The Central Point State bank has been made adeposltory for Jackson county. Clifford Ames of Fair Play, Col., Is .visiting friends In tho Rogue River Talley. The children of Joo Boswell are enjoying an attack of "Insurgent" measles. All are getting along nicely, however. C. M. White of Goldondalo, Wash., la here getting pointers on apple cul ture. Mr. White is putting out a large apple grove near Goldendalo. Tho "Texas Ranger," which held the boards at the local opera house, -was the best ot the kind we havo had in some time. Central Point don't often get a better show. C. J. and William Barrett of Te. aino. Wash., accompanied by their families, passed through this place Wednesday in prairio schooner style. They are looking for land for stock farming. Tho Moon Lumber company Is do ing the largest business In its his tory. This is one of the evidences of the vast amount of building going on in the vicinity ot Central Point. Tho camp meeting being conducted by the Free Methodist denomination is being well attended. The meeting follows too closely on the heels ot 'the Johnson revival to hopo for any great number ot conversions. Rev. T. J. Hazelton has finished a strenuous but pleasant year as pas tor of the M. E. church at this point and will go next Monday to Hlllsboro to attend the annual conference ot his church. There Is but little doubt but ho will bo returned to Central Point for another year. COURT? USE NEWa iZSZZzzr Table Rock Items The long dolayed rain has como and everyouo is rejoicing. Apple picking will soon be In prog ress at tho Table Rock orchard. Miss Vlo Thompson left last week to teach a fall term of school. Mr? Vilas and Mr, Church of the of ranch were In Table RockSun day. Mrs. Charles Foster of Ayers Spur Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. S. C. Collins. Mrs. P. Jones pf Portland Is here to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Washburn. J. C. Pendleton Is having an addi tion built on his house, E. O. Bessell ot Medford doing tho work. Professor Davis opened school Mon day in tho now school building with 19 'pupils In attendance. ' Mrs. Mary Ilackness arrived a few days ago from Iowa and is visiting with her brother, W. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Collins have taken a new boarder. She arrived Sunday night and weighs about ten pounds. The new schoolhouse was com- ploted last week and accepted by the school board. Now wo need a boll to make tho building complete. The Tresham threshing outfit went .through hero Tuesday, return ing from their fall run. They ro port the grain crop good in tho val ley. H. F. Flndlay returned from Now York city a fow days ago, where he has been visiting with relatives since last May. He has beon spending a few days with his friends hero, S, D. Carpenter and family, who has been foreman for Flndlay and Finch for the last year, left for north ern California Monday. They will visit among relatives tor some time. Real Estate Transfers. G. C. Gregory to T. J. Ellltt, GO acres A. W. Clemens to Wayne Loe vor, 43 acres Charles G. Seaman to Martha Seaman, Woodvllio prop- orty Pearl A. Storm to J. E. Ayl ward, 3 lots In Ashland... Jessie M. Palm to Walter S. Brann, 1C0.9G acres .... ' Edward E. Ash to W. S. Brown ICO acres .' O. H, Hopkins to Helen L. "Haskins, property In Med ford 113 feet by 132 feet B. F. Benson to D. S. Wood, lot In Mountain View addi tion United States of America tq Harry T. Flndley, ICO acres May Dora Harbaugh to W. W. Glasgow, 57.50 acres .... W. W. Glaogow to John S. Frame, 57.50 acres James N. Cornutt to J. O. Isaacson, lot In Central Point Ben Beall to J. N. Cornutt, lot In Central Point J. N. Cornutt to J. O. Isaacson, lot in Central Point Myrtle M. Harris to James Campbell, 4 lots in Gold Hill ..'. B. F. Benson to Frank Harold, Watson, lot In Woodlawn Holght8 of Medford ..,. D. E. Comb to O. J. Stone, 50 acres Thomas J. Elliott to Freder ick W. Combs, 50 acres . . Frederick W. Combs to David E. Combs, 50 acres EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR STICKLEY BROS.' ARTS & CRAFTS -FURNITURE. Sanfonl 9x12 extra quality Ax mipBtor Hubs, regular price $30, snio prico $22.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 0x12, on salo nt from $10 to $25.00 Hood Rockers on snlo at a saving to you of ONE-THIRD All Ranges and Heaters now on salo nt prices that tmyo you,. ONE-THIRD All other lines proportionately low. Cum&it& EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR SANF0RD & SONS CARPETS AND RUGS. 10 10 1 -0 10 10 10 patent 6000 9000 225 10 225 10 205 10 10 10 "Outside tho fira llmb, but Inside on prices" Mi Telephone Main 14m . Wet Midn St. Cor. of Lurl Next to WftthlngtoH Behoof 6IR L ELOPER SUBHCRSElfj Thlrteen-Year-0!d Miss Commits Suicide Rather Than Go Back J Home After Eloping With Lover,' Who Tells Story on Witness Stand ASHLAND Circuit Court. W. R. Eubank vs. W. E. Johnson and S. S. Howard; dismissed, Jacob Oleson vs. Eli A. Child; dismissed. Elyna M. Blowers vs. Maudo Hal ley; action for mon; judgment for plaintiff. El Poso National bank of Colora do Springs vs. N. II. Walker; to fore close mortgage; by default. L. E. Hoover vs. A. D, Helms; verdict for defendant. Jacksonville Notes Chief Shearer of the Medford po lice camo up on the noon train yes terday and transacted business at the eourthouso. Mayor T. T. Shaw aud wife aro away enjoying a fow days' vacation. Bob Dow is in Portland on busi- BOSS. Drs, Router nnd Heater went to the Applegate rivor for a few days' .fishing today. They wore driven over In Dr. Router's new locomo bile by his mechanician. Tho 'rain which foil Monday night sent more ambitious huntors to tho hills. We havo neither heard any boasts or seen any venison, however. This is apparently a very quiet term of court. Thoro aro not so many strange faces In town as usual, and tho courtyard is not' quite filled with autos. THREE POLICE VICTIMS BEFORE JUDGE CANON Mayor Canon find three culprits before him in the mcetinir of tho mu nicipal court Wednesday. J. Young, who had been picked up whilo bee elaff dn tho streets, was put to grad inir for the I'. & E. T. Marshall, who had been caught hcKu'uit;, nlbo was found with $12 on his person, so was relieved of $5 of tho sum by the mayor this morning. William Mov ers, tho third victim of Jho police; was charcod with shouting on the streets whilo in a Hcmi-drunken state. Tho mayor fined him $5 and put him to work alongside of J. Younk with tho grading gang. ALEXANDRIA, Va Sept. 13. When the inquest over the body of Ethel Pierce, 13, who committed sui cide, is held, William Firth, Jr., mar ried and the father of a family, will toll on tho witness stand of his love for tho litttlo girl, thoir elopement and hor trade end wheu they were about to be separated. Firth is a railroad station agent nt Chostor. Pa. Ho had known Ethel since sho was n baby, and, according to his statcmont, frequently told her somo day that ho would steal hor. "A week oc-o." ho said todav. toll ing tho story of tho olonement. "wo arranged to go awny together. Mon day night sho caliod mo over tho telephone nnd told mo she wns ready to gp. Wo wero going into Mexico, thenco to San Francisco and the Orient. When the couple reached Alexan dria they took npnrtmonts ut tho Hotel Rnmmol. Chief of Policn Goods traced thorn to tho hotel, and when thuv rcfuwed to unlock tho door ho broke into (ho room. As tho officer forced liiu wav into tho apartment Miss Pierce shot her self through tho head with a revol ver she drow from a handbag. Sho died almost instantly. In tho hand bag was found in vorsc; scribbled in a childish hand, nnd on n scrap of paper; "Dearest dear, night's shades aro softly falling; Tho golden sun is sinking in the west. 'Tis then for you ,my heart is cnll- HJK Yearning, yearning for tho one I love tho bost." DISSOLUTION NOTIB. Notlco Is horoby given that tho firm of Hutu & Peck Iiob beon dls sqlved. AH bills aro dud and paya ble at tho market. ICH HUTH & PECK. Ashland, Oregon Swedonburg Block This is the school thai will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and IIolp you to a Position. Bookkeeping, Shorthand and English Secure your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho large commercial centers. NO BETTER SOHOOIi ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE P. RITNER, A. M., President. Pall Term Commences September 12th. J. E. ENYART. President. J A. PEItltY. Vico-Prosidont. JOHN S. ORTH, Cnshior. W, B. JACKSON, Ahh'I Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. ' , , , . . Prepares young people for bookkeeper, stonogrnphors, corrospoudontH tfnd general office work. Tho development of (ho Nprlhwost will nfford openings for thousands in tho noxt fow yonm. Proparo now. Bend for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, Principal. SALEM, OREGON. Haskins for health. "To wasto Is an offonso," so sell those second hand things you've cons- od to usho. Such salos nro "want ad business." In writing an ad about that furn ishod room you havo to rent say, in a convincing wny, just what you'd what it was like, "and all about it." This Advertise ment would not appear unless tho property I quote be low was priced far be low its real value, for it would only bo a wasto of monoy, your time and mine, but let mo toll you that theso aro actual' money makers: ' 40 acres; 10 acres in fruit; no buildings; six miles from Medford, on good road; prico $7000, if taken before Octo ber 1st. 80 acres free soil; two thirds cleared; close in; a real bargain at $90.00 an acre; will considor taking half interest in above, and dovelop it; 200 per cont profit. Phone or call on W. E. Whiteside "Por a Square Doal" Central Point, 0rogon Jp', - Ji .Mftfc Jfet" " ""I I -4Te..ittUfc , igT