.yw iiwijuWrfjir-- MEDFORD MAIL TlllBUNfl, 'MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910. Medford Mail Tribune imT'i't"-"" " "-'-" ' -" AX IKBBPBKDHKT KSWBPAf SK PVBUSKXB DAH.T SXCXVT HATUR BAT JIT TIED XXSrOSO gBnrrixa CO. A consolidation of Iho Medford M&tl MUbllthcd 1889; the Southern Oreijon Ua. established 1S0J: tho Democratlo Timet, ctnbllBhed 1872; tho Ashland Tribune, established 1896 and tho Med fard Tribune, established 1806. HE SHRINKS NO LONGER. qsORQE: PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Entered as second-clasa matter. No- .w- i.na m tt.M nnt nfflNi At fsdford. Orocon, under tho act uC jaarcn a, ia. "Official l'apor of tho City of Medford w HTTSBOKXPTIOH k&TM. One year by mall . ''B"28 One month by mall '.': ,BQ per month delivered by carrier In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville and Central Point. Sunday, only, by mall, per year. . . S.00 Weekly, per year -B0 rail Iia4 Wlr XTtattd Fraa Sta patches. The Mall Tribune la on sale at the Ferry News Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, pre. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Waah. Hotel Snokano Xowa Stand. Spokane. rostaffe Xatta. 2 to 12-pajro paper. II to 24-page paper 24 to 36-pago paper lc 2c 3c swosx uzxuu&Txozr. Average dally for November, 1909 ..,... December, 1909 ,.,...... January, -1910 ,....... February, 1910 ........ March, 1910 ....... .....;.... April, 1910 , May, 1910 ...,... June, 1910 .. Julyv 1910 .. AVCIUST CXBOVbATXOir. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... T... t'.'.'. 10... 11 12 14 16 17. 1911! zx 22 23 i 4 25 26 . 28. 29. 30. 31. ? 1,700 1,843 1.925 2.122 2.103 2,301 2,450 2,502 3,624 2,650 2,550 2,550 2,650 2.56U 2,660 S.550 2,460 2,460 2.510 2.480 2.460 2.465 2.650 2,550 2.550 2,560 2,560 2,600 2,550 2,525 2,600 2,500 2.500 2,550 J. 550 U 2.550 Total Broas 68,240 Dally Average, 2.527 STATE OF OREGON, County of JacJc- On" the 1st day of September, 1910. personally appeared before me. Georjre Putnam, manager of tho Medford Mai" Tribune, who upon oath, acknowledge that the above figures are, trueand cor rect. H. N. TOtKl.l. (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. MxoroxD, oxsaoir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest growlnpr city In Oregon. PopulaUon. 1910, 9.000. Bank deposits $2,750,000. 1600.000 Gravity Water System com pleted In July, 1910. giving: finest sup ply pure mountain water. Sixteen miles of street being paved at a cost exceeding $1,000. making a total of twenty mlnues of pavement. Postofflce receipts for year ending June 30, 1910, show a gain of 36 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue River apples won sweepstakes prlxe and title of "Appl Xing of the World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909. Rogue River pears brought high est prices In all markets of the world during the past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 cents for postage of the finest com munlty pamphlet ever written. Fifty Years Ago Today. Sept. 9. King Emmanuel 11. of Sardinia proclaimed kins of Italy at Na ples. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. The town of Washington Court House. O., nearly destroy ed by a tornado. A heavy block of Union Pa cific bonds taken up by Boston bankers. The right of railroads to take timber on public lands defined by the United States land office. If love i3 really blind, how is it hat lovo can always find a way? Many a girl repents at leisure be cause she didn't marry in haste. i A man seldom makes the, snrae mistake twice unless he is a widower. A man is never so easily deceived as when ljc is trying to deceive oth rs. Evon PInchot will conccdo that when tho forests aro all burned up or cut dewr: there will be no more deaths from forest fires. It has been proved that a VasBar iglrl Is' not afraid of an , aeroplane, "Still, an aeroplane does not in the least resemble a mouse. There is a movement on foot to induco the United States to take over tho Mammoth Cavo. It would be a fino place into which to drop statosmen who had outlived their usefulness and did not kaow it. In Now York a man tried to com mit suicide by shoo ting himself in his glusu oye, but ho voiild have myo himself considerable discomfort If ho had put tho counterfeit on 'the bureau beforo shooting It. Those scientists need not. feel so proud over tho now pygmies discov ered In New Guinea. Illinois can show, smaller humuu being among its candidates for the legislature. Having nibbled tho grains off sixty-one oars of corn In three hours and flYomlnutos, a Now York police man proudly wears tho title of cham pion corn w.ter. Doubtless ho could ha.VB ',dbue better If tho provendor tad been peanuts, 1LLCAM M. COLVTCr, imti-Shitement candidate for the republican nomination, states: "I believe that as a representative pt those who elect me I should carrv out their political views. " Yet in the same statement Mr. Colvig says ho will not vote for the people's choice for United States senator. How can ho cany out tho views of those who elect him if he refuses to obey their instructions? The attention of Judge Colvig is called to chapter 2 of tho General Laws of Oregon, session 1909, which reads: "That we, the people of the state of Oregon, heroby in struct our representatives and senators in our legislative assembly, as such officers, to vote for and elect the candi date for United States senator from this state who receives the highest number of votes at our general elections." This law was passed by the people by a vote of 69,(568 for to 21,162 against, demonstrating clearly what the peo ple think on this subject, yet Judge Colvig proposes to violate this statute if elected. Judge Colvig warns tho people that he would not vote for a democrat, even if the people wanted him to. It is wonderful what a prejudice against democrats is enter tained by republicans of recent origin, who for years held office as democrats, as Judge Colvig did. Those who were political associates for forty years, and who honored him repeatedly with office, have suddenly become unworthy of consideration. Yet a change in political parties is not the only light ning change Mr. Colvig has made. On August 15 he pub lished the following letter: "Sir My name is being mentioned quite frequently by the local press, as a probable candidate for the state sen ate from this county. If I could know that I am the choice of the republican party of the county, for the place, I might accept the nomination; but there is no way to find that out. I fully agree with the great non-partisan, Hon. George E. Chamberlain, that "an assembly is the best and only sensible means of selecting candidates for, office." (See his letter published in full in the Oregonian of 13th inst.) I am one of those mentioned by the poet, when he says: t " 'There are men so deaf to loud Ambition's call, They'd shrink to hear the obstreperous trump of Fame.' "I am not a candidate for anv office. Respectfully, "WILLIAM M. COLVIG." Yet there has been no county assembly, no way in which the call of the rank and file could reach the shrink ing modesty of the candidate, yet the shrinking candidate shrinks no longer. FLUSH THE STREETS. NOW that Medford has an ample water supply, some ' moans should he. dnvised "whornhv tho streets of the city will be flushed instead of swept. Sweeping is at best unsanitary. It only partially re moves the dirt. There is filth left on all the streets, even after being 'swept. Every trip of the sprinkler leaves a muddy thoroughfare. It is as costly, perhaps more costly, than flushing, and not half as satisfactory. It is not necessary to use fire hose, and damage by great pressure the paving surface. Other cities have de-. vised economical and satisfactory methods of flushing, and Medford should do the same. '&!; ?. JtlL ik DR. Ii. M. GOKDON, Formerly of Portland, Oregon, has leased office rooms on tho second floor of tho building occupied by the Medford Hardware compauy and will be pleased to explain his science or method to all who may call. Or. Gordon Is a graduate from tho original school of chiropractic known as the "Palmer School of Chiroprac tic," Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic (s a system applied to tho Btudy of the cause, nature and elimination of disease. It not only claims to locate and aualyzo unorrlngly the physical cause of disease, but provides an original unique and adequate means of ad justing or removing tho samo moro promptly, radically and permanently than by any other method known at this time. Dr. Gordon come to Medford highly recommended and hopes to locate hero permanently. Ills school and method of healing, while now to most people, Is certainly of Inter est to all, as all aro vitally interest ed in seeing disease eliminated en tirely, Dr. Gordon's office hours will bo 10 a. m.-to 12 m.; 2 to C p. m, and 7 to 8 p.' m. Sundays and other hours by special uppointment. Over Medford Hardwaro Co. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Today's (Furnished by Moss & Co. by private wire.) NEW YORK, Sept. range of prices: High. G3 6G Low. 62 C5 Amal. Copper Am. Car Fdy Am. Loco . . Am. Sugar Anaconda Atchison ... 97 Am. Tel ... 135 Dal. & Ohio., 103; Brook. R. T. 73 C. & O 72 Vi Cent. Leather Con. Gas .. 129 D. & R, G... 29; Erie Gt. Nor. pfd 124 Interboro .. 18 "do pfd .,. 48 M K & T f 4 Mo. Pac. ... 52 ,Nat. Lead N. Y. Central 110 Nor. & West Nor. Pac, .. 113 Pac. Mall .. 28 Penna. .... 128' Reading ... 139 Rock Island 29 do pfd ... 03 St'. Paul 118 So. Pac 112; Un, Pac. ... 105 U. S. Stool . 08 do pfd Wabash pfd Call monoy, 1, Total sales, 100,100 shares 97 134 102 73 71 129 29 123 18 48 52 110 t t 113 27 127 137 29 03 118 111 104 07 f f Close. 63 36 66 117 38 97 135 103 73 72 32 129 29 25 123 18 48 30 52 50 110 90 113 28 18 138 29 03 118 112 105 08 110 35 .- MOSS & COMPANY, Brokers NEW YORK STOCKS - GRAIN AND PROVISIONS PRIVATE LEASED WIRE 4- ROOM 15 P. O. IlLOOIC t PnONE 1831. ! ' ..- For vSale by MOOR-EHNI CO. 213 Fruitgrowers' Bank Bdg RANCH PROPERTY 10 acres bearing fruit, l miles out $15,000 10 acres bearing fruit; good buildings, l1' miles out.... $15,000 2 acre$ truck and berry land, water, buildings, 1 1-4 miles $2500 10 acres truck and berry land, water rights, barn .... , $3750 812 acres fruit, good build ings, tools and stock, close in $7000 20 acres all fruit, 10 bearing, a bargain $12,500 7 acres bearing fruit, good buildings, V2 miles out .... 30 acres near Central Point, part bearing, good build ings, water, a bargain $16,000 240 acres best fruit land, part bearing, house and barn, 4 miles out, per acre 1 $300 35 acres, all in fruit, build ings, spring, wells, stock, tools $17,500 40 acres near Central Point, fruit and alfalfa, worth $400 per acre $12,000 CITY PROPERTY 5-rom bungalow, modern .... i w $2500 S-room liouse, 3-4 acre $1800 Fines residence lots on 8th St $500 to $700 6-room modern house $2700 5-rom modem cottage $2000 2-storv" house, lot 168x258. ; $2000; o-rooin modern cottage $2100 Fine residence lots and dwellings in all parts of the city FIRE INSURANCE, BEST COMPANIES CALL AT OFF ICE OR PHONE LVIN 2592 V .''.1 H . .Al .'IY another two cars Making forty-four (4l) cars of pout's shipped so far this season from tho BtJRttfoLL ORCHARD. . All peai-s in tho BurroU Orch-ird except tho "Wintor Nolis and a few Cornice have boon picked and the total munbor of cars harvested wil bo announced Sunday morning. NO OTHER ORCHARD IN THE NORTHWEST can or will iiinlco such a showing this year and when tho Wintor peai-s are added to this list, just think what a wonderful showing it will be for the Rogue River Valley. AND THEN, when tho apple shipments from tho BurroU Orchard arc added to this grand total, it will mnko a still groator record. t Whon it conies right down to facts, tho BurroU Orchard is hard to beat, and wo sometimes wonder why oastorn people will pass up an opportunity to buy classy orchards of this kind and invest their money in soiiio out-bf-tho-way place where fruit growing is purely an oxperimont as yot. FOR INSTANCE: A corner block of the BurroU Orchard containing over 1G acres, 12 of which is planted to Yellow Newtown Pippin trees in full bearing, and to peal's most of which aro in full bearing, and the balance of ovor four acres vacant ground. This block has no buildings, but has a beautiful building site. It is within 1300 feet of tho motor car station of the S. P. and fronts both North and East. The price and terms aro right. NOTICE: We have a long list of raw lands at prices that cannot no duplicated anywhere. AVo also have Hiveral improved properties of the very best in the valley. If you are in the market for sotnothinir Extra Fancv. come i T --- and see mo. Jno. D. Olwell Exhibit Building, Medford, Orogon. v. mmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmmmmmmm',ll,m f-f-f-ff 'f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f THREE MORE SOLD. Summit avenue lots, be tween West Main and Fourth streets, are jjoiinr rapidly. When n person enn buy such homesites for less than cor ieMMjiuliiiir property ami in an addition with over $100 worth of improvements on each lot, it is only natnral that they should cp rapidly. Cement walks are in. The Kradiwr is done and sewer and wnter in piped into each lot. Tho street is paved and the lots all graded. Ruilding restrictions $2300. ' See Murphy & Tanner, W. T. York & Co, or tho owners, Picket, Klum & Murphy. fV -f 4- - The pnyement on Sifinmit "", "" avenue H'jitut iiuuriiia; coin- "" plction. This tract licrj hu- "" 4 tweeii West Main and Fourth "" streets. -f t An effective want ad makes your ouBlnqg3 plan offectlvo, County Recorder. I am a condidiito for the demo cratic notiiiiicfton for rocordor of Jackson county, subject lo tho pn mary election of Scptombor 24. H0BBRT L. TAYLOH. (Paid Advertisement.) To the People of Jackson Ceunty: w t j,A $ WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE FORMAL OPENING FOR MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER TWELFTH, ' SEVEN-THIRTY TO TEN . SHOWING COMPLETE LINES OF NEW FALL SUITS AND MILLINERY YOU ARE MOST CORDIALY INVITED THE EMPORIUM O. E. TAOKSTROM, Proprietor. MISS M. MCDONALD MISS PAINTER Suit Department Millinery ., Orchestra , , - 1 am a candidate for state senator. I am a Republican. If nominated (it the primary and olected at the k" oral election I will irivo mv best of forts to servo tho interests of Iho people of Jackson county, I will not voto to elect a doinooral to the L'nileil Kin ton senate, but I will voto to duet to that office tho Republican candidate who shall have I'ccejved the hijjijnat idinibcr of vote. therefor at the ucuurul election next preceding. I want this statement o be plain ly understood so that no person who desires" tho election of a Democrat lo that "important office will bo mis led into voting for me by thinking that pnssihjy I might, tinder certain circumstances, aid in bringing, about such a result, for I will not, , I believe that as a representative of those who elect, me, I should carry out their political views. I favor (ho permanent mainte nance of a state normalsithool at Ahlihuid, Or,, mid if I aui olOcicd 1 will iiho every .effort to jjoouro Mich Institution. 1 am in favor of good roiids and have given much study to tho sub ject, and as to Hut manner of pro-J curing Ilium. ' hiihiutjjgisluhoi' needed beforo much can be douo in this matter. In order that tho fish that run in the streams of the statu may. bo en joyed by all our people, tho greed of tho cauuorymon at tho mouth of tho rivers milst be checked in some legit imate way so as to allow a free run of 1'is.h to tho interior localities. 1 feel that 1 am thoroughly acquainted wilh tho condition of such affairH and will, if olected, be able to render efficient service therein. f came to Oregon in October, 18.')1, H'hou T was six years old. 1 have worked in her forests, her fields and her mines, and I believe Hint I know her needs. I am known as a "pro gressive" in fuel, I am called a "bnoHlor," and if elected T shall oh- tpem It n irrcnl hmfoi' In IhkihI Pm the nImjIu state, bit purliciijiirly for acksn.n jjniiyjy ' i, J If I am not nominated at the pri mary oonvoutioii, it will give me gro.it pleasure to assist tho victorious Ro puhjiimn caudidato who dofoats mo, lo an election in Novombor, and to urgo my party friends to givo him it cordial support. I will not, during tho campaign, personally make a re quest of any votor to support mo. 1 will bo ploasod to moot my follow-oit-izons and publicly address them on political mattors. Rospootfully, WM. M. COLVIO, (Paid Advortlsomont.) WIO DON'T OA1M3 WIIKHH you floi' Youn oraBHics MADN. WIS WANT TO dlVIi YOU AN IIYICGLABS -f OMiANKK. 01 15A8T MAIN. J, ff t jiMr-ff -, - mtiiLar-2 jM'tMi-l-,! JL'C