Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 12, 1910, Image 1

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    CUV HB
I i i i in in j.i . I ,ifc wiii f mhWji I il I I nulla i n..BiiBiMiiwiiiim J I 111 t mi ' I I I iwwi - '" -Mfc. mi i 1 1 i. i ii i. - - - 1 ii . i - -
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leased Wire Kfpert.
Tonight nnd tomorrow Pair
nnil coolor,
Tho only taper in the worM
published In a city the bIm ef 9
Medford having; a loaned wto. '
No. 15a
1111 AND
Saloons Will Have to Close and tho
Farmers Vote Early In Order to
Get Into the City to See Buffalo
Bill Liquor Dealers Will Lose
Circus Patronage.
Saturday, September 24, bids fair
to be otto of tho burnetii Medford bus
room iii ninny him; inoutliH of biiHy
days. On Hint day the statewide pri
maries will bo hold, nnd Buffalo Hill
will bid us his bionnlul good-bye.
Tho Hitlooniiion nro worrying con
siderably ovor loss of tnulo, for thoy
will bo forced to close while thu
polls oinin, and ciruiiH day in ono
of thuir vorv bunt bets. Kvory circus
day preparations aro iiindo for a
tremendous biiHiuuHH, but thin timu
thoy will Iohu out.
Tho coming of tho circus will cuuho
tho ranchers to rise earlier tlim thuir
wont, for thoy will havo to vinit thu
polls early In order to cot mother and
the children into town 'in order to
xoo tho fur-f timed Iiiillau warrior.
President Haslam Demands Return
to Tax Lovylnn Privlleqo Recently
Taken Away Delegate Denounces
Lord Mayor.
SIIKIT1KLI), EiiKlnnil, Sept. 12.
The largest labor congress in tho
history of Great Britain opened here
today. In bin opening nddruss Prov
ident IIiihIiiiu demnuded a return lo
the Inx-Iovying privilege whieh was
taken awav in the' decision in the
Osborne case. Tho speaker eon
demued sectional strikes.
Incitement wan caused at thu op
ening session by an unknown dele
gate who objected to the address of
welcome by Lord Mayor Karl FiU
william. Tho delegate rose to his
feut shouting a denunciation at thu
carl, duolnring him an enemy to la
bor. Thu delegate wiih itfelod and
the lord mayor finished !uh address.
It your advertising Is so unimpor
tant Unit It niakoB pooplo Bupposa
your ntoro to bo unimportant work
hard to correct tho Impression.
Leave With Words of Pralso for Treatment Accorded T!i:m In
City Officers Aro Given Luncheon and Taker for an
Auto Drive Through tho Valley.
The soldiers of tho First infantry
loft with great praiso for Medford,,
its hospitality, its salubrious olimiito
nnd its wonderful surroundings.
Major Martin and Captain Offluy
both said that Medford is (lie place
for them when their fighting days
aro ovor.
Tho thirteen officers were not al
lowed ono moment of idleness from
thoir arrival at noon Sunday until
thoy left at 5:30 o'clock in (lie eve
ning. Lunch was served ut tho Nasli
flrill, shortly after arrival, at whieh
Judge Colvig, president of tho Com
mercial club, presided. The thirteen
commissioned officers present were:
Major Martin, commanding efficer:
Captains Offloy, Upton and Pierce;
Surgeon and Lieutenants Sears, Un
tie, Noland, Budd, Mitchell, Huberts,
Spencer, YYhitloy and Campbell, J.
B. Kuapp, assistant district forester
of Portland, M, L, Eriokson, super
visor of tho Crater national forest,
Four Parties Hold Conventions in
Missouri Tomorrow and Folk Boom
for Presidency Is Principal Matter
Before Democrats "Old Guard"
Opposes Him.
JKPFEU80N C1TV, Mo., 8opt. 12.
Tho presidential boom of Joseph
Wlngntn Folk, formor Rovornor of
.MlHHOiirl and fuiuoiiH Kraft prosecutor
of St. I-oulu. will bo tho cnuso of n
npllt in tho domocrntlo platform com
mittee, according to Missouri poll
tlclniiR. Tho convuntlonH of tho dem
ocrats, repuhlicnnB, prohibitionists
and socialists, according to tho pro
visions of tho primary Inw, will nil
bo hold tomorrow.
Tho Folk boom will ho tho princi
pal matter boforo tho democrats. An
effort will bo inndo to nccuro his en
dorsement for tho presidential nomin
ation, It Ih lonrned. Folk hlmsoir
will not nttend tho mooting,' but his
frlendH will bo thoro nnd will endeav
or to force through n resolution en
dorsing Folk for tho presidency. Tho
"old guard" of tho democratic pnrty
In thfl stnto oppose tho movomont.
Some of tho loaders nro determined
to fight it, oven on tho floor of tho
convention, If necessary. It Is pre
dicted that tho question niny causo n
HOrlous spilt.
Tho 'old guard" endeavored somo
tlmo ngo to Induco Folk to accept
tho support of tho state mnchliio for
tho presidential nomination. In re
turn thoy asked him to stay out of
tho Bonntorlnl fight. Folk rofusod to
nccopt tho terms nnd at n "harmony"
banquet In Knnsns City tho rofusnl
cniiHcd quite a ruction.
JACKSONVILLE, Sept. 12. -.John
Nnrling, the veteran oornotist,
has his mine on a business basis.
Under the direction of YV. J. Butter
ly of Philadelphia, an up-to-date
stamp mill has been installed and a
I'lii'cn ni' iiuii nr wnrkinir cottini out
thu ore. For a tiino the forest fire
which has been raging on Jackson
ami Foiiisl ereidts threatened their
now mill, but a couple of days1 hard
work saved it. A company has been
iii-L'iiniod to wnrk the iirunortv un
der the imino of tho Southern Ore
gon Mmititr & Millinir eompauv
(and Sam Swonuing, deputy super
visor of the Crater forest, wore also
After lunch tho officers wore takon
in automobiles through the principal
(imhnrds, stopping at John M. Hoot's
handsome residence and Captain
Gordon Yoorhios for additional re
freshments. It was on tins ride that
tho followers of Mars wore complete
ly captivated by thu beauty and pro
gresBivenoss of the valley which
formed such a pleasing contrast with
tho smoky, burning forests whoro
thoy had been for more than two
Thu soldiers enjoyed themselves
imnioiiKoly while in Medford, us well
as thu officers. The swim at thu
Nutatorium was an unique experi
ence for them affer a two weeks' so
journ in tho mountains, where tho
only water runs ice cold. The men
splashed, swam, dove and yelled and
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Camera Proves Welcome of Colonel Roosevelt
In West as Anticipated by Cartoonist
Photos by American t n ..baucitiilou.
Colonel Itoosovclt's Journey through fourteen states has furnished phoiographers and cartoonists with mauy in
teresting subjects, uiid probably suvernl thousand pictures have been taken of the former president or places that
he visits, hut none of them Is more Interesting thnn tho reproductions above. Some days before Mr. Koo'scvelt
reached tho middle west Cartoonist MeCutchcon of the Chicago Tribune offered the subscribers of his paper a car
toon depleting the anxiety of tho pooplo of lowa for tho coming of their distinguished visitor. The cartoon rep
resented a, typical town of the Hawkeyo State with Its iwpulntlon nlwut tho railway depot watching, whllo on
telegraph polo and from tho tops of freight cars other hundreds scanned the dlstaut horizon for a sight of he
traveler's train. When tho sieclal train bearing the visitors arrived in ono of these towns r photographer of tho
American Press Association with tho colone.'s party was one of the tlrst to alight for a snapshot of the crowd of
welcome. Notice how like tho cartoon of Mct'utcheon nre the characters In tho real photograph, even to tho telo
uritnli nolo nnd tho bos cars.'
Such Seems to Bo Status of Split
In Balllnner Investigation Com
mittee Call for Mcctinn on Tues
day Is Ignored.
DODGE CITY, Kan., Sept. 12.
Anv notion of tho pro-Bullingor
members of tho Balliugor-Pinehot
investigating eommittoo may talcu
when they moot in Chicago will bo
void, in tho opinion of Representa
tive Madson, republican of Kansas,
a-member of tho committee, who is
at homo here today, following last
week's meetings of thu committee in
"Tho Chicago meotijig will bo ir
regular," Madison said, "Tho soc
rutary of tho committee attetidod the
Minneapolis mooting and kept full
minutes. Wo adjourned after adopt
ing n report. That is in the minutes
ho kept. Although thu chairman of
thu eommittoo ruled wo had no power
to do anything elso, wo did have
power to adjourn. Sinco adjourn
ment has boon taken any action, in
Chicago tomorrow will bo unparlia
mentary as woll as unjust."
Senator Nelson of Minnosotn,
chairman of tho committee, called tho
meeting scheduled for tomorrow in
Chicago. His notion followed sovornl
attempts to secure a quorum at the
Minneapolis mooting last wool Kv
ory anti-Ballingor meinbor of tho
committee has announced his inten
tion of ignoring tho call.
Will Arrive the Latter PaVt of tho
Week on His Way to Klamath
Falls to Choose New Maneuver
Grounds for Armv.
Drlgadlor General Mans, command
of the District of tho Columbia; Dr.
K, A. J. MacKemslo nnd A. L. Mills,
presidont of thu First National bank
of Portland, will arrive in Medford
tho lntter part of tho wcok by auto
mobllo en routo to tho Klamath In
dian reservation, which tho briga
dier general la to inspect as a possi
ble location for tho army's annual
field mnhouvors. Whllo. In Medford
tho party will ho tho guostB of tho
Medford Commercial club.
For n number of years American
Lake, near Tacomn, has tjoen tho
annual stamping ground for tho reg
ulars and militia in thoir annual 21
days, of mock warfare. Tho Amorl
can Lnko region, howovor, haa bo
como too populous nnd a chnngo must
soon bo mado. Tho Klamath reser
vation has boon prominently men
tioned ns a aultablo slto for the man
euvers. Although Medford would not
profit dlroctly by tho change of loca
tion, as would Klamath Falls, squads
of soldlors would probably march
from hero over to tho scono of con
Iflct, Tho otflcora of tho' First In
fantry whon In Medford Sundny said
that tho gonorous treatment accord
ed them would ga long way towards
Democratic Candidate for Governor
Claims Election by Five Thousand
Plurality Republican Is Optimis
tic of Re-election,
AUGUSTA, Mo.. Sept. 12. An
enormous earlv vote was east at the
general election in progress horo to
day. Frederick Y. Plaisted, demo
cratic candidate for governor, claims
that tho early returns indicnto ho will
bo elected by a plurality of 5000.
Pert M. Femald, republican gover
nor, who is fighting for re-election,
is optimistic and chiims the state by
a plurality of 11000. Ho was elect
ed in 1008 by 7(15:1 plurality. Tho
republicans are claiming tho four
congressional districts.
In tho first district, known as
"Tom Heed's" district. Asher Hinds,
parliamentarian of congress, is tho
republican candidate. Tho cry of
"Canitonisin" has been raised and a
hard fight is being made against
T. R. Takes a Rest.
OYSTKK PAY, N. Y., Sept. 12.
Colonel Hoosovolt is recovering today
from the fatiguo caused by his wos
tern trip.
' itii ni"i"iit I i" I ii'4 imiim i ii i iiil'i'i in
causing tho higher otflcialo to choose
southern Oregon for tho maneuver
List at Noon Today Had Grown to
3152. Which Is About 50 Per Cent
ef the Vetinn Strength of the
Ceunty Only Two Days Are Now
The vote nt the primaries on Sep
tember 24 in this county will be the
lightest cast at a county election in
several years, if tho registration
books nro a criterion. Desultory
registering continued today, and with
tho rolls closing Wednesday night,
unless voters aro interested in the
meantime, the list on record will be
far below normal.
On Saturday night only 2868 per
sons bad registered. Today at noon
the list had increased to 3152, which
is about half of the voting strength
of the county.
The Medford list is .far below nor
mal. Over 500 more should register
in this city.
Every citizen should enroll in time
to vote at the primaries. That elec
tion is just as important, in many
instances, more so, than the final
Do it now!
Barbed Wire Pioneer Dies.
CHICAGO, Sept. 12. The death of
Colonel Isaac L. Elwoodfl(77,m.ark
the passing of one of tho pioneers of
tho barbed wire fence business. Col
onel Elwood died at his residence In
Do Kalb. He made a fortune in barb
ed wire manufacturing.
Elwood was one of tho organizers
of the United States Steel and Wire
GHEENSBURG, Pa., Sept. 12.
The grand jury this afternoon re
turned indictments against 400 strik
ing miners on charges of rioting 'is
tho result of recent disturbances
growing out of tho coal miners'
strike. Wholesnle arrests havo been ;
mndo sineo tho indictments were rend
in court. i
Tho grand jury nlso recommended
tho erection of a new workhouse to
rolieve tho congestion of the
jails which hnve been filled with
New York World Asks Colonel to
tial Campaign Fund Which Was Used to Elect Him
Want Light of Publicity Turned On.
NEW YORK, Sopt. 12. Colonel
Hoosovolt is called on by tho Now
York World today to publish tho re
ceipts of campaign contributions and
tho expenditures of tho funds in tho
presidential campaign of 1904.
"If tho nntional government is to
control any business carried on in tho
various states, meaning all business;
if the presidont of tho United States
is to bo tho 'steward of public wel
fare' in regulnting business, nnd if
you mTu to Uo tho presidont, tho
country lias a right to know how tho
stewardship is to bo exorcised. It
has no menus of judging thu futuro
except by tho vmst," snys tho World.
"Your 1004 campaign has novor been
publicly accounted for oxcopt as
fragmentary facts havo como to light
through investigations. Othorwiso
Chairman, Cortelyou novor publicly
accounted for a penny of tho millions
colleotod to oleot you.
"You sealed his lips and kept thorn
sealed for six yours. Wo know tho
Charles Daly, Alias Harry 0'IM,
Bartender in Local Sateen, Ar
rested by Chief Shearer en Charp
ef Stealing $2100 in Washhtftea.
Made by His Wife.
Chief Shearer arrested Charms
Daly, alias Harry O'Neal, in this city
Sunday afternoon at the request.
the sheriff of Chehalis couaty,
Washington, received by mail earlc
in the day. The charge against Dftly
is grand larceny, made by his wife,
with whom he has had trouble. Tlw
sum alleged to have been stolen
Daly has been in Medford several
weeks, working as bartender in the
Oaks and Office saloons. While is
Medford the police hnve had ne
trouble with Daly, and the arrested
man has friends hero who believe
that the charge is simply tho outcome
of a family squabble and without
Joohn Hcrrington, owner of the
office cafe, says that ho has knows
Daly for 20 years, both in Colored
and in Baker City, whoro he tended
bar in the Kciscr Grand hotel for a
number of years.
Chief Shearer has taken the ac
cused man to the county jail ;t at
Jacksonville nnd has telegraphed 'theT, ,
sheriff at Montesant. WaabXo'fahw
apprehension. WWP8I
Courts May Be Called Upon to De
cide Division of the Purse-Caa-tain
and Mate at Outs Reqardins
the Matter.
LONDON, Sopt. 12. Tho British
courts may be called upon to settle
the claims of five porsons to the
$1250 reward for tho arrest of Dr.
II. n. Crippen, the American dentist,
nnd Ethel Leneve, thu typist with
whom ho fled to Canada.
It became knowu that Detective
Sergeant Barclay, who claims" la
have put "the Scotland Yard dctec-
tives on the right trail of the cou-
( Continued on Page 8.
Publish All Contributions to Presiden
-'. &
insurance companies contributed
$150,000; that tho Harriuum corrup
tion fund contributed $260,000, Har
riman personally supplying $60,000;
tlmt thu Standard Oil company, the
beof trust and others contributed.
Wu know you afterward attacked the
hoof trust, but did not "porsonaliy
proceed against its officers, ul-V
though tho Shormau nnti-trust luw
is a "criminal statute'. Wo know;f
you aftorward publicly attacked tho.
Standard Oil .company, but did notp
proceed uguinsl tho officors person--
ally." v
Tho World reviows other failure
of Hoosovelt's administration to
prosecute trust officials. Conclud
ing, it says:
"Does tho now nationalism meas!
tho kind of imblieity given iu 100 IT
Before thu now nationalism proceeds
titK (ik lit i.e. i.iiTn r.lil!f.ll r it il.n old
nationalism, the nationalism .
1004." I