MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1910, tf i John II. Carkln, nttonioy-nt-lnw, ovor Jnokiinn Gnuntvl Hnnk. Uo to Bouthorn Dairy Co. for milk and oronm. Hondqiinrtorn ot tlio Cal houn Dairy Co, I'hono SHI. Ranch phono 7183. tf You can Kt a Reed i;lnnn of huttor-i milk at tlio Bouthorn Dairy Co, for G cuiitn. tf 0. W. Hnrnum & Co,, contractor!) nnd uuildorn. Country work a npoc Inlty, Ordurn nollcltod, Inqulro at Tlio ToKRory. Hnrrol Unto at Modfnid Lumbor Co. 1" Kreith lima nt Medford Lninbor Co. 143 If your ndvorttnliiR In do unimpor tant that It sunken pooplo auppono your Htoro to bo unimportant work Mrx. Clara Minililcu 1h vtitin VrioiulH in town. hard to correct tho Imprcanlon. Mth. N. M. Chowiinoro roturnod lut Thurmlny from n two week' Hojopra at Nowpnrt. Mr. Maud IMillbrnok returned Saturday from a trip to Tacomn, WlHll. Colonel Frank Hay nnd floors milium loft early Saturday morning for Crater Lake on n Bbort outing. W. K. Turner, formerly auditor of tho Pacific & Kimtorn railway, now Htcrolary anjl controllur of tho North Hank road, In expected In Medford today on a Hhort vIhII. Mr..Turnor nmvn to look nftor hln IntoroHtii In thin city. Dr. 0. It. Hay npont Saturday aft ernoon In AHhlnnd on bunlnonii. Chief Hnglnoor Oorlg of tho Pa clflo & ICnMtorn railway roturnod Sat urday from u bimlncHH trip In Port land, Henry Wilcox of tho Aiiplognto waK n vlHltor In Medford Saturdny. With tho Hchooln opnnliiR Monday a great tunny out of town ntudontn hnvo arrived to tnko up tholr win ter' roldonco In Medford. I Mildred Drown of Knglo Point haR ' arrived In Medford and will attend our hcIiooIb thin winter. William von dor Hollou of Knglo Point npeiit Saturdny In Medford on hunlnoHH. V, M. Stowarl oxpeetHjo lonvo In a few dnyn for a woolt'u outing nt Unite KnllH. Joff Drophy, formorly night chlof of tho Medford pollco force, Bpont Snturdny In Medford from IiIm ranch on Iloguo rlvor. The Medford Prlvnto Kliidnnnr ten IiokIiih lt fall torm Septemhor Gth In Smlt,.'H hall, 128 Ornpo Htroot, North. Arra Ilarmon, director; Mn. Taylor. aHulHtnnt. Addri'Hu MIhm Arra Harmon, Ilox 520. H3 T. O. KrlrkHon, who hna boon upending n nuuibor of montlm In Medford, oxpoctu to lonvo Monday for Portland, wlioro ho will upend a weok boforo returning to Ornnt8 Pbhs to take up bin now dutloa iih city edi tor of tho Rog'uo Itlvor Courlor, OrantH Pnw' now dally, which ox liuctii to Btnrt on Soptomhor 18. Mth. Mnry l'otor of Jnrlsnoiivlllo wna In Medford on IiuhIiiohr Satur day. II. A. Young. fnret-guard, who linH arduouM duty In tho neighbor bood of AHhlnnd durliiR tho pant two wookH, upent Saturday In Medford vUltliiR with blH fathor, Harry I,. Yoiiiir. Mr. Young, Jr., iitntoa that If nnyono tl.lnkn flRhtlnR flroa la a. cinch It Ib ovldont that bo has bad no experience. h, C. Colomrn of San KranclHCo In boro looklnR aftor lila biiHlncaa In torotitH. C. W. Stono will Htnrt a confection- cream and honey tTiiflt oho and one-hall'' miles due soutli oi' the city limits of Medi'ord there is located a block of pear trees twenty years old containing 3GV1 acres. Ttiirty carloads of pcniB have already been marketed from this block and there remains four acres of "Winter Nclis pears untouched, as they will not be ready to pick for about a month. The gross returns from this block of pears will be about ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PER ACRE, season of 1910. Every year for the past ten a big crop has been taken from these same trees. Thorp has never been a failure in all these years. The total costs for carrying such a property are about twenty per cent of the gross returns. You can figure about what this land is worth. For the past ten yeai-s it has averaged about ten per cent on a valuationof Six Thousands Dollars per acre, yet we would bo willing to sell it for less than one-third that amount. What we want to call your attention to is the fact that immediately adjoining the above described pear block, in the same field, we have three blocks of pears each contain ing twenty acres, with trees one and two years old, that we can sell for 425 per acre on terms. The trees are oC the best varieties, on the best of soil, good drainage, land all tiled, and if you do not secure a little block of these pears it will be your fault. Jno. D. Olwell HKI.MNtt AHKXT FXHt TUB IIUKKKMj OKCIIAHI), MEDFOKI), ORE. Or. Any Itellublo Hon I Ktnte Dealer In the City. COME! -COME! to the Portland Race Meet Live Stock Show and Harvest Home Fair ery on Kant Main Htroot Soptomblior nth. Mlwilnn Furniture Co. furnish tbo fixtures. H3' I'lno Hwi'ut peaches, grcpoa and pruncM, all kinds, dirt cheap. Farm- orn7UC. tf J. I- Hntchason will lonvo this mernlni: for Klamath Fallo on a Hhort ploaRtiro trip. Magic oyoKlRMH cloanerH free at Dr. (JoIiIo'h optical parlors, No. 301 Kaut Main Btroot. H3 Among tno Medford pooplo who contemplate vlBltlng Klamath Falls to nltond tho doing" of tbo Knights of Pythias uro Mr. and Mra. B..R. Ooro, Mr. nnd Mr. W. W. Ulfort. Mr. and Mth. H, Q. Wortman, Mr. and Mm. Schormorborn. Wo grind gimmes. 301 EaBt Mnln. 143 A large number of local pooplo aro planning to attond tho Labor day oxorcUes In Aabbiud tomorrow. An excursion will ho run under tho aunplcoH of local union, No. 1840, carpentera' union. OlnBHOs broken? You can got them ropnlred or tho broken Umib dupllcnt od at r. Goblo'a, No. 301 10. Main. 143 HH T. Van Do Car la In n position to mivu you 20 per cont on a diamond InvoHtmont. Wo buy direct from tho diamond cuttora nnd avoid tbo Job bora' profit. Wo Htnnd bnck of our diamonds with n cash guarantoo. In voatlcato our proposition boforo buy- lug olHowboro. Phlpps llldg., Mod fni rp 143 v . Calling card plats noatly engraved at II. T Van Do Car, Phlpps nidg: 143 S. W. McClondon of Gold Hill Bpont Saturday In Medford. II. 11. Tronson was In Medford from Unfile Point Saturday. Mr. Clara Mouldon wbb In Metl ford from thoOtoguo Rlvor ranch Saturday. Mrs. C. Gnzley nnd dnughter of Oakland, Cnl., Ib hero on a buBlnoBS visit. K. II. Snwyor, tho well known civil engineer, Ib nt tho Southern Oregon hoBiittal very 111. Calling card plats neatly ongraved f ntll. T. Van Do Car. Phlpps Dldg. , A special train will bo run today i over tbo Itoguo Rlvor Valley railroad ( for tbo benefit of thoso who deslro to n(ml the funoral aorvlcCB of tho I Into M. Ilelllngor. HSV T farvi i l J vi For Climbers After Style II ERE ABE Suits and Overcoats good for that tired feeling they are such a relief to the man who has grown' weary of Common Stocks. The way they are modeled and made, and, styled and tailored, is only a little less'surprising than the way they are priced. Our Clothing Makers have a reputation for building good clothes, and this Fall the showing is adapted to make any man proud. Let us make a new man of you. . sa LOTHING 3Xr.fcJLfox-3.'. Corro4 Gl33r.iMCvr KNOX HATS $5.00 JNO. B. STETSOU $3.50 AND UP WILSON BROS SHTBTS $1.25 TO $ $3.00 illllllHIIIIIIII'H : Too Late to Classify ntlt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in modern house, privilege of din ing room nnd kitchen; very reas onable, close in. Box 203, Mcd ford, Or. 144 4- f7TfTf MOSS & COMPANY, Brokers f NKW YOKK SHOCKS flUAlN AND VltOVISIONS 4- PIUVATK LKASKD WIRE - ROOM 15 P. O. HLOCK f 4 PnONB lSbl. " wk niuND (JiassKs. aoi -f c HAST MAIN' STHIXT. TALK Sept. 5tH to lOtH THIS will bo tlio groatoat Llvo Stock 8how and Fair ovor hold wost of ( tho Rocky MonntnlnH. Bvory day will ho groat thoro will ho IiIk HHH'lal foaturoH. A Kood rnclng card ovory (hy. .WodnoBday and Thurndny . will ho tho Krnnd prlso winning dnya, Tho Dankora' Purao of Ton ThoiiHnnd ($10,000) Dollara for trotting horaoa. Tho Hotol PtirHO of Flvo Thousand (fB.000.00) DollnrB, for pn cora only two of tho foaUiroa. ncducetl Rntos on All Railroads. Ask Your Local Apnts. To Ashland EVES Try it and you will be PLEASED The Pacific Telephone r & Telegraph Co. 4- IT'S A DIFFICULT FEAT to measure accurately the refractive errors of an oyo, nnd It requires broad Judgment to pre scribe tho proper cor rection. M schooling nnd exporlenco guaran tee you both. .DON'T Jl'GGLE with chance If your oyes trouble you, como hero nnd got cured. DH. U1CKERT Over Kent iter's . WANTED Good cook, at Southern Orptron Ilosnitnl. 147 FOR SALE A small lot of house hold Roods. Phone Main 902. 143 f Announcement Wo wish to onnoanco that we are tbo exclusive agenU for Cali fornia's famous ORANGE BIOS SOM CANDY, the finest Choco lates made. Medford Pharmacy Inr WANTED A pirl for Rcnernl house work in tho country, 3 iu family; Kood wnpes. Address F. H. Cowles, Westnwny orchiird, Medford. tf WANTED G-room modem houe, spot cash. Phono 4141. WANTED At once, 3 ladies to do prcRsin? and repairing. Pantor imn nvo Works. 5 N. Fir st. 144 V -- MAGIC KVKGLASS CLEAX EUS FREE AT DR. GOllLE'S OITICAI. PARLORS, NO. 301 EAST MAIX STREET. f -f -f f - - - Los Molinos Irrigated Lands Tehama County, California SECURE A SELF-SUPPORTING HOME THAT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN THREE YEARS IN A CHARMING CALIFORNIA VALLEY "With our deep, rich soil abundant water supply and out' TEN MONTHS growing season, you can put two summers into one, thus DOUBLING YOUR INCOME. CHEAP TRANSPORTATION Wo have a rate of 35c per 300 lbs. from LOS MOLTNOS TO PORTLAND on mixed carload lots of Vegetables and Fruits BECAUSE we, CAN SHIP BY WATER. We cut alfalfa six times each year and produce from 10 to 12 tons per acre. It is impossible to find a 'region where the re turns aro more generous. THESE LANDS, INCLUDING A DEEDED PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT, SELL AT $150.00 PER ACRE, one-fifth down and balance in four equal annual payments. CALL AT THEOFFTCE and lot mo explain the project in detail, or write for FREE BOOK LET. FRANK G. ANDREWS RESIDENT AGENT LOS MOLINOS LAND CO. No. C So. Fir St. Medford, Oregon. Sherman Clay & Co. A PLAIN TALK TO PROSPECTIVE PIANO PURCHASERS. Some firms sell pianos with coupons, guessing contests, puzzles, or on a get all you can system, but Sherman Clay & Co. will al ways adhere strictly to its well known pol icy of selling pianos and player pianos of incontestable worth at ONE PRICE TO ALL. In buying a piano there are several points to bo taken into consideratien: A seemingly low price is not always the true indication of a saving. You must know the firm with which you deal. Your own judgment, while trustworthy in many fields, must fail you when attempting to compare tho respective merits of the various makes of instruments. Shrewd purchasers ask themselves: If wo can't buy right of Tho House of Sherman Clay & Co. who in tho name of common sense can we buy? Sherman Clay & Co. sell none but thor oughly reliable instruments of time tried standard manufacture pianos and player pianos that have answered splendidly tho severest artistic tests as to durability and staying in tunc qualities. We aro suro tb?" pianos" of equal valuo cannot bo purchased olsewhore at a lower price. Payments arranged to suit the conveni ence of each individual purchaser. STEINWAY AND OTHER STANDARD MAKE PIANOS. E. H. HOLT, Manager. 184 W. MAIN. ,'i I