Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1910, Image 1

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city Ha"
Clip the Big Special Coupon in the Mail Tribune Tonight, and Give it to Yonr Favorite Candidate See Page Two
Medford mail Tribune
Full Lcnscd Wire ItepoK. w
, ,i
Tho Wonthor.
Showers tonight uiul Wed
Ht'Hiliiy. Tho only paper la the wert
published in a city the Rlw at
Mod ford having a leased wfr.
No. 152.
jm 0
Identity of Remains Found In Cellar
In Doubt Mile. Leneve Faints In
Court From Elation Over Outcome
Crown's Case Is Collapsing
Expert's Damaulno Admissions.
LONDON', Sept. 14. In the How
street police court today, Dr. Pop
por, government iiiiulyHt, under tho
searching cross-examination of At
toruoy Arthur Newton, repudiated
liin former testimony in tho Crippou
onue, declaring that it wiih impoh
biblo for him to dotcrniino tho sex
of tho liino-ontcii body found in thu
basement of thu Iiouho occupied by
tho Cripponu in North Loudon.
Dr. Poppor said tJmt thu only wuy
to determine tho question of hux wiih
by nu anatomical investigation, mid
that with thu mutilated parts of thu
body discovered no genuine dctor
liiiuiition of tho (incHtion could bo
readied in that wuy.
Worn lliinuui ItviiuiliiN,
Ho believed, ho ndmittod, that
when liu 1'irnt huw tho portions of
tho body that tho remains wuru those
of Home nniiunl. it required cIoho
examination, ho said, to dotonuiuu
that they woro purta of a human
bodv. That thoro could bo no nun
take, however, an tho examination
k wuii onco made, ho declared posi-lU.l.r
"1 quickly jmw my error," Hold
Dr. Popper, referring to tho admis
sion that ho had at firat believed tho
body to bo that of uu nnitnul. "Thoro
id jio question that tho body is that
of n hamuli hoiittr. Thoro could hu
no mistake about that. I boliovu that
thu reinaiiiB uru those of n woman,
probably of a middle-aged woman of
rather Jingo proportioiiH. TIuh in in
dicated, and i may say almost oh
tabliHhod, boyoud doubt, by tho fact
of tho operation of hyosciu poiso'i
ing." Dr. Poppor said that thu day af
ter thu body wiih found, July 15, ho
and Dr. Mitruhull, 0110 of tho exports
for tho crown, pert'onncd u post
mortem examination, eliminating all
doubt in retard to tho body being
that of ii human being.
'Damaging A(IiuInnIoiin,
Then Attorney Nowtuu began his
erosH-oxiiminntion. Dr. Poppor
liiado dnmiiglng iidmisHious, leaving
tho identity of thu body dependent
on strands of hair found in ciirloi-H
near thu place whuro tho rcmm.iH
woro diucovurcd, and on another look
of hair found in a handkerchief. Dr.
Pepper ndmtilled Unit tho hald found
in tho curlers was ilnrlc, whilu that
in tho handkuruhiof wiih of a light
Dr. Poppor previously had iiiiiin
tained Unit identity wiih uHtabliHdod
boyoud douht.
Admissions mado later in tho
ntoriilntr, when tho crown's oxpuri,
Dr. Mnnihall, took tho stand, leave
tho quuHtiou of tho identity of tho
body nt ill in douht. rdontificallon,
iiecurilinir to Marshall's statements
on tho stand, would depoud on Iho
evidence cited by Dr. Poppor. It is
believed that uiiIohh hoiiiu moru con
vincing evidunco !h discovered thu
eiiho against Dr. Crippou will col
lapse Leucvo l'alnlM In Court,
Mile. Ethol Clare Lonovc, who Hat
with Dr. Crippoip in (lie prisoners'
docket, was elated at the result of
thu ciross-oxnniiiiiftion. Suddenly
hhe fell forward norosH the railing
that funned tho front of the pen. Ilor
elation cave place to depression and
onuHOil a complete collapflo. Sho Jh
on the vonro of n nervous breakdowp,
tho physicians who attended lior to
day Hny, as a result of tho strain of
tho trial,
Dr, Crippcn wan alno highly elat
ed when the questions of the attor
ney for the defense) Hhowod the oiiho
if tho erown was weakening. EV011
the collapse of his companion could
not entirely undermine the good
spirits evident nt the ohngo of tho
trend oT' tho testimony.
Good Prices Received For Rogue River Bartletts
There have been up to dale one hundred and forty and some odd cars of Bartlctkj
and early pearn shipped from Medford. The average price of the Bartletts that
lias been received per box is about $2.G0. Prices have ranged from $2.40 a box
to $3.00, which is the price that John G. Oorc received for a ear of Bartletts in Chi
cago. ThiB prieo bent by 27 cents the returns that the Burrell orchard received at
New York earlier in the season for a car, which for a time held the blue ribbon as
to banner prices of the year.
Of the wire that were shipped from Medford the Rogue River Fruit and Pro
duce association shipped 7.'l, the Burrell orchard 47, John G. Gore 11, Ilillcrest 18,
Bear Creek 7, JLill 2 and Allen 2.
John G. Gore's prices averaged $2.70 a box, those of the Burrell orchard $2.55
each, those shipped by the Rogue River Fruit and Produce association $2.50 each
and the Bear Creek orchard $2.G8V1 per box.
It costs grower from, 70 cents to $1 to ship and market their pears. t The
prices this year were lower than last year because the crop was two weeks darlier
in ripening and thus was thrown into the market before the California season was
Cornice and d'Anjou pears arc now being shipped. The Bosc and Winter Nelis
arc yet to be picked.
NEW YOIMC, Sept. 14. Fcdorul
Judge Martin today sentenced Ern
est Gorhruicht, fonnor superintend
ent of tho Williamsburg refinery of
tho American Sugar Itofiniug com
pany, to servo two years in thu fed
eral penitentiary at 'Atlanta and to
pay a fine of .fSOOO for hi partici
pation in tho BUgiir-woighing frauds
perpetrated at thu Williamsburg
Gorbrnicht was indicted with sev
eral weiuhors and officials following
tho filing of charges that tho gov
ernment wiih being defrauded ys
tcmntienlly of duties by means of u
cleverly constructed dovieo fitted to
several paint of official scales. A
small steel spring, manipulated bv
tho weigher by iv ropo in tho plat
form of the scale, enabled him to
return weight results favoring the
Oerbraicht was convicted ,evcral
months ago, but was not sentenced.
It was announced today that ho will
appeal the case. A stay of execu
tion of sentonce, pending tho hear
ing of tho appeal, was granted.
LINTON. Ind., Sept. It. -One
man was killed, one fatally and ten
seriously injured today by an ex
plosion of u giiH pocket in the Dag
ger coal mine in Sullivan county.
.More than 200 miners woro in thu
tunnels when thu explosion occurred.
It wiib at first believed that all were
entombed and little hopo was enter
tained that thoy would escape alive.
Tho men were working in a iliMiuit
tunnel, to which fact they probably
owe their lives. The killed and in
jured were returning toward the
shaft when the accident occurred.
When the iiowh of tho explosion
spread tluouuh the mining commu
nity tho families of the men working
below ground rushed to thu mine en
trance'. Many women were hyster
ica! and Home of tho pitiful scenes
of tho Cherry miiiu disaster weio
DANVILLE, 111., Sopt. 14. With
tho congressional primaries hut one
day distant, "Uncle Joo" Cannon
sooniB nssurod of roiiomiimtiojn from
this district. His opponent for tho
republican nomination is tho ltuv.
Henry Downs, who is making his
campaign on an anti-saloon plat
form. floomiRQ of Cannon's almost cer
tain roiiominntiou, little iutorest in
tomorrow's primary is being taken
Thu democratic nominee undoulrt
odly will ho William Cundrlff,
JEFFEHSON CITY, .Mo.. Sept. 1-1.
A joint indorsement of Theodore
Roosevelt and William Howard Tuft
is tho featuro of tho republican plat
form in .Missouri. Tho document
was finally drawn up after nn all
niuht session and was presented to
tho convention today. Tho plutfonn
recommends tho conservation pol
icies of both Roosevelt and Tuft,
pays a tribute to tho tariff, indorses
Governor lladloy and his administra
tion and tho record of tho republican
party genornlly.
Ilndley led tho fight against the
Tnft endorsement. Tim platform
endorsing lladloy with Tnft is ex
pected to start a quarrel between the
regulars and iucurgents. It is pre
dicted that a republican split in the
Mute may follow.
Captain M. F. Eggleston, city re
corder of Ashland and candidate for
thu legislature, who was a visitor In
Medford today, upon being ques
tioned as to probable subjects of leg
islation at thu session next winter,
"Thoro is ,a groat deal of legisla
tion coming before the people upon
tho initiative nt thu election this year
and the work uf tho legislative as
sembly will bo minimized to u cer
tain extent. This may bo looked for
every two yenrs, us thu puoplo will
take in hand curtain matters eliciting
large hpeciul or general iuteiest.
"However, in biennial sessions
lusting only 40 days, 1 think mem
bers of tho .legislature will find sub
jects to deal with which will fully
iiliMU'li their time.
(ioori Itomls Legislation.
Good roads legislation will depend
much upon tho adoption of the
amendment of section 10 of article
.i of tho state constitution. This is
to remove the restriction on tho peo
ple's power to bond tho several
counties to raio money for road iin
provoinent. If the intendment bu adopted,
which is quite probable, there will be
homo important road legislation.
Under tho Terms of tho niuendineiit
such county bonded indebtedness can
only ho made with the approval of
a majority of the people voting nt .i
(Continued on Pngo 8.)
Old Subscribers
Entitled to Votes
Ask For Them
valuable Prizes. Every Contestant in this enterprise is entitled to
thu zoalous support of hor friends and business nciiuauitanoos,
and vou now hnvo nn opportunity to aid tho ono thnt you would liko
to sou win.
Also, nny subscription that you wish to pny in advnuoe, wheth
er it is now or old, would be the moans of helping soino one in tho
DENVER Col., Sopt 14. I)y pub
licly chnrglnc tho delegates to tho
state democratic convention with
coming to Denver on passes Issued by
a railroad corporation, and admit
ting that ho himself had secured
many passes for offenders, State
Chairman Charles Ward today creat
ed a sensation on the floor of the
"All of you rodo to the convention
on passes," ho cried. "Walt; 111 take
that back. A few names of pass
traveling delegates camo fto mo bo
Into that I was unable target the
transportation, but I personally got
most of tho passes you used.
"If th6 democratic party wants
honest delegates, should you come
here with bribes in your pockets?
Many of you hnvo beou yelling for
yenrs for an anti-pass law. Some of
you camo here to flay our legislators
because they haven't passed such a
measure, yet you liavo forced mo,
your chairman, to becomo tho dis
penser of passeB and so-callod 'cour
tesy.' "
PANAMA, Sopt. 14. Pablo Arose
nienn, liberal, was this nftornoon
elected president of tho republic of
Panama to fill tho unoxpl'ed term of
tho lato Preoldont Obaldln Tho voto
was 22 to C. Few conservatives woro
present when tho balloting occurred.
PORTLAND, Mo., Sopt, 14 Claim
ing a plurality of 2G votes, Qeorgo
Hanson, democrat, nsser's ho dotont
ed Congressman Guornsey In tho
Fourth congressional district. Han
son will domnna a recount of tho
In the First district, wlero Asher
C. Hinds' plurality is apparently 324
votes, n recount will bo demanded by
William II. Pennoll, democrat, who
mado tho against Hinds.
Thoro is no oxtra elinrgo:for
scouring votos in the Mail Trib
une's Dig Contest. If you hnvo a
back subscription to pay up, ask
for the votes and in that wuy as
sint your favorite oandidato in tho
contest to win tho Autoinohilo, .i
$100 Piano or ono of the uthor
Defeated Californlan Candidate for
Lieutenant-Governor Itemizes His
Expense Bill Showfnn. What a
Good Thing He was to Managers.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Sept. 14.
Dick Ferris, defeated republican
candidate for the nomination for
lieutenant-governor, filed today with
tiio county clerk an account of his
campaign expenses, in accordance
with the law. A few items of his
expenditures follew:
"Telegrams from Minneapolis,
Siting at tho bait,' $10.
"Personal expenses and canvass
of voters, such as being the 'fall
guy' for u hunch of alleged voters
hanging around saloons who 'moved
in' when I attempted to buy n drink
for myself $100.
"Circulating and .verifying peti
tions and printing bill. 1 don't know
whether this money was spent or not
it is my opinion it was not
"Circulating nnd verifying peti
tions, so G. L. Moselle snys. Per
sonally, I don't know and don't be
lieve him. I have tried to get vouch
ers from Moselle and D. W. White
and failed. In fact, 1 hnvo every
reason to believe I was tho red
hended political lamb, sheared by
these two ccntlemen $1230.
"Monev borrowed by D. White nnd
G. Mohclle to cover alleged advance
on circulation of petition. They
tried to cet $550 more for the same
alleged purpose, but I refused to
further answer 'hands up' $450.
"For conveying n few infirm nnd
dKabled voters of Ornnce county to
the polls, who must have voted for
my opponents $23."
NEW YOHK, Sopt. 14. A rumor
that caused considerable commotion
reached Willi street today to tho ef
fect that Prank H. Kellogg of Min
neapolis, government trust-buster,
has been slated for u place on tho
bench of tho supremo court of the
United States. Tho rumor was gen
erally credited, although it had no
apparent authoritative source.
Kellogg has been connected with
some of tho most important triiht
litigation that tho government has
undortaken, having virtually con
ducted tho dissolution suit now pend
ing in the supremo court against tho
Standard Oil company. Since Presi
dent Tnft is anxious thnt this ca&o
go boforo a full bench, and sinco
Kellogg was active in tho prosecution
of tho case, it is doubted in some
nunrtors whethor Tnft would appoint
Kellogg. Tho doubtors declare tho
sumo ronson exists for rejecting him
as for tho rejection of Judges San
born or Adums, who heard tho Stan
dard Oil case.
lieporth that Secretary Nagel may
be named to tho supremo bench re
echo little crodenco here.
'cordlng to tho tonus of an ngreemont
Just mado public today, tho Santa
Fo railroad has gained ti northorn
and tho Wostorn Pacific n southern
and oastorn outlet for tholr froight.
Tho two lines hnvo adopted an agree
ment for intorchnngo of traffic. It Is
said by rnllroad mou that this means
tho beginning of nn actlvo fight for
business against tho Southom Pacific
In torrltory hltliorto considered exclu
sively Southom Pacific.
Humphrey and McCreedfe Meet De
featEntire Delegation In In
surgent column Poindexter Car
ries All Counties But Two.
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 14.
The winners:
For senator Miles Poindexter,
Spokane, insurgent.
Congressmen :
First district T. P. Revclle, Se
attle, insurgent.
Second district Stanton Warbar
ton, Tacoma, insurgent.
Third district W. L. La Follette,
Pullman, insurgent.
Congressman Miles Poindexter of
Spokane, insurgent, was yesterday
nominated by the republicans for
United States senator by a plural
ity over Judge Thomas Burke,
standpatter, of more than 30,000,
and by a majority over all five of
bis opposing candidates.
Carries King Coaaty.
Poindexter carried King county
(Seattle), Judgo Burke's home, by
moro than 5000; carried Pierce
county (Tacoma), home of James M.
Ashton, third man in the race; car
ried Spokane county (bis own home)
by seven to one, nnd all of Eastern
Washington by four to one. He has
apparently carried every county in
tho state except Thurston (Olym
pia), carried by Ashton, and Jeffer
son county (Port Townsend), car
ried b3" Burke.
While roturns are meager, the
three insurgent candidates for con
gress have apparently won. Wil
liam E. Humphrey, incumbent, in the
first district (Seattle) is running
close to and may lead R. P. Revcllo,
progressive, on first choice vote, but
the indications are that ho will not
get 40 per cent, and tho second
choico will bo required to decide, in
which case Revelle will win, accord
ing to his managers.
In the second district (Tacoma),
Wniburton. insurgent, in a three
cornered ficht, has carried the dis
trict by 3000.
In tho third district ( Spokane M
W. L. La Follette. Pullman, farmer,
insurgent nnd cousin of Senator La
Follotte, leads all six of his oppon
ents on both first nnd second choice.
'Klectlon Is Assured.
Poiudexter's nomination in the
primaries insures his election by the
legislature, since four-fifths of tho
successful legislative candidates are
pledged to support tho party choice.
While thoro nro no returns from
tho democratic primaries, results in
that party, most of tliem uncontest
ed, or practically so, will bo George
P. Cottorill of Scattlo for senator;
W. W. Black of Everott for congress
from tho first district; Mnurioo
Lnughoru of Tacoma for congress
from tho second district, and J. B.
Dormnti or W. II. Merrittt of Spo
kane for congress from the third dis
trict. Tho senatorial and nil three of tho
congressional contests in tho ropub-
lienu party woro fought on tho na
tional insurgent issuos, tho Pnyne
Aldrich tariff, tho high cost of liv
ing, national ns opposed to state
consorvaUon, tho domination of pol
ities by big business, Aldrichism and
Yesterday's rosult probably mens
that tho entiro Washington delega
tion in congross noxt year will bo in
tho insurgont column,
M. L. Ericson, supervisor of (ho
Orator national forest, dosires to
oxpres's doop gratitude on behalf of
tho forestry department to the Med
ford Commercial club for its goner
ous troatmont of tho soldiors whon
thoy ainsbod through on thoir way
baok to Vancouver barracks from
tho forost firos.
Poindexter Talks on Result Stys
People Have Decided to Put P
litfeal Machines CentrelM by ttw
Corporations Out of Busintw.
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 14.
Spokane county, tho home of MUm
Poindexter, gave him nearly 85 per
cent of its entire voto for United
States senator. Tho total vote,, as
tabulated early this morning, givas
Poindexter 5806, Burko 1031 ant
Ashton 473. This is simply an ab
dication of how the vote is runainc
as about 16,000 votes were cast m
this city alone.
In a statement issued this morn
ing, Congressman Poindexter said:
"With u full appreciation of tfcs
honor that has been bestowed upea .
mc, I congratulate tho people of tkt
state of Washington on their victory
not that thoy have nominated .
Miles Poindexter, but that they k&v
shown unmistakably and in a BWJt--ner
long to be remembered that po
litical machines received their na
tive power from corporation iafla
ence are no longer efficient in this J
state. That, nnd not my nominatisa.
is the real victory. ''fa''
"For myself, while pleased beyond .
measure, I am none tho less sensibla
of the responsibility that weighs hd
on me. It is no small thing to be a
representative of this great state in
tho sennto of the United 'States and
the task is no light ono. I will need.
all the assistance, nil the kindness
and all tho confidence of the people ,f
who send mo thoro.
"The task that confronts us is onoj
of many difficulties; wo have tae'l
powers, entrenched for a generatioa,s
to dislodgo and they will fight hard; .
thoy will fight cunningly; they will
ficht to the bitter end. &
"But tho peoplo will triumph in the jj
end; victory is often deferred, but
sooner or later victory conies'. It ist (
tho law of evolution, the law of alli
national aovcionmcni nnu ine iuwus
in effect today as it was whenjg
Washington gave armed defiance "Joj
King George. The people will wln;
they must win, or this government 3j
will perish."
Tho annual convention of Jacksea,
County w. u. x. u. will ua lielil bai
urduy und Sunday in the Baptist'!
eiiurch nnd tabornaclo. Auy oaew
who is interested in temperance ?is
invited to attend. Following is tk
program :
Saturday nftornoon DovotionaV
Mrs. Buck! rcnorls from delemitflK:.?
... ... . ....... .. . --., .
businoss nu dejection of officers. dj
Saturday ovening Song sorvitt-s;"
address, Rov. E. II, Hicks, Ashland;
Indies' quartet will furnish music? jf
Sunday nftornoon Dovotional . 1
j mooting, Rov. Mutlook; rending, Mre.1
JR. C. Webster; vocal solo, Mrs.4
Holmes; address, Rov. F. 1;. Jovelt, ,
Grants Pass.
Sunday ovening Song and praise
sorvico; nuurcss, .Mrs. unriili, rort-
! land, stato president of W. C, T.Jtf.;P
men's quartot will iumish muslo, , c
COLFAX, Wash., Sopt. 14. Tk
entiro business soetion of tho town 7
of Thornton, in Whitman county, f'
was destroyed by fire last night - '
cording to information rqcoivod hsre- i
today. Tho blazo aviis started by Ika '
explosion of a gasoline stove in tke W
roar of a restaurant in the soutk-
eastern end of town. '
Tho loss is estimntod at $00,00. .
1 '