Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 11, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Image 7

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rw W V V V V V V
Answer a Want Ad and Investigate That Opportunity in Person
NIOW VOItIC, Qopi. 10. -Moiit
Mocks uhowoil llttln variation from
yoHtorday'n clone wlion tlio mnrkut
opened today. Intornntlomtl I'upor
preferred, lMttnliurK. Clnalniintl, Chi
cago anil Ht. Kouln declined li St.
Paul advanced on tlio opnnhiK.
The rnngo of tho other lenders wmi
loin than half u point. In thu iioeoud
hour Dm prices mlvnucoil allKhtty, nl-
thouiili tho hulk or tho IiiimIiiohm wan
not grout. KuiiilliiK'aml Union Pn
elfin wont principally tnulod In and
Hhowoil a Kill n of I -a. Tho market
I'lOHOlI dull.
(Furnlnhod by Mom ft Co. by private
t XKW YOltlC. Bopt. 10. Today's
;- raiiKo of prlccn:
HIkIi. Low. Clone.
Amal. Copper 03 M 03 03
Am. Car Kdy 48
Am. Bmoltota 00 00 V4 00
Aucondn 30
AtchlBon ... D7a; 07 07
Am. Tel 134 H
, Hal. & Ohio , 103
Brook. It. T. 73 73 73
C. & 0 72 72 72
C. Nor. Wont Ht
C'nt. I.vitthr 32 ft 32 32
C. I". & 1 20
Con. (Ian .. 120 120 120
v I). & It. (1 29 Vi
"Krlo 25 Vi
:Ot. Nor. pfd :.v. 123'
.. Intorboro . .- 18 18" . 18
do pfd , . .. 48
M: K. &T... 31 30 30T4
Mo. Inc Ct
Nat. Load .. 51 Gltf 51
N. Y. Central 111 111 111
j Nor. & Wwt 00
Nor. I'no. ... 113 113 113
Pnc. Mall ... 27 27 27
,.1'onnn 128 128 128&
j Heading ... 130 Vi 138 138
Rock iHlnmt ..... 20
do pfd 03
St. Paul ... 110 118ft 118
fcSo. J'ac 112 111 1U
8o. Ity 22
Un. I'ac lOGft 105 105
U.S. Stool.. 08 08 08
do pfd ...110 11 HCVi
, Utah Copper to
Wnbiitth pfd.. 35
Total HaloH. 50,100 shares.
Cli lingo Market.
Wheat IIIrIi. Low. CIoho.
.Mny 100 105 105
j.Doc 100 00'4 90
fMuy ..'..... 58 57 K7T4
0nc 65 54 54
.Mny 38 37 37
-Dee 34 34 34
',.Jnn 18.80 18.70 18.80
" LIVHItPOOL, 8opt. 10. Wheat
cloned lowor.
" f
IMION18 1H!11. 4
f-f-f 4-4--f-f-.4-4-4-4-4-4--f-f4-
LONDON, Bopt. 10. Two million
pornoiiH todny nw Aviator Cruott
Wlllowfl fly around tho Crystal pnl
aco, twlco clrclo tho St. Paul domo
and twlco cross tho Thames, WH
lowa covered 15 miles. Not onco dur
ing tho fllb'ht did ho cross n spot
that would afford him a safo land
ing placo. Ho was compollod to clr
clo back to tho CryHtnl palnco Bar-
dons to allitht. "4 ' '
Tlio firm of Tonoy it Murphy has
HiIh day, Roplembor 1. 1010) ills
Holved,purtnorHhip,1MrT., U. Tanner
of Henttlo, Waali., luvvinK bought out
tho intorost of Mr. Torroy. In iho
future tho firm nnmo will 1 Murphy
& Tanner at tho hiiiiiu old Htnuil, cov
uiH' Main nlroet and Contral avoiuio,
Arrnngo to attond tho Kugouo IIub
lnosa Collogo, p.ud lot us got you a
good position wlion, you gradimto. Eu
tor now. Bend for our now cnln
logtio, HV4 Went Hovonth Htroot,
ISiiKono, OroLon. tf
FOR 8ALH Now 8-rooiu Iioiiho nnd
lmtli, ouvornl good lot, good work
tonin aiid HO-ncro ranch, 1 iiiIIoh
from Htalloif, with iiorpotual water
righlH. See ownor, I). H. Wood,
Oak Park, .jimt off JnokHon Ht. 151
KOH BALK Bovornl houses and Iota
iUho fino fnnn. J). T. Lnwton,
Ownor. tf
FOll fULK Fiinifoliod Iioiiho and
'J lotH and ii hoiiHf. Call nt 720 W.
Kith nt. irr
ro R BALK 120 ucroii, Kvans Crook
fruit; ImproVomonto; buy of ownor.
Wrlto S. I Piator, R. P D Wood
vlllo, Or. tf
KOU SAIilI (J-rooin bungalow with I
bath. Inquire of H. A. Johnson,)
with Powor & Koovoh, 212 Kruit-1
urowerw' Hank bldK- tf
FOR BALE 6 nnd 10-acn tractfl,
jufit within and adjoining city lim-i
itn, at a bargain, on 5 nnnunl pay-
mentH. Addren Condor ttatcr
Iaer to. L
FOR BALK $1200; two-tory now
house, '1 roomH nnd pantry down
stairs, upstuirH not completed;
woodshed and well; lot 50x259;
close in. Inntiira J. Hitter, 0 South
O st. 151
KOU BALE Flye-room houoo, lot'
53 by 200, onnt front. North Con-J
tral Avonuo. Call on J. T. Sum-'
morvlllo, WhUonant Darbor Shop, j
tf .
FOR SALE A now, modern 7-roomj
bungalow, on paving, cemont sido
walks, three blockn from park;1
$2850. Addross Box 300. Rents'
for $10,
FOR SALE Modom fi-room Iioiiho,,
funiishcd, and 4 lots, Iioiiho Iiiih,
cement foundation nnd 2' Krche3;i
h l,nr,.ni if tillon miinlc nt S2fI00.t
I AiMrcKB P. E. Zopp, Medford, Or.)
10U i
FOR SALE Two 10-aero tracts
near Enlo Point, good soil, level;
ono tract partly cleared, $800 each;!
terms half cash, long time on bnUl
anco. Address P. O. I3ox 702, Med
ford, Or. 100
FOR 8 A LB Ilonutlful bungnlow, lo
cutod ono I lock west of South Oak
dalt; fivo rooms and modorn bath;
stcno foundation; largo torch, ox
tondlng ncrona front and sldo; lot
50x103; 10 applo trow In full boar
Ing; prlco for quirk salo J2050; hnlf
cash, balanco oao termB. Boo own
or nt Sherman Clny Piano com
pany, tt
FOR SALE Ono house nnd two lots
on iorin iicuiiy Hireei; inm is ki-i
nor lot. Inuuiro nt 524 Iioataty
street. 15!
FOR SALE A fine now bungalow, 5
rooms and bath, on Koonewny, Sis
kiyou IloightH, $3250, ono-half
cash. See olm A. Tornoy, 110 E.
Main nl. 152
F6lt SALE Small house, 10x10, 2
stoves, household goods, $25; mule,
pack outfit, $00. Look Hox 750. If
FOR EXCHANGE 1010 touring car,
perfect condition, for oily property.
Address "II. C," euro Mail Trili-
iiiio office. 140
Kiirnis or Orchards.
FOR SALE An ideal small fnnn of
40 acres; nlmost 3 milos from Phoe
nix, Hiunu diutnnco from Talent, Or. ;
fruit land; 2 good springs, 5-room
. houifo, outbuildings, 50 ponr trees,
small fruit, 5 aoros oloarod, $800
worth of wood; $1200 down, bal
ance on time to suit buyer; this is
$50 per acre. Take cars to Talent
and I will hIiow you tho property. 1 .
N. Jiulil, Roberts hid.. Talent.
FOR SALE Do you vnnt a fino
farm of 00 acres, noar Anderson
creek, Talent, Or.; tortile soil,
healthy location, among the bills, 20
ncrcB under cultivation, a sovon
room house, outbuildings, etc., etc.,
a woll of puro, sparkling wator,
several living springs of wator on
tho placo; a fine boaring family or
chard of tliroo noroa; early and late
apples; also" pbauhos, pears, plums,
prunes, chorrios and oomo small
fruit; lovely view from it of Iho val
ley; sevoral thousand dollars (that
is only a triflo over ($110) one
hundred nnd slxtoon dollars niv
aoro). Take your wifo and oomo on
the oars to Talent and I will tako a
rig nnd go out and show you thp
placo. L. M. Judd, Robort bldg.,
near depot. tf
FOR SALE Or exchange-, by owner,
boiiio good milch proporty; also
soino town lots. Address P. O. box
083, Medford, Ore. tf
FOR HALKIInlf aero on Medford
HcIkIiIh. ino view, water main run
nine through, tho place; for quick
Halo, JjiOriO. Soo M. S. Johnson,
KiiuIIhIi Chop Houho. 1T1,
KOH 8ALH 3i;! neros, 2 diHm
west of Medford on main road; fair
buildings, 20 acrcfl in 4-ycnr-old
NowtowiiB nnd Spilr.onborg8, ImJ
unco planted to pours with pencil
fillers ; big young loam, Jersey cow,
ohickoiiB, all mnchinory nnd tool'
go with plnco; $550 an acre; good
tonus. Tlioro !h u profit of $200 an
noro in tliiw buy iimidc n yenr. W.
T. York & Co. tf
FOR BALi: lly owner, 40 iioreH
best fruit or truck laud in the val
ley, 12 ncri'H in yeunj: fruit; every
foot of tract can bo cultivated and
in ditched for irrigation; al prico
linked in best buy in valley; oafly
tonus. AddrooH W. H., carro Mail
Triliuno office. lfl'l
FOR SAtiK 2-1 acres at Oriffin
crreek, two acres bearing Jona
thans, house and burn ; this in n
simp. Cull nt 25 N. Peach st., or
phone 1-131 Main. 140
GOO ACRES choice timber for sale,
05 per cent pine, balanco fir and
cedar, well located, not hurl by fire,
$12.50 per noro; cniise 15,000,000
feet. liux 180, Central Point. 151
10 ACRES fanning land, 5 iicres in
8-vcar-olu Newtown and Spitzu; 20
acres in cultivation; good 5-room
house, well furnished, barn and
other buildings; u burguin if taken
soon, ' $1500. Rex 180, Ccptnil
Point. 151
llualncoii l'ropertjr.
FOR BALE Choico buBbess prop
erty at a bargain, on long timo;
easy terms. Address Condor Wa
ter Power Co.
FOR SALE Only hotel in Butte
Falls, new and doing good busi
ness. Address O. V. II. Albert,
Mittto Falls. Or. 174
FOR SALE Any ono contemplating
change to Oakland, Cnl.: I have ono
lot with two houses in East Oak
laud, actual cost to owner $3800;
$1300 still to pay, nt $30 per mouth,
income $20 monthly, rented; will
exchange equity for small ranch
near Phoenix or proiwrty in Med
ford or Ashland. Address Hox 10,
oiii-o of Mail Tribune office. 174
FOR SALE Lot 100x100, ono block
from city park; a bargain if taken
nt once. Inuuiro at 110 South Ivy
sL 140
FOI SALE Hotwecn Fourth nnd
Second ots., oight high, level lots,
51x100 fooot; Howor nnd wator;
price $2400, $1100 will hnndlo; this
in a snap. Address P. O box 172.
tract on North Riverside, lots of
fruit, garden, 7-room house, barn,
good driving mare, light spring
wagon, one milch cow, bunch of
chickens nnd hoiibo furniture. In
quire at J. V. Riser's place, on
North Riverside, just outside city
limits. 151
FOR SALE Entire block, south
west corner of, S. P. tracks ami
Jackson Ht.; this should make buyer
a big profit in less than a yoar.
Call at 25 N. Vouch st. or telephone
1431 Main. 140
FOR SALE 5-pnssctigcr automobile
in first-class shape; will tnke part
in Undo. P. O. Hox 412. 154
FOR SALE A complete Miinglo
mill, capacity 30,000 per day; all
necessary belts, shafts, join tors
and extra saws and collars; power,
etc., complete, ,$1000. Hox 180,
Central Point. 151
FOR SALE Good Mmu horson,
harness nnd wagon. Inquire L. A.
Rose. Phoenix. Or. ti2
FOR SALE Now punching bag, In
perfect condition; also a tolegrnph
instrument, complete with bultor
ios. N. V).. Mail Tribune. 155
FOR SALE I am prepared to furn
ish winter supplies of firo wood In
oak, fir and pine; stovowood and
four-foot lengths, F. Osonbrugg'o,
phono 1041. 401 Riverside avenue
FOR .SALE At a bargain, entire
grncling outfit, consisting of 24
head of horsos nnd mulos, harness,
seven wagons, 4 tents, 10x18, 8
Frosnos, 100 blankets, full sot of
blacksmith tools for grading camp,
4 No. 2 Whoolors, 3 plows, 15 set
of doublo nnd single trees extra;
also a lot of miscellaneous tools for
ubo in grading; ontiro outfit onn bo
soon at Eaglo Point, Call on or ad
dross George Powol, oaro of Jaok
son place, Eugle Point, Or. 154
FOR SALE Household goods and a
good piano; nlso buggy and hnr
iichh. Inquire nt 022 W. 2d Ht. 153
FOR SALE Silver prunes at Cran
doll'H, opposite Burrell orehnrJ,
south; mail orders to R. F. D. 1,
box 00, Medford. 0r. 140
FOR SALE Italian nnd petite
pninos. Fino quality. At 240 How
ard streol, near Bennett avenue,
East Medford. tf .
TOR SALE Legal blanks of all
klridn treupaen and other noflcoi,
at Mall Tribune office.
FOR SALE Cboap; sideboard, beds,
chairs, etc., light Molinc wagon, al
most now. 333 E. Jackson st. 140
FOR SALE One hundred nngora
(mats, ciican : must be sold tit once.
J. A. Wcstcrlund, phono Main 3371.
FOR SALE Now large roll-top
desk nt a bargain. Call 210 Fruit
growers' Bank bldg., mornings, 8:30
toO. tf
FOR SALE Span of young ponies,
harness, spring wagon nnd tent,
$150. Call 1110 Eleventh st. west.
FOR SALE Four-cylinder Ford
runabout, mngneto included; a bar
gain if taken nt once. Inquire F.
II. Wilson. Spot Cafe. 150
FOR BALE Chandler & Prlco Gor
don Jobher, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inqulro Mall Tribune office.
FOR SALE Placer claim. 00 acres,
ditch, reservoirs, smnll house, good
laud; Jacksonville 8 miles; price
right. Aclilre V. A. Springford,
Jncksomille. Or. 159
iMimlnlK'd ItnofiiK.
FOR RENT Furnished, moms for
light housekeeping. 24 , Mistletoe
st. 151
FOR RENT Five-mom house, city
wntor. $1(5. llll N. Riverside. 140
FOR RENT Furnished room; lnrge,
modern front room, close in. 243
North Holly. 151
FOR RENT A largo furnished
room on first floor; modorn. In
qnire nt 227 S. Central. 149
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
transients, No. 10 NorjIjS .Grapo
street, noxt to Farmers and Fruit
growers' bank. tf
WANTED Three or 4 furnished
rooms for light housokeceping for
two months or funiishcd house, bv
young couple. Address or phone
Mail Tribune office. '
FOR RENT Six-room funiishcd
house, modern. Inquire 520 S. Ivy
st. 150
FOR RENT Six-room house Mrs.
E. L. Taylor. Medford Or. lfil
FOR RENT Modern 5-room house,
furnished. 145 N. Oakdalc. Call
Monday at 1020 W. 10th st. 194
FOR RENT Funiishcd six-room
house. Address E. L. T., care of
Mail Tribune office 152
FOK LEAaB Fully equipped gold
mtno; ton-stamp mill and conqon
trator, all crorated by electric pow
oi, Ownor will furnish free eloc-
trlo power for sharo In proceeds. See
Smith, at Condor Water & Power
FOR RENT Stock ranch for one
year, with tho privilege of fivo
years R.ogue River Liintl Co., 11
North Central avenue. 152
Situations Wanted.
WANTED Position as stenographer
and bookkeeper by lndv with four
years oxporicnoe. Address M. O.
cam of Mai. Tribuno office tf
WANTED Position as an oxpori
imced orehnrdist, capable of aotinj,
as foreman or manager; limn with
small family. Address A. L. Gall,
Tolo. Or. 151
llolp Wnntod Male.
WANTMD Kxporloncon none cutter
and quarry man. Call at Condor
Wator and Powor Co'n. otflc,
WANTED Fivo budderJ. , , Hoguo
Rlvor Vnlloy Nursory Co., Inc., 25
Woflt Main st., Medford. Or. tt
WANTED Man who understands
orchard work, with 3 or 4 toams, to
tako charge of 200 aoros in young
orchard. J. A. Wosterlund, offico
In Medford National Hunk bldg. 1"0
WANTED At onco, carpenters at
11th and Hamilton sts.
Help Wanted.
WANTED Lady to do mending and
ropairincr. Phono Main 2102. If
WANTED Competent woman for
general housework, two in family,
wages $30. Address Hox 00, 'care
Mail Trillium office tf
WANTED Lady to do washing nnd
ironing. Inquire at Ilussoy's Cash
Store 149
Help Wanted -female
WANTED Five girls for folding
pamphlets at the Mail Tribuno of
fice WANTED A capable general house
work maid ; ono used to service Ap
ply Mrs.. C. II. Glnizo, 313 S. Grape
street. 154
WANTED Girl for general hqnse-
work, 3 in family.
620 S. Holly
WANTED Competent rirl for gen
eral housework; small family; good
wages. Phono Main 3111. tf
WANTED Servant for general
Ijousc work. Good wages. Address
F. Pelouzc, Eagle Point. Railroad
farcf paid. - 149
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Inquire nt 018 West Mam
Help Wanted MlsccUaacoH.
WANT about 30 acres cleared four
miles from Medford. W. J. Hart
zcll. Dakota and Park stfl. 149
WANTED Highest cash price paid
for clean cotton rags, delivered to
Mall Tribuno office.
WANTED To borrow $1000 for one
to three years, on first-class close
in property, worth $3000. Address
P. O. Box 702. Medford. Or. 160
WANTED To buy team o f mares,
viiy'irtht 1200 nnimds or over. Ad
dress P. O. box 265, giving descrip
i; j : it
tion nnd prico.
WANTKD Salesmen in every local
ity of the northwest; moner ad
vanced weekly; many make OTer
$1000 month; choice of territory.
Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top
penish, Waab.
WANTED To purchase 160 acres
or moro of uncleared land at a pnee
not to excaed $25 per acre; distance
from town no object if there is good
wagon road to land; no desert land
wanted. Address P. O. Box 702,
Medford. Or. 160
WANTED To buy light one-horse
wagon, second-hand, with shafts.
Address Box 745. "153
WANTED Stoves blacked and
chimnoy cleaned. Call 207 Phipps
bldg. tf
WANTED To buy a light spring
wagon, harness and a horse weight
about 1200 pounds; stnto pnee Ad
dress S. B. Spiker. Eagle Point,
Or. 149
LOST Three-jointed Abbey & In
gray fishing rod, in green plush enso
with canvas covor; lost nt depot; $5
reward if returned to Hotel Nash.
Rooms to Rent.
WANTED Two or three furnished
rooms for light housekeeping. Ad
dress S. Mail Tribune office 152
WANTED To rent any kind of
smnll house, with good wnter. J,
H.. Mail Tribune office. 150
FOR TRADE 15 acres, 3M miles
from' Medford, for city property.
Van Dyke Realty Co.
FOR TRADE 200-aoro farm for
city proporty; a bargain; see us at
once Van Dyke Roalty Co. V
FOR TRADE Team, wngon nnd
harness, for city property. Ad
dress A. P. Barrow, Medford, Or.
tTTTErcXCES built, brick work con
tracted for; comont cisterns built.
D. C. Colo, 730 South Contral.
LOST Bank sack containing money
and koys, between Ross nve and
West Main. Return to Mail Trib
uno offico and receive reward. 152
Palm building.
A. E. REAMS Lnwyor, over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA
LEY Attorneys-nt-law. No. 9 D
street, gronnd floor,
vig, C. L. Roames. Lawyers. Of
fico Medford National Bank build
ing, second floor.
1840 Moots at Smith's hall, 128
North Grnpo streot, -evory Thurs
day ovoniug promptly nt 8 o'clock.
All journoymon enrponters, as well
as local mombors, urgod to bo pres
ent. Business of vital intorest to
all carpenters trnnsaoted at those
inootiugs. J. J. Sonl. business net.
NORMAN WINDER, architectural
draftsman and builder See mo
about your now home T can pave
you mouoy by planning to your
own idons and figuring with yon
right, Write Box 37, P. O., Mod-ford.
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main.
Phono Main 3471. Residence phono
in room 206, Phipps bid. Gaa ad
ministered for extraction of teeth
Telephone Main 341, Night -phono
DR. W. M. VAN. 8C0Y0C, Dentist-
Office in rooms 203-204. Farmen'
& Fruitgrowers' bank building
west of the tracks.
dertaken!. Day phone 351. Night
phones, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Butler 3571.
SING LEE has sold his laundry to
Wnh Lee Co., and hereafter it will
be conducted by Wnh Lee Ho is
an experienced man in the busi
ness. Fhotogrmpben.
Maekey and die with joy." Over
Alien & Reagan's store; entrance
on Seventh street
Stenographic work done qaiekly
and welL
OoBieat uidewaltut
CEMENT 8H)EWALKS. bneamasoc.
stone mason, plastering and all
lands of stucco work. Expert work
manship at reasonable chargea bj
the day or contract Adireea Ma
sons. 511 E. Main Rt.. MHfnrd. Or
James A. MacKenrie, dealer in
new and second-hand furniture,
hardware, clothing, boots and shoes.
Highest cash prices paid for good
cast-off clothing. Call and see me
when you have something to sell
103 South. Central
Printers aad PabUatier.
best equipped job office u South
era Oregon; Portland prir-es. 3
South Central avenue.
Billiard Carton.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiaxaa, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stair
Young & Hall building. A nice
cool place to spend the hot after
344 South C st., Medfori. Ore.
W. Hisey, Matron. Offioial kotpit
P. & E. R. R.
Real BKate.
EARLE C. SABDJ Orchard tracts
city property. List your holding!
with me Only desirable property
hanaUed. Room 202, Fruitrrower
Bank bldg.
BUI Posten.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster ane
Distributor. All orders prompts
filled. Room 29, Jackson Count?
Bank building, Medford. Ore.
Cigars aad Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars an
srnokers' supplies. Exclusive agenti
of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito
and El Palencia. 212 West Mab
PalBtors and Paperbamajen.
Phone 3732. Dean & HcMullen
contracting painters, painting, pa
per hanging and tinting. Estimatei
on all kinds of painting work
Medford. Or.
H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers U
new and second-hand xonutur
and hardware. Agents for House
hold stoves and ranges. 10 South
Fir Rtreet, Phono Mnin 3161.
Corner 8th and Holly sta., Med
ford. Mission Furniture made t(
order. Cabinet work of all kind
A trial order solicited.
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stovei
and ranges. New and second-ham
furniture Ends' old stand, 18 W
F st South. Phone 91. Medford
are buddod, not grafted. Our stoc)
is not irrigated, We guarantee er
orything put out. We are not in thi
tnist. fl. B. Patterson, offioa rs
mnrd to llfi EnRt Mnin t
SERY CO., Ine Growers of high
grade nursory stook. Offioe 21
W. Main. Tel. 1201.
Physicians and Burgeons,
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposit.
Jackson County bank. Night call
promptly answered. Offioe au
rosidonco phone Mam 3432.
Uco limited to disoaflos of the qye,
ear, noso and throat. Temporary
ear, nose nnd throat. Offico 210
East Main at., over Medford Hard
waro Co.
cians and Surgeons, Taylor and
Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 311. 213.
Office phone 501, residence phoos
612. Office hours 0 a. m. to 8 i m
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
Physicians. Mission block. Phoao
292. Medford. ;
HricJc CosspaaJea.
Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T.
O'Brien Contractors an J maaa
facturers of brick; dealer i
pressed briok and lime. Office la
Postoffice block, room S. Psoas
No. 18L
Tla Shop.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tn. and
sheet iron ware on hand and mads
to order. 128 North O R "
A. T. sad A. SC
Medford Lodge, No,
102. meets Fridays In
Maaonlo Hall. L. ?B.
Hsaklna, VT. M.; Wil
liam Muller, SecroUry.
suited meetlnga fntrd
r rmay.
Xutin Star.
and fourth Wednesdays lnMason'o H.,ll.
'ibo ucnruuo rvecKjs, . nri.j Airs. 111-
llan B. Woodford. Secretary. '
Xoyal Arch JKasoas.
Crater Lake Chapter. Ko.
32. Meets first and third
Tuesdays in Masonic Hall.
C. L. Iteames, Hljrh Priest:
J. It Woodford, Secretiry.
rraternat Union of Amorlea.
Medford Lodge, No. 421. Meets sec
ond and fourth Tuesdays In Redman's
ifa,J- Wm- Schoults, F. M.; Mrs. L,A.
Jordan. Secretary. f-
. . o. z.
Medford Lodge. No. 1163.
Meets Thursdays in K3p.
Hall. W. W. Elfert. K. R.:
Robert Telfer, Secretary;
John Wllkins, Treasurer.
SrailonaTrotctlTs' Region.
Venus IeRlon. No. 2189. Meets first
and third Wednesdays In Smith's Halt
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. V. P. andZC.;
r. H. Hull. Secretary. Jfe.
Z. O. O. P.
Medford Lodge,
No. 8J. Meets
Monday. M. L. Meadows, N. 0.:ir.
Snedgar, V O.; W. R. Miller. Record
ing Secretary
7oresters of America.
Court Medford. No.
8935. Meetsvsecond and
fourth Mondays in Rod
men's Hali. O. JU Sels
by. Chief.
JCP. v
Talisman Lodge. No. 31. MeetJ
Mondays In K. P. Hall. H. O.
Wortman. a C.: J. V. Hutch- .'
nson, K. of R. S,
Pythias Sisters.
Temple No. 40. Meets first and third.
Wednesdays in K. P. Hall. Mrs. Knola
Hamilton. E. C; Mrs. Alice E. Trow
bridge. M of R. C
A. O. TJ. W.
Medford Lodge, No. 9S. Meets
second and fourth Wednes
days in Redmen's Hall. Fort
Hubbard. M. W.: A. C. Hub-,
bard, Recording Secretary
Chas. Strang. Treasurer.
Xoyal Neighbors of America.
Mistletoe Camp. No. 4713. Meets first
and third Mondays In Rodmen's Hall.
Mrs, j. E. Enyart, Oraclo; Mrn. Alta
Newman. Secretary.
Order of Eagles.
Medford Aerie. No.
1277. Meets Thurs-
riftvft in 'Tlftilmen'a
M Hall. O. M. SelS-
by. P.
rratemsl Brotherhood.
Banner Lodge. No. 135. Meets first
nnd third Wednesdays, Redmen's Hall.
J R. Tyrroll. President; M. C.McDon
"ugli. Secretary.
K. W. A.
Medford Cainn. No.
90. Meets first and
third WetmesdayB, at
Redmen's Hall. 'W.
C. Klnyon, Consul;
W. T. Oouldor, clerk.
Woodmen of the ' WorJAT
Medford Camp, No. 90.f 'Meets first
and third Thursdays in Redmen's Hall.
W. P. Mealey. C. &; J. W. Ling, clerk. '
Women o Woodcraft. '
Chrysanthemum Circle, No, 84. Meets
second and fourth Tuesdays in Redmon's
Hall. Mrs. Kate Walte, O. M.; Mrs. Prue
Aniclo Piatt, alnrlc.
X. O. T. M. ' ' '-
Trtumpli Tenf, N6. , ii
Meets first and' third
Mondays in Redmen's
Hall. C. E. Collins, qom.j,
C. F. Hurke. R. "K.
Oraisd Army of the' Sepnbltc.
Chester A. Arthur Post. No, 47. Meats
lira: and third Tuesdays In Redmon's
Ha'.l O. W Bigamy, Com.; D. It. An
drcwa Ajt ,
Woman's Belief Corps.
Chester A. Arthur Corps. No. 34. Meets
first and third Wednesdays In Redmen's
Hall. Mrs. Nancy Wlllson, President;
Mrs. Win, Shoulty. Secretary.
Order of Xedmen.
Weatonka Tribe, No, ,30,., Meets Sat
urdays in Hodmen's Hall. Aug. D, Sln
Kler. S.l Leo Jacolis,vK. of Alt Jt
Order of, ocahoatas. .. ,, v
Meets Fridays In Rodmwi's' Hall. -Mrs.
Margoret Gardner, I.; Mrs. w, L.
Schults, K.' of R.
fff T'i
"r .s-b