MJUDFUKU MAIL I'M BUNK, MKDFOUD. OttUGON, TUESDAY, SEPTIOMIWR li, 1910. CITY NOTICES. okm.vanck xo. not). An ordlnnnco declaring tho cost of tho Improvement of paving South Central nvcnuo from East Eighth Htrect to south boundary nnil assess ing tho proporty benefited thereby, ami declaring such assessment, nnd directing tho entry thereof In tho dorket of city Hens. Tho city of Medford doth ordain is follews: Section 1. That no protests having been filed against th Improvement of South Central nvenue, due notice of tho Intention of tho council to cauco said Improvement to bo mndo having been given, and said Improve ment hnvlng been ordered made, tho council has considered tho matter nnd hen with oscertalns tho probnblo cost or making such Improvement to be tho mm. of J20.454.23. And said council further finds that the special and peculiar benef't ac cruing upon each lot or part thereof adjacent to said Improvement nnd In juBt proportion to benefits, to bo tho respectlvo amounts hereinafter set opposite tho number or description of each lot or part thereof, and such amounts respectively are hereby de clared to bo tho proportionate share of each lot or part thereof, of tho cost of such Improvement, and Is hereby declared to be assessed against said lot or parcels respec tively, the name appearing nbovo each description being tho namo of tho owner of such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVING OP CENTRAL AVENUE SOUTH FROM EAST EIGHTH STREET TO THE CITY LIMITS -SOUTH. Assessment No. 1 John R. Allen. Lot G, block 19, original townslte to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage BO feet on tho west side of Central avenue, South, and described In Vol. 76, page 60, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.65; amount $2S2.50. Assessment No. 2 John. R. Allen. Lot 5, block 19, original townsite to the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west side of Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 76, page 60, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; B0 feet: rato per foot $5.65; amount 52S2.50. Assessment No. 3 Anna M. Wil son. Lot 4, block 19, original town slto to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the west side of Central avenue, South, and described In Vol. 49, page S3, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; B0 feet; rato per foct $5.65; amount 1282.50. Assessment No. 4 Anne M. Wil son. The north 12.5 feet of lot 3, block 19, original townsite to the city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 12.5 feet on the west side of Central ave nue, South, and described in Vol. 49, page 83, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 12.5 feet; rate per foot $5.65; amount $70.63. Assessment No. 5 T. A. Harris Estate. The south 37.5 feet or lot 3, block 19, original townsite to the city or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 37.5 teet on the west side or Central avenue, South, and described in Vol. . . . pago . . , county recorder's rec ords or Jackson county, Oregon; 37.5 feet; rate per root $5.65; amount $211. SS. Assessment No. 6 T. A. Harris Estate. The north 25 reet of lot 2, block 19, original townsite to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 feet on the west side of Central ave nue. South, and described in Vol. . ., page . ., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 reet; rate per foot $5.65; amount $141.25. Assessment No. 7 Edward E. Gore. Tho south 25 feet of lot 2, block 19, rlglnal townsite to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontnge 25 feet on the west side of Central ave nue, South, and described In Vol. 36, page 209, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 reet; rate per root $5.65; amount $141.25. Assessment No. 8 Edward E. Gore. Lot 1, block 19, original town site to tho city or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the west sldo of Central avenue, South, and described In Vol. . ., pago . ., county recorder's records of Jackson county; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.65; amount $282.50. Assessment No. 9 A. P. Talent. Lot 6, block 18, original townsite to the city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet on the west side of Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 47, page 560, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 10 A. P. Talent. Lot 5. block 18, original townsite to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 60 foot on the west side of Cen tral avenue, South, and described in Vol. 47, page 460, county recorder's Tecords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 11 E. R. Oatman. Lot 4, block 18, original townsite to the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 reet on tho west side or Cen tral avenue, South, and described in Vol. 73, pago 372, couuty recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 00 root; rate per root $o.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 12 Jackson Coun ty Loan Association. Lot 3, block 18, original townsite to tho city or Med ford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho weat side of Central avenue, South, nnd described in Vol. . ., page . ., county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregen: 50 feet; rato por foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 13 Martin F. Vronian ot ux. Lot 2, block 18, orig inal townslto to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 teet on tho west sldo ot Central avenue, South, nnd described in Vol. 11, pago 373, coun ty recorder's records or Jackson coun ty. Oregon; 50 foet: rate per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 14 Mrs. M. A. Anderson. Lot 1, block 18, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; 50 feet frontngo on tho west side of Contral avenuo, South, nnd described in Vol. 42, page 207, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feot; rato per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. AsseBsmoat No. 15 Harriet E. Ewbank. Lot 6, block 17, original CITY NOTICES. townslto of tho city ot Medford, Ore gon j frontngo 50 foot on tho west sldo ot Central avenue, South, nud described in Vol. 63, pago 471, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rato por foot $5.09; amount $254,50. Assessment No. 16 Harriet E. Ewbank. Lot 5, block 17, original townsite of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho wost sldo ot Central nvonuo, South, nnd described in Vol. 63, pago 471, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 toot; rato por toot $5.09 amount $254.50. Assessment No. 17 Wm. Anglo. int i lilnrW IT. nrlelnnl townslto of tho el'ty or Medrord, Oregon; front- ago 50 teet on the west sldo ot uon trnl avenue, South, and described In Vol. 72, page 1S6, couuty recorder's records or Jackson couuty, Oregon; 50 root; rate per foot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. IS F. M. Amy. Lot 3, block 17, original townslto of tho city ot Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet on tho west side ot Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 60, page 602, county recoruor s records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per toot $5.09;,amount $254.50. Assessment No. 19 L. E. Enyart. Lot 2, block 17, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west sldo ot Con tral avenue. South, and described in Vol. 32, pago 340, county 'recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 20 L. E. Enyart. Lot 1, block 17, original townsite ot the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 teet on the west side ot Cen tral avenue, South, and described in Vol. 32, page, 340, county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 50 teet; rate per toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 21 Adn E. Walz. Lot 6, block 16, original townslto ot the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west sldo of Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 62, page 52 S, county recorder'3 records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 teet; rate per toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 22 Ada E. Walr. North 25 teet of lot 5, block 16, orig inal townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 feet on tho west side of Central avenue, South, and described in Vol. 62, pago 52S, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per foot $5.09; amount $127.25. Assessment No. 23 Charles Strang. South 25 feet of lot 5, block 16, original townsite of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 25 feet on the west side of Central avenue, South, and described in Vol. 19, pago 236, county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; private drive $9.68; 25 feet; rate per foot $5.09: amount $127.25 $136.93. Assessment No. 24 Charles btrang. Lot 4, block 16, original townsite of tho citv ot Medrord. Ore gon; frontage 50 reet on the west side ot Central avenue, boutn, ana described in Vol. 19, page 236, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 25 Mallnda Jane Wright. Lot 3, block 16, original townsite ot the city ot Medrord, Ore gon; frontage 50 teet on tho west side of Central avenuo, South, and described in Vol. 29, page 597, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 reet; rato per toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 26 Mallnda Jano Wright. Lot 2, block 16. original townsite ot the city or Medrord, Ore gon; frontage 50 rest on the west side cf Central avenue. South, and described In Vol. 29. Dace 597. coun ty decorder's records ot Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 reet; rato per root $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 27 Mallnda Jano Wright. Lot 1, block 16, original townsite ot tho city ot Medrord, Ore gon; frontage 50 teet on the west side ot Central avenuo, South, and described in Vol. 29, page 597, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per root $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 28 Edeth Bundy. Lot 1, block 2, Lumsden's addition to tho city ot Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feot on the west sldo of Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 50, page 369, county recorders records of Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feet; rato per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 29 Edeth Bundy. North 25 feet of lot 2, block 2, Lums den's addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 25 feet on the west sldo of Central avenue, South, and described in Vol. 50, page 369, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 25 reet; rate per toot $5.09; amount $127.25. Assessment No. 30 Joseph Tay lor. South 25 teet or lot 2, block 2, Lumsden's addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 -feet on tho west side of Central avenuo South, and described in Vol. 71, page 175, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot $5.09; amount $127.25. Assessment No. 31 Joseph Tay lor. Lot 3, block, 2, Lumsden's ad dition to tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontnge 50 feot on tho weit side of Central avenue, South, and described In Vol. 71, page 175, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rato por foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 32 Joseph Tay lor. North 25 feet of lot 4, block 7, LuniBdon's addition to the city or Medrord, Orogon; frontage 25 root on tho west sldo or Central avenuo, South, and described In Vol. 71, pago 1 7n pminfv recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregen: 25 feet; rate por toot $5.09; amount iav.za. Assessment No. 33 May L. Telfor. South 25 reet or lot 4, 15 foot or lot 5, block 2, Lums den's addition to tho city ot Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 feot on tho west sldo of Central avenue, South, and described In Vol. 55, pago 90, county recorder's recordB of Jack son county, Orogon; 40 feot; rato CITY NOTICES. per foot $5.09; amount $203.60. Assessment No. 34 Mnry 10. Mor rlmnn. South 35 toot of lot 5, block 2, Lumsden'ti addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 35 feot on tho west sldo of Coutnil nvonuo, South, and described In Vol. 31, page 245. county recorder's records ot Jnckson county, Orogon; 35 foot; rate per foot $5.09: amount $ ITS. 15. Assessment No. 35 Mc.ry E. Mer rlman. Lot 6, block 2, Lumsden's addition to tho city ot Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 root on the west sldo ot Central avenuo, South, nnd dosscrlbed In Vol. 31, pago 245, coun ty recorder's records ot Jnckson coun ty, Oregon; -50 reet; rato per foot 6.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 36 Edith Anno Orr. Lot 7, block 2, Lumsden's ad dition to tho city ot Medford, Oregen: frontnge 50 reet on tho wost Bide ot Central nvenue, South, and described in Vol. 40, pago 363, county record er's records of Jnckson county. Ore gon; 50 feet; rato per root $5.09; nmount $2b4.50. Assessment No. 37 Horace G. Nicholson. Lot S, block 2, Lums den's addition to tho city ot Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 toct on tho wost sldo ot Contral avenue, South, and described lu Vol. 22, pago 204, coun ty recorder's records of Jnckson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 3S John S. Orth. Lot 11, block 2, Davis First addition to tho city ot Medrord, 0-eson; front age 50 reet on the west sldo ot Cen trnl nvenue, South, and described In Vol. 61, pago 36, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 teet; rate per toot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 39 John S. Orth. Lot 10, block 2, Davis First addition to the city ot Medrord, Oregon; front ngo 50 teet on tho west sldo of Cen tral avenue, South, nnd described in Vol. 61, pago 36, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregen: 50 reet: rato per toot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 40 John S. Orth. Lot 9, block 2, Davis nd.lition to tho city ot Medrord, Oregon; frontnge 50 reet on the west side ot Central ave nue, South, and described In Vol. 61, pago 36, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.09; ..mount $254.50. Assessment No. 41 Cbarles P. True. Lot S, block 2, Dsvls First addition to tho city of Medrord, Ore gon; frontnge 50 feet on the west sldo of Centrci avenue. South, nnd described In Vol. 55, pago 360, coun ty recorder's records of Jnckson coun ty, Oregon; private drive $9.62; 50 teet; rate per foot $5.09; amount $254.50 $264.12. Assessment No. 42 D. L. McNnry. Lot 7, block 2, Davis First addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front nge 50 teet on the west sl.lo ot Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 55, pago 35, county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rate per root $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 43 D. L.,McNary. Lot 6, block 2, Davis First addition to tho city or Medrord, Oregon; front age 65.5 feet on tho west clde of Cen tral avenue, South, and described in Vol. 56, pago 35, county recorder's records of Jackson couuty, Orecon; private drive $19. 5S; 65.5 feet; rato per foot $5.09; amount $331.10; total $350.68. Assessment No. 44 Z. Cameron. Lot 7, block 1, Davis Fhet. addition to the city of Medrord, Oregon; front age 35 reet on the east sldo of Cen tral avenue, South, and described in Vol. .., pago .., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 35 feet: rato per foot $5.09; amount $178.15. Assessment No. 45 Grace Baker. Lot 6, block 1, Davis First addition to the city ot Medrord, Oregon; front age 50 teet on the east side ot Cen tral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 61, pago 258, county recorder's records ot Jackson count. Oregen: 50 reet; rate per toot $5.09; amount $254.50, Assessment No. 46 O. M. Mur phy. Lot 5, block 1, Davis First ad dition to the city or Medroid, Oregon; frontago 50 teet on the east sldo ot Central avenue, South, an.! described In Vol. 65, pago 248, coiuty record er's records ot Jacksoi' county, Ore gon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 47 A. W. Stur gia. Lot 4, block 1, Davis First addi tion to the city of Medrord, Oregon; frontage 50 reet on tho east sldo ot Contral avenue, South, and described In Vol. 75, pago 336, com ty record er's records ot Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 reet; rate per toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 48 Edytho W. Cranrill Lot 3, block 1, Davis First addition to the city ot Medrord, Ore gon; frontago 50 reet on tho east sldo of Central avenuo, South and described In Vol. 55, pago 415, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 49 Mrs. Holen h, Hnoklns. Lot 2, block 1, Davis First addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 reet on tho oast Ido or Contral avenue, South, and Inscribed In Vol. 59, pago 112, coun t" recorder's records ot Jackson coun y, Oregon; 50 reot; rato per toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 50 Mrn. Helen L. Hasklns. Lot 1, block 1, Davis First addition to Jio city ot Medrord, Ore iron: frontage 50 reet on tho east fcldo ot Central avenuo, South, and described in Vol. 59, pago 112, coun ty recordor's recordB of Jackson coun ty. Orogon; 50 feet; rato por toot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 51 Fred Luy. Lot 9, block 1, Lumsden's addition to the city ot Medrord, Oregon; frontaco 50 .feot on tho cast side of Central ave nue, South, nnd described in Vol. 74, pago 380, county recordor's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feot; rato por foot $5.09; amouut $254.50. Assessment No. 52 Fred Luy, Lot 10, block 1, Lumsdon'H addition to tho citv of Medford. Oregon; front- ago 50 toot on tho east sldo or Con tral avenuo, South, and described In Vol. 74, pago 380, county recorder's records of Jackson county, uregon; CITY NOTICES. 50 foot; rato por foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 53 h. 10. llonn, Lot II, block 1, Lummlon'a addition to tho city ot Medford, Orotron; front ngo 50 foot on tho oast sldo ot Con tral nvonuo, South, hud described In Vol. 51, pago 453, county rocordor's records of Jnckson epunty, Oregon; private drive $9.43; 50 foot; rato por toot $5.09; amount $254.50; to tal $263.93. Assessment No. 54 Fred F. Downing ot ux. Lot 12, block 1, Lumsden's addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 foot on tho eaot sldo ot Central nvonuo, South, nud described lu Vol. 55, pago 33, county recordor's records or Jnck son county, Orogon; 60 foot; rate por foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 55 Sadie P. Stur gls. Lot 13, block 1, Lumsden's ad dition to tho city ot Medford, Oro Ore Oro eon: frontngo 50 root on tho oast sldo of Central avenuo, South, nnd des cribed In Vol. 70, pago 569, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rate per foot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 56 R. 11. Wblte hed. Lot 14, block 1, Lumsden's nddltlon to tho city ot Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 60 feot on tho oast sldo ot Central nvenue, South, and described In Vol. 22, page 459, coun ty recorder's recordB of Jackson coun ty, Orogon; 50 foot; rato por toot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 57 It. H. Whlt hed. Lot 15, block 1, Lumsdon's nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho enst sldo ot Central nvenue, South, nnd described In Vol. 22, pago 459, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty. Oregon; 50 feot; rato por foot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 5S It. ". whit tled. Lot 16, block 1, Lumsden's nddltlon to tho city ot Medrord, Ore gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho enst side of Contral nvonuo, bouth, nnd described lu Vol. 22, page 459, coun ty recordor's recordB of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feot; rato per foot $5.09; nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 59 Martha Brooks. North 25 feet or lot 9, block 15, original townsite ot tho citv or Medrord, Oregon; frontago 25 fee't on the cast side of Central nve nue, South, nnd described In Vol. 50, page 49S, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 25 feet; late per foot $5.65; amount $141.65. Assessment No. 60 Martha Brooks. Lot S, block 15. orlglnnl townsite of tho city of Medford, Ore Ore eon: frontago 50 feet on the oast side ot Central avenue, South, and des cribed In Vol. 50, pago 49S, county recordor's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reot; rate per root $5.65; nmount $282.50. Assessment No. 61 First Baptist Church. Tho parcel ot land com mencing on tho oast lino of Central avenue, South, nt the Intersection of the north lino ot East Twelfth street In tho city of Medford, and running thence eastward along tho north lino of East Twelfth street 108 feet: thonco northward parallel with C street 100 feot; thence westward par allel with East Twelfth street 108 feet to tho east line of C street; thonco southward on tho east line of C street 100 teet to the place ot beginning, and marked AP on tho map or tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontnge li feet on tho east sldo of South Central avenue, and des cribed in Vol. 65, pago 507, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 100 feot; rato per foot $5.09; amount $509. Assessment No. 62 J. C. Emerlck. A parcel of land commencing nt n point on tho northeasterly line of C street in the city of Medford, situ ated north 35 degrees 30 minutes west 100 feet from the Intersection or snid northeasterly lino or C street with tho northeasterly lino ot East Tweltth street In said city ot Med rord, and from said point running thenco north 35 degrees 30 minutes west 50 teet; thenco north 54 de grees 30 minutes east 108 feet; thenco south 35 degrees 30 minutes oast 50 feet; thence south 54 degrees 30 minutes west 108 feet to tho place of commencing, and marked AO on tho mnp of the city of Medford, Oro gon; frontage 50 feet on tho east side of South C street, and described In Vol. 60, pago 609, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore Ore eon: 50 reet; rato per root $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 03 II. U. Lums den. A parcel of land commencing at tho southeast corner ot tho Bro back'a reserve In Medtord, Oregon, Jackson county, thonco northorly along tho west side ot state road 200 teet; thonco westerly parallel with Twelfth street to C street; thenco southerly along tho east lino of C street 100 feet; thonco onstorly par nllel with Twolfth street 108 feet; thenco southerly parallel with C street 100 feet to tho north lino of Twolfth streot; thenco easterly along said north lino of Twolfth street to the placo of commencement, nnd marked AL on tho mnp of tho city of Medford; frontage 50 reet on tho oast sldo ot South Central avenuo, described in Vol. 18, pago 220, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty, Orogon; 50 feot; rato por foot $5.09; amount $254.50. Assessment No. 04 Jeremiah P. True. A parcel of land commencing nt a point on tho cast lino of C street In tho city of Medford, Orogon, zuu feot In a northerly direction from tho intersection ot tho east lino of C street with tho north lino of Twolfth street, and running thonco In nn east erly direction, 108 feet: thenco north erly and parallol with C Btreet 50 feot; thonco woatorly and parallol with Twelfth street 108 feot to tho eaBt lino of C street; thonco south erly along tho east lino ot Bald C street 50 feot to tho point of com mencement, all being In what Ib known aH Broback's roaervo in tho city ot Medrord, Oregon, and marked AK on tho map of tho cjty ot Med ford; frontago 50 root on tho east Ido or South C Btreot and described In Vol. 61, pago 520, county record er's recordB or Jackson county, Oro gon; 50 teet; rato por foot $5.09; nmount $254.50, Assessment No, 05. Puulinn Sturgis. A unreel of land cornmenc- CITY NOTICES. ing on tho oust lino of C shoot 250 fool in n northerly direction from the intersection of tho oust lino of 0 shoot willi tho north lino of 12lh shoot : Uiouoo in nu easterly iliroo (ion 108 foel: thouoo northerly nnd tmrollol with C slroat. to the oast lino of G streot : tliuuoo soitthurlv nud alone tho oust lino of 0 street f0 feet to tho pluoo of beginning, nil heiiur in llrohnok's Kosorvo. us laid down unon tho recorded plats of (lie Citv of Medford, .laoknon oountv. Orogon, and marked All on the maps of said oitv. Frontngo fit) foot on tho oast side of S. Central nvonuo. nnd described in Vol. 03. pngo 1200. oountv recorder's records of .lack son oountv. Oregen: 50 foet: rale nor foot ;&ft.0l: nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 00. John L. llel- miek. A nnrcol of land ogiumoneiug nt u point on thu east line of I street. 1100 foot in u northerly di rection from tho intersection of tho enst lino of C street with tho north line of 112tli street : thenco easterly nud parallel with 112th street 108 feet: thonco northerly nnd parallel with C street 50 foet: thenco west erly and parallel with 112th streot 10S feet to tho east lino of C street: thonco soiitherlv along said oast lino 50 feet to the place of beginning, all home in Hrobnek's llcservo as laid down upon tho recorded pints of tho Citv of Medford. Jnckson county. Oregon, and marked AO on tho map of said citv. Frontngo 50 foot on tho oust side of South C street, nnd described in Vol. 012. pniro -171 . coun ty recorder's records of Jackson oountv. O ratien: 50 foet: rule per foot $5.00: nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 07. Ivtito C. Co rum. A parcel of Innd commencing nt u point on the wost lino of tho oountv rond. and situated south 28 donrecs east. 029 feet from tho in tersection of snid west lino of tho oountv rond. with the southenstorlv line of Enst 9th street in tho oitv of Medford. nnd runnimi thence south 54 denreos 110 minutes wost 100 foot to tho west side of lund deeded hv W. 1. Vnwter and C. W. Howurd to M. S. Damon and record ed in Vol. 32. at pace a 120 and H121 : thence .-outh 35 donrecs 30 minutes eiiht: thenco north 54 degrees 30 minutes east 108 feet to the oountv read: thenco north 128 dciecs west 100 feot to tho plnco of beginning, nnd mnrked AK on tho mnp of tho citv of Medford. Frontline 100 feet on tho east side of South C street, and described in Vol. 50. pngo 170. countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Orenon. 100 feet: rute per foot $5.00: nmount $509.00. Assessment No. 08. L. H. Hrown. South 70 feet of the parcel of lnid marked AH on the map of 'h oitv of Medford. Orenon. Front na 70 feet on tho ent side of South Cen tral nvenue. nnd described in Vol. 7.. putio 1208. countv recorder's rou nds of Jnckson countv. OrCLon. Pu vato drive. $9.58: 70 feet: rate per foot. $5.09: nmount $350.30: total. $305.88. Assessment No. 09. J. C. Hnil. A pnrccl of land 30 feet in width of tho parcel of land marked AA on the niai) of tho citv of Medford. Orct'on. nnd frontaco 30 feet on the enst sido of South C street, and described in vol. 73. pugo 1207. coun tv recorder's records of Jnckson oountv. Orenon. Private drivo $9.98: 30 feet: rate per foot. $5.09: ninouut $1512.70: total. $102.08. AhM'Ssment No. 70. J. C. Hall. The north 40 feet of the parcel of laud marked AA on tho mnp of the oitv of Medford. Oregon, nud front ing 40 feet on the oust oido of South C street, nnd described in Vol. 59. pane 1277. countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 40 feet: rate per foot $5.09: nmount $203.00. Assessment No.' 71. Jano E. Plv- nialc. A purcol of land beginning nt a point on the cast line of C street. 310 feet southerly from the intersection of snid enst line of C street with south line of cast 9th street: thence southerly along the oust lino of C street 108 feet: thenco northerly on n lino --rallol with ( street 200 feet: thence westerly 108 feet to" the plnco of beginning, nnd mnrked V on the mnp of the citv of Medford. Oregon. Frontugo 120 feet on the east side of South C street nnd described in Vol. 37, pugu 572, countv recorder's records of JuokKoii countv. Oregon. 120 feet: rate per foot $5.09: nmount. $010.80. Assessment No. 72. Sterling Min nick. A parcel of .Innd commencing nt a point 310 feet south 35 de grees 30 minutes cunt from tho in tersection of C streot nud the south lino of east 9th street in the citv of Medford. and from said begin ning point running thence north 5) degrees 30 minutes east 310 feet; thenco north 35 dugrecs 30 minutes west 50 feet: thenco south 54 du grecs 30 minutes west 110 foot to the enst lino of C street, nnd thenco south along the oust lino of C streot 35 degrees 30 minutes cast 50 feet n tho placo of beginning, nud marked U on the map of tho citv of Medford. Oregon. Frontngo 50 feet on the cast side of South C street, and described in Vol. 57. pago 220, countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot $5.09: nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 73. Ahnor Pack ard. A parcol of laud commencing at u point on the cast lino of C street in tho oitv of Medford. 200 feet southward from its intersection of the south lino of 9th street, nud running thenco enstward parallel with 9th street 108 feet: thonco southward parallel with C street 42 feet; thenco westward parallel with 9th street 108 feet to the east line of C street; thenco northward along CITY NOTICES. snid oast lino of C street 12 fool lo tho place of beginning, and marked N on the map of tho oitv of Med ford. Oregon. Front ago 42 foot, on tho oast side of South 0 ulroot. and described in Vol, 00, puna 598, coun tv rocordor's rvoords of Jnckson oountv. Orogon. 42 feet, into per foot $5.09: amount $213.78. Assessment No. 74. F. J. Wool sonoroft. A parcel of land com mencing nt u point on tho oast lino of C street, oitv of Medford. 100 feot southward from the point of in tersection with tlio south lino of Fust Dili shout for a beginning point, nud running thonco eastward parallol with tho south liuu of Fust 9th street, 108 fool; thonco soulhwnrd purnllol with the cast lino of C shoot 40 feet: thonco wostwnrd pur nllol with tho south lino of oust 0th street. 108 foot to the oast lino of C street: thenco northward along the oast lino of C streot. 40 foot to tho place of ooiumuuoing. nud marked M on tho map of thu Citv of Medford. Oregon. Frontago 40 foot on the oust side of South C street nud described in Vol. 01, pugo 214. countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Orogon. 40 foet: rnto nor foot $5.09: nmount $203.00. Assessment No. 75. J. M. Kil gore. A parcel of land commencing at a point situated .110 foot south 35 degrees 30 ininulos oast. 108 foct north 50 degrees 30 minutes cast from tho intersection of thu south liuu of Fast Olh street and cast lino of C street, citv of Medford. nnd from this point running thenco south 35 degrees 30 minutes oust 90 fect: thonco north 51 degrees 30 minutes oust 2 feet: thence north 35 degrees 30 minutes wost 00 foet: thenco south 54 degrees 30 minutes west 2 foet: to tho pIiicu of beginning. Also, commencing nt u point on tho oust line of C street, oitv or Medford. 1 10 foot in ii soiitherlv direction from tho northwest corner of whut is known as tho Hrobnek Reserve and tho cor ner of C and 9th street, nnd from said beginning point running in u soiitherlv direction along tho oast liuu of C street 50 feet: nnd thenco enst orlv purnllol with 9th street 108 foet: and thence northerly purnllol with C street 50 foet: nnd thenco westerly parallel with 9th street 10$ foot, to beginning. Also, commenc ing nt a point 100 foot north 51 de grees 30 feet enst from tho inter section of tho oust lino of C street nud tho south line of 9th street otHt. citv of Medford. and running thence south 35 degrcos 30 minutes, east 140 foet: thonco south 54 degrees 50 minutes wot 50 feet: thonco south 35 degrees 30 minutes cast 00 feed thonco north 51 degrees 30 minutes oust 07.3 foet: thonco north 35 de grees 30 minutes west 200 foot. l tho south lino of Fust 9th street: thence 54 degrees 30 minutes west 11.3 foot, to the place of beginning, nud mnrked L on tho iiiiip of Iho citv of Medford.. Oregon. Frontage 50 foot, on tho oust side of South C street, nnd described in Vol 70. pngo 07. oountv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 50 foet: rnto per foot $5.09: nmount $254.50. Assessment No. 7'. I). 0. Toolo. A parcel of laud beginning nt u point nt thu intersection of thu south lino of Fust 9th street with thu oust line of C street in the town of Modfon'. Jnckson countv. Orogon. nud run ning thence southward along tho cast liuu of said C street. 85 foet: their'o easterly at right angles with C street. 110 foet: thenco northerly m a line purnllol with C street 85 feet to thu south lino of Fust 9th street: thonco westerly along thu south line of Fust 9th street 110 feet to Iho iilucu of beginning. Also commencing 85 feet in a southerly direction from the north west corner of whut is known us tho Hrohack Reservation and tho corner of C and 9th streets, thonco soiith erlv along the cast lino of C strout 25 feet: thenco onstcrlv purnllol with 9th street 108 fuel: thonco northurlv purnllol with C street 25 feet: thenco westerly parallel with 0th street 108 feet to tho piano of beginning, being tweutv-fivo (251 ;iv one hundred mid eight (108) fuel in sio. all in the citv of Medford. Jack son countv. Oregon, and marked F on the mnp of said citv. Frontage 110 feet on the enst side of South C street, nnd duscribod in Vol. 52. pugo 375, countv moonless records of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 110 feet: rato per foot $5.09: ninouut $559.90. Assessment No. 77. Ophelia O. Cruufill. Lot 12. block 15. original townsite of thu citv of Medford. Oregon. Frontago 50 foot on the enst sido of Central avenuo. south nud doscribed in Vol. 58. pago 180, countv recorder's records of Jnck son countv. Oregon. 50 foet: rato por foot $5.05: amount $282.50. Assessment No. 78. K. H. Oat mun. Lot 11. block 15. originul townsito of tho citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontngo 50 feet on tho oust sidu of Central avenuo south, nnd described in vol. 73, pago 354, countv recordor's records of Jackson coun tv. Orcgiyi. 50 foet: rato por font $5.05: amount $282.50. Assessment No. 70 Helena M. Ja cobs. Lot 30, block 15. originul town site of tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 fool on tho oast side ot Central nvonuo south, nnd described in Vol. 45. pago 241, countv record-' or's records of Jnckson countv. Ore Ore eon: 50 foot; rato por feet, $5.05; amount $282.50. Assessment No. 80. Helena M. Jacobs. South 25 foot of lot 9, block 15. origmnl townsito ot tho oitv of Medford. Oregon. Frontago J5 foot on tho cast sido of Contral nvo nuo south, nnd described in Vol 40. page 241, countv rocordor's records CITY NOTICES. of Juokson oountv. Orogon. 25 foot, rule por font $5.05: nmount $14l.2.". AiiHOHMinont No. HI L. W. lOnyart. Uit 7, block 15, original towimlto of tho oily of Medford, Oregon; frontage 60 foot on Urn cast sldo of Contral nvonuo, Bouth, nnd doncrlbod In Vol. 37, pngo 5(16, county rocordor's roc oriln of JackMou county, Oregon; 60 foot; rato por foot $6.05; amount $282.60. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city of Medford, In horoby directed to outer a utatoinont of tho iihhcm iiionts horoby mndo In thu dockut of city lions, nud to give nollco by publi cation mi roiiulrod by tho charter and ordlnauco No. 250 of mild olty, In tho Pnljy Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of gonoral circulation lu said city Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was phbh od by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 10th day of, Aiigimt, 1910, by thu following vete: Welch iibHont. Morrlclt nyo. Kmor Ick abHcnt, Worliunu nyo, lOlfort ny and Doiumor aye. Approved August 17th, 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: IIOIIT. W. TKU'MU. City Recorder. NOTICIO. To tho ownor, or reputed owner, r each parcel of property dtvwrlbod In the foiogolng ordlnnnco, iih namcil therein, nnd In tho lion declared by said ordlnnnco an recorded In tho docket of city llenn: You n ro hereby notified that tho iiBHosHiucnt declared by tho forogoliiR ordlnnnco bus boon mndo and tho on therefor entered In tho city Ion docket, and that tho miuio Is duo, nud you u ro horoby roijulrod to pay tho luinio to tho city recorder within ton dayH from the service of thlH no tice, which iwrvlco Is mndo by pub lication of thu foregoing ordlnauco and this notice three Hiiioh In tho Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant r ,.. ... .1... -I,.. ...... iir.l1 lit Kll 111 an oniur ui iiiu ti.j ....- citv. llOBT. W. TKM'Bll. City Recorder. 4 Three Choice Bargains No. 1 66 acres on Hoar crook bottom, 2 idles from Medford. 46 acres In Newtown nnd SplUonborB apploB, seven yearn old, also Home pear treoa, 10 acrcei now ground ready to sot. FlBh lnko water, rino lm provumonta. Prlco $60,000; one third ctiBh, bnlnnco torm. A flno bnrgnln. No. 2. 31 acres flim land near Central Polrt. All good soil. 150 boar Ing trees; 250 UnrlloU punn one yonr old; Now olx-room house, largo bnrn and o'b-r buildings. Cheap nt $C500. Half caBh, balnnco thrco years at 0 por cent. Othor land nd Jolulng nulling for moro money. No, ., 80 ncreo, 13 hiIIub hom Medford on Roguo river; nil good Ian 1, and fo-icod with Pngo fencing; now 7-room nouso and barn; prlco $130 per aero, half ca-ih, balanco easy terms. A largo list of cholco orchard nnd farming InndB in largo nnd smnll tracts. Modforl roal .OHtato In rll parta of tho city and to Hult nil pursoa. AgontB for tho Bale of tho doBort landfl ot tho Roguo Itlvor Valloy Ca nnl Co. Como lu and tall; with uu boforo buying. FIHHKH & WIIITMIH13 aa floutli Centrnl. FOR SALE By owner, two lots, South Newtown, one lot on Dakota avenue, four lots on West ' Twelfth street, two on West Thirteenth; five room houses, all mod ern, two Bovon-room houses, ono eight-room hungalow; 80 acres good fruit land, or will ox change fruit land for good city property; fivo acres orchard on tho land. Tho ahovo must he seon to ho appreciat ed. CALL AT 820 WEST 12TH ST. Medford, Oregon' This certifier that wo huvo sold Hull's Texas Won dor fur thu euro of till kidney, blad der and rhoiimutiu troubles for ten yoars, and have novor had n com plaint. It givon nuiok and purmnnont roliof. Sixty tluys' troalmont in oaoh ' bottlo. M-dfonl Phnrinaov tf FOR SALE Pcdigrocd Airdalo Torrior Pups. Tl.v , B. L. Jewell, U. S. Fish Hatchery, . TrniJ, Or. xuui Bimto tTilSBjfe i jJu.iLita,Mty ': , . .