- vwm$ " ?fl MEDITOttD MAIL TttlBUNK, MKDffORD, OREO ON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910. 1 1 (. sm M i 4 POPULAR NOMINATIONS IN MAIL TRIBUNES BIG CONTEST Early Candidates Hnvo Boon Selected mid Put Forward by their Friends to Compote for the Elegant Prizes See That Your Friend Is Entered If You Do Not Find (ho Name of Some Younp. Lady You Would Like to See Win One of Thoso Grand Prizes, Send In a Nomination at Once, That Your Candidate May Bo Included. J The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE .I'AtiHKNdKIt TOUIMNU AUTOMOHILB (WILL I)K ON DISPLAY IN A 1'BW DAYS). GRAND PRIZES TWO $100 PIANOS. TWO $100 DIAMOND RINGS, TWO HUBINEBB 8CIIOLAHSIUPS. TWO HKAUTIFUIi LAMBS' GOLD WATCIIBS, ONK KIV1 During tliu piiHt few dayH notnlti atiotiH in the Mull Tribntio' grout popular voting contest Imyo been re ceived Iv Iho cunloHt editor in n steady Mtrvuiu. From all ovor tlio two iliHtrictH in which tliu i-ontoHt Ih being held onmliditU'H aro entering tho conli'Hl, ami from tlio grunt iu toiuHt that in being muiiifoHted on all tritlmt tliiH Ih Iho grandest over hold in Southern Oregon. Tho candidate! whoso iiiimerf nro 'announced to this voter 1n tho dif foreent dlHtrietH Tor tlio firnt time, aro u rupixiKuntutivu claHH of .yourijr women. In the majority of ciihch tho iiomiimtioiiH have hoen made by frieiulH, and thin, in itnelf, Sh proof of their popularity. Other have nominated themHolvou, upon tho ho lioitatiou of netitiniiitniicoH, and tto tho list Iiiih grown ami will Htill grow. Tho Mail Tribiino patroiiK will du cide who of tliu largo lint of candi dates will ho honored by receiving tho mamiifieeiit prison. It will cost tho patroiiH nothing to give th'iir "voteH to Iho young lady they select an their favorite candidate. Tho voles nro free, and tho nominee!) woo receive tho lnruent number will win the griind pnxcx. Great Interest Manifested. In Iho city of Mcdford and in all tho' territory over which thin Rre.it ((intent extends tho patroiiH of tho Mail Trijnmo aro Knowing keen inter- eKt and frerpiently lettern and tele phone mrwuiigoH arc received, nuking if home peruon is a caudidatu for tho pei'ttou would ho plcnHod to nsnist Home friend by voIoh which nro free. Ah iudiiHtry and popularity aro tho pointH that will count in tho content, tho context will cfrtniulv bo a pretty race, and one in which it will lo an honor and plcaHtiro to participate. ' Other nominntioiiH will bo received an kooii uh tho pntroiirt learn that their favorite ban not oh yet been put up iih a caudiduto for oun of tho Hpiendid prir.en. If you have been remembered bv your friends nud your immu is in cluded in the list below, it gives von an opportunity to win one ol tho beautiful prizes offered by the Mail Tribune. Above all things, do not net dis couraued because Homeono else hits a few inoro voles than you hnvo. Pledge your friends to your nHsifituucc, or gunizo your territory, and your chances for boeomimr a winner aro grout I v enhanced. CQRLT5 Every pair guaranteed. .ToHUnd, Krucon X -, -XSt&n nml I my Urhool rur (Utl J onUt r Nk Vent of tii.Ura of Kt. John llU.tl I.iIm.oI r IOollsll. Aimiinia nnu i.ivmiiiinrr IHipll Tlit Sliltf 8u.flof.OHIt M.I. Sl.llil.m Htll, Portl.Brf.Of, QOOPPRIENP HOTEL IAN FRANCISCO I. OdODFRIEHP, KuiK Fonnorly llotala Stniifpnl nnl fit, Hcryl, lVwpa fitrcct. iiwir Clcnry, uillcilijluu Hotel Manx. 'Inko llotol Manx. Un, or Murket Olivet Uti, tmiwtor to I'dwell. JiU'iit liouao unit locuUuu for IaUIm vWUna tlio city ivloue. HATE8, 1.00 PES DAY AND UP ftm Contestants should remember otic HUNK each district will receivo one $100 piano, one $100 diamond ring, one business soliolnraliip ami one jold watch. Tho following list, which is di vided into districts, in not complete in every respect, as some nomina tions hnvo been recoived by Into mails that Imvo not been classified iuio their districts mid entered on tho list. Such nominations will he in cluded in tho list of ciindidntos which will ho published Sunday. Standlnii Published Daily. The staiidinc of tho contestants will ho chatiKeed from day to day, .is lo tho numbor of votes they receivo. Tlio bnllot box will closo enoli day at 1 o'clock for tho standing to ho printed in tho next day's paper. -f V DISTRICT NO. I Includes all the territory In the city of Medford. Kthel Kifert North Front ht. Mrs. W. M. Ford Portland nve. lone Flvnn 005 W. Tenth m .leraldino Thoiss Deatty ht Ona Humphrey W. Twelfth St. Mary Deuel S. Oakdale nerdiua Hcacomc. Tenth and Orange Ilazello Welch , S. Ivy st. Aloua Suodurass Hussol's More Myrtle Calhoun. ...8 S..Central a.-o. Blmira Wilson Spirella Parlors Bula Jacobs 122 S. Central ave. Maudo Link' B. Main ht Maudo Giuilt Van Dyko's storo Maybello Jones Ilussey's btoro May Hailoy fil() S. Central nve. Maude Gaines ,S. Ornpo st Nellio Bvans. .Pacific Telephone C'i. inttn Hamilton-... N. Ceutnil nve. Jessie l'uudy S. Holly ot. Buid Hamilton N. Central ave. .Miss Humphrey Kentucr's store niia Peterson S. Holly st. Mario Bifert N, Front st Hnttie Allen IIKJ W. Tenth Oraco Andrews, .. .330 S. Itiversulo Nina Hakeman 21 W. Tenth Nettie Hartley f B. Third Anna llorsch 217 S. Ivy Nettie Hior 203 S. Fro.U Meda Ilich 22.1 N. Court st. Oraco Hrown 1221 W. 2irn.ii Mnv Duehniiun 80(1 B. Taylor Bffio Ilnn-h 2lfi S.,Cottngo st Luelln Campbell 714 W. Biuhth ... DIAMOND TUArAl.GEMS. i h:to them loose and nioimtcd. IN ALL SIZES. Martin J. Reddy Ww xhe Jeweler I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables nud will conduot a general food and boarding establishment. Horsos bonrdod by tho day, wook or month. I gunrauteo n aquaro doal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. Have You Entered the Contest? Hernico Gaidor 310 W. Jackson Mrs. CharlcH Charlos. .Bast Medfoid Hobocca Clinton.... 10J S. tfowlown Jonsio Colo 705 N. Central Bdilh Crunfill 117 S. Central liortlm Dailoy. 208 S. Ivy Jennie Dodge 010 S. Oakdale Gertrude Fay HO N. Central Julia C. Fioldor 710 B. Main Alary Fiesler..!!. L. Montgomery Co. Bllu Oaunyaw 337 N, Ccnlral Milo aoddalo 010 W. Tenth Mary Gore.. '120 S. Central Mary A. IIaswell..S. O. Produce Co. Gladys Heard.. East end B. Main Bt. Bthelyn Howes. .. ..'101 W. Blovcr.lh Nettio Hopkins Odell hotel Mabel Kent 818 B. Mam Mnry Kittridgo 201 S. Grape, Graco McCoy 513 N. Central Mabel Mickey 330 S. Kir Blither Murphy 515 N. Fir Maudo Nichols 713 B. Main Graco Of full 1-10 N. Grapo Harriet Paul 025 W. Ninth Mnry Pnyno 135 N. Bnrllitt Miliccnt Politer 1-15 N. Oakdale Mabel Kay. . . . 110 1 W. Main Anna Smith 520 S. Ivy Vorn Storoy 307 B. Sixth Nellio Storm 210 S. Central Ada Swindel 515 B. Liberty Ilazello Tice 208 N. Central Utith Van Dyko 0 W. Twelfth - - 4 DISTRICT NO. 2 Includes all territory outside of city of Mcdford. . Donnn Under Eagle Point Maggie Daly Eagle Point Nannie Wright Baglo Point Greuuel Jackhon Bugle Point Clara Rhodes Ashlnud Miss Hollcy Ashland Maybello Parsons Ashland Vera Skcen Ashland .Miss Howman Ashland Edna Noil , Ashland Maybello Ivoucadc Ashland Hnzello Crosen Ashland Kttby Palmer Ashland Wiuuifrcd Davis Ashland Frances Hamilton Ashland Miss Moore Ashland Augy White Ashland Ilazello Welch Jacksonville Leoun Wrich Jacksonville Einiim Wetult '.Jacksonville llion Coiightrou ., Jacksonville Gertrudu Norton ......Jacksonville Alvn Scott Woodvillo Hhotta liohbius Woodvillo Gladys Miller Woodvillo Dcssio Cnrtor Woodvillo Faye Hurchell Woodvillo Grnco Slovens Woodvillo BllnStolos Woodvillo Clarice Wilcox Woodvillo Dcssio Hcariiiur Woodvillo Orieolla Carnihau Talo.it Lleanor Powers Talojit Marie Carnihau Talent Etta Williams Central Poi'.i Pearl Iosm Central Point Marv Olsson . . . .Central Point Irene Will on , Central Point Near the Postoffice RIVERSIDE AVENUE. SALE OF DISHES If you are wishing for a J beautiful set of dishes I dishes that will give 1 staisfaetory wear f dishes that will not cost t too much you should call at this store and see the VALUES we are offering in com plete sets, or you can buy the separate pieces, t The savings will sur prise you. Come and see. Allin & Allin 132 West Main Street, i Phone Main 2691 When The Quality Counts 132 West Main Street. Phone Main 2691. Quality counts at this store. Whether it be canned goods, staple or I fancy groceries, fruit, vegetables, flour, coffee, tea, spices or what not if we offer it for sale it much be good not alone that but it must be the best that tho mar ket affords. Try this store and see if you don't find that every thing offered is of the best quality. Olmstead & Hibbard Phone Maia 571 unMiiiMMiim WOMEN GROW YOUNGER. When Dandruff Goes and Hair Grows Abundantly. Parisian Siiro, Auiorion's prcntcst linir restorer, will koop-you looking younp nml nttrnetive. It is Kiinrnnteed by Qhng. Strang to ninko hair grow nud $,ti,p falling hair; to euro dandruff in two weeks to stop itching of tho sonp almost instantly. Parisian Sngo is tho" most 'invig orating, satisfying and wlonsnnt hair dressing mudo. It is not stioky or gronsy, it makes Iho hair soft, lux uriant and handsome; it is especi ally praised by womon who lovo honutiful hair. Parisian Sngo is for salo by Charles Strang nt 50 cents a largo boltlo. Tho girl with- tho au burn hair is on every bottle. ' 11 " Ktnto Senntor. I am a candidate for tho republic an nomination for stato senator from Jackson county, subject to primary of Soptombor 24. I am for Statomont Numbor 1, economical administration of public funds, good roads, Improved educational facllltlos and otbor things that hnvo for their objoct tho bottormont nnd Improvement of tho stnto nnd county. H. VON DHU HBLLBN. (Paid advertlsoment) If you have business ability, show Its quality in tho way you advertise JUST RECEIVED A Car of Blue Ribbon Flour Our many patrons will be glad to learn that we have received a delayed car of that famous and justly celebrated Blue Ribbon Flour. If you ever used Blue ' Ribbon then went where you couldn't get it and had to take something "JUST AS GOOD," you know that there is no flour just as good as Blue Ribbon. Meral: 'USE BLUE RIBBON' It's the same story with every line we carry they are second to none on the market. This ap plies to GROCERIES, MEATS, FRUIT, ETC. We will be pleased to enroll you as one of our customers and guaran tee that you will always get satisfaction. Warner Wortman 6 Gore Grocery Phone 286 Market Phone 281 E. Main, near Bartlett MMMMIMMHtMMtM o R. F. GUERIN & CO. A Medford National Bank Bldg. OFEIt FOR SALE 610 acres of orchard and orchard land on tho main lino of tho South ern Pacific railroad nd adjoining n good town between Medford and Grants Pass. All i" mi fruit trees or ready to be planted noxt win tor, except 270 ncrva ' standing timber. There aro two comploio Pets of buildings, water rights to irrigate tho wholo property, perfect drainage of both air nnd water, freedom from frosts nnd nil features desirablo for a high-cias orchard. A largo and profitable crop was taken from between tho voting trees this year. $20,000 will hnudlo thU, balance can be arranged to suit purchaser nt fl per cent. It is tho kind fortunes aro made from. Call if you would like to sco it. m ctnsBFro xnMMiu. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, mined, varnished, ot finished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to lit the purpose. OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD, Medford, Or. Three Choice Bargains No. 1 55 acres on Bear creek bottom, 2 nrllos from Medford. 4$ acres In Newtown and Spltzeaborf apples, seven yoara old, also soma pear trees, 10 acres now ground ready to set. Fish Inko water, fine Im provements. Prlco $50,000; ono tbird cash, balance terms. A fine bargain. No. 2. 34 acres flno land near Central Polrt. All good soil. 150 bear ing trees; 250 Bartlett pears one year old; New six-room house, 'largo barn and o'h r bnlldlngs. Cbeap at JG500. Half cash, balance three years at C per cent. Other land ad Joining selling for more money. No. 4. 80 acres, 13 miles from Mcdfcrd on Rogue river; all good land, and fenced with Page fencing; new 7-room nouse and rnrn; price $130 per acre, half cash, balance easy terms. A largo list of choice orchard and farming lands In large and small tracts. Med fori real estato In ill parte of the city nad to suit all purses. Agents for the Bale of the desert lands of tho Regno River Valley Ca nal Co. Come In and talk with us boforo buying. FISHER & WHTTMIRE 82 South Central. AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Mnrphy, MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1910 Chalmers Detroits. Phone 1861, Valley Anto Company, Medford. Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding- Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 314L Agency for the Parry Cars. Rogue Rfver Anto Co.. Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford. Or. Pine Timber For Sale 3,700,000 feet eatrn high grade next thing to sugar pine, will cut 05 per cent strictly clear. 2.900,000 feet first class yellow pine, will cut 65 per cent No. 2 shop and better. 1,500,000 feet fine large red fir and cedar. Plenty of water, easy to log, level roads. Inquire at'Dorris Hardware Co. at Dorris, Siskiyou countv. Cal. 157 PainisandFinishes for Fall "Fixing Up" No money brings such satis faction as a few cents spent in the Fall for "touching up" shabby floors, furniture and woodwork. All winter long the bright, attrac tive and wholesome home is a source of constant pleasure. ACMEQUAUTf PAINTS AND FINISHES are the kind to use. Simply tell us what you want to do and we will give you the proper Acme Quality Kind for your particular purpose. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall House' Painting. BREAD Try our Home Made ITresh Bread. "Goodneaa and Purity" is our motto. Also Salads and Roast Meats ready cooked, at the MEDFORD BAKERY 42 S. CENTRAL AVE. Jusfl: Published . Mining Maps of Southwest ern Oregon and Northwestern California, showing the forest reserves, surveyed and unsur veyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pass, Or. Price of Wall Maps, $2; Pocket Maps, $L50. '- - --- -f- FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.80 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL- "" TUBAL AND HORTICUL- TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN- DID RACES, BAND CON- CERTS, FREE ATTRAC- TI0NS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INFOR- MATION ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY: BULBS: Exclusive Agency for Portland Seed Co. Medford Greenhouee Phone 3741 ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD i Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine Buy your winter supply now; reasonable prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO., 15 Almont st., or Room 31, J. C. Bank bldg. Phene Main 4751. C. T. Mori, Prop. U. S. HOTEL BUTTE PALIiS, Or. Re-oponed nnd will cater to the public. Auto and hunting party din ners a specialty. Patronaco respect fully solicited. MR. AND MRS. A. DUPRAY, Prop, and Mgr. Respectively. For State Senator Statement No. I Candidate. I am a Republican candidate for stnto sonntor at the primary election Soptembor 24, 1010. I favor state ment No. 1, good roads, progressive education and tho Southern Oregon state normal school. For eleven years a resident of Ashland, Or. tf J. J. CAMBERS. READ SEPTEMBER SUNSET. READ "ARIZONA TID3 47TH STAR" Dy Governor Richard E, Sloan, and "Fremont and the Boar Flag,' by William Simpson, In Sunset for Sep tember, now on sale at all new stands, 15 cents, tf NOTICE. Notico is horoby given that we will apply to the city council for a license to sell spirituous, vinuous audi malt liquors in less than gallon lot at our place of business, 12-13, bloek 20, 37 South Front street, lu the city of Medford, in Jaokaon county, for a period of six months frota date of issuance. 153. J. W. SLTNGI.