b.quwi4JHu. . mW' J ' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910. f r f Laincr of Uie i Cavalry By X Gen. Chas. King I A,,tinr nP "Thn Colonel's bnughtor," "Foes in Ambush," t etc. "YVcll, tbo old man wants to nee thnt yonne Knwtlon forthwith, for ninny people believe he's skipped." "Yon can track anything but n ghost In this now fallen snow." Curblt lowered his voice. "That's ex actly the trouble, doctor. Go to tbo back of the Quarters and see for your Bclf. His trail 'starts and ends here." In all Its history Fort Cushlng had sever known such a day of bewilder ment as that which followed. Guard amounting was held as usual at 8 a. m and Colonel Button, awaiting In his Dice the coming of the old and tho bcw officers of tho day, directed his ad jutant to drop his own work at their entrance and giro attention to what took place. All cyea were on the two burly cap tains who entered at 850, fur capped, fur gloved, inhugc overcoats and arc tics. The wind had begun to whine and stir. "RllsEard coming." said Scott as he (lanced at the sullen skies. "I report as old, officer of the day, air." said Curblt. with brief salute, tendering .the guard report book. The colonel went straight to busl ess. "No sign of Trooper Kawdon?" No. sir." "His horse and kit aU rightr "All right, sir." "Police notified to watch all trains and stages?" "Yes, sir." There was Impressive silence In the flSce. Eight men had gone with Sergeant towcll as escort to the paymaster (when, nearly four weeks earlier, he Bad set forth on his trip. Then the lit tle Iron safe was full of money. Seven men had come back with him. when, as the safe was well nigh empty, tho paymaster said he hardly needed an oacort. Of the eight who started, four were "casuals" who belonged to com panies stationed at Fort Frayne. well ap In the Indian" country, and then? they remained when the duty was rer. Of. the seven who came with towell. three belonged at Fort Frayne. a corporal and two men of Captain Jtaymond's troop, and they came fortl fled with the orders of 'their post com winder, a copy of which was now In Barker's bands. "What I don't understand." said the colonel, whirling his chair to the right about and addressing the paymaster. Tla how or why those men should be 4own here." "It seems simple," answered Scott Btacldly. he being entirely independ CBt of the post commander. "From JTrayne I had to go to the cantonments wp along the Big Horn, and we doubled the size of tho escort accordingly. When we got back there these three were permitted to come all the way, -whether to buy Christmas things for the Frayne folk or for affairs of their own 1 didn't inquire." "To whom did you assign them for rations and quarters?" demanded the colonel of Barker. "Captain Snaffle, sir, C troop." "Are they there the others, at least ?" "Corporal Watts and Trooper Ames are there, sir. Trooper Ttawdon. as yen know, is not. Be has not been aeen about the quarters since some time last evening." Again a pause. Then presently. "You arrested Kelly, I see. the man who was on No. 6." "Yes. sir. Both Dr. Schuchardt and the steward said his sickness was due to drink. I believe he wus doped " That ho could get whisky nny where along back of the ottleers' quar ters." said the colonel reflectively as wcil us reflecting. "Is tint Improbable That it should have been doped. Judg ing from the way one or two have misbehaved. Is not Impossible. The usual orders for the present, captain." said be to the new lncumbeiit. "And you are relieved. Captain Curblt." to the old. "But I shall need to see you later, so do not leave the post" "The man that leaves the post thin day." said Major Scott, with a squlut through the upper und unincumbered panes of the nearest window, "may need a seven days' leave," "And that, colonel." said a quiet voice at the commander's elbow. J'lx what I applied for earlier. Pardon me. air, but I need to know your decision," It was Captain Sumter whoxpoke, and the colonel flushed promptly nt ootid ofbls voice. "I had intended sending for you. Sumter," said he, "but these rather en grossing mutters had to by taken up r first I have your application" ho continued. "It is an awkward time .and these are awkward circumstances. It will leave your troop without an efflcer." "Mr. Lanier will be hero, colonel." "Hero, but in close arrest," frowned the colonel, "and you haven't bad a Jrst lieutenant since I have been In (command." "My misfortune, sir, but hardly my 'lault," answered Captain Sumter tcrae- ,ly, yet respectfully. "General Sherl- dan selects bis nlds-de-camp where he will, and last inpntb you thought It u epUHt to the regiment and to my .troop;, Pur guest. Miss Arnold, is lu ae condition to travel alone," added Captala Bumter gravely, "My wlf ,B4,Avdsjre to accompany uor to Chi- ago." -Xbt -MtaMUblt bUJIP ftPd bowed. "1 sk0' said be. llss Arnold was very much shaken by what happened after she got home?" "Hather by what happened before she got home," was tho calm yet sug gestive reply. "Captain Sumter," said he. flushing angrily, for no one of bis officers held ho In higher esteem, "your nttitudo is that of opposition, if nbt of rebuke, to the ofllclal acts of tho post com mander." "Then let mo disclaim at once the faintest disrespect. Colonel Buttou, but as Mr. Lanier's troop commander and personal friend. I beg leave to say that, so far as I know, his offehso is one which his comrades have often committed without rebuke." "Which simply goes to ehow, sir," re sponded the colonel, with glittering eyes, "that you do not know tho twen tieth part of his offense." "If that be tme. Colonel Button, of course 1 cannot think of going. I withdraw my application." And, turn ing slowly, he left the office. Instead of carrying three enlisted men present as "casuully at post." the "return" of Troop C bad but two. Trooper Rawdon. whose horse, horse equipments and Deld kit were safely "XOO DO SOT KWOW THB TWENTIETH PAST op ms orFKsaa." stored In the troop stables since noon the previous day, was himself account ed for nowhere. In view of the fact that be bad not been seen and could not be found there was nothing re markable about that With the morn ing report book, however, there was banded hi a copy of an order duly submitted by Corporal Watts to Snaf fle's first sergeant, and by him to his captain, which read in part as follews: X On arriving with hia detachment at Fort Cushlng and in compliance with the telegraphic instructions from department headquarters Trooper O. P. Rawdon,, Troop L. th cavalry. Is granted thirty days' furlough, at tbe expiration of which Ae will report to the commanding officer ot Fort Cushlng tor transportation to bis proper station. (Tp' Be CoutinnerY) Hasklnaor health. GLASSES BROKEN? YOU CAN GET THEM REPAIR- ED OR THE BROKEN -f LENS DUPLICATED AT DR. COBLE'S', NO. 301 E. MAIN. Rock Springs Coal. Another car of tho celebrated Rock Springs coal arrived today. More may come, but this is here. Sec W J. Burbridge, the drayman, now und place your order. You will need some of this coal this wintpr. ti Occasionally wo moot a man whoso train ot thought romlnds us of a row ot flat cars. Geo. W. Cherry Lawyer Titles and conveyancing a specialty. Boom SO, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone Main 431. . - T MAGIC EYEGLASS CLEAN- 4- EBS FREE AT DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLORS, NO. 301 EAST MAIN STREET. 4- ' Just received from New York, shipment of, Office .Bas kets, Desk Baskets and. general supplies. If inter ested, let us show you. Medford BooR Store il.JfeM -H& JSP Bh H Vt!4llBm.- - IbiBIBIbH BLlBlBlBlBlB 'WffvMM IBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBr WlBHI IHHHHBBbJbk-zIJISLs Coining to Medford (Soon Dr. L. G. Lenon, Chiropractor, nerve nnd dplno specialist, will locate permanently about the 15th of Sep tember. Tain 12 a new science, and one of the best ot the ago. Wo get results whore others fall. There Is no drugs or knife used. Thousands who havo suffered for years with meat. If you are sufforlng from rhou chronic diseases (many pronounced Incurable) and who having spent small fortunes with tho medical doc tors without obtaining tho desired results, have been cured by this treat, matlsm, lumbago, torticollis or from heart, stomach, kidney, liver, intes tinal or other diseases either acute or chronic, do not fall to consult this doctor. Watch this space for tuturo announcements. Attention Scholars! Tou will need a good fountain pen when you start to school. The hest pen for the money :; or for 3 times the price :: is the MEEEIVOLD PEN AT $1.00. It "will give perfect sat isfaction. Call here for your The Merrivold Shop 134 West Main Street m,,Mtm'i'j?i' Southern Dairy Co. Wholesale and Eetail Deal ers in Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. vIf you. have any sweet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 32, S. Cen tral or phone. , PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Roaeonable COFFEEN & PRICE W. 11 North D St.. M (Hold Cic licit ?(t " U r L ' I . ft , MILK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Store Phone Main 881. Ranch Phone Farmers 7183. MEDFORD THEATRE OPENING OP REGULAR SEASON THE . National-Pollard OPERA COMPANY in Gilbert & Sullivan's Famous ;fcr! i.V.2lJsHi "THE MIKADO" Splendid cast of Principals, including EVA POLLARD as Yum Yum ALF POLLARD as Koko and HENRI GUNSON as Nanki Poo Sale opens Wednesday, September 7, at 10 a. m. Saturday, Sept. 10th GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street V Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. In charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens September 6th. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. Tlia best resolution for jou 1 RESOLVE! to make is to come to ub tor your next suit, if you want Bometh'iHg out of tbe ordinary. We do theibest work nl oharg the lowest prioe. W. W. EIFERT THB FXOOKUMrVB TAILOM i i i i i i i s ' ' ''l SEND 0R CATALOGUE Address SIST.10R SUPERIOR, St. Mnry'a Academy, ) Medford, Oregon. SEND YOUR DAUGHTER TO St. Mary's Academy Medford, Oregon, A Privato Residont and Day School for GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer cial. Specially organized Department of Muaie and Art, FOR SALE $2600 will buy 160 acres in fine locality; 5 acres of bearing orchard, good buildings. It will pay you to in vestigate this. 70 ACRES35 acres in fruit trees 3 year old; 60 inches of water; 1 miles from town; all farming im plements, tools, otc7, togcthor with team of horses, go with place; good buildings. A bargain if handled by Septomber 15. Al STOCK RANCH 160 acres; Clear creek runs through place; good outside range; easy terms. Let us show you the Nickell Addition, where tho fine homes are being built. -M 428 AORES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 AORES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right; has coal outcrop ping; at a-bargain on long time, easy payments. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 216 WEST MAIN STREET. J. B. Wood, W. D. Foster, Sales Agents. Phono 1681. Era Announcement Wo w!h1i to nnnounco thnt wo nro tho uxoIuhivo agonl lor Cull fornin'H fmnouH 0RANUR IU OS ROM CANDY, tho finost Choco tatoH made. Medford Pharmacy Inc Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath The finest Sample Rooms in tho citjr. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-MoHr Company Proprietors. iro-pan Plan Medford Iron Works B. Gt. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So, Oregon for FAIRBANKS,. MORSE & 00. "MJW"11'"