W(H'' . wiwwWW 1ft. MEDJTOUD MAIL TOERUNE. AEEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER .13, 19.10. ii ;. ...- .., ifi'i i-4.,, ,. .r 1 1 uexi- II 1 Lainer of Uie f Cavalry By :: Gen. Chas. King - Aulkor of "Tho ' Goloncl'a ftanRntor," "Foes iu Ambush," t tie. ' ytfrl. ?!. cnArTKH m. Ml XOTIIER moment nnrt n trls. well prooniwl soldier, florid faced, Wjfiscalar, jet burly In bmlld, stepped briskly in and "woo Attention. Ills right eye and chccX were still heavily bruised and tffctcolored. IILi nose vrns somewhat awtriiea. -How dill yon happen to be In town. 0erxeatr wan the abrupt demand. Fitsngr colored to the brows, bnt the arawer was prempt: ! a4crstood the colonel to say "find aim,' referring to Trooper Ilawdon. Triday Bight, and I went in Saturday Morning thinking to help. Then we cesldnt set back, sir." "My order was to the sergeant of the gaftrt, set.tojoa," Interposed But ton carUy. "Sergeant Stowell was looking for a win to vaifbm. sir, and bad never ees Sftwdea except in trooper dress Bd weald raercr perhaps have known mm. "Then bow should yoaTT was the harp qacry. . Fltxrey started. "1 had known htm Jasper, sir, and much better. I had eccaslea to reprimand him once or rtwlce and knew him and his pals. If tbe colonel will pardon meas none of the others knew him. There was that yeuBR drillan Lowndes' that went along with us and got Into trouble, and there were others. In fact. If the colonel will pardon me again, sir. J do not bold a high opinion of Troop er Rawdon. and" "No more of that, sir," broke In the "reloael angrily, "unless you arc ready to prore your words. "Glre ae two days nnd half a dtance. Colonel Button." was the con fidrnt answer, "and I'll show he bad emetaing to do with the paymaster's accident or whateer It wasP As Captain Sumter said, the Indies !&ad gone no farther than the surgeon's .quarters that memorable Saturday, and -rarlLh Boaster's full consent they bad 3ot geoe even that faf. " Friday after poem he. bad wired his protest to the father of Miriam Arnold, and with aUitliag emphasis the reply had come arty Saturday morning. 'I repeat that 1 desire my daughter to return at Bee." The tone was abrupt if tele vrataa canr be said to have either tone sjr laanaer, bnt that wire settled the sutler. Miriam said she must obey, asd nothing short of Dr. Larrabee. enter nkrgeoa of the post, bad pre Trailed against her decision. He him self bad awt the covered vehicle at his gate and bad Insisted on their alight ing. "Tour train Is half a day late," aid be. "You'll be wiser waiting here taaa at the frowsy station. Desldes, 1 'Wish to nee 'this young woman"agaln." Bo raying he fairly lifted Miss Arnold 'Xroea the far robed depths of the dark jBirrior and deposited bcr on the wind wept path. "Run in." said he, then Unllnrly aided Mrs. and Miss Sumter. Less than half an hour the trio spent vnder the doctor's hospitable root Be Sore 2 o'clock the wind had increased to gale. The snow was driving swift 'and bard. "I checked you Just In time." said he. "There'll be no train either way this night" And so by 2 aclock and just as the paymaster was driving away down the front of offl cen" row Mrs. and .Miss Sumter, with 3Usa Arnold, escorted by the two med ical officers, were struggling across tho pen space between the surgeon's bouses and the rear fence of the long Use and presently entering the back ate at Sumter's. It waa an odd arrangement, some what peculiar to frontier stations of tbe day. The Inclosure of Port Cusli lug was diamond shaped. The entrance gate was at tho eastern apex. Tbe hos pital and surgeons' quarters stood on a Hue with this gate, their front perpen dicular to tbe long axis of the diamond. Their rear elevations, therefore, were sot far from officers' row. From tbe front of Sumter's bouse, around by ray of the mala gate to the doctor's door-the first to the left (northi of the 'cost trader's waa quite n vvulk. Frqm tack door to buck door, however, It was less than 200 paces. "We are near neighbors," Dr. Larrabee had been say ing, "though my wife thinks It a long walk on a windy day. 1 could reach yon day or night almost in a minute." "Is Mr. Lanier sitting up?" Mrs, Sum ter inquired. "I thought Dr. Schu oaardt was trying to keep blin In bed." Ue won't stay," was the answer "Dr. Larrabee." finally suld Mrs, Sumter, "Miriam says sue believes it, was all a mere delusion a dream. Sbe blames herself bitterly and begs as to think no more of It to forgive ker. Imr- "But why should I attempt to con real it? You know. and we have rea son to know, she did see some .one there la her room who went out like a, t kief, through the window nud away 2e spite of sentries. Captain Sumter Twtd tea show swept off before re tvllle "Wbat was tbe use of advertising It fturtber? Mr. Barker and Mr. Blake saw it. too. They bold It was some garrison sneak thief, looking for Jew try. Ytt not so much ns a ring, or a pin was touched only bcr desk." "Did she tell of that?" "No; Kate was the first to see It. 8be 8ew upstairs when she beard tho scream, found Mklam. u een!ples heap en the loer, the desk open on tbe llttlo taWe by the window, tbe contents !GjyUl'g4 lte-.w.lngb2- up audsome- body tfouudtng nnd slipping away In tbe moonlight. Then she hoard the challenge nnd scullle outside and thought the gunrd hml him nnd gave her wholo attention to Miriam until Mr. Barker shouted from tho lower hall." "And nothing Is missing?" "Nothing. Hut Captain Sumter wish ed to have 'It nil kept quiet until ho could confer with the dotectives In (own." "Miss Kntev has a level bend," pres ently spoke Larrabee. "What does she say?" "Doctor, that Is what troubles me Kate won't sny nnythlng. it'a tho flrst time she ever kept a secret from me." And now tears of genuine dis tress were welling In Mrs. Sumter's eyes. It was half after 2 and the wind was shrieking through the open space back of the line when Dr. Lnrrabee. bending almost double, managed to fight his way homeward. Schuchnrdt. occupant of tbe adjoining set to his own, had not yet returned. At Sum ter's gate the senior surgeon encoun tered the corporal of the guard, nearly blind and well nigh exhausted. He was searching for sentry No. 5. "You will probably find Dr. Schu chardt nt Lieutenant Lanier's quar ters," shouted Lnrrabee at the corporal- with kindly intent. "Take No. 5 in there and get thawed out Tell him I think a nip of whisky advisable under the circumstances." And ths It happened that two storm beaten soldiers presently shoved their way through Lanier's back gate nnd banged at the kitchen door. Nobody answering, they presently entered, passed through that deserted apart ment and. henrlngvolccs further on. the corporal ventured tnto the dark hallway leading through the little frame bouse, now fairly quivering In the blast Here be caught sight of two officers big. powerful men In fur caps and canvas overcoats Just push ing forth through the front door Into uffmfh El a - TWO 8T0HU BZATK.S SOLDIERS SIIOVED TITEin WAY XUBOUOH LAUIEH'B SACK CUTE. the tierce blast without One was Dr. Scbucbardt, the other Lieutenant En nls, Joint occupant with Lanier of the tiny premises. As Corporal Cassldy later expressed It. he felt "like I'd lost a bulging pot on an ace full." He couldn't run after and beg them to come back, yet be and his comrades were stiff from cold and almost breath less from exhaustion. Suddenly No. 5's carbine slipped from his frozen glove and fell with a - crash on the kitchen floor. The next Instant the volco of LleutenantLanlsr was beard. (To Bo Coutinucr.) DRUNKENNESS CUREABLE Drunkenness Is no loneer consider ed a crimo:emlnent scientists and physicians rave agreed that it Is a disease and must be treated ao such. Tho home treatment that has been used for a number of years, and is highly successful, is Orrlno. It Is sold upder o positive guarantee that If It does not effect a cure your mon ey will be rofunded. When desiring to give secretly purchase Orrlno No. 1, and Jf patlont will taks treatment, Orrlne No. 2 should bo given. Orrlno coats but fl per bov. Maleld on re ceipt of price. Wrlto for free booklet on "Drunknnees." The OrrJno Co., C32 Orrlno Building, Washington D. C. Sold In this city by Leon B, Hauklns. Chinese Tongs Clash. SAN FHANCISCO, Sept. 1J. Chinatown is quiet today following1 Inst nidifs outbreak of the wnrniiK highbinder tongs, in which two men were shot in u runnintr street fight. Neither of tho injured men has died nnd no further disorder is expected until their fnto becomes certain. Last night's shooting was tho first time in olovfin years that tho Chinece linvo wuged their wnrfuro in nn open Btveet, -8,0 far tho present wnrfuro has 'clnimed five victims and the core Stands oven, tho pdd victim hminir .been nn innocent "member of u tontf not" involved in the fight. Seo tho big eyo street. on East Main 154 Hauklns for bealtb. CITY NOTICES. OHDIN'ANCK NO. 70. An ordinance niittiorUlng tho Issue of tho bonds of tho city of Medtord, Oregon, to tho amount or thirty thou sand dollars. Whoro ns, Uioro nro now outstand ing nnd unpaid bonds of tho city of Medford. Oregon, to tho amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), which wore Issued for water works purposes nnd bocanio duo August 1, 1910; And whereas, tho city council has found and declnred and does heroby find nnd doclaro tbo said bonds are tho valid, binding nnd subsisting ob ligations of tho city of Medterd: And whorons, tho city council of tho city of Medtord deems It to bo forfcho best interest of tho city of Medtord to refund said bonds; there fore, , Tho city of Medford doth ordain ns follews: Section 1. That tor tho purpooa of refunding tho said bonds of tho city of Medford, which becamo duo Au gust 1, 1910, thoro are hereby au thorized to bo Issued bonds of tho city of Medford to tho amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000); which sntd bonds shall bo dated tho first day of August, 1910, and be In tho denomination of ono thousand dollars and Bhnll bo known as "Re funding Bonds, 'and shall bo num bered from ono to thirty, both In clusive. Said bonds shall bo signed by tho mayor nnd countersigned by tho recorder. Said bonds shall bo como duo twenty years after date and shall bear interest, evldencod by coupons, at tho rate of flvo per con tum per annum, payable Beml-an-nually, and both principal and In terest of said bonds shall bo made payable at tho otflco of tho city treasurer, Medford, Oregon, or at tho banking house of KouMzo Bros. In tho city of New York, stnto of Now York, at the option of tho holder. Section 2. The bonds hereby au thorized shall bo In substantially tho following ferm: No $1000 United States or America. State of Oregon City of Medford Refunding Bend Know all mon by theso presents, that the city of Medford, In tho coun ty of Jnckson and state of Oregon, acknowledges to owo and for valuo received hereby promises to pay to bearer tho sum of Ono Thousand Dollars lawful money of tho United States of America on tho first day of August, A. D. 1930, together with Interest on said sum from tho dato hereof until paid at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of February and August In each year upon presentation and surrendor of tho interest coupons hereto attach ed as they severally become due. Both principal and Interest of this bond are hereby made payable nt tho office of the city treasurer, Med ford, Oregon, or at tho banking houso of Kountzo Bros. In the city of Now York, state of New York, at tho option of tho holder; and for tho prompt payment of this bond both principal and Interest, tho full faith and credit of said city of Medford aro hereby Irrevocably pledged. This bond Is ono of a series of like tenor and Is Issued for refunding tho bonded Indebtedness of the city of Medford, pursuant to and In full compliance with the charter of said city and under nnd In nccordanco with an ordinance of said city duly passed. And It Is hereby certified and re cited that all acts, conditions and things required to bo done precedent to and In the Issuing or tins bona necessary to make the same legal and valid havo been properly done, hap pened and performed and In regular and due form and tlmo as required by law; that tho indebtedness refunded into this bond was and Is a valid, binding and subsisting obligation of tho city of Medford, and that tho total Indebt edness of said city of Medford, in cluding this bond, does not exceed the constitutional and statutory lim itations. In testimony whereof, the said city of Medford has caused this bond to be sealed with tho corporato seal, slgnod by Its mayor and counter signed by Its recordor nnd caused tho annexed Interest coupons to bo exe cuted by tho fac-slmlle signatures of said officers this first day of Au gust, 1910. Mayor. Ceuntersigned: City Recordor. COUPON. Tho city of Medford, In tho state of Oregon, promises to pay to bearer tho sum of Twenty-FIVo Dollars law ful money of tho United Stntes of America, on tho first day of February, 10 ot Ul0 ofrco 0f tho August ' city treasurer, Medford, Oregon, or at tho banking houso of Kountzo Bros, in tho city of Now York, stato of Now York, nt tho option of tho holder, for semi-annual Interest duo that dato on Its refunding bond, dat ed August 1, 1910, No Mayor. Ceuntersigned: City Ilecordor. Section 3. This ordinance shall be In forco flfteon days from and after Its passago. approvnl and publication In tho Medford Mall Trlbuno, a nows papor published In tho city of Mod ford, Oregon, Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 9th day of September, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch absent, Merrick absent, Km orlck ayo, Wortman ayo, Elfort ayo, and Dommor aye. Approved this 10th day of Sontom bor, 1910. ' (Signed) W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest:' (Signod) BOBT. W. TELFER, City Recordor. Seo tho big eyo on streot. East Main 154 Southern Dairy Co. Wholcsalo nnd Retail Deal- el's iu Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. If you havo any swoet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 32 S. Con tral or phone. MILK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Store Phone Main 881. Ranch Phone Farmers 7183. ROOSEVELT'S Own Book The Most Papular Book Ctfirifkl CiurUt Stnbmtw'l itnt ByThe Most Popular Man African GameTraits Glvis in betk torn by RMStvttt's wn hand th U aeount et Ms African Hunt m AGENTS WANTED NOW In vanr City, Town and Village to hndlo Colonel Roosevelt's Great Book CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 153 Fifth Avenue New York -- FINE RESIDENCE LOT FOR SALE CORNER OF QUEEN ANNE AVE. AND ROOSEVELT AVE.; 117, BY 60 FEET; ALLEY ,AT BACK. IF SOLD THIS WEEK, $900. VAN DYKE REALTY CO.. 123 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 682. -r 4- 4 . MAGIC KYKOIiASS CLEAN- EKS FftKK AT IMt. GOIILK'8 OPTICAL PARLORS, NO. f 301 EAST .MAIN STREET, -f - .. - WE GRIND GLASSES. 301 -f EA.ST .MAIN STREET. -r -r ATTEND COLLEGE. Arrango to attend tho Eugene Bus iness College, and let us got you a good position when you graduate En tor now. Bend for our now cata loguo, 14' West Sovonth stroot, Eugene, Oro(,on. tf READ SfilTKMlJER SUNSET. READ "ARIZONA THE 47TII STAR" By Governor Richard E. Sloan, and "Fremont and thp Boar Flag," by William Simpson, In Sunset for Sep tember, now on ealo at all news stands, 15 cents, tf Rock Springs Coal. Another car of the celebrated Rock Springs coal arrived today. More may cotno, but this jh here. Seo W. J. Burbridgc, tho drayman, now and placo your order, You will need some of this ooul "this winter. t ifSPSteii Building a Business is tho most difficult task any man or set of t men over undertook. It means kcoping on hand the host that the markot affords, selling at fair prices, making good t everything that proves unsatisfactory and try- I ing at all times to please. If a business is To Last t it must be handlod carefully stocks must '' be turned often fresh goods always on hand. ' Then a firm can hope to To Please ; Try us with an order and see if wo can meet I your approval. Allen 6 Reagan CENTRAL AND .MAIN t I'UONE MAIN 2711 MMHMMKIMHHMt BREAD Try our Home Made Fresh Bread. "Goodness and Purity" is our motto. Also Salads and Roast Meats ready cooked, at tho MEDFORD BAKERY 42 S. CENTRAL AVE. MRS. ED ANDREWS, VOICE CULTURE, AT NATATORIUM TUES- DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3952. -f -f4--- 4' Published Mining Maps of SouthwcHt orn Oregon nud Northwestern California, Bhowmg tho forest resorvoB, survoyod nnd unsur veyod land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pass, Or. Price of Wall Maps, $2; Pockot Maps, $1.50. Pine Timber For Sale 3,700,000 feet extra hih rndo noxt thintf to sujjnr nino, will cu 05 por cent strictly clear. 2,000,000 feet first class yellow pino, will out 05 por cant No, 2 shop nnd better, 1,500,000 foot fine iaruo red fir nnd codar. Plonty oi wutor, easy to lotf, lovol roads. Inquiro at Dorris ITardwaro Co.'nt Dorris, Siskiyou1 county, Cal. 157 VVwV.av-V-V S"",1- v. " (xvv . -ss; -v. t - - jr iz. Trnmrvi. " 'ttmgZiii&i0 JUT If Your Neighbor Has Electric light and you have not, just step into his houso some evening after dark and compare its light with your own. Study each point of conve nience, cleanliness, clearness, beauty carcfullv. and then figure out for yourself if it would not pay you well to have your house wired for electnc light at once. Electric light today is cheaper and better than ever before, since the General Electric Com pany placed its MAZDA lamp on the mar ket. We have arranged to supply our cus tomers with the G.E. MAZDA lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give two to three times as much light as other lamps using the same current. If your houso is located on any of our ells' tributina lines wo shall bo glad to ndvisa you about liaving it wired nnd will give you mote facts about the efficient electric lighting of your home. ROGUE RIVER VALKEY ELECTRIC CO. FOR SALE $2600 will buy 160 acres in fine locality; 5 acres of bearing orchard, good buildings. It will pay you to in vestigate this. 70 ACRES 35 acres in fruit trees 1 year old; 60 inches of water; 1V miles from town; all farming im plements, tools, otc, together with team of horses, go with placo; good buildings. A bargain if handled by September 15. Al STOCK RANCH- 160 acres; Clear creek runs through placo; good outside' rango; easy terms. Lot us show you tho Nickcll Addition, where tho fine homes aro being built. 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpotual water right; has cool outcrop ping; at a bargain on long time, easy payments. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 216 WEST MAIN STREET. J. B. Wood, W. D. Foster, Sales Agents. Phono 1681. The finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Telephone lu Kvory Ilooni Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Mediord Conservatory For Music and Languages. Natatorium Building. Piano, Voico, Violin, Oollo, otc. Registration bo gins Sontombor 26. . - k; :,?mmmm Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath