Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 13, 1910, Image 1

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Clip the Big Special Coupon in the Mail Tribune Tonighiffand Give it to Yonr Favorite CandidateSee Page Three
Medford Mail Tribune
PhII Lcnaed Wife Report.
f i
The Wonllicr.
Showers tonight mill Wed
nesday. Tho only paper In the worlt
published la a city the rihn A
Medford having a leased wlrv
rarrn yeab.
No. 151.
" '
At Least Three Out of Four Con
(irossmcn Defeated for Re-election
Plalstcd Elected Governor
Democratic Senator to Succeed
Hnle, First Since 1847.
PORTLAND, Me., Bopt. 13. With
returns from nil except eciitteritiK
backwoods districts in Into thin nf
turnuoii the vutu stoed:
I'tnintca 73,801), Poriiuld 0J.7U0;
Plalstod's plurality U173.
Asher C. Hinds, republican, has a
plurality in tliu Xirttt congressional
.district of 180.
P. J3. Guernsey, republican, claims
a plurality of 200 in tho fourth Hh
1 trict. Hpoounts in b oil) districts
will bo necessary to decide.
I). J. McQillicuddy, democrat, in
tho second, has a plurality of 3000.
S. Gould, democrat, in tho third,
Iiiib n plurality of '2000.
1'OltTliAKD, Me., Sept. 13.
With jetuniK from all pnrln of tho
state except a few outlying mountain
and count island districts practically
- complete, u wuopiug dcmourutio vio
toV.v in Maine it certain.
Frederick W. Plnisted. soli of tho
hint demoenvtio governor of Maine,
elected 30 yearn ago, was cIiohcii
coventor. Democratic candidate
for congress in the first, second and
third diHtrictK were elected and the
result of the fourth district in yet in
doubt, although the democrats claim
a victory thero also. Tho democrats
havo a majority in tho Htato sonnto
and u probable majority in tho lower
house, assuring tho election of a
democrnt to tho United States Hcuatc
to. succeed Kugono Hale, who reeont-
(Continued on Page Kiirht.)
CHIOACIO, Sept. 13. Mittimuses
for tho arrest of tho official)) of tho
packing companies Indicted for com
bination, conspiracy and Illegal mon
opoly, yesterday, woro Issued today
by Judge K-. M, Lund Ik 'of tho Unltod
StateM court. Tho puckers, It Ih ex
pected, will bo brought Into court
today with tliolr bondainon. Tho
trial promised to bo ono of tlio most
sonsntlopnl and hardest fought of
any, of tho "trust hunting". campaigns
thattho government has ovor undor
tnkon. Knell, dofoudnut In tho ciihob now
started faces n torm of spvon years
In tlio poultontlnry, If tho vordlct
of guilty Is roadored, or- n fine of
llin, 000, or both.
Jt Ogdon Armour, ono of tho mon
Indicted, Issuod a Htatomout today
Haying tho profits of tho packing
btiBlncBS nmountod to about 2 1-2 por,
cent', though somutlmos loss.
It Is understood eastern pnekors
will bo brought Into tho Investigation
AttornoyH Mayor and Mlllor, for
, tho Indicted mou, apponrod In court
today. Judgo Lnndls fixed bonds for
each at $30,000.
Tho mon indlctod nre: L, 1 Swift,
proaldout o'f Swift' & Company; Ed
ward Swift, vlco-prosldont, and
OharloB II. Swift and Francis A. Fnw
lor, dlrootors; Edward Tlldon, presi
dent of tho Natlonnl Packing com
pany; J. Ogdon Armour, proaldont of
Armour & Company ; Arthur Mookor,
gonornl manngor, And Thomas J, Con
nors, Buporlntendont; Edward Mor
ris, president of Morris & Company,
and h, O, HoymnnmanaEor,
Result the More Unpleasant Because
of Taft's Recent Tour of State
Executive Will Not Be Candidate
for Renomlnatlon Hurried Chnnne
In Plans of Campalnn In New York
HEVEIthY, MnsH., Sept. 13. No
Rtntemont regnrdlng tho oloctlon In
Mnlno wns Isitucd from tho execu
tive offices hero. Tho Mnlno rosultH
shocked Tuft and his advisors. That
Is an open oocrot and tho result was
not moro pleasant bccaiMo of tho
president's recent visit to Mnlno and
tho Hcmi-polltlcnl speeches ho mndc.
In which ho called attention to tho
length of service of Maine's public
Tuft to Pull Out.
Although nothing llko n statemont
hns boon given out, tho Idea scorns to
havo boon adopted by common con
sent thnt President Tnft will not bo
n candidate for ro-olectlon. Sup-
porters of tho administration aro do
nylng thnt thoro Is a breach botwoon
Tnft and Rooiovelt, but tho M
returns nro considered a demonstra
tion of tho belief thnt thoro Is no
lovo lost between tho president and
his predecessor. Tho Taft follow
ers and tho administration men In
sinuate that Iloosovolt Is looking for
a cry for n "polltlcnl Moses."
Ono of tho results of tho Mnlno
election will bo a hurried change In
tho campaign plans for New York
and Ohio, Some of tho ablest strat
egists of tho administration will bo
neat to Ohio to aid In tho fight thoro.
Spellbinders will flood tho state and
every effort will bo nirnlo to elect
Warren O. Harding ovor Govornor
Judson Harmon. The administration
Is particularly anxious to win In Ohio,
Taft'B own state, and tho leaders aro
Inclined to bellcvo today, according
Secretary of American Legation Removed for Talking Too Much Sit
uation Demands Man 'of Greater Experlcnco and Is Pro
nounced Serious Government Won't Intervene.
WASHINGTON, Sopl. 13. If. O.
Marsh, jecretarv of tho American
legation in Panama, and noting
charge d'affaires, has boon recalled,
MiniHtor TIioiiuih Dawson starts for
Panama tomorrow.
Tho Hiiddon olinngo is a ronult of
tho difficulties caused by tho pond
inir Panama elections, which havo
caused an oxehaugu of cablegrams
between Marsh and tho stato depart
ment durim; the past fow days.
Minister Dawson will leave Wash
ington tomorrow for the isthmus. It
is believed that the sudden dotormiu
ntion of hjsjnto department toju'l
PIIOHN1X, Ariz., Sopt. 13. With
many outlying products yot to hoar
from, but with loadors predicting
that tho romnlulug roturna will not
matorlnlfy lufluonco tho gonornl re
sult, tho Inltlutlvo, referendum nipl
rooall havo won out In tho Arizona
oloctlon of dologatoB to tho constitu
Insurqcnts Claim State by 20,000
Weather Is Ideal and Heavy Vote
Is Being Polled Ashton Splits the
Renular Vote With Burke, Giving
Propxcsslve Candidate 'lg Lead.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept. 13.
When tho polls opened at 11 o'clock
this forenoon, long linos of voters
stood before tho booths In nil tho
Inrgo cities of tho state, according to
dispatches received horo this after
noon. At Scnttlo straw ballots taken In
tho vicinity of tho principal polling
placos Indicated that Polndoxter was
capturing nn averngo of 1 votes
to burko's ono. Ashton wns not In
tho running.
At Tncomn Ideal weather brought
out n heavy early voto for Polndoxter
and Ashton, with a light voto for
At Spoknno Polndcxtor Is seeming
ly lending ovor Durko.
At I)elllngham It was predicted
that Polndcxtor would rocolvo pracK,
tf-.ti.. nr. .- -i .I'll.. .-.
vi,. iu iur iuiii. ui.uiu buuii n
publican vote.. 'Forest fires In.Whnt-
com county, however, caused light
voting In tho county outsido of Bol
llngham. OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept. 13. With
tho Washington etnto-wldo primary
election In progress today, Insurgents
nro claiming that Congressman Miles
Polndcxtor, progressive, will win tho
United Stntos senatorial endorsement
over Thomas Utirko, regular, of Se
attle, by 20,000 votes. James AbIi
ton, regular, of Tncom:,, has made n
hard fight, hut It Is conceded thnt
ho probably will not poll two-thirds
tho voto of either Uurko or Polndcx
tor. Tho Hurko managers prodict
thnt tho Scnttlo man will win with n
plurality of 3813. Polndoxtor's mnn-
( Continued on Page 8.)
in tho matter, is a result of informa
tion that tho situation on tho isthmus
is critical.
The postponement o'f thu Panama
election following tho. request of
Marsh that tho United Stntos inter
vene; tho cablegram of President
Tnft to tho -Pnunmun government
censuring Marsh; tho messages from
Colonel Goethals, in charge of tho
construction of tho onnnl, doolaring
that tho situation was sorious, and
that attempts woro boing nuuio by
tho Panama government to discredit
Marsh, all havo proocdod today'.
tional convention to bo hold Ooto
bor 10, 12 democrats boing olectod
to 10 ropubllcaiiB.
Tho rogulnr republicans contested
tho dQinocratlo Idoua ylgorously, but
tho domoornta havo won out and tho
convention will bo controlled by the
domocrntB by n largo majority,
Emperor Franz Josef of 'Austria
Enjoys Hunting at Age of Eighty.
-A..2 ZJ. . &MKi Tt.X i Ar. F A Jl W
tm 'ftrtvM. "t&i ML' tTiMH4K $L
Kiupuror Franx Josef, belovtnl ruler of the Austrlans. Is past eighty years
of age. yet he enjoys a hunting trip occasionally In t.ecludcd parts of his do
main. The photograph u1kvo was taken Just us he was about to start out
recently to shoot f mull pimo.
With a pair of shears, clip the vot
ing coupons from this issue and help
her win one of the many grand
prizes the Mail Tribune is giving
Tho qunrler-ineli of iain which
fell Mpnday night, breaking u four
months' drouth, was a groat blessing
to tho lioguu Hiver valley, and tho
ruin which is predicted, .if realized,
will increase. tho benofit derived. Tho
moisturo has come too lato to bo of
material aid ii quelling tho forest
fires. However, tho shower has
dampened tho woods, and with the
rain which will fall from now on
will entirely eradicate tho dangor of
tho breaking out of now conflagra
tions and will allow tho worn-out
rangers to reouiwrato from the fa
tigues of their recent exertions!
The rain will bo of groat benefit
to tho fruit that is now on (ho tree.
It will was htho spray and dust from
tho ripening apples, givo them a ,
elenror color and darken tho green ,
of tliolr foliage. Tho win Imr oomoi
in time to iwrenso , tho sizo of tho1
Newtownus and Spitzenborgs and
other lato varieties, although tho ap- j
pies aro not suff"''tr as to sizo. j
COKVALMS, Oi, Sopt. 13. !
Flotehor A. Gould, instructor in oivilj
engineering at tlio Oregon Agricul
tural eollego, has spent tho summer
as assistant citv euitioor of Owosso,
Mich, lie will return to his instruc
tional dutios in timo for tho opening
of tho college year. Soptomhor 23.
I Shippers Appear Before Interstate Commission to Demand Certain Priv
ileges Enjoyed by Coast Shippers Be Curtailed So Spokane
; Can Secure an Even Break In Her Territory.
SPOKANE, Wash., Sopt. 13. Spo
, knno shippers before Judgo Charles
A. Prouty of tho Interstate commorco
commission today denmndcdthat cor
tatn privileges as to Jobbing territory
enjoyed by coast shippers bo curtail
ed to tho oxtentt lint Spoknno can
socuro an ovon break In such terri
tory. Tho domand was mado In tho form
of a potltlon for nn amendment In
tho 6chodulo of rntes rocently nn-
Tho dopartmont of tho soil sur
voya of tho federal govornmont has
assigned six additional soil experts
to work In tho Itoguo River valloy
during this fall and whiter.
Tho mon will nrrlvo In Medford
about tho middle or this month and
will work under tho dlroctlon of A. T.
Strahom, stationed at Ashland, who
City Files Answer to Amended Com-
"plaint and Demands Damages for
Violation of Contract and Sain ef
Gravel, Necessitating Sewer Be
Placed on Trestle.
City Attorney Ncff filed answer to
the amended complaint of I. J.
Phipps against tho city of Medford
in the sewer case Monday afternoon.
The city, as defendant, maintains
that after a permit had been given
by I. J. Phipps to construct a sewer
through his .property across Bear
creek, the complainant sold a largo
quantity of gravel and sand from the
bed of the stream, making it neces
sary' for the city to build trestlework
across the stream rather than lay
the pipe on the bottom of the stream,
as originally planned. This, it is
claimed, cost the city $800 and made
danger of the sewer proving an im
pediment to the winter floods pos
sible, as, if the pipe had been laid on
the bottom of the creek, as originally
plnnncd, the floods wonld have flow
ed over it. The city demands that
Phippa.jsimbnrsal.therty-JiOO lo
cover the loss occasioned by his no
DrJdgo Agreement.
The city ndmits the agreement to
build n .$2500 bridge, but maintains
thnt investigation proved thnt a
bridge could not bo built for that
sum nnd that tho city did not have
the additional funds necessary to
completo a bridge. However, the
answer explains that the citv intends
to levy taxes in December that will
include tho amount necessary for
the construction of n wagon bridge
at this point' and that n pennanent
structure will be built during the
coming spring.
City Attornoy Neff further argues
that the sewer across Bear creek is
high enough to allow nil but nn unus
unl high wnter to pass underneath,
and maintains thnt tho sowor is beim;
constructed so that tho trestlework
(Continued on Pnco 8.)
nounced In tho decision of tho Spo
knno rate caBe, and tho hearing was
hold today before Commissioner
Pjouty In tho federal court.
Attorney H. M. Stephens of Spo
kane, who has fought tho caso of tho
shippers horo for years, appeared to
day as counsel for tho petitioners.
Twonty-flvo railroad attornoys and
officials, ropresoatlng tho big systems
of tho northwest, nro opposing tho
(Continued on Page 5.)
has charge of tho survey which tho
govornmont Is making of tho valloy.
Tho names of tho oxports as named
In a lottor from J. A. Douatool, who
Is In charge of tho boII surveys at
Washington, D. O., nre: Messrs.
Holmes, Eckmnn, Wostovor, Kocher,
Nelson and Kolbo.
Tho forest fires havo delnyod tho
complotlon of tho survey.
Government Belongs te People Win
Have Decided That They Demand
a Certain Fundamental Policy ami
Time Is Wasted in Trying to Unto
Their Accomplishments.
Hon. II. Von der Ilcllcn, Statement
Ono candidate for the legislature,
was in Medford Tuesday and mad.
the following statement of his posi
tion on public questiens:
"As a candidate for tho republican ,
nomination for the imrjortant office
of state senator, I feel it incumbent
upon myself to state mv nosition on.
matters of vital interest to out state
nnd conntv such as arc likelv to be
affected by legislation in tho next
two sessions of our state legislature.
Belongs to People.
"I hare subscribed to Statement
No. 1 and in rcenrd to this I think
Lit must be admitted that the fact is y
always patent thnt, after all, the
government belongs to the people
themselves, nnd they, tho same us
individuals,,, must and do bear ttw-
rsrisfolHtif 'co orfaU
urc. The largo majority of votes.,
given for direct legislation and
Statement No. 1 in stato and countv.
and tho fact that thrco United States '
senators havo been elected under this
law, with tho constitutional amend
ments since added, havo entrenched
the ueonlo's rower so comnletelv (hut
from all human appearances theroTis
no likelihood of any reactionary,,
chnmro in the urovnilinc KentimeirL."
When people havo repeatedly decided "
(Continued on Page 8.)
Tho Southern Pacific has como to
tho aid of tho Roguo RIvor valloy la
her fight to again win tho grand
sweepstakes prlzo at tho Spokane Na
tional Applo Show and hold tho title
of Apple King of tho world. The'
railroad lias offered to transport all
tho fruit exhibits from Medford to
tho Spoknno show absolutely free.
This will bo a great aid to exhibitors,
as It will mean a saving of ovor 50
conts a box.
John D. Olwoll Is having much
trouble in raising tho sum roqulred
by tho Commercial club In Its cam
paign nftor prlze-wlanlng apple ex
hibits for tho Spokano and Vancou
ver fairs. Approximately u. thousand
dollars havo already boon subscrib
ed and tho commltteo will leave no
stono unturned until tho required bo
nus to tho growers Is forthcoming,
Tho commltteo In chnrgo of raisins
tho exhibits has bogun looking ovor
tho crops in tho orchards of tho val- .
ley and report that thoy havo found
much of a prlzo-wlnnlng class. They
havo heard by letter from tho offi
cials of tho Vancouver fruit show
that 14 cars havo already been enter
ed for tho carload contost. In this
fair, howovor, It Is not required that
tho wholo car bo of ono variety. There
may bo sovoral variation In ono car
bo long as thoro nro not loss than 60
boxes of any ono kind. This free
dom has probably boon granted la
order to glvo tho growers of Canada
nn ovon break with tho Amerlcaa
growors, ns tho orchards of Canada
aro not largo enough to furnish a
wholo carload of prize apples of one
vnrloty. Medford will probably not
bond a full carload of SpltzenbWgB te
Iho Vancouver fair, but will mix ia
some Yellow NewtownB," : V
- y
" iw-
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