' "wnr MEDFOBD KAIL TRIBUNE, MEDffORD, OftEQONgWTmY, SEIEMBER 9, 1910. 4 ---- 4 Answer a Want Ad and Investigate That Opportunity in Person ----- . jrjstM1. CALIFORNIA CROP , NEARLY ALL GONE Bgobol & Day of Now York, under lnto of Hoptoinhor a Hay: HiirUuttH --California entirely owl ul, not a car n day nrrlvltiK nnd tlioy nro mostly yellow rlpo. Ono car of bonutlon from Medford today, 3..'I7 to M and ono car to tin from Aran Kr, WiihIi,, nil pr onclooed cata logue. It would luivo mado inoro money If wo could liavo Hold tho dif ferent tilri'ii popnratoly. TIiIh nondii brick to nhlppnrn $1,75 pof box f, o, b. Noxt Tuesday wo open tho Imll on Comlco porn, milling our flrat car from tlio A. lllock Fruit company, tfantn Clara, Cal, and wo will roport to you tho ronult. Small- crop of fall mid wlntor pears, tiipoclully Winter .Nolls In California. I'oaohr-H llottom touched ycnlor tlny. Today 15c higher on Colorn doH, host 70c to ROo. email CGc to COo, UhoIohh talklnk about peaches for Now fork wo think for tho rent of thin ncaoon. Prunes Our two enro today did woll, nu you boo, Walla Wnlla car Hou'nd. Tho Dull oh enr had many loakors. Light nrrlvalH, strong mar ket ahead and wo certainly urge- our friends, especially In Idaho, to no ahead with tholr flno Italians to Now York, bocatino It lookn nl Irlglit .ahead to uo. Apples Wo mild 200 boxe hand some Alexanders from California yoatorduy r.t 2.3G. Two cam Ore vonHtoliiH from Hood River hero and celling $2, 2,2G, 12.50. according to tho Iim. Huvers nil asking for rod apples, and tho early Jonathans will bo, wanted, no If you havo any lot thorn come. WHAT CAN BE SEEN IN THE ASSOCIATION WINDOWS Six Klburtu peaches weighing V pouond each, grown by J. 8. Har nojt, Contral Point, Or. Flno tomato wolfing ono pound, grown by Mrs. J. W. Jacobs. A fow flno strawberries, llko you ho In May or Juno, grown by L. 11. Kqnt. Mod ford. A pinto or flno figs and a pinto of walnut from Illllcrost Orchard com- v unny. " l H A plate of flno Jonathnmi nnd a pinto of Don DiivIb from Harbour & UurKOHH, Antelope crook. An olognnt bunch of Hod Siberian crnlmppk'M, grown by 0, 11. Rich mond, Woodvlllo. Tho largest sunflowers Medford linn over noon, grown by K. O. Hoko. Flno plato of Nowtownn, grown by 'Ilntea brothers. Alexander nnd Wolf Itlvor npplcs, grown by ChnrlOB Skyrmnn, Trail Crook, Or. Sovornl plnton of 20-ounco nnd Ortloys, grown by I)r llrownnboro, Or. Clnlrgeau ponrs, furnished by A, L. Oall, wolghlng sovon-olKhtliH of a pound each. s Ono pinto Ooldon Cling peaches, grown by W. I. Mclntyro, Jackson vlllo. Pnto of d'AnJoua, grown by Ooo. II. Dnggott, Contrnl Point. An olognnt bunch of China nstors, turniflhod by Mrs. J. W. Jncobn. A lnrgo bunch of Spltzonborgfl, turnlBhod by W. V. nnrmun,, Phoe nix, Or. A pinto of nlmondH, fiirnlshoJ by F. 13. Morrlck. A pinto of nose ponrn from A. C. Allen. Flno pinto of Bonklo ponrn from D. "W. Luko, Medford, Or. Two flno plntou of Klborta poncbea, grown by A. II. Cnlhoun, Phoonlx, Or. Special attention la cnllod to tho Amorlcnn Englo ponr. It did not grow that way, but It Ih on exhibi tion.1 Wo Htlll havo room for nddltlonnl exhibits nnd trust our mombors will co'ntlnuo to furnish uo with such fon turcne will bo nttrnctlvo to visitors to our city. Statu Senator. I am n cnndldnto for tho otflco of fltnto Honntor for Jackson county, Hiib Joct to tio doclolon of tho ropubljcnn voters nt the- primaries to "bo hold Soptombor 24th. I pledge mysolt to voto for that republican cnndldnto for United Statoa nonntor In congress who Hhnll havo rocolvod tho highest number of votes In tho gonornl oloc tlon noxt procodlng. I nm nn ndvo cato of good ronda and nil Improved oducntlonnl fncllltlea, and nil, othor thlngn which tond to tho bottormont of tho county and fltnto, WM, M, COLVIO. (Pnld.ndvortlflomont) HttBklns for Hoalth. , CROP IS FAIRLY MONTREAL, Sept. 0.- Tlio con tinued roportn of it fihortngo in tho fruit crop in the Niagara peninsula do not upponr serious to city fruit itonlorri. Tliul tho ourly crop of small i'riiitii will not ho and has not been up to tlio murk la admitted, hut little four in felt for tlio lute fruit. Messrs. Hurt and Tuokwell of Mo- (1111 iitrivil lifivn linen in I'fiMittninicil- ;. ... ,. , .. ...k, now wiin me Krowora iu xiugara fruit holt mid, it rcprcucntnlivo of tho firm expressed tlio feul'mt: of untiN fnutioii lield on uxiKtim; t'oiidilioiiH. "Mueli of tlio tnllc of poor crops I'omuri from tlnmo who hope to in fluonoo Hritinh buyoro, now in tho fountry eoptntcting for largo nuau titicH of fruit. After we Imd heard ho much about a poor crop nnd tho exporter! hud been led to buy up ov erytliimr or anything, wo wore nhlo to uet all tlio good npploM wo wanted for local trade. Thin yonr will proh nlily end tho Bnmo way," Tliin yonr, noiiordintr to buyors, Montreal Iiuh hocii a bountiful nupply of tho lient quality of Niagnjn mcl oiih. l'erbnpH tlio boat Niagara mol oiia that havo been brought to Mon treal in vearH have Hold on the local fruit exchange at a price JO centH lower than a far inferior quality brought last year. The reiiHoiiH the fruitgrowers give for whnl they claim will be u nhort crap are that many farmorti have neglected to Kpray their treon, that continued cold raiiiK mot tho opening IiIohhoiiih in hpriug nnd that thin seiiHon lias pro duced an "inoreittting nnd uupreeo dcuted prevnlenov of curled leaf, n fuugiiH diseiiHe." A.V APPKAIi TO WIVKS Curo tlio Drinking Iltmbaud by Unlng OrrlmCnn lw Given Secretly o more torrlblo affliction can como to nny homo thnn tho craving for strong drink of husband nnd father. Wo appeal to wlvca, mothors and Bin torn to envo tho husband nnd fathor or brother with Orrlno, a scientific curo for tho liquor habit. Can b6 given secretly. Orrlno In sold undor nn nbsoluto gunrnntoo that It will curo tho drink habit or your nionoy vIll bo refunded. tiitinimiim - Fine Printing Wo innko n Bpocialty of fino printing, carry tho iicconsmry ilock to onnblo uh to fill !! ordera promptly, nnd gunran too satisfaction. Bout oquipod job offico in Oregon Bouth of Portland; nont export printers. Ho fore Heading your ordorn out of town, cull and figure with ub if wo can Borvo you for tho Hiunc price as nn out-of-town eoncom you will wish (o pntronizo homo industry. Medford PrintingCo. HMHMMH'HHIMHIl flam ROOSEVELT'S Own Book The Most Popular Book Cfftriiht t Ctltt &n' SjI By The Most Popular Man African GamTrals Gives In book form by Roosevelt's own hand the sole account of his African Hunt. CHARLES SCRIBNnR'S SONS 153 Filth Avenuo New York felSf Jtwauted NOWW m In every M City, Town And Village A la Imndlo JM Colonel Roosovolt'e They're So that you can go straight to So tiint you'll havo no uroIchs I tho want nds nro "classified' Bo thai opportunity liuntcrs "classified." Want Ads One Cent . T Savo tho hanplneufl and prosperity of , tho homo with Orrlno. 1 por box ' Wrlto for froo booklet on "How to Curo DrunkonnoBs". Orrlno Co., 032 Orrlno Dulidlng, Washington, D. C. Orrlno Is oold in this city by Loon D. HnHlclnn. To soil It cheaper thnn any ono olso la Important store advlco. If you lot ho pooplo know about It, you'll got ihera Interested In your Btoro ncores oi thorn, who only "know" MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Potutocs, now, $1.151.25 per uwt.; cnbbngo, 2c. DluokborrioB, $11.25. Peuclics, 3550o box. Cucumbors, 10c to 15c doz. Squash, 3550c dozen. Com, 10CJirc. Cantaloupes, 20(-10c dozen. Wntennolons, Gfjj20c. TomntocH. lc. Pumpkins, 8(rt?12'2c. Apples, lVc; Pears, lc. Pnines, VA2e. lluttcr, Kggs nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Knnoh butter, 30c; fnnoy creamery, 35c. Fresh ranch eggs, 35c. Mixed poultry, 10l'lc; spring chickens, 1-lfJrlOo; turkeys, 17c. (Prioos paid producors.) liny Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $12; gniss, $14; grain hny, $10. Grain Whont, $1.15 bushel; ontB, f32 ton; bnrloy, $ilO ton. Beef Cowe, 4Ws o; steers, 5 fVo; pork, Oo; mutton. 5(($5V4o; lambs, Co; veal, dressed, 8o. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, $1.75 cwt., $32 ton; hrnn, $1.70: middlings, $1.85(5)1.90; horts. $1.80(o)1.8.r). FOR SALE. toirms or OreluxrCa. FOR SALE An idonl smnll fnnn of 10 acres; almost 3 miles from Phoe nix. snmo, dictnnco from Talent, Or.; fruit land4, 2 good springs, 5-room liouto, outbuildings, 50 ponr trees, small fruit, 5 ncres cleared, $800 worth of wood; $1200 down, bal ance on time to suit buyer. Take care to Talent nnd I will show you tho proporty. L. N. Judd, Roberts bide.. Talent. Or. tf FOR SALE Do you want n fine farm of GO nores, neur Audorson crook, Talent, Or.; fertile soil, healthy location, among tho hills, 20 noros undor oultivntiou, a sovon room liouso, outbuildings, etc., otc, u woll of pure, spurkling wator, sovornl living springs of water on tho plnco; n fino bonring family or chard of three acres; enrly nnd Into npplcs; also pouches, penrs, plums, prunes, cjiorrios nnd somo small fruit; lovely view from it of tho vnl loy; sovornl thousnnd dollars (that is only u triflo ovor ($110) ono hundred nnd sixteou dollars an noro). Tnko your wifo and como on the ears to Talent and I will tnko a rig nnd go out nnd show you tho plnco. L. M. Judd, Robert bldg,, nonr depot. tf Acreage. FOU SALE Half noro on Bedford lloiglits, fino view, water main run ning through tho plnco; for quick Hide,, $050. See M. S. Johnson, English Chop liouso. 151 FOtIt SALE Or o.xchtuigo, by owner, some good rnnuh proporty; nlso Home town lots. Address P. O. box 083. Sfedford, Ore. tf , FOR SALE 35Va noros, 2 miles wost of Medford on mnin ronilj fair buildings, 20 noros in 4-yonr-old Nowtowns and Spitzonborgs, bn! mice planted to ponrn with pencil fillers; big young tonm, Jorsoy oow, oliickons, nil mncliiuory nnd tools go with plaoo; $550 nn noro; good terms, Thorq is a profit of $200 nu noro in this buy inside n yonr. W. T. York & Co. t FOR SALE 5 noros, Woqt Medford, excellent vow; will pint 28, lots; lots adjoining soiling for $250 mid $300; prioo $3000. P.ox 12, city. 14S Classified For YOU tho nd that interests you tho want rcuding to do no entanglements of . " .i may find the oppdrtuniritos that arc FOB SALE. IJujilne Projwrry. FOE SALE Choice business prop orty at a bargain, on long time; oasy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. Hetifle. FOR SALE Several bouses and lotB also fino farm, D. T. Luwton, Owner. tf FOR SALE Furnished house with bnro; also houso and two lots. In ouirn of owner. No. 723 13th st. wost. 148 FOR SALE 120 acres. Erana Creek fruit; ImproroBcnU; buy of owner. Wrlto S. F. Potter, U. F D., Wood vlllo, Or. tf FOR SALE C-room bungalow with bath. Inquire of R. A. Johnson, with Power & Reeves, 212 Fruit growers' Bank bldg. tf FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Poyjgr Co. FOR SALE $1200;- two-story new house, 4 rooms nnd pantry down stairs, upstairs not completed; woodshed and well; lot 50x253; close in. Inquire J. Ritter, 6 South C st. 151 FOR SALE Flvo-room house, lot 53 by 200, oast front. North Cen tral Avenuo. Call on J. T. Sum mcrvlllo, Whlscnant Barber Shop. tf FOR SALE A new, modern 7-rooin bungalow, on paving; cement side walks, three blocks from pnrk; $2850. Address Box 366. Rents for $40. FOR SALE Modem 5-room house, furnished, nnd 4 lots, houso has cement foundation and 2 porches; u bargain if tnken quick at $2600, Address P. E. Zepp, Medford, Or. 150 FOR SALE Two 10-ncro tracts nour Eagle Point, good soil, level; one tract partly cleared, $800 each; tonus half cash, long timo on bal ance Address P. 0. Box 702, Med- ford. Or. 160 FOR SALE Beautiful bungalow, lo cated ono Llock west of South Oak dalt; flvo rooms and modern bath; stono foundation; largo porch, ex tending ncros.i front and aldo; lo$. G9xlG3; 19 applo troos In full bear ing; prlco for quick salo 12650; halt cash, balanro cas; torms. Soo own er nt Sherman Clay Piano com pany. ' tf Lots. FOR SALE Lot, West Main st , Bowor nnd water, pavement paid in full, largo lot; a bargain. Address Box 12, city. 148 FOR SALE Botween Fourth nnd Socond cts., eight high, level lots. 51x100 fcoot; sewor jv.id water; prico $2400, $1100 will hnudlo; this in n simp. Address P. O. box 172. FOR SALE OR LEASE 5-nero tract on North Riverside, lots of fruit, garden, 7-room houso, bum, good driving innro, light spring wagon, ono milch cow, bunch ufj tthiokens nnd house furniture. In quire nt J. V. Kisor's place, on North Riverside, just outside city limits. irl FOR SALE. MlsrellnneoM. FOR SALE I urn prepared to furn ish wintor supplies of firo wood in oak, fir nnd pino; stovowood nnd four-foot length". F.l Osopbrugge, phono 1941. 401 Riverside, nvonuu South. FOR SALE At a bargain, entire grading outfit, consisting of 21 linml of horses niul mulos. harness, sovon wagons, 4 touts, 10x18, 8 1 Frosuos, 100 blankets, full sot of blacksmith tools for grading onmp, 4 No. fl Whoolors, 3 plows, 15 sot of double and singlo trees extras also n lot of miscellaneous tools for use in grading s entire outfit onn bo aeon nt Englo Point, Call on or ad dress George Powol, onto of Jnok sou plnco, Eaglo Point, Or. 154 nd ore "clnnssificd." offers and quests to wade through awaiting them the want nds arc X a Word FOR SALE. MlsccIinneoHA. FOR SALE Italian and petite prunes. Fine quality, At 240 How ard street, near Bennett avenue, East Medford. tf FOR SALE Legal blanks ot all kinds trespass and other noMcea, at Mall Tribune office. . " FOR SALE Cheap; sideboard, beds, chairs, etc., light Molino wagon, al moBt new. 333 E. Jackson st. 149 FOR SALE Ono hundred angora gouts, clicap; must bo sold at once. J. A. Wcsterlund, phone Main 3371. FOR SALE New largo roll-top desk at a bargain. Call 210 Fruit growers' Bank bldg., mornings, 8:30 toO. tf FOR SALE Span of young ponies, harness, spring wagon and tent, $150. Call 1110 Eleventh st. west. 152 FOR SALE Four-cylinder Ford runabout, magneto included; a bar gain if taken at once. Inquire F. II. Wilson. Spot Cofe 150 FOR SALE Chandler Price QCf don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Placer claim. 60 acres, ditchp reservoirs, small house, good land; Jacksonville 8 miles; price right. Address V. A. Springford, Jacksonville. Or. 159 FOR RENT. PuraJ&hed Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished room; large, modem front room, close in. 243 North nolly. 151 FOR RENT A largo furnished room on first floor; modem. In quire at 227 S. Central. 149 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, new ly furnished rooms, especially suit ed for teachers in high and North Side schools. 328 N. CcntraL147 FOR RENT Furnished "rooms for transients. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers bank. tf WANTED Three or 4 furnished rooms for light housckeeeping for two months or furnished house, by young couple. Address or phone Mail Tribune office. i Houses. FOR RENT Five-room house, city , . .- . n ill XT T?:..a..w1a i.it Water. glU. J.-I..I. .. immamu. J-ii FOR RENT Six-room houso. Mrs. E. L. Taylor. Medford Or. 151 FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, furnished. 145 N. Oakdale. Call Monday at 1026 W. 10th st 194 FOR RENT Furnished bix-rooin liouso. Address E. L. T., enro of Mail Tribune office 152 FOR RENT 5-room houso, on Ceur: St., city water, $16 per month. Ad ilross Box 12. eitv. 148 Miscellaneous. j. UK L.EA&E Fully equlrpod gold tulno; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all c-rernted by olectrlo pow ei. Owner will furnish freo olec trlo power for share In procoedB. See Smith, nt Condor Water & Power Co. FOR RENT Stock ranch for ono, with tho privilege of five. Rogue River Land Cq., North Central nvo- nue. 152 WANTED. Situations Wanted. WANTED Position as stonogruphor and bookkeeper by lndv with tour years' experience. Address M. O. en ro of Mai. Tribune offieo. tf WANTED Position as an experi enced orohardist, oapablo ot acting as foreman or manager ; man with small family. Address A. L. Gall, Toln. Or. 151 Help Wanted Male. WAN'tKl) Exporlencoa mono cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Wator and Powor Co's. office. WANTED Flvo buddord. Hogue Rlvor Vnlloy Nursery Co., Inc., 25 West Main st., Medford, Or. tf WANTJID - Man who understands orchard work, with 3 or 4 teams, to take olinrgo of 200 noros in young orchard. J. A. Wostorlund, offieo in Medford National Bank bldg. 1"0 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted -Female. WANTED An experienced grocory clerk, Btendy position. J. H.t core Mail Tribune office. 148 WANTED Girl for general house work, 3 in family. 520 S. Holly st. 149 WANTED Competent rirl for gon crnl housework; small family; good wages. Phone Mnin 3111 tf WANTED Servant for general house work. Good wages. Address F. Pelouzo, Engle Point. Railroad fare paidj 149 WANTED Ten girls for folding pa pers, Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Mail Tribune office. WANTED Girl for general house work. Inquire at 618 West Main st. Help Wanted Miscellaneous, WANTED Hlrjhest cash price paid for clean cotton rags, delivered to Mall Tribune office. WANTED A ladies' gentle riding pony to keep through the winter for it use. 1113 S. Oakdale. WANTED To borrow $1000 for one to three years, on first-class close in prdperty, worth $3000. Address P. O. Box 702. Medford. Or. 160 WANTED To buy team o f mares, weight 1200 pounds or over. Ad dress P. O. box 265, giving descrip tion and price. tf WANTED Salesmen la every local ity of the northwest; raonr ad vanced weekly; many make over 11000 months choice of territory. Taklma Valley Nursery Co., Top- penlsh, Waah. WANTED To purchase 160 acres or more of uncleared land at a price not to exceed $25 per acre; distance from town no object if there is good wagon road to land; no desert land wanted.- Address P. O. Box 702, Medford, Or. 160 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE 15 acres, 3y2 miles from Medford, for city property. Van Dyko Realty Co. FOR TRADE 200-acro farm for city proporty; a bargain; see us at once. Van Dyko Realty Co. FOR TRADE Team, wagon nnd harness, for city property. Ad dress A. P. Barrow, Medford, Or. 151 Miscellaneous. FIREPLACES built, brick work con tracted for; cement cisterns built. T. C. Cole, 730 South Central. LOST. LOST Bank snek containing money nnd keys, between Ross nve. and West Main. Return to Mail Trib une office and receive reward. 152 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post- office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reomos. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build incr. socond floor. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, ovory Thurs day evening promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, ns woll as local membors, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital intorcst to all carpontcrs transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt. Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and buildor See mo about your now homo. I can save you money by planning to ypur own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architeots and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Pliono Main 3471. Residonce phone 2471. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Offio in room 206, PhippB bldg. Gas ad ministered for extraction of teeth Telephone Main 341. Night phono 4432. DR. W.'M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist- Office in rooms 203-204, Farmer & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of tho traoks. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO, Un dertakers, Day phono 351, Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3601, J, H. Butler 3571. LAUNDRIES, S1NO LEE has sold his laundry to Wah Loo Co,, nnd horetlf tor it will bo conducted by Wah teo. ' 'lie Is an oxporioncod man in tho busi ness. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Til olograph e. MACKEY'S 8TUDIO "Pose with Maekey and die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's store; ent ranee on Seventh street, tiieuogrsptien. ELLA M. QUANYAW Palas Blook. Stenographic work done quickly, and well. tferaent Sidewalk. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, bneamason. etone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Addreea Ma aons. 5L1 E. Main at.. Medford. Or. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MaoKenzie, dealer fat new and second-hand farniture, hardware, clothing, hoots and shoes. Highest rash prices paid for good! cast-off clothing. Call aad see me when you have something to sell. 103 South Central. Printer aad MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tl best equipped job office is South ern Oregon; Portland priew. 37 Sonth Central avenue BHllartf Paneea. S. T. BROWN Se CO. Billiaraa, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall bdMkg. A ale, cool place to spend the hot after noon. floptta. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st, Medford, Ore. JL W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospital P. & E. B, sL , Real EABLE C. SABIN Orchard traeu. city property. Lkt year holtinc with me. Only desirable property handled. Boom 202, Frsatcrowers'' Bank bid. , VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster aad. Distributor. All eriera promptlr filled. Room 28, Jaekson Const? Bank building. Medford. Ore. Clean i I AVMIV IRELAND & ANTLE. SmokekoBse-' Dealers ia tobaeeo, eiffars sad smokers' supplies. Exelaaiv e aceata of Lewis Single Binder, H Merit and El Palencia. 212 Weat Mam street. Falatera Psperfeaaeera. H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & McMullea, contracting painters, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Estimates on all kinds of painting work. Medford, Or. VmrmMre. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir street. Phono Main 3161. MISSION FURNITURE W0RK8 Corner Sth and Holly its., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kind. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stove and ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Bads' old stand, 18 W. F st South. Phone 91, Medford. Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Our stoek is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put ont. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office r moved to 116 East Main st. ROGUE RrVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of kijh grado nursery stock. Office 2 W. Main. Tel. 120L Physicians aad Bargeoa. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao- tico limited to disoases of tho eye, ear, nose and throat. Temporary location notol Mooro. After Octo ber 1, rooms 313-314, Garnott-Cory Bldg. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night ealla promptly answered. Office aad residonco phone Main 3432. DRS: CONROY & CLANCY. Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor aaa Phippa bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Office phone 591, residence paoat 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phoae 202. Medford. . Jlrlck CompanJea. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. r. O'Brien-Contractors and maw faotnrors of brick ; dealers k pressed briok aad lbe. Offiee ia Postoffice block, room 5. Pheaa No. 5181 ' Tin Shops. " J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin 4 sheet iron ware on hand aad mad to order. 128 North Q St. X t !J a;'W!ffl -.--til ' WUiftah0kS4,rfMn'. !Afl,''.,nl'srt- v "!dir"-