fit- MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREOON, FRTDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910. - v-'ttWJUVF 4 rapGMi T "i u a.T A. It. Koo of Mnrahflolcl, Or,. In In Mod ford, Tho Modfonl city council wilt moot thin ii v n I n it. 10, J, Uobb of I'nnndono, Cnl,, Ih In Mud ford for a fow dnyn. Mm. Laura Hrmlloy loft Modfprd for Kiikoiio Thurxdny mornlriK. Minn Minnlo llocltonyou loft Thurn day ovonltift for, Lon AtiRolon. John II. Car kin, ntfornoy-tit-Iaw, ovor Jnclcnon County Hank, 0. I, WIlHon of 8t. Anno, Cnl., Is lu Med ford lolring for a location. 11. W. Hues wont to Woodvlllo to look up Irrlicatlon on Evanw crook. Kdim h. llrown of Myrtlo Point vlsltod friends In Medford on Thurs day. It. U. Wliltoliond linn roturned from n montli'fl outing In tlio Klnin ntlt country. Kino nwoot ponchos, i;ruuc and prune, nit kinds, dirt ohoap. Fnrm or 7110. tf Mr. nnil Mm, Chnrlcn D. Fluto of Cleveland, 0 nro in Medford look Iiik for n location. Medford Collodion Agency. 10 per cmt charged. Ovor Ilurlliurt'n now store, tf Mm. Marlon I), Jowott, formorly Mm. Motcnlf, linn roturnod from Ban J080, CaI. Fred Btrnng and hln grandmothor, Mm. O. W. Vrooman,. roturnod on Thurndny from :i trip to Crator I.nko. Dob McKee nnil Henry Stovonnon, prosperous farmorM on Applogotu, woro lu Medford Thurndny on bUSl ncSS. llonjnmln P. Holdol, onglnoor of the Orntcr Knko rond. lu spending n fow days In Medford. Mm. Kd Andrown desires thnt nil ,-of hor old pupils cnll nnil arrange for tlmo In order t:.nt thoy tuny got tholr cholco.' J. 1. O'Drlon, tailor nt Daniels clothing Htoro, hnu roturnod from n ovon weeks' vncntlon sojourn In Now York. O. W, Ilarnum & Co., contractors und bulldom. Country work n spec ialty. Ordom sollcltod. Inqulro nt Tho Toggery. Tho directors of tho lingua lllvor Fruit nnd Produce association will moot In tho association office thin evening. Ilnmj HockonyoH will lenvo for Portland lu hut nutomoullo next Sun ny. Pay I.iino will probably nccom puny liliti. Two lots on Buminlt nvonuo bo tweon Wont Main nnd Fourth streets woro Hold by Plckol, Klum nnd Mur phy on Frldny. MIhh Idoloo IContnor loft Medford Thursday for Knoxvlllo, III., whoro Hho will enter fit. Mary's academy, a nntlonnlly known Episcopalian Hchool Colonel Prank h. Ton Vollo ro turnod Thurndny ovonlng from ft trip to Snn Frnnclsco, whoro ho wnB call ed by tho serious tllnoRS or hla slstor, who hnH Improvod In health. Tho Fall Millinery opening of Mm. Lbttlo Howard will bo Saturday, Sop tombor 10, nt 100 North Central nvo nuo. All ladlcfl nro cordlnlly In vited. H8 J. W. McCoy. nnd wlfo, .Inckson county ploneors of 184G, who nro living In Los Angolos, havo boon vls Ulng John II. Ilutlor of this city. Tho Fall Mllllnory oponlng of Mrs. I.ottlo Hownrd will bo Saturday, Sop tombor 10, nt 109 North Control nvo nuo. All Indies nro cordlnlly In vited. H8 Mr. nnd 'Mrs. doorga Hill and llt tlo daughter, Marian, who havo boon visiting Mm. Vawter, Mr. Hill's sis ter, loft Wednesday for Jnpan, where Mr. Hill will resume his work In tho servlco of tho Dnptlst church after a yonr's vncntlon. Tho Medford flromon at n mooting Wednesday evening voted to buy a now headlight for tho flro wagon, na nn nccldont was narrowly osoapod going to u flro Friday night. Tho onglno wan drlvon Into n sower ditch obscured by tho darkness. William Davenport Hulbort, a prominent mngnsdno wrltor, arrived In Medford from Seattle on Thursday to write up tho forost flros that hnvo , boon postering southern Oregon, He ' toft this morning after consulting with tho local foroBt officials for ProBpoct, whoro ho hopes to got somo first linml Information for future nr tlolOB and porhaps a book, Mr, Hut bort'H nnmo lu a famlllnr ono to rond- 'ors of tho Outlook, Atlantic and oth- ' or promlnont magazines. William M. Lndit, president of Udd & TUtou'H bank In Portland, was rocontly sent ono of Medford's 1010 booklets and writes as to tho latest status of buslnoBs conditions In Medford by O. A. Malboouf. Mr. IiiMld has wrltton a vory tntorostlng reply, oxprosslng In vory substantial torms of tho wondorful growth of Medford and of Its glowing proB- r pools. jf Sum Stoln has roturned from "trip to San FrancUoo, 1125.000 FOR 1140 ACRES Rofluo River Orchard Land Company Report Salo of Hamilton Tract at Eante Point to a Mr. Lake of Chl oaflo, III, The Hoguo Itlvor Orchard Land compnny report tho snlo of tho Ham ilton tract nt Kaglo Point, consisting of 1H0 acres, to a Mr, Lnko of Chi cago for $125,000. Tho property In Mo bo subdivided mid nold In smnll tracts. Tho Hoguo Itlvor Commorclnl Or chard company today purchnsed tho balance of tho Walch trnct near Knglo Point, consisting of 300 acros. Tho consideration Is understood to bo In tho vlrlnlty of $B0,000. A part of this land was purchased and planted Inst spring. The balance will bo plnnted and sold under tho unit plan. Notice. Tlio firm of Torroy & Murphy Iiiih tliis day, September 1. 1010) dh solvi'il partnership, Mr. T. It. Tanner of Seattle. Wash., hnviujr bought out tlio interest of Mr. Torroy. In iho ftituro the Hnu name will lie Murphy & Tinnier nt tlio Hume old Htauil, cor ner Main street anil Central avenue. 118 Fred J. Dlakoloy la spending a fow days In Medford. Mrs, Vailco, owner of tho Bturgls mine, spoilt Thursday In Medford, having roturned from her California homo. Hobort Ireland of Winnipeg, Can., has arrived lu Medford to locnto. t- O. IIANBEN We iimko any kind Wo cany UJass ot MEDFORD SASH k DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. Salad Bowls Each f Cents We will put on snlo tomorrow, Saturday, 200 fancy m decorated imported Gorman china Salad Bowls, worth 'mm 50c to 75c in any store in Medford; three sizes and about 15 decorations to select from; all at, your choice, 25c each. Wo wiirsoll tomorrow just two (2) blue and gold decorated 42-pioco Dinner Sots tit, your choice, $3.75 per set. HOSIERY 20 dozon ladies seamless fast black, silk finish, gauze lisle Hose, in any sizo, tomorrow, 25c the pair Also ask to sou our lino of nion's, ladios' and misses' 1 lose at 15t pair, two pairs for 25c. Ask for Your HUSSEY'S tfflzlLli. - i , jJJWPIWkL This Mornlnn's Games, Pacific Coast League. At Oakland K. II. E. Portland 1 7 2 Oakland 2 0 1 JIntlorics Stceii anil Fisher; Live ly nnil .Thomas. At Vernon-' San FrnnciHco . I 7 0 Los Angeles ...........4 0 2 natlericB Stewart anil Williams; Delhi and Orcuilorf. At Sacramento Vernon . 3 Sacraiueiito ........... 0 HuttorioHCnrHou ami Fitzgerald ami La Longc. 0 0 4 3 Hognn ; THURSDAY'S SCORES. National. Pittsburg 2, St. Louis 4. , lloHton 1, New York 1 (called in fourth iipcouiiI of dnrknecss). Brooklyn 1, I'hiladelphia 8. American. St. Louis 0, Chicngo 1; second trnmo, St. Loiub 0, Chicago 4. IloBton 2, Philadelphia 3. Cleveland 7. Detroit 4. New York 8. Washington 2. North western. Seattle 1. Vancouver 3. Taeonm 3, Spoknno 2. Coast. Sacramento 2, Vernon 4. I) AiircIch 1. Snu Francisco 3. Oakland 2. I'oitland 3; second mime. Onkland 4. Portland 3. TOM MOFFAT i und stylo of Windows. any sizo on nanu. SHOW YOUIt WIFi: HOW to wrlto checks for hor bills Instead of counting out tho money nnd then not bo ablo to tell whoro hor cash has gone. Tho-Farmom' & Fruitgrowers' Hank has a special department for women's accounts nnd will bo glad to show any one how much better n check Is than ready monoy. PAIOimtS' Ai FltUITOltOWKKS' HANK. BOYS' SCHOOL HOSE Tomorrow wo will sell our boys' PrOKANTNNY and IKON GLAD nOSE, tho best 25c hose in tho city; salo price, FIVE PAIRS FOR $1.00 Doll Tickets ''- I Too Late to Classify VOll SALK One house ami two Iota on North Bcatly Hticct; one is cor ner lot Inoiilro nt Ml Ucatnty Htreot. 153 WANTED To buy IirIiI ono-horsa wukoi), socoiid-Iimi'I, with HhuftH. Address Itox 745. 2C3 WANTED At once, tnrpfntors at 11th and Hamilton sts. FOR SALE Household Koo,Jh and a Kootl piano; njso bumrv and Jmr iicsH. riinuirc at 022 W. 2d st. 153 WANTED Lady to do washing nnd ironiutr. Inquiro at llusiey's Cash Store 140 FOIl SALE A ino new hutignlow, 5 rooms and bntli, on Kcrnu.rny, Sis kiyou HciKhlH, 3250, ouc-half ensh. See ohu A. Tornoy, 110 E. Jfain st. 152 WANTKD-r-Stovcs chimney cleaned, bide. blncki'd nnd Cnll 207 Phipps tf WANTED A cnpnblc gei.i'ral house work maid: one used to service. Ap ply Mrs. C. II. Glaize, 313 S. Grape street. 154 FOIl SALE Small 10x10, 2 stoves, household (roods, $23; mule, pnek outfit. $00. J)ck I$ox750. If FOIl EXCHANGE 1010 tourin car, perfect condition, for citv property. Address "II. C," enre Mail Trib une office. 140 WANTED To buy a fiKIit sprins; wagon, harness and a horsj, weight about 1200 pounds. Mnte price. Ad- , dress S. H. Spikor, Eagle Point, Or. 149 FOIl SALE ."i-pahfcnccr automobile in first-elass Ahnpe: will take part in trade. P. O. tiox 412. 154 fe. u The time to change back to tho derby or felt hat is here nnd wo'ro here, too, with the derbies nnd felts for you. to change to. Honestly, our derbies nnd soft lints are of such .superlative de sign and excellence that wo can not do iusticc fo their superiority in one short ad all we can say is that they're ''crowns" fit for tho King of Mankind the American Citizen. $1.50 to $4.00. Furnishings, too. of like qual ity nnd excellence. Wardrobe IE W MEDFORD'S POPULAR RESORT Saturday Night AT 8:30 P. M. REGULAR DANCE BOWLING BILLIARDS SWIMMING W&tcH for thean nouncement for Wednesday Sep. 14 Wanted Itanch hands. Listings of orchard and city prop erty. Girl for general hotiaj work. Carpenters. Cement men. Brickyard men. SPECIAL Stock and ten-year lease, snap; close In. BUSINESS CHANCES Restaurant and rooming house, $300. Restaurant, clearing $500 monthly. 5 wagons, $10, $50, $70, $90. Disc plow. IJoavy span horses and harness. Rooming houses. Business nets $4000 yearly. FRUIT UND. G-ncro tracts bearing orchard, Vz miles out. 80 acres Bear creek bottom, subdi vide. 35 acres, Griffin creek, fruit and al falfa, fine home. 20 teres, 12 in fruit, $2000. 4-room house, l'acre, $1450. Irrigated tract, $250 per acre. 160 acres, 4 miles out, $00 per acre. 10 acres, $1600, mild Phoenix. 20 acres. 10 acres Bartletts and Ncwtowns; good building site; close in: $2500. 2 Acres, half mile west. $600. CITY PROPERTY. Lot 100x100, 4-room house, close in, for $1800; 50x100, $800. Lots on West SIniu. 60x240, $1500, easy terms. Lot on Central, close in, $1500. Good lot. Newtown street. $525: aui?k sale. 4-room house, bathroom, all furni ture. S1000. 3 -room house, lot 50x150, $850. 2-room house, close in, easy terms. 1-room house, good lot, $400. 0-room house, 6 acres, Roosevelt uv. 5Vi acres in city limits. Walnut Park addition lots on your own terms. 2 lots and house, $700. 7-room honse, West Main, big lot. E. F. A. BITTNER Rsoa 207 Tavler & Phipps lldi Phone 4141 Main. Who's To Be Your Grocer? We don't ask the ques tion to be inquisitive, but to attract your at tention. "We want to be yoflr "GROCER." If you are new in the Rogue River Valley you are probably shop ping around to see where you get the best treatment and the most for your money. GIVE US A TRIAL All we ask is a fair trial. Call and give us an or der and allow us to demonstrate that wo can serve you the best for anything in our line. Allen & Reagan CHXTltAIi AND MAIN VnONE MAIN 2711 f -f -H-t- vk owni) gijAssks. aoi EAST MAIN STREET, Make a Nomination NOMINATION 3LANK Write plainly. It is advisable to uso this blank, but nominations can bo writton on any papor. Coupon is panted for convenience only I Nominate Address v - District No As tho most popular candidate Signed j .-:... Date Address Each nomination sent in will county twenty votes if Bent to the Mail Tribune Contest Department Tho Mail Tribune reserves the right to reject any objcctionablo nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to the Mail Tribune with youf name or the name and address of yonr favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, but a good start means much. This blank can be used as often as desired for the samo candidate, and each and every one counts twenty. Tho name of the party making the nominal tion will not be divulged if so desired. In case of a tic, prizes of equal value" will be given. Not Good After September 19, 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Contest This Ballot Counts for TN Votes For District No . Address Good for ten votes when filled ont and sent to the Contest Depart ment by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date. No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred after being received by the Mail Tribune. In case of a tic, prizes of equal value will be given to each of the contestants tiod. TALK To Ashland lEVS Try it and you will be PLEAvSED ThePacific Tel ephone Telegraph Co. FOR RENT Only hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants on South ern Pacific railroad, Rogue River Valley. Newly refurnished, papered, painted, equipment modern. Baths, toilets, electric lights, hot and cold run ning water. Now doing good business. GALLON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY. 216 WEST MAIN ST., MEDFORD, OR. J. E. ENYART. President. J A. PEKRV. Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTIJ, Cnshior. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $103,000.00 Surplus, $23,033.03 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE ..... . ' in tho Mail Tribune Contest. V I J RENT. A GENERAL 1ANHIN8 t SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Irl ESt 11 l"-T --y- jyfr -"A