Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 11, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Our Planing Mill is Ready for Business
'. C 1
and it is
jwl -BfJS; ii '' ' ' 3wBMw.wgfcrir m'Z,l!r1'l'u',y jy?'"-- -"S
WABHINOTON, D. C, Sopt. 10.
If k much dopondu upon a innn'o
laugh, or IiIh Inck or laughter, na
has boon aiwirtod I))' u cIIhIIiikiiIhIioiI
French Mclontlst, ProHldcmt Tatt, who
I hlniHolf tho father of ft particular
brnuil of up'onroiiH mlrlh-flouth, lmn
na odd nuKorlment of men whom ho
ban placed In offlco to run tlo nf
fnlrn of tho executive oiu! of tlia
When tlio proHldont wns Bocrotnry
of war, tho lumvy mahogany doors
of Hit war ilopartmunt wore not nuf-
liniiiiit to hlnit out tlin Miiiiul tliat
ImhiioiI forth doaplto thono harrlorn
when ho Haw somothint; that struck
him ns funny. Anil ho saw many
things In thlK humoroiiH light. Ho
hutched moro then than ho linn bIiico,
although from tho oxooutivo offlco
thoro rttlll Ikqucb forth now nnd then
tho echo of i;roat and Bonoroun
laugh, u big-man kind of a laiiKh,
bespeaking good digestion and good
It in (loulilful whether l'rcrtiilcnt
Tnft linn selected a Blnglo mnn who
can dupllcato his laugh or ovon como
nnywhoro noar It.
When Roosevelt wan president ho
was no mean nocottd In tho mnttor of
laughter to IiIh Bocrotary of war. It
wasn't tho BonoroiiH, easy-going com
placent sort, nuch as President Taft'B,
hut It had raro qualltlos. It hnd tho
offect of makliiB ovoryono who honrd
It laiiKh, too, or at lonHt biiiIIo. It
wftB choppy, If you llke: Irregular,
boyish at times, rifling to a trohlo
aH If Hh creator was having tho tlmo
of hlH Ilfo at tho momont of Hb ut
tornnro. Many Ib tho tlmo that sec
retaries paBBlng IiIh door atoppod to
huiIIo at thlH medloy of morrlmont
and It lBBUi'd forth moBt often JuHt
at tho time when ono thoughtt hat
tho colonel wiib In tho tightest cor
ner, hold at hay hy IiIb enemies.
PITTSlUJItG. Ph., Sept. 10. -Au-pordini;
to an nppuronUv well nu
tliQiitluntuil roport, Mm, Mary Kob
orls Tlhtuolmrt, famous iiullioroHKof
l'ittsbunr, is In dnim'or of j?oiur
blind. Mrs. lllilnuliurt mul bor hua
band, Dr. 8. M. Hbinobiirl, Imvo ro
horvod imBKnKo for Europe, whom
llioy will Htny n year;
Keenc Out of Danncr.
LEXINGTON, Ky., Bopl. 10. Ae
eordinK to tbo lUloudiner plivsioiniiH,
.TaniPH 11. Keeno, the New York inil
lionnire turfman, who Iiiib been nori
oiiBly ill at u looal hospital, in now
virtually out of (burner aiul Hboulil
bo able to return lo Now York with
in n sbort tlmo. His improvement
was eHpooially rapid ilurinjr yester
day nl'ternoon nml biHt nb'bt.
HdBklnB for Hoalth, "
W e have employed Machinists, Bench and Cabinet Men who can do the work
QUICKLY and ACCURATELY. We have the latest improved machines,
making our plant complete in its equipment Bring us your plans or details
and we'll do the rest. Well try to not keep you waiting and the stock is ours
until you are pleased.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 10. Muttonl
and linker City have filed coinplninta
before the railroad commission at
Salem that will precipitate (be most
viuoroiih fiuht for moro favorable
rates that Iiiib yet been carried on
before that body. The demand of
those smaller eitieH is for diBtributivu
rntos ho that tliuv can be made job
bing contort und is very himilar to
the now fnmuuB Spoknuu rato carte,
in that iiihtuiioo before the interstate
commerce commission.
If thcHo progressive Oregon cities
are able to obtain distributive rates
of any smnifiunueo it will mean the
loss to tho oity of Portland of con
siderable business, all that businona
in fact that now is carried on by the
Portland jobbers in tho vicinity of
Hakor City, in the custom part of the
state, anil Medford, in the Bouthorii
part. The commercial oruauizntioiis
of both cities that are brinuiim the
complaints mean business and the
railroad commission expects to givo
the matter n full investigation at an
early date.
As an adjunct to tho demand for
distributive rates both the commer
cial oimiuixntioiis of each of the oit-
ies named have also filed a complaint
nllcciui; discrimination and demand
inu' commodity rates on more artielos.
If all these demands at grunted H'i-
kor City and Medford will bo formid
able rivals in n portion of Portland's
field for tho jolibiii" business.
---- " -
"" Summit aveuuo lots, bo-
tweon West Main and Fourth
streets, aro Koimr rapidly.
When a person can buy such
homesites for loss than cor- ""
responding property and in mi
addition with ovor! 00 worth J
nf iniiiinviiiiiiHitfl mi niudi lot. , '
! !u nnlv imllll'lll that tbov
should o raindly. Cement y
" -" .
walks aro m. Tho KriuliiiK is y
done and sowor and water is ""
piped ii)to each lot. Tho street
" is puveil and iliu lots all
"" Kradod. Buildinu rest notions
" $2.r)00. I
See Murphy & Tannor, W.
" T. York & Co. or tho ownors, ""
Piokol, Khun & Murnhy. ""
H i i -f
- -
Tho pavement on Summit ""
uvenuo is just Hearing com-
pletion. Tliis tract lies bo-
tweon West Main und Fourth ""
streets'. ;
l ll lf t
HdBklnB for health:'
LONDON, Sept. 10. Although
;uilinmcnt passed tho nppropriunoiM
culled for to support tin roynl hoiiPO
hold after Kini; Ocorco mounted the
thrnue, opposition to tho Krcat ex
penditures entailed by "royalty" has
by no menus subsided and at tho
coming session of tlin lawmakers the
fight is apt to bo renewed with more
than unusual bitterness. t
The movemont will bo headed by
the laborites and it is believed that
it will bo joined by tho rciiiiblicnnt..
Whether or not they succeed in slic
ing tho appropriation for the main
tenance of the royal household, it
is certain that they will causa the
king mid his supporters soma un
comfortable moments.
Tho attack is to bo made by com
paring the cost of maintaining a
king nnd n president. The figures
used will bo those eovoring tho en
tiro reign of tho Into King Edward.
Kor nine years, oildiug Jlarch 31.
1000, which practically covers tho
time .of his reign, Edward's house
hold and urivato expenses cost tho
nation .f!2,-J 37,772.
.Mod font People Must 1 to cognize nnd
Heed !(.
Kidney Ills como quietly mysto
rlously. Hut nnturo always warns you.
Notlco tho kidney secretions.
Seo 1b tho color Ib unhealthy
If there arc sottllnga and scdlmont.
Passages froquont, Bcanty, painful.
It's tlmo then to uso Doan's Kid
ney PIllB,
To ward off Drlght's dlaeaso or
Doan's havo dono great work In
A. 7 Soaro, 231 Fifth stroot, Mod
ford, Or., BayB: "Slnco publicly
rocommondlng Bonn's Kldnoy Pills
In 1907, I havo ueod thorn occasion
ally and thoy havo always brought
tho best of results. I was ntfltctod
with Bovoro pains In my back nnd
I often found it almost Imposslblo to
stoop. Tho kldnoy BocrotlonB pasaod
froquontly and this woaknosa was n
Bourco of much nnnoyanco, Hoarlng
Doan's Kldnoy Pills highly rocom
mondod, I procured a box at Ilns
klns' drug ctoro and by tbo tlmo I
had flulBhed tho contents, I could
boo that thoy woro tho right romody
for my trouble Gradually tho pains
and othor difficulties illsnpponrod
and my hoalth Improved. I cheer
fully recommond Doan'a Khjnoy
Pllla to ovoryono afflicted with kld
noy complaint."
For wilo hy all doalora, Prlco 50
cento. FoBtor-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., solo ngonts for tho Unltod
Komombor tho name I?oan'a
mul take no othor,
Notice is hereby given thnt we
will apply to the city council for a
license to sell spirituous, muous nnd
malt liquors in less than gallon lots
nt our placo of business, 12-13, block
20, 37 South Fropt street, in the
city of Medford, in Jackson county,
for n period of six months from
date of issuance.
153. J. W. SLINGER.
It thoro's nothing a want ad can
holp you to accomplish jrou'ro lead
ing too qulot a lifo!
Know -J men by theso presents:
That wo, John A. naxter, B. H. Har
rla, L. W. Smith nnd John H. Carkln,
tho undersigned, directors of tho
Gold Hill Hnllroad and Lumber Com
pany, a corporation, and all of them,
by virtue of tho lawB of tho Stato of
Oregon In such cases mado and pro
vided and pursuant to a resolution
cdopted by tho stockholders of Bald
corporation duly nnd legally passed,
have made nnd subscribed theso Sup
plementary Articles of Incorporation,
for nnd on the part of said Gold Hill
Hnllroad and Lumber Company afore
said. Article I.
Tho namo of this corporation shall
LUMBER COMPANY, and Its dura
tion shall bo porpotunl.
Article II.
Tho ontorprlso, buslnoss, pursuit
nnd occupation In whlc'i thlB Corpo
ration proposes to 'cngago Is that of
Coal, Oil, Lumber, Realty, Wator
Power. Railroad, Telegraph and Tel
ephone Llnoa nnd Mining for Gold
and othor Minerals, anil It shall havo
powors as follews:
To mlno, buy, soil, Import, export,
and gonorally doal In anthracite, bi
tuminous nnd Boml-bltumlnous coal
nud to this end purchase, loaso or
othorwlso acquire, hold, own, mort
gage, soil, oporato, nud control any
proportion thought to contain coal.
To prospect, bore, drill for, and
produce oil and nntural gas; to pur
chase, loaso, or othenvlso acquire
lands holtoved to contain oil and gas
and to orect and maintain thereon
pumping and drilling Btntlonsand tho
fncllltlos and convonloueos that may
bo necossnry or required In nnd about
such business,
To purchtso, acqulro, hold, leaso,
manago, control and oporato and, to
Bell, leaso and dispose of to such por
Bon or porson8, corporation or corpo
rations, and for such prlco or prlcos,
nnd on such torms nnd conditions, as
to this corporation may uoom proper,
wator, wator rights, power, privi
leges and appropriations, for mining,
milling, agricultural, domoBtlc, and
othor UBoa and purposes nnd to do
volop, control, and to gonorally deal
In cud dlspoBQ of tho samo to such
porson or persons, corporation or cor
porations, and for audi prlco. or
prlcos, and on such tonus and condi
tions ns to this corporation mr.y eoom
propor, oloctrlcnl nnd othor powor
for tho generation mul supply of oloo
trtclty for light and bent, and for any
othor UBoa nnd purposes to which tho
namo aro adapted.
To Bell on commission or othor
wlso orchnrd, coal, oil, mlnornl and
Umber lands. To acqulro by pur
ohii80, loaso, own, hold, mortgage, or
onoumhor both Improvod and unim
proved real ostato wherever situated,
whether It bo orchard, tlmbor, coal,
oil, mlnornl, or othor land and to
Burvoy, Bubdlvldo, plat, and Improve
tho samo for tho purpose 'of Bnlo or
To buy, leaso, sell, operate, con
struct mills, dams, sawmills and to
manufacture lumber, shingles, laths,
boxes and all other mill stuffs and
to operate retail lumber yards to han
dle lumber, coal, and wood, together
with woodyards and other yards that
may be necessary or convenient In
the sale of any timber products or
To build, construct, operate and
manage, control and own railroads;
to purchase, buy, lease, or acquire
any othor equipment, supplies and
accessories necessary and appropriate
for tho operation of tho same; to ac
quire rights of way for such rail
roads by purchase, lease or condem
nation proceedings under tho right
of eminent domain, and to dispose
of, sell or lease such railroads, for
such price, and upon such terms as
may to this corporation seem proper.
To prospect for, locate, acquire by
discovery, lease or purchase, and to
hold, possess and operato mineral
lands and claims; and to carry on tho
business in all Its various branches of
mining for gold, silver, tin, lead, iron,
nnd other mlnorals, and to such end
to contract, own and operato dredges,
sluices, tunnels, mills, cmelters, re
fineries and other equipment such as
may bo necessary or convenient for
tho working of such lands.
Article III.
Tho principal offico and place of
business of this corporation shall bo
at Medford, In Jackson County, Stnto
of Oregon.
Article IV.
Tho capital stock of this corpora
tion shall bo ONE HUNDRED THOU
Article V.
Tho capital Btock of this corpora
tion shall bo divided Into Ten Thou
sand shares of tho par value of TEN
Artlclo VI.
constructed by this corporation shall
bo n point at and near Gold Hill, Ore
gon, known as Chavner's Junction,
whoro said road connects with tho
Southern Pacific Railroad and n
point nt or near Section Two (2) In
Township Thirty-Seven (37) South
of Range Threo (3) West of the
Wlllametto Meridian.
In witness whereof, Wo, tho under
signed, directors df tho Gold Hill
Hnllroad and Lumber Company, and
all of thorn, havo hereunto sot our
hands nnd seals In triplicate this 13th
ilnv of August. A. D. 1910.
B. H. HARRIS. (Soal)
. L. W. SMITH, (Seal)
In witness whoreof:
Stato of Orogon, County of Jackson,
Bo it romomborod, that on this
13th day of August, A. D. 1910, bo-
foro mo, tho undorslgned, a notary
public in ana tor said county nna
stnto, porsonnlly apponred John A.
Bnxtor, B. II. Harris, L. W. Smith
nnd John H. Carkln, dlroctors of tho
Gold Hill Railroad and Lumbor Com
pany, nnd all of thorn, to mo porson
nlly known, nnd known to mo to bo
tho individuals named In nnd who
oxocuted tho forogolng Supplemen
tary Artielos of Incorporation, nnd
sovorally acknowlodgod to mo that
thoy oxecutod tho samo.
In wltnosa whoroof, I hnvo here
unto sot my hand nnd notarial soal
thio tho day and yoar last abovo writ
Notary Public for Orogon,
Publlshod by ordor of tho Board of
Attornoy for tho Abovo Namod Cor
i' j " iigii'iiiPis 1
Ku r2Mf l MM yf -, 1 , iJt , i- mmBIhT hBkMHHv tr
-"--I-.?.:-jJSC;I J'J limiirrHHIk,i
Address SISTER SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy,
Medford, Oregon.
St. Mary's Academy
Medford, Oregon,
A Private Resident and Day School for
Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer
ual. Specially organized Department of Music and Art.
Medford Iron Works
E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Orogon for
to write checks tor her bills instead
af counting out tho money and then
not ho ablo to toll whoro her cash has
gono. The Fnrniors' & Fruitgrowers'
Bank lias a special department tor
women's accounts and will bo glad
to show any ono how much better
a check is than ready money.
DANK. ' ' ' '
i ! k
,j Hi wgk
' . vM
'A t If A
II ) $
ij I f
' i
8' 4
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