" .7-S3SW tnXitUn. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.1, 1910. BOY SCOUT SOIT IS PROPER THING Paris Styles Are Pronounced "Bunc"' and "Lwions" Brown Will Be the 'Prevailing Color Worn This Fall and Winter by Ladles. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Ladies, do wstu 1-mvw tYinf The "BovScoui" suit is to belhe "smartest think for the fnllt Tho jungle suit is to give it a Reed nin for nonularitv? Brown is to be the , color most womf Coats are to be outlined in furs a la Russet Also, are vou awaro that Paris nowadays is constructing hor noro Frenchy gowns of American made silks f American designers are drawinc and cutting tho daintiest tlnngs made m the French capital? Three-fourths of the gowns shown t fcere as ''right from Paris" are really 'light from Now York? . "Stylo Show" Coming. All of this information, which seems to bo quite a newsy bunch to pass oul at once, canio, from tho Na tional association of Ladies' Tailors in meeting tonight. They arc going to have a "style show" October 10 to 16, on the roof of tho Hotel As tor, and are now preparing for it. About 50 of tho tailors from all parts of tho country were present to voice their opinions. They were unanimous in this sentiment, coucn ed in exactly these werds: "Paris styles are all 'buno; they aro 'lemons'. The tune has come lor American ladies' tailors to throw off the yoke of Paris and proclaim that their stvles aro their own." New York Not Paris. Tho tailor orators frankly con fessed right out in mectiug that many a gown they showed to a customer with the explanation that it was di rect from Paris had been born and reared richt in their little shops. "We have to say it's from Paris to suit the women," they declared, "because they think nothing good can eome from anywhere else. Now,' wo want to be done with Paris. We want to show the women that Amer ica is tho world leader in fashion since our designers and our mats aro responsible for the finest things shown on the boulevards." . Several of the speakers declared that American women, who bought clothes in Paris are "havseeds," pay ing double prices for inferior goods. "The smart looking models" not what the models have on, get the women's eye." the tailors said. CALEB POWERS FOR CONGRESS Man Who Was Central Figure in American Tragedy Is Making .rged REPORT CHARIER HAS KFT WIFE Man Who Won Hand of Madame Una Cavalleri Is Said to Have Deserted Spouse and Is Now In Hiding. wita Strenuous Campaign With Complicity in Goebel Murder. BAItBOURVILLE, Ky Sept. 10. Caleb Powers, the central figure in one of the most remarkable trag edies of American political life, is soaking a strenuous campaigu or the republican nomination for congress with every prospect of winning the nomination. Tho return of Powers to public life recalls the assassination of Gover nor William Qocbel of Kentucky, who was killed by a rifle bullet shot from some distance. Powers was arrested and charged with, complicity in Goebol's murder. Ho was convicted three times, wus JjWico sentenced to death and finally was sent, to the nenitoutiaVy under a lifo sentence. A Governor Wilson fin ally pardoned him after a disagree ment of the jury nt Powers' fourth trial. Powers charged that his convic tion was duo to' the fact that ho was a political enemy' of Governor Goe bel. When ho wus on timl politiual feeling- ran high. Powers i socking to wrest .the Bbmination from tho incumbent, Don Calvin Edwards, of London, who 1 served as a member of the 50th con gress, was ro-olcctod to the 00th eongross and again plootod to the 81st cbngreas by a vote of more than 2 to 1 ovor his democratic oppon ent, A. G, Pattorson, and who is how a candidal for renomioatiort at the primary elections to bp hold Sep tember 15. ' fee the bis eyo pn ' Bast Main treet. ' . ., 4 NEW' YORK, Sopt. 10. Broken and despondent,, with, his roinanco shattered and lite fortuno scattered, Robert Wtnthrop Clianler, success ful aultor for tho hand of Mndamo Una Cavalleri, Is In hiding today, according to statements of his-acquaintances hero. Following Chaulor's recent hurried return from Europe, stories, of a separation from his wtfo were circu lated. These Chanlor vohemcntlr de nied. "With a week passed slnco his return, howovor, another reason for his return has been suggested by his friends. According to thorn, shortly after bla marriage, Chanlor transferred his 130,000 yearly lncomo to Ma dame Cavalleri, who now offers him 20,000 to pay his expenses. Fur ther, they say, ho transferred to her tho bulk of his ostato, the papers being signed before their marriage upon Madamo Cavallorl's demand. His frlonds fear his mind may be como affected and somo of them are with him constantly In his retreat, which they refuse to 'divulge, to keep him from brodlng over his troubles. Chanler paid ardent court to the singer for more than a year. After frequent proposals he was accepted. They were married Juntf 15. A cable from Madame Cavalleri today denies any separation. Tho message was worded similarly to that she sent the day after Chan ler's return. See tho big eye on East Main street. 154 Hasklns for Health. ff For vSale by M00R-EHNI CO. 213 Fruitgrowers' Bank Bdg RANCH PROPERTY 10 acres bearing fruit, 1 miles out $15,000 10 acres bearing fruit; good buildings, 1V miles out... 1 $15,000 2y2 acres truck and berry land, water, buildings, 1 1-4 miles -...$2500 10 acres truck and berry land, water rights, barn .... ..$3750 8y2 acres fruit, good build ings, tools and stock, close in $7000 20 acres all fruit, 10 "bearing, a bargain $12;500 7 acres bearing fruit, good buildings, Vo miles out .... $9000 30 acres near Central Point, part bearing,, good build ings, water, a bargain $16,000 240 acres best fruit land, part bearing, house and barn, 4 miles out, per acre $300 35 acres, all in fruit, build ings, spring, wells, stock, tools :. ...$17,500 40 acres near Central Point, fruit and alfalfa, worth $400 per acre $12,000 CITY PROPERTY '5-rom bungalow, modern .... ;. ;., .'....$2500 8-room'house, 3-4 acre $1800 Fines residence lots on 8th St ,....$500 to $700 6-room modern house $2700 5-rom modern cottage $2000 2-storyhouse, lot 168x258, $2000 5-room modern cottage $2100 Pine residence lots arid dwellings in all parts of the city FIRE INSURANCE, BEST COMPAOTES CALL AT OFF ICE OR ." PHONE MAIN 2592 JOHN A. WESTERLUND Candidate for the Republican Nomination for . State Representative I was born in Henry county, Illinois, 45 years ago. Until my twonty-seeond year worked on a farm, thou ixti tended Bctheny college, Lindslmrg, Kansas, from which institution I graduated in 1891. I have been interested in fruit and horticulture for fif teen years and during the last seven years actively ougag ed in such work in the Rogue River valley. John A. Westerlund. I believe in the initiative and referendum and State ment No. 1, and shall, if elected, vote for that candidate for the United States senate who receives the largest number of votes at the primaries. I believe in good roads and shall favor legislation tend ing to give us improved highways. I shall oppose all extravagant creation of salaried offi cers and commissions and shall favor an economical ad ministration of the affaire of this state. I favor state aid for the Ashland Normal school and such legislation as shall constantly improve our public schools. ' I shall, if elected, devote my best energies for the wel fare of the state of Oregon and Jackson county in particu lar. JOHN A. WESTERLUND. (Paid advertisement) The Medford Pharmacy A word to the wise is sufficient RUBBERS Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS. SEE THE WINDOW. DAY AND NIGHT PHONE MATX 101 Medford Pharmacy NEAR THE POSTOFFICE KING VICTOR SOW ABRUZZI-ELKINS MATCH LONDON, Sept. 10. So Incensed has King Victor Emannuol uccomo over reports sent out concerning tho Elklns-Abruzzl affair that ho has or dered tho premier to Impound all dispatches relating theroto, accord ing to a dispatch from Rome today. It is stated horo on good author ity, tho message says, that King Vic tor iaroannuui is highly Incensed at thq v continued flow of reports, ru mors and contradictions about tho engagement of Miss Elklns and the Duke do Abruzzi, Premier Luzzati lias been Instructed to Impound all dispatches sont to foreign newspa pers on this subject. Dr. Clark E. 8aunders. Practice limited to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Offlco over Medford Hardwuro Co,, 210 B, Main st. 154 Sco,,,tho big eyo on East Main Wpo't. 1B4 Even friends borcv uk wlietv thuy appear ut the, wrong timg Just received from NcwYorlc, shipment of Office Bas kets, Desk Baskets and general supplies. If inter ested, let us show you. Medford Booh , Store A store should bo advertised as regularly as It la oponod for business. A morchnnt who wouldn't closo up .'or a while now and thoa "to oayo running oxponsos" shouldn't stop ad vertising now and llion to "savo expense.'' Orchards On the Small Payment Plan Wo Imvo received so -many inquiries during tho past fow weeks for orchards on the small payment plant that wo Imvo decided to place on tho market a monthly paymont plan which should interest ovary young man in Medford who desires to become tho ownor of an orchard. Our small paymonts and long torm contract will enablo tho youug man who can put away a fow dollars ovory month, to' hold and own one of tho best orchard properties in the valley. Our small payment plan applies to both undeveloped land with irrigation, and our orchard development contract.' Wo will plow, level and plant your orchard tract to trees -and care for it for a period of five years, and at the end of ' thisitimo will turn your orchard ovor to you and give you' additional time on the balanco duo. fc Wc do not beliovethat you can find such an attractive proposition offered by any roliablo company in a proven orchard district. Romombcr this: 'Che Medford District of tho Roguo Riv er Valley has boon pronounced by leading experts as the most perfect fruit licit in the world. Orcharding in this Valley is no longer a haphazard busi ness proposition, but it has been reduced to a science and there is nothing offered for investment that is any suror, safer or more profitable than an orchard in this famous district. Come to our office and let us explain to you the details of this attractive monthly payment plan. ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMIMGS, Mgr Medford National Bank Building, MEDFORD, OREGON ) HUMPHREY'S GUN STORE WEST MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE .MOORE HOTEL. FISHING TACKLE. This is right at tho height of the best fishing season. Our stock of rods, reels, lines, spinners, flics, nets, life preservers, etc., etc., is very complete. We can give you the right tackle for a successful fish. " i GUNS. For big game we recommend theWin Chester and can show you almost any thing you may call for in other makes o f rifles, shotguns, rovolvors, automat ics, also a complete line of cutlery. Ammunition for any gun you can name that is in at all common use. Headquarters for Footballs GET A NRW 1910 RULE BOOK Rules are almost complotoly revolutionized MANY CEMENT WALKS LAID IN JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE, Soot, 10. This eily'H iieiuliljorH nrolmlily do not ie dlizo Unit Jacksonville wn in onr mirtt when the cilv council onlorod approximately n mile ol' cement walk laid lust inoulli. To mu that the town in, llicro i nlreudy nlmoHt "iie (liiarlur of it dowji, and the contract on aro laying moro uh I'iihI as jioh nihlii. 'The cement in oorlninly a irwinl imrii'iivntiitiiu. nvni' llln lllllNi .v.. ....,. w...w.. .... ..w -v-n ritoucH that huvo boon Jiore niuco 18(10. or thoreahoutH. With Unn ntrcet obstructed with lings and gravel piles and mixing hoards, Jack sonville looks almost as prosperous as hor largor neighbors. Lorlmcr Quits Club. CHICAGO, Bopt. 10. Sonotor William Lorlmor this nttornootwre iilKiied from tho Hamilton club. Ilia resignation was tho direct result of tho withdrawal by tho club of an In vitation to attend a bauquot bocaueo Colonel llooHOvolt rofusod to bo pres ent If I.orlmor wore thoro. I.orlmor was ouo of tho oldost membors of tho Hamilton lcub. Ho had a strong porsonnl following among tho club mombora and fur ther dofoqtlons from tho club's rolls may follow. Flro Chief Killed. SAN MATEO, Cal., Hopt. 10.- Flro Ohlof Drown of San Joso was klllod almost Instantly today when an automobllo In which ho was rn turning from San Francisco to Ran Joao ovorturnod, Tho accldont oc curred on tho San Bruno road be tween San Ilruno and Colma. Tho .body won lalcon to nurllngttmo. Hasklns for Hoalth, 'h Haskkis fpjr Health,, -4 TfjKSff gj&wx' -5