?. .. 1 MJSDJPORD MAIL TJUBUNE, MEDffORD. ORI-IOON, WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 1-1, 1910. EZ2 4i IHMMI M I Lainer of the Cavalry By I Gen. Chas. King Author of "Tho Colonel's ! DnuRhtor," "Foes in Ambush," ; I etc. "WbVluo Bern's that?"" "Cotporal Cassldy. sir. Tho post sur geon told mo to bring No. 5 in hero and thaw him out" Nut by this time Mr. Lanier himself appeared In the ball "Well, I should Bfl.v! Come right in here, you two. Full off your gloves and get out of tboHc caps and things. Man alive" thl to No. 6 "why didn't you come beforer This Is no time to stand on ceremony or stay on post either. My striker's stormbound somewhere. I'd Kelp you If 1 could, but I can't Help yourselves now ,best you can. Rub and kick all you want to; dance it it'll larm you." And all the time ho was crowding them up about a roaring store, where presently he made them sit while he bustled about at a buffet te the adjoining room. "You'll bare to kelp me, corporal," presently be cried. Ope hand can't mix and pour and Mft There's sugar, there's hot water en the stove, there's glasses and hero's whisky. Mix it hot, and down with ttr After which they were gone, rejoic ing in their new found strength, yet reaching the nearest barracks, only after a severe struggle and. later still, the crowded, suffocating guardroom, where now some thirty men were hud 41ed in a space Intended for twenty at most, where Cassldy and No. 5 were speedily telling to eager, appreciative ears their unusual and rejolcefu! ex perience. ; "Well, ain't he the dandy lieutenant though?" queried Casey of F troop. And did he give you yer new cap. too, Qulnlan? Sure the wan you starched on wid had the manger Cassldy snatched It from his com rade's head. "Mother av Moses! If he hasn't lifted the lieutenant's" But he broke off short. One glance be bad given the band within. There was an testa ot of indecision, then he whipped his own cap from his head and thrust It on Qulnlan. "I'm a liar," he said. "It's me own he's had." "Then yon wear two sizes, Jim Cas sldy. an' both different" Qulnlan bad polled the headpiece down and was staring in at the soft lining. "What's this?" he began, when the corporal's topers closed like a vise on his arm. "Shut up, Qulnlan! The whisky's one to yer noddle. Come here!"- And Cassldy led him. wondering, to the tarred corridor without and slammed the door behind them. "Not a word do you whisper of this to any man. Pal Quintan." said he, never relaxing his rasp. "God helps those who help them selves." quoth Lieutenant Blake on acaring of the Incident at Lanier's quarters, "but God help those who help sther fellows, unless the old man likes It" Blake was but a casual at Fvrt Cushlng at the moment summoned thither as a witness before a general court martial then in session, but there wax nothing casual In his friendship for Bob Lanier. Two years' campaign- J lng In Arizona and one in Wyoming had made these subalterns fast friends. Blake was no pet of the post com mander. Blake bad a way of saying satirical things of seniors whom be did sot fancy, and Button was one of these. About the only offleer not to put In an appearance In the club room at the store the next morning, out of doors. afoot, in saddle or adrift In snow, was Lieutenant Lanier. About the llrst officer Button wished to sec was Bob and about the last wus Bluku. Yet such was the freaklslmess of fate that the first man to hull him. with ill time vjocularlty. was Itluke. and tho lust of Mm oiflcers -whom he wus destined that day to set eyes on wus Bob Lunlcr. If It had not been for the tiinllns announcement about the paymaster Colonel Button would have fotfcht thdt matter out with the doctor then and there. First, however, he hud to send forth his mounted men by score In search of the missing ollicer and party. This done, he hud nucc more summoned Schuchnrdt- Then he sent for Eunls and hud what they termed u "rcdhot row." In his exasperated frame of mind 'Button had been reudy to believe nl" most any story at the expense of La nier, and such Is the perversity of human nature It mlded to rather than diminished his wrath that his revered senior surgeon should promptly cor roborate the statements of both .Schu chnrdt and Knnls und further uk.su me personal and entire responsibility for' the episode of Saturday uf tension In Lanier's quarters. That episode had started many a tongue, tn "" of .Button's henchmen, thinking to win favor at the fountain head by mention ,of new Iniquity on the part of the culprit, had deftly cnlurged upon It. gnnflle, of course, was the fellow nt fault and bo Justified it on tho plea that Lanier was demoralizing two men of bis troop. The story he told was that Lanier bad been carousing at his .quarters with certain enlisted mem bers of the guard. Nor had Sumter himself much time for domestic duties beforo the order came for him and his troop to turn out to aid In the search. Mrs, Sumter had not half finished what she had to say concerning Mir iam when tho summons en me that called the captain forth to Join the searching squadron, but he had heard taoughto .Increase the anxiety lu jls I fine, soldierly race, lie went up with Mrs. Sumter and looked critically over the damage to tho window In what had been Miriam's room. She had moved per force to the front to Kath crlno's room Saturday night, for to ward sunset the storm sash was torn out of tho north dormer, and tho win dow blow In with n crash. It was easy to see how and why tho storm sash had failed to withstand tho buffeting. In his frantic haste and panicky flight the intruder of Friday night had wrenched a hinge from Its fastening. Tho sash had sagged at tho windward end, and the rest was easy for rudo Boreas. "That sash is probably somewhero down In tho back yard, sergeant" Sumter quietly remarked to faithful Kennedy. "It's under fifteen feet of snow, but when it comes to tunneling look after it see that It isn't Injured, and call me as soon as you find It" Mrs. Sumter knew the reason of his instructions. It must have been after 12, for or derly call and mess had sounded In front of the- adjutant's office when ouo of the hospital attendants came floun dering up the row from Lanier's and made his way to Sumter's door, a little note In his hand. Mrs. Sumter an swered the maid's knock at the door of Miss Kate's room, into which the damsels were now doubled. To the disappointment of that somewhat vola tile domestic Mrs. Sumter closed the portal before proceeding to open the missive, but her announcement "From Mr. Lanier," caused Miriam Arnold to sit bolt upright It read: Dear Mrs. Sumter I've been living since Saturday mainly on your kindness and that delicious fruit. It was more than good of you to take such care ot your In carcerated aub. and I'm ashamed to have lent no earlier thanks, but wero been banked In until this morning. I rectron they'll find tho paymaster's outfit snowed under somewhere down toward Nebraska, safe, but possibly atarvlnsr. I'm all aJono with nothing to read. If you have any thing moral. Instructive and guaranteed to soften the unrepentant sinner's heart don't send tt, but tell me how yon all stood the storm. I hope Miss Arnold is entirely recovered. Tours, most sincerely. R. R. LANIER. "Tho last thing a man mentions In a note is the first thing be wants an swered," said Mrs. Sumter sagely. "What shall I tell him for you, Mir iam r "Tell me what is to be done to him," was the sole reply as the glr.1 settled back dejectedly upon the pillows. "I'vo tried to, child," answered her hostess kindly, patiently. "There isn't a court In the army that would sen tence him to morcathan a brief confine ment to limits and reprimand." Yet Mrs. Sumter spoke with much less confidence than on Saturday. Had not her husband had to tell her his appli cation for leave was withdrawn, and why? Had not Dr. Larrabee admitted to her that the colonel spoke of mis deeds far more serious for which La nier must suffer? (To Be CoutiiiuerYj FALLING IIATR. Can Easily Be Stopped Also Dan druff and Itching Scalp. If Parisian Sage doesn't stop fall ing hair, itching scalp, and eradicate dandruff In two weeks', Chas. Strang stands ready to refund your money without argument or red tapo of any kind. Parisian Sago will put a fascinat ing radiance Into any woman's hair in a few days. Susanne Calaban ot Hotel Royal, Bucyrus, Ohio, on March 25,1910, wrote: "Mother's hair began to como out very badly and her scalp was so sore it was very hard to do anything for it. Parisian Sago proved a GRAND SUCCESS every way. Her hair stop ped coming out, dandruff all disap peared, soreness all left the scalp and her hair Is coming In again very nice ly." Largo bottlo 50 cents at Chas. Strang's. -- - COMMUNICATIONS. 4- -f -f -f PHOENIX, Sept, 14. Following the unfortunate affair of the shoot ing last Tuesday night of a young man by Deacon Hartly of String town, a disinterested Christian lady asks this questien: To tho readers of tho Medford Mail Tribune: Do you think if Jesus hnd a watermelon patch and would havo'caught a young man tak ing a Cc or 10c molon, that bo would have loaded a gun and shot down that young man, perhaps unto death? No; I say that Jesus would have laid his hand gently upon his shoulder and said: "Go thy way and sin no more." MRS. W. D, PECKHAM. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be ?ecelved until Septem ber 20 construction of Crater Lake road on 2 1-7 miles of Pumlco Hill, C mllos south of Prospect. Apply to JEFF HEARD, E. B. WATERMAN, J. A. WESTERLUND, Contract Committee Crator Lake Highway Commission. 157 See tho big eyo on East Main street. 154 f NOTICE. Tho first regular meeting of Reames chapter, No, 00, O, E, S tonight, 8 o'clock. LILIAN B. WOODFORD, ' Secretary. CITY NOTICES. OKDINANCK NO. i70. An ordinance authorizing tho Issuo of tho bonds of tho city of Medford, Oregon, to tho amount ot thirty thou sand dollars. Whoro as, thoro nro now outstand ing and unpaid bonds of tho city of Medford, Oregon, to tho nmouut of thirty thousand dollars (f 30, 000), which woro Issued for water works purposes nnd became duo August 1, 1910; And whereas, tho city council has found nnd declared nnd does horoby find and doclaro tho said bonds nro tho valid, binding nnd subsisting ob ligations of tho city of Medferd: And whoroas, tho city council of tho city ot Medford deems It to bo for tho best interest ot tho city ot Medford to refund said bonds; there fore Tho city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. That for tho purpotm of refunding tho -said bonds ot tho city ot Mod Cord, which becamo duo Au gust 1, 1910, thoro nro hereby au thorized to bo Issued bonds ot tho city ot Medford to tho amount ot thirty thousand dollars ($30,000); which said bonds shall bo dated tho first day of August, 1910, and bo in tho denomination ot ono thousand dollars and shall bo known as "Re funding Bonds,' 'and shall bo num bered from ono to thirty, both in clusive. Said bonds shall bo signed by tho mayor nnd countersigned by tho recorder. Said bonds shall bo- come duo twenty years after dato and shall bear Interest, ovldonccd by coupons, at tho rato of flvo per cen tum per annum, payablo soml-an-nually, and both principal and in terest ot said bonds shall bo mado paynblo at tho otfico of the city treasurer, Medford, Oregon, or at tho banking houso of Kouutze Bros, in tho city of Now York, state of New York, at tho option of the holder. Section 2. Tho bonds horoby au thorized shall bo in substantially tho following ferm: No $1000 United States of America. Stute of Oregon City of Medford Refunding Bend Know all mon by these presents, that the city of Medford, In tho coun ty of Jackson and state of Oregon, acknowledges to owe and for value recolvcd hereby promises to pay to bearer tho sum of Ono Thousand Dollars lawful money ot the United States of America on tho first day of August, A. D. 1930, together with Interest on said sum from tho dato hereof until paid at tho rate ot flvo per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on tho first days of February and August in each year flpon presentation and surrender of the Interest coupons hereto attach ed as they severally becomo due. Both principal and interest of this bond aro hereby made payablo at tho office of the city treasurer, Med ford, Oregon, or nt tho banking house of Kountze Bros, in the city ot New York, ,stato of New York, nt the option of the holder; nnd for tho prompt payment ot this bond both principal and Interest, the full faith and credit of said city of Medford are hereby Irrevocably pledged. This bond Is ono ot a series of lllco tenor and Is Issued for refunding tho bonded Indebtedness of tho city ot Medford, pursuant to and In full compliance with tho charter of said city and under and in nccordanco with an ordinance of said city duly passed. And It Is hereby certified nnd re cited that all acts, conditions and . things required to bo dono precedent to and in tho Issuing of this bond necessary to make the samo legal and valid havo been properly done, hap pened and performed and in regular and duo form and tlmo as required by law; that the indebtedness refunded into this bond was and Is a valid, binding and subsisting obligation of tho city of Medford, and that the total Indebt edness ot said city of Medford, In cluding this bond, doc3 not exceed the constitutional and statutory lim itations. In testimony whereof, the said city of Medford has caused this bond to bo sealed with the corporate seal, signed by Its mayor and counter signed by Its recorder and caused tho annexed interest coupons to bo exe cuted by the fnc-slmllo signatures ot said officers this first day of Au gust, 1910. Mayor. Ceuntersigned: City Recorder. COUPON. Tho city of Medford, In tho stato of Oregon, promises to pay to benrer tho sum of Twenty-FIvo Dollars Inw ful money of tho Uulted States of America, on tho first day of Augu"try' 10". at tho offlco of tho city treasurer, Medford, Oregon, or at tho banking bouse of Kountzo Bros. In the city of Now York, stnto of Now York, at tho option of tho holder, for soml-nnnunl Interest duo thnt dato on Its refunding bond, dat ed August 1, 1910, No Mayor. Ceuntersigned: City Recorder. Section 3. This ordinance &hnll bo In force fifteen dayB from nnd after Its passage approval and publication In tho Medford Mall Trlbuno, a iiowb papor published In tho city of Med ford, Oregon, Tho forogolng ordlnanco was paus ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 9th day of Soptombor, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch abbont, Morrick nbflcnt, Em orlck ayo, Worttnan aye, Elfort ayo, and Dommor ayo. Approved this 10th day of Soptom bor, 1910. (Signed) W. H, CANON, Mayor. Attest: (Signed) RODT. W. TELFER, City Rocordor. Soo tho blg'oyo on East Main street. 154 Southern Dairy Co. TOolesalo -(Cud Retail Deal "era m Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. If you have any sweet or sour cream for sale, coll on us at 82 S. Con trol or phone. MILK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Store Phone Main 881. Eanch Phone Farmers 7183. Geo. W. Cherry Lawyer Titles and conveyancing a specialty. Boom 30, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone Main 431. U. S. HOTEL BUTTE FAILS, Or. Re-openod and will cater to the public. Auto and hunting party din ners a specialty. Patron&eo respect fully solicited. MR. AND MRS. A. DUVRAY, Prop, and Mgr. Respectively. Ill Exclusive Agency for Portland Seed Co. Medford Greenhouee Phone 3741 AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. SI. Murphy. MURPIIY BROS. ADTO LIVEItY 1010 Chalmers Dolroits. Phone 1801, Valley Auto Company, Sledford. Or. Quick Sorvice. Easy Riding Prices Uight. .PARRY AUTO LIVERY PIIOKK MAIN 31-11. Agency for the Pnrry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop.. Medford. Or - ATTK.VD COI-LKGE. Arrango to attend tho Kugcno Bub Inoss Collego, anil let ub got you a good position when you graduate. En tor now, Sond for our now cata logue. 14 ft West Seventh utreot, Bugono, OroLon. tf head SEPTiarncn sunhet. READ "ARIZONA THE 47TII STAIt" By Governor Richard B, Sloan, and "Fremont and tho Bear Flag," by William Simpson, In Sunset for Sop tombor, now on salo nt nil nows stands, 15 cents, tf ALL KINDS OP DRY WOCXD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine, Buy your wintor Hiipply now; reaBonnblo prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO., 15 Almond st., or Room 31, J. C. Rank bldi;. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori, Prop. 4 Building a Business J is the most difficult task any man or sot of i 1 men ovor undertook. It t moans keeping on haud I tho best that the market affords, soiling at fair I prices, making good everything that proves unsatisfactory and try ing at all times to please. If a business is To Last it must bo handled carefully stocks must bo turned often fresh goods always on hand. Then a firm can hope to To Please Try us with an order and see if wo can meet your approval. Allen 6 Reagan CENTRAL AND MAIN PHONE MAIN 2711 BREAD Try our Home Made Fresh Broad. "Goodness and Purity" is our motto. AJso Salads and Roast Meats ready cooked, at tho MEDFORD BAKERY 42 S. CENTRAL AVE. Hf MRS. ED ANDREWS, VOICE CULTURE, AT NATATORIUM TUES- DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3952. f f f f 4- -----f------f-f-f Jusit Published Minim: MnpH of Southweso orn Orotfon nml Northwestern Culiforfiin, RhowuiR tho forobt rosorvoB, Hiirvoycd and tinHur voyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright Qrnnta I'n8, Or. I'rico of Wall Maps, $2; Pookot Maps, $1,50. Pine Timber For Sale 3,700,000 foot extra IiIrIi rade next thinp to sugar nino, will cm 05 por cent strictly clear, 2,000,000 foot first class yellow pino, will cut 05 por cont No, 2 shop nnd hotter, 1,500,000 foot fino InrRO red fir nnd cedar. Plonty of water, onsy to log, level roads. Inquiro nt Dorris Hnrdwuro Co, ut Dorris, Siskiyou oounty, Cal. 167 m S5? . v VsL v.. " " C" www .. v - -a."-w fc.-." miiiimL ...HMWIg. jBtK-BC-FB WHllBlBBr -'waBTBl ZrgmdrZlmmfif00 JUL w If Your Neighbor Hat Electric light and you have not, just step into his houso some evening after dark and compare its light with your own. Study each point of conve nience, cleanliness, clearness, beauty carefullv and then figure out for yourself if it would not pay you well to have your house wired for electric light at once. Electric light today is cheaper and better than ever before, since the General Electric Com pany placed its MAZDA lamp on the mar ket. We have arranged to supply our cus tomers with the G.E. MAZDA lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give two to three times as much light as other lamps using the same current. your houso is located on nny of our dis tributing lines wo shall be glad to advise you about having it wired and will give you more facts about the efficient electric lighting of your home. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ELECTRIC CO. FOR SALE $2600 will buy 160 acres in fine locality; 0 acres of hearing orchard, good buildings. It will pay you to in vestigate this. 70 ACRES 35 acres in fruit trees 1 year old; 60 inches of water; V miles from town; all farming im plements, tools, otc., together with team of horses, go with place; good buildings. A bargain if handled by September 15. Al STOCK RANCH 160 acres; Clear creek runs through place; good outside range; easy terms. Let us show you tho Nielcoll Addition, where the fine homes arc being built. - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right; has coal outcrop ping; at a bargain on long time, easy payments. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 216 WEST MAIN STREET. J. B. Wood, W. D. Foster, Sale's Agents. Phone 1 68 . Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Telephone In Every' Itooin Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. Rliroftcan Plan Medlord Conservatory For Music and Languages. Natatorium Building. Piano, Voico, Violin, Cello, etc. Registration bo gins September 26. VS. , Single rooms or on suite also rooms vrith bath "(SFOfllM WB inArifci'Uihn M&f J"