MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. ACEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, SBI'TEMBIOR (, 1!)10, h- - -- , - - -- ---- - Have you registered a nomination in the Mail Tribune's great popular Voting Contest? MAKE A NOMINATION Think of one of your friends who you would like to see win the Automobile. NnmoH of candidates who are being nominated will be published in the final list;. Not Good After September 15, 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Contest This Ballot Counts for TEN Votes For District No, Address Good Sop ten votes when filled out and sent to the Contest Depart ment by'malr. or otherwise on or before expiration date No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred after being received by the irail Tribune. In case of a tic, prizes of equal value will be (riven to each of the contestants tied. NOMINATION BLANK Write plninly. It is advisable to use this blank, but nominations can be written on any paper. Coupon is printed for convenience only. I Nominate Address t . . v.v. . '. . . ? ."....,. District No. . . 1 . . . .-. : rf. ...-:..".' '. .' :":. ? As the most popular candidate in iho Mail Tribune Contest. Signed ,.... Date Address Each nomination sent in will county twenty votes if sent to the Mail Tribune Contest Department. The Mail Tribune reserves the right to reject any objectionable nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to the Mail Tribuno with your name or the name and address of your favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, but a good start means much. This blank can be used ns often ns desired for the same candidate, and each and every one counts twenty. The name of the party making the nomina tion will not be divulged if so desired. In case of a tic, prizes erf equal value will be given. How Ballots are Secured , In nil cases whore ballots nro issued subscriptions must bo paid or prepaid. Tho full amount of money must bo sont direct by mail, pawl to local collectors or brought to this office. The paper will bo delivered by mail or carriers, as requested. Besides tho votes given on subscriptions, thoro will bo a coupon published in each issuo of tho Mail Trih.uuc, which, whon out out and filled in, will count as Ten Votes. These coupons must bo limited or sent to the Mnil Tribuno Contest Department before tho expiration of tho timo printed on each ballot. Ballots cannot bo bought; they must bo out from tho paper or secured by subscription. Value of Special Ballots Price. NewSubv Old Sub. Ono month ...$ .50 700 , 350 Two months .'... 1.00 1,100 ' 700 Three months in advance 1.50 3,000 1,500 Six months in advance 2.50 7,000 3,500 One year in advance 5.00 15,000 7,500 Two years in advance 10.00 40,000" 20,000 WEEKLY, BY MAIL. Price. Now Sub. Old Sub. One year in advance $ 1.50 3,000 1,500 Two years in advance 3.00 7,000 3,500 All old subscribers of tho Weekly paying their arrearages, chang ing to the DAILY, will be considered new subscribers mid ballots is sued accordingly. ' Any young lady who desires to enter this great contest and win ono of the magnificent prizes offered should see that her name is scut to the Contest Department. All that is necessary to win n prize is to receive tho largest number of votes according to conditions mentioned elsewhere in this announcement. Districts are Divided as Follows DISTRICT NO. 1 Will include all tho territory in tho City of Medford. DISTRICT NO. 2 Will inoludo alt tho territory outside tho City of Medford. How the Prizes Will Be Divided TIIK CAPITAL P1UZK Tho lady rocolviug tho highest iiumbor of votes of tho districts will roceivo a Fivo-PnHHongor Touring Car. THE OHAND PHIZES Two higli-grado Pianos will bo proHontod to tho two Indies receiving tho grontcst number of votoH in tho two districts. THE $100 DIAMOND HINQS will go to the two Indies receiving tho noxt greatest number of votes in their respoctivo distriotn." THE TWO SCHOLARSHIPS in tho IIiirIiiohh College will go to the ladies receiving ttio next grontcst number of voIob in their reHpectivo districts. THE TWO GOLD WATCHES will go to tho lndion receivjng the fourth greatest number of votes in their respective districts. Each district will roceivo ono Piano, ono .f 100 Diamond Ring, ono Gold Watch, ono Scholarship, regnrdloss of tho number of votes cast in tho othor districts. However, no contestant will roceivo moro than one prize. Ono of tho districts will roceivo tho Automobile. Tho winning of these mngnificont prizes is not a question of money. It is tho result of cxtoiiBivo acquaintance, loyal friendship nml enthus iastic co-operntion. Hundreds of young IndioH have mnny warm friends who will unite in nn effort to win tho Automobilo or ono of those henn tiful Pianos for them. Tho timo is Hhorl in eight wooks from tho firs publication of names of enndidntos prizes will bo won. Bo a winner. You risk nothing and gain much. Think how much it is worth to win tho Automobilo or ono of tho Grand Pianos, and sololy as tho result of votes of admiring friends. You enn, if you will, bo ono of tho fortunnto winners. Tho Mnil Tribune lins dono its part tho rest is for you and your friends. CONTEST OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1910. , CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY,, OCTOBER 29, AT 12 M., 1910 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL M AIL TRIBUNE OFFICE, EITHER PHONE OR ADDRESS Contest Manager, Care The Mail Tribune, Medford Oregon ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB IS TO EXHIBIT FRUIT AT VARIOUS FAIRS Enthusiastic Meeting Is Held, at Which Club Takes Steps to Pro vide Fruit for Exhibits at Grants Pass, Medford and at Spokane. Secretary Malboeuf of Medford Club Attends Session to Urge Co-operation In Exhibiting Fruit Commit tee of Five Appointed. ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 0. The Ashland Commercial club held nn enthusiastic ineetinir last evening, ut which., the matter of tho exhibits to bo made at the various fairs und other exhibitions throughout the northwest was taken up and discuss ed oxtcnsively. The plans for nn tixtensivo exhibit at tho Grants Pass fair, and a carload of exhibits will be sent from Ashland. J. M. Lowe, who will havo charge of the fruit ex hibit, spoke of tho scope of that work and asked that tho community co-operate with the Ashland Fruit & Produce association and tho Com mercial club in the work of securing tho exhibit. Ho also urged that the community make an exhibit of vege tables and poultry, agreeing to care for tho exhibits in tho lntter line froo of charge if furnished. He also stated that he would take up the mutter of an exhibit of flowers, plants and seeds with the schools lioro, with tho hope of interesting the pupils of tho seventh nud eighth grades in the work of preparing suoh nn exhibit. He also urged that there bo exhibits in tho textile and oulinury clusscs at the Grants Pass fuir. Tho club voted to pay one-half of tho exp.enso, tho total not to exceed $400, of tho horticultural exhibit t. Grants. Pass. ! Secretary Frobaeh introduced n iropOsVd change in tho by-lawn, and providing that the three trustees euch hold for 18 months, one being chosen at each semi-annual election. On motion the proposed amendment wus laid on the table until the next regular meeting as by law required. C. A. Malboeuf. manager of the Medford Commercial club, was pres ent and asked the Ashland Commer cial club to participate in the ex pense of nn exhibit of Rogue River apples at the apple show at Spokane and also at that at Vancouver, B. C. The cost, which, he stnted, the Med ford Commercial club had obligated itself to pay, was ubout $2000. Mr. Malboeuf was of tho opinion thnt it was probable thut they would hnvo to come to an Ashland orchard for the apples, tho entire car of which must be the product of one orehuid owned by one man or firm. M. C. Miller of tho Ashland Suburban Orchards company, took exceptions to the plan. He said that if Ashland orchards could produce tho prize- winning car of apples they should be exhibited by Ashlnnd and that Ash NO CHANCE, SAYS NEILL (Continued From Page Four.) periment that irrigation will double the crops in many instances and al falfa fields which will produce from four to five tons per acre can easily be made to produce from seven to nine tons by irrigation. If a man considers the value of irrigation and tho increased production of his fields he should have no hesitancy in se curing a water rights for his land. Any tract of alfalfo in the valley which is not irrigated can bo made to produce enough extra crop in ono season to pay for tho water right. When this becomes generally known, I am sure that no farmer in the val ley will hesitate to contract for irri gation. The increased production will bo shown in every other case, and it will increase tho production of the orchards, just as it will in crease the production of the fields. It hns already been demonstrated by the experiments of government engi neers, both in the Willamette and the Umpqua valleys, that the crop pro duction has been increased from (JO to 200 per cent by irrigation, and the same conditions exist in tho Rogue River vnlley. "We are now prepared to deliver water to any laud under the Hop kins lateral. This canal is already constructed und covers something like. 27,000 acres of land. Water- land should havo the advertising and tho credit for producing them. Ho1 were along this cnnnl should now believed that Ashland should get indicate their intention, and it would busy, and if it could raise the car. then give tho company a good idea it should bo exhibited. He said thnt'of what could bo expected in the fu throughout the east tho Rogue River ' t'ire. valley and Medford wore synonym-! wi" Proceed WJth Work. ous terms because that town had re- "Wo do not desire to be misunder ceived all tho advertising from the stood, and, speaking for tho cotn valley und he believed thnt it was puny, I will say thut tho Rogue River timo that Ashland quit playing sec- Valley Canal company has no othor oncl fiddler o Medofrd and beganto! intention than to proceed with the assert herself. On motion of R. II. i building of the intermediate and hieh Minkler tho matter was left in the lino canals, but these ennuis will not hands of a committee of five to be appointed by tho president, and were to report at a special mcetingg be built until tho water-users jn this territory havo indicated their inlen- flmi tf fflblllri i rrifrtti win In. fill.... ,.r i " .. .Is...... ,J . 11IIIIU I.1J- to bo hold Monday evening, Septem-, plication for water right with tho company. Mr. Noill stated that tho company would no doubt receive the support which is absolutely necessary, ami her 12. A letter was read ifrom H. C. Burnett, 1st Lieut., Co., A. 1st U. S. Infantry, now on duty in Ashland conyoii, thanking the club for a doz en boxes of penches sent to tho soldiers about u weok ago. he feels sure that tho farmers and orchardists will realize how neces sary it is that tho company should know how it stnnds in the mntter. It is customary in such enses, where a company contemplates a largo In vestment like uu irrigation system, which is in reality a public utility, to make sure by general application or by single applications, juts ex actly how the community stands on the proposition. It is not unusual in the enso of an irrigation company for .the prospective water-users to be asked to file an application for the delivery of wuter, so that tho company might know how much cer tain business could be depended upon. "Our procedure and tho construc tion of the cunnl system of- the Roguo River Valley Canul company will bo governed entirely by the at titudo of tho prospective water-users." he continued. "If tho fanners and orcharding want irrigation, wc will build the system, and if they aro not interested and do not desire the building of this big public utility we shall not build it. There is only one wuy to judge the attitude of the water-users, and that is whether or not they file their application for water nt our offices. If they file their applications we know that they are interested nnd will take our wn ter. We cannot build this system unless wo receive applications from the wnter-userH in the district. "Tho development of tho desert, however, will proceed in any event, and, as I have already stated, it is our intention to plow, level and irri gate this largo area." TALKING OF CONTEST. (Continued from Page 1.) to placo them In nomination whon test for younolf or friend nnd do not understand tho conditions, call up The Mall Tribuno offlco, and ask for tho contest manager. Ho will call on you ad explain everything. The number of Inquiries received by tho contest manager reach Into tho hund'ods Home of tho candi dates aro already canvassing for votes, and Monday morning will see tho great contest start with n rush. The Latest Fall STYLES in Walk-Overs A largo shipment of Walk-overs came in this morn ing. This will be good news to the many Walk-over customers who simply will not have any other shoo for a substitute. THE UNION LABEL IS STAMPED ON EVERY PAIE OF WALKOVERS. jojmeadedSsfflsl, R. F. GUERIN ca CO. 4 Medford National Bank Bldrj. WANT $1,1500 1 to 3 years 10 por cent Intercut, Ileal estate valued at $-t,O0u as security. $1.000 1 to 3 years 10 por cent Interest. Amplu real estate security $30,000 8 yours, 7 por cent Interest. Medford buslnoss prop erty valued at $90,000 an security. Othor first mortgngo lonns equally ns attractlvo to conservative Investor!). Wo havo tho host orchard proposition In Boutliorn Oregon that can ho handled with $50,000 cash, balance on torniH to suit at fl por cent. Call for particulars It Is to your Interest, A 15 jewel 16 size Waltham Watch in 20 yr. gold filled case, $13.50 at J. W. DIAMOND 115 East Main, Medfotd If your advertising Is no unimpor tant thnt It makes pooplo supposo your ntoro to bo unimportant work hard to correct tho Impression. 1 1 Making Pure Is a Mission 7 A Miation Fulfilled M PatronUt the "Modern DeaW P Mt4n CMliclliMry C., Mir., ftrtliid, OrtfM 8THAYKI). , Dny horso mulo, with haltor. Stray ed from Wollon, Oregon. Branded figure 2 on right jaw, V on right ehouldor. $10.00 roward offorod for Information loading to rocovory, He turn to A. W. BrndHhaw, Wollon, Or., or notify this papor. Hltf MfflHPE PORTLAND. OnZCON A BplendM Mosrdlni ami lit? tli'luvil for B.sur.r Jt.f.p ni' J)ia lulJollHiu. lllKhSihixilanilOom. Kttemlrscvmr.M Oolvuuu IIniycimitx, Voaiilni), Uaxuo'x, niotrUl woik, lrniurtir'lwUuihlt(l.oioyerlt yrnra. School oiienaKriit, III. 1010. I'uMlou true, AUUrV, JIKY. UUTI'll WALI.&UIIEU, V It. U., I t. Pine Timber For Sale .'1,700,000 foot extra hlh rndc next thiiiK to Hiiar piuo, will cut flfl por cent Htriotly clear. 2.000,000 foot firHt oIuhh yellow piuo, will out Ofi por cont No, 2 hIioji and bettor. 1,500,000 foot fino lnr;o rod fir and cedar. Plenty of wator, easy to Iok, level roadu, Inquire at DorrtK ITurdwaro Co, ut Dorriu, Siskiyou county, Cnl. 157 1 -fe4fcaWK . vi ,jU.4Wjia ? frrytiiiivi, ruti L ii Miiiftrv'-