MED1T0RD MALL TRIBUNE, MEDF6RD, OREGON, MONJ) AY, BEPTMBER 5, 1930. , f ktfuMttlli John II. Carklii, nttotnoy-nt-liiw, ovor Jackiioii Ooiinlvl Hunk. (Uiihh lirolhcrii caimi nvur from lion Kit) Hnturiliiy on IiiihIiimiih. Diuly Hcliultx lunvoii today to ro iiiiuio liln studied nt Mt. AiikoI col liK). Flint nwoel poachua, kiuimm nml pruncH, nil IdnilM, dirt ohoap, Fnrm orM 7110. tf Holiort U. Hinlth of Umutn I'iinh Hptuil .Monday In Medford on liunt nodrt. Mr, llntumnu and family Into of Montana, liavo liouuht thrco lots of Toft & Dully on North llonrdiniin and will build nt onco, 0. V. Itanium & Co., contrnctora utid liullduni. Country work n Hpoc lalty. Ordorn Hollcltod. Inqulro nt Tito ToKKory. John It. AIIud ruttirnud tlili morn Iiik from Portland, whuro ho Iiiih burnt Hionillii( Uio pant month on n lniHlnuKH trip. . MrM.-8. 11. GIuhh of Antloch, ac companied hy Italph Dunn and fain lly of Wlllm. 8prliiK, vltdtod tho city Saturday on nmlty buMlncHH. If your ndvortlalng la no unimpor tant that It jnnkoB pooplo Buppono your atoro to ho unimportant work hard to correct tho Impression. Mayor W. II. Canon roturnod 81111 ilny uvnnlng from Newport, whuro JiiiIku and MrH. Cannon havo been on Joylwt their muiunor vncntlon. II. Foster roturnod Friday to IiIh homo on North lloardniun much lm proved lu health In hln throo montliH' visit to nollliiKhnm, Wnnh. MIhm Nowlmry nml hrothor of Jack hoiivIIIi) paid a Hoclnl -llt to tholr aunt, Mrs. 0. C. Taylor, of North Ho tany wtrot't Saturday and Sunday. T, A. OlaHM and C. V. Case-, promi nent farmorH of Antloch, left today ly train for a ton da)B' ttlghtiiuclui; trli to Klamath, Or. Mr. and Mm. Krod llonnor of I)or liy am lu tho city In Hcnrrh of n Biiltahlo Iioiibo to buy or rent to avail tliniBolvH of Modford'H excellent srhuol prlvllcul'H. Mth. Jenkins and family who havo boon domiciled at tho OwIiikh resi dence on North Contrnl for tho pat 'two weeks, loft Friday to Join Mr. , JonkliiH In Grants I'uhh liopyardn. MrH. William Jones of HenRlo, ac companied hy hor daughters Oraco and Hollo, ramu ovor Saturday, Mm. Joncn n'colvlni; troatmont for hor oyo, which wiih kIvIiik hor much pain and aunoyanco. Tho Womnn'H MlHlBonary socloty meets In tho church parlor Tuesday nt 2:30. All tho ladles nro urged to ho preuent, A fine program on ''The Call of tho Waters" Ib bolnK prepared for tho year. Mr. and Mth. Kinll Doltohonni havo illHpoaod of tholr reHldenco property on North Central nml will movo to ono of tholr residences on North Ivy Btroot. Wo nro loth to part with thoHO good, (julet, social neighbors, whoro iniiulo and cheer always ahoundii, which innkoH llfo worth Ilv Ing. II, S. IttiBh of San FranclHco, Cal., inndo a call last weok on IiIh frlond, Dudley WntHon Moor of tho Moor, Khnl compnny. Mr. llunli whllo an onthuHlaHtlo Cnllfornlnn, wnH groatly lmproBHod with tho fruit of tho val ley nml tho hUHtlliiB activity of Med ford. Holly Miller, a drunken squnw, wnH IIiIh morning flhlppod hack to tho Klamath roBcrvatlon by Chief of Police Blionror. I.lko many anothor redHklu, firewater haH been hor ruin. She wiih picked up In a fltato of In toxication twlco by tho city offlcorfl and then, au no doubt romalned as to hor Identity hh an undoHlrnblo cit izen, hIio wan sent back to hor homo among the Klamath IndlatiB, Mra. Laura A. Ilradloy a ploneor readout of Medford, has boon vlslt ItiK hor mother at S. h. nonnott's during tho laBt weok. Mrs. Uradloy has a hoBt of frlondfl and rolatlvos among tho plouoor Bottlora of Mod ford. Noxt Thursday Mra. Ilradloy will ro to Portland, stopping at I3u Bono for n fow days on tho wny, whoro hIio will moot hor daughtor, Mlsn Mario Ilrndloy, who Ih n apoclnl Bovornmont inveBtlRator of labor eon dltloiiH under which womon nml chil dren nro omployod In tho mlllB and factorloB of tho country. Tho daugh ter Ih a graduate of tho University of Orogon and has a master's dogroo from tho Unlvoralty of Wisconsin for two years of Bt'aduato work dono Mn thnt Institution. Otto Ilrndloy, boh of Mm. Ilradloy, who was born and partly ralHod In Medford, lu now a soiilor In tho Unlvoralty of Wiscon sin, whoro ho has recolvod many lit erary honors, this your, having the additional honor of being command or of hln frutomlty, tho Alpha Tau Omega, Pacific Coast Loaijuo. TIiIn Morning' Scores, At Vernen: 11, II. H. Van I'Vaucisco ......... fl VI '1 Vernon 2 (J 2 Hal lerieH Henley and WilliiitiiH; CnrHoii ami IIoriiii. UmpircH AIc- (Ircovy. At Oaklaml: It. H. H. Oakland 1 0 0 Snuratiioiito .... 0 ! 0 HuttoricH NoIhoii ami Mitre; Wlm- leii and SiiioHiimn. Uinpiros Fiji liny nml Ililduhrand. At Pertland: . II. E. Los AiibuIoh ' II I' ! I'orlliuul 3 2 HattericH Tozor mid Smith; Uoyi'o and Kisher. Umpire Vun llaltrun. American League. At Now Yerk: II. II. I!. l'liilnriolphiti 1 New Yuik Ti W 1 MatterieH MoiBan, l'lanU, DyRcrt and LtviiiBHtono; Lapp, Donaltiic, Ford ami Swccnoy. At UohIeii: It. II. K. WiiHhiiiBton -1 0 lloston 1 8 0 Hat tori en Walker and Becken- dorf; Hall anil CarriBiui. At Detreil: It. II. 2. SU biuiK i 1 l 0 Detroit I 1 Hattcrieh Itny ami Killifer; Wil lett and Schmidt. National League. At Pitthlmn,': it- II. n. St. UiiIh 8 io : I'ittHliunr t 11 1 ' HattericH Ilanuou, Madtlox and I'liolp-.; heifield and Simon. At I'lfilmlclphia: It. II. 1. Ihmtoir 3 8 3 Philadelphia 8 0 HatlcricH Ferguson nml Smith; Kwiw; ami Morau. ' At llroeklvn: It. H. B. Now York 1 G 8 llrooklvn fi T 1 llattoriim Wiltxe and Meyer; Herder and HorKun. SPECIAL DANCE AT THE NATAT0RIUM TONIGHT Theie will ho a hii? Labor Day dance in the Natatorium amlitorium (o:ii(lU nt 8:110 preceded by special oporls in in tho pluiiKu at 8 o'clock. Tuesday niht tlie Niitatorium raeiiiB team hook to AhIiIiiikI lor return relay race. Medford won tho lnt race ami Ablilnud promisert a hard race tomorrow to regain their honors. The Ashland mumiKemeiil will give a dnnee after the race. FISHERIES CASE TO BE DECIDED WEDNESDAY TORONTO, One., Sept. 5. A ca blegram received hero today statea thai The Hague tribunal will decido tho New l'Viimlhiml fisheries dispute next Wednesday. Tho messngo pre dicts that the general verdict will favor Anioricn. CITY SCHOOLS CROWDED. (Continued from Pace 1.) out tho tmmedlato rontnl of two or three temporary additional school rooms and tho hiring of several mora teachors," tho school official contin ue. Although Washington school la congested throughout, tho primary grado, taught by Miss Phllbrook, car ries off the first prlzo na to numbora ourollod, lu thtB room tho Uttlo tota nro ciowdod threo lu a Boat and aro porchod around tho rostrum bo- SldOH. Tho hlRh Bchool lins fully 2G por cont lnrgor onrollmont thla fnll thnn laHt. Although tho flRuros nro not all In yet, ProfoBBor Collins expects that It will easily ronoh tho 1C0 mark. Tho North school, although crowd-' oil to full capacity, will not nooil any addition to tho teaching ataff thla year. From present flgurea Su perintendent CoIUiib oxpecta that tho total onrollmont In tho Medford pub lie schools will ho 1000. Hnaklna for Ilonlth. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Servant for gonoral house work, flood wagos. Address F. Pelouzo, Hnglo Point, ltailroiid faro paid. ' 10 FOR SALM Or oxeliange, by owner, home good nuu'li property; also homo (own lots. Address P. O. box (183, Medford, Ore. tf Wanted Skinners, Visible typewriter. Itaiiuh hands, ListiiiKH of orchard nnd city prop erly. Girl for Koncrnl hoti.ij work. SPECIAL Stock and ten-year lease, snap; closo In. BUSINESS CHANCES Restaurant nml rooming house, $300, IlcHtmiront, clonriiiB $000 monthly. C wukoiib, $30, $10, $50, $70, $90. Heavy spnn horses and harness. Nntiounl cash rctcister. Rooming houses. Lunch counter IlusiiioMH nets $4000 yoarly. FRUIT LAND. 20 ccros, 12 in fruit, $2000. 1-room houso, 1 acre, $1450. 12 noros, 10 in benrinj:, $10,000. 17 acres, heavy bearing, $8500. Irrigated tract, $250 per aero. 100 acres, 4 miles out, $00 per ncro 10 ncreB, $1000, Vt mila Phoenix. 2 acres, north, undor ditch. Pine alfnli'u and fruit ranch: very cheap. 20 acres, 10 acres Harlletls and Nowtewns: irood building site: ' close in: $2500. 1(10 Acres. 2.000.000 saw timber. 0 miles out. $2,750 Hiiap. 2 Acres, half mile west. $000, CITY PROPERTY. .Lnrco citv property lots on West Main. 00x240: very desirable: good terms. (Jood lot. Newtown street. $525: (juick sfile. 4-room Jioubo, bathroom, all furni ture. $1000. 3-roora house, lot 50x150, $850. 2-room house, close in, easy terras. 1-room house, good lot, $400, 0-rooin house, 0 ncrcs, Roosevelt uv. 5ls ncros in city limits. Walnut Park addition lots on your own terms. 2 lots nnd house, $700. 7-room houso, West Mnin, big lot. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Phtpps Bldi. Phnn 4141 Main Who's To Be Your Grocer? ;; Wc don't ask the ques- t ;: tion to be inquisitive, : but to attract your at- I ,, tention. we want to uc :: your "OTiOCER." I you are new in the ' ' t i. uoerue ixivcr V alloy X you are probably shop- ;; t ping around to see ;; where you get the best :: t treatment and the most :: t Lor your money. GIVE US A TRIAL All we ask is a fair trial, i Call and give us an or der and allow us to dnmonsh'ntn that wo can serve you the best t lor any tiling m our iuiu. t Allen & Keagan CISNTltAL AND MAIN 1MIONH MAIN 2711 ' WH (UtlNl) OIiASSKS. ()1 4- MAST MAIN RTHMUT. -f f -f-- -r ---- '' Los Molinos Irrigated Lands Tehama County, California SECURE A SELF-SUPPORTING HOME THAT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN THREE YEARS IN A CHARMING CALIFORNIA VALLEY With our dcop, rich soil abundant water supply and our TEN MONTHS growing season, you can put two summers into one, thus DQUBLINQ YOURINCOME. CHEAP TRANSPORTATION . Wc have a rate of 35c per 100 lbs. from LOS MOLINOS TO PORTLAND on mixed carload lots of Vegetables and Fruits BECAUSE we CAN SIIJP BY WATER. We cut alfalfa six times each year and produce from 10 to 2 tons per acre. It is impossible to find a region where the re turns are more generous. THESE LANDS, XNCLTJDINGr A DEEDED PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT, SELL AT $150.00 PER ACRE, one-fifth down and balance in four equal annual payments. CALL AT THE OFFICE and let me explain the project in detail, or write for FREE BOOK LET. FRANK G. ANDREWS RESIDENT AGENT LOS MOLINOS LAND CO. No. 6 So. Fir St. Medford, Oregon. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St..Wedfoid BvH Che finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Hotel Fire 1 I "l r 7 Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Pine Timber For Sale 3,700,000 foot oxtra IurIi Rrmlo, noxt thiiif? to SHRnr jrino, will out (!.") por cont strictly clear. 2,000,000 foot first class yollow piuo. will out 0" yovt cont No. 2 shop and hotter. 1,500,000 foot fino laro rod fir and cedar. Plcntv of wutor, easy to lo, lovol ronds. lnquiro at Dorris Hardware Co. nt Dorris, Siskiyou county, Cal. 157 Ore. Pbcre 3( I- RESOLVE! The best resolution for you to make is to oome to ui for your noxt suit, if you want something ont of the ordinary. Wo do tho best york and ohargr the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB FKOGXSSflIVS IAH.01 Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Moore Proof SPOKAXK XATIOXATi APPLE SlIOn COMJUTTEE. A mooting of tho Commercial club appointed to arrange for financing tho exponsos of carload exhibits at tho Spoknno and Vancouver National Ap ple Shows hi November noxt, will moot nt tho Louvro Cnfo on Monday, Soptombor 5. nt 12 o'clock noon for luncheon. Tho commltteo connlsto of tho following mombers: J. D. Olwoll, chairman; E, II. An doroon, R, II. Hanauor, W. T. Glatzo, II. J. Nooloy. C, A. MALI30EUP, Man?gor, TALK Cft) it To Ashland Wffi Try it and PLEASED The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. DUDLEY WATSON MOOR. Moor, Ehni Company 213 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDINGr TELEPHONE MAIN 2592 AUTOMOBILES WILL BURN We Insure Them. Phone Us or Call at Office. Exclusive agents fcr townslto lots at CRESCENT and WAKE FIELD on Oregon Trunk railway (new Hill lino). AGENCY NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS SURPLUS OVER EIGHT MILLIONS SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES PAID IN FULL FOR RENT Only hotel in town of 100C inhabitants on South ern Pacific railroad, Rogue River Valley. Newly refurnished, papered, painted, equipment modern. Baths, toilets, electric lights, hot and cold run ning water. Now doing good business. GALLON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY. 216 WEST MAIN ST., MEDFORD, OR. J. E. ENYART. Prosidout. J A. PERRY. Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashior. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR REMT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. I , P. O. HANSEN We make any kind , Wo carry Glass MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, OrtfOtt t i n r you JKO. K SKKI. TOM MOFFAT and style of Windows. of any size on hand. H i .?. ' Hnelclna for Health.