MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1910. ! i :-.-u "N ' V, ,'i V fctfUMMIi SuBWtGS L- i. iiii.1' y- -.--. John II. Cnrkln, nttorr.oy-at-law, over Jncktton County Hank, Kino nwcot poachon, Mpo and lirunon, nil kinds, dirt ohoap. Farm em 7110. tf Medford Golloctlon AKoncy, 10 pop cont clinreod. Ovor llurlburt'n mow Atom, tf Q. W. Ilnrnum & Co., contraclorH and bulldoru. Country work n npoo wlty. Ordorn nollcltod. Inqulro nt Tho ToKKory. ' I). II, Hawklnn, noino of whoso iiiRiiiiHcrlpt linn boon pronounced upon favorably by ninny of tho load liiK crltlca In Orojjon nnd In tho onnt, hnn boon Invllod to fjlvo a loo-tiiro-riMtdliii of hlu C-plo (Cnuaa- tloiOti ntudy In philosophy, hcIoiico, Iilutory nnd motnphynlon boforo tho IHhlcnl CiiUuro of Anhlnnd, tho road Iuh to commonco on Boptombor 18 at tho Toinplo. ' Mrs. HoIIIm nnd Mr. I'lclcol nro Portland visitors thin wook. Much Intercut In Hhown today In tho tonnln tournament on South Oak diilo. Mr. and Mru. KiiRono Townsond and dnughtor, KiiRono, loft laat wook for uouthori. California, whoro thoy will ronldo. MIbb Emily Jannoy Ih homo aftor several wooka' ntay with hor broth er, Douglas Jannoy, at bin boaullful ranch noar Jncknonvlllo. Mr. and Mru, Charlco Lux and family, who havo boon llvlnrj on tho Carroll fruit ranch, northoant of Mod ford, havo rocontly moved to their homo on North Oakdale, Tho public library board ha do cldod that thu no.w fiction will bo put on tho novon-day shelf with a Wanted Hunch hnndK. LiHtine of orchard nnd , oily prop erty. Girl for central houaj work. Curpenterfl. CoiniMit mru. Hrickynrd moil. ' 15 laborer, i?'2.f0. Special Stock ant) ten-year lease, snap; close In. Business Chances Hoataurant, oioarinn $r)00 monthly. ,r wnKoiiH, $-10, $f)0, $70, $00. Dine plow. Hoavy pnn horucn and harness. ItoomiiiK hotiHOB. HuuinoHH nota $1000 yearly. Fruit Land 1.7 acres, 14 in heavy hearing, - miloB (II botch fincHt Hear creek bottom, will nubdivido; cnBy tonnn. 1(10 aoroH, '2,000,000 foot fine tim ber, fi miloH out, 50 acres fruit land, $lfi per noro. 5-acro traotH boarinp; orchard, Vi miloH out. :15 noroii, Griffin crook, fruit and nl falfn, fine homo. 120 i.oroii, 12 in fruit, $2000. I -room hotiHO. 1 noro, $1450. Irrigated tract, $250 per acre. 100 ncroB, 4 miloa out, $00 per acre 10 norctf, $1000, 'A milu Phoenix. '20 norcH. 10 ncrcB Hnrtlolts and NowIewiib: food bulldinir sito; close in: $2500. 2 Aci-oh. half milo west. $000. City Property Walnut Park addition lota on your own tomiB. Houses 2 Iujhhoh, rMs uoroB, $7000. 2-roj)in Iiouho, oIoro to Main bI $000, cany tonnfl. 7-room Iiuiiho, lot 01x200, Wont Main; fiuo invontmont. t-room Iiouho, bathroom, porch, all furniture, $1000. .Vroom buiiirnlow, pomplololy furn- iHiiod, $2500. fi-room bumjulow, completely ' furn- iHlioil, $2500, , 0-room Iiouho, fl aoroH, llonmivoll nv. 1-rooni Iiouho, j-ood lot, $400. Lots Wont Main lotH, (10x240, onsy torniB. Lot on Central, oIobo in, $1000, Weflinioroliuid lots $300, tonus. Homestead out, $8500. 40 to 100 acres, very ohonp. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor &. Plilpps Bld. I'huiiu u;U .'iIhiii. ., Afcv KfCJ AS-J 7? SILK DRESSES IN A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. JUST THE MOST TAKING STYLES AND PATTERNS TO SELECT PROM NEW FALL 1910 COAT STYLES m V ,-' CHICK MODELS IN LATEST MILLINERY. CREATIONS . i i' Mfc-AiM1' Jf i5 l&WJ m ,'' V.K &&&( ; i?J 'C' we ' WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCES THE FORMAL OPENING FOR MONDAY EVENINQ, SEPTEMBER TWELFTH, SEVEN-THIRTY TO TEN R V SHOWING COMPLETE LINES OF NEW FALL Z3J11Z jtHU IaiLJUirNJCJKlv -wwl- YOU ARE MOST CORDIALY INVITED . O. E. TACKSTROM, Proprietor. MISS M. McDONALD MISS PAINTER Suit Department Millinery Orchestra - V , Ml i HOUSE AND RECEPTION DRESSES IN THE MOST DESIRED j .. ; . v i- j mn '.. OU COLLECTION OF WAISTS WILL PLEASE THE MOST PARTICULAR ? V u ? " Keep your eye on our WINDOW DISPLAYS. , t-.kt torn- - 1 M tt m 8 SUCH DAINTY FANCY GOODS, INCLUDING BAGS, BELTS, COMBS, ETC. . ' ' . v . ', -," ' fl i .'W '3l!'nM, -m x yV.A'l' ",-, i. .;u $; 1911 SUIT MODELS -To see them is to-know that, this storcwill showAthear smartest styles out for this season. ' ""' y"r SELECT YOUR COAT OR SUIT .f. -Mi Now., At least come and try on. This. M$'Jopk: u ; -j around time" and we are pleased to sh6wiybv ' v r . ' ' s " foo of flvo conta for ouch loan of tho book. Thua tho funds may bo uaod for nornmnout literature Mra. Poitor J. Noff ontortalnod Monday afternoon with a toa for hor" frlond, MIbb Koxtor, a atudont of VaHHar, who haa for aovoral dayB Imon a iruoat In tho Koff aomo. Aa- toi-B wore In profusion through tho houao and on tlio tea table. Mra. PuiHoiiH naalBted tho hoatosa. Mre, Nottlo Qlaas of 034 Ib alowlyj recovering from a Ions alogo of atclc- UOSB, W. H. ninlughokor and family havo moved Into tliotr jiowly acqulrod roa Idenco, formorly tho Kmll DoUoboam Ulaco, on North Contral. (CI1ubb DroB. and BlatorB havo pnr chaaod a moat coatly monumont of Mobbw. HIcUh and Korahaw'B mar blo worka of Medford to mark tho laut roHtlng ilnco of tholr ntfoctlon iito father, S. II. Qlnaa, to ho placod In Antlooh comotory. 0. II. Vorblck, tho North Central grocer, la Improving hla proporty with a now barn. 1. h. Hamilton Is Improving hla roBldonco proporty on North Contral with content walks, , . o. II. Andoraon nnd Mra. M, II. Architect and School Supplies When in need of anything in the above mentioned lines, call here and in spect our stock. AROHLTESTS' SUPPLIES Jjjf Blue Print and tracing, cloth, water color papers, etc. DRAWING INSTRUAIENTS For architects or for studonts in the manual training department of the public schools. t ' . , , You'll find a splendid showing of drawing instruments at, per set $1.00 AND UP TO $7.50. Romombor, our circulating libary call and allow us to oxplain about it. The Merrivold Shop 134 WEST MAIN STREET fcfc Vanco of tho Vnncoindomm Mining , on Koreat creek, huvo returned from wJ; on as tho 1(111 mo w. .. ---, Haaklna for health. I company, who own nnd o'pornto tho , Sun Krnuolsco, whoro thoy spent proporty known aa the Sturgla mlnoj moat of the aurmor, auu win pru- TIjo timo to chaiiKe baok to tho derby or felt hat is hero and wo'ro horo, too, with tho derbies and folts for you to change to. Ilonostly, our dorbios and soft hats aro of such suporlativo do Bisn and oxcollouco that wo can not do iustico to their suporioritv in one short ad all wo can say is that thoyW "crowns" fit for the Kiilo; of Mankindthe American Citizen. $1.50 to $4.00. FuroishiiiKS, too, of like qual ity nnd excellence. Wardrobe EYES GET TIRED nd need a rest, yet they muat erform their duty. Had you been Kiven REST GLASSES while ia Bchool you probably would not now need them for constant wear, if ut all. Havo yonr child's eyes looked aftor by DR, R1CKERT and save eye Iroubloa In future years. v .' ,& M J m .i ,h "tf , : ''' 'Jit ''i :-'